Sadržaj/ Table of Contents
Horizont slobode/The Horizon of Freedom Melinda Šefčić,
Tea Jurišić Posjet/Visit
Miron Milić Sloboda/Freedom
Goran Rakić Perspektiva/Point of View
Ivo Kosanović Planine/Mountains
Melinda Šefčić Krugovi slobode /Circles of Freedom
Agata Lučić Vrt/Garden
Mario Romoda Neka nova šuma/A New Forest
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Istraživački rad projekta „Horizonta slobode“/ The Survey Conducted Within “The Horizon of Freedom“ Project Anita Jandrić Nišević, Melinda Šefčić,
O projektu „Horizont slobode“ Melinda Šefčić, dr. art. Projekt „Horizont slobode“, autorice i koordinatorice projekta Melinde Šefčić, koji provodi Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika, financiran je od Ministarstva pravosuđa i uprave Republike Hrvatske. S realizacijom projekta započelo se krajem 2019. godine. Rad je bio obustavljen negativnim utjecajem pandemije Covid-19 u ožujku 2020. godine, a nastavio se u kolovozu 2020. godine. U okviru projekta, u svrhu estetizacije i revitalizacije zatvorskog prostora umjetnošću, izvedeno je sedam likovnih intervencija u dva kaznena tijela. U Kaznionici u Glini likovne intervencije izvodili su Miron Milić, Goran Rakić, Ivo Kosanović, Tea Jurišić i Melinda Šefčić, dok su Agata Lučić i Mario Romoda izveli dvije likovne intervencije u Zatvorskoj bolnici u Zagrebu. Projekt „Horizont slobode“ ujedno uključuje i istraživačku komponentu, koja se izvela u oba kaznena tijela u suradnji dr. sc. Anite Jandrić Nišević i dr. art. Melinde Šefčić. Ovo je treći projekt koji Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika provodi u prostorima kaznionica u Hrvatskoj u suradnji s Ministarstvom pravosuđa i uprave, a ova suradnja planira se i nastaviti. Dosadašnja realizacija projekata u Kaznionici u Požegi, Zatvoru u Zagrebu, Kaznionici u Glini i Zatvorskoj bolnici u Zagrebu potvrđuje valjanost postavljenih ciljeva i doprinosa rezultata provedenih projekata. Time ističemo kako umjetnost uistinu ima transformacijsku moć, ona doprinosi stvaranju jedne nove, pomalo nesvakidašnje zatvorske sredine koja može pozitivno utjecati na promatrača, potičući u njemu osjećaj pripadnosti, težnju za življenjem smislenijeg i produktivnijeg života u zatvorskoj zajednici tijekom izdržavanja zatvorske kazne. Projektom „Horizont slobode“ nastojalo se doprinijeti pozitivnom nastavku umjetničko-terapijske prakse oplemenjivanja i djelovanja u zatvorskom sustavu diljem Hrvatske. Naglasak se stavlja na estetizaciju životnog prostora zatvorenika, ali i radnog prostora službenika. Također, naglasak se stavlja i na mogućnost uključivanja zatvorenika putem kreativnog angažmana oslikavanja prostora. Nažalost, ova je projektna komponenta izostala iz epidemioloških razloga, ali vjerujemo kako se ovakvim aktivnostima ostvaruje povezivanje, razvijaju se kreativne vještine i komunikacija o radovima te se mijenjaju doživljaji samog prostora, pa tako i pojedinca unutar tog prostora. 5
About the project “The Horizon of Freedom“ Melinda Šefčić, PhD “The Horizon of Freedom“ project, created and coordinated by Melinda Šefčić and implemented by the Croatian Association of Fine Artists, is financed by the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia. The implementation of the project started in late 2019, it was suspended due to the negative impact of COVID-19 in March 2020 and then resumed in August 2020. With the aim to aestheticize and revitalize prison facilities, the project featured the implementation of seven artistic interventions in two penal institutions. Miron Milić, Goran Rakić, Ivo Kosanović, Tea Jurišić and Melinda Šefčić created the murals in the Glina Penitentiary and whereas Agata Lučić and Mario Romoda painted two murals in the Zagreb Prison Hospital. “The Horizon of Freedom“ project also has a survey component, which Anita Jandrić Nišević, PhD and Melinda Šefčić, PhD carried out in both penal institutions. This is the third project in a row that the Croatian Association of Fine Artists is implementing in penitentiaries in Croatia in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and Administration, and this collaboration is planned to continue. The projects implemented in the Požega Penitentiary, Zagreb Prison, Glina Penitentiary and Zagreb Prison Hospital testify to the validity of the defined objectives and usefulness of the project results. This shows that art truly has a transformative power, it contributes to the creation of a new, somewhat unusual prison environment that can have a positive impact on the observer by stimulating the feeling of belonging and the desire to have a more meaningful and productive life in the prison community while serving the prison sentence. “The Horizon of Freedom“ project aims to contribute to the positive artistic and therapeutic practice of enriching and improving the prison system of the Republic of Croatia. The focus is on the aestheticization of the living environment of prisoners, as well as the working environment of prison staff. Also, the emphasis is on the possibility of engaging prisoners through the creative activity of painting murals. Unfortunately, this project component is now missing due to epidemiological reasons, but we believe that such activities can contribute to building connections, developing creative skills, they can encourage communication and discussion about artworks, the change of the perception of the environment itself, as well as the individual in it. 6
Posjet/ Visit TEA JURIŠIĆ Kaznionica u Glini/ Glina Penitentiary
Sloboda/ Freedom MIRON MILIĆ Kaznionica u Glini/ Glina Penitentiary
Perspektiva/ Point of View GORAN RAKIĆ Kaznionica u Glini/ Glina Penitentiary
Planine/ Mountains IVO KOSANOVIĆ Kaznionica u Glini/ Glina Penitentiary
Krugovi slobode/ Circles of Freedom MELINDA ŠEFČIĆ Kaznionica u Glini/ Glina Penitentiary
Vrt/ Garden AGATA LUČIĆ Zatvorska bolnica u Zagrebu/ Zagreb Prison Hospital
Neka nova šuma/ A New Forest MARIO ROMODA Zatvorska bolnica u Zagrebu/ Zagreb Prison Hospital
Istraživački rad projekta „Horizont slobode“ Anita Jandrić Nišević, Melinda Šefčić,
Analiza suvremene literature o umjetničkim programima u zatvorskom prostoru ukazuje na činjenicu da umjetnički programi mogu poboljšati kvalitetu rehabilitacije zatvorenika i doprinijeti njihovoj reintegraciji u zajednicu nakon izlaska na slobodu. Provođenje umjetničkih programa i projekata u kaznionicama može unaprijediti rehabilitaciju, terapiju i obrazovanje, podići kvalitetu života te doprinijeti uključivanju zajednice u rad sa zatvorenicima. Umjetničke aktivnosti mogu pomoći da zatvorenici ispune svoje vrijeme, mogu potaknuti njihov kreativni izričaj, doprinijeti njihovom sudjelovanju u programima rehabilitacije i motivirati ih na samoizražavanje. Provođenjem istraživačkog rada u sklopu projekta „Horizont slobode“ težnja nam je bila da od zatvorenika i zaposlenika zatvora dobijemo što objektivniju sliku percepcije projekta, a cilj toga je poboljšanje kvalitete budućih projekata usmjerenih na zatvorsku populaciju. Ovo istraživanje važna je komponenta projekata estetizacije zatvorskog prostora umjetnošću, koji uspješno već treći put provodimo u kaznenim tijelima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Dosad su se realizirali ovi projekti: „Uzorna kaznionica“ u Kaznionici u Požegi 2018. godine i „Revitalizacija zatvorskog prostora umjetnošću“ u Zatvoru u Zagrebu u 2019. godini. U sva tri projekta korišteni su upitnici, koji su se minimalno modificirali ovisno o značajkama kaznenog tijela u kojemu se projekt realizirao te ovisno o strukturi prostora koji se estetizirao. Istraživački rezultati doprinose boljem uvidu u percepciju prostora ispitanika prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija, s ciljem unapređenja kvalitete projektnih rezultata u budućnosti, a sve u svrhu povećanja estetsko-rehabilitacijskog učinka projekta na promatrača. Dugoročni cilj nam je nakon nekoliko godina kontinuiranog provođenja projekta objediniti istraživačke rezultate, kako bismo dobili presjek uspješnosti, doprinosa i napretka projekta, a što će doprinijeti objektivnijoj valorizaciji ciljeva koji se fokusiranju na estetizaciju, revitalizaciju, rehumanizaciju, terapiju, pozitivnu distrakciju, resocijalizaciju, rehabilitaciju te socijalnu integraciju prostora i pojedinca u njemu.
PERCEPCIJA PROSTORA KAZNIONICE U GLINI I ZATVORSKE BOLNICE PRIJE I NAKON IZVOĐENJA LIKOVNIH INTERVENCIJA Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživačke komponente projekta „Horizont slobode“ bio je dobiti uvid u način na koji zatvorenici i stručni djelatnici Kaznionice u Glini i Zatvorske bolnice u Zagrebu percipiraju zatvorski eksterijer, a sve u svrhu poboljšanja općih uvjeta izdržavanja kazne zatvora. 67
Specifični ciljevi odnosili su se na dobivanje uvida u percepciju eksterijera navedenih kaznenih tijela prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija (oslikavanja vanjskih zidova). Uzorak ispitanika: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 127 zatvorenika, od kojih je 93 bilo iz Kaznionice u Glini i 34 zatvorenika koja su se u vrijeme ispitivanja nalazila u Zatvorskoj bolnici u Zagrebu. Uzorak je obuhvatio i stručne djelatnike navedenih kaznenih tijela – 123 ispitanika iz Kaznionice u Glini i 40 ispitanika iz Zatvorske bolnice. Način prikupljanja podataka: Podaci o percepciji eksterijera prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija prikupljani su tijekom ožujka (u Zatvorskoj bolnici) i kolovoza (u Kaznionici u Glini) 2020. godine, a podaci koji se odnose na percepciju eksterijera nakon izvedenih likovnih intervencija prikupljeni su tijekom rujna 2020. godine u oba kaznena tijela. U prikupljanju podataka putem anketnog upitnika sudjelovali su zatvorenici i stručni djelatnici Kaznionice u Glini i Zatvorske bolnice. Prilikom sudjelovanja u istraživanju, poštovala su se načela dobrovoljnosti i anonimnosti, a sudionicima je naglašeno da će se podaci koristiti isključivo u znanstvene svrhe te u svrhu poboljšanja uvjeta izdržavanja kazne. Mjerni instrumenti: U svrhu dobivanja podataka o percepciji eksterijera kreirano je nekoliko upitnika, uz poštovanje specifičnosti kaznenih tijela: • Upitnik o percepciji eksterijera za zatvorenike u Kaznionici u Glini – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija • Upitnik o percepciji eksterijera za stručne djelatnike Kaznionice u Glini – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija • Upitnik o percepciji eksterijera za zatvorenike u Zatvorskoj bolnici – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija • Upitnik o percepciji eksterijera za stručne djelatnike Zatvorske bolnice – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija Upitnici koji su se primjenjivali prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sastoje se od 12 varijabli, a upitnici koji ispituju percepciju eksterijera nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova sastoje se od 10 varijabli. Bitno je naglasiti da su anketni upitnici, osim strukturiranih varijabli, nudili i mogućnost slobodnog izražavanja u smislu davanja prijedloga za poboljšanje interijera kaznenih tijela te mogućnost davanja sugestija, prijedloga i savjeta provoditeljima projekta, a u svrhu kvalitetnijeg osmišljavanja budućih projekata sličnih sadržaja. Metode obrade podataka: Podaci su obrađeni u programu SPSS for Windows v27, metodom deskriptivne analize.
KAZNIONICA U GLINI Percepcija prostora od strane zatvorenika Opis uzorka U istraživanju percepcije eksterijera prije oslikavanja vanjskih zidova sudjelovalo je 49 muških ispitanika koji su na izdržavanju kazne u Kaznionici u Glini. Najveći broj ispitanika u starosnoj je kategoriji između 31 i 40 godina (33 %) te u kategoriji između 41 i 50 godina (28,6 %). Vezano za obrazovni status, najveći broj ispitanika ima završenu srednju školu (65,3 %). Nakon oslikavanja zidova ankete su ispunila 44 muška ispitanika, od kojih je najveći broj (40,2 %) u starosnoj skupini između 31 i 40 godina, sa završenom srednjom školom (59,3 %). Percepcija prostora prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 1, većina ispitanika definira prostor Kaznionice kao nezanimljiv (37,5 %), odbojan (20,8 %) i prazan (18,8 %). No, nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova, percepcija prostora se promijenila pa je tako većina ispitanika sada definirala prostor puno pozitivnije. Naime, 79 % ispitanih zatvorenika smatra da je prostor nakon oslikavanja ugodniji, ispunjeniji i zanimljiviji (Graf 2). Da je preuređenje Kaznionice važno, smatra 75,5 % ispitanika, a njih 70,6 % tvrdi da je razmišljalo o preuređenju Kaznionice, u smislu bojanja i oslikavanja zidova. Velika većina ispitanika smatra da je potrebno učiniti neku promjenu u vanjskom prostoru Kaznionice (80,2 %) te da je uređenje vanjskog prostora Kaznionice (bojanje vanjskih zidova) dobra ideja i da je prijeko potrebno (71,2 %). Većina ispitanika (83,7 %) podržava inicijativu projekta „Horizont slobode“ za oslikavanje vanjskih zidova Kaznionice, a čak 87,5 % ispitanika smatra da bi trebalo oslikati i unutarnje zidove. Nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova velik broj ispitanika izjavio je da se sada osjeća ugodnije u prostoru Kaznionice (68,1 %). Ono što je važno napomenuti jest to da je 90,2 % ispitanika izjavilo da bi trebalo oslikati i ostala kaznena tijela na sličan način.
Graf 1 Kako biste definirali prostor Kaznionice? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
Graf 2 Kako biste definirali prostor Kaznionice nakon oslikavanja zidova? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
isti kao i prije oslikavanja
Ispitanici su u velikom broju (87,8 %) smatrali da će oslikavanje vanjskih zidova utjecati na pozitivniji osjećaj (na ugodu) pri boravku u tom prostoru (Graf 3). Nakon oslikavanja zidova potvrdili su svoje pretpostavke – naime, gotovo svi ispitanici (90,9 %) smatraju da je nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova ugodnije boraviti u prostoru Kaznionice (Graf 4).
Graf 3 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova u Kaznionici doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru. u potpunosti se ne slažem ne slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
slažem se
u potpunosti se slažem
Graf 4 Oslikavanje vanjskih zidova u Kaznionici doprinijelo je osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru. u potpunosti se ne slažem ne slažem se ne mogu procijeniti slažem se u potpunosti se slažem
Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 5, većina ispitanika (77,5 %) smatra da bi se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija (oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova) smanjio osjećaj stresa i poboljšala atmosfera pri boravku u prostoru Kaznionice. Nakon oslikavanja, ispitanici su uglavnom potvrdili svoje pretpostavke – 72,7 % ispitanika smatra da je oslikani vanjski prostor u određenoj mjeri utjecao na poboljšanje atmosfere (Graf 6).
Graf 5 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova u prostoru Kaznionice doprinijelo boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Graf 6 Oslikavanje vanjskih zidova Kaznionice u Glini doprinijelo je boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa pri boravku u tom prostoru. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Sugestije i prijedlozi zatvorenika vezano za izvođenje likovnih intervencija u kaznenim tijelima Kako je napomenuto ranije u tekstu, upitnici kojima se ispitivala percepcija prostora prije i nakon oslikavanja zidova nudili su mogućnost davanja prijedloga i komentara vezano za buduće slične projekte. Većina ispitanika iskoristila je navedenu mogućnost i iskazala svoje stajalište. Svi ispitanici imali su pozitivne komentare i dali su podršku ovakvim i sličnim projektima u zatvorskom sustavu, s naglaskom na važnost oslikavanja prostora živim bojama kako bi se umanjila monotonija njihove svakodnevnice, a većina njih je iskazala želju za sudjelovanjem u oslikavanju prostora i suradnjom s umjetnicima. „U bojanju zidova predložio bih korištenje veselih boja da se razbije ovo sivilo i monotonija.“ „ U budućnosti bi bilo poželjno oslikati i zidove unutar Kaznionice. Ne bi bilo loše i dotjerati zelene površine, možda zasaditi koje egzotično drvo te staviti cvijeće.“ „Obnoviti zidove unutar prostorija u kojima borave zatvorenici jer vanjske zidove rijetko tko gleda. Bilo bi dobro koristiti žive boje, ali i hladne tipa zelene i plave jer smirujuće utječu na zatvorenike. Također uključiti i zatvorenike u crtanje i bojanje.“ „Svakako, hvale vrijedan projekt! Tako je donekle poništeno sivilo. Ima ovdje ljudi koji cijene umjetnost. Lijepo, dobri radovi!“ „Lijepo je što su se oslikali vanjski zidovi, radi djece koja dolaze u posjetu. Ali treba ofarbati i unutarnje.“ „Želim da potvrdim da je ideja oslikavanja zidova odlična i vrlo neobična jer nikad ranije nisam čuo za takvo nešto. Čija god ovo ideja bila, svaka čast!“
KAZNIONICA U GLINI Percepcija prostora od strane stručnih djelatnika Opis uzorka U istraživanju percepcije eksterijera prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sudjelovalo je 56 djelatnika Kaznionice u Glini, od toga 51,8 % žena i 48,2 % muškaraca. Najveći broj ispitanika nalazi se u starosnoj skupini između 51 i 60 godina (32,2 %) i između 31 i 40 godina (25,5 %). Trideset šest posto ispitanika radi u Odjelu tretmana, 19,6 % njih radi na Odjelu za rad i strukovnu izobrazbu, Održavanju i Tiskari, a 18 % ispitanika je s Odjela osiguranja. Ostali ispitanici su ravnomjerno, u manjem postotku, raspoređeni i dolaze s Odjela financijsko-knjigovodstvenih poslova, Odjela zdravstvene zaštite te Odjela upravnih poslova. U ispitivanju nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova sudjelovalo je 67 djelatnika Kaznionice u Glini, od toga 55,2 % muških ispitanika te 44,8 % ženskih, starosnih kategorija između 31 i 40 godina (37,3 %) te između 50 i 61 godinu (26 %). Najveći broj ispitanika je s Odjela osiguranja (29 %) te s Odjela tretmana (27 %), a 20 % ispitanih djelatnika radi na Odjelu za rad i strukovnu izobrazbu zatvorenika. Ostali odjeli zastupljeni su u manjem postotku. Percepcija prostora prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija Većina ispitanika prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija definira prostor Kaznionice kao prazan i nezanimljiv (52 %), dok 20,8 % ispitanika (uglavnom iz Odjela osiguranja) smatra prostor Kaznionice ugodnim (Graf 7). Sukladno tome, 51,8 % ispitanika izjavljuje da je razmišljalo o preuređenju Kaznionice, u smislu bojanja unutarnjih i vanjskih zidova, a njih 54,3 % smatra da je preuređenje Kaznionice u tom smislu važno te da je potrebno učiniti neku promjenu u eksterijeru Kaznionice. Većina ispitanika (70 %) podržava inicijativu projekta „Horizont slobode“ za oslikavanje vanjskih zidova u prostoru Kaznionice u Glini, a njih 62,5 % je mišljenja da bi trebalo oslikati i unutarnje zidove u Kaznionici. Nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova velika većina ispitanika (78 %) smatra da je prostor sada puno ugodniji te da se i oni osjećaju ugodnije prilikom boravka u tom prostoru (63 %), a njih 69 % sada definira prostor ugodnijim, zanimljivijim i ispunjenijim (Graf 8). Većina ih također smatra da su izvedene likovne intervencije bile dobra ideja te da su bile prijeko potrebne (69 %). Osim toga, 69 % 73
ispitanika mišljenja je da bi trebalo oslikati i ostala kaznena tijela u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Graf 7 Kako doživljavate prostor Kaznionice? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
Graf 8 Kako biste definirali prostor Kaznionice nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
isti kao i prije oslikavanja
Iz Grafa 9 vidljivo je da se ispitanici uglavnom slažu s tvrdnjom da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u prostoru, a nakon oslikavanja većina ispitanih stručnih djelatnika potvrdila je svoje pretpostavke (prikazano u Grafu 10). Oko 30 % ispitanika ne može procijeniti je li oslikavanje zidova dalo doprinos u smislu osjećaja ugode prilikom boravka u prostoru.
Graf 9 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova u prostoru Kaznionice doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Graf 10 Mislim da se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija doprinijelo osjećaju ugode prilikom boravka u tom prostoru. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 11, većina ispitanih stručnih djelatnika ne može procijeniti utjecaj oslikavanja zidova na bolju prilagodbu zatvorenika na zatvorske uvjete.
Graf 11 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova u prostoru Kaznionice doprinijelo boljoj prilagodbi zatvorenika na zatvorske uvjete. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Gotovo polovica ispitanika (47 %) smatra da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova doprinijelo boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa u Kaznionici, dok 32 % ispitanika ne može procijeniti navedenu tvrdnju (Graf 12). Nakon oslikavanja zidova, povećao se broj ispitanika koji ne mogu procijeniti jesu li likovne intervencije doprinijele boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa (45 %), a oko 40 % ispitanika smatra da su one utjecale na poboljšanje atmosfere i smanjenje stresa (Graf 13). 75
Graf 12 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova u Kaznionici doprinijelo boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Graf 13 Mislim da se oslikavanjem vanjskih zidova doprinijelo boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa pri boravku u tom prostoru. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Sugestije i prijedlozi stručnih djelatnika vezano za izvođenje likovnih intervencija u kaznenim tijelima Stručni djelatnici su, u odnosu na zatvorenike, u manjoj mjeri izrazili svoje mišljenje i sugestije za ovakve i slične projekte u budućnosti. Iako je većina ispitanika koja je dala sugestije imala pozitivan stav prema ovakvim projektima, bilo je i stručnih djelatnika koji smatraju da projekti oslikavanja zidova nisu potrebni i da nemaju smisla. „Potrebno bi bilo oslikati i tretmanske sobe zaposlenika Kaznionice jer su prazne, odbojne i nezanimljive.“ „Podržavam ovakve inicijative i smatram da bi se trebali oslikati i unutarnji zidovi Kaznionice.“ „Unutarnji prostor ispred staklenika učiniti zanimljivijim i sadržajnijim.“ 76
„Potrebno je bojanje zidova u neke blage boje, ne sve u bijelo.“ „Ne podržavam oslikavanje zidova jer ovo nije dječji vrtić!“ „Ovo je ozbiljna ustanova u kojoj se nalaze zatvorenici, ovakve stvari su nepotrebne.“
ZATVORSKA BOLNICA U ZAGREBU Percepcija prostora od strane stručnih djelatnika Opis uzorka U ispitivanju percepcije eksterijera prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sudjelovala su 24 ispitanika, od čega su 79,2 % bili muškarci, a 20,8 % žene, najviše u dobnoj skupini između 41 i 50 godina (41,7 %) i 51 i 60 godina (33,3 %). Svi ispitanici su s Odjela osiguranja. Istraživanje nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova obuhvatilo je 16 ispitanika, od toga 62,5 % muških i 37,5 % ženskih, najviše u dobnoj skupini između 51 i 60 godina (37,5 %) te u dobnoj skupini između 41 i 50 godina (25 %). Na Odjelu osiguranja radi 43,5 % ispitanika, 25 % dolazi s Odjela tretmana, 18,8 % s Odjela financijsko-knjigovodstvenih poslova te 12,5 % s Odjela upravnih poslova. Percepcija prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija Većina ispitanika definira prostor Bolnice odbojnim i nezanimljivim (70,8 %), a njih 62,5 % nikada nije razmišljalo o unutarnjem preuređenju. Nadalje, 37,5 % ispitanika smatra da je unutarnje preuređenje važno u odnosu na 33,4 % ispitanika koji smatraju drugačije. Ostali (16,7 %) nisu razmišljali o tome. Ipak, 54,2 % ispitanika smatra da je dobra ideja i prijeko potrebno urediti interijer bolnice. Nakon oslikavanja zidova, većina ispitanika (70 %) smatra da je oslikavanje zidova pozitivno utjecalo na osjećaj ugode prilikom boravka u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice, njih 40 % tvrdi da se sada osjeća ugodnije dok gotovo 30 % ispitanika ne može procijeniti. Kada govorimo o percepciji prostora prije oslikavanja zidova, vidljivo je da većina ispitanika doživljava prostor Zatvorske bolnice odbojnim, nezanimljivim i praznim (Graf 14), dok se nakon oslikavanja zidova percepcija prostora promijenila te ga ispitanici sada u većoj mjeri doživljavaju ugodnim i ispunjenim. Ipak, 25 % ispitanika doživljava prostor istim kao i prije oslikavanja (Graf 15). 77
Graf 14 Kako biste definirali prostor Zatvorske bolnice? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
Graf 15 Kako biste definirali prostor nakon oslikavanja zidova? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
isti kao i prije oslikavanja
Graf 16 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem zidova u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Većina ispitanika skeptična je prema promjeni koju bi donijele likovne intervencije (oslikavanje zidova). Naime, veći broj ispitanika odgovorilo je u kategoriji „ne slažem se“ i „u potpunosti se ne slažem“ (54,1 %) dok svega 29 % ispitanika smatra da bi likovne intervencije imale utjecaj na osjećaj ugode pri boravku u prostoru (Graf 16). No, nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija, iskazi 78
ispitanika su se promijenili - većina ispitanika (56,3 %) smatra da se oslikavanjem zidova doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru (vidljivo iz Grafa 17).
Graf 17 Mislim da se oslikavanjem zidova u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u tom prostoru. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Polovica ispitanika smatra da se oslikavanjem zidova ne bi smanjila razina stresa i da takva intervencija ne bi utjecala na atmosferu u Bolnici, u odnosu na 25 % ispitanika koji smatraju da bi likovne intervencije ipak utjecale na smanjenje stresa i poboljšavanje atmosfere. Četvrtina ispitanika ne može procijeniti (Graf 18). Nakon oslikavanja zidova, većina ispitanika sada drugačije percipira prostor. Naime, njih 43,8 % smatra da su likovne intervencije u prostoru ipak utjecale na smanjenje stresa i bolju atmosferu, no 31 % ispitanika tvrdi da ne može procijeniti doprinos intervencija (Graf 19). Međutim, unatoč boljoj i pozitivnijoj percepciji prostora nakon oslikavanja, ipak većina ispitanika (54,2 %) ne podržava inicijativu projekta „Horizont slobode“ za oslikavanjem zidova u prostorima bolnice, dok 37,5 % podržava navedenu inicijativu.
Graf 18 Mislim da bi se oslikavanjem zidova u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice doprinijelo boljoj atmosferi i smanjenju stresa. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Graf 19 Mislim da se oslikavanjem zidova doprinijelo smanjenju stresa pri boravku u prostoru. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Sugestije i prijedlozi stručnih djelatnika vezano za izvođenje likovnih intervencija u kaznenim tijelima Stručni djelatnici Zatvorske bolnice nisu se u velikom broju izjašnjavali po pitanju komentara i sugestija vezanih za oslikavanje prostora u kaznenim tijelima. No, ispitanici koji su iskazali svoje mišljenje, uglavnom su podijeljeni oko kvalitete ovakvih i sličnih projekata. „Oslikavanje i farbanje čine ambijent jako ugodnim te se čovjek ugodno osjeća. Samo naprijed!“ „Crteži ovakvih motiva primjereni su djeci vrtićke dobi.“ „Trebalo bi u nešto pametnije uložiti novac, ovo slikanje je za vrtiće.“ „Samo naprijed, i dalje oslikavajte prostore, čovjek se stvarno ugodno osjeća, neopisivo!“
ZATVORSKA BOLNICA U ZAGREBU Percepcija prostora od strane zatvorenika Opis uzorka U ispitivanju percepcije eksterijera prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sudjelovalo je 10 ispitanika, zatvorenika koji su se u tom razdoblju nalazili u Zatvorskoj bolnici. Svi ispitanici su bili muškog spola, najviše u starosnoj skupini između 31 i 40 godina (62 %), sa završenom srednjom školom (80 %). Istraživanje nakon izvedenih intervencija u prostoru obuhvatilo je 24 muška ispitanika, najviše u dobnoj skupini između 31 i 40 godina (64 %) i sa završenom srednjom školom (78 %). Percepcija prostora prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 20, velika većina ispitanika doživljava prostor Zatvorske bolnice praznim, odbojnim i nezanimljivim, dok 10 % ispitanika smatra prostor ugodnim. Nakon oslikavanja vanjskih zidova, 41 % zatvorenika i dalje smatra prostor praznim i odbojnim, no 45,8 % smatra da je nakon oslikavanja prostor ugodniji, ispunjeniji i zanimljiviji (Graf 21). Svi ispitanici tvrde da su razmišljali o unutarnjem uređenju Zatvorske bolnice te da je takvo što izuzetno važno. Osim toga, svi ispitanici također se slažu da je uređenje prostora Zatvorske bolnice dobra ideja te da je prijeko potrebno. Nadalje, 73 % ispitanika izjavilo je da su likovne intervencije pozitivno utjecale na osjećaj ugode prilikom boravka u tom prostoru (Graf 22), a 76 % smatra da je oslikavanje zidova Zatvorske bolnice dobra ideja te da je to bilo prijeko potrebno. Čak 72 % ispitanika smatra da bi trebalo oslikati i ostala kaznena tijela. Nakon oslikavanja zidova, većina ispitanika smatra da se sada ugodnije osjeća u tom prostoru (75 %). Da je oslikavanje vanjskih zidova doprinijelo smanjenju stresa i boljoj atmosferi smatra 62,5 % ispitanika, dok se 29 % ne slaže s navedenom tvrdnjom (Graf 23). Bitno je napomenuti da svi ispitani sudionici istraživanja podržavaju inicijativu „Horizont slobode“ za oslikavanje zidova u prostorima Zatvorske bolnice.
Graf 20 Kako doživljavate prostor Zatvorske bolnice? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
Graf 21 Kako biste definirali prostor nakon oslikavanja zidova? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 praznim
ispunjenim i zanimljivim
isti kao i prije
Graf 22 Mislim da se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice doprinijelo osjećaju ugode pri boravku u prostoru. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Graf 23 Mislim da se oslikavanjem zidova u prostoru Zatvorske bolnice doprinijelo smanjenju stresa i boljoj atmosferi. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
u potpunosti se slažem
slažem se
ne mogu procijeniti
ne slažem se
u potpunosti se ne slažem
Sugestije i prijedlozi zatvorenika vezano za izvođenje likovnih intervencija u kaznenim tijelima Nekoliko je ispitanika imalo potrebu dati svoje prijedloge i razmišljanja o oslikavanju prostora Zatvorske bolnice. Komentari su pozitivni i podržavajući u smislu organiziranja ovakvih i sličnih projekata u budućnosti. „Ovo je super ideja i zahvaljujem vam se što mi želite olakšati izdržavanje kazne. Trebalo bi biti više slika životinja iz džungle.“ „Sada je puno ljepši prostor i trebalo bi poraditi još na unutarnjem prostoru i obnoviti Bolnicu.“ „Volio bih da sam mogao popričati s umjetnicima i da smo zajedno mogli osmisliti neke motive. Ali cijenim ovakve aktivnosti, ne mogu štetiti, mogu samo pomoći. Hvala vam!“ Zaključna razmatranja Iz analiziranih rezultata vidljivo je da su i zatvorenici i stručni djelatnici Kaznionice u Glini i zagrebačke Zatvorske bolnice pozitivno orijentirani prema ideji oslikavanja vanjskih zidova te da se u većini slažu da bi trebalo oslikati i unutarnje zidove, ali i ostala kaznena tijela u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kada usporedimo uzorak ispitanih zatvorenika s uzorkom stručnih djelatnika, evidentno je da zatvorenici pozitivnije percipiraju prostor nakon oslikavanja te da u većem broju smatraju da su likovne intervencije u kaznenim tijelima nužne. Jednako tako, veći broj zatvorenika, u odnosu na stručne djelatnike kaznenih tijela, podržava projekt „Horizont slobode“ te smatraju da su ovakvi projekti prijeko potrebni. Re83
zultati također ukazuju na spremnost osuđenika na uključivanje u aktivnosti oslikavanja prostora te suradnju s umjetnicima. U uzorku stručnih djelatnika, nešto negativniji stavovi prema oslikavanju zidova (i uopće prema ovakvim inicijativama) primijećeni su kod djelatnika Odjela osiguranja u odnosu na djelatnike iz drugih odjela. Ovakva razlika može se objasniti činjenicom da je temeljna zadaća Odjela osiguranja održavanje sigurnosti kaznenog tijela što za sobom povlači i represivnije stavove prema zatvorenicima uopće, u odnosu na Odjel tretmana u kojemu su uglavnom zastupljeni djelatnici koji su u većoj mjeri usmjereni na rehabilitacijski pristup i samim time više otvoreni i za ovakve inicijative koje jednim dijelom mogu utjecati na bolju prilagodbu zatvorenika te poboljšati kvalitetu izdržavanja kazne zatvora. Budućnost ovakvih i sličnih projekata u zatvorskom sustavu je, prema rezultatima istraživanja, poželjna i potrebna. Osim oslikavanja vanjskih zidova, ispitanici smatraju da je potrebno oslikati i unutarnje zidove te poraditi i na kvaliteti interijera kao takvog (nove stolice, stolovi, tuševi, kreveti i slično). Prije organiziranja likovnih intervencija u ostalim kaznenim tijelima, a temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanja, bilo bi poželjno upoznati stručne djelatnike s dobrobitima oslikavanja prostora i potencijalnim utjecajem unutarnjeg i vanjskog prostora na rehabilitaciju osuđenika, ali i na kvalitetu rada stručnjaka u kaznenim tijelima.
The Survey Conducted Within “The Horizon of Freedom“ Project Anita Jandrić Nišević, PhD Melinda Šefčić, PhD
The review of contemporary literature on prison art programmes indicates that art programmes can contribute to improving the quality of inmate rehabilitation and reintegration into the community upon release. Implementing art programmes and projects in penitentiaries can improve rehabilitation, therapy and education, as well as the quality of life and community involvement in penal institutions. Art activities can help occupy inmates’ time, encourage creative expression and contribute to improved participation of inmates in rehabilitation programmes, as well as in creative workshops, which then, in turn, motivate their self-expression. The aim of the survey conducted within “The Horizon of Freedom“ project was to gain an objective insight into the perception of the project and its results by both the inmates and prison staff in order to improve the quality of future projects aimed at prison population. This survey is a vital component of the project of the artistic aestheticization of penal institutions, which is being successfully implemented in penal institutions in the Republic of Croatia for the third time. The previously implemented projects are “Exemplary Penitentiary“ in the Požega Penitentiary in 2018 and “Revitalisation of Prison Space with Art“ in the Zagreb Prison in 2019. Questionnaires were used in all three projects but were slightly modified depending on the penal institution in which each project was implemented and adapted to the structure of the aestheticized environment. Survey results provide an insight into the perception of the environment by the participants before and after the implementation of artistic interventions. The aim of conducting the survey is to improve the quality of project results in the future, as well as the aesthetic and rehabilitation impact of the project on the observer. 85
Our long-term goal is to combine the survey results after several years of continuous project implementation and research to gain an overview of the project’s success, contribution and progress, which will contribute to a more objective evaluation of the goals that focus on aestheticization, revitalisation, rehumanization, therapy, positive distraction, resocialization, rehabilitation, social integration of the environment and individuals in it.
THE PERCEPTION OF THE GLINA PENITENTIARY AND PRISON HOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT BEFORE AND AFTER IMPLEMENTING THE ARTISTIC INTERVENTIONS The objective of the survey: The survey component of “The Horizon of Freedom“ project aimed to gain an insight into the perception of the exterior by the inmates and professional staff of the Glina Penitentiary and Prison Hospital, with the final goal of improving the general conditions of imprisonment. The specific objective was to gain insight into the perception of the exterior of these penal institutions before and after the implementation of artistic interventions (painting murals on the exterior walls). The sample of respondents: A total of 127 inmates participated in the survey, of which 93 were from the Glina Penitentiary and 34 were in the Prison Hospital at the time of conducting the survey. The sample also included professional staff from the aforementioned penal institutions – 123 respondents from the Glina Penitentiary and 40 respondents from the Prison Hospital. The method of data collection: The data on the perception of the exterior before implementing artistic interventions were collected during March (in the Prison Hospital) and August (in the Glina Penitentiary) of 2020, and the data referring to the perception of the exterior after implementing artistic interventions were collected in September 2020 in both penal institutions. The professional staff of the Glina Penitentiary and Prison Hospital participated in the data collection through questionnaires. The survey was based on the principles of voluntariness and anonymity, and the participants were informed that the data would be used exclusively for scientific purposes and for the purpose of improving prison conditions. Measuring instruments: In order to obtain data on the perception of the exterior, several questionnaires were created taking into consideration the specificities of each penal institution: • Questionnaire on the perception of the exterior for the inmates at the Glina Penitentiary– before and after the implementation of artistic interventions 86
• Questionnaire on the perception of the exterior for the professional staff at the Glina Penitentiary – before and after the implementation of artistic interventions • Questionnaire on the perception of the exterior for the inmates at the Prison Hospital – before and after the implementation of artistic interventions • Questionnaire on the perception of the exterior for the professional staff at the Prison Hospital – before and after the implementation of artistic interventions The questionnaires that were used before the implementation of artistic interventions had 12 variables, and the questionnaires about the perception of the exterior after the interventions had 10 variables. It should be noted that the questionnaires, in addition to the structured variables, also offered the possibility of free expression in terms of giving proposals for improving the environment of penal institutions, as well as suggestions, proposals and advice to project managers for improving future projects of similar content. The methods of data processing: The data were analysed using the SPSS for Windows v27 and method of descriptive analysis.
GLINA PENITENTIARY Perception of the Environment by Inmates Sample description The survey on the perception of the exterior before painting murals on the exterior walls included 49 male subjects who were serving the sentence in the Glina Penitentiary. The majority of the respondents was in the age group of 31-40 years (33%) and 41-50 years (28.6%). Regarding their educational status, the majority of the respondents completed secondary school (65.3%). After painting murals, the questionnaires were filled by 44 male respondents, of which the majority (40.2%) was in the age group of 31-40 years with completed secondary school (59.3%). The perception of the space before and after implementing the artistic interventions As can be seen from Diagram 1, the majority of the respondents described the environment of the Penitentiary as uninteresting (37.5%), unappealing (20.8%) and empty (18.8%). However, after the murals were painted on the exterior walls, the perception of the space changed and the majority of the respondents perceived this environment in a much more positive light. Namely, 79% of the surveyed inmates thought that it was more pleasant, embellished and interesting (Diagram 2). The majority of the respondents (75.5%) thought that the redecoration of the Penitentiary was important, and 70.6% of them claimed that they thought about the redecoration of the Penitentiary themselves, in terms of painting the walls and creating murals. The majority of the respondents believed that it was necessary to make some changes to the exterior of the Penitentiary (80.2%) and that the redecoration of the exterior of the Penitentiary (painting murals on the exterior walls) was a good idea and absolutely necessary (71.2%). The majority of the respondents (83.7%) supported the initiative of “The Horizon of Freedom“ project to paint murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary, and as many as 87.5% of the respondents thought that murals should be painted on the interior walls as well. After painting murals on the exterior walls, a large number of respondents said that they felt more comfortable in the Penitentiary (68.1%). It is important to note that 90.2% of the respondents stated that murals should be painted in other penal institutions as well.
Diagram 1 How would you describe the environment of the Penitentiary? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
Diagram 2 How would you describe the environment of the Penitentiary after the murals were painted? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
same as before
The majority of the respondents (87.7%) thought that painting murals on the external walls would make them feel more comfortable in that environment (Diagram 3). After the murals were painted, they confirmed their assumptions – namely, almost all of the respondents (90.9%) thought that after the murals were painted on the exterior walls the Penitentiary became a more pleasant place to be in (Diagram 4).
Diagram 3 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary would make it a more pleasant place to be in.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Diagram 4 Painting murals on the external walls of the Penitentiary has made it a more pleasant place to be in. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
As can be seen from Diagram 5, the majority of the respondents (77.5%) thought that the artistic interventions (painting murals on the exterior walls) would decrease stress and improve the atmosphere of the Penitentiary. After the murals were painted, the respondents mostly confirmed their assumptions – 72.7% of the respondents thought that the murals in the exterior improved the atmosphere to a certain extent (Diagram 6).
Diagram 5 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary would improve the atmosphere and reduce stress. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Diagram 6 Painting murals on the exterior walls of the Glina Penitentiary has improved the atmosphere and reduced stress of being in that place. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Inmates’ suggestions and proposals regarding artistic interventions in penal institutions As mentioned earlier in the text, the questionnaires about the perception of the environment before and after painting murals on the walls also provided the respondents with an opportunity to give proposals and comments regarding similar future projects. The majority of the respondents took advantage of this opportunity and expressed their views. All the respondents gave positive comments and supported this and similar projects in the prison system, with the emphasis on the importance of painting murals on the walls using bright colours to reduce the monotony of their everyday life, and the majority of them expressed a wish to participate in painting murals and to work with artists. “I would suggest using cheerful colours on the walls to shake up this greyness and monotony.“ “In the future, it would be good to paint murals on the interior walls of the Penitentiary as well. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to trim the greenery as well, maybe plant some exotic trees and flowers.“ “Redecorate the interior walls where the inmates spend their time because hardly anyone looks at the exterior walls. It would be good to use bright colours, as well as the cool ones, such as green and blue because they have a calming effect on inmates. Also, inmates should be involved in drawing and painting.“ “ Certainly a commendable project! This has somewhat helped fight the drabness. There are people here who appreciate art. Good, nice works!“ “It is nice that the murals were painted on the exterior walls, because of the children who come to visit. But they should be painted on the interior walls as well.“ “I want to affirm that the idea of painting murals on the walls is excellent and very unusual because I have never heard of anything like this before. Whoever came up with this idea, congratulations!“
GLINA PENITENTIARY Perception of the Environment by Professional Staff Sample description The survey on the perception of the exterior before the artistic interventions included 56 employees of the Glina Penitentiary, of which 51.8% were women and 48.2% were men. The majority of the respondents was in the age group of 51-60 years (32.2%) and 31-40 years (25.5%). Thirty-six per cent of the respondents came from the Treatment Department, 19.6% came from the Department of Labour and Vocational Training, Maintenance and Printing Office, and 18% of the respondents came from the Security Department. Other respondents were equally distributed, by a smaller percentage, and came from the Department of Finance and Accounting, Healthcare Department and Administrative Department. The survey conducted after painting murals on the exterior walls included 67 employees of the Glina Penitentiary, of which 55.2% were men and 44.8% were women, in the age group of 31-40 years (37.3%) and 50-61 years (26%). The majority of the respondents came from the Security Department (29%) and Treatment Department (27%), and 20% of the respondents came from the Department of Labour and Vocational Training of the Inmates. Other departments were represented by a smaller percentage. The perception of the environment before and after the implementation of artistic interventions Before the artistic interventions, the majority of the respondents described the space of the Penitentiary as empty and uninteresting (52%), whereas 20.8% of the respondents (mainly from the Security Department) perceived it as pleasant (Diagram 7). Accordingly, 51.8% of the respondents stated that they thought about the redecoration of the Penitentiary, in terms of painting interior and exterior walls, and 54.3% of them thought that the redecoration of the Penitentiary in this sense was important and that some changes to the exterior of the Penitentiary were necessary. The majority of the respondents (70%) supported the initiative of “The Horizon of Freedom“ project to paint murals on the exterior walls of the Glina Penitentiary, and 62.5% of them thought that murals should be painted on the interior walls of the Penitentiary as well. 92
After the murals were painted on the exterior walls, the majority of the respondents (78%) thought that the space was much more pleasant and they felt more comfortable in it (63%), and 69% of them defined the space as more pleasant, interesting and embellished (Diagram 8). The majority also thought that the artistic interventions were a good idea and that they were necessary (69%). In addition, 69% of the respondents thought that murals should be painted in other penal institutions in the Republic of Croatia as well.
Diagram 7 How do you perceive the environment of the Penitentiary? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
Diagram 8 How would you describe the environment of the Penitentiary after murals were painted on the exterior walls? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
same as before
Diagram 9 shows that the respondents mainly agreed with the claim that painting murals on the exterior walls would contribute to the feeling of comfort of the place, and after murals were painted, the majority of the surveyed professional employees confirmed their assumptions (as shown in Diagram 10). About 30% of the respondents could not assess whether painting murals contributed to the feeling of comfort of the place. 93
Diagram 9 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary would make it a more pleasant place to be in. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Diagram 10 I think that the artistic interventions have made it a more pleasant place to be in. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
As shown in Diagram 11, the majority of the surveyed professional employees could not assess whether painting murals on the walls had a positive effect on the adjustment of inmates to prison life.
Diagram 11 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary would have a positive effect on the adjustment of inmates to prison life. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Almost half of the respondents (47%) thought that painting murals on the exterior walls would improve the atmosphere and reduce stress at the Penitentiary, whereas 32% of the respondents could not assess the given statement (Diagram 12). After the murals were painted, the number of respondents who could not assess whether the artistic interventions improved the atmosphere and reduced stress increased (45%), and about 40% of the respondents thought that the murals did improve the atmosphere and reduce stress (Diagram 13).
Diagram 12 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls of the Penitentiary would improve the atmosphere and reduce stress 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Diagram 13 I think that painting murals on the exterior walls has improved the atmosphere and reduced stress of being in that place. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Suggestions and proposals of the professional staff regarding artistic interventions in penal institutions When compared to the inmates, the professional staff gave fewer opinions and suggestions regarding this and similar projects in the future. Although the majority of the respondents who gave their suggestions had a positive view of such projects, some professional employees believed that painting the murals was an unnecessary and pointless activity. 95
“Murals should be painted in the treatment rooms of the Penitentiary employees as well because they are empty, unappealing and uninteresting.“ “I support such initiatives and I think that murals should be painted on the interior walls of the Penitentiary as well.“ “Make the interior in front of the greenhouse more interesting and embellished.“ “Walls should be painted in some soft colours, not all white.“ “I do not support painting murals because this is not a kindergarten!“ “This is a serious institution where inmates are kept, these things are unnecessary.“
ZAGREB PRISON HOSPITAL Perception of the Environment by Professional Staff Sample description The survey on the perception of the exterior before the artistic interventions included 24 participants, of which 79.2% were men and 20.8% were women, mostly in the age group of 41-50 years (41.7%) and 51-60 years (33.3%). All the respondents came from the Security Department. The survey conducted after painting murals on the exterior walls included 16 respondents, of which 62.5% were men and 37.5% were women, mostly in the age group of 51-60 years (37.5%) and 41-50 (25%). The respondents came from the Security Department (43.5%), Treatment Department (25%), Department of Finance and Accounting (18.8%) and Administrative Department (12.5%). Perception before and after the implementation of the artistic interventions The majority of the respondents defined the environment of the Hospital as unappealing and uninteresting (70.8%), and 62.5% of them never thought about the interior renovation. Furthermore, 37.5% of the respondents thought that interior renovation was important, compared to 33.4% of respondents who thought the opposite. The others (16.7%) did not think about it. However, 54.2% of the respondents thought that the interior renovation of the Hospital was a good idea and necessary. After painting murals on the walls, the majority of the respondents (70%) thought that this had a positive impact on the feeling of comfort in the Prison Hospital; 40% of them claimed that they felt more comfortable after the intervention, whereas almost 30% of them said that they could not say. When talking about the perception of the environment before painting the murals, the survey shows that the majority of the respondents perceived the Prison Hospital as unappealing, uninteresting and empty (Diagram 14), whereas after painting the murals their perception changed and they perceived it as pleasant and more interesting. However, 25% of the respondents perceived it the same as before the murals were painted (Diagram 15).
Diagram 14 How would you describe the environment of the Prison Hospital? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
Diagram 15 How do you perceive the environemtn after the murals are painted? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
same as before
Diagram 16 I think that painting murals in the Prison Hospital would make it a more pleasant place to be in. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The majority of the respondents were sceptical about the change that the artistic interventions (painting murals) would bring. Namely, the majority of the respondents chose “Disagree“ and “Strongly disagree“ (54.1%), whereas only 29% of the respondents thought that the artistic interventions would affect the feeling of comfort in the hospital (Diagram 16). However, after the artistic interventions, the respondents’ statements changed – the majority of the respondents (56.3%) thought that painting the murals made the hospital a more pleasant place to be in (as seen in Diagram 17). 98
Diagram 17 I think that painting murals in the Prison Hospital has made it a more pleasant place to be in. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Half of the respondents thought that painting murals would not reduce the level of stress and that such intervention would not affect the atmosphere in the Hospital, compared to 25% of the respondents who thought that the artistic interventions would reduce the level of stress and improve the atmosphere. A quarter of the respondents could not assess (Diagram 18). After the murals were painted, the majority of the respondents perceived the space differently. Namely, 43.8% of them thought that the artistic interventions did reduce the level of stress and improve the atmosphere, however, 31% of the respondents could not assess the contribution of the interventions (Diagram 19). However, despite a better and more positive perception of the environment after the murals were painted, the majority of the respondents (54.2%) did not support the initiative of ”The Horizon of Freedom“ project to paint murals in the hospital, whereas 37.5% supported the initiative.
Diagram 18 I think that painting murals in the Prison Hospital would improve the atmosphere and reduce stress. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Diagram 19 I think that painting murals has made the Hospital a more pleasant place to be in. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Suggestions and proposals of the professional staff regarding the artistic interventions in penal institutions The professional staff of the Prison Hospital mainly did not give comments and suggestions regarding painting murals in penal institutions. However, the respondents who expressed their opinion were mostly divided about the quality of this and similar projects. “Murals and painting the walls make the environment very pleasant and comfortable. Keep going!“ “Drawings of such motifs are more suitable for kindergarten children.“ “Money should be invested more wisely, these murals are for kindergartens.“ “Keep going, keep painting murals, one feels really comfortable, indescribable!“
ZAGREB PRISON HOSPITAL Perception of the Environment by Inmates Sample description The survey on the perception of the exterior before the artistic interventions included 10 respondents, inmates who were in the Prison Hospital at the time. All respondents were male, mostly in the age group 31-40 years (62%) with completed secondary school (80%). The survey conducted after the interventions included 24 male respondents, mostly in the age group 31-40 (64%), with completed secondary school (78%). The perception of the space before and after implementing the artistic interventions As seen in Diagram 20, the large majority of the respondents perceived the Prison Hospital space as empty, unappealing and uninteresting, whereas 10% of the respondents thought it was pleasant. After painting murals on the exterior walls, 41% of the inmates still perceived the space as empty and unappealing, whereas 45.8% thought that the space became more comfortable, embellished and interesting after the murals were painted (Diagram 21). All the participants claimed that they thought about the interior renovation of the Prison Hospital and that something like this was extremely important. In addition, all the respondents also agreed that the renovation of the Prison Hospital was a good idea and necessary. Furthermore, 73% of the respondents stated that the artistic interventions contributed to the feeling of comfort in the space (Diagram 22) and 76% thought that painting murals in the Prison Hospital was a good idea and necessary. As many as 72% of the respondents thought that murals should be painted in other penal institutions as well. After murals were painted, the majority of the respondents stated that this made the environment more comfortable (75%). Majority of the respondents, 62.5% of them, thought that painting murals on the exterior walls contributed to the reduction of stress and improved the atmosphere, whereas 29% of them did not agree with this claim (Diagram 23). It is important to note that all the surveyed participants supported ”The Horizon of Freedom“ initiative to paint the murals in the Prison Hospital. 101
Diagram 20 How do you perceive the environment of the Prison Hospital? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
Diagram 21 How do you perceive the environment after the murals are painted? 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 empty
embellished and interesting
same as before
Diagram 22 I think that the artistic interventions in the Prison Hospital have made it a more pleasant place to be in. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Diagram 23 I think that painting the murals in the Prison Hospital has contributed to reducing stress and improved the atmosphere. 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Suggestions and proposals of the inmates regarding artistic interventions in penal institutions Several respondents felt the need to express their proposals and opinion on painting murals in the Prison Hospital. The comments are positive and supportive in terms of organising such and similar projects in the future. “This is a great idea and I thank you for wanting to make my prison time easier. There should be more images of jungle animals.“ “The place looks much better now, the interior also needs some work and the Hospital should be renovated.“ “I wish I could have talked to artists and that we could have come up with some motifs together. But I appreciate such activities, they can’t hurt, they can only help. Thank you!“
Concluding Remarks The analysis of the results shows that the inmates and professional staff in the Glina Penitentiary and Zagreb Prison Hospital have a positive attitude toward the idea of painting murals on the exterior walls and that the majority agrees that murals should be painted on interior walls and in other penal institutions in the Republic of Croatia as well. When we compare the surveyed sample of inmates with the sample of professional staff, it is obvious that the inmates perceive the environment more positively after the artistic interventions, and that more inmates think that artistic interventions in penal institutions are necessary. In addition, more inmates, compared to the professional staff of penal institutions, support “The Horizon of Freedom“ project and think that such projects are necessary. The results also show that the inmates are willing to participate in the activity of painting murals and to work with artists. Among the sample of professional staff, the respondents from the Security Department showed somewhat more negative attitudes toward painting murals (and toward such initiatives in general) when compared to the employees from other departments. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the basic duty of the Security Department is to maintain safety in penal institutions which also entails more repressive attitudes toward inmates in general, compared to the Treatment Department, which mainly employs staff more focused on rehabilitation and thus more open to such initiatives that can in part improve inmate adjustment and the quality of prison life. The future of such and similar projects in the prison system is, according to the results of the research, desirable and necessary. In addition to painting murals on exterior walls, the respondents think that murals should be painted on interior walls as well and the interior as such should be renovated (new chairs, tables, showers, beds, etc.). Before implementing artistic interventions in other penal institutions, and based on the results of this survey, it would be preferable to acquaint professional staff with the benefits of painting murals and the potential impact of interior and exterior designs on the rehabilitation of convicts, as well as on the quality of work of the professionals in penal institutions.
Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, Za nakladnika/For the Publisher: Tomislav Buntak, Predsjednik/President Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka Autorica i voditeljica projekta/ Project Author and Manager: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD Asistentica na projektu/ Project Assistant: Vida Meić Umjetnici/Artists: Tea Jurišić, Miron Milić, Goran Rakić, Ivo Kosanović, Melinda Šefčić, Agata Lučić, Mario Romoda Istraživači/Researchers: Anita Jandrić Nišević,, Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD Predgovor/Preface: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD Autori tekstova/Text Authors: Anita Jandrić Nišević,, Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD Urednice publikacije/ Publication Editors: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD, Vida Meić Vizualni identitet i grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Visual Identity and Catalogue Design: Duje Medić Fotografija/Photography: Ivo Kosanović
Prijevod i lektura/Translation and Proofreading: Zana Šaškin Tisak/Printed by: Sveučilišna tiskara d.o.o. Naklada/Print Run: 300 I S B N : 978-953-8098-49-9 C I P : zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 001084491./ C I P : record is available in the computer catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb under the number 001084491. Zahvale/Acknowledgments: Kaznionici u Glini i Zatvorskoj bolnici u Zagrebu/ Glina Penitentiary and Zagreb Prison Hospital Ministarstvu pravosuđa i uprave Republike Hrvatske/ Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia
Partneri/Partners: Kaznionica u Glini i Zatvorska bolnica u Zagrebu/ Glina Penitentiary and Zagreb Prison Hospital Uz potporu/Financially Supported by: