Josip Rončević - DANI RADIJA

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DANI RADIJA JOSIP RONČEVIĆ rođen je 1991. godine u Zadru gdje je završio gimnaziju. U Zagrebu je 2015. diplomirao na Grafičkom fakultetu, a iste godine upisao slikarski odsjek na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Tijekom studija je dobio nekoliko priznanja za svoj rad, sudjelovao je u uredništvu časopisa Skica, a 2020. je diplomirao sa pohvalom iz latinske klasifikacije summa cum laude. Izlagao na sedam samostalnih i dvadesetak skupnih izložbi od kojih se mogu istaknuti Igra sporta i umjetnosti (HDLU, Zagreb), Erste fragmenti 16 (Lauba, Zagreb), Eterični narativi (Galerija Kranjčar) i 35. salon mladih (HDLU, Zagreb) pri kojem je sunagrađen „Nagradom Iva Vraneković – Vladimir Dodig Trokut, umjetnici umjetniku“.

He exhibited at seven solo and twenty group exhibitions, of which the Game of Sport and Art (HDLU, Zagreb), Erste Fragmenti 16 (Lauba, Zagreb), Eterični Narativi (Kranjčar Gallery) and the 35th Youth Salon (HDLU, Zagreb) can be highlighted. On the latter he was co-awarded with the "Iva Vraneković - Vladimir Dodig Trokut Award, artists to artists".

„Halo, halo! Ovdje Radio Zagreb!” prve su riječi koje je u eter izgovorila spikerica Božena Begović prije gotovo sto godina, kada je pokrenuta prva radio postaja na ovim prostorima, a prijemom ograničenog raspona frekvencija radio omogućio slušanje glazbe, emisija i najnovijih vijesti svekolikom pučanstvu. Upravo je zlatnom dobu radija Woody Allen posvetio film Radio Days, a sličnu strast naoko iskazuje i Josip Rončević u novom ciklusu slika manjih dimenzija, s temeljnim pitanjem usmjerenim prema platnu: kako izgledaju ljudi na čije smo glasove toliko navikli? Na temelju auditivnih podražaja slikar stvara portrete ljudi koje nikada nije vidio, bili oni spikeri, urednici ili tonski snimatelji, odajući na taj način počast cijelom nevidljivom timu iza radijskog etera. Iz tog se razloga u nazivima slika, u već karakteristično humorističnom stilu za Rončevića, spominju imena i funkcije portretiranih: Emisiju uredila i razgovor vodila Maja Peterlić, Autor emisije Denis Leskovar ili Emisiju uredio i vodio Dario Špelić. Iako se na prvi pogled tako čini, Rončević se, kao i u prethodnim radovima, ne bavi izričito odabranom temom prikaza, nego pitanjem prikazivanja unutar medija slikarstva. U ovom se slučaju može povući paralela s radovima Minuciozni crteži iza mutnog stakla, predstavljenim u prethodnom ciklusu, gdje se autor poigrava idejom da se između gledatelja i slikara postiže svojevrstan dogovor koji određuje što se i pod kojim uvjetima promatra. Odnosno, da gledatelj mora slikaru vjerovati na riječ. Propitujući ideju imitacije i odnosa umjetnosti prema stvarnosti, autor slika portrete u maniri koja podsjeća na rješenja slikarske tradicije koja daje primat liniji nad plohom, u težnji za što objektivnijim prikazom motiva.

and under what conditions. In other words, the viewer must take the painter at their word. Questioning the idea of imitation and the relationship of art to reality, the artist paints the portraits in a manner reminiscent of the painting tradition that gives primacy to the line over the surface, striving for the most objective representation of the motif. With portraits based on the merging of senses, Josip Rončević explores the lines of demarcation between the key and seemingly completely different concepts related to mimesis - imitation and design. With an inevitable dose of irony, the artist, questioning the established concepts related to the observation and understanding of reality, once again plays with our perception. Sara Mikelić

Portretima temeljenim na spajanju čula Josip Rončević istražuje linije razgraničenja između ključnih i prividno potpuno različitih pojmova vezanih uz mimezu – oponašanja i oblikovanja. Uz nezaobilaznu dozu ironije autor se, preispitujući ustaljene koncepcije vezane uz opažanje i poimanje stvarnosti, ponovno poigrava našom percepcijom.

Ulica kralja Zvonimira 58, Zagreb

Radno će vrijeme galerije, tijekom održavanja ove izložbe biti promijenjeno. Galerija će svakog dana raditi: 10 - 14 sati | 18 - 22 sati The working hours of the gallery will be changed during this exhibition. The gallery will be open every day: 10 - 14 h | 18 - 22 h

Organizator / Organizer:

JOSIP RONČEVIĆ Josip Rončević was born in 1991 in Zadar, where he finished high school. He graduated from the Faculty of Graphics in Zagreb in 2015, and in the same year enrolled in the painting department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. During his studies, he received several awards for his work, participated in the editorial board of the magazine Skica, and in 2020 he graduated with honors in the Latin classification summa cum laude.

Sara Mikelić



3. - 13. 11. 2022.

Uz potporu / Supported by:

RADIO DAYS "Hello, hello! This is Radio Zagreb!" were the first words uttered on air by the broadcaster Božena Begović almost a hundred years ago when the first radio station in this area was launched. With the reception of a limited range of frequencies, the radio made it possible for the entire population to listen to music, shows and the latest news. Woody Allen dedicated the film Radio Daysto the golden age of radio, and Josip Rončević seems to express a similar passion in a new series of small-format paintings with a fundamental question directed towards the canvas: what do the people whose voices we are so used to look like? Based on auditory stimuli, the painter creates portraits of people he has never seen, be they broadcasters, editors or sound engineers, thus paying tribute to the entire invisible team behind the radio airwaves. For this reason, the names and functions of the portrayed people are mentioned in the titles of the paintings, in Rončević’s characteristically humorous style: The Show Was Edited and the Interview Was Conducted by Maja Peterlić,The Author of the Show Denis Leskovar, and The Show Was Edited and Conducted by Dario Špelić. As in his previous works, Rončević does not deal with an explicitly chosen theme, although, at first glance, itmight seem so, but with the topic of representation within the medium of painting. In this case, a parallel can be drawn with the works Meticulous Drawings Behind Frosted Glass, presented in the previous series, where the artist plays with the idea that a kind of agreement is reached between the viewer and the painter, which determines what is observed

IMPRESUM / IMPRESSUM Nakladnik / Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika / Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, Za nakladnika / For the publisher: Tomislav Buntak, predsjednik / president Ravnateljica / Director: Ivana Andabaka Upravni odbor HDLU / Croatian Association of Artists Board: Tomislav Buntak (predsjednik / President), Josip Zanki (potpredsjednik / Vice president), Ida Blažičko (potpredsjednica / Vice president), Fedor Fischer, Vida Meić. Romana Nikolić, Alen Novoselec Voditeljica galerije / Gallery coordinator: Marija Kamber Umjetnički savjet Galerije Karas / Karas Gallery Advisory Board: Željko Beljan, Tomislav Hršak, Marija Kamber, Vida Meić, Josip Zanki Urednica kataloga / Catalogue Editor: Marija Kamber Predgovor / Preface: Sara Mikelić Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga / Catalogue Design: Duje Medić Tisak / Printed by: Ispis d.o.o. Naklada / Edition: 100

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