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About Black Soldier Fly I

Bio Waste Management The larvae and adults are considered neither pests nor vectors. Instead, black soldier fly larvae play a similar role to that of redworms as essential decomposers in breaking down organic substrates and returning nutrients to the soil. The larvae have voracious appetites and can be used for composting household food scraps and agricultural waste products.


Renewable Protein Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) constitutes an economic way to convert residual biomasses into a valuable source of biomolecules, such as proteins, lipids and chitin.


Protein Retrieved By-Products The protein retrieved by products serves as source of quality protein for aquaculture, animal feed, pet food and human nutrition.





From Farm – Factories Renewable Protein Animal Feed

Rationale of Black Solider Fly Farming in Uzbekistan I.

Alternative Source of Farming Feed Reduce poultry and aqua farming feed imports through alternative source of feed from farming BSFL Farming – thereby enabling counter negative inflation impacts for Uzbekistan’s growing economy.


Enhanced Bio-Waste Management It compliments on existing waste management institutional backed projects in Uzbekistan thereby building on existing infrastructure of collections and disposal therefore technically its turnkey with minimal biowaste collection cost incurred.


Alternative Source of Organic Fertilizers Building on Uzbekistan’s National Agenda to enhance agricultural exports, particularly in organic agriculture exports, the derived organic fertilizers provide an alternative source of premium low-cost organic fertilizers that serve to enhance overall agricultural yields and production quality.


Food Security World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100. Uzbekistan’s population is projected to be circa 42,942,485 in 2050, basis fertility rate Humanity must grapple with the problem of feeding itself sustainably in the face of three factors. These factors are the following:


Threat to agricultural productivity due to global warming Global warming of 48 degrees Celsius poses food security risk to Uzbekistan and globally


Increasing demand for food due to a substantial increase in the world’s population Projections indicate the increase to be by 2.2 x 109 ca (increase of 30% from current levels)


Increasing demand for animal protein due to heightened expectations of dietary quality Industrial revolution 4.0 enabled real time digital communication, therefore high density populated countries with high proportioned middle class are able to compare living standards. Differential availability increases Middle Class expectations quality of food, and ultimately quality of life.

The Need for BSF Study Uzbekistan Test & Use Case Needs & Feasibility Assessment 1. To formalize basis of needs assessment of BSF in Uzbekistan

2. To evaluate comparative advantage use case of BSF in Uzbekistan 3. To determine BSF operation cost of production on pilot study basis

4. To conduct Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis 5. To identify target specific project beneficiary(s)

6. To table deliverable roadmap and deliverables 7. To identify and earmark potential collaboration with potential private and institutional participants (Government of Uzbekistan and CIMES SPV inclusive) 8. Roadmap Mapping for 5 Year Business Plan with Financial Projections

Proposed Road Map Guidelines for Collaboration 1.

Formalizing Stakeholder(s) Mandate from Government of Uzbekistan (i) (ii) (iii)

Expression of Interest by formal writing Signing of Memorandum of Understanding on Collaboration between State Government of Kashkadarya and Agrotech Integrated Park Malaysia Sdn Bhd (a Special Purpose Vehicle of Cimes International Sdn Bhd) Expression of Support and Project Approval Sign Off by Formal writing by relevant Ministries – Government of Uzbekistan


Formalizing Concept Note and Project Proposal for mutual approval


Project Grant Sourcing & Related Project Financing Arrangements (I)


To source both domestic or foreign Developmental Agencies for relevant Grant awarded in favor of SPV/ and or its domestic Uzbekistan Project affiliated entity This is EU, UN, ADB, WB and similar Institutional financial and technical support


Commencement of BSF Project Study – 12 Month Time Frame


Review and Commercialization Approval Seeking


Final Commercial Stakeholder Shareholder Agreements including supply of all forms of agro and related biowaste suitable for renewable protein BSF operation at zero cost


Project Beneficiary Offtake Agreement on Uzbekistan BSF Commercialization Initiative including possibility of Build Operate Own “B.O.O” and/or Build Operate Transfer (20 Year Tenure)”B.O.T”


Mutual legal obligation of confidentiality, disclosure, and non-circumvention on handling all affairs and materials related materials verbal, written, and/or electronically exchanged materials/information deemed as Project Intellectual Assets (public domain derived inclusive)

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