Alen Novoselec - Realsuprematizam

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Alen Novoselec, rođen je u Varaždinu, diplomirao na ALU u Zagrebu, pohađao poslijediplomski studij konzerviranja i restauriranja u Ljubljani i umjetnički posljediplomski studiju kiparstva na ALU u Zagrebu, te stekao status konzervatora-restauratora i licencu Ministarstva kulture. Živi i radi u Zagrebu. Zaposlen kao na ALU, Odsjeku za konzerviranje i restauriranje umjetnina. U svom umjetničkom djelovanju koristi različite medije i materijale. Član HDLU-a i voditelj projekata Aleja skulptura na savskom nasipu, dvorac i park skulptura Jakovlje, te HDLU-a Varaždin.

Alen Novoselec, was born in Varaždin and graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Alen attendedConservation and Restoration Postgraduate Studies in Ljubljana and Study of Sculpture, Artistic Postgraduate Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, and gained the status of Conservator-Restorer licensed by the Ministry of Culture. He lives and works in Zagreb. He is employed as Associate Proffesor at Academy of Fine Arts, Department for Conservation and Restoration of works of art. In his art projects, Alen is using different media and materials. He is member of Croatian Association of Fine Artists and Project Manager of Alley of Sculpture, Castle and Sculpture Park Jakovlje, and Croatian Association of Fine Artists Varaždin.


Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija Bačva | Galerija Bačva Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | Radno vrijeme: srijeda - petak: 11 - 19 h, subota i nedjelja 10 - 18 h, ponedjeljkom, utorkom i blagdanom - zatvoreno Working hours: Wednesday to Friday: 11am - 7pm, Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 6pm, Mondays, Tuesday and holidays - closed IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/president), Tomislav Buntak (dopredsjednik/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (dopredsjednik/vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Monika Meglić, Melinda Šefčić | Umjetnički savjet/Artistic board: Tomislav Buntak, Suzana Marjanić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Branka Benčić, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki, Ivica Župan | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Mia Orsag | Predgovor/Preface: Alen Novoselec | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Nataša Hrust | Prijevod i lektura / Translation and proofreading: Zana Šaškin | Tisak/Printed by Cerovski | Naklada/Print run: 150 Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske / The exhibition is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic Croatia.



Galerija Bačva | 2. - 6. studenog, 2016. Bačva Gallery | November 2- 6, 2016

REALSUPREMATIZAM U BAČVI ECCE HOMO / TRANSFORMERI / REALSUPREMATISTIČKO KINO / REASLUPREMATISTIČKI ANTIKVITET (Old ready objekt) REALSUPREMATISTIČKE FOTOGRAFIJE / REALSUPREMATISTIČKI SPOMENIK DUCHAMPU Realsuprematizam je transcendiranje, transponiranje, nadilaženje stvarnosti otkidanjem komada banalnosti i pretvaranjem u nešto što ima novi i viši smisao. On znači živjeti tako da se otkida od “želuca” u korist duha. Realsuprematizam je promjenjiv poput života samog, svakodnevno mijenja izgled i tok, ali ima nepromjenjivu suštinu. Treba prikazati tu suštinu kroz promjenjivost toka. Odnos života koji živim izvan ili pored umjetnosti, prisilno ili svojevoljno, i onoga kada se samo njome bavim/Skokovi u kreativno/"savijanje" stvarnosti do polja kreativnosti. Realsuprematizam se mijenja kao dani života, pa bi izložba svakodnevno trebala mijenjati izgled. Kako privremeno zaokružiti Realsuprematizam, kada je on tok života samog? Valjda trenutnim zanosom iza kojeg stoje tri točke u kojima se privremeno i prividno zaustavlja valovita linija života. Prividno kao u smrti. Tri točke napisane posljednjim kapima tinte. Iza te tri točke cijela se stvarnost prelijeva u prostor bez cviljenja želuca. Izlazim po mlijeko, do tržnice. Napravit ću kavu. Fasade su sve sive. Sivozelene, sivožute, sivoplave, sivosmeđe, sivobijele, sivocrne, opet sivozelenkaste, dvije vrste sivožute, toplija i hladnija, pa onda sivocrvenkasta, siva baš siva... Sivoljubičasta i sivonarančasta, dva su najveća ekscesa kvarta. Na stablima sve nijanse žutog okera koje se na fasadama miješaju sa sivom. Onda ulazim u već zeleni park. Zelene lampe skrivene u zelene krošnje. Diskretne, stopljene. Zamišljam ih žutim i vrištavim. Nisu im dali to pravo da vrište i obojili ih zeleno. Tako šute sve do mraka. Imaju one za sebe noć. Tada požute i ponarančaste . Hodnik je žut, također. Stube sive, također. Ja sjedim doma na putu za atelje. Klackalica se nećka između realnosti koja proždire umjetnost i one koja to postaje. Realsuprematizam čeka i buja kao tijesto koje se diže prije pečenja. Realsuprematizam je nešto što je staro sto godina /i nikad do danas postojeće /pomiješano s esencijom mog života. Sa životom koji se dijeli između namirenja želuca i duha. Ona točka, linija zapravo između dva pola, onaj prostor borbe između želuca i duha na koji mi je ukazao Suprematizam, ili koji se kroz njegov duh krhko opredmetio preda mnom u realsuprematističkoj akciji zabilježenoj realsuprematističkim fotografijama. Realsuprematizam je prepoznavanje trenutka u kojem nas stvarnost zadirkuje ukazanjem svojeg drugog lica. Ushićenje viđenim i uzvraćanje smiješkom prepoznatoj nadstvarnosti u procjepu. Šetnja kroz polje realnosti do procjepa u kojem se prepoznaje nadilaženje iste njenim posredovanjem. Realsuprematizam je početak koji nema cilj. Život koji završava smrću. Fragmenti Realsupreamatističkog dnevnika / Alen Novoselec


ECCE HOMO / TRANSFORMERS / REALSUPREMATIST CINEMA / REASLUPREMATIST ANTIQUE (Old ready object) / REALSUPREMATIST PHOTOGRAPHS / REALSUPREMATIST MONUMENT TO DUCHAMP Realsuprematism means transcending, transposing, overcoming reality by tearing off a piece of banality and transforming into something that has a new and higher meaning. It is to live by stinting one's stomach for the sake of the soul. Realsuprematism is changeable like the life itself, its appearance and flow change daily, but its essence remains unchanged. This essence should be expressed through the changeability of the flow. The relationship between the life I lead beyond or along with art, forcefully or voluntarily, and the one I lead when I am only engaged in art/Jumps Into Creative Endeavours/“bending“ of reality to the field of creativity. Realsuprematism changes like days in life, thus the exhibition should change its appearance on a daily basis. How to temporarily round up Realsuprematism, when it is the flow of life itself? I guess with a momentary enthusiasm followed by the three dots in which wavy lines of life temporarily and seemingly stop. Seemingly like in death. Three dots written with the last drops of ink. Behind these three dots the whole reality spills into the space free of stomach growling. I'm going out to get some milk, to the market. I'll make a coffee. Facades are all grey. Grey-green, grey-yellow, grey-blue, grey-brown, grey-white, grey-black, grey-green again, two shades of grey-yellow, a warmer and cooler one, and then reddish-grey, grey truly grey... Grey-purple and grey-orange, are the two biggest excesses in the neighbourhood. On trees all the shades of yellow ocher mixing with grey on the facades. Then I enter an already green park. Green lamps hidden in green treetops. Discreet, blended in. I imagine them yellow and screaming. They were not given the right to scream and got painted in green. And so they keep quiet until dark. They have the night for themselves. Then they turn yellow and orange. The hallway is yellow, too. Stairs are grey, too. I am sitting at home on my way to the studio. A seesaw hesitates between the reality that devours art and the one that becomes art. Realsuprematism waits and swells like dough before baking. Realsuprematism is something a hundred years old/and never before existing/mixed with the essence of my life. With a life divided between feeding the stomach and the soul. That point, actually the line between the two poles, the battle ground between the stomach and the soul pointed to me by Suprematism, or which fragilely materialized before me in a realsuprematist action recorded on realsuprematist photographs. Realsuprematism means to recognize the moment in which the reality teases us by showing its other face. The enthusiasm with the observed and smiling back to the recognized surreality in the gap. A walk through the field of reality to the gap in which one can recognize the surpassing of this reality through its mediation. Realsuprematism is the beginning with no goal. A life that ends in death. Fragments of a Realsuprematist diary / Alen Novoselec

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