O autorici:
About the Author:
Jana Winderen diplomirala je likovnu umjetnost na Goldsmith Collegeu u Londonu, a ima pozadinu u matematici, kemiji i ekologiji riba sa Sveučilišta u Oslu. Njezina je instalacija bila postavljena u Park Avenue Tunnelu u New Yorku u ljeto 2014. godine i izložena u MoMi, u New Yorku, 2013 godine. Jana je nedavno boravila na umjetničkoj rezidenciji u TBA21 Academy i izlagala je svoj audio-vizualni rad na Touchu. 2011. godine osvojila je nagradu the Golden Nica, Ars Electronica, for Digital Musics & Sound Art. Sa svojim trodimenzionalnim, višekanalnim instalacijama i koncertima nastupala je diljem svijeta. Trenutno živi i radi u Oslu. Njezini noviji radovi uključuju “The Wanderer ” (2015.) za natječajnu izložbu Lorch Schive Art u Trondheimu, “Pasvikdalen” (2015.), narudžbu za festival Sonic Act u Amsterdamu, “Dive” (2014.), narudžbu za New York Department of Transportation za trodimenzionalnu instalaciju u Park Avenue Tunnelu na Manhattanu, “Out of Range” po narudžbi Deutschlandradio, Kultur, Njemačka, (2014.), “Ultrafield” po narudžbi MoMe, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, (2013.), “Water Signal”, po narudžbi Muzeja Guggenheim i Festivala Unsound u New Yorku za projekt Stillspotting, “ultraworld”, prema narudžbi Sound and Music za slušaonicu na BEOPENu na Trafalgar Squareu u Londonu (2012.). Novija izdanja uključuju ograničeno izdanje USB memorije “The Wanderer” (2015.) na Ash International, digitalno preuzimanje “Out of Range” (2014.), 12” gramofonska ploča, “Debris” (2012.), album “Energy Field” (2010.), “Heated: Live in Japan” (2009.), sve na Touchu (UK); audio kazetu “The Noisiest Guys on the Planet” (2009.) na Ash Internationalu (UK); USB memorija, “Ants”; digitalno preuzimanje “Submerged” (2009.), također na Touchu te 7” gramofonsku ploču “Surface Runoff” (2008.) na Autofactu (USA). Trenutno radi na novom punom izdanju za Touch (UK), narudžbi za Water and Art Laboratory u Ceanu u Normandiji, te je u procesu izrade naručene zvučne instalacije koja će biti trajno postavljena na otvorenom, “Raft of Ice”, za novu američku ambasadu u Oslu.
Jana Winderen is an artist educated in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College in London, and with a background in mathematics, chemistry and fish ecology from the University in Oslo. She had an installation in Park Avenue Tunnel, New York City in the summer of 2014 and exhibited at MoMA, NYC in 2013. Jana was recently an artist-in-residence at the TBA21 Academy and releases her audio-visual works on Touch. In 2011 she won the Golden Nica, Ars Electronica, for Digital Musics & Sound Art. With her immersive multi-channel installations and concerts she has performed all over the world. She currently lives and works in Oslo. Recent sounds works include “The Wanderer” (2015) for the Lorch Schive Art prize exhibition in Trondheim, “Pasvikdalen” (2015), a commission for the Sonic Act festival in Amsterdam, “Dive” (2014), commissioned by New York Department of transportation for an immersive sound installation in the Park Avenue Tunnel, Manhattan, “Out of Range” commissioned by Deutschlandradio, Kultur, Germany, (2014), “Ultrafield” commissioned by MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, (2013), “Water Signal”, commissioned by The Guggenheim Museum and the Unsound festival in New York for the Stillspotting project, “ultraworld”, a commission by Sound and Music for the listening room at BEOPEN, Trafalgar Square, London (2012). Recent releases include the Limited edition USB stick release “The Wanderer” (2015) on Ash International, The digital download “Out of Range” (2014), the 12” Vinyl, “Debris” (2012), the album “Energy Field” (2010), “Heated: Live in Japan” (2009), all on Touch (UK); the audio cassette “The Noisiest Guys on the Planet” (2009) on Ash International (UK); the USB stick, “Ants”; the digital download “Submerged” (2009), also on Touch, and the 7” vinyl “Surface Runoff” (2008) on Autofact (USA). She is currently working on a new full-length release for Touch (UK), a commission for the Water and Art Laboratory in Cean, Normandy and she is in the process of realizing the commissioned permanent outdoor sound installation “Raft of Ice” for the new American Embassy in Oslo.
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija Bačva | Bačva Gallery Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | www.hdlu.hr Radno vrijeme: Srijeda – petak 11 do 19, subota i nedjelja 10 do 16, ponedjeljkom, utorkom i blagdanom zatvoreno. Working hours: Wednesday to Friday 11am – 7pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am - 6pm, Monday, Tuesday and holidays - closed IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb, hdlu@hdlu.hr, www.hdlu.hr | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/ Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/president), Tomislav Buntak (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Monika Meglić, Melinda Šefčić| Umjetnički savjet Galerije PM/Artistic board of PM Gallery: Tomislav Buntak, Suzana Marjanić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Leonida Kovač, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki, Ivica Župan | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Martina Miholić | Predgovor/Preface: Nina Thorstensen | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Duje Medić | Prijevod/ Translation: Zana Šaškin | Tisak/Printed by Cerovski | Naklada/Copies: 150 Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba, Norveške ambasade u Zagrebu, Production Network for Electronic Art, Norway, Office for Contempory Art Norway.
Kustosica / Curator - Nina Thorstensen Otvorenje izložbe - 14. siječnja 2015. u 19:00 sati | Opening of the exhibition - January 14 at 7 pm Galerija Bačva | 14. - 24. siječnja 2016. | Bačva Gallery | January 14 - 24, 2016
Surface Interuption je ambijentalna zvučna instalacija norveške umjetnice Jane Winderen. Uz pomoć specijalizirane tehnologije ona proučava i bilježi skriveni i nevidljivi svijet ispod nas. Izvlačeći na površinu zvučnu topografiju oceana i pukotina u ledu, umjetnica želi skrenuti pažnju na složenost i krhkost naših morskih ekosustava. Kako bi došla do svojih terenskih snimki Winderen putuje u udaljene kuteve zemlje te za snimanje koristi hidrofone – osjetljive podvodne mikrofone – kako bi snimila zvukove koje ljudsko uho ne može čuti bez pomagala. Ovaj se raspršeni zvučni materijal zatim montira i slaže u moćne, opisne zvučne pejzaže. U posljednjih deset godina Winderen je posjetila hladne i tople krajeve, od mora Grenlanda to Kariba te od rijeka Tajlanda do Francuske i Rusije.
Surface Interuption is a site-specific acoustic installation by the Norwegian artist Jana Winderen. With the aid of specialized technology she studies and records the hidden and unseen world beneath us. By bringing the audio topography of the oceans and the ice crevasses to the surface the artists wants to draws the attention to the complexity and fragility of our marine ecosystems. Travelling to remote corners of the Earth to make her field recordings, Winderen uses hydrophones - sensitive underwater microphones - to collect sounds inaudible or inaccessible to unassisted human ears. This scattered sound material is then edited and layered into powerful descriptive soundscapes. For the last ten years Winderen has travelled to both cold and warm climates, from the seas of Greenland to the Caribbean, and from the rivers in Thailand to France and Russia.
Za rad Surface Interruption umjetnica je snimila hidrofonske snimke iz unutrašnjosti 10000-godišnjeg glečera na Grenlandu, jednogodišnjeg glečera na Islandu te iz plićaka gdje se površina topi i stapa s valovima. Odmah ispod površine vode mogu se čuti podvodni insekti, rakovi i škampi, a malo dublje i grdobine, bakalar i aljaška kolja, među mnogim ostalim vrstama riba. One koriste zvuk za komunikaciju, lov i zaštitu svojih staništa. Bakalar proizvodi zvuk uz pomoć mišićnog sustava od šest mišića na plivaćem mjehuru, dok je grdobina gotovo nevidljiva, ali vrlo glasna. Ovi su nam zvučni pejzaži poprilično strani te je umjetnica, kako bi im pristupila, pričvrstila hidrofone na duge kablove ili na vozila na daljinsko upravljanje. Time što promatraču daje još jedno osjetilo, osjetilo sluha, kroz koje on može naučiti ponešto o oceanu, umjetnica se nada pobuditi njegovu znatiželju, poniznost i poštovanje, ali i uspostaviti bliskiji odnos s ovim okolišem koji nam je toliko blizu, netom ispod površine.
For Surface Interruption the artist has made hydrophone recordings from inside the 10000-year-old ice in Greenland, one-year-old ice in Iceland, and from the shallow waters where the surface melts and drifts into waves. Right under the water you can hear the underwater insects, crustaceans and shrimps while a bit deeper you can hear toadfish, cod and Pollock among many other species of fish. They use sound to communicate, hunt and protect their habitat. Cod makes the sound with six drum muscles on its swim bladder while the toadfish is almost invisible, but very audible. These sound environments are quite alien to us and in order to access them the artist attaches hydrophones to the long cables or to the remotely operated vehicles. By giving the audience one more sense, the sense of listening, in order to learn about the ocean, she hopes to evoke curiosity, humility and respect, but also to try establishing a closer relationship to this environment which is so near, right under the surface.
“Sviđa mi se nematerijalnost zvučnog rada i otvorenost koju on može imati za asocijativno i izravno iskustvo i osjetilno opažanje. Bila sam zauzeta traženjem zvukova koji proizlaze iz skrivenih izvora i frekvencija koje ne možemo percipirati, kao i iz mjesta i stvorenja kojima je teško pristupiti. U dubinama oceana postoje nevidljivi, ali čujni zvučni pejzaži, o kojima većinom ništa ne znamo, premda oceani prekrivaju 70% naše planete. Također eksperimentiram s korištenjem različitih oblika mikrofona kako bih snimila zvukove koji nisu lako prepoznatljivi, ali otvaraju prostor širim, maštovitijim tumačenjima ili zvukove koje ljudska osjetila ne mogu percipirati, poput ultrazvuka, te ih koristim kao izvorni materijal za stvaranje kompozicija u živom okruženju ili u instalacijama, na filmu, radiju, CDima, kazetama ili u produkciji gramofonskih ploča.“
“I like the immateriality of a sound work and the openness it can have for both associative and direct experience and sensory perception. I have been busy searching for sounds from hidden sources and for frequencies that are not possible for us to perceive, as well as from places and creatures that are hard to access. In the depths of the oceans there are invisible but audible soundscapes, about which we are largely ignorant, even if the oceans cover 70% of our planet. I am also experimenting with different types of microphones to collect sounds which are not obviously recognizable, but give room for broader, more imaginative readings or sounds that are unreachable for the human senses, such as ultrasound, I use these sounds as source material for composition in a live environment or to create installations, also for film, radio, CD, cassette and vinyl productions.”