Matija Čop - U međuvremenu

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rukom, savijaju se u svim smjerovima, dopuštaju gnječenje gužvanje. U dodiru s čelikom pokreću nekontroliranu nepredvidljivu samoreplikaciju. Horizontalni, vertikalni dijagonalni prekidi u ispražnjenom prostoru ritmiziraju moguće mnogostruke poglede na izložene ogoljene objekte. Prenaglašeno glatke, sjajne pomalo prijeteće čelične konstrukcije zrcale apsorbiraju zatečene pokrete poglede.

Instalacija transformira prostor Bačve uvodeći centralni viseći objekt, bestežinsku plavu vertikalu, koja je postavljena u direktnu komunikaciju hibridnom polukružnom konstrukcijom. Rad je naizgled u harmoniji prostorom, no unošenjem čeličnih oblika uvodi se nemir napetost između ostalih radova pročišćenog bijelog kruga. Oštri ispolirani vrhovi prodiru kroz meke plave membrane nagovještavaju daljnju metamorfozu forme.

Lea Vene

The site-specific installation In the Meantime is created in the space between Matija's earlier works in the medium of soft sculpture and new exploration of steel frameworks, which are now oversized and merged with soft membranes in a radical gesture of synchronisation with the circular space of the Bačva Gallery.

At the core of Matija's approach is manual work, which implies respect for the given modular restrictions but, at the same time, freedom from predefined matrices in the very process of constructing living forms that now react to newly introduced metal compositions. Manual work also leads to slowing down and adapting to the fingers and hands that precisely intertwine each building element of these soft organisms.

The resulting surfaces are soft, supple and pliable, bending in all directions, allowing for stretching and wrinkling. In contact with steel, they trigger uncontrolled and unpredictable self-replication. Horizontal, vertical and diagonal breaks in the empty space rhythmise the possible multiple views of the exposed naked objects. The exaggeratedly smooth, shiny and somewhat menacing steel constructions reflect and absorb captured movements and glances.

The installation transforms the space of Bačva by introducing a central hanging object, a weightless blue vertical, which is placed in direct communication with the hybrid semicircular structure. The work appears to be in harmony with the space, but the introduction of steel forms creates restlessness and tension between the other works and the refined white circular space. The sharp polished tips penetrate through the soft blue membranes and hint at the further metamorphosis of the form.

Lea Vene

Matija Čop (rođen 1987.) je umjetnik koji živi radi u Londonu. Njegova praksa obuhvaća medije kiparstva, slikarstva grafike. Čop istražuje transformacijski potencijal „prijevoda” te kako ideje, strukture njihovi komponentni materijali prolaze kroz okvire koji ih obuhvaćaju.

Čopov vizualni jezik konstruira se iz odabranih jediničnih elemenata koji se iterativno kombiniraju, rekonfiguriraju razgrađuju sukladno samostvorenim logikama specifičnim za svaki rad. Rezultirajuća djela potiču razmišljanje o napetostima između reda / nereda, proizvodnje ručnog rada jedinice sustava.

Čop je diplomirao na Royal College of Art u Londonu 2017. godine. Njegovi radovi su uvršteni u stalnu zbirku Nacionalnog muzeja moderne umjetnosti, Centru Pompidou u Parizu te Muzeja za umjetnost obrt u Zagrebu. Izlagao je na Textile Art Biennial 2021. u Kranju, Innovative Costume of the 21st Century u Moskvi Future Fashions u Eindhovenu.

Matija Čop (b 1987) is an artist living in London. His work encompasses sculpture, painting, andprintmaking. Čop’s practice explores the transformative potential of “translation” as ideas, structures, and their component materials pass between encapsulating frameworks.

Čop’s visual language constructs itself from selected unit elements which are iteratively combined, reconfigured, and dissolved in accordance with self-contrived, project-specific logics. The resultant works invite reflection on tensions between order/disorder, manufacture/craft, and unit/system.

Čop completed his MA at the Royal College of Art, London, in 2017. His work is held in the permanent collection of the National Museum of Modern Art at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, and the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb. He exhibited at the Textile Art Biennial 2021 in Kranj, Innovative Costume of the 21st Century in Moscow, and Future Fashions in Eindhoven.

Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija Bačva | Bačva Gallery Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb,

RADNO VRIJEME utorak – nedjelja 11 do 19 h / Working hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7pm Galerija je zatvorena ponedjeljkom praznicima. / The gallery is closed on Mondays and public holidays.

IMPRESUM IMPRESSUM Nakladnik / Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika / Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, Za nakladnika For the publisher: Tomislav Buntak, predsjednik president Ravnateljica Director: Ivana Andabaka Upravni odbor HDLU / Croatian Association of Artists Board: Tomislav Buntak (predsjednik / President), Josip Zanki (potpredsjednik Vice president), Ida Blažičko (potpredsjednica / Vice president), Fedor Fischer, Tomislav Hršak, Vida Meić, Romana Nikolić | Voditeljica galerije / Gallery coordinator: Mihaela Zajec Umjetnički savjet Galerije Bačva / Bačva Gallery Advisory Board: Mia Akrap, Branka Benčić, Tomislav Buntak, Ivan Fijolić, Vida Meić, Leila Topić, Josip Zanki Urednica kataloga / Catalogue Editor: Mihaela Zajec Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga / Catalogue Design: HDLU Vizualni identitet izložbe Exhibition visual identity: Fotografija / Photography: Juraj Vuglač Predgovor Preface: Lea Vene Prijevod lektura Translation and proofreading: Zana Šaškin | Zahvala: Jelena Baličević, Evica Čop, Ivica Čop, Marijana Gradečak, Tomislav Kurteš, Ivana Orsag, Ljilja Lalić, Rineo d.o.o., Sanna Namin Tisak / Printed by: Kerschoffset d.o.o. Naklada / Edition: 100

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