Vana Gaćina - TOČKA

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Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika | Croatian Association of Fine Artists Galerija PM | PM Gallery Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | IMPRESUM | Nakladnik/Publisher: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika/Croatian Association of Artists, Trg žrtava fašizma 16, 10 000 Zagreb,, | Za nakladnika/For the publisher: Josip Zanki | Upravni odbor HDLU/Executive board of HDLU: Josip Zanki (predsjednik/president), Tomislav Buntak (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Fedor Vučemilović (zamjenik predsjednika/vicepresident), Ida Blažičko, Ivan Fijolić, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Anita Kuharić Smrekar | Umjetnički savjet HDLU/Artistic board of HDLU: Tomislav Buntak, Leonida Kovač, Suzana Marjanić, Ivica Župan, Koraljka Kovač Dugandžić, Ivan Fijolić, Josip Zanki | Ravnateljica/Director: Ivana Andabaka | Stručna suradnica/Associate: Martina Miholić | Autor i programer zvuka /Sound Editor: Mijo - Miodrag Gladović | Performans/Performance: Lenhart Tapes, Adriana Josipović i Josipa Bubaš | Oblikovatelj video projekcija / Video Editor: Tanja Minarik | Predgovor/Preface: Ana Dumbović | Grafičko oblikovanje kataloga/Catalogue Design: Duje Medić | Prijevod/Translation: Martina Lukačević | Lektura/ Proofreading: Zana Šaškin | Tisak /Printed by: Cerovski | Naklada/Copies: 150


Posebna zahvala/Special thanks to: Antonija Sarjanović, Sanjin Bolonić, Boris Dobrovšak i Bruno Pavlović

Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske i Gradskog ureda za kulturu, obrazovanje i sport Grada Zagreba / The exhibition is financially supported by The Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Croatia and The City Office for Culture, Education and Sports Zagreb.


Trajanje izložbe: 10. lipnja - 12. lipnja, 2015. od 20.30 - 23.00h Duration of the exhibition: 10th of June - 12th of June, 2015 from 8.30pm - 11.00pm Poseban program/performans - 12.lipnja, 2015. u 21.30 | Special program/Performance - 12th of June, 2015. at 9.30pm Galerija PM | PM Gallery

TOČKA je trenutak zaustavljanja u točci jednog traganja. TOČKA je razmeđe na kraju narasle interaktivnosti statike i pokreta. TOČKA je početak neznanog novog.

A DOT is the moment of stopping at some point of the search. A DOT is the crossroads at the end of increased interactivity of statics and movement. A DOT is the beginning of the new unknown.

TOČKA nastaje i nestaje u prostoru u kojem obitavaju točke. Krugovi, prsteni i rupe, potomci točke, zrcale se u simetriji i tvore home specific mjesto za TOČKU. Nepokretne figure u armiranom kadru utisnule su se na rubu točke. Dodirom točke snopovi svjetlosnih točaka ispuštaju se iz točke. Svjetlosne točke lete iznad široke točke i ispod točkastog svoda, lijepe se na rub točke gdje pomiču okoštale figure u armiranom kadru. Iz točaka skrivenih na figurama rasplinjuje se zvuk kroz prostor točke. Kolaž-Kadar-Pokret-Tipka-Projekcija-SenzoriZvuk stratigrafski je presjek ove interaktivne instalacije. Nataložene naslage starijih likovnih i ranijih tehnoloških medija u spajanju tvore smjesu s početkom u statičnom kadru kolažiranih figura, međuslojem dodira, završnom pokretanju statičnog kadra i širenju zvučnih valova. Prvi pokretač rascjepljuje simetriju prostora, a aritmični zvučni valovi šire se rubovima i nanovo ga ocjelovljuju. Polivalentno strujanje među medijima u naravi je TOČKE.

A DOT appears and disappears in a space filled with dots. Circles, rings and holes, descendants of a dot, all are mirrored in symmetry, forming a home specific location for A DOT. Static figures in a reinforced frame imprint themselves on the edge of A DOT. Upon touching a dot, beams of light dots are being released from a dot. Light dots fly above the wide dot and below a dotted arch, attaching themselves to the edge of A DOT, where they move fossilized figures within the reinforced frame. Dots hidden on the figures release a sound that evaporates through the space of a dot. Collage-Frame-Movement-Button-Projection-Sensors-Sound; this is a stratigraphic section of this interactive installation. Deposited sediments of earlier artistic and technological media together form a blend with the starting point in the static frame of collage figures, the interlayer of touch and the final movement of the static frame and spread of sound waves. The initiator splits the symmetry of space while arrhythmic sound waves spread to the edges and make it whole again. Multivalent circulation among the media is in the nature of A DOT.

Traganje autorice inicirano je potrebom za unošenjem pokreta u osobne crteže i kolaže. Radove na papiru i od papira provlači i vizualno mijenja kroz razne tehnološke medije, a na kraju ih i ozvučuje. Ovim načinom aktivira promatrača da postane pokretač. TOČKA je unutarnji glas, pozivač na promjenu i početak traganja za nekim novim igračkama. Ana Dumbović

The author’s quest is initiated by the need to introduce movement into her personal drawings and collages. The works on paper and made of paper are experienced and visually changed through a variety of technological media, to which she also adds sound in the end. This encourages the viewer to become a driving force. A DOT is the inner voice, driver of change and the beginning of a search for some new toys. Ana Dumbović



Glazbeni umjetnik Lenhart Tapes oblikuje trake kazeta u svoj jedinstveni zvuk kolaža koristeći se sa četiri walkmena kao instrumentom, dok ga izvođačice Adriana Josipović i Josipa Bubaš prate jedinstvenim pokretima tijela inspirirane formama sa slike Točka.

Music artist Lenhart Tapes uses cassette tapes to create his unique collage sound, using four Walkmans as an instrument, while the performers, Adriana Josipović and Josipa Bubaš, accompany him with their unique body movements inspired by the forms on the Dot painting.

VANA GAĆINA: Završetkom slikarstva na ALU Zagreb, u želji za pokretanjem svojih slika otkriva video umjetnost. Upisuje magisterij smjer video na ALU u Ljubljani, na kojem ima priliku upoznati se s raznim mogućnostima koje nam može pružiti spoj umjetnosti i tehnologije. Počinje s radom na multimedijalnim instalacijama u kojima povezuje klasičnu umjetnost sa suvremenom tehnologijom. Glavni interes joj je istraživanje klasične forme. Prilikom tog procesa koristi se različitim analognim i digitalnim medijima. Trenutno istražuje mogućnosti reproduciranja forme pomoću zvuka i slike. Izlagala je na brojnim izložbama u zemlji i inozemstvu. Članica je HDLU-a i HZSU-a.

VANA GAĆINA: After graduating with a BA in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Vana found a video art as the interesting way of expression. Therefore, Vana enrolled the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Ljubljana, department of videos, where she believe she would have the best chance to challenge opportunities for further education and joining the art and technology. Vana has started the process with multimedia installations where she combine classical art with modern technology. Her primary interest lies in the study of classical forms. Within that process she uses a variety of analog and digital media. Vana is currently exploring the new possibilities of reproducing classical forms through use of sounds and images. Vana participated at many solo and group exhibitions and festivals of new media art in the country and abroad. Vana is a member of HDLU (Croatian Association of Artist), HZSU (Croatian Freelance Artists’ Association).

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