Castillo deplijan za web

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O autoru

About the Author:

Eric del Castillo rođen je 1962. u Mexico Cityju. Nakon studija filma i slikarstva, svoju umjetničku karijeru započeo je 1986. služeći se tehnikom kolaža, aproprijacije i remixa. Iako se u osamdesetima prvenstveno bavio performansom, intervencijama na objektima te instalacijama, kroz cijeli njegov rad proteže se kolaž, i to ne samo kao najvažnija umjetnička tehnika već nadasve kao način promišljanja i djelovanja. Godine 1995. sudjelovao je u programu Razmjene umjetničkih razidencija SAD (NEA) i Meksika (FONCA), a 1996. boravio je na rezidenciji u Headlands Center for the Arts, SAD. Od 1987. izlagao je na 15 samostalnih izložbi od kojih izdvajamo: Riot!, Salon Galić, HULU Split, 2016. Scherzo Vol. 2, Institut za suvremenu umjetnost, Zagreb, 2014. Scherzo, Galerija Meštrović, Split, 2013. Abductions, Instituto Cultural Mexicano, San Antonio, SAD, 1998. Sudjelovao je i na velikom broju grupnih izložbi, između ostalog: Anthologie der Kunst, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, 2005. i Zentrum fur Medienkunst, Karlsruhe 2004. Open House, Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, SAD, 1996. Telling Stories/ Telling Tales, The Banff Centre for the Arts. Alberta, Kanada 1995. Small Worlds, Galería del Progreso, Madrid, Španjolska 1993. Collage of the 20th Century, Museo Centro Cultural Arte Contemporáneo A.C., Mexico City, 1993. Živi i radi u Splitu.

Eric del Castillo was born in Mexico City in 1962. After studying film and painting, in 1986 he began his artistic career using the techniques of collage, appropriation and remix. Although his work in the 80s was dedicated to performance, objects, interventions and installations, collage extends throughout his artistic work not only as the most important artistic technique, but as a way of thinking and acting in general. In 1995, he received fellowship from the National Fund for Arts and Culture (FONCA), Mexico, and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), USA. In 1996, he was resident artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Since 1987, he had 15 solo shows, among others: Riot! Salon Galić, HULU Split, Croatia 2016, Scherzo Vol. 2. Institute for Contemporary Art. Zagreb, Croatia 2014, Scherzo. Galerija Meštrović. Split, Croatia 2013, Abductions, Instituto Cultural Mexicano, San Antonio, USA 1998. He participated in more than 100 group exhibitions. The most important are: Anthologie der Kunst. Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, 2005 and Zentrum fur Medienkunst. Karlsruhe, Germany 2004, Open House. Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA 1996, Telling Stories/Telling Tales, The Banff Centre for the Arts. Alberta, Canada 1995, Small Worlds. Galería del Progreso. Madrid, Spain 1993, Collage of the 20th Century. Museo Centro Cultural Arte Contemporáneo A.C. Mexico City 1993. He lives and works in Split.

Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija PM | Gallery PM Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | Radno vrijeme: srijeda – petak 11 do 19h, subota – nedjelja 10 do 18h Working hours: Wednesday to Friday 11am – 7pm, Saturday to Sunday 10 – 6pm, Mondays, Tuesday and holidays – closed IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/ president), Tomislav Buntak (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Monika Meglić, Melinda Šefčić | Umjetnički savjet Galerije PM/Artistic board of PM Gallery: Tomislav Buntak, Suzana Marjanić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Branka Benčić, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki, Ivica Župan | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Martina Miholić | Predgovor/Preface: Ivana Meštrov | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Duje Medić | Prijevod/ Translation: Zana Šaškin | Tisak/ Printed by Cerovski | Naklada/Copies: 150 Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba./ The exhibition was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City Office for Culture, Education and Sports Zagreb.


Kustosica: Ivana Meštrov

Galerija PM | 13. – 23. 10. 2016. | Gallery PM | October 13 - 23, 2016

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