Davor Rostuhar, rođen 1982. godine, jedan je od osnivača Kluba za ekspedicionizam i kulturu, trenutačno njegov predsjednik te idejni začetnik i voditelj projekta „Hrvatska iz zraka“. Od 2008. godine ima status samostalnog umjetnika te radi kao pisac i fotograf. Dosad je objavio četiri knjige putopisne i popularno-znanstvene tematike, a ova, peta knjiga, njegova je prva fotomonografija i prva knjiga s tematikom iz Hrvatske.
Davor Rostuhar, born in 1982, is one of the founders of the Club for Expedition and Culture and is currently its president and the creator and manager of the project Croatia from Above. He has been an independent artist since 2008 and works as a writer and photographer. He has published four books on travelogue and popular-scientific themes, and this, his fifth book, is his first photography monograph and first book on the topic of Croatia.
HRVATSKA iz zRAKA davor rostuhar