ILUZIJA REALNOG PROSTORA THE ILLUSION OF REAL SPACE Galerija Prsten | 16. - 26. ožujka, 2017. | Prsten Gallery | March 16 - 26, 2017
ILUZIJA REALNOG PROSTORA „Upravo onaj prostor između nosi teret značenja kulture, a istraživanjem ovog Trećeg prostora možemo umaći politici polariteta i izniknuti kao oni drugi nas samih.” 1 Kompozicije u radovima Igora Taritaša istražuju mogućnosti slikarskog formata u otvorenom društvenom kontekstu. Oslikane kadrove vrijedi promatrati kao pažljivo oblikovanu scenografiju što služi za dijalog između oprečnih strana, koji se strogo ne nameće pretpostavljenim sadržajem ili određenim tematskim okvirom. Taritaš razigrava našu percepciju prostora probijajući istovremeno galerijski zid te rastvarajući četvrti zid uvodeći nas na scenu prepuštenu igri promatrača. Poput kadra Cadena Cotarda2 prepuštenog sudbini savršene sadašnjosti. Nudeći nam svoj prostorni imaginarij, autor se na jednak način koristi slikom kao platformom za diskusiju ili kutkom za šaputanje. U ranijim radovima često koristeći plitke planove i figurativno semplirane misli, autor u kasnijim kompozicijama pojačava perspektivnost, otvara prostore te gotovo u potpunosti apstrahira motive u slici. Vjeran realizmu, u Taritaševom se radu očituje sličan razvoj u redukciji sadržaja i kompleksnosti prostornih motiva poput rano avangardnih slikara (Otona Glihe), enformelističkog tretmana površine i boje (Ive Gattina i Eugena Fellera), te dehumanizirajućih prostora (Matthiasa Weischera). Snažni rietveldovski modernistički arhitektonski monoliti smekšani mondrianovskim koloritom u drugom planu pridaju osjećaju ukorijenjenosti u prizoru. Apstrahirane i tamne površine stražnjih i prednjih planova u kontrastu su sa središnjim figurativnim i arhitektonskim elementima u kadrovima. U konstantnom formalnom sukobu same sa sobom, koristeći se suptilnim logičkim zamkama te bez pretpostavljenog narativa, Taritaševe kompozicije djeluju poput kadrova Bhabhovog Trećeg prostora. Oslobođene pretpostavljene značenjske vrijednosti za novi, aktualniji i suvremeniji diskurs, kompozicije postaju medij sadašnjeg trenutka, dijaloga, čime kao slike konačno uspostavljaju svoju dinamičnu dijalektičku ravnotežu. Vladimir Tatomir
1 It is the inbetween space that carries the burden of the meaning of culture, and by exploring this Third Space, we may elude the politics of polarity and emerge as the others of our selves., Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture, 1994, slobodan prijevod, opaska prevoditelja 2 Protagonist filma Charliea Kaufmana „Sinegdoha New York” iz 2008. godine
THE ILLUSION OF REAL SPACE “It is the inbetween space that carries the burden of the meaning of culture, and by exploring this Third Space, we may elude the politics of polarity and emerge as the others of our selves.” 1 The compositions in Igor Taritaš’s works explore the possibilities of the medium of painting in an open social context. Painted representations should be seen as carefully designed scenery serving as a dialogue between the opposing parties, not strictly imposing itself with presumed content or specific thematic framework. Taritaš animates our perception of space by simultaneously breaking through the gallery wall and opening the fourth wall and introducing us to the stage, which is now left to the observer’s play. Like Cadena Cotard’s2 scene left to the destiny of the perfect present. Offering us his spatial imagery, the artist in the same way uses painting as a platform for discussion and corner for whispering. In his earlier works he often uses flat planes and figuratively sampled thoughts, whereas in his later works he deepens perspective, opens up spaces and almost completely abstracts motifs in the painting. Faithful to realism, the development in Taritaš’s work reflects similar reduction of the content and complexity of spatial motifs as in early avant-garde painters (Oton Gliha), Informel-like treatment of surface and colour (Ivo Gattin and Eugen Feller) and dehumanizing spaces (Matthias Weischer). Powerful Rietveld-like modernist architectural monoliths softened with Mondrian-like colours, add to the feeling of rootedness in the scene in the background. Abstracted and dark surfaces of foregrounds and backgrounds are in contrast with middle figurative and architectural elements in the scenes. In the constant formal conflict with themselves, using subtle logical traps and with no presumed narrative, Taritaš’s compositions seem like the scenes from Bhabh’s Third Space. Freed from the assumed semantic value for a new, more relevant and more contemporary discourse, compositions become the medium of the present moment, dialogue, by which the paintings finally establish their dynamic dialectical balance. Vladimir Tatomir Homi K. Bhabha, The Location of Culture, 1994. The protagonist of Charlie Kaufman’s movie “Synecdoche New York” from 2008
O autoru:
About the Author:
Igor Taritaš (Pakrac, 1987.) osnovnu je školu završio u Hercegovcu kod Garešnice. Nakon završene srednje Škole primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna u Zagrebu 2007. upisao je Akademiju likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je u klasi prof. Ante Rašića 2013. Od 2014. Zaposlen je kao profesor likovne kulture u OŠ „Antuna Mihanovića” u Batrini. Izlagao je na devet samostalnih i na nekoliko skupnih izložbi diljem Hrvatske i u inozemstvu. Od 2012. član je HDLU-a, a od 2013. platforme P_3. Godine 2016. izlagao je na Bijenalu slikarstva i grupnoj izložbi „Exporting Zagreb” u Narodnom muzeju u Gdansku u Poljskoj, a zatim samostalno izlaže u renomiranoj Galeriji 2CforART u Salzburgu u Austriji te na grupnoj izložbu JUNGE KUNST AUS KROATIEN u St.Poltenu u Austriji. Godine 2017. pozvan je da svoje radove izlaže na velikoj grupnoj izložbi „Grand Salon 2017.” u Villi Berberich u Njemačkoj. Slike Igora Taritaša nalaze se u privatnim kolekcijama u Engleskoj, SAD-u i Australiji.
Igor Taritaš (Pakrac, Croatia, 1987). He attended primary school in Hercegovac near Garešnica, Croatia. After finishing High School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb in 2007 he enrolled into the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated in the class of Prof Ante Rašić in 2013. Since 2014 he has been working as the professor of visual arts in “Antun Mihanović” Primary School in Batrina, Croatia. He has exhibited in nine solo and several group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. He has been a member of the Croatian Association of Artists since 2012 and a member of P_3 platform since 2013. In 2016 he exhibited at the Biennial of Painting, group exhibition “Exporting Zagreb” at the National Museum in Gdansk, Poland and then he had a solo exhibition in a renowned 2CforART Gallery in Salzburg, Austria and exhibited in a group exhibition JUNGE KUNST AUS KROATIEN in St. Polten, Austria. In 2017 he has been invited to exhibit his works in a large group exhibition “Grand Salon” 2017, Villa Barberich in Germany. Igor Taritaš’s paintings are part of private collections in England, USA and Australia.
Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija Prsten | Prsten Gallery Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | www.hdlu.hr Radno vrijeme: srijeda – petak 11 do 19h, subota – nedjelja 10 do 18h ponedjeljkom, utorkom i blagdanom zatvoreno. Working hours: Wednesday to Friday 11am – 7pm, Saturday to Sunday 10 – 6pm, Monday, Tuesday and holidays - closed IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb, hdlu@hdlu.hr, www.hdlu.hr | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/ president), Tomislav Buntak (dopredsjednik/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (dopredsjednik/vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Monika Meglić, Melinda Šefčić | Umjetnički savjet Galerije Prsten/Artistic board of Prsten Gallery: Tomislav Buntak, Suzana Marjanić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Branka Benčić, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki, Ivica Župan | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Mia Orsag | Predgovor/Preface: Vladimir Tatomir | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Duje Medić | Prijevod/Translation: Zana Šaškin | Lektura/ Proofreading: Zana Šaškin | Tisak/Printed by Cerovski | Naklada/Copies: 150 Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba kao program Galerije Karas u Galeriji Prsten / The exhibition is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic Croatia and by the City Office for Culture, Education and Sports Zagreb as Karas Gallery program in Prsten Gallery.