Jednakost kreativnosti/Equity in Creativity
Melinda Šefčić, dr.art./PhD
Goran Rakić
Ivan Kovačević
Simboli igre/Symbols of Play
Plohe i polja/Plains and Fields
Ivan Stanišić
Slavonac u žitu/Slavonian in the Rye
Tea Jurišić i Nikola Grabovac
Ptice u letu/Flora/Bird sin Flight/Flora
Melinda Šefčić
Zelena čarolija/Green Magic
Monika Meglić
30 ptica Hrvatske/30 Birds of Croatia
Valentina Supanz Marinić U Svemiru/In Space
Jadranka Lacković
Kompozicija za Pulu/Composition for Pula
Vladimir Tomić
Sunce je počelo izlaziti ranije nego inače/ The Sun Has Started to Rise Earlier Than Usual
Istraživački rad projekta Jednakost kreativnosti
Anita Jandrić Nišević, dr.sc./PhD
Melinda Šefčić, dr.art./PhD
Research Conducted Within the Equity in Creativity Project
Anita Jandrić Nišević, dr.sc./PhD
Melinda Šefčić, dr.art./PhD IMPRESUM/ IMPRESSUM
Jednakost kreativnosti
dr. art. Melinda Šefčić
Jednakost kreativnosti šesti je projekt koji Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika provodi u suradnji s autoricom i voditeljicom dr. art. Melindom Šefčić te peti projekt koji se provodi uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva pravosuđa i uprave Republike Hrvatske. Projektna realizacija obuhvaćala je umjetničku estetizaciju i revitalizaciju 11 unutarnjih i vanjskih prostora Zatvora u Osijeku, Kaznionice u Požegi i Zatvora u Puli-Pola. Izvedene su i dvije likovne radionice u Kaznionici u Požegi te istraživačka komponenta projekta.
Umjetnici uključeni u projektnu realizaciju svojom su kreativnom participacijom i angažmanom poboljšali uvjete života i rada u kaznionicama te doprinijeli rehabilitaciji, suptilnoj naobrazbi i komunikaciji. Tea Jurišić, Goran Rakić, Ivan Kovačević, Ivan Stanišić i Nikola Grabovac likovne su intervencije izveli u Zatvoru u Osijeku; Monika Meglić, Valentina Supanz Marinić i Melinda Šefčić likovne su intervencije izvele u Kaznionici u Požegi, dok su Jadranka Lacković i Vladimir Tomić oslikali prostor Zatvora u Puli-Pola.
U sklopu projekta izvedene su i dvije likovne radionice pod vodstvom umjetnice Antonije Bačić te umjetnika Krešimira Golubića u prostoru Kaznionice u Požegi, u kojima je sudjelovalo 8 zatvorenica. Likovne radionice stavljale su naglasak na edukativni aspekt, gdje su se polaznice educirale o umjetnosti u javnom prostoru, ali i o tehnikama i različitim stilovima pisanja slova. Radionice su koncipirane na način da su bile izrazito interaktivne, komuniciralo se o temama koje su se obrađivale, a fokus je bio na kreativnom izražaju polaznica te njihovom promišljanju o tehnikama pisanja, slovima i njihovoj strukturi u jedinstvenom kreativnom izričaju. Rezultat radionica bilo je stvaranje vlastitih umjetničkih dijela, poput označivača stranica (book marker) i stilskog ispisa vlastitog imena i imena voljenih osoba.
U sklopu projekta provedena je istraživačka komponenta, u suradnji dr. sc. Anite Jandrić Nišević s Odsjeka za kriminologiju
Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i dr. art. Melinde Šefčić. Cilj istraživačkog rada bio je dobiti uvid u način na koji zatvorenici i stručni djelatnici projektom obuhvaćenih kaznenih tijela percipiraju zatvorski prostor prije i nakon provođenja projektnih aktivnosti oslikavanja prostora te u konačnici koliko izvedene likovne intervencije doprinose poboljšanju uvjeta izdržavanja zatvorske kazne u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja, koji su sastavni dio ovog projektnog kataloga, pokazuju kako je 80% sudionika zadovoljno izvedenim intervencijama te kako njih 70% podržava realizaciju projekta i u ostalim kaznenim tijelima diljem Hrvatske. Upravo su nam ovi rezultati pokazatelj uspješnosti postavljenih projektnih ciljeva, a ujedno upućuju na potrebu da se ovakve aktivnosti estetizacije i revitalizacije zatvorskog prostora, u formi likovnih radionica i intervencija te uz aktivnu participaciju zatvorenika i zatvorenica, nastave provoditi i u budućnosti.
About the Equity in Creativity project
MelindaŠefčić, PhD
Equity in Creativity is the sixth project implemented by the Croatian Association of Fine Artists in collaboration with the project author and leader, Melinda Šefčić, PhD. It is the fifth project to receive financial backing from the Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia.
The project focused on the artistic aestheticization and revitalization of 11 interior and exterior spaces within the Prisons of Osijek, Penitentiary in Požega, and Pula-Pola. Additionally, two art workshops took place at the Penitentiary in Požega, along with a research component of the project.
The participating artists significantly improved living and working conditions in the prisons through their creative participation and commitment, contributing to rehabilitation, subtle education, and communication. Tea Jurišić, Goran Rakić, Ivan Kovačević, Ivan Stanišić, and Nikola Grabovac conducted visual art interventions in the Osijek Prison; Monika Meglić, Valentina Supanz Marinić, and Melinda Šefčić carried out interventions in the Požega Penitentiary, while Jadranka Lacković and Vladimir Tomić painted the premises of the Pula-Pola Prison.
As part of the project, two art workshops were led by the artists Antonija Bačić and Krešimir Golubić at the Požega Penitentiary, involving the participation of 8 female inmates. These workshops emphasized the educational aspect, where participants learned about art in public spaces, as well as techniques and different lettering styles. The workshops were highly interactive, fostering discussions on the themes at hand and encouraging creative expression, contemplation of lettering techniques, and the structure of letters in a unique creative expression. The outcome of the workshops was the creation of their own works of art, such as bookmarks and stylish inscriptions of their own names and the names of their loved ones.
The research component of the project was carried out in collaboration with Anita Jandrić Nišević, PhD, from the Department of Criminology at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, and Melinda Šefčić, PhD. The research aimed to gain insight into how inmates and professional staff at the penal institutions covered by the project perceived the prison space before and after the implementation of the project painting activities. Ultimately, it sought to determine the extent to which the visual art interventions contribute to improving the conditions of serving a prison sentence in the Republic of Croatia.
The research results, an integral part of this project catalogue, indicate that 80% of participants are satisfied with the implemented interventions, and 70% support the implementation of the project in other penal institutions throughout Croatia. These results serve as indicators of the success of the defined project objectives, emphasizing the need to continue such aestheticization and revitalization activities within prison facilities in the form of art workshops and interventions, with active inmate participation, in the future.
Zelenilo/ Greenery
Simboli igre/ Symbols of Play
Zatvor u Osijeku/ Prison in Osijek
Plohe i polja/ Planes and Fields
Zatvor u Osijeku/ Prison in Osijek
Slavonac u žitu/ Slavonian in the Rye
Zatvor u Osijeku/ Prison in Osijek
Ptice u letu/ Flora// Birds in Flight/Flora
Zatvor u Osijeku/ Prison in Osijek
Green Magic
Kaznionica u Požegi/ Penitentiary in Požega
Hrvatske/ 30 Birds of Croatia
Kaznionica u Požegi/ Penitentiary in Požega
U Svemiru/
In Space
Kaznionica u Požegi/ Penitentiary in Požega
za Pulu/ Composition for Pula
Zatvor u Puli-Pola/ Prison in Pula-Pola
ranije nego inače/ The Sun Has Started to Rise Earlier Than Usual
Zatvor u Puli-Pola/ Prison in Pula-Pola
Anita Jandrić Nišević, dr.sc. Melinda Šefčić, dr.art.
Projekt Jednakost kreativnosti šesti je projekt oslikavanja kaznenih tijela u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prvi takav projekt proveden je 2018. godine u Kaznionici u Požegi, pod nazivom Uzorna kaznionica. Nakon njega su uslijedili Revitalizacija zatvorskog prostora umjetnošću (oslikavanje Zatvora u Zagrebu 2019. godine) te Horizont slobode (oslikavanje Kaznionice u Glini i Zatvorske bolnice 2020. godine). Projekt Sloboda stvaranja proveden je 2021. godine i obuhvatio je dosad najveći broj kaznenih tijela (zatvore u Rijeci i Bjelovaru, Kaznionicu i Odgojni zavod u Turopolju te Probacijski ured Zagreb I). Godinu dana kasnije proveden je projekt Boje stvarnosti kojim su oslikani prostori Zatvora u Osijeku i Karlovcu te prostori Kaznionice u Lepoglavi. Navedeni projekt nakon duljeg je vremena ponovno ponudio realizaciju i provođenje likovnih radionica, koje su u prethodnim projektima bile izostale zbog pandemije COVID-19, te su izvedene u prostoru Odgojnog zavoda u Turopolju i Zatvora u Karlovcu.
Znanstvena komponenta svih navedenih projekata uključila je analizu percepcije prostora od strane djelatnika i zatvorenika prije i nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija u kaznenim tijelima, a rezultati su pokazali važnost i nužnost ovakvih projekata u zatvorskom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Naime, i zatvorenici i službenici kaznenih tijela u većoj su se mjeri složili oko tvrdnji da su likovne intervencije u prostoru pozitivno utjecale na atmosferu i smanjenje stresa te povećale osjećaj ugode, što za posljedicu ima stvaranje kvalitetnijeg radnog okruženja i smanjenje sindroma sagorijevanja na poslu kada govorimo o službenicima, te poticanje pozitivnih stavova prema životu i bolju adaptaciju na zatvorske uvjete kada govorimo o zatvorenicima. Budući da je
velika većina zatvorenika, ali i službenika, podržala nastavak inicijative oslikavanja prostora i u drugim kaznenim tijelima, projekt Jednakost kreativnosti nastavio je tradiciju oslikavanja zidova kaznenih tijela te su ovim projektom oslikani prostori Zatvora u Osijeku i Puli-Pola kao i prostori Kaznionice u Požegi. Također, provedene su i likovne radionice za žene koje se nalaze na izdržavanju kazne zatvora u Kaznionici u Požegi. Istraživačka komponenta projekta provedena je u Zatvoru u Puli-Pola i Kaznionici u Požegi, dok je Zatvor u Osijeku ove godine izostao jer je istraživački rad izveden lani u sklopu projekta Boje stvarnosti.
Cilj istraživanja
Glavni cilj istraživačke komponente projekta Jednakost kreativnosti bio je dobivanje uvida o percepciji prostora od strane zatvorenika i službenika Zatvora u Puli-Pola i Kaznionici u Požegi, a u svrhu poboljšanja općih uvjeta boravka u navedenim prostorima, kako za zatvorenike tako i za službenike. Ispitana je percepcija prostora prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija (oslikavanja zidova). Osim toga, provedena je i radionica u Kaznionici u Požegi u cilju konstruktivnijeg provođenja slobodnog vremena zatvorenica, kao i razvoja njihovih umjetničkih potencijala.
Uzorak ispitanika
Uzorak ispitanika sastoji se od ukupno 15 zatvorenika iz Zatvora u Puli-Pola te 12 zatvorenica iz Kaznionice u Požegi. U provedenim radionicama sudjelovalo je 8 zatvorenica. U uzorku se nalazi i 27 službenika iz navedenih dvaju kaznenih tijela. Detaljnija analiza uzorka bit će predstavljena u nastavku rada.
Način prikupljanja podataka
Podaci o percepciji prostora prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija prikupljani su tijekom listopada 2023. u Kaznionici u Požegi te tijekom siječnja 2024. u prostoru Zatvora u Puli-Pola, a podaci koji se odnose na percepciju prostora nakon izvedenih likovnih intervencija prikupljeni su tijekom studenog 2023. u Kaznionici u Požegi i krajem siječnja 2024. u Zatvoru u Puli-Pola. U prikupljanju podataka anketnim upitnikom sudjelovali su službenici kaznenih tijela obuhvaćenih projektom. Prilikom sudjelovanja u istraživanju poštivala su se načela dobrovoljnosti i anonimnosti, a sudionicima je naglašeno da će se podaci koristiti isključivo u znanstvene svrhe te u svrhu poboljšanja uvjeta izdržavanja kazne. Podaci o zadovoljstvu provedenim likovnim radionicama u Kaznionici u Požegi prikupljani su nakon provedenih radionica.
U svrhu dobivanja podataka o percepciji prostora kreirano je nekoliko upitnika poštujući specifičnosti pojedinih ustanova kao i specifičnosti uzorka ispitanika:
• Upitnik o percepciji prostora za zatvorenike u Zatvoru u Puli-Pola – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Upitnik o percepciji prostora za službenike Zatvora u Puli-Pola – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Upitnik o percepciji prostora za zatvorenice u Kaznionici
u Požegi – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Upitnik o percepciji prostora za službenike u Kaznionici
u Požegi – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Upitnik zadovoljstva provedenim radionicama za žene u Kaznionici u Požegi
Upitnici koji su se primjenjivali prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sastoje se od 12 varijabli, a upitnici koji ispituju percepciju prostora nakon oslikavanja zidova sastoje se od 10 varijabli i isti su za sva kaznena tijela. Bitno je naglasiti da su anketni upitnici, osim strukturiranih varijabli, nudili i mogućnost slobodnog izražavanja u smislu davanja prijedloga za poboljšanje vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora kaznenih tijela te mogućnost davanja sugestija, prijedloga i savjeta provoditeljima projekta, a u svrhu kvalitetnijeg osmišljavanja budućih projekata sličnih sadržaja. Upitnik zadovoljstva provedenim radionicama u Kaznionici u Požegi sastoji se od 10 varijabli, a ponuđena je i mogućnost upisivanja sugestija i dojmova s radionica.
Metode obrade podataka
Podaci su obrađeni u programu SPSS for Windows v27 metodama deskriptivne analize i hi kvadrat testom za utvrđivanje razlika u percepciji prostora od strane zatvorenika i službenika u odnosu na kazneno tijelo. Budući da nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike u percepciji prostora od strane zatvorenika i službenika u odnosu na kazneno tijelo, podaci će biti prikazani kumulativno za sva kaznena tijela, a u okviru triju cjelina:
• Percepcija prostora od strane zatvorenika – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Percepcija prostora od strane službenika – prije i nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
• Zadovoljstvo provedenim radionicama u Kaznionici u Požegi
Percepcija prostora od strane zatvorenika – Zatvor u Puli-Pola i Kaznionica u Požegi
Prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija
U istraživanje percepcije prostora kaznenih tijela bilo je uključeno 15 zatvorenika iz Zatvora u Puli-Pola i 12 zatvorenica iz Kaznionice u Požegi. U uzorku su najzastupljeniji ispitanici u dobnoj skupini između 31 i 40 godina (31%) dok su ostale dobne skupine ravnomjerno raspoređene. Najveći broj ispitanika ima završenu osnovnu školu (41%), a 23% uzorka ima završen fakultet. U Grafu 1 je prikazana distribucija uzorka po spolu i prema kaznenom tijelu.
Graf 1
Zastupljenost uzorka prema spolu i kaznenim tijelima
Zatvor u Puli-Pola - muškarci
Kaznionica u Požegi - žene
Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 2, većina ispitanika smatra da je prostor kaznenog tijela u kojemu su na izdržavanju kazne odbojan (48%) i nezanimljiv (29,6%), dok vrlo mali broj ispitanika definira navedeni prostor ugodnim (11%).
Graf 2
Definiranje prostora kaznenih tijela prije oslikavanja
praznim odbojnim nezanimljivim ugodnim ispunjenim zanimljivim
Većina ispitanika razmišljala je o unutarnjem i vanjskom preuređenju kaznenog tijela (78%), a 88% misli da je to dobra ideja te da je to prijeko potrebno.
Nadalje, velika većina ispitanika (85%) suglasna je s tvrdnjom da bi oslikavanje zidova kaznenog tijela doprinijelo osjećaju ugode prilikom boravka u tom prostoru te da bi se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija u prostorima kaznenih tijela doprinijelo boljoj prilagodbi na zatvorske uvjete, ali i smanjenju stresa (88,5%). Zaključno, a u skladu s ostalim odgovorima, 86% ispitanika podržava inicijativu projekta Jednakost kreativnosti za oslikavanje zidova u prostorima kaznenih tijela. Budući da su upitnici za ispitivanje percepcije prostora nudili mogućnost davanja komentara i prijedloga vezanih uz inicijativu oslikavanja prostora kaznenih tijela, neki od ispitanika iskoristili su navedenu mogućnost i svojim komentarima i sugestijama doprinijeli ovom istraživanju.
Prijedlozi vezani za ulaganje u interijer i eksterijer kaznenog tijela prije provedenih likovnih intervencija – zatvorenici u Zatvoru u Puli-Pola:
• „Potrebno bi bilo obojati zidove, popraviti krovište i popraviti fasadu.“
• „Potrebne su promjene u unutrašnjosti zatvora jer je sve jednolično.“
• „Predlažem crtanje po zidovima u skladu s mogućnostima.“
• „Trebala bi se napraviti generalna obnova interijera i eksterijera zatvora.“
• „Obnoviti sve jer se vidi da se u zatvor ne ulaže baš ništa.“
• „Pod broj 1 bilo bi dobro kada kreveti ne bi bili na kat jer penjanje gore diže tenziju i nervozu. Pod broj 2 potrebni su lijepi ormari s lijepim policama, a ne ovi stari željezni koji provociraju depresiju. Pod 3 bi bilo dobro na zidove staviti neku drugu boju osim pastelne kao u vojsci. Pod 4 treba nabaviti cvijeće zbog čistog zraka, a pod 5 životinje (golub, mačka, pas).“
Prijedlozi vezani za ulaganje u interijer i eksterijer kaznenog tijela prije provedenih likovnih intervencija – zatvorenice u Kaznionici u Požegi:
• „Prostor za dječju posjetu urediti u dječjem smislu s više igrački i bojica i bojanki.“
• „Trebalo bi obojati zidove i napraviti zidne slike.“
• „U vanjskom prostoru bi trebalo biti više zelenila, a u unutrašnjem bi trebalo obojati zidove i promijeniti madrace.“
• „Pošto smo kaznionica za žene, smatram da bi bilo poželjno da namještaj bude od drva (daje toplinu) i da kreveti nisu na kat. Kuhinje bi trebale biti bolje opremljene, a zidovi obojani živim bojama.“
• „Više boja, veselijih tonova u unutrašnjosti, a u vanjskom više zelenila i prirode.“
• „Trebalo bi obojati zidove i staviti slike po zidovima.“
• „Staviti klupe na šetnici.“
Doživljaj prostora nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
U istraživanje percepcije prostora kaznenih tijela bio je uključen 31 ispitanik, od toga 17 žena iz Kaznionice u Požegi i 14 zatvorenika iz Zatvora u Puli-Pola. U uzorku su najzastupljeniji ispitanici u dobi između 41 i 50 godina (34%) te u dobi između 31 i 40 godina (29%) sa završenom srednjom školom (52%).
Nakon što su umjetnici izveli likovne intervencije u prostoru (oslikavanje zidova kaznenih tijela), ispitanici su u velikom broju (72%) izjavili da su navedene intervencije pozitivno utjecale na osjećaj ugode prilikom boravka u prostoru te da im je sada ugodnije boraviti u tom prostoru (58% ispitanika). Ipak, jedna trećina ispitanika smatra da se ne osjeća nimalo ugodno u prostoru kaznenog tijela u kojem izdržava kaznu zatvora.
Graf 3
Doživljaj prostora nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija
odbojnim nezanimljivim ugodnim ispunjenim i zanimljivim isti i kao prije oslikavanja
Iz Grafa 3 vidljivo je da veći broj ispitanika smatra prostor ugodnijim, ispunjenijim i zanimljivijim nakon oslikavanja zidova. Međutim, određeni udio ispitanika (32%) i dalje percipira prostor nezanimljivim i odbojnim, a 10% ispitanika ga doživljava istim kao i prije oslikavanja.
Iako razlike nisu statistički značajne, na razini deskriptivne analize i frekvencije odgovora može se zaključiti da su zatvorenici
Zatvora u Puli-Pola više zadovoljni prostorom nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija u odnosu na žene iz Kaznionice.
Nakon oslikavanja zidova, ispitanici su zamoljeni da, nakon odmaka od nekoliko mjeseci, procijene utjecaj provedenih likovnih intervencija na neke aspekte njihovog boravka u kaznenom tijelu. Tako je 72% ispitanika izjavilo da se sada osjeća ugodnije u prostoru, a njih 52,6% smatra da su provedene likovne intervencije utjecale na smanjenje stresa, dok 20% ispitanika to ne može procijeniti. Više od polovice ispitanika (56,3%) smatra da bi trebalo oslikati i ostala kaznena tijela u zatvorskom sustavu Republike Hrvatske dok ih jedna trećina to ne može procijeniti.
Komentari zatvorenika u Zatvoru u Puli-Pola nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija:
• „Zahvaljujem se na uljepšavanju prostorija za posjete i video link. Bilo bi dobro obojati i sobe u kojima boravimo 24 sata da se osjećamo ugodnije.“
• „Oduševljen sam oslikavanjem prostora!“
• „Svaka slika, svaki grafit na zidovima, ako je primjeren, on utječe na psihosocijalni dio svakog zatvorenika. Tako bi trebalo oslikati i druge prostorije.“
• „Sviđa mi se oslikavanje zidova, trebalo bi povećati broj likovnih sadržaja i radionica za zatvorenike jer bi nam to vrijeme bilo ispunjeno učenjem novih vještina.“
• „Treba otvoriti radionice za zatvorenika jer imamo premalo sadržaja. Na radionicama bismo naučili nove stvari i postali bolji ljudi kada izađemo na slobodu.“
• „Slažem se sa oslikavanjem pojedinih prostorija u zatvoru. Također smatram da bi bilo pohvalno da se obnove zatvorske sobe (gletanje i farbanje zidova).“
• „Imam samo jednu primjedbu, a to je da bi se trebale oslikati i druge prostorije. Jako je lijepo napravljena slika neba i mora u prostoriji za video posjete.“
Komentari zatvorenica u Kaznionici u Požegi nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija:
• „Ideja kao ideja nije loša, ali u manjem opsegu – manje je više!“
• „Iznenađena sam i nisam se tome nadala, ipak je ljepši ugođaj kada gledaš nešto lijepo na zidu, uklapa se, nije više prazno nego ispunjeno lijepim crtežima“
• „Mislim da bi iznad nekih slika trebalo pisati Neke ptice nikada ne polete ili Ptice umiru pjevajući.“
• „Nisam zadovoljna, tema se ne uklapa u blagovaonicu, podsjeća me na Hitchcockov film Ptice.“
• „Samo tako naprijed, lijepo ste nam to uljepšali i ugodnije nam je sada jesti u menzi, voljele bismo sve biti slobodne kao te ptice koje ste nacrtali. Uljepšajte tako i druge kaznionice, mislim da će se i drugim zatvorenicima sviđati.“
• „Sive i tmurne boje utječu na psihu. Boje su život! Jako lijepo.“
• „Likovne intervencije u menzi su mi prikladnije za predškolski uzrast ili dječji vrtić, za upoznavanje faune našeg podneblja. Frustrira me ulazak u menzu, sama činjenica da nam svakodnevno grakću vrane nad glavama.“
• „Sviđaju mi se slike na zidovima, ali mislim da bi se novci iz EU fondova mogli bolje iskoristiti kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta života u kaznionici: bolja zdravstvena zaštita, kvalitetnija hrana, kvalitetniji programi i edukacije, psihološka pomoć.“
Percepcija prostora od strane službenika zatvorskog sustava –Zatvor u Puli-Pola i Kaznionica u Požegi
Prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija
U ispitivanju percepcije prostora kaznenih tijela prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija sudjelovalo je ukupno 27 službenika, od toga 9 (33,3%) iz Zatvora u Puli-Pola, a 18 (66,7%) iz Kaznionice u Požegi. U uzorku je bilo 22% muškaraca i 78% žena. Najveći broj ispitanih službenika je u dobi između 41 i 50 godina (41% ispitanika), dok su ispitanici u dobi između 31 i 40 godina te ispitanici između 51 i 60 godina ravnomjerno raspoređeni (25%). U ispitanom uzorku najviše je ispitanika koji rade u Odjelu osiguranja (37,7%) te u Odjelu tretmana (34%), kako je prikazano u Grafu 4.
Graf 4
Distribucija ispitanika prema radnom mjestu
Odjel upravnih poslova
Odjel tretmana
Odjel osiguranja
Odjel zdravstvene zaštite
Odjel financijsko-knjigovodstvenih poslova
Kako je vidljivo iz Grafa 5, većina ispitanih službenika smatra prostor kaznenog tijela u kojem su zaposleni nezanimljivim (37%), no ipak 25% ispitanika smatra prostor ugodnim, uglavnom iz Odjela osiguranja. Da je prostor u kojem rade „prazan“, smatra 19% ispitanika. Većina ispitanika je razmišljala o unutarnjem i vanjskom preuređenju kaznenog tijela u kojem rade (92,6%), a njih 82% smatra da je preuređenje kaznenog tijela važno te prijeko potrebno. U kvalitativnoj analizi podataka koja će biti predstavljena u drugom dijelu ovog poglavlja u obliku komentara službenika, može se zaključiti da većina ispitanika smatra da je nužno poraditi na dotrajaloj stolariji, fasadi, ali i bojanju zidova.
Graf 5
Doživljaj prostora prije provedenih likovnih intervencija
Velika većina ispitanika (81%) smatra da bi se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija u prostoru kaznenih tijela doprinijelo osjećaju ugode prilikom boravka u tom prostoru, a 66% smatra da bi oslikavanje bilo korisno i za bolju prilagodbu zatvorenika na zatvorske uvjete. Da bi likovne intervencije potaknule bolju atmosferu i smanjile razinu stresa u ustanovi, smatra 74% ispitanih službenika. Ispitanici koji ne mogu procijeniti navedeno zastupljeni su u manjem omjeru i uglavnom dolaze iz redova Odjela osiguranja.
Velika većina ispitanih službenika (88%) podržava inicijativu projekta „Jednakost kreativnosti“ za oslikavanje zidova u prostorima kaznenih tijela.
U upitnicima percepcije prostora i službenici kaznenih tijela su imali mogućnost davanja komentara i sugestija te su neki od njih to i iskoristili. U Upitniku percepcije prostora prije izvođenja likovnih intervencija službenici su se izjasnili kroz sljedeće komentare:
• „Interijer učiniti funkcionalnijim, estetski prihvatljivijim, a u uređenju eksterijera dati veću ulogu zatvorenicima, sve u okviru sigurnosnih kriterija.“ (Pula)
• „Promijeniti dotrajalu stolariju.“
• „Kakva god promjena, da uključuje vedre boje i motive, je dobrodošla.“
• „Unijeti malo žive boje unutar zgrade.“
• „Oslikavanje unutrašnjih zidova veselim motivima i bojama.“
• „Promijeniti depresivnu i monotonu boju zidova.“
• „Vanjski prostor kaznionice za žene urediti cvijećem i staviti sjenicu na travnjak.“
• „Decentno oslikavanje prostora.“
• „Više slika i osobnih panoa na zidovima.“
Nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija
U ispitivanju percepcije prostora nakon izvedenih likovnih intervencija sudjelovalo je 26 službenika, od toga 8 iz Zatvora u Puli-Pola, a 18 iz Kaznionice u Požegi. U ispitivanom uzorku bilo je 26,9% muškaraca i 73,1% žena, najviše u dobi između 41 i 50 godina (43% ispitanika), dok su ostale dobne skupine ravnomjerno raspoređene. Najveći broj ispitanih službenika radi u Odjelu osiguranja (38,5%) te u Odjelu tretmana (34,6%).
Službenici zatvorskog sustava upitani su o načinu na koji doživljavaju prostor kaznenog tijela u kojemu rade nakon izvedenih
likovnih intervencija i velika većina (92%) izjavljuje da se sada osjeća ugodnije u svom radnom prostoru. Nakon oslikavanja zidova, većina ispitanika sada drugačije percipira prostor, na način da 38% ispitanika sada procjenjuje prostor kaznenog tijela ugodnim, a 54% ispunjenim i zanimljivim (Graf 6). Tek mali broj ispitanika (8%) smatra da je prostor isti kao i prije oslikavanja. Zanimljivo je da se ni jedan ispitanik nije izjasnio da prostor djeluje odbojno, prazno i nezanimljivo iako su i to bile ponuđene opcije u Upitniku.
Velika većina službenika (78,4%) također smatra da je oslikavanje zidova u prostorima kaznenog tijela u kojemu su zaposleni bila dobra ideja te da je prijeko potrebno.
Graf 6
Doživljaj prostora nakon oslikavanja
ispunjenim zanimljivim isti i kao prije oslikavanja
Velika većina ispitanika (91%) smatra da se izvođenjem likovnih intervencija u prostoru kaznenih tijela doprinijelo osjećaju ugode prilikom boravka u tom prostoru, a 82% smatra da je oslikavanje zidova smanjilo stres prilikom boravka u prostoru. Većina ispitanika (84%) također smatra da bi se trebala oslikati i ostala kaznena tijela u zatvorskom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Budući da su ispitanici imali mogućnost davanja sugestija i komentara na kraju Upitnika, u nastavku slijedi nekoliko komentara službenika Zatvora u Puli-Pola.
• „Smatram da bi što prije trebalo oslikati i ostale prostorije u zatvoru u Puli-Pola kako bi dugi boravak od svakodnevnih 8 sati bio ugodniji i manje stresan.“
• „Smatram da su zatvori ustanove u kojima se zatvorenici ne trebaju osjećati ugodno, već naprotiv, da steknu odbojnost kako bi dobro razmislili prije počinjenja novog kaznenog djela.“
• „Svakako predlažem nastavak projekta.“
Zadovoljstvo provedenim radionicama u Kaznionici u Požegi
Projektna realizacija projekta Jednakost kreativnosti uključila je i provođenje dviju likovnih radionice pod vodstvom umjetnice Antonije Bačić i umjetnika Krešimira Golubića. Radionice su se izvele u četiri termina u trajanju od dva sada. Polaznice su bile podijeljene u dvije grupe, te su se rotirale tijekom četiri dana provođenja. Sama tema radionica uključila je edukativni aspekt, gdje su se polaznice educirale o umjetnosti u javnom prostoru, ali i o tehnikama i različitim stilovima pisanja slova. Radionice su se provodile paralelno tijekom izvođenja likovnih intervencija u prostoru kaznionice početkom studenog 2024. godine. Polaznice radionica bile su izuzetno zainteresirane za temu radionice, bile su izuzetno aktivne, te se ističe kako se tijekom provođenja radionica razvila dobra sinergija između voditelja i polaznica što je rezultiralo dobrim raspoloženjem i hvale vrijednim rezultatima. Svaki se dan obrađivala neka nova tema, te su se imale prilike i kreativno izraziti uz mentorstvo umjetnika. Rezultat radionica bilo je stvaranje vlastitih umjetničkih dijela, poput označivača stranica (book marker) i stilskog ispisa vlastitog imena i imena voljenih osoba.
Radionice koje su provedene u Kaznionici u Požegi u razdoblju od 6. do 9. studenog okupile su osam sudionica prosječne dobi 35 godina. Polovica ispitanica ima završenu srednju školu, a 37% ima završenu osnovnu školu.
Velika većina ispitanica (75%) izjavljuje da je bila izuzetno zainteresirana za sudjelovanje na radionicama, dok ih je 25% bilo umjereno zainteresirano.
Važno je istaknuti da je većina žena (87,5%) iskazala visoki stupanj zadovoljstva provedenim radionicama na kojima su sudjelovale, a 62,5% ih je zadovoljno svojom aktivnošću na radionicama. Ostatak uzorka ne može procijeniti zadovoljstvo vlastitom aktivnošću.
Sve sudionice smatraju da su im radionice omogućile učenje novih sadržaja. Važno je napomenuti da velika većina ispitanica (87%) smatra da su ovakve radionice korisne te da bi se trebale
provoditi i u budućnosti, a sve sudionice radionica smatraju da je to dobar i koristan način provođenja slobodnog vremena u Kaznionici.
Upitnik o zadovoljstvu provedenim radionicama, kako je već navedeno, nudio je dodatne mogućnosti davanja slobodnih komentara i sugestija na kraju. Sve sudionice iskazale su pozitivne komentare:
• „Svidjela su mi se nova upoznavanja, rad s drugima, to što sam naučila nešto novo i što su aktivnosti bile pune smijeha i šale.“
• „Najviše mi se svidjelo to što sam dosta toga naučila, da mogu pokazati i svojoj djeci – i to sada postaje nešto što znam raditi.“
• „Svidjelo mi se to što sam naučila nešto novo i što bi mi to znanje moglo koristiti na slobodi.“
• „Najviše su mi se svidjeli ljudi uključeni u projekt, definitivno. Znanje, umijeće i interes treba znati prenijeti, a voditelji Antonija i Krešo su to itekako znali i uspjeli. Nadam se nastavku radionice o grafitima i street artu.“
• „Svidjela mi se izuzetna ljubaznost te volja da nas stvarno nešto nauče!“
• „Ono što mi se nije svidjelo je nemogućnost korištenja materijala na odjelu, npr. neke penkale za krasopis i materijali da nastavimo s naučenim.“
Zaključna razmatranja
Iz analize rezultata jasno je vidljivo da je većina zatvorenika, ali i službenika pozitivno doživjela oslikavanje prostora kaznenih tijela te da je percepcija prostora nakon oslikavanja bolja od percepcije prostora kakav je bio prije. Statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na kaznena tijela nisu pronađene te su rezultati kumulativno prikazani za kaznena tijela koja su sudjelovala u istraživanju – Zatvor u Puli-Pola i Kaznionica u Požegi.
I zatvorenici i službenici smatrali su prostor prije oslikavanja uglavnom praznim, odbojnim i nezanimljivim, dok se nakon izvođenja likovnih intervencija ta percepcija promijenila te sada u velikoj većini izjavljuju da je taj prostor ugodniji za boravak, zanimljiviji i ispunjeniji. Isto tako, većina ukupnog uzorka mišljenja je da ovako oslikan prostor može doprinijeti boljoj prilagodbi zatvorenika na zatvorske uvjete, boljoj atmosferi i u konačnici smanjenju stresa. Službenici iz Odjela tretmana nešto su pozitivnije orijentirani u odnosu na službenike iz Odjela osiguranja na način
da u većoj mjeri iskazuju pozitivan utjecaj likovnih intervencija na boravak u ustanovi. No ovdje se mora naglasiti pozitivan trend i povećanje senzibiliteta službenika Odjela osiguranja za oslikavanje zidova u kaznenim tijelima u kojima rade. Naime, u prva četiri projekta postojala je puno veća razlika u percepciji prostora nakon provedenih likovnih intervencija između službenika Odjela tretmana i službenika Odjela osiguranja. Službenici Odjela osiguranja negativnije su percipirali oslikani prostor, smatrajući da kaznena tijela ne bi trebala biti ugodna za boravak jer se time umanjuje njihova retributivna funkcija. No rezultati prošlogodišnjeg istraživanja ukazali su na trend senzibilizacije službenika Odjela osiguranja prema provođenju likovnih intervencija, a projekt Jednakost kreativnosti ga je potvrdio. Iako još uvijek postoji određeni udio službenika koji smatraju da se prostori kaznenih tijela ne bi trebali oslikavati, taj broj je puno manji nego u samim počecima provođenja ovakvih projekata.
Ono što ispitanici kontinuirano navode u svojim komentarima na kraju upitnika jest važnost brige i o drugim aspektima prostora kao što je adaptacija, mijenjanje parketa i pločica, sanitarnog čvora, unutarnje i vanjske stolarije, instalacija, uređenja šetnice i slično. Ove rezultate potrebno je imati na umu kod osmišljavanja politike financiranja kaznenih tijela te uložiti sredstva i u adaptaciju unutarnjeg i vanjskog prostora kaznenih tijela.
Ovaj projekt, kao i prethodni, dobio je zeleno svjetlo od ispitanika koji smatraju da je ovakva inicijativa oslikavanja zidova kaznenih tijela vrlo dobra ideja te preporučuju da se ovakvi projekti nastave te da se oslikaju i ostala kaznena tijela u zatvorskom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Osim toga, ispitanici su u svojim prijedlozima naveli i neke druge prostore u ustanovama koje je potrebno oslikati. Nadaju da će se to učiniti u okviru ovakvih ili sličnih projekata koji su, prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja, od neprocjenjive važnosti.
Anita Jandrić Nišević, PhD Melinda Šefčić, PhDThe Equity of Creativity project is the sixth project of painting murals in penal institutions in the Republic of Croatia. The first such project was implemented in 2018 at the Penitentiary in Požega under the name Exemplary Penitentiary. This was followed by Revitalization of Prison Space with Art (painting the Zagreb Prison in 2019) and Horizon of Freedom (painting the murals in the Penitentiary in Glina and Prison Hospital in 2020). The Freedom of Creation project was implemented in 2021 and included the largest number of penal institutions to date (prisons in Rijeka and Bjelovar, Penitentiary and Correctional Institution in Turopolje, and the Probation Office Zagreb I). A year later, the Colours of Reality project was carried out, which featured painting the murals in the premises of the Prisons in Osijek and Karlovac, as well as the premises of the Penitentiary in Lepoglava. After a long time, this project reintroduced the development and implementation of art workshops, which had been omitted from previous projects due to the COVID-19 pandemic and were thus carried out in the premises of the Correctional Institution in Turopolje and the Prison in Karlovac.
The research component of all the mentioned projects included an analysis of the perception of space by both prison staff and inmates before and after the implementation of the artistic interventions in the penal institutions. The results demonstrated the importance and necessity of such projects within the prison system of the Republic of Croatia. Both inmates and staff largely agreed that the artistic interventions positively affected the atmosphere, reduced stress, and increased comfort, which resulted in creating a better working environment and reducing burnout syndrome among staff. Furthermore, this encouraged positive attitudes towards life and better adaptation to prison conditions among inmates. Given that the majority of both inmates and staff supported the continuation of the initiative to paint murals in other penal institutions, the Equity in Creativity project continued the tradition of painting murals on the walls of penal institutions, so the Prisons in Osijek and Pula-Pola, as well as the Penitentiary in Požega were included in this project. Additionally, art workshops were conducted for women serving sentences at the Penitentiary in Požega. The research component of the project was carried out at the Prison in Pula-Pola and the Penitentiary in Požega, while the Prison in Osijek was not included this year as the research was conducted there last year as part of the Colours of Reality project.
Research Goal
The main goal of the research component of the Equity in Creativity project was to gain insight into the perception of the prison environment by inmates and prison staff of the Prison in Pula-Pola and the Penitentiary in Požega, with the aim of improving the general living conditions in these premises for both inmates and prison staff. The perception of the prison environment was examined before and after the execution of artistic interventions (painting the murals). Additionally, a workshop was held at the Penitentiary in Požega in order to provide constructive leisure activities for the inmates as well as to develop their artistic potential.
Respondent Sample
The sample of respondents consisted of a total of 15 inmates from the Prison in Pula-Pola and 12 inmates from the Penitentiary in Požega. Eight female inmates participated in the conducted workshops. The sample also included 27 staff members from the two penal institutions. A more detailed analysis of the sample will be presented in the following sections of the report.
Data on the perception of the prison environment before performing artistic interventions were collected during October 2023 at the Penitentiary in Požega and during January 2024 at the premises of the Prison in Pula-Pola. Data relating to the perception of the prison environment after performing the artistic interventions were collected during November 2023 at the Penitentiary in Požega and at the end of January 2024 at the Prison in Pula-Pola. The prison staff of the penal institutions involved in the project participated in data collection through a survey questionnaire. The principles of voluntariness and anonymity were respected during their participation in the research, and the participants were informed that the data would be used solely for scientific purposes and for the purpose of improving the conditions of imprisonment. Data on satisfaction with the conducted artistic workshops at the Penitentiary in Požega were collected after the workshops were completed.
Measurement Instruments
several questionnaires were created in order to obtain data on the perception of the prison environment, taking into account the specificities of each institution as well as the characteristics of the sample population:
• Questionnaire on the perception of the prison environment for inmates in the Prison in Pula-Pola – before and after performing artistic interventions.
• Questionnaire on the perception of the prison environment for prison officers in the Prison in Pula-Pola – before and after performing artistic interventions.
• Questionnaire on the perception of the prison environment for female inmates in the Penitentiary in Požega – before and after performing artistic interventions.
• Questionnaire on the perception of the prison environment for prison officers in the Penitentiary in Požega –before and after performing artistic interventions.
• Questionnaire on satisfaction with the conducted workshops for women at the Penitentiary in Požega.
The questionnaires administered before implementing the artistic interventions consisted of 12 variables, while those examining the perception of the prison environment after painting the murals consisted of 10 variables and were the same for all penal institutions. It should be noted that, in addition to structured
variables, the survey questionnaires also included open-ended questions in terms of providing suggestions for improving the external and internal spaces of penal institutions, as well as the possibility of giving suggestions, proposals, and advice to the project implementers, for the purpose of better designing future projects of similar content.
The questionnaire on satisfaction with the workshops conducted at the Penitentiary in Požega consisted of 10 variables and also included the possibility of entering suggestions and impressions from the workshops.
Data Processing Methods
The data were processed using the SPSS for Windows v27 software, using methods of descriptive analysis and chi-square test to determine the differences in the perception of the prison environment by the inmates and prison officers across different penal institutions. Since no statistically significant differences were found in the perception of the prison environment by the inmates and prison officers across different penal institutions, the data is presented cumulatively for all penal institutions, in three units:
• Perception of the prison environment by inmates – before and after artistic interventions
• Perception of the prison environment by prison staff –before and after artistic interventions
• Satisfaction with the workshops conducted at the Penitentiary in Požega
Perception of the Prison
Environment by
– Prison in Pula-Pola and Penitentiary in Požega
Before performing artistic interventions
The survey on the perception of the prison environment of penal institutions included 15 inmates from the Prison in Pula-Pola and 12 inmates from the Penitentiary in Požega. The majority of respondents in the sample were between 31 and 40 years of age (31%), while the other age groups were evenly distributed. The majority of respondents completed primary school (41%), and 23% of the sample completed college education. Graph 1 shows the distribution of the sample by gender and penal institution.
Graf 1
Representation of respondents in the sample by gender and penal institutions
Prison in Pula-Pola - males
Penitentiary in Požegafemales
As evident from Graph 2, the majority of respondents perceived the premises of the penal institution where they were serving their sentence as unpleasant (48%) and uninteresting (29.6%), while only a small number of respondents described the said premises as pleasant (11%).
Graf 2
Describing the premises of penal institutions before painting the murals
The majority of respondents thought about the interior and exterior renovation of the penal institution (78%), with 88% believing it to be a good idea and necessary.
Furthermore, a large majority of respondents (85%) agreed with the statement that painting the walls of the penal institution
would contribute to a sense of comfort when staying in that space, and that performing artistic interventions in the premises of penal institutions would contribute to a better adaptation to prison life, as well as stress reduction (88.5%).
In conclusion, in line with the other responses, 86% of the respondents supported the initiative of the Equity in Creativity project to paint the murals in the premises of penal institutions.
Since the questionnaires on the perception of the prison environment provided the opportunity to give comments and suggestions related to the initiative of painting murals on the walls of penal institutions, some of the respondents took advantage of this opportunity and contributed to this research with their comments and suggestions.
Suggestions related to investing in the interior and exterior of the penal institution before the artistic interventions were carried out – inmates at the Prison in Pula-Pola:
• “The walls need to be painted, the roof repaired, and the facade fixed.”
• “Changes are needed in the interior of the prison because everything is monotonous.”
• “I suggest painting murals in line with the possibilities.”
• “A general renovation of the interior and exterior of the prison should be done.”
• “Everything should be renovated because it’s clear that no investment is made in the prison.”
• “First of all, it would be good if the beds weren’t bunked because climbing up raises tension and nervousness. Secondly, nice cabinets with beautiful shelves are needed, not these old iron ones that cause depression. Number three, it would be good to use a different colour on the walls other than the pastel one like in the army. Number four, it would be good to get flowers for clean air, and number five, animals (pigeon, cat, dog).”
Suggestions related to investing in the interior and exterior of the penal institution before the artistic interventions were carried out – inmates in the Penitentiary In Požega:
• “The space for children’s visits should be arranged in a child-friendly manner with more toys, crayons, and colouring books..”
• “The walls should be painted, as well as murals”
• “There should be more greenery in the outdoor area, and indoors, the walls should be painted and mattresses changed.”
• “Since we are a penitentiary for women, I think it would be desirable for the furniture to be made of wood (it gives warmth) and for the beds not to be bunked. The kitchens should be better equipped and walls painted in vibrant colours.”
• “More colours, more cheerful tones indoors, and more greenery and nature outdoors.”
• “The walls should be painted, and pictures should be hung on the walls..”
• “Benches should be placed along the promenade.”
The experience of the prison environment after performing artistic interventions
The survey on the perception of the premises of penal institutions included 31 participants, of which 17 females from the Penitentiary in Požega and 14 males from the Prison in Pula-Pola. The sample was predominantly represented by participants between the ages of 41 and 50 (34%) and between the ages of 31 and 40 (29%) with completed secondary education (52%).
After artists performed artistic interventions in the premises (painting the murals in the penal institutions), a large number of respondents (72%) stated that these interventions had a positive impact on the feeling of comfort during their stay in the premises and that they felt more comfortable in that space (58% of the respondents). However, one-third of the respondents did not feel comfortable at all in the premises of the penal institution where they were serving their sentence.
From Graph 3 it is evident that a large number of respondents find the space more comfortable, dynamic and interesting after the walls were painted. However, a certain percentage of respondents (32%) still perceive the space as uninteresting and repulsive, and 10% of respondents perceive it as the same as before painting the murals.
Although the differences are not statistically significant, based on the descriptive analysis and response frequencies, it can be concluded that the inmates of the Prison in Pula-Pola are more satisfied with the premises after the artistic interventions compared to the women from the Penitentiary in Požega
After the walls were painted, the respondents were asked to evaluate the impact of the artistic interventions on certain aspects of their stay in the penal institution after a few months had passed. Thus, 72% of the respondents stated that they felt more comfortable in these premises, and 52.6% of them believed that the artistic interventions contributed to reducing stress, while 20% of respondents could not assess it. More than half of the respondents (56.3%) believed that other penal institutions in the prison system of the Republic of Croatia should also be painted, while one-third could not assess it.
Comments by the inmates in Pula-Pola Prison after the artistic interventions were carried out:
• “Thank you for making the visiting rooms more beautiful, as well as the video link. It would also be good to paint the rooms where we stay 24 hours a day to make us feel more comfortable.”
• “I’m thrilled with the painting of the premises!”
• “Each painting, each graffiti on the walls, if appropriate, affects the psychosocial aspect of every inmate. Other premises should also be painted in this way.”
• “I like the murals, artistic content and workshops for inmates should be increased because this would fill our time with learning new skills.”
• “Workshops should be organised for the inmates because we don’t have enough content. At workshops, we would learn new things and become better people when we are released.”
• “I agree with painting murals in certain premises in the prison. I also believe it would be commendable to renovate prison cells (smoothing and painting the walls).”
• “I have only one objection, and that is that other premises should be painted as well. The painting of the
sky and sea in the video visitation room is very nicely done.”
Comments by female inmates in the Penitentiary in Požega after the artistic interventions were carried out:
• “The idea itself isn’t bad, but on a smaller scale – less is more!“
• “I’m surprised and I didn’t expect it, it creates a nicer atmosphere when one looks at something beautiful on the wall, it fits, it’s no longer empty but filled with lovely drawings.”
• “I think above some of the paintings it should be written Some birds never fly or Birds die singing.”
• “I’m not satisfied, the theme doesn’t fit into the dining room, it reminds me of Hitchcock’s movie The Birds.”
• “Keep up the good work, you’ve made it nicer for us and it’s more pleasant to eat in the canteen now, we would all like to be as free as those birds you painted. Decorate other penitentiaries in the same way, I think other inmates will like it too.“
• “Gray and gloomy colours affect the psyche. Colours are life! Very nice.”
• “Art interventions in the cafeteria are more suitable for preschool age or kindergarten, to learn about the fauna of our region. I get frustrated when I enter the canteen, the very fact that crows are cawing over our heads every day.”
• “I like the paintings on the walls, but I think the money from EU funds could be better used to improve the quality of life in the penitentiary: better health care, better quality food, better quality programs and education, psychological support.”
Perception of the prison environment by prison system officer – Prison in Pula-Pola and Penitentiary in Požega
performing artistic interventions
A total of 27 officers participated in the survey on the perception of the premises of the penal institutions before performing artistic interventions, of which 9 (33.3%) were from the Prison in Pula-Pola, and 18 (66.7%) from the Penitentiary in Požega. The sample consisted of 22% of males and 78% of females. The largest number of surveyed officers were between the ages of 41 and 50 (41% of respondents), and respondents aged between 31 and 40 years and between 51 and 60 years were evenly distributed (25%). In the surveyed sample, the majority of respondents worked in the Department of Security (37.7%) and in the Treatment Department (34%), as shown in Graph 4. Graph 4. Distribution of respondents by workplace
Graf 4
Distribution of respondents by workplace
Department of Administrative Affairs
Treatment Department
Department of Security
Inmate Healthcare Department
Department of Financial Accounting
As can be seen from Graph 5, the majority of the surveyed officers saw the premises of the penal institutions where they worked as uninteresting (37%), although 25% of respondents find the space pleasant, mainly from the Department of Security. About 19% of the respondents perceive the space where they work as “empty”. The majority of respondents thought about the interior and exterior redesign of the penal institution where they work (92.6%), with 82% of them believing that the renovation of the penal institution was important and urgently needed. In the
qualitative data analysis, which will be presented in the second part of this chapter in the form of comments from the officers, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents believed that it was necessary to work on worn-out carpentry, facade, as well as painting the walls.
Graf 5
Experience of the premises before artistic interventions
uninteresting pleasant dynamic and interesting
The vast majority of the respondents (81%) believed that performing artistic interventions in the premises of penal institutions would contribute to a greater sense of comfort during their stay in that space, while 66% believed that this would also be useful for better adaptation of inmates to prison conditions. Also, 74% of surveyed officers believed that artistic interventions would be effective in promoting a better atmosphere and reducing stress levels in the institution. Respondents who were unable to assess this were represented in smaller numbers and mainly came from the ranks of the Department of Security.
A large majority of surveyed officers (88%) supported the initiative of the Equity in Creativity project to paint murals in the premises of penal institutions.
In the questionnaires about the perception of space, the officials of the penal institutions had the opportunity to give comments and suggestions, and some of them took advantage of it. In the questionnaire about the perception of space before performing artistic interventions, the officers expressed themselves through
the following comments:
• “Make the interior more functional, aesthetically pleasing, and involve inmates more in the exterior design, all within the framework of safety criteria.” (Pula)
• “Replace the worn-out carpentry.”
• “Any change involving bright colours and motifs is welcome.”
• “Bring some vibrant colours inside the building.”
• “Painting interior walls using cheerful motifs and colours.”
• “Change the depressing and monotonous colour of the walls.”
• “Decorate the outdoor area of the penitentiary for women with flowers and put a gazebo on the lawn.”
• “Paint discreet murals.”
• “More paintings and personal panels on the walls.”
After performing artistic interventions
Twenty-six officers participated in the survey on the perception of the prison environment after the artistic interventions, of which 8 were from the Prison in Pula-Pola, and 18 from the Penitentiary in Požega. The sample consisted of 26.9% men and 73.1% women, mostly aged between 41 and 50 years (43% of respondents), while other age groups were evenly distributed. The majority of surveyed officers were from the Department of Security (38.5%) and the Treatment Department (34.6%).
The prison officers were asked about the way they perceived the premises of the penal institution in which they worked the artistic interventions after the artistic interventions were implemented, and the vast majority (92%) stated that they felt more comfortable in their workspace. After the murals were painted, most respondents perceived the space differently, with 38% of respondents finding the premises of the penal institution pleasant, and 54% dynamic and interesting (Graph 6). Only a small number of respondents (8%) thought that the premises were the same as before the murals were painted. Interestingly, not a single respondent stated that the premises were repulsive, empty, or uninteresting, although those were also offered options in the questionnaire.
A large majority of officers (78.4%) also believed that painting the murals in the premises of the penal institution where they were employed was a good idea and much needed.
Perception of the premises after painting the murals
The vast majority of respondents (91%) believe that performing artistic interventions in the premises of the penal institutions contributed to the feeling of comfort during their stay in those premises, and 82% believed that painting the murals reduced stress during their stay in the said premises. Most respondents (84%) also believed that murals should be painted in other penal institutions within the prison system of the Republic of Croatia. Since the respondents had the opportunity to give suggestions and comments at the end of the questionnaire, below are some comments from the officers of the Prison Pula-Pola
• “I think that other premises in the Prison in Pula-Pola should be painted as soon as possible to make the long stay of every day 8 hours more pleasant and less stressful.”
• “I think that prisons should be institutions where inmates should not feel comfortable, but on the contrary, they should feel repelled in order to think twice before committing another crime.”
• “I certainly recommend continuing the project.”
Satisfaction with the workshops held at the Penitentiary in Požega
The implementation of the Equity in Creativity project included conducting two art workshops led by artists Antonija Bačić and Krešimir Golubić. The workshops were held in 4 sessions, each
lasting for two hours. The participants were divided into two groups and rotated during the 4 days of implementation. The topic of the workshops included an educational aspect, where the participants were educated about art in public spaces, as well as techniques and different styles of lettering. The workshops were conducted in parallel with the execution of artistic interventions in the prison premises in early November 2024. The workshop participants showed great interest in the topic of the workshop, they were highly active, and it should be noted that during the workshops, a good synergy developed between the facilitators and the participants, resulting in a positive atmosphere and commendable results. Each day covered a new topic, providing participants with opportunities for creative expression under the mentorship of the artists. The result of the workshops was the creation of their own artworks, such as bookmarks and stylistic lettering of their own names and the names of their loved ones.
In the workshops conducted at the Penitentiary in Požega from November 6th to 9th, there were 8 participants with an average age of 35 years. Half of the participants completed high school, while 37% of them completed primary school.
The vast majority of respondents (75%) stated that they were extremely interested in participating in the workshops, while 25% were moderately interested.
It is important to point out that the majority of women (87.5%) expressed a high level of satisfaction with the workshops they participated in, and 62.5% were satisfied with their activity in the workshops. The rest could not assess their satisfaction with their engagement.
All participants stated that the workshops have enabled them to learn something new. It is important to note that the vast majority of respondents (87%) found such workshops to be useful and thought that they should be held in the future, and all workshop participants thought that this was a good and useful way to spend their free time at the Penitentiary.
As previously mentioned, the survey on satisfaction with the conducted workshops also offered additional opportunities to give open comments and suggestions at the end. All participants expressed positive comments:
• “I enjoyed the new acquaintances, working with others,
learning something new, and the activities filled with laughter and jokes.”
• “What I liked the most was that I learned a lot, that I can show it to my children - and now it’s becoming something I know how to do.”
• “I liked that I learned something new and how that knowledge could benefit me once I’m out.”
• “What I liked the most are the people involved in the project, definitely. Knowledge, skill, and interest need to be transferred, and the facilitators Antonija and Krešo knew and succeeded in doing just that. I hope for a continuation of workshops on graffiti and street art.”
• “I liked the exceptional kindness and willingness to truly teach us something!”
• “What I didn’t like was the inability to use materials in the department, e.g. some pens for calligraphy and materials to continue with what we have learned.”
Final considerations
The analysis of the results clearly shows that the majority of inmates, as well as officers, had a positive experience with painting the murals in the penal institutions and that the perception of the prison environment after painting them was better than it was before. No statistically significant differences were found between the penal institutions, and the results have been presented cumulatively for the institutions that participated in the research – the Prison in Pula-Pola and Penitentiary in Požega.
Both inmates and officers perceived the space before the mural painting to be mostly empty, unappealing and uninteresting, while after performing the artistic interventions, this perception changed and the majority of them stated that the space was more pleasant to stay in, more interesting and dynamic. Likewise, the majority of the total sample believed that a space decorated in this way could contribute to a better adaptation of inmates to prison life, a better atmosphere and, ultimately, to stress reduction. The officers from the Treatment Department were somewhat more positively oriented compared to the officers from the Department of Security, in that they expressed a more positive impact of the artistic interventions on the stay in the institution. However, it should be pointed out that the positive trend and increased sensitivity of the officers from the Department of Security towards painting murals in penal institutions in which they work. Namely, in the first four projects, there was a
much greater difference in the perception of prison environment after the artistic interventions between staff members from the Treatment Department and the Department of Security, with the officers from the Department of Security perceiving the painted space more negatively, believing that penal institutions should not be comfortable to stay in as it reduces their retributive function. However, the results of last year’s research showed a trend of sensitization of the officers from the Department of Security towards the implementation of artistic interventions, and the Equity in Creativity project confirmed it. Although there was still a certain percentage of officers who believed that the premises of penal institutions should not be painted, this number is much smaller than it had been at the beginning of such projects.
What the respondents continuously stated in their comments at the end of the questionnaire was the importance of taking care of other aspects of the space, such as adaptation, changing flooring and tiles, sanitary facilities, interior and exterior doors and windows, installations, arranging walking paths, and the like. These results need to be taken into account when designing the funding policy for penal institutions and allocate funds for the adaptation of the internal and external premises of penal institutions.
This project, like the previous one, has received approval from respondents, who thought that this initiative of painting the murals on the walls of penal institutions was a very good idea and recommended that such projects continue and that other penal institutions in the Croatian prison system be painted as well. In addition, in their suggestions, the respondents mentioned some other premises within the institutions that needed to be painted and expressed hope that this would be done within the framework of such or similar projects, which, according to the results of this survey, are of invaluable importance.
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb, hdlu@hdlu.hr, www.hdlu.hr
Za nakladnika/For the Publisher: Tomislav Buntak, Predsjednik/President
Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka
Autorica i voditeljica projekta/ Project Author and Manager: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD
Asistentica na projektu/ Project Assistant: Zrinka Bačić
Antonija Bačić, Goran Rakić, Ivan Kovačević, Ivan Stanišić, Jadranka Lacković, Krešimir Golubić, Melinda Šefčić, Monika Meglić, Nikola Grabovac, Tea Jurišić, Valentina Supanz Marinić, Vladimir Tomić
Anita Jandrić Niševic, dr.sc./PhD, Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD
Predgovor/Preface: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD
Autori tekstova/Text Authors: Anita Jandrić Nišević, dr.sc./PhD, Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD
Urednica kataloga/Catalogue Editor: Melinda Šefčić, dr. art./PhD
Vizualni identitet i grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Visual Identity and Catalogue Design: Duje Medić
Fotografija/Photography: Marko Dajak, Goran Rakić
Prijevod i lektura/ Translation and Proofreading:
Zana Šaškin
Tisak/Printed by:
Sveučilišna tiskara d.o.o.
Naklada/Print Run: 170
ISBN: 978-953-8098-69-7
CIP: zapis je dostupan na računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 001223800. CIP: record is available in the computer catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb under the number 001223800.
Ministarstvo pravosuđa i uprave Republike Hrvatske, Kaznionica u Požegi, Zatvor u Osijeku, Zatvor u Puli-Pola/ Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia, Penitentiary in Požega, Prison in Osijek, Prison in Pula-Pola
Uz potporu/Financially Supported by: Ministarstva pravosuđa i uprave Republike Hrvatske/ Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia