Little Miss Linda Goes to Counseling

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Written by Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway Illustrations by Ryan Battle

Little Miss Linda Goes to Counseling Copyright ©2019 by Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway This title is available in the United States of America Library of Congress cataloguing publication All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or any means-electronic, mechanical, photo copy, recording, or other-except for brief quotations in printed reviews. ISBN: 9781694125842 Printed in the United States of America. Cover Design & Illustrations by: Ryan Battle

Dedicated in loving memory of my cheerleader, coach, counselor, and sister,

LaVern Holloway (December 15, 1958-August 9, 2019)

A MESSAGE TO YOUNG BLACK GIRLS Many African Americans do not seek professional counseling to deal with emotional challenges of life. Often, they will go to their pastor or best friends to talk about their hurt and pain. This book is designed to encourage young black girls that it is perfectly okay to seek professional counseling when they are in emotional turmoil. They no longer have to suffer in silence and feel like they are alone when they go through traumatic experiences in their lives. Young black girls- (YBGs) very often are given the messages by other members of the community you have to be “strong”. You cannot let anything hold you down. “Do not let anyone see you cry”. Therefore, YBGs cry in the dark. They have not been taught or encouraged to seek professional counseling. This book is an opportunity to create a space to let YBGs know there is nothing abnormal or weak about seeking professional help. If you are hurting, do not be ashamed, afraid, or embarrassed to ask for help.

Little Miss Linda has a great life. She lives with both of her parents and her younger brother and sister. 4

She lives in a big pretty house on the hill.


Little Miss Linda is loved. Her family, neighbors, her church, and the children in her class love Little Miss Linda.


Little Miss Linda is the top student in all her classes. All her teachers love her. But, Little Miss Linda has a secret she is keeping to herself. 7

For the last three months, she feels really sad deep down on the inside. Little Miss Linda wrote in her journal, “I am so blue, I do not know what to do. Must I continue to wear this Black Girl’s Mask? I cannot breathe. I need to come up from some air. I do know how much more of this I can bare.” “Please help me, my life is not the fairy tale people think it ought to be! I am hurting inside, and I really want to be set free.”


Every night, before Little Miss Linda goes to bed she falls on her knees and pray this prayer. Dear God, Help me, you have given me everything. A wonderful family, friends, teachers, and beautiful big house. A great brain so I can make all “A’s” in my classes. I know I should be the happiest kid in the world. But I really am feeling “So Blue” and I do not know what to do. God, I know you love me.

Please, pretty please would you just take this pain away? So I can wake up and see another bright sunny day. Thank you Lord Jesus for listening to me. This is my prayer. I will pray each day until you take the pain away. Amen 9

Little Miss Linda prayed the same prayer for three months without a break. She hoped she would feel better, but she only felt worst.


One day, her mother yelled, “Little Miss Linda, get up! It is time to go to the school. I do not want you to be late darling.” But, Little Miss Linda just could not get the energy to get out of bed. Her mother called for her again. Little Miss Linda did not answer.


Her mother went and told her dad. “Honey, can you go get Little Miss Linda up? It is getting harder and harder to get her out of the bed. I have tried everything I know how and it is just not working.”


Her father rushed to Little Miss Linda’s bedroom with a warm welcoming smile. He kissed her on the forehead and said, “Little Miss Linda, the family is waiting for you to get up, get dressed, and have breakfast before you go to school.”


Little Miss Linda replied, “Daddy, I do not feel well.” He said, “Oh, Little Miss Linda what is wrong? Does your stomach hurt?” She said, “No my stomach does not hurt.” Then, she began to cry. Her father held her tight and said in his magical fatherly voice, “Tell me what the problem is so I can make it go away and you will never have to hurt anymore.” 14


Little Miss Linda did not want to disappoint her Dad. She said, “Okay, thank you Daddy, you always know how to make me feel better.” Little Miss Linda told her Dad that she would be downstairs. She said, “I promise you, I will not be late for school. She asked her father if he would take her to school and he said with a big smile, “Of course I will!” 16

Little Miss Linda’s Dad told her as he always did when he dropped her off. “I love you Little Miss Linda. Have a good day at school.” Little Miss Linda did all she could to put a smile on her face and said, “Daddy, I love you too.” He replied, “I love you even more.”


Little Miss Linda was greeted by her group of friends who called themselves “The Favorite Five.” They were really happy to see Little Miss Linda. They had not seen or spoken with her since they left school on Friday.


The Favorite Five always greeted each other with a chant that goes like this. “We are the Favorite Five. We do not take any jive. When you see us coming, please step aside because we are the Favorite Five.” 20

Little Miss Linda was super excited to see her friends. But, she told them she had a secret she wanted to share with them. She stated, “ I have been holding onto this deep dark secret for three months. It has been eating me alive.” They all shouted in unison, “What!?”


Little Miss Linda made them promise they would not tell anyone. They would not shame, blame, or criticize her for what she was about to share with them. They all said “NO. We are here for each other. We are the Favorite Five. What is it Little Miss Linda? How can we help you?”


Little Miss Linda began to softly say, “For the last three months, I have been really feeling sooooooooooooooooo sad. I have this deep blue sadness that comes over me and it will not go away. I do not understand why. I have prayed and asked God to take this feeling away. But, every day when I wake up, I am still so very sad. I feel really bad that I feel this way. I know on the outside looking in everything looks really good for me. So, what in the world does Little Miss Linda have to feel bad about?”


I have tried to tell my parents but they just do not understand. They think it is the new school. So, I got on the internet and did a little homework. Well, Favorite Five. I think, I am suffering from DEPRESSION.”


They all shouted, “What!? You think you are depressed?” Little Miss Linda started to cry. The Favorite Five all put their arms around Little Miss Linda, hugged her, and told her she was going to be okay.


Hernietta said, “How did you get this disease? She said, “Is it curable?” By this time her friend Samaira said, “Can you all just be quiet and show Little Miss Linda some love. My mother suffers from depression and it can really get a person down.” Her friend Darnice said, “What is the new lady’s name that came to speak to our class?” Someone replied, “Oh yea, the school counselor Ms. Lizabeth.” She told us if we ever needed anyone to talk to we could come to her office.”


Miss Little Linda said, “Yes, that is right. Do you all know where her office is located?” Both Loria and Hernietta said, “Yes, and we will go with you.” The rest of the Favorite Five said they would go also. They all replied, “When one of us is hurt, we are all hurt.” Little Miss Linda said, “Wow” with a big smile on her face. “I feel so much better. I am glad I have you all as my friends.”


Off to the counselor’s office they went. The counselor explained to Little Miss Linda her role as a counselor. She introduced herself stating, “My name is Dr. Lizabeth. How can, I help you?” Little Miss Linda began to tell her how she had been feeling really sad over the past three months. Dr. Lizabeth explained to Little Miss Linda that she has been working with children who suffered from depression for over 20 years. She stated she would be able to help her feel better. She would not have any more crying outbursts, she would get her energy up again, her smile back on her face, and she would be able to get up and get to school on time. Little Miss Linda was so excited. She could not stop smiling. Little Miss Linda got to work doing exactly what was expected of her from her counseling sessions.




Little Miss Linda started to feeling better in no time. She became the spoke person at her school to champion other students who was suffering from mental health challenges. She let them know that it was okay to seek counseling and they were not alone on their journey to mental health wellness. 30



Mental Health Pledge Card: 1. I pledge, I will seek professional counseling when needed. 2. I pledge, I will take full responsibility for my own mental health. 3. I pledge, under no circumstance, I will not neglect my emotional health. 4. I pledge, I will take charge of my own happiness. 5. I pledge, I will regularly conduct emotional checkups from the neck up. 6. I pledge, I will be kind and gentle to myself. 7. I pledge, I will be kind and gentle to others. 8. I pledge, I will let others know when I need my emotional space. 9. I pledge, I will not tolerate anyone being abused because of their mental health. 10. I pledge, I will recommend professional counseling to others without shame. 11. I pledge, I will speak up for others who suffer from mental health challenges. 12. I pledge, I will work to have a stigma free mental health society.


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Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway is a native of Mound Bayou, Mississippi. She has over 25 years of teaching experience in higher education. Dr. Holloway served in the United States Army Reserves for over 27 years where she retired as a Colonel from the Medical Service Corp. Dr. Holloway serves as the Program Coordinator for the Master in Counseling Programs at Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama. Her hobbies include reading, working out, going to movies, and spending quality time with family and friends. One of Dr. Holloway’s favorite quotes she lives by is “Dream Your Own Dreams.” Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway unequivocally wishes all young girls and women around the world to not be afraid to seek professional counseling when needed. She was inspired to write this children’s book because Dr. Holloway has a passion to see young black girls (YBGs) live a whole, happy, and healthy life. She wholeheartedly supports the idea of having a safe place where they can talk it out. Too many young black girls are suffering in silence and emotionally sabotaging and abusing their lives when they can be set free. Please contact Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway by email at for all inquiries. 34

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