Lady Columba Venus Revelations Book V in the Venus Rising Series: A Concise History of the Second Planet
Cosmic duo of Lady Columba (in bottom circle inset) from Pennsylvania and Cosmonaut Alexander Kadachev (on roof) from the Soviet Union set aside Cold War differences to explore the vast regions of outer space together.
Dr. Raymond A. Keller, II, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray” Headline Books, Inc. Terra Alta, WV
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Book V in the Venus Rising Series: A Concise History of the Second Planet by Dr. Raymond A. Keller, II, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray” copyright ©2021 Raymond Andrew Keller, II All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or for any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage system, without written permission from Headline Books, Inc. To order additional copies of this book or for book publishing information, or to contact the author: Headline Books, Inc. P.O. Box 52 Terra Alta, WV 26764 Tel: 304-789-3001 Email:
ISBN 13: 9781951556310 Library of Congress Control Number: 2020944561
This book is dedicated to the “Truths that make free!” and to the New Space Age that we are entering.
Ten percent of the proceeds from this book will go into the building fund for the Cosmic Arts Shrine and Meditation Center to be built at Mt. Shasta, California, with Rob Potter of the Promise Revealed and Omnec Onec, the ambassador from Venus, as co-directors. It will be circular of golden stucco, studded with rainbow-colored glass stones. On top will be an aluminum pyramid (of special dimensions) to draw cosmic power into the shrine. The interior will exhibit symbolic paintings of high spiritual meaning, with ÀXRUHVFHQW FRORUV WKDW JORZ XQGHU XOWUD YLROHW OLJKWLQJ RQ D GHHS YLROHW ZDOO ,WV various services will be a novel attraction, such as has never been built before, and a VRXUFH RI JUHDW LQVSLUDWLRQDO SRZHU 7KHUHIRUH LW GHVHUYHV IXO¿OOPHQW IRU WKH JRRG LW can accomplish.
Cover photo depicts appearance of Lady Columba and her associate Lady Aurora from Northern India at metaphysical meeting in the woods of Northwestern Pennsylvania on 24 June 2017, the 70th anniversary of the start of the Age of Flying Saucers, to announce the premiere of Dr. Raymond Keller’s Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus and Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure.
Preface Dear Friends of Venus, My dear friend, teacher and “Adept,” Dr. Raymond Keller or “Cosmic Ray,” has bestowed upon me the high honor and privilege of writing the preface to Lady Columba’s wonderful book, Venus Revelations. This book surely is a clarion call to all spiritual seekers of truth who WKLUVW DIWHU ORYH DQG OLJKW WR UHDOL]H *RG¶V LQ¿QLWH ORYH WRZDUG DOO FUHDWLRQ In these long prophesized “end days,” this book is a beacon of hope and also a warning; and at the same time, it surely serves as an encouragement for us on Earth to put aside our limited thinking, judgment and prejudices toward each other. The Biblical prophecy of the “Apocalypse,” which is now upon us, is NOT a doom-and-gloom scenario. In fact, the word “apocalypse” means revelation. This is the time of revelations; and this book is a revelation of truth and an account of a humble and very beautiful Earth woman. In 1957, Lady Columba was recognized by the Venusian Hierarchy of Light to receive advanced spiritual teachings. In this amazing chronicle RI KHU ¿UVW SK\VLFDO MRXUQH\ ¿UVW WR WKH Moon and then to Venus, the reader is transported to WKH UDUL¿HG DLU RI WKH FHOHVWLDO UHDOPV 6KH ZDV DOORZHG WR OLYH WKHUH IRU IRXU \HDUV DQG HQMR\HG ongoing visits with her Venusian family over her lifetime. 3OHDVH PDNH QR PLVWDNH 7KLV ERRN LV QRW ¿FWLRQ WKRXJK PDQ\ ZLWK OLPLWHG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ who cannot think outside of indoctrinated norms, will fervently argue to the contrary. While reading this book, I sincerely urge you all to suspend your critical mind to ponder the wonders RI FUHDWLRQ DQG WKH LQ¿QLWH PLQG RI *RG (QMR\ WKLV WUXH WR OLIH DGYHQWXUH DV 0V &ROXPED unveils the realities of our sister planet Venus and the society her citizens enjoy. The Now Ascended Lady Columba in her simple matter-of-fact account of her journey to Venus as the Earth girl “Annabel Krebs,” in 1957, reveals the extraordinary love and concern that our space family has for us on Earth. This book, written in 1961, has now been cleared for release to the general public, in the hope that they may now be ready to absorb the truth. Lady Columba reveals the details of her ascension in this metaphysical masterpiece. For those lovers of God and the harbingers of the New Age who want to know what is in store for Earth’s possible future, this book provides a glimpse into a beautiful and wonderous world of harmony that could be ours if we would decree it. The Angels do attend us. The Ascended Masters, both male and female, are real. They minister to us constantly; yet sometimes we remain unaware of their presence. This happens more often and with a greater constancy than we can ever imagine. 5
This book was presented to “Coz,” Raymond Keller, in 2017 for him to edit and to update the book in the light of our modern-day era and understanding. He has done this with the utmost care and devotion; and this now stands as a polished gem for contactees, researchers and those with eyes to see and ears to hear the profound truths Lady Columba shares so eloquently. Her vacation from (DUWK DV , OLNH WR FDOO LW LV ¿OOHG ZLWK VR PXFK KLWKHUWR XQNQRZQ KLGGHQ or secret information, that I am greatly encouraged that we are now surely and truly in times of great change. This change is for the betterment of humankind. This is the time for the lovers of God in Christ and ALL of the avatars and teachers of all religions to unite under the banner of love and peace. We must recognize the truths that unite us and not be blinded by arrogance, pride, bigotry and hate toward others who do not think exactly as we do. We must step forward to proclaim our belief in ourselves and the inner knowing of the hidden web of life that connects us all. In Ms. Columba’s book you will learn of advanced technologies used for healing, education, power, communication, and travel, to name a few. These technologies could be used for the building of a society based on the universal laws of the Cosmos given to humankind by our Creator. A world of prosperity and abundance is possible for us on Earth here and now. If we could work together in an open and transparent way in cooperation with our fellow beings in the context of our mutual freedom and liberty, and the highest ethical and moral values, we could surely achieve a paradise here on Earth very easily. How to do this now is not to focus just on the technologies needed to achieve such a utopian ZRUOG :H PXVW QRW ZUHVW IURP QDWXUH KHU VHFUHWV WR IRUJH KHU EHDXW\ LQWR VHO¿VK JUHHG DQG lust for power while disregarding and destroying our environment and other life forms in the process. From our Venusian, galactic elders and more advanced spiritual mentors and guides, ZH PXVW UHDOL]H WKDW ZH PXVW LQFXOFDWH WKH VSLULWXDO YDOXHV ZLWKLQ RXUVHOYHV ¿UVW $ EXLOGLQJ PXVW KDYH D ¿UP IRXQGDWLRQ WR ODVW DQG RXU VRFLHW\ PXVW EH EXLOW RQ WKH VROLG ground of societal harmony. The virtues of loyalty, honesty, perseverance, courage, charity and faith are essential in this mission, just to name a few. We must have the wellbeing of our fellow beings and the Earth in mind, with life itself as our guiding star. If we act sincerely with purely motivated intent and enact actions to achieve these goals within ourselves and our families, we will soar to these imaginable and hitherto unattainable heights. My personal encounter with the Clarion Moon Base Commander Aura Rhanes that was arranged by Raymond Keller was a wakeup call to me. She reminded me that all of the knowledge, charity, good works and good intentions in the world are nothing if we do not have love! I hope this contact with the Venusian society that Lady Columba has shared with us all will inspire you to realize that you are an embodiment of love as a spiritual, divine spark. May the plethora of her experiences and her examples in tutelage, as an integral member of the “Angel Force” on “Earth Four,” inspire you to work proactively for meaningful changes in your own community. Begin by placing yourself in a position to serve on your own mission to make this world a better place, thereby tapping into your higher self, or Oversoul, that inhabits the higher dimensions. May this book be an inspiration to all my fellowman to not live cowered in fear of our world’s future; but to rise in the here and now, empowered in the glorious light of God that has been bestowed upon our souls. Remember, with God’s love, together with your willing spirit, all things are possible. 6
Let the love of Lady Columba and the Venusian and Solar Hierarchy of Light be the catalyst WKDW IDQV \RXU VSLULW VSDUNLQJ LW LQWR DQ DOPLJKW\ DOO FRQVXPLQJ ¿UH ZLWKLQ OHDGLQJ \RX HYHU onward towards a love for the sacred and divine to manifest in your life and on our world. Rob Potter Mt. Shasta, California April 24, 2020
Contents Preface by Rob Potter of The Promise Revealed .......................................................................5 Introduction by Lady Columba ................................................................................................11 Chapter I: The Floating Island .................................................................................................15 Chapter II: Out of This World ..................................................................................................25 Chapter III: Planetary Histories ...............................................................................................35 Mysterious ‘Moons’ of Mars Video Tour of Red Planet Continues Physical Characteristics of the Lunarians My Clarion Adventure Begins Other Earthlings Inhabit the Moon The Lunar Tower The “Anti-War Machine” Springs to Life Just Like the “Jetsons Chapter IV: Lunar Colonies .....................................................................................................47 %HQH¿WV RI ,QWHUSODQHWDU\ &RQWDFW Soviet Venus Research Outer Space Penal Colonies Vorton Answers Questions on Life in Outer Space Mysteries of Mercury Unveiled Chapter V: Interplanetary Confederation Conference .............................................................63 An Account of the Conference Conference Assessment Chapter VI: Space Race ...........................................................................................................72 Vorton Explains Spacecraft Propulsion Factoring in Spiritual Components Relative Conditions on Evolving Planets A Warning from the Space People Chapter VII: The Coming Catastrophe ....................................................................................82 Media Blackouts 6FLHQWL¿F 6HFUHWV
Chapter VIII: The Soviet Cosmonaut ......................................................................................90 Isis Commander Asteria Situation Report Three Earth Days Later Contact Established Special Class Looming Apocalypse Doomsday Scenario Chapter IX: Rebuilding an Alternate Earth ............................................................................109 On Government On Consciousness On Art On Literature On the Development of Latent Powers Chapter X: New Age Wonders ...............................................................................................123 Staying Healthy On Dance On Public Discourse On Ethics On Economics On Family Life Meeting with a Venusian Master Chapter XI: A Fond Farewell .................................................................................................131 Going Home Onboard the Isis Making Plans Landed Saucer Cleveland Ufology Project Mission for Michael The Gnaddenhutten Incident Cleveland Adventure Chapter XII: The Advanced Civilization on Venus ...............................................................147 Advanced Venusian Teachings Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................151 Index ......................................................................................................................................152
Introduction The Lady Columba Venus Revelations
Above: “The Great Soul” by Columba Krebs (1966) can be seen in the University of Arizona at Tucson’s library in its special collections department. While on Earth, Columba maintained that following her death, Venusians would transport her “genetic essence,” or DNA, to their Clarion base on the far side of our Moon, where it would be reconstituted into a new body and reanimated with an infusion of her consciousness that had previously been downloaded into a special computer. She would then become a near-immortal avatar.
In some books about vehicles arriving on Earth from alternate dimensions, hidden realms on our own world or even from other planets, the authors optimistically prophesy that we shall never see again, as we did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the destructive application of nuclear power in war. Yet in other books, their respective writers argue that benevolent aliens ZLOO SUHYHQW VXFK D QXFOHDU FRQÀDJUDWLRQ IURP HYHU WDNLQJ SODFH WKURXJK WKH QHXWUDOL]DWLRQ RI our weapons of mass destruction. This will be carried out by means of their superior science. And fortunately for a few humans worthy of the honor, the aliens will come down and sweep 11
Lady Columba Venus Revelations them up, transplanting these special ones to safer abodes. Of course, many ufologists have long VSHFXODWHG WKDW VRPH RI WKH À\LQJ VDXFHUV ZHUH DFWXDOO\ FUHDWHG ULJKW KHUH RQ Earth, perhaps in some vast caves under the Siberian tundra, or maybe back-engineered over at the United States Air Force’s Groom Lake facility out at the remote Area 51 in Nevada. So what are we to make of all these theories, these end-of-time scenarios for the human race, at least as we have come to know it? Insofar as telepathy can serve to bridge distance and time here on this sphere of life, the next step in the cosmic evolution of this process might be that it is also employed in establishing psychic connections between the planets. This could be viable provided that the channel or mental band on which these aliens operate can be reached and sustained. For example, when I tune in on the higher frequencies from extraterrestrial sources, I can immediately identify it. I know that it is not of this world because it is quite unlike anything I have ever sensed before. Such extraterrestrial communications also serve to expose me to many wonderfully different materials, sources and most importantly, ideas. And these are ideas quite unlike any others that I have thought of before. There is nothing that can really sever this rapport that I now enjoy with celestial friends. Their messages are infused with the divine power of God. Therefore, I know that as long as I live a helpful, high-minded life and devote myself to the lofty goal of bringing more profound truths to struggling humankind, then I am on the route to happiness. This I do as long as the great creator God gives me the power to accomplish the task. As opportunities were few and far between to take and maintain any personal notes on the days that these incidents impacted my life, I’ve had to rely much on reaching back into that Universal Library, commonly referred to by students of Theosophy as the Akashic Record, and in Christian circles as the Book of Life. But let that not be a dismissive matter in your mind, dear Reader, for the power of thought is the most potent force in the entire universe. (YHU\WKLQJ VSULQJV IRUWK IURP WKH GLYLQH PLQG RI RXU ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU :KLOH VRPH PHQWDO SLFWXUHV EURXJKW DERXW WKURXJK WKLV SURFHVV PD\ VHHP KD]\ DW ¿UVW RQH must keep in remembrance that this may be due to imperfect reception. Perhaps the pictures I am trying to convey will come into sharper focus after one retires to a quiet area and exerts their total concentration on them. Many of us are truly “Starseeds,” after all. Some of your recollections of past, intimate extraterrestrial connections may, on the other hand, come in ÀDVKHV 7KHVH ZLOO EH IXOO EORZQ 7KHLU LPSDFW ZLOO EH XQPLVWDNDEOH +RSHIXOO\ WKLV ERRN ZLOO serve as the Spark, or Iskra, as they say in Russian, for igniting further research on your part into new and exciting areas that push back the envelope of the unknown. At times, inspiration from above and imagination from within are apt to overlap. The GLYLGLQJ OLQH ZLOO WKHQ EHFRPH GLI¿FXOW WR GH¿QH $V VXFK , ZLOO QRW EODPH DQ\ UHDGHU LI DQ\ portion of my account is taken with a “grain of salt.” My story will surely seem fantastic to many readers, even beyond imagination. While I am not looking for gullible reactions, I am asking that you, the readers, will keep open minds. This material is fresh; but new evidence is mounting every day to prove that the Moon and other bodies in our solar system and beyond are inhabited by other intelligent beings. Judging 12
Raymond Andrew Keller II from my wide observations carried out through extensive travel and contacts with extraterrestrial and ultra-dimensional beings, I believe that this mixture of inspiration and imagination obtains LQ DOO RI KXPDQNLQG¶V GLVFRYHULHV DQG LQYHQWLRQV LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG RI HQGHDYRU ,Q WKH SK\VLFDO sciences, for example, the more that our scientists delve into the mysteries of matter, the closer they come to understanding the mysteries of spirit. The scientists have come to the realization that atoms, the very building blocks of all matter, are just vibratory whirlpools whose numeric combinations of protons and electrons are held together with loving cement of the neutrons. All of these subatomic particles, in turn, serve to create all of the various degrees of matter’s VROLGL¿FDWLRQV .HHS LQ PLQG KRZHYHU WKDW , DP ¿UVW DQ DUWLVW DQG QRW D VFLHQWLVW per se. 7KHUHIRUH DQ\ PLVWDNHV LQ WKH SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI VWULFWO\ VFLHQWL¿F PDWHULDO DUH VROHO\ GXH WR P\ own faulty apperception and misinterpretation of various phenomena. I was born as a mortal human being in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, by the name of Annabell Krebs on 13 June 1902 to goodly parents, Anna Frantz and Dr. Stanley La Fevre Krebs. My father was a noted economist and leading light in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, business community. I am now resident on the planet Abejar, the celestial sphere you have come to know as Venus. You recognize this object in your sky as the very bright evening and the morning star, depending on which side of the Sun it is on in relation to you, the viewer on Earth. This book was originally inspired by a series of experiences that occurred during the period of mid-January 1957 through the end of August 1961. There is nothing in this book that I could have simply made up out of thin air. It is not so important that I or some other contactees convince you to believe in the existence of advanced extraterrestrials coming to visit us here on Earth, or even that they can carry us with them on their journeys through outer space, but moreover that we start to believe in ourselves. I have allowed these revelations to come forth at this time of impending crisis. With the publication of the Cosmic Ray’s Venus Rising trilogy, I believe that the peoples of Earth are QRZ UHDG\ WR UHFHLYH DQG SURFHVV WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH DQG PXWXDO EHQH¿W These disclosures deal with the very probable imminence of the Earth’s axis shift. Following this event, the New Age of the application of limitless power to the expansion of peaceful outer space exploration will ensue. This is the long-awaited era, the one anticipated by all of Earth’s inhabitants. $ERYH DOO HOVH ZH VKRXOG DOZD\V JLYH QHZ LGHDV WKH EHQH¿W RI WKH GRXEW , VD\ WKLV ZLWK UHVSHFW WR DQ\ FRQFHSW RU SURSRVLWLRQ QR PDWWHU KRZ XQEHOLHYDEOH DW ¿UVW JODQFH DQG UHJDUGOHVV of its source. We certainly do not wish to stand in the way of promoting progress. As such, I must let this story stand on its own merits. And if anyone wishes to apply anything herein to their contemporary life, then that would be their own responsibility. In the last analysis, any inspiration should always be credited to the Author of All Good, regardless of who the channel may be. Whatever opinions may be generated by this account, everyone will most certainly agree that it is “out of this world!” Therefore, we should not be surprised at whatever comes “through,” not from, anyone’s imagination, especially when it is attuned to higher dimensions which bring a deeper insight into events and the possibilities that might ensue from it. This would also include visions of the future, such as you may have taken note of in the pages of Dr. Keller’s Venus Rising books. Of course, we understand that in the latter days God will pour out the Holy Spirit upon all ÀHVK 'XULQJ WKLV FULWLFDO SHULRG RI KXPDQ KLVWRU\ PDQ\ SHRSOH ZLOO VWHS IRUWK WR SURSKHV\ 13
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Also, many will dream dreams and experience visions. Whether any of the prognostications in this book will bear out in our own timeline still remains to be seen. Paranormal activity of all NLQGV LV RQ WKH UHERXQG ZRUOGZLGH 7KH SRUWDOV WR WKH ,Q¿QLWH DUH ÀXQJ RSHQ Blessed be the journey! Lady Columba
Chapter I: The Floating Island
0\ ¿UVW H[SHULHQFH FDPH WR PH RQ WKH QLJKW RI -DQXDU\ , ZDV VHUYLQJ WKHQ DV the personal secretary for the prominent California contactee, Truman Bethurum. I strongly believed his account of meeting some advanced extraterrestrials out on the Mormon Mesa in Nevada, and dearly hoped that one day I might share in a similar encounter. +DYLQJ UHDG 7UXPDQ¶V ¿UVW ERRN Aboard a Flying Saucer (Los Angeles, California: DeVorss and Company, 1954), three years earlier, I had moved out to California and rented a home on the outskirts of the Joshua Tree National Park, just to be close to him and other contactees and assist them in their paramount work of disseminating the messages of peace and a better way of life for all of us on planet Earth, as proffered by our brothers and sisters from outer space. Being so inspired by Truman and the other contactees that would come to visit me out in WKH GHVHUW , WXUQHG WKH LQVLGH RI P\ KRPH LQWR D OLWHUDO FRVPLF VKULQH ¿OOLQJ LW ZLWK V\PEROLF SDLQWLQJV RI KLJK VSLULWXDO PHDQLQJ ZLWK ÀXRUHVFHQW FRORUV WKDW JORZHG XQGHU XOWUDYLROHW lighting on deep violet walls and the ceiling. All of this was akin to my falling asleep amidst the twinkling stars and twirling galaxies. I had planned on doing some sky watching that evening, but there was a full Moon out; so I came in from the back porch and went to bed a little earlier than usual, around 8 p.m. )URP P\ SRLQW RI YLHZ D GDUN VN\ LV DOZD\V EHVW IRU À\LQJ VDXFHU VSRWWLQJ , XVXDOO\ OHDYH WKH UDGLR RQ DV LW KHOSV PH JHW WR VOHHS D ELW IDVWHU , ¿GGOHG DURXQG ZLWK WKH GLDO XQWLO , FDPH XS with some country music-- Johnny Cash and June Carter-- and then crashed out on my bed. It ZDV DERXW IRXU DQG D KDOI KRXUV ODWHU WKDW , ¿QDOO\ ZRNH XS ¿QGLQJ P\VHOI EHLQJ OHYLWDWHG XS RYHU WKH 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ DQG DOO LQ WKH PLGGOH RI WKH QLJKW , ZDV EHLQJ GUDZQ WR D FHUWDLQ SDUW away off from the standard shipping lanes. In one moment, there was nothing but the watery expanse, glittering under that full Moon; and in the next, one spot of the ocean suddenly lit up OLNH D &KULVWPDV WUHH 3RLQWV RI UDLQERZ FRORUHG OLJKWV ZLQNHG DQG GDQFHG EHLQJ UHÀHFWHG LQ the waves. I gasped in sheer delight. “It’s like a fairyland!” 15
Lady Columba Venus Revelations 8SRQ FORVHU H[DPLQDWLRQ , VDZ WKDW LW ZDV D FLUFXODU ÀRDWLQJ LVODQG ,W ZDV VR ODUJH WKDW no wave, no matter how big it was, could possibly capsize it. It was unsinkable, at least so far as I could determine up to that point. As to how the island was supported, I could only offer mere speculation. Circular buildings enclosed in pyramidal shapes, with domes on their apexes, nestled amid a lush tropical park. A promenade with a high railing ran around the edges; and underneath the raft’s high platform were boat moorings. An open space in the center provided an area for water sports. From above, the island looked like a fat doughnut, or like a wheel, with streets like spokes radiating from the hub. Then, a lone plane came into view. It came in slowly and circled the island. A signal was sent up for the pilot of this craft to see. It was a large banner that when unrolled displayed lighted words large enough for him to read: “Come down for a visit. You are welcome among fellow Earthmen.” 7KH DYLDWRU ODQGHG RQ WKH ODUJH VSRUWV ¿HOG +H ZDV EHLQJ JXLGHG LQ E\ ZKDW ORRNHG OLNH D searchlight; or perhaps it was a tractor beam. He was greeted by friendly hosts who put him up in a hotel with others brought in on previous occasions. Then I sensed an invisible presence beside me, from whom friendly vibrations radiated. From this presence, all of my silent questions were answered by telepathic communion. When I thought, “Now what will happen to this aviator?” the answer came, “They have to keep him in order to prevent the world at large from learning of their secret hiding place. Rarely is our location discovered.” “Is this then the explanation for the mysterious disappearances of some aircraft, which leave no clues for the rescuers searching for them?” I mentally asked. “Partly, for if the aviator refuses to land, even after being so warned of what will happen should he refuse, they will shoot a sonic ray at him that will disintegrate the plane. So far, and fortunately, that has never happened.” “Seeing all the beauty that surrounds your complex, it is hard to imagine that any pilot would refuse to land. If I were the pilot, I would most certainly accept your invitation. But suppose one pilot refused and his plane carried a bomb?” “We trust that our sonic ray would prevent him from dropping it, even up to the moment that his bomb bay doors opened.” “So are the islanders really from another planet, while just pretending to be Earthmen?” “No, they are Earthlings who had possessed or had access to advanced air and sea craft of all descriptions. But they managed to come together, by special invitation of the extraterrestrials, to help build this settlement. They carried certain rare materials out from their own locations, bit by bit, to avoid arousing any suspicion, as they were instructed by their celestial guides at appointed times.” “But why did they go to all of this trouble? Was it just to get away from it all? And just how independent can they be, really, of needed supplies from land?” “Frankly, it was to provide a place of safety for themselves, in case of nuclear war or a shift in the Earth’s axis. The latter would ultimately bring the sea up over parts of the land. The Earth is already many degrees off its normal polar alignment. So much so, I dare say, that the latest map makers won’t even show just where the poles are now. Their necessities of life have been made independent of land connections. This is largely through chemical gardening, with the IUXLWV DQG YHJHWDEOHV JURZQ LQ QXWULHQW ULFK JHODWLQ WKDW ¿OOV WLHUHG WUD\V 7KH WURSLFDO JDUGHQV 16
Raymond Andrew Keller II provide fruit trees, grown in transported ground. The only thing they brought ready-made were tools, large cans of oil and honey, and dry milk. Futuristic electric generators of a Tesla-like GHVLJQ SURYLGH IRU DOO RI WKHLU SRZHU QHHGV 2I FRXUVH ¿VKLQJ SURYLGHV IRU WKHLU SURWHLQ ´
“Imagine then a world like that of the Jetsons where the surface was unseen and not thought about (except by scientists and industrialists). Floating forests and croplands could be assembled to mimic earth habitats and provide resources for a bourgeoning population of Venusian humans. Sky ships would cruise between WKH À\LQJ FLW\ VWDWHV GRWWHG MHZHO OLNH LQ WKH JORZLQJ KHDYHQV 2YHU WLPH WKHVH À\LQJ KDELWDWV FRXOG EH XVHG to alter the planetary temperature and shield the desolate lands below. Humankind and whatever friends and VWRZDZD\V FDPH ZLWK XV ZRXOG ¿QDOO\ KDYH D VHFRQG KRPH LQ HDV\ VKRXWLQJ GLVWDQFH RI Earth. How long would it be then before we took steps to take Earth life even farther into the universe?” Artwork and commentary by Wayne Ferrebee, Ferrebee Beekeeper, “Floating Colonies on Venus” (24 April 2012), Retrieved from https:// IHUUHEHHNHHSHU ZRUGSUHVV FRP ÀRDWLQJ FRORQLHV RQ YHQXV
Then I paused to consider if some day, in the far future, even bigger towns will be built of such unsinkable and unbreakable design such as this one? That would certainly solve the problem of overpopulation on the land, especially since the water areas are so much greater than the land masses. Or, better yet, will mankind build huge spaceships to orbit the Earth as DUWL¿FLDO PRRQV" Just as I was pondering these possibilities, my eyes were drawn to a silvery, cigar-shaped spaceship that zoomed by. The moment I saw it, it dived straight down, all the while raising a column of water that towered as high as a skyscraper. I watched enthralled as the blunt rear end 17
Lady Columba Venus Revelations was sucked down into this geyser. The fountain slowly subsided, leaving a ring of what seemed to be wooly clouds on the spot. I kept my eyes glued to this and wondered why the clouds did not move in the brisk wind or change their shapes or even evaporate? For the latter, of course, this might be expected if the clouds were steam. My attention was suddenly diverted when the spaceship slowly rose, just like a submarine moving up from its immersion, and then stopped beside me. When it had risen high enough, a door slid open in the side closest to me and framed a tall, VWDWHO\ ¿JXUH LQ D EDFNJURXQG RI JORZLQJ OLJKW EXW ZLWK WKH LQWHQVLW\ RI QHRQ +H KDG D ODUJH KHDG ZLWK ÀRZLQJ ORFNV FDVFDGLQJ GRZQ RYHU EURDG VKRXOGHUV +H KDG D KLJK IRUHKHDG ZLWK large, gleaming eyes, a long narrow nose, kindly mouth and a strong chin. The gentleman held out his right hand and his smile was so warmly brilliant that it touched my heart with a strange sweetness. A silvery voice exclaimed, “Greetings, my friend. We come in peace and offer you our friendship. My name is Vorton. I am the chief communications RI¿FHU RQERDUG WKLV VSDFH YHVVHO ´ 6HQVLQJ KLV VLQFHULW\ , ZDV GUDZQ WR KLP DV E\ D PDJQHW 0\ KHDUW ZDV ¿OOHG ZLWK MR\ MXVW DV LW ZRXOG ZHUH , PHHWLQJ DQ ROG DQG WUXVWHG IULHQG “Come, if you care to accept our invitation to visit our spaceship, the Isis, so named after the Egyptian goddess of ancient days, the consort of Osiris,” said Vorton. I felt so uplifted in spirit that I did not hesitate to accept this invitation with the utmost gratitude; and as I took his hand, he guided me through the doorway. It was as though I had been raised into a higher plane of consciousness, in the twinkling of an eye. It does take a well-developed intuition and telepathic powers to rightly respond to such strange situations. My study and practice of the higher metaphysics had brought me to the point where such a trustful response was possible. All of this was based on the certainty of truth. After the doorway had shut behind me, I found myself in a beautifully decorated room. The curved walls and the ceiling were transparent. I could literally see through to the outside world, all around. And when , ORRNHG GRZQ DW WKH ÀRRU , ZDV VR VWDUWOHG WR VHH ZDWHU under my feet. It was as though I was treading water. Sensing my sense of unease and loss of balance, Vorton Vorton, the ,VLV FRPPXQLFDWLRQV RI¿FHU ÀLSSHG D VZLWFK RQ WKH ZDOO ZKLFK PDGH WKH ÀRRU greeted Annabell and welcomed her onboard appear opaque. This helped me regain my equilibrium. the spaceship. Vorton looked very much like , ZDV GH¿QLWHO\ DPD]HG EXW HYHQ D OLWWOH ELW DPXVHG Jeff Morrow as Exeter in the classic science by this situation. I remember thinking to myself, “We ¿FWLRQ PRYLH This Island Earth (Universal Earthlings are so used to four walls, low ceilings and Pictures, 1955). See https://www.tumblr. com/search/this%20island%20earth%20 curtained windows. Such all-around views are quite (1955). surprising!” Vorton explained, “Our spaceships can be made transparent from inside and opaque from outside. That is why we don’t need to install portholes anymore, but just do it for the sake of visitors not used to the visual disorientation.” 18
Raymond Andrew Keller II I no longer felt the presence of my invisible companion insofar as celestial custody for my wellbeing seems to have been transferred to Vorton. I wondered if Vorton was my guide right from the start, just projecting his thought forms so intently that I felt his mental presence even before I personally met up with him? He just nodded his head in agreement. Then the rest of the crew came in to welcome me. Introductions were made all around. The majesty of godlike nobility of character and grace of personality so radiated from all of them; yet they showed that they felt honored by my arrival. Well, that just goes to show how humble are the truly great! What a difference this was, compared to a typical encounter with the average Earthlings. The average person of Earth, I am sad to say, would most likely be too apt to feel scornful of others, always looking for faults to be complaining about. Behind their deceiving smiles, they are so demanding of admiration from others, as unmerited as it may be. But there was such a sense of joyous reunion among these exalted beings that only the spiritual can know, that I thought it all but a dream. I was hoping that even if this was just a dream, I would never have to wake up from it. Then I mentally asked a most important question: “What planet are you all from? Or are you just highly evolved Earthlings from some hideout to keep your QHZ VFLHQWL¿F ZRQGHUV D VHFUHW"´ “We don’t expect you to believe this, at least at ¿UVW %XW ZH DUH DV KXPDQ DV \RX DUH LQ HYHU\ UHVSHFW But I think that you will believe it when you learn more about our home planet, Abejar. It’s the one that you call Venus. I’m going to show you some pictures of it; and they are really quite different than the ones that your astronomers will show you,” replied Vorton. “That would be wonderful! Really, Vorton, with all RI WKH PDUYHOV ,¶YH VHHQ VR IDU LW ZRQ¶W EH GLI¿FXOW to convince me of anything! Wonders will never cease for those willing to keep an open mind,” I responded gratefully. “I have an idea, Annabell, and it’s one I think you will really enjoy. Before you learn more about Venus, Annabell launches her career as a how would you like to explore one of the least known cosmonaut, like the one depicted above. See wonders of the Earth with me?” UHWUR VFL ¿ “Sure, Vorton; but what would that be?” “I’m referring to the bottom of the ocean, Sister Annabell.” I nodded my enthusiastic agreement. “What are we waiting for, Vorton? Let’s not waste any more time.” Following everyone else’s gaze at the ceiling, I saw the Moon and stars take on a deepening blue-green hue. Fishes began swimming across them, back and forth; so I perceived that our spaceship had suddenly become a submersible. The great circle of the sky tipped towards the rear of the ship. It was now slanted down at a steep angle to the bottom. Strangely, I felt no shifting of the gravity. And from this, I surmised that we were situated upon some type of swivel apparatus.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations The ship dove so deep that the sky itself was now blotted out by the increasing fathoms of ZDWHU 6RRQ WKH VKLS FDPH WR UHVW RQ WKH VDQG\ ÀRRU RI WKH RFHDQ 7KH VRIWO\ GLIIXVHG OLJKWLQJ ZDV WXUQHG XS 7KHUH ZHUH VKDIWV RI ÀRZLQJ VHDUFKOLJKWV WKDW SHQHWUDWHG WKH RFHDQLF GHSWKV $OO PDQQHU RI PDULQH OLIH ZDV UHYHDOHG )DQWDVWLFDOO\ VKDSHG ÀRUD SRSXODWHG WKLV XQGHUVHD MXQJOH even growing at the edge of super-heated volcanic vents. I thought to myself, how is that these plants can survive at such great depths and high temperatures? Why should I believe anything that the government tells me about life not being able to exist on other planets when there is such a great biodiversity here on Earth? 6XGGHQO\ P\ H\HV FDXJKW VLJKW RI VRPH MHOO\¿VK JOREHV ZLWK RUQDPHQWDWLRQ RI LQWULFDWH GHOLFDF\ 7KH\ MXVW GULIWHG DORQJ DLPOHVVO\ DORQJ WKH RFHDQ ÀRRU ORRNLQJ DV WKH\ GLG QRW KDYH D care in the world. These are excellent examples of the process of natural selection. This is how nature combines cells in ever-more complex patterns, what our biologists understand to be the process of evolution. Vorton must have been reading my mind. “Annabell, in your wonderment, I sense that you SHUFHLYH D JUHDW WUXWK -XVW LPDJLQH ZKDW VRPH RI WKHVH H[RWLF ¿VKHV ZRQGHU DERXW WKH UDUH appearance of a human diver in their realms, with the R[\JHQ WDQNV JRJJOHV ¿QV ÀDVKOLJKWV DQG RWKHU JHDU 3HUKDSV RQH ¿VK LV VD\LQJ WR DQRWKHU RQH µ7KLV PXVW EH DQ RSWLFDO LOOXVLRQ There’re can’t be any life up there. The temperatures are either too cold or scalding hot. There’s too much oxygen and not enough water. I think we better be quiet about this encounter, or they ZLOO WKLQN ZH DUH FUD]\ DQG H[SHO XV IURP WKH ¿VK VFKRRO ¶´ I heartily laughed. “You’re so right, Vorton. I was thinking along those very same lines.” Then I added, “My dear Vorton, do you mind if I ask another question?” “By all means, ask away, Annabell. It’s very important to me that you understand what is going on here. One day you will need to explain these things to your brother and sister Terrans. Caught up in such paranoia, they are lost in fear and await the further light and knowledge that you and other contactees will surely bring them.” “Well, my question is more a technical one, than an esoteric, philosophical one.” “That’s OK. I’ll try and answer it as best I can.” “Well, Vorton, how is that you are able to prevent the increased water weight from crushing this ship like an eggshell?” “My sister Annabell, to overcome that kind of pressure we must bring another kind to bear up against it. There is a IRUFH ¿HOG VXUURXQGLQJ WKLV VKLS WKDW ZH FDQ PRGXODWH DW ZLOO :H FUHDWH it through the revolutions of magnetic dynamos encompassing its width. Now, if you just step out of this door, you can wander around the lighted area marking the oval boundaries of a large air bubble. It is held down, around the ship, by magnetic attraction.” Vorton took my hand and we walked through the door together, stepping out onto the RFHDQ ÀRRU HYHQ ZLWKRXW WKH QHHG IRU DQ oxygen mask. When we reached the bottom of the UXQZD\ , ZDV DPXVHG WR VHH KRZ WKH ¿VKHV FDPH FKDUJLQJ DW XV EXW ZHUH ERXQFLQJ EDFN RII the magnetic screen, whirling around the air bubble’s outer surface. Much later, I would learn how this same technology applied to extravehicular activities in planetary atmospheres and even in outer space, with the 9HQXVLDQV À\LQJ DURXQG LQ SHUVRQDO RUEV , FRXOGQ¶W KHOS EXW IHHO sorry for so many of my brothers and sisters of planet Earth, so unwilling to even consider additional knowledge for the further progress of all humankind. We could be light years ahead in all avenues of science if we could accept and incorporate new knowledge, wherever it comes from. 20
Raymond Andrew Keller II “Come, let us go and see that old hulk of a shipwreck over there,” exclaimed Vorton, “and PD\EH ZH ZLOO ¿QG D VXQNHQ WUHDVXUH MXVW IRU IXQ ´ I accepted my celestial friend’s invitation and followed him further out onto the ocean ÀRRU %XW MXVW DV LW ORRNHG DV WKRXJK KH ZDV DERXW WR JR WKURXJK WKH ZDOO RI VZLUOLQJ ZDWHU WKH centrifugal forces at the edges held him back. Then, however, the oval of air moved in advance of him with the ship behind him slithering along the bottom, actually following us at the same rate of speed as we walked, thereby carrying the air bubble along with it. We picked our way daintily around clusters of XQGHUVHD VKUXEEHU\ DQG KXJH VKHOO¿VK HWF 7KH VOLP\ vegetable stalks waved like octopus tentacles, then thrashed around wildly as the air bubble’s outer edge VZLUOHG RYHU WKHP DQG WKHQ ÀRSSHG GRZQ LQVLGH having no water to hold them up. If kept out of water long enough, their stalks would harden and stiffen. This must have been just like land vegetation had done PLOOLRQV RI \HDUV DJR ZKHQ WKH ¿UVW RQHV ZHUH H[SRVHG from the receding waterlines. There was, however, an octopus that slithered out of a bush. It wound its Worldwide, there are thousands of tentacles around my legs. Vorton, always at the ready UHSRUWV RI XQLGHQWL¿HG VXEPDULQH REMHFWV with his trusty ray gun, pulled it out of his holster and (USOs). Young Annabell learns that aimed it at the creature on a slanted angle, to preserve Venusian spaceships can also operate in my legs, and zapped it with some kind of intense green the submersible mode. See http://www. beam. The octopus completely disintegrated. So our pg11. stroll, I would have to say, was not an uneventful one. The wreck was of a medieval design, complete with the carved prow of a woman’s bust. However, the wood was so rotted with age that when the pressurized air bubble struck it, the wood evaporated into dust and was thrown outward. Thank goodness it didn’t come in the direction of our faces! In any event, we wound our way down through the rusty, encrusted metallic supports to reach an old iron treasure chest. Vorton’s trusty ray gun blasted away the rusty locks, after which we raised the creaky lid to discover gold doubloons and pieces of eight. Under these was jewelry that had lost its glitter to mildew. Vorton just stood by and watched my reactions to this fabulous discovery. He was relieved that I did not make a wild dash for it, full realizing how so many Terrans vie with each other for any kind of wealth. Vorton was obviously pleased that I had passed this test. It made me more endearing to his heart, knowing that I could keep my greed in check, as it were. Of course, there is that old saying, “Money is the root of all evil.” But I thought that maybe this wasn’t true all of the time, especially where wealth of any kind was used to bring more progress and happiness into more OLYHV LQ DQ\ ZD\ ZKDWVRHYHU %XW LI XVHG DJDLQVW VXFK JRRG SXUSRVHV IRU VHO¿VK YDLQJORU\ RU domination of others, etc., its possession would, in all probability, prove to be a curse. Maybe WKLV ZRXOG QRW FRPH DERXW ULJKW DZD\ EXW LQ WLPH , FRXOG VHH LW FDWFKLQJ XS WR WKH VHO¿VK hearted ones, in one way or another. There has to be some criterion of values set up in any civilization. After this manner, merit and service will be rewarded to encourage the cultivation of genius and enterprise. Clearly, in a cut-throat capitalist society, like the one most of us are trapped in, there are always going to be a lot of “losers” in contrast to a miniscule amount of “winners,” so-called. 21
Lady Columba Venus Revelations 8SRQ ORRNLQJ XS , VDZ WKH ERWWRP RI WKH ÀRDWLQJ LVODQG D VKRUW GLVWDQFH RII 2Q WRS RI WKH plateau beneath it, there were situated gardens of some sort. Of this, Vorton explained, “Those are plankton gardens, Annabell. They are cultivated by skin divers from the island. Plankton, as you may know, can be made into all sorts of healthy, delicious dishes.” I truly felt so honored to be shown all of these wonders. As they promised to show me even more, I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. I wondered what it was that made my space friends give me the privilege of seeing things that so few Earthlings even know about. Vorton, engaging his mental telepathic abilities, replied that, “Those we choose to be taken into our FRQ¿GHQFH DQG JLYHQ IUHH ULGHV WR VHH WKH XQFKDUWHG SDUWV RI WKH Earth and the wonders of outer space, have to be among those who have come up to certain high standards, regardless of their status in Terran society, plus karmic deserts, of course.” Then, as Vorton turned away to leave the treasure chest, I asked, “Well, aren’t you going to take this treasure, or haven’t you any use for….” I stopped midway into my question, suddenly remembering that I was addressing a member of a strange, other-worldly civilization. “Ah, you understand, don’t you, Annabell? Why should we burden ourselves with such useless and excess baggage? But, it’s really not so much a matter of weight, my dear, as we can nullify gravity. We can manufacture synthetic gold and jewelry that is just as good. And what is more, we don’t need it for commercial purposes as our economic system does not need any kind of money,” Vorton answered in a serious tone. I replied, “Yours must be a most unusual kind of civilization. But how do you make people work, then?” “That is very simple. As your own Bible declares, ‘If a man will not work, neither shall he eat.’ On Abejar, where everything is patterned after an industrious beehive, we are trained from childhood in those areas that we are best suited for. And this is by our own choice, because we love and hence, enjoy contributing our services to the general welfare. That is the highest privilege that living in any community can offer. This we learned from the Grand Hive Collective.” ³, WKLQN RXU FKLOGUHQ ZRXOG PXFK EHQH¿W IURP JURZLQJ XS LQ VXFK D FDULQJ FRPPXQLW\ Vorton.” I paused a bit and then added, “Clearly, the children are our future, and if our respective communities took that into consideration, I doubt we would continue to see so much juvenile delinquency in our midst, gang activity and all of that.” &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2I¿FHU Vorton became very pensive. “Some children,” he noted, “will always be more or less prone to go through a wayward phase, regardless of the best environment.” The extraterrestrial added that, “Because of this, I think that they should be taught very carefully, not only by precept, but by practice. To develop their intelligent, analytical logic, Lady Columba regretted the absence of a communal presence in contemporary we should be giving them problems to solve, and not society. Our children lack a sense of just in school. Shielding them from problems, in my belonging. If they had a higher allegiance opinion, doesn’t accomplish much of anything.” to the collective good, as the Abejans do, “Vorton, I heartily agree with you.” perhaps they wouldn’t get into so much “Thank you, Annabell. I also believe that if we trouble with criminal and gang activities. See DUH JRLQJ WR GHYHORS WKHLU ORYH QDWXUHV XQVHO¿VKO\ this-donna-decesare-captures-children-in-a. 22
Raymond Andrew Keller II we’ll have to give them more opportunities to do kindnesses to others without looking for any UHZDUGV $QG WR GHYHORS WKHLU ZLOO SRZHU OHW¶V VWDUW HQFRXUDJLQJ WKHP WR WDFNOH GLI¿FXOW WDVNV that challenge their courage and overcome sloth, instead of saving them work. Frankly, I think that all of this automation that is taking place in your world isn’t doing much for the kids.” “I’ve got to agree with what you say, Vorton. It really displeases me to run into a malt shop, for example, and the young cashier doesn’t even know how to properly count change back.” “Yes, Annabell, it is very sad, indeed.” “Oh, sometimes I wish I could go back to the Philadelphia of 1919, in my senior year of high school. Well, perhaps I am being too harsh on the kids of today. After all, we didn’t have all the distractions like our own telephones in our rooms and transistor radios to take everywhere we go to listen to all of that rock and roll music. Maybe things would have turned out differently, if we were left to such devices.”1 “I think you were quite lucky, Annabell, in growing up in the period that you did. I see all of the higher qualities in you, the qualities that lead to success in everything you do or will ever do. You manifest true spiritual values. I see in you a noble character, keen intellect and charming personality. Believe me, Annabell, quality counts more than quantity. Your kindly disposition is what attracted the attention of the Abejan Hierarchy of Light. It wouldn’t surprise me if one day you were sitting in one of their councils. “Yes,” Vorton continued, “it is apparent that the civilization that can boast of a low rate of crime, committed by any age, is the one that can congratulate itself upon attaining real SURJUHVV 7KLV ZRXOG KDYH WR EH GHWHUPLQHG PRUH E\ PRUDO WKDQ PHUH VFLHQWL¿F SUR¿FLHQF\ Spiritual evolution surely trumps any material gains to be had; and character building is far more important than even the building up ultra-modern metropolises. As I see it, Terran civilizations are in the process of learning such lessons the hard way. They will have to be brought to the brink of world suicide through all-out nuclear war. We do not interfere in Terran affairs. We are, however, more like overseers. We are always watching to see what you socalled ‘Earthlings’ are up to, making sure you don’t go too far with your nuclear toys.” At this, I projected the thought to Vorton: “Well, I for one am relieved to know that such as you are overseeing the course of human events on Earth. Otherwise, with our headstrong passions, greed, and assorted stupidities, there would be no hope of a preventative or rescue from the dire consequences.” Vorton laughed. “I see that you are catching on, in many ways, Annabell. And you have surmised correctly. That is why our spaceships are scouting around in Terra’s atmosphere and even far above it. Our craft are shrouded by our capacity to bend the light rays around them. This renders our spaceships invisible. If your Earth blew up as a result of nuclear explosions, like the planet Maldek (sometimes referred to as Phaeton) did so long countless eons ago, which are now the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the debris from such an eventuality would have repercussions on your nearest planetary neighbors of Venus and Mars. So, we Venusians and other Solarians are certainly not going to let that happen again. The entire solar system is in the magnetic vortex of the Sun. Nuclear destruction will affect all kinds of life, much more than you of Terra can even imagine.”
In light of the technical advances made on Earth in the ensuing decades, if I were writing this account in a contemporary setting, I might focus on the abuse and addiction of cellular telephones and social media by the youth in developed nations. 23
Lady Columba Venus Revelations I mused, “Yes, after all, whatever our physical form may look like, we are all ‘chips off the same old block’ of the Divine Essence, in varying degrees of consciousness and expression.” 3DXVLQJ EULHÀ\ , WKHQ DGGHG ³%XW KRZ FDQ \RX SUHYHQW WKLV ZRUOG IURP JRLQJ RYHU WKH EULQN of such destruction?” Vorton explained, “We have our ways, Annabell. We can use an assortment of rays to nullify any of the nuclear stockpiles amassed on your planet. We’ve already done this on several occasions with the so-called ‘JUHHQ ¿UHEDOOV¶2 reported in the skies over military bases in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States. Just recently, there was a report in your newspapers about an American military test missile with a nuclear warhead that crashed near a town in the Rocky Mountains out in Wyoming. Instead of exploding in a remote region of the Nevada desert, as the military planners had hoped, we diverted the test weapon’s course and its warhead was disintegrated into ashes after being zapped by one of our green ¿UHEDOO UDGLDWLRQ QXOOL¿FDWLRQ UD\V ´ “Well, Vorton, I, for one, am very grateful for such timely help. And really, every other Earthling ought to be, too!” “Thank you, Annabell. We really appreciate your trust in us. I am hoping that as far as your fellow humans go, I hope that our trust has not been misplaced. Frankly, so far we have seen little in most Terrans to warrant such trust. What we have mostly observed, sadly, I might add, is a lot of ignorance and misunderstanding.” As we ascended the gangplank back up into the ocean-submersible spaceship, I noted just how fresh the air still remained inside the bubble. Vorton explained that the ship never recycled the same air, as we do in our submarines, but that it was continuously being generated. The Venusians’ knowledge of solar energies allows them to store such for the powering of machines that can extract a mixture of breathable gases from the ocean itself.
Trevor James &RQVWDEOH D QDWLYH RI 1HZ =HDODQG DQG UDGLR RI¿FHU LQ WKH United States Merchant Marine during World War II, was also an early contactee in the 1950s and associate of interplanetary spaceship convention promoter George Van Tassel of *LDQW 5RFN &DOLIRUQLD ZKR GH¿QHG WKH UROH RI green ¿UHEDOOV LQ KLV ERRNOHW Spacemen: Friends and Foes, Part I (Los Angeles, California: New Age Publishing Company, 1956), 7-8: “One of the most puzzling phenomena connected with the saucers, the famous µ¿UHEDOOV¶ UHSRUWHG LQ YDULRXV SDUWV RI WKH United States, was the next subject broached by me….” An extraterrestrial from 9HQXV LQ DQ HWKHUHDO GLPHQVLRQ WKHQ LQIRUPHG KLP ³7KH ¿UHEDOOV DUH QXOOL¿HUV IRU FHUWDLQ UDGLRDFWLYH HIIHFWV ZKLFK \RXU VFLHQWLVWV GR QRW HYHQ NQRZ WKH\ DUH UHOHDVLQJ 7KHVH QXOOL¿HUV SUHYHQW WKH poisoning of your people…. We cannot intervene actively in the cessation of such experiments; but we must do all possible to prevent the wanton destruction of human life resulting from these experiments.” Constable QRWHV WKDW WKH DLU FRQWDLQHG D ODUJH SHUFHQWDJH RI FRSSHU DIWHU WKHVH ¿UHEDOOV KDG EHHQ REVHUYHG 7R WKLV WKH H[WUDWHUUHVWULDO WROG KLP WKDW ³7KLV LV WUXH 7KLV LV SDUW RI WKH ¿UHEDOOV¶ IXQFWLRQV )RU WKH PRVW SDUW WKH ¿UHEDOOV DUH VHHQ LQ WKH YLFLQLW\ RI DWRPLF LQVWDOODWLRQV DQG ODERUDWRULHV %XW QRW DOO ¿UHEDOOV DUH RXUV DQG DOO GR not have the same purpose.”
Chapter II: Out of This World
Speculations about alien bases on the far side of the Moon persisted throughout the decades of the 1950s and 1960s. See
Vorton and I watched the surrounding water growing lighter as the spaceship shot up to the surface of the sea. Fortunately, nobody got the bends, no matter how fast the ship might go. 7KLV ZDV EHFDXVH WKH IRUFH ¿HOG DURXQG WKH VKLS DOVR HTXDOL]HG WKH RXWHU SUHVVXUH 7KLV force ¿HOG GLG DFFRPSOLVK RWKHU WDVNV DV ZHOO OLNH NHHSLQJ WKH VSDFHFUDIW GU\ ZKLOH XQGHU ZDWHU DQG preventing it from getting red-hot from friction with the atmosphere as it sped into outer space. It also served as a shielding from the ultra-high frequency radiation in the Van Allen belt that surrounds our planet. It protects us from extremes of temperatures and from being pelted by even the smallest of meteorites. Even the most miniscule of these rocks in outer space, moving DW WHUUL¿F YHORFLWLHV FRXOG SXQFWXUH DQ XQSURWHFWHG KXOO When I asked Vorton how the spaceships could disappear and reappear, according to the reports of many sightings, he answered: “We do not dematerialize and rematerialize, as some Terrans have conjectured. But we bend light rays by changing our IRUFH ¿HOGV WR SRVLWLYH SRODULWLHV 7KHVH GR QRW UHÀHFW OLJKW DV negative polarities do. This the way we just came through the Earth’s positive IRUFH ¿HOG ZKLFK LV miles out, by conforming to its polarities that radiate 1,000 times stronger than cosmic rays. Otherwise, any ordinary kind of shielding would outweigh the object being shielded. And this would be many times over.” Catherine learns the truth about time Vorton continued, “Another cause for such reports travelers and cloaked spaceships in Star is that we can hover and instantly shoot off at a Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Paramount, tremendous acceleration. This takes place so fast that 1986). In a similar vein, Vorton explains to the human eye cannot follow our trail. And yet, we Lady Columba that Venusian technologies allow for light rays to be bent around a feel no tug of gravity inside. If we did, we couldn’t spacecraft, giving only the appearance of stand such accelerations. Thus, we seem to disappear a dematerialization. The ship, meanwhile, in midair. We can just as suddenly stop on a dime. This has never left our material universe. See makes us appear to rematerialize. ‘Demat’ and ‘remat’ that-moment-in-star-trek-iv-the-voyageare capacities usually associated with disembodied home-1986/. 25
Lady Columba Venus Revelations spirits, being composed, as they are, of etheric substance. These are sometimes seen when the third eye, in the middle of the forehead, opens for a moment to give a glimpse into the etheric realms, what your scientists are coming to refer to as Dimension X.” “OK, Vorton,” I asked timidly, “so what is the process and mechanism of bending light rays and changing IRUFH ¿HOGV"´ , ZRQGHUHG WR P\VHOI LI , ZDV DVNLQJ WRR PXFK “Well now,” Vorton replied with some hesitation, “We cannot divulge such a deep secret to most Terrans yet. This is because some among you would misuse this information. Such mysteries must wait until humanity, as a whole, has evolved to a higher level of morality and responsibility. The same goes, I might add, for other secrets we could tell them now, provided ZH ZHUH DVVXUHG VXFK FRQ¿GHQFHV ZRXOG QRW EH DEXVHG E\ RWKHUV OHVV GHSHQGDEOH GXH WR QRW having yet overcome all the vices inherent in humankind, generally. But as long as there is the lust for conquest in Terran hearts, such powers will continue to be withheld. This is for the sake of the peace of the solar system. “It isn’t that the inhabitants of other planets are afraid of attacks or invasions from Earthly spaceships. This is because our civilizations are much farther advanced than yours of Earth, in so many ways. We could easily forestall any such attacks. But, we do not wish to be faced with the necessity of such drastic action. We try to follow a path of moderation in all things. We do not want to see the Terrans come out second best. The Terrans cannot deceive us by pretending to friendliness insofar as some of us, at least, can read their minds, and even from a distance. :H DUH VWULYLQJ KHUH IRU D ZLQ ZLQ VLWXDWLRQ RQH ZKHUH DOO SDUWLHV ZLOO EHQH¿W ´ “Could you explain this further, Vorton? I really need to understand your motivations with regard to Earth.” “Sure, Annabell, it will be my privilege.” Vorton then explained that, “The good and evil forces each have their emissaries and human channels, literally on all planes of existence, except for the highest levels at the galactic core, which are all good. The latter do have their outposts of consciousness, however, through telepathy, but do not obsess them, as the evil tries to do. This struggle between the dark and light powers is going on all the time, since time immemorial in the souls of humankind. And this has been taking place right up to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Each person has their own IRUFH ¿HOG ZKLFK \RX NQRZ DV DQ DXUD 7KH aura emanations are affected by the kind of life each individual chooses to lead, for good or ill. This, of course, is sensed by others, especially the ones you have come to recognize as true ‘sensitives,’ such as yourself. Auras can actually be seen, through certain kinds of glasses.”
Exploration of the “Human Atmosphere,” or Aura. Walter John Kilner, M.D. (1847–1920), was a medical electrician at St. Thomas Hospital, London, United Kingdom, from 1879 to 1893. Kilner conducted pioneering research into electrotherapy at the facility and was also engaged in a private medical practice at Ladbroke Grove, also in London, where he continued his investigations into the nature of the “human atmosphere,” or aura. The doctor was the ¿UVW WR HPSOR\ JODVV VOLGHV RU ³.LOQHU 6FUHHQV´ FRQWDLQLQJ DOFRKROLF solutions of variously colored dyes, including a blue coal-tar dye called “dicyanin,” in order to perceive electromagnetic radiation outside the normal spectrum of visible light as emanations from the 26
Raymond Andrew Keller II human body. One trained in the proper use of Kilner screens was able, on many occasions, to perceive auric formations, which he called the Etheric Double, the Inner Aura and the Outer Aura, extending several inches from patients’ naked bodies. His book, Human Atmosphere, or the Aura Made Visible by Means of Chemical Screens (1911),3 gave instructions by which the reader might construct and use similar screens embedded in goggles. In 1883 he became a member of the Royal College of Physicians. See Walter_John_Kilner.
“Wow!” I chimed in. “And speaking of IRUFH ¿HOGV WKDW LV H[DFWO\ ZKDW RXU DLUSODQHV DQG automobiles ought to be equipped with. This would help prevent accidents through collisions, etc. What a boon that would be; and it would also discourage teenage ‘hot-rodders’ from risking their lives to test each other’s courage against being ‘chicken.’4 How I wish you would tell me KRZ \RX DFKLHYH DOO RI \RXU VFLHQWL¿F ZRQGHUV HVSHFLDOO\ \RXU VSDFHVKLSV¶ PRWLYH SRZHU ´ Smiling, Vorton said, “That’s a large order,” adding, “But I can tell you that our aircraft travel by traction, not friction as yours do. We actually ride on the magnetic lines of solar force radiating from the Sun and swirling all around the planets in the solar vortex. When we reach a planet, we use its IRUFH ¿HOG ZLWK WKH SROHV EHLQJ WKH SRLQWV RI LQJUHVV DQG RXWOHW IRU WKH planetary aura.”5 “Do you think Earthlings will ever discover how to do that, too?” I asked. “Even as we speak, your scientists are experimenting with all kinds of fuels. They are WU\LQJ WR ¿QG WKH VHFUHW RI RXU VSDFHVKLSV¶ SURSXOVLRQ ,W LV UHDOO\ TXLWH VLPSOH EXW WKH\ DOZD\V ORRN IRU WKH GLI¿FXOW VROXWLRQ LQ WKHLU UHVHDUFKHV 7KH LQWHUPLWWHQW ZDUV \RX Earthlings keep waging, from the family hearth up to international relations on government and trade levels, every generation proves that they are not yet mature enough to be trusted with such powers yet. But we hope they soon will be.” “It’s good to hear you say that, Vorton. I’m comforted to know that the Venusians still hold out some prospects for us Earthlings.” “Right now, Annabell, I think they would probably use such technology to invade other planets for conquest, looting and colonization, regardless of whether the Moon was inhabited or not, or even that one of their rockets might hit some populated area and hurt or even kill countless innocents. Your astronomers have actually seen lights going on and off on the Moon. These were some of our domes and cones glowing on and off, usually as our visitors come and go. This is just from the side of the Moon facing Earth. The activity on the far side that you can’t see from Earth is much busier still.” Vorton continued, “So you see how the Venusians and other Solarians resident on the Moon would be concerned about all of this. Not too long ago, your scientists actually shot a rocket to the Moon. They did this with the sole purpose of seeing whether its crash on the lunar surface 3 4
Walter J. Kilner, Human Atmosphere, or the Aura Made Visible by Means of Chemical Screens (New York, New York: Rebman Company, 1911). A popular but dangerous road challenge among “greasers” in the automotive culture that emerged in 1950s’ United States where two young men drive “hot rods” at excessive speeds on a collision course with each other WR VHH ZKR ZRXOG EH WKH ¿UVW WR ³FKLFNHQ RXW´ DQG YHHU RXW RI WKH ZD\ Raymond A. Keller, II, Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2017), details this exact process, whereby Venusians access the space phenomenon of planetary magnetic reconnection. 27
Lady Columba Venus Revelations
Both American and Soviet space planners expressed interest in militarizing the Moon as a missile launch platform for nuclear strikes against each other. Vorton informs Annabell that the militarization of the Moon by space powers from (DUWK ZDV D VLJQL¿FDQW FRQFHUQ RI WKH Venusians and other extraterrestrials living on lunar bases. See
would cause an explosion visible from telescopes here on Earth. Fortunately, it came down in an uninhabited area. Apparently, however, they did not seem to care if the Moon was inhabited RU QRW $QG ZKHQ RXU LQWHOOLJHQFH VHUYLFHV UHYHDOHG WKDW VRPH PLOLWDU\ RI¿FLDOV ZDQWHG WR SXW nuclear warheads on the lunar rockets, can you imagine how our queen and the Hierarchy of Light reacted to this? We tried to let some of your astronomers know that the Moon was inhabited by temporarily intensifying the luminosity of our domes and cones on the side facing your world. One astronomer did take note of these lunar lights and also discovered the bridge we had constructed across the Mare Crisium crater. Unfortunately, all of these reports were dismissed or covered up by the same astronomers who downplayed reports of our spaceships in your skies. These were the same astronomers dependent upon government research grants for their continued livelihood, of course. But none of our efforts dissuaded the military strategists LQ WKHLU GHWHUPLQDWLRQ WR ¿UH RII WKH URFNHW ´ “This is what the contactees have been warning us about all along,” said I, adding that, “It seems like their warnings are falling on deaf ears.” ³<HV $QQDEHOO WKHLU ODFN RI IRUHVLJKW DOPRVW UHVXOWHG LQ WKH ¿UVW LQWHUSODQHWDU\ ZDU RI WKH modern age. But luckily, when we saw that the rocket by chance was aimed at a desolate spot, we allowed it to crash land and explode its charge. Therefore, as long as Terrans show such 28
Raymond Andrew Keller II callous disregard for other lives, we will not allow them to arrive on any celestial body without our permission. “By that, I mean the permission of the natives of the inhabited planets in this solar system, as long as Terrans might abuse our hospitality for greedy purposes. We will not allow any rocket to land in any area where it might do some damage. We have ways of diverting or detonating it at most any point along its trajectory.” Vorton explained that Venusian spaceships can hover over military installations on Earth, gathering data, but so high up that their presence cannot be detected, even though those aboard WKH VKLSV FDQ VHH GRZQ ZLWK WKHLU ¿QHU LQVWUXPHQWV Vorton further elaborated: “There are other reasons for satellite failures, such as mechanical imperfections, sabotage by spies, etc. We, on the other hand, can study the inner mechanisms of your satellites through our scanners. If we deem it necessary, we can shoot an invisible ray that throws a monkey wrench into the works from a distance. This serves as a warning against going too far with such experiments, if used wrongly. Also, to impress upon Earthly minds that there are other higher intelligences around, watching, like cops on the corner keeping an eye RQ D JDQJ RI MXYHQLOH GHOLQTXHQWV SOD\LQJ ZLWK ¿UHZRUNV WR VHH WKDW WKH\ GRQ¶W JHW RXW RI KDQG or see that any of them do not lose a hand in the process. Now that the two strongest nations on Earth are on the brink of committing global suicide through nuclear explosions- either slowly by tests, or fast by war- we must be more watchful than ever.” “Yes, 9RUWRQ ZH KDYH RIWHQ ZRQGHUHG ZKHWKHU DOO WKH VSDFHVKLSV WKDW ZH FDOO À\LQJ VDXFHUV are friendly or not, as there have been a few instances of kidnapping or destroying our planes that have been reported.” “Annabell, the universe is a really big place and there are many species patrolling your skies, even from outside the solar system, and not all with the best of intentions. If the spaceships were 9HQXVLDQ RU HYHQ 6RODULDQ ZH ZRXOG PHUHO\ VSHHG XS ZKLFK ZH FDQ GR LQ D ÀDVK WR prevent any 7HUUDQ SODQH IURP JHWWLQJ WRR FORVH WR WKH PDJQHWLF IRUFH ¿HOG DURXQG RXU FUDIW We hoped to discourage pursuit by your jets simply by running away, but Terrans don’t take a hint very quickly, sometimes. There have been a few air casualties, but only one involved the crash of a plane due to pilot error in climbing too high and too fast while being caught up in the magnetic vortex of a scout ship. His plane became demagnetized and simply broke apart. That was back in 1948, somewhere over your state of Kentucky. “Since your scientists exploded a rocket on the Moon, we have sent out distress signals to other planets requesting their help in patrolling the Earth’s atmosphere. That is why there are so many sightings of spaceships of so many different designs and shapes that have been reported.” Annabell then interjected, “I have to tell you, Vorton, that we Earthlings have often heard rumors that various governments have already built saucer-shaped aircraft for experimental purposes. These they keep under wraps for reasons of national security. TOP SECRET restrictions have been imposed on every aspect of these aviation programs. Yet, from what I understand, these prototype aircraft are still run on the old friction method, utilizing various fuels. This includes even those that are lifted and propelled by air vents. So, my question to you, Vorton, is: How are we going to tell the difference between your spaceships and the ones similarly shaped, but of Earth origins?” Vorton paused to gauge a suitable response in his mind. Then he answered Annabell, stating that, “It is not the shape, but the motive power that is more important for space travel. 29
Lady Columba Venus Revelations 2XU IUHHGRP DQG HDVH LQ WKLV ¿HOG ZDV QRW SRVVLEOH EHIRUH ZH GLVFRYHUHG KRZ WR DSSO\ WKLV solar energy. We can still do things that Terrans cannot do yet, such as levitating our bodies or bending light rays around us to render ourselves invisible. The latter we accomplish simply by pressing a button on our belts or activating a hand-held device that we refer to as a nimbus. Our spaceships can ionize the air around them to form smooth-edged clouds that follow their outlines. When this happens, our IRUFH ¿HOGV OLJKW XS LQ DOO WKH FRORUV RI WKH UDLQERZ 6RPH of your contactees have taken photographed some of our scout craft lighting up when they are operational in the vicinity of a mother ship, thereby highlighting the strong effects exerted E\ WKH PDJQHWLF ¿HOG RI WKHVH KXJH FDUULHU vessels upon the smaller ships.” “Vorton, I and other believers in you and your mission here on Earth, use the argument that you have not attacked us during all those years of sightings, even going way back in history and in the %LEOH WLPHV WR WKH À\LQJ saucer incidents that nobody can satisfactorily explain- to convince the skeptics of your friendly intentions. This is proving increasingly GLI¿FXOW KRZHYHU DV PDQ\ DXWKRUV OLNH 5HWLUHG Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe or British paranormal investigator and journalist Harold T. Wilkins, keep portraying you as invaders from outer space.”6 “Well, I might add that judging from all the Earthly avenues of publicity, which we monitor from our spaceships, whether literary or dramatic along that line, most of the stories show people coming from another planet as being some kind of monsters, bent on aggression when they visit the Earth. To us of Vorton explains to Lady Columba why UFOs come other worlds, this is an indication of what some in all shapes and sizes. See r/UFOs/comments/2d4t7i/question_about_ufo_types/. Earthlings would do if the roles were reversed. “But whereas we regard every planet as the property of the highest form of intelligence GZHOOLQJ WKHUHRQ WR EH XVHG IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI WKH OHVVHU LQWHOOLJHQFHV DQG ORZHU IRUPV DOVR Earthlings must learn to mind their own business in every way.” “On behalf of my fellow Earthlings, Vorton, I should call your attention that lately there has emerged a trend, for the better, of showing spacemen as being more human and even superhuman.” I cheeringly noted that, “This was a good sign with promise for the future.” Vorton remarked that, “This is because of our efforts, in various ways, to prepare more Earthlings for the glorious event when we do land en masse to extend the hand of true friendship and helpfulness, to avoid panic among you from fear of the unknown, such as Orson Welles’ 6
Donald E. Keyhoe, Major, USMC, Ret., Flying Saucers from Outer Space (New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1953); and Harold T. Wilkins, Flying Saucers on the Attack (New York, New York: Citadel Press, 1954).
Raymond Andrew Keller II radio broadcast of a Martian invasion in 1938. It sounded so real that many people actually believed it and went into a panic mode. But we are truly working to bring about real and friendly relationships between all the inhabitants of the populated worlds in this solar system. Frankly, Earth is the only planet left that is not yet a member of the Interplanetary Federation. But we hope, in due time, it will, at least when Terrans are ready for it, and really want it, too. This would accelerate their evolution in many ways.” ³$K KD WKHQ WKDW LV WKH DQVZHU WR WKH FU\ RI VR PDQ\ À\LQJ VDXFHU IDQV µ:K\ GRQ¶W WKH people from space land so many could meet them if they are so friendly?’ I also commented, “None of the books written by self-proclaimed contactees can tell how solar free energy motive power is put to work to propel the spaceships. Now I know why, as you explained the reason. 6RPH À\LQJ VDXFHU IDQV EHOLHYH WKDW ZKHQ WKH ULJKW WLPH FRPHV WKH\ ZLOO EH FKRVHQ WR EH rescued by their space friends, even if at the last moment, from nuclear attacks or an axis shift, etc. Is this true, or just a forlorn hope?” “Annabell, we know who our real friends are among Terrans, as this is a time of ‘sifting the wheat from the chaff.’ We have ways of testing, through extra-sensory perception and ultraVFLHQWL¿F PHWKRGV VR ZH NQRZ IRU VXUH 7KHUH DUH SKRQ\ IULHQGV DOVR ZKR SURIHVV EHOLHI LQ XV RQO\ WR ZULWH ERRNV DERXW WKHLU RSLQLRQV WR JDLQ WKH FRQ¿GHQFH RI WUXH EHOLHYHUV WR VS\ RQ RXU real friends. They do this for three reasons: 1) To try to upset their faith in us; 2) To see what they are up to; and 3) To make it tough for them in some way. But we will always stick by our real friends through everything!”7 2I FRXUVH WKHUH DUH ERXQG WR EH SKRQLHV LQ DQ\ ¿HOG 7KH\ IRRO WKH SXEOLF IRU D TXLFN buck. They enjoy being looked up to by the believers, even though they are scoffed at by the VNHSWLFV 7KH VXEMHFW RI À\LQJ VDXFHUV KDV EHFRPH VR FRQWURYHUVLDO WKDW PRVW SXEOLFDWLRQV and avenues of publicity are not allowed to recount sightings, etc. anymore, and in any vein. Sincere believers have had their books derided, lost their reputations in some circles, and VRPH VRPHWLPHV HYHQ WKHLU MREV 2QH ZDV HYHQ MDLOHG DQG WKHQ FRQ¿QHG LQ D PHQWDO LQVWLWXWLRQ until rescued by friends.8 This hullabaloo has become a brake on what otherwise might have EHFRPH DQ HSLGHPLF RI À\LQJ VDXFHU ERRNV SKRQ\ RU WUXH 6RPH , PXVW DGPLW FRXOG VWUDLQ WKH FUHGXOLW\ RI HYHQ WKH PRVW JXOOLEOH RI À\LQJ VDXFHU IDQV EXW SHUKDSV WKLV HIIRUW RQ P\ SDUW would be included among them. After I conveyed these sentiments to Vorton, he chuckled with amusement: “We did not come to contact a few Terrans just to swell their heads or their purses, as authors of books about us. Therefore, to prevent these reasons for Terrans’ interest in us, contactees have to suffer ULGLFXOH IURP VNHSWLFLVP IRU D ZKLOH :H ZDQW WR ¿QG UHDO IULHQGV WKURXJK IDLWK QRW WKURXJK IRUFH RI HYLGHQFH VXFK DV PDVV ODQGLQJV ZLWK IXOO LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ ´ Vorton continued, “But, regardless of how the majority feels toward or about us, we keep on doing what we can for the health and peace of humankind. Even those who know about 7
Lady Columba assured Cosmic Ray that her appearance at the Warren Light Center II in Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, on 24 June 2017, was for the purpose of standing by him in support of the premiere of his Venus Rising Books II and III. She explained that she and Lady Aurora were dispatched to the event by Lady Orda, the Queen of Outer Space, as a demonstration of the Hierarchy of Light’s approval for his efforts in promulgating the Venusian message of hope for all humankind. See Lon Strickler’s article on the appearance of the Venusian emissaries in Appendix A. “Pie Maker Flew to Red Planet,” article by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, in Flying Saucer Review (FSR), United Kingdom, volume 4, #6, page 4, November/December 1958. Lee Childers, a baker from Detroit, started to claim in 1958 that he was Prince Neosom, a member of the royal family of the planet Tythan, located 8.5 light years from Earth. 31
Lady Columba Venus Revelations RXU µ¿UHEDOO¶ QXOOLI\LQJ RI radioactivity, etc., have not overly developed the high virtue of gratitude. Yet, we do good, but for the sake of doing good, and not for any praise from anyone. In time, I sincerely believe that Terrans will learn the wisdom that gratitude to God brings yet more blessings to be grateful for.” “Our world,” I declared, “would certainly be a paradise, or at least well on the way to becoming one, if more of my fellow Earthlings shared in that perspective.” Vorton then took note of the critical mass Earthlings were already approaching. “If radioactivity is allowed to accumulate too much,” he stated, “it would not only contaminate vegetation and affect the generative genes in humans and animals, etc., to produce monstrous DWRPLF PXWDWLRQV EXW ZRXOG DOVR DQG ¿QDOO\ WKLQ RXW WKH SURWHFWLYH OD\HU RI WKH DWPRVSKHUH so much as to let in too much of the Sun’s more lethal rays. Then, the Earth would scorch with such fervent heat as to melt the polar ice caps, commencing at an accelerated pace with the North Pole.” This would certainly bring the delicate equilibrium of the Earth into serious jeopardy. It ZRXOG FDXVH XQSUHFHGHQWHG ÀRRGLQJ RI WKH FRDVWDO ODQG DUHDV IURP WKH PHOWHG SRODU LFH DQG shifting of the axis. (DUWKOLQJV VKRXOG GH¿QLWHO\ FRQVLGHU VXFK SRVVLELOLWLHV EHIRUH IRROLQJ around too rashly with the tremendous nuclear forces. “I understand the importance, and the urgency, of imparting these concepts to the human population of planet Earth. But Vorton, please tell me more about the Venusians’ mission here on my planet. What are you doing to stem this tide of ignorance that seems to be so rapidly overtaking all of us Terrans, as you call us?” ³0\ GHDU VLVWHU VXI¿FH LW WR VD\ WKDW ZKHQ ZH FRQWDFW DQ\ Terran, we sometimes give our permission to write about it, thus to spread the good word that we are human, too, and friendly. Of course, there are some minor physical differences, but a Terran would have to minutely scrutinize an Abejan or other extraterrestrial in such intimate detail to be cognizant of these. When /DG\ 2UGD VKRZHG XS DW D À\LQJ VDXFHU FRQYHQWLRQ LQ WKH VXPPHU RI ZLWK *HRUJH Adamski, Daniel Fry and Truman Bethurum, for example, certain differences in her eye color and structure were noted by a few astute attendees, which ultimately gave her away as an Abejan in disguise. Fortunately, a scout craft was in the vicinity and its crew could beam Lady Orda and her fellow disguised crew members out of the area and harm’s way.” Vorton lamented, “But alas, there is still too much skepticism and fear of us. In spite of all the sightings and reassurances of the contactees, we wonder if the time will ever come when you Terrans will welcome us, en masse, as real friends.” “Of course,” I added, “many continue to wonder why you don’t land in larger numbers, to prove your friendship.” Vorton seemed a little irritated by my inquiry. “Well, my dear, have you Terrans ever shown any desire for us to land, outside of a few here and there? For example, have you spelled out, :(/&20( 63$&( )5,(1'6 LQ OLJKWV VWUXQJ RXW RYHU DQ\ ¿HOGV IRU XV WR VHH" 1R QRW HYHQ at such strategic points as spacecraft conventions, like the most popular one at Giant Rock.9 “We always hover over such conventions, too high for anyone to see,” declared Vorton, DGGLQJ WKDW ³%XW ZKHQ ZH GR JHW ORZHU ZH VKURXG RXU VSDFHFUDIW LQ LRQL]HG FORXG ¿HOGV We listen in with our instruments and read everyone’s thoughts in order to ‘sift the wheat of sincerity from the chaff.’ And when we hover at lower altitudes for longer times, there have 9
Located at Landers Field, California, and convened annually by contactee George Van Tassel from 1954 through 1978.
Raymond Andrew Keller II
Vorton tells Lady Columba that the Venusians and other extraterrestrials “need some signs” before they can FRPPHQFH ZLWK WKH ORQJ DZDLWHG PDVV ODQGLQJV RI À\LQJ VDXFHUV %XW WKH TXHVWLRQ UHPDLQV ³,I ZH EXLOG HQRXJK of them, will they come?” To be politically correct, such signs should read WELCOME, SPACE FRIENDS, as the Venusian Observation Ranger Vorton so correctly noted in his dialogue with Lady Columba. Most of the Solarians live in a matriarchal society, fashioned after the social structure of a beehive, so our emphasis on the “brothers” would not be considered appropriate.
literally been thousands who have seen us. But has anyone given us any sign of welcome? 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ QR WKH\ DUH XVXDOO\ URRWHG WR WKH VSRW LQ DPD]HPHQW RU ÀHH LQ SDQLF 9HU\ IHZ there have been with truly welcoming hearts. But we have carried out such observations of \RXU VSDFHFUDIW FRQYHQWLRQV VLQFH WKH ¿UVW RQH LQ $SULO EHJLQQLQJ ZLWK Virgil and Lady Orda’s crash of a time probe at Landers Field on the evening of the third of that month, when afterwards Pal and 'L[LH *DUUHWW KHOSHG WKHP ¿QG WKHLU ZD\ RXW WR DQ Abejan safe house in the North Hollywood hills.”10 Continuing in this theme, Vorton continued: “We wish to see the publications that we asked some of our contactees, whether on the physical plane or through telepathy, to write, reach more Terrans. This will help us to determine who is converted to a belief in us and our mission, and who is not. But such education is slow. With so much ridicule, hush-hush policies and downright antagonism obstructing this method, if any contactee published any ERRN DQRQ\PRXVO\ DQG UHIXVHG WR DFFHSW DQ\ QHW SUR¿W WR SURYH WKDW WKH\ GLG QRW ZULWH IRU IDPH or fortune, then I think it would stop the skeptics’ accusations that they could be liars.” “Vorton, maybe you and the celestial hierarchy are missing a crucial point here.” “What are you getting at, Annabell?” “Well, maybe it’s not so important for my fellow Earthlings to believe in your existence or even to acknowledge your mission. Perhaps they only need to start believing in themselves, that they can get along with each other and build a new world together, putting aside all of their economic, political and religious differences. In that way, I feel sure that you and all the 10 For background information on Pal and Dixie Garrett, please see Raymond A. Keller, II, Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2017), Chapter 5, “Paradise, California.” 33
Lady Columba Venus Revelations brothers and sisters of other worlds will gladly welcome Earth in the Galactic Federation of Planets that you so highly speak of.” There was a tear trickling down Vorton’s left eye. “You are so right, Annabell. One day I believe that you will be accepted as one of us, perhaps even ascending to the throne of Abejar as our queen. I can honestly see you in that role, Annabell. Your wisdom is great.” ³7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU XQTXDOL¿HG FRQ¿GHQFH Vorton. You will never know how much I appreciate your kind words.” Then Annabell added, “But getting back to the contactees, I am seeing another angle that you may have not considered; and it is certainly one that could be used as ‘grist for the skeptic’s mill.’” “Oh, what is that?” inquired Vorton. “Well, in most of these contacts with space beings, the contactee is alone. There are no witnesses to corroborate such amazing claims that the contactee is putting forth. And then, if they have witnesses, either they were too far away, or there is collusion. None of the contactees got any close-up, frontal photographs of the space beings. I do recall, however, that there was one. It was in a book where the author claimed that the extraterrestrial disappeared and reappeared © 2017 Dr. Raymond Keller and Headline before several witnesses. It might have been that Books. Photo taken circa 1987 depicts English yogi, George King, writing about one of his Mrs. Janet R. (L) and Ingrid Steckling early contacts with a Venusian master.11 Even Adamski (R) in front of the now famous portrait of was not allowed to take any photographs, beyond just Venusian scout craft pilot Orthon. Orthon discouraged the contactee George Adamski some heads peeping out of a scout ship’s portholes. from taking photographs of Venusians Of course, they were very blurred. This was most and other extraterrestrials. Nevertheless, likely due to interference of the IRUFH ¿HOG ZLWK WKH ZLWQHVVHV WR KLV ¿UVW HQFRXQWHU ZLWK Orthon atmosphere surrounding the craft. So, basically, we on 20 November 1952 at Desert Center, California, provided the descriptions which have no positive proof of the contactees’ claims.” After formed the basis of this portrait of Orthon, a few seconds, I turned, looking dead straight into made by Southern California artist Gay Vorton’s eyes and inquired diligently of the Venusian Betts. The portrait originally was kept in the Observation Ranger, “Why is that?” foyer of Adamski’s Vista, California, home, “Because, blessed are those who have not seen, and but following his death was transferred to yet really want to believe in our friendly intentions,” the living room wall in the home of Fred and he answered, adding, “We are most grateful for your Ingrid Steckling, also of Vista, California. 7KH 6WHFNOLQJV DUH RI¿FHUV LQ WKH *HRUJH FRQ¿GHQFH LQ XV DV ZHOO DV PRVW Terrans show fear of Adamski Foundation. the unknown.” “In that case, I suppose that those lone contactees whom you do convince- with enough LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DUH LQGHHG OXFN\ WR QRW KDYH WR XQGHUJR WKH DJRQ\ RI WU\LQJ WR JXHVV ´
11 Keller, Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet, 199-203. 34
Chapter III: Planetary Histories
Lady Columba reveals that Venus is a paradise planet. See post/112466423003/rouge-paradise-planet-devlog-0.
Our spaceship was poised in the void. Vorton then asked me, “Now which celestial body ZRXOG \RX OLNH WR YLVLW ¿UVW"´ “How can I ever thank you for such a kind and generous invitation?” I was literally glowing with delight. “Well,” I mused, “the 0RRQ EHLQJ WKH QHDUHVW VKRXOG EH WKH ¿UVW , ZRXOG OLNH to see what the other side is like, and what is there.” My excitement kept me on the edge of a VRIW IRUP ¿WWLQJ FKDLU DV , VWDUHG WKURXJK WKH WUDQVSDUHQW ZDOO WR ZDWFK WKH Earth dwindling to a hazy ball hung on the black, yet glittering panoply of outer space. I was glad that there had been no moments of grinding gravity pressures before escaping Earth’s magnetic pull. Earthly scientists were still searching for the secret of the Venusian spaceships’ motive power. I was still curious about how the space people used the positive and negative poles of the magnetic lines of force that permeated the solar system, emanating from the Sun. However, I understand why the space people never even told the contactees this secret; that being the need to wait until the opportune time arises when Earthlings could be found more trustworthy. I wondered, though, whether gravity was overcome by having the rotating outer rim of the À\LQJ VDXFHUV HQFRPSDVVHG DURXQG WKH FHQWUDO FDELQ ZKHQFH WKHVH VFRXW VKLSV FRXOG DOPRVW be compared to little planets, with each one whirling about on their own axis, with the positive ‘north pole’ and negative ‘south pole’ counteracting the pull of any magnetic object outside. I enjoyed the view from the Isis as the individual scouts would orbit around our massive cigarVKDSHG FUDIW ÀLWWLQJ DERXW OLNH ¿UHÀLHV During our two-day trip to the Moon, which the Abejans referred to as Terra Luna, my host regaled me with three dimensional presentations of life on many of the other inhabited spheres in our own solar system. I learned that the Abejans were not indigenous to our own solar system, but migrated to our sector of space from the planet Norca. It orbits a distant star that our astronomers know as Tau Ceti. The Norcans had to leave their home world when water vapor in their atmosphere began to seep out into space and the entire planet suffered from GHVHUWL¿FDWLRQ $ PDVVLYH ÀRWLOOD RI Norcan ships arrived in our solar system some 25 million 35
Lady Columba Venus Revelations years ago, establishing their main colony on Venus, a planet principally populated by numerous varieties of large bees. The Norcans named their new, adopted world “Abejar,” which means “Planet of the Bees.” Over time, other Norcan colonies were set up on the Earth, Mars, and the moons of many other solar planets, including our own and the two small satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos.12
NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor probe snapped this photograph of a massive “monolith” on the surface of Phobos, one of the two Martian moons. American astronaut Buzz Aldrin believes it was put there by an extraterrestrial civilization.
Mysterious ‘Moons’ of Mars “There’s something very strange about these Martian moons,” I informed Vorton. “Yes, Annabell, there is something you ought to know about those two ‘moons;’ for they are not natural, but DUWL¿FLDO VDWHOOLWHV WKDW ZH FRQVWUXFWHG IRU YDULRXV UHDVRQV ,QVWHDG RI EHLQJ doughnut-shaped, like your Dr. von Braun envisions yours will be, they are global, revolving like tiny planetoids. They are used for way-stations, astronomical observatories, for radio relays from Mars to planets on the other side of the Sun, as well as hangars for our and others’ spaceships, and for embarkation and disembarkation points. The hangars and housing for the personnel are inside the crust, where all the necessities of life are provided. They revolve around the axis to simulate gravity around the edges,” explained Vorton. The space-savvy Venusian continued, “The manufacturing plants are suspended in the center where there is no gravity, to make such heavy work easier to handle. These factories 12 Colin Barras, “There is a Huge ‘Monolith” on Phobos, One of Mars’ Moons,” 24 September 2016, British Broadcasting Corporation website, (Accessed 24 February 2020). In 2009, Buzz Aldrin, the second astronaut to step out onto the surface of the moon, commented on a widely distributed NASA probe’s photo of a structure on the surface of Phobos, a 0DUWLDQ PRRQ ³:KHQ SHRSOH ¿QG RXW DERXW WKDW WKH\ DUH JRLQJ WR VD\ µ:KR SXW WKDW WKHUH" :KR SXW WKDW WKHUH"¶´ +LV UHPDUNV IDQQHG D ¿UHVWRUP LQ WKH JOREDO FRPPXQLW\ RI UFO conspiracy theorists. 36
Raymond Andrew Keller II produce the hulls of many types of spacecraft, and usually leave our various customers to install their own instrumentation, if they wish. Only the landing stages jut out from the metallic surface outside, being enclosed in a IRUFH ¿HOG DV D SURWHFWLYH VKLHOG WKURXJK ZKLFK FHUWDLQ VSHFL¿HG ODQHV DUH RSHQHG WR DGPLW LQFRPLQJ RU DV H[LWV IRU RXWJRLQJ FUDIW 7KXV QR VSDFHFUDIW can approach without our permission; and we are protected from any kind of attacks from outside. This includes both meteors and man-made weapons. Our satellites are not only great mercantile centers, but also trading posts for many extraterrestrials.” From Vorton’s detailed descriptions of the images passing in front of me on the thirddimensional television set, I learned that far back in the history of Mars, each satellite was considered to be a ‘bodyguard’ for half of the Red Planet, with each going in the opposite direction to the other. In this manner, both sides of Mars could be covered at one time. Just like the (DUWK EHLQJ GLYLGHG LQWR WZR VSKHUHV RI LQÀXHQFH E\ WKH Soviet Union and the United States, we see that at one time Mars was divided into two competitive camps. Each one was anxious to keep and enforce their kind of economic and political system on the other half. After generations, you see, the inhabitants of Mars forgot that their ancestors had migrated there from Norca. They also lost a knowledge of the history, and hence an appreciation, of their far-away home world. That was when the Martians became barbaric, although quite advanced in science. These older Martians were quite similar to us, the Earthlings of the present time, where we are divided into two cold-warring groups of nations, headed by the United States on one side and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the other. The Martians got so bad for a while that they had to be quarantined by the Solar Hierarchy of Light from further contact with other planets in our system. There also came a time when the Martians rediscovered nuclear power through atomic ¿VVLRQ 1DWXUDOO\ WKH KRUURU generated by this vast capability for destruction could not be underestimated. If destructively DSSOLHG WKH LQÀLFWHG GDPDJH would become retroactive through radioactivity. Naturally, this proved to be a sobering deterrent, and not a temptation “I hope the Russians love their children, too.” -Sting, “Russians,” leading to war. This applied Dream of the Blue Turtles album (1985). See to the hotheads on either side! amyburvall/mushroom-moments-art-and-the-hawaii-ballistic-missilealarm-6c289956d0c7. Still, to make doubly sure, both sides built a globular space station to orbit above the other leading nation. These satellites then served as guardians for each of their own areas. They were also utilized as scouts to spy on the opposing side. In this manner a balance of power was maintained. Frankly, the peace could not have come too soon. It was just in time to avert a suicidal, global nuclear war. It became clear that neither side could win in such a set-up. They both had enough sense to realize this. You can be sure 37
Lady Columba Venus Revelations that their descendants are very thankful. Thankfully, in time their interests gradually became intermeshed. This brought about an increasing “live and let live co-existence for a peaceful whole.” Speaking up, I noted enthusiastically that, “Earthlings could well emulate that shining example of good common sense and statesmanship in world politics. For the people of contemporary Earth, war has been made to risky.” The Venusian Observation Ranger replied that, “If they don’t soon do that, there will hardly be any Terrans left to do anything. Not only because of the radioactive fallout carried by the trade winds and accumulated in the upper atmospheric layers, but also because nuclear blasts, if continued on a large enough scale, will disrupt the delicate balance of other planets in the Solar Phalanx. One day your scientists will understand that there is a magnetic reconnecting force in continuous play that holds each planet to the Sun at exactly the right distance and RUELW IRU LWV VSHFL¿F VL]H DQG gravity. There are other factors involved; but these are beyond the comprehension of your contemporary physics. This is, however, one of the big reasons why we are ever alert in watching all points of your nuclear and rocket activities.” Video Tour of Red Planet Continues We continued to watch the three dimensional video of Mars, the Red Planet. Vorton explained all that we were seeing. “Our brother and sister Norcans built their cities on Mars at intersectional points where two or more of the canals would come together. The domes and archways extend in all directions. They run parallel to the canals; and they stretch over vast areas. Tough, yet resilient air bubbles keep the atmosphere in, while at the same time protecting the inhabitants against meteorites, etc. The bubble domes are self-mending following any outer onslaughts. These transparent canopies only cover the fertile areas amid seas of deserts. Oxygen is created by vegetation; and it is circulated by a regulating apparatus operative through the opening and shutting of KXJH GRRUV 7KHUHE\ ZH FDQ DUWL¿FLDOO\ FUHDWH ZLQG UDLQ DQG PLVW DW WKH WRXFK RI WKH FRQWUROV Everything is run remotely; and it is all powered by solar energies.” “How about on Abejar; what are the cities like there?” my inquiring mind propelled me to ask. “Well, my dear sister, while we haven’t got to that presentation yet, I can drop but one spoiler. Most all of our facilities are underground on the second planet. Following a great cosmic bombardment millions of years ago, the planetary climate’s equilibrium was severely disrupted. There are many areas of shifting climate not suitable for the surface habitation of humans. As far as animal life, most of the larger species that could not go underground in time ZHUH ZLSHG RXW 7KHUH DUH VRPH VFRUSLRQV DQG ODUJH À\LQJ OL]DUGV NQRZQ DV garudas that actually survived this extinction event; so I am just keeping you posted that you might not be WRR DODUPHG ZKHQ \RX ¿UVW HQFRXQWHU WKHVH RGG FUHDWXUHV ZLWK WKHLU IULJKWHQLQJ DSSHDUDQFH ´ %HLQJ D GHGLFDWHG VRFLDOLVW ¿JKWLQJ IRU WKH ULJKWV RI WKH ZRUNLQJ FODVV VLQFH WKH *UHDW Depression, I couldn’t resist informing Vorton that, “If any Earthling ever discovered how to GUDZ IUHH HQHUJ\ RXW RI WKH DWPRVSKHUH KH ZRXOG KDYH D GLI¿FXOW WLPH WU\LQJ WR PDUNHW LW 7KLV is because the electric, gas and oil interests on Earth would consider that it would give them too much competition, literally driving them out of business. As this universal power is free for the taking, if one had the right instrumentality for it, one can readily see how the capitalists
Raymond Andrew Keller II would fear it so. Such a discovery might have already been shelved by these wicked capitalist interests.” “I really have to commend you on your keen observations, Annabell. You seem more politically aware than most of your country’s citizenry.” With regard to such advanced technology and its future applications, Vorton added that, “It will take the dawn of the New Space Age in full reality to clear the way for such new discoveries to replace all the old methods, those that have proven so much clumsier and expensive. Of course, this should be done as soon as possible, before the latter supplies are exhausted. Even as we speak, Terrans power their Sputniks with solar cells; and this is just the beginning.” As they were starting to drift off topic, the Venusian Observation Ranger interjected, “But to get back to Mars, as the planet’s population expanded new areas came under irrigation by these open pipelines, being planted under ever-extending atmospheric and pressure canopies. In this way, there is never any over-crowding nor unpopulated fertile areas, such as can still be found on the surface of Terra.” “Aha!” I exclaimed. “I always believed that the 0DUWLDQ FDQDOV ZHUH DUWL¿FLDO DV QDWXUH never made anything so straight and even, and crisscrossing, as they are, at such purposeful angles. You needn’t tell me that the canals were made to carry the water the melted snows from the poles when spring comes. I have always sort of deduced that. And how can any Earthly astronomer believe otherwise, when all indications point to this deduction? It’s totally beyond my comprehension!”
Lady Columba says that the 0DUWLDQ FDQDOV DUH UHDO DQG DUWL¿FLDOO\ FUHDWHG 7KLV PDS RI Mars was based upon telescopic observations and produced by the United States Air Force in 1962 for use in planning the Mariner À\E\ PLVVLRQ WR WKH Red Planet. Notice the straight-line linkages between the dark albedo markings. Did the Air Force and NASA know something about Mars that they weren’t letting us in on? See http://www.
Then Vorton interjected: “Because of this, Mars has become converted into a huge greenhouse. Gradually, vegetation has been replacing the red deserts, largely composed of oxidized iron. These had been ground into silt and sand by water pressures over eons of time, long before Mars ever dried up. Also, the density of the atmosphere had been thinned out substantially. This was done through the ossifying process of time, augmented by Mars’ lesser gravity. Even the enlarged lung capacities of the Martian inhabitants were not enough for a 39
Lady Columba Venus Revelations proper adaptation to these changing environmental conditions, such as survival required. In RUGHU WR VROYH WKLV SUREOHP WR WKH EHQH¿W RI DOO FRQFHUQHG D KLJK GHJUHH RI SODQHWDU\ XQLW\ needed to be enforced. Sad to say, there is nothing like a real calamity to bring people together in mutual aid and harmonious industry.” Vorton continued: “You will notice, Annabell, that on Mars we have no roads. There are only pathways and parks. This is because our vehicles simply skim over the ground and trees. 7KLV RQO\ UHTXLUHV WUDI¿F FRQWUROV 7KH EXLOGLQJV DUH FLUFXODU EXW UHSOHWH ZLWK PDQ\ EDOFRQLHV On top of each building, however, is an aluminum pyramid; and there is a smaller pyramid hanging down from the inside of every one. This allows for bringing down a certain energizing ray for all who stand beneath it. This can be relayed to any room. Also, our transportation is powered by ethereal energies, like neon lights from the low speed of the red up to the high speed of violet, throughout the full range of colors. It is the rate of speed, therefore, which causes the various color effects seen onboard our spacecraft.” I then inquired about the preparation of food on Mars, the planet I was then viewing, as well as on the Moon, Venus and other celestial spheres. To this, Vorton replied that, “Although uncooked, our recipes are delicious. Our food is coming straight from the chemical tanks. This LV VLJQL¿FDQW EHFDXVH DOO RI RXU IRRG LV JURZQ ZLWK RI LWV QXWULWLYH YDOXH PDLQWDLQHG ,W is not necessary for us to depend upon ground that could be drained of its needed vitamins and chemicals. Humans can relax, having no fear that they can receive all of their needed nourishment. We can also avoid the use of poisonous sprays against our friends, the insects. And, ZH DOVR KDYH HOL[LUV RI DOO ÀDYRUV WKDW DUH QRW LQWR[LFDWLQJ 7UXO\ WKH\ DUH PRVW H[KLODUDWLQJ ´ I declared, “It seems like you are creating worlds with unprecedented paradisiacal conditions!” Just as I had spoken these words, the pock-marked face of the Moon was looming larger in the prow view. It appeared to be moving up so fast that I instinctively tensed up. But Vorton helped to reassure me. “Don’t worry, dear friend,” he said, adding, “We can stop dead in our tracks at a moment’s notice; and we do not even need to go through any G pressures, be strapped to reclining chairs, or even have to put on any pressure leggings. Nor do we have to VZRRS DURXQG LQ FLUFOHV EHIRUH ¿QGLQJ D VDIH SODFH WR ODQG WKH VKLS ´ The spaceship then skimmed around the edge of the Moon. It showed up on the other side with light and dark patches plainly visible below. Overall, however, the terrain seemed much smoother. Maybe this was because the side facing the Earth had been bombarded by pieces from the still molten Earth when it threw off its satellite, I speculated. Humankind, of course, has always been curious about what is on the unseen side of the Moon, always imagining that it was somehow different from the side always visible. Was it some sixth sense that suggested that all was not what it seems on the so-called “dead, lifeless Moon?” And is there really a socalled “Man in the Moon?” Upon a closer inspection, I saw that the mountain ranges did not look natural enough to have been made by nature or meteors in the long distant past. The craters were just too big and broad, forming too perfect a circle in many cases. The interiors also appeared to be too deep for them to have formed from the alleged “cooling off process.” From the vantage point of a peak on which the spacecraft landed, I could look down into the broad expanse of the valley beyond, inside the range. What I saw literally made me gasp with surprise. I exclaimed, “That isn’t ground. It looks like glass, opaque glass! Look at that
Raymond Andrew Keller II central tower. It glows with lights going on and off as it opens and shuts, letting spaceships of all kinds in and out!” I was wild with excitement. 2QH RI WKHVH VSDFHVKLSV GHWDFKHG LWVHOI DQG VSHG RYHU WR WKHP ODQGLQJ EHVLGH WKH ÀHHW “Ahoy there!” came a high-pitched, sing-song voice. It resounded throughout the room, “We have come to show you the sights that are now due you by rights, of your long journey through the void. We’ll let you make this your base.” Then both craft rose and headed for the central tower, to which they were anchored. They were then shuttled onto a runway that jutted out like a long tongue to gulp them down inside. Meanwhile, I wondered what the Lunarians looked like. Were they different from either the Martians or the Venusians? Were they sublimated insects, little green men and women, or giants with bat wings and reds eyes? Well, at least they knew how to communicate in my own tongue, and rhyming at that. The door slid noiselessly open to admit two men. One of the men came forward and said, “Welcome to our fair city of Clarion. We think that you will agree that it is quite beautiful. If Terrans would welcome our craft, instead of acting so daft, we could show you many things. Then you would see for yourselves what progress brings.” “Thank you so much for your kind hospitality,” I replied. I wondered why I felt so relieved that they looked so human, with only slight differences. They were, on average, a little shorter in height than the average human being, at least those I had been around for most of my life in the United States and India. Of all the extraterrestrials I had seen up to this time, I would have to say that the Martians seemed the tallest of the cosmic races. Perhaps the inhabitants of a planet or moon, being colonists to the orb or the descendants of colonists, had long adapted to the environmental conditions of their new environment. The Moon is roughly about 30% of the size of Earth, so the shorter stature of these Lunarians sort of made sense to me. Physical Characteristics of the Lunarians The Lunarians had a decidedly darker, olive complexion. They seemed to possess a slight, greenish hue. This was not noticeable much, until they stood in a direct light. I also learned that the Moon has a slight atmosphere, only about seven percent that of the Earth, but that it was especially concentrated in the deep chasms and crater basins, where their cities and other facilities were built, largely underground. The intense sunlight received by working on the surface had served to tan their skins; so this wasn’t the result of any evolutionary process. There were no indigenous life forms on the Moon; as all living things, including the humans, had been transplanted there from other worlds in our solar system or beyond. I discovered that the Clarion base that I was visiting was managed by the Venusians. The city was under the jurisdiction of the Abejan Hierarchy of Light and its designated commander was none other than the noted feminist and communalist revolutionary Aura Rhanes. Over time, the inhabitants of Clarion had interbred with many space-faring species. Some of the inhabitants could trace their ancestry on the 0RRQ EDFN IRU ¿YH RU VL[ JHQHUDWLRQV Most of the Moon’s inhabitants base their physical composition on silicon instead of carbon. There is also an infusion of plant DNA in their physiologies. Those inhabitants of the Moon that descended from pioneer ancestors to that orb had much bigger heads. To me, this attested to a speed-up of the evolutionary cycle. Their chest expansion also seemed greater. However, their limbs did not look as muscular. My guides at Clarion explained to me that it was usually the native Abejans that carried out missions on Earth. Many Lunarians and Martians 41
Lady Columba Venus Revelations H[SHULHQFHG GLI¿FXOWLHV LQ FRSLQJ ZLWK Earth’s higher gravity, experiencing bone fractures and other medical problems with extended stays. With less gravity to contend with, they did not need so much muscle. That is why the native Abejans were so apt for the excursions to Terra. Their home planet Venus was the one closest to Earth’s gravity, having about 81% in comparison. So the limbs of the Clarionites looked like stalks. Their tightly drawn skin further emphasized this odd appearance. Their dark hair was as silky as cornstalk tassels. They were attired in what looked like skip-suits made of metallic or glassy cloth. There were no buttons or hooks and they wore some kind of sandals on their feet. My Clarion Adventure Begins I inquired of my guide, “How do you know my language?” The gentleman replied that, “We can monitor your television, radio and movies. Our agents on your world have also collected an enormous amount of books, magazines, newspapers and other printed material that have compressed into little magnetic disks that we can access in our libraries. And as you know,” he added, “we also have the ability to read the minds of Terrans, even though there are very strict laws about the protocols for carrying this out.” Then I was led out of the room and across a ramp to an elevator in the tower. My escorts ushered me into a laboratory. They stood me beneath what looked like an X-ray machine, except that its shape was an inverted pyramid. I was told that it would help acclimatize me to this new environment. Immediately, I began to wonder whether I would be able to return to the Earth, or if this was going to be a one-way trip, and maybe a prison sentence! I instinctively drew back with a questioning look. “Have no fear, Annabell,” my guide calmly assured me. “This is our vatic energy accelerator. It draws in cosmic power to add directly more.” What kind of a pickle had I gotten myself into? I really began to have some doubts concerning this whole experience. Just then, however, as if the guide was reading my mind, he jumped under the contraption while a peach-colored ray totally enveloped him. But I was still unconvinced. I was certainly demonstrating this Earthling’s inherited distrust of the unknown, no doubt stemming from the long ages of man’s inhumanity to man. ³7KDW¶V DOO ¿QH IRU KLP WR MXPS XQGHU WKDW WKLQJ ´ , SURWHVWHG ³+H¶V GLIIHUHQWO\ FRQVWLWXWHG than me. What’s that thing going to do to me, really?” Other Earthlings Inhabit the Moon My guide, sensing my trepidation, declared that, “Dear Annabell, please do not fret over this machine. I have telepathically summoned another Earthling to come here and test the machine for you.” In about a minute, a gentleman in a similar ski-suit uniform entered the room. He was about 5’7” and had slightly blond, curly hair. “Hi, young lady, I’m Andy Thomas, from Altoona, Pennsylvania. What’s your name?” “I’m Annabell, from Philly. Glad to meet you, Andy.” “Nice to meet you, too, Annabell. Look, there’s nothing to fear here. I’ve been with these good folks on Clarion since 1841. I traveled over to Bethany, Virginia, to attend a revival meeting of Alexander Campbell when all of the sudden this huge ship of light came down and parked across the road. These shining beings stepped out and I just assumed they were angels sent from God; so I went with them and I’ve been sticking with them ever since. They are angels, you know, just not with wings, like we’ve seen in picture Bibles. 42
Raymond Andrew Keller II ³1RZ SD\ DWWHQWLRQ $QQDEHOO EHFDXVH , DP JRLQJ WR SURYH WR \RX WKH KDUPOHVV HI¿FLHQF\ of this machine by the conviction of my own experience.”
On the way to Venus, his beloved Beatrice introduces the great poet Dante Alighieri to the inhabitants of the Moon. Drawing by John Flaxman in Divine Poem of Dante Alighieri (1807); book in Oppé Collection of Heritage Library, London, United Kingdom, Item T11155.
As Andy stepped up onto a slightly elevated platform, a soft, pink ray was emitted from an overhanging apparatus, enveloping the Earthman in a subdued light. “See?” he said encouragingly, “This keeps us in glowing health, if we take it when needed, especially when ZH ¿UVW DUULYH ´ $ IHZ PLQXWHV ODWHU KH VWHSSHG EDFN RII JORZLQJ URVLO\ ZLWK UHQHZHG HQHUJ\ as he added, “This keeps everyone above even above-par.” Observing Andy’s experience with the device, it didn’t take long for me to be convinced of how right he was. I took a deep breath and then stepped up onto the platform. Being in the URV\ EHDP , ZDV VXUURXQGHG E\ OLWWOH VSDUNV RI OLJKW WKDW GDQFHG DOO RYHU P\ VNLQ , IHOW D ÀRRG of new life coursing through my nervous system. It seemed to comb out any ethereal “knots” in my aura. Every cell in my body was rejuvenating. Everyone here treated each other with the utmost kindness and profound respect. They saluted each other by touching their foreheads and chests with their right hands, and bowing slightly. Their kindly smiles lit up their faces. This was quite contagious. And then, after repairing to a large lounge, I was introduced all around to a group who had come to welcome me. 43
Lady Columba Venus Revelations At this time, I spoke to the wife of a Clarion spokesman: “I notice that your native attire looks more comfortable and beautifully varied than I had ever seen on Earth.” She answered: “We are no slave to fashion’s whim; nor do we dress to please a certain ‘him.’ Everyone wears just what they please; and thus we are free as a breeze.” Even the thinnest material was quite substantial. It was soft and resilient and it could not tear or wear out. It never needed ironing and was even self-cleaning.” 1RZ WKDW , KDYH DZRNHQ WR WKLV VHH WKH SURJUHVV RI KXPDQNLQG LQ WKLV WZHQW\ ¿UVW FHQWXU\ I note that my fellow humans are only getting around to developing self-cleaning garments, although permanent press has been around with you for quite some time. The Brooks Brothers started experimenting with permanent press clothing back in the mid-1950s. I bought just such a “Brooksweave” shirt for my friend Truman Bethurum for Christmas back in 1954. Andy introduced me to his friend, who was operating the rejuvenation machine. “Annabell, I’d like to introduce you to my best friend, Willie Scott. He’s from California, too, like you. Believe me, there’s nothing like meeting someone else up here from the planet. All space WUDYHOHUV ZLOO DI¿UP WKLV ´ “Well, Scott, nice to meet you. How did you happen to end up here on the back side of the 0RRQ"´ ZDV P\ ¿UVW TXHVWLRQ ´ “I made contact with the Venusians on the Mojave Desert, in a truck camper I bought for that very purpose. After many nights of hopefully watching the skies, hungry for at least D VLJKWLQJ VHWWLQJ RII ÀDUHV WR DWWUDFW WKHLU DWWHQWLRQ D VSDFHVKLS ¿QDOO\ FLUFOHG DURXQG PH overhead. ³:KHQ WKH SLORWV ZHUH VDWLV¿HG ZLWK P\ PRWLYHV DIWHU UHDGLQJ P\ PLQG WKURXJK WKHLU mental scanner, they swung a rope ladder down with a swing on the end of it to pull me aboard. You can imagine my great delight! Believe me; my space friends have proved their sincerity and friendliness. All other Earthlings here were brought by space people in some way. Such Earthlings are learning how to get along with each other, even though their respective nations may be in a ‘cold war of nerves’ on Earth, which is ever on the verge of bursting into a ‘hot war.’ I have been here a whole year now, and teach English to the children of colonists and visitors from other planets. I wouldn’t live anywhere else. They’ve got everything here; and JLYH HYHU\WKLQJ LQ UHWXUQ IRU DQ\ VHUYLFH QR PDWWHU KRZ VHHPLQJO\ VPDOO DQG LQVLJQL¿FDQW WKDW service might be deemed on Earth. Even the trash collectors and waste processers live like kings and queens.” Looking out through the glassy wall to a big, greenish globe of stars with a delicate blue halo overhead, I inquired: “What kind of glass is that?” The Lunarian answered: “It just looks like that to the eye. It’s made of double-ply.” I immediately remembered how the dome over Clarion, when it was made opaque, was colored to blend in with the surrounding landscape. In the event that America or Russia ever managed to get a probe over to the far side of the 0RRQ LW ZRXOG SUREDEO\ À\ ULJKW RYHU Clarion and not see anything. “Hmmm,” I mused aloud, adding, “No wonder Earthly telescopes can’t see the lights of your cities on the other side of the Moon, even shining off the edges, at least until such WHOHVFRSHV JHW JUHDWHU PDJQL¿FDWLRQ ´ “Not even then,” interjected the Lunarian guide, “unless urgency makes us turn it to transparency, to show them we are its agency.”
Raymond Andrew Keller II Although the Sun was shining in, the temperature of the lounge stayed comfortable. In DQVZHU WR P\ TXHVWLRQLQJ WKRXJKW DERXW WKLV KH UHVSRQGHG ³7KH µJODVV¶ ¿OWHUV WKH VXQVKLQH just right, so we get just the rays that don’t blight.” The Lunar Tower In answer to my mounting curiosity about everything, with a million questions on the tip of my tongue, they led me out onto a balcony overlooking the city. Clarion did not resemble any Earthly city YHU\ PXFK KDYLQJ VR PXFK VKUXEEHU\ DQG ÀRZHU\ vegetation, among which circular apartment houses were nestled. They graduated up into pyramidal shapes, with balconies on every tier, and a landing platform on top for aero-cars. The houses were spaced in uniform sequence around the great central tower. There was a small sea, on which people were boating and swimming in its crystal-clear waters. With Apollo orbiters from the United States and VROR À\HUV VWUDSSHG DURXQG WKHP GLYHUV FRXOG VDLO XS Zond probes from the Soviet Union have as high as they wished to go, and even skywrite. The photographed a massive tower on the Far whole city of Clarion was built on a sturdy foundation; Side of the Moon. See http://www.tarrdaniel. so the whole works, except the sea, could be raised com/documents/Ufology/lunar_anomaly. html. DV RQ D SODWIRUP DQG ÀRZQ DZD\ EHWZHHQ IRXU KXJH spaceships at each quarter section, or so I was told. Everything was operated from a central power station, which broadcast beams of solar energies to be picked up at any distance around the Moon, by all kinds of mechanisms with suitable receiving devices. A small antenna attached to the tops of every building supplied the occupants with their power needs in all kinds of gadgets which picked up the needed amount of current beamed from their antenna. The “Anti-War Machine” Springs to Life Their “Anti-War Machine” electromagnetically operated, set up an invisible and impenetrable curtain of polarized light that could be turned on and off, and directed along any boundary or above. Thus, any area could be safe-guarded from attacks of any kind from any quarter. Just Like the “Jetsons” $Q\ URRP FRXOG EH WUDQVIRUPHG LQWR D SDUORU GLQLQJ URRP RU EHGURRP DW WKH ÀLFN RI D switch, as everything came out of the walls, even sliding tables, and expandable chairs of air¿OOHG VRIW UHVLOLHQW PDWHULDO WKDW DGDSWHG WR ¿W DQ\RQH¶V ERG\ FXUYHV H[DFWO\ ,QGLUHFW OLJKWLQJ from ceiling and walls could be changed into any desired color; and any perfume to make the air fragrant could be misted throughout. The beds were in a drawer that could be drawn out from the wall to any distance, with narrow sides to keep sleepers from falling out. Thus, one could be cozy in an airy nook or more exposed. Controllable temperatures made blankets unnecessary, unless one liked it colder. Thus one, otherwise bed-less room, could sleep many. This was quite a space saving arrangement. 45
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Hydroponic gardens supplied central kitchens in each building. Meals of any kind were served through conveyer-tubes to every dining room. This made it easy on the preparer of foods. As it took only a few hours a day, in shifts, to keep the wheels of industry turning smoothly, there was more leisure time for all. Leisure well spent is as important as work well done. Therefore, many different kinds of indoor and outdoor sports, all healthy, instructive and XSOLIWLQJ DFWLYLWLHV ZHUH DYDLODEOH WR SUHYHQW ERUHGRP RU ORQHOLQHVV ³7KH GHYLO ¿QGV ZRUN IRU idle hands to do,” is an old Earthly adage. Everyone could take advantage of these diversions, trips into outer space being not the least of these, for frequent vacations. The Cosmic Ray wrote an excellent article about this in his series, “Venusian Spaceships Are Landing!” that appeared in as well as many other paranormal and UFO websites.
Lady Columba’s sketch depicts “Celestial Aspects” through cosmic evolution, 1961, from Keller Venus Files.
Raymond Andrew Keller II
Chapter IV: Lunar Colonies
See uploads/2015/05/BuddhaFullMoon.jpg.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.” —Buddha Vorton invited me into the projection room to show me a reel dealing with lunar history. After we set ourselves down before a large screen, it lit up with three-dimensional color pictures. Some were from photographs and other paintings. These were made by the Venusians in their ages-long observations of the Earth and the 0RRQ 7KH SDLQWLQJV ZHUH DGGHG IRU WKH ¿UVW SDUW to cover the time before they had invented such a perfect long-distance photographic process. Such primeval knowledge had been gained through an invention with crystals that could read what we refer to as the Akashic Records. Through the use of a special headset, similar in style to the urim and thummim utilized by the prophets of ancient Israel in the Old Testament, one could peer through the thick and hard-blowing atmospheric strata of the planet Uranus and deep into a crystal ice cave below the wind-swept surface. Within the sacred crystals scattered WKURXJKRXW WKH FDYH HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW KDV HYHU KDSSHQHG ZLWKLQ WKH FRQ¿QHV RI WKH VRODU V\VWHP is indelibly imprinted. Thus, any stage of history could be recalled anywhere. Such was one of the wonders of the extraterrestrial ultra-science! Scene after scene showed how the Moon has gone through the same stages of evolution as the Earth had, only at a much faster rate. We saw how the same life forms, more or less, had developed, only in less variety than on the Earth. Finally, we saw and understood how they had become more or less extinct, when the Moon dried up and its seas mostly sunk underground. This left deserts, sifted over extinct volcanoes that had erupted more violently because of the lesser gravity. This had served to reduce their central height. 47
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Many meteors, over the eons, also contributed their share of gouging the surface without the protecting blanket of air towards the later ages when it thinned out even more. Of course, the Moon does not possess an atmosphere in the same sense that the Earth does. On the other hand, one of the preeminent authorities on the Moon has declared that, “Neither would it be correct to say that we positively know that there are no molecules of gases on or near the lunar surface. There is considerable possibility that the Moon possesses some molecules of gases.”13 This is only to say that the Earth’s atmosphere is substantially more considerable than the 0RRQ¶V DQG WKXV PRUH HDVLO\ GHÀHFWV RU EXUQV XS PHWHRUV EHIRUH WKH\ HYHQ UHDFK WKH surface. In the deep valleys on the Moon the atmosphere is dense enough for most to breath comfortably without the assistance of any apparatus. The Venusians and other extraterrestrials on our Moon, nevertheless, are in possession of sophisticated particle beam weaponry that can disintegrate the meteors in lieu of having such a weak upper atmosphere.14 The various indigenous life forms on the Moon were few and far between, but with the arrival of the Venusians these smaller plants and animals were treated with great respect, as protected species. The variety of lunar life was augmented by the introduction of compatible species from the Earth, Mars and other worlds. The 9HQXVLDQV EHFDPH WKH ¿UVW KXPDQRLG colonizers of the 0RRQ 7KH ¿UVW VHWWOHUV IURP 9HQXV wisely realized that they needed to dig their cities deeper into the crater pits if they were to avoid an imminent suffocation from the thinning air. Eventually, most of the lunar habitations were found underground. For surface structures on the Moon, the displaced regolith was thrown up around the sides, thereby making the landscape appear as natural as possible. This precaution was taken for the purpose of not attracting any undue notice from any kinds of invaders, or potential invaders. Through telescopes on the side of the Moon facing the Earth, and through Venusian observation ships dispatched to the Earth, it was noted that the Terrans were an extremely aggressive and warlike people. 7KH ¿UVW FRORQLVWV FRPLQJ IURP 9HQXV were used to breathing an atmosphere much thicker than even that found on Earth, so going underground or living under pressurized domes tucked inside of crater walls, allowed for much heavier air to be pumped in. Under these protective environments, the Venusians enjoyed all the necessities of life, all of the good things. With WKHLU DGYDQFHG VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH DERXW DWRPLF DQG PROHFXODU VWUXFWXUHV WKH Venusians were DEOH WR TXLFNO\ EHFRPH VHOI VXI¿FLHQW HYHQ XQGHU VXFK KDUVK FOLPDWLF FRQGLWLRQV DV IRXQG on the Moon. Synthetic food pills were only used when chemically grown and synthetically manufactured food were not eaten. In time, the Venusians and other extraterrestrials on the Moon began to think of themselves as Lunarians. Their natural complexions had lightened somewhat since they were living XQGHUJURXQG ZLWK UHOD\HG DQG ¿OWHUHG VXQVKLQH VWUHDPLQJ WKURXJK WKH GRPHV DQG FU\VWDO URR¿QJ RI WKHLU VWUXFWXUHV 7KXV WKHLU VNLQ KDG WDNHQ RQ D OLJKW EOXH KXH , ZRQGHUHG LI VRPH RI the blue-skinned gods of the Hindus that I learned about while living in India may have been Venusians coming down to the Earth from some of their Moon colonies.
13 Franklyn M. Branley, The Moon: Earth’s Natural Satellite (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1960), 68. 14 Please be sure and check out Dr. Keller’s chapter, “The Moon is a Venusian Colony,” in the Vast Venus Conspiracy (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2020). 48
Raymond Andrew Keller II
In this depiction of the Hindu Lord Vishnu, the light blue complexion may be indicative of the god’s origins on a Venusian colony on the Moon. See
%HQH¿WV RI ,QWHUSODQHWDU\ &RQWDFW 9RUWRQ H[SODLQHG WKDW ZKHQ LQWHUSODQHWDU\ WUDYHO ¿UVW EHFDPH SRVVLEOH IRU WKH Venusians, many enduring friendships were established. This resulted in a wondrous exchange of new ideas and trade. As to this commerce, it was based on a simple barter system and did not involve monies. History has proven time and time again that the competition of capitalism only invites aggression. On the other hand, a simple barter system is satisfactory to all concerned and provides many welcome additions to each participating civilization. “Too bad that the peoples of Earth have not yet achieved this,” I said, adding that, “Even when we do, however, will our suspicions, envies and egotism prevent us from sharing all of these advantages?” Following this rhetorical question, I paused but then continued, “Well, let us hope that Earthly humankind will soon wake up and show some good, common sense.” Vorton, being empathic and telepathic, to a great extent, heartily laughed. “Annabell,” he noted, “The people of Earth don’t know how lucky they are that there are so many like yourself who are willing to engage themselves in the greater causes of economic and social justice. Really, you are an important soul, well on your way to becoming a high master in your own right.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “Annabell, I want to show you an important documentary about a planet known as Maldek that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter here in our own solar system. I think it is highly illustrative of the current situation on Earth.” Vorton and I then watched the program, which ran for about an hour and half, as time is measured on Earth. In summary, this planet 0DOGHN HYROYHG WR WKH VDPH VWDJH RI VFLHQWL¿F development that the superpowers on (DUWK KDYH QRZ UHDFKHG ,¶P VSHFL¿FDOO\ UHIHUULQJ WR nuclear power. Unfortunately, those in positions of power on Maldek lacked the necessary accompaniment of moral development and understanding that should go along with the use of nuclear power for peaceful means. Maldek was also divided between two superpowers, much like the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (during the time of the Cold War). There was an incessant escalation of aggressions between these two powers until one day an all-out nuclear war had broken out to see which half of the planet would emerge victorious. Of course, there is no victory. There is only mutually assured destruction. They literally blew their planet apart from a chain reaction effect, one that they had not expected. Believe me; many surprises await those who toy with nature’s dynamic forces, at least insofar as they lack a full understanding of them. Maldek’s tremendous explosions melted the elements with a fervent heat. They also tore their planet apart. Those on the other planets of the solar system were also greatly impacted. On Earth, falling meteoric debris pushed your sphere into a type of nuclear winter. You might call it one of your severest ice ages. On Venus, crashing meteors glanced off the planet’s limb, but slowed its axial spin and pushed it moving along the opposite direction going around the Sun. That’s why the Sun now rises in the west and sets in the east on Venus. Soviet Venus Research British astronomer, Professor Sir Bernard Lovell, in March of 1962, leaked to the world press the news that both the Americans and the Russians would soon be attempting to launch a Venus probe, probably in July or August of the same year. /RYHOO VHHPHG YHU\ FRQ¿GHQW in making this announcement; and at the time I had every reason to believe him. Of course, government space scientists in the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in getting to Venus ¿UVW DQG IRUHPRVW DERYH WKH RWKHU SODQHWV EHFDXVH WKH\ NQHZ WKDW *HRUJH Adamski, Truman Betherum, Howard Menger and others among the public contactees had been telling XV WKH WUXWK DERXW WKH RULJLQ RI WKH À\LQJ VDXFHUV DOO DORQJ 7KDW IURP 9HQXV they come. In addition, Lovell was in charge of operations at the Joddrel Bank radio telescope facility in his own country, so I assumed that he was probably making arrangements with both NASA and the Soviet Cosmodrome to coordinate radio relays from the Venus probes. Sir Bernard Lovell was resident in the United States up until mid-April of 1962, spending most of his time at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena before moving on to meetings with Russian space personnel in the Kazakh region. Curiously, in February of 1962 Kazakh scientists were at work in estimating the length of a day on the planet Venus. From their ground-based operations, they had tentatively concluded that a day and night on Venus may be as long as two weeks on the Earth. Grigory Idlis and Saken Obashev, both scientists on the staff of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, had conducted extensive theoretical calculations on this matter. Idlis and Obashev both maintained that their calculations made it possible to estimate Venus’ PDJQHWLF ¿HOG DQG
Raymond Andrew Keller II period of rotation with less than a two-fold margin of error. Their calculations were based on the proportionality between the magnetic and mechanical moments of the rotation of celestial ERGLHV 7KHLU ¿QGLQJV ZHUH ODWHU VXEVWDQWLDWHG E\ RWKHU 6RYLHW VFLHQWLVWV DQG IRUZDUGHG WR WKH Vostok launch center. While in the United States, Sir Bernard Lovell commented on these 5XVVLDQ ¿QGLQJV DQG QRWHG WKDW WKLV SURSRUWLRQDOLW\ ZDV RULJLQDOO\ VXJJHVWHG E\ WKH %ULWLVK scientist P. M. S. Blackett. However, Blackett did not get as far as Idilis and Obashev in that he did not theoretically substantiate his Venus work. At that time, the exact period of rotation for Venus was unknown. Observations of Venus ZHUH GLI¿FXOW EHFDXVH WKH SODQHW LV VKURXGHG LQ D GHQVH DWPRVSKHUH DQG VXUIDFH IHDWXUHV FRXOG not be discerned from the Earth, with the exception of a high mountain near the orb’s North Polar Region. Therefore, estimates of the period ranged wildly, from ten Earth hours all the ZD\ WR WHUUHVWULDO GD\V +RZHYHU WKH ¿JXUH FDOFXODWHG E\ WKH .D]DNK DVWURSK\VLFLVWV ZDV extremely close to the results obtained in a radar study of the planet carried out by Soviet scientists in 1961. Unfortunately, NASA continues to conceal these facts from the American people. Any information about Venus that would lead one to comprehend the existence of life there is immediately swept under the rug, with fake news about space discoveries revealing a hostile environment being substituted for the truth. And all that is left of Maldek is a massive belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, although this has been slowly diminishing over time as the gravitational force of Jupiter has pushed many out of the solar system or crashing through its dense atmosphere, where they are disintegrated as the result of massive pressure and friction. The asteroids are mineral chunks of all sizes that, while in the process of orbiting the Sun, also revolve around themselves. Following the destruction of Maldek, the asteroids as we know them today simply did not exist. Rather, there were all kinds of globular shapes while the metal was still hot, in a molten stage induced from the superheat generated by the explosion. This planetary cataclysm has woven itself in the folklore of all the peoples on neighboring planets. On Earth, it has resolved itself into the Biblical legends of Lucifer (the Morning Star) and his band of fallen angels. This was the logical thought of our ancestors. When they looked up into the sky, they literally observed ³¿UH DQG EULPVWRQH´ IDOOLQJ IURP WKH KHDYHQV 9HQXV was lit up like a Roman candle as the planet was being extensively bombarded along its limb. The atmosphere in the region of this PHWHRULF SXPPHOLQJ ZDV DFWXDOO\ RQ ¿UH IRU DQ XQGHWHUPLQHG EXW H[WHQGHG DPRXQW RI WLPH A few managed to escape in rockets to the Earth and other planets. On Venus and Mars, the Maldek survivors were received and welcomed as cosmic refugees. On Earth, however, they had to fend for themselves. Legends refer to these ones as the “Sons of God,” and they took for themselves spouses from among the inhabitants of the Earth. Eventually, their descendants would rule as kings, queens, priests, generals and scientists here, most notably in the now lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. After seeing this illuminating presentation, I began to wonder just how much of these “necessary accompanying virtues” were shared by representatives of the Earth’s government bodies, especially among the more powerful nations. Were there enough of people-in-theknow, so to speak, to preserve the planetary peace? Could they prevent the Cold War from KHDWLQJ XS LQWR D QXFOHDU FRQÀDJUDWLRQ RI D VLPLODU WRWDO GHVWUXFWLRQ VXFK DV RFFXUUHG RQ Maldek? Perhaps if and when they read this book, they will take a cue from Maldek’s tragedy, thus avoiding the same awful fate. Chain reactions and other unknown detrimental aftereffects
Lady Columba Venus Revelations can surely upset the delicate balance of nature in planets, especially in regard to their axial angle of rotation, rate of revolutions, etc. Let’s do what we can to spur them to action in this regard, before it becomes too late to do anything about it. One of the asteroids, while still in a molten state and through a process of accretion, had coalesced into a sphere of sizable proportion. We now recognize this celestial object as the planetoid &HUHV $ SODQHWRLG LV HVVHQWLDOO\ D GZDUI SODQHW ,W KDV D VXI¿FLHQW PDVV WR EH LQ D K\GURVWDWLF HTXLOLEULXP :KLOH QRW TXLWH PHHWLQJ WKH FULWHULD WR EH FODVVL¿HG DV D SODQHW Ceres stands out from all the other objects in the asteroid belt because it is an orb of some 592 miles in diameter. All of the other objects in the asteroid belt are small, solid, rocky and irregularshaped bodies. Because of the closeness of these objects to each other and the frequent collisions between them, it is reasonable to assume that other planetoids at least as large as Ceres, or possibly even larger, once existed in the asteroid belt. It appears that the smash-ups of these ODUJHU REMHFWV VORZO\ UHGXFHG WKHP WR D YDVW ¿HOG RI FRVPLF GHEULV RU UXEEOH VR WR VSHDN ,Q the Kuiper belt, another ring of cosmic debris extending from the orbit of Pluto to the ends of the solar system, distances between objects are much greater; and hence there have been fewer collisions. To date, and in addition to Pluto, astronomers have located three planetoids. These are Eris at 1,445 miles in diameter, Haumea at 892 miles in diameter and Makemake at 882 miles in diameter. There is also some evidence for the existence of planets in this zone, due to irregularities noted in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. These irregularities are believed to be caused by the gravitational pull of these as yet undiscovered planets and the resulting orbital perturbations of the aforementioned seventh and eighth planets in our solar system.
All of the dwarf planets are smaller than Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system. Many serve as LGHDO ORFDWLRQV IRU GHIHQVLYH EDVHV VFLHQWL¿F H[SHULPHQWDWLRQ REVHUYDWLRQ SRVWV UDGLR UHOD\ VWDWLRQV PLQLQJ operations or even penal colonies. 52
Raymond Andrew Keller II Outer Space Penal Colonies With the exception of Ceres, no indigenous life forms exist on any of the asteroids in the belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Following the destruction of Maldek, any remnants of atmosphere adhering to the asteroids were burnt up; and any of the remaining water dissipated into steam due to the tremendous heat generated from the explosion. The extremely low gravity at the surface of the asteroids was also not conducive to holding either DLU RU ZDWHU WKH UHTXLVLWHV IRU PRVW FODVVL¿FDWLRQV RI OLIH DW OHDVW DV ZH XQGHUVWDQG LW WR EH KHUH on Earth. Nevertheless, many of the asteroids have been put to good use in the service of the Galactic Federation of Light. Tillable ground, seeds, tools and prefabricated, Quonset air-bubbled structures had been brought to the DVWHURLGV E\ WKH SHRSOHV RI VXQGU\ LQKDELWHG SODQHWV $W ¿UVW ZRUN VWDWLRQV ZHUH set up on the surface of the asteroids; and over time viable outer space colonies were established in the hollowed-out interiors of these quirky but convenient objects. Among these, some were VHW DVLGH DV SHQDO FRORQLHV $W ¿UVW WKH SULVRQHUV KDG WR ZRUN YHU\ KDUG MXVW WR NHHS DOLYH 7KH sexes were segregated. There would be one asteroid for men and yet another for women. There was literally no way to bridge the vast distances between them. Contemplating the very risk of being sent to one of these asteroid penal colonies was enough to dissuade any individuals even remotely considering the commission of a criminal act. The mere existence of these penal colonies in the asteroid belt proved to be the most effective deterrent to crime. So much so, indeed, that the penal colonies are by now almost extinct. Landings from the home planets are made periodically for the purpose of seeing how the colonists are getting along. As they have no jailers, prison breaks are impossible. The asteroids are also used for mining operations. This is where most of the needed mineral supplies come from. The majority of the prisoners in a rehabilitative status work in these asteroid mines. Many of the early inmates were sentenced to the asteroid belt for rogue acts committed in GH¿DQFH RI WKH Galactic Federation of Light when they usurped power on Earth in the continents of Atlantis and /HPXULD $W ¿UVW WKH\ KDG EHHQ DVVLJQHG WR SULVRQ IDFLOLWLHV XQGHU WKH Earth; but as some escaped, the asteroids were deemed a more appropriate location for housing them. There are still descendants of these initial prisoners remaining in the Earth’s interior; and these are known as the Dero. In Cosmic Ray’s Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2017), he goes into greater depth about some of the so-called Trojan asteroids, brought into position in the La Grange points around some of the planets in the solar system to serve as radio relay stations. Following our viewing of the documentary, I asked Vorton about the Dero deep under the Earth’s crust. “They are a decadent race. They have certain ‘mechanisms,’ shall we say, that they inherited from their ancient ancestors. Fortunately for us, and for you, I might add, most of the Dero have forgotten how to use these mechanisms, largely of a psychic nature. Their ancestors way, way back, had come to Earth in spaceships and mated with the natives on the surface, before the Ice Age. The coming of the latter is what drove them underground, in caves. This was done for the purpose of survival. These space people, for doing that, were not allowed to return to their native planets. They were not even allowed to return to the surface of the (DUWK ZKHUH WKH\ RQFH UXOHG DV VHO¿VK DQG ZLFNHG NLQJV DQG TXHHQV ,W ZDV WKLV JURXS RI exiles who gave rise to the legend in the Old Testament about the “offspring of the gods” who took for themselves mates among the daughters and sons of men.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations When some of the Dero worked on the surface in building the ancient Atlantean and /HPXULDQ FLYLOL]DWLRQV LW ZDV VDLG WKDW WKHLU VFLHQWL¿F JORULHV WUXO\ UHÀHFWHG WKDW RI WKH RWKHU planets from which they or their ancestors had originated. Every now and then, our Federation spaceships would pay them a visit, to see how they were getting along. But these visits tapered off; and they took back with them fewer and fewer of the Dero. Eventually, it reached a point where none of the 'HUR ZDV IRXQG ZRUWK\ RI ÀLJKWV LQWR VSDFH 7KH Dero had become more and more evil until the Galactic Council decided that the 'HUR FRQWDPLQDWLRQ VKRXOG EH FRQ¿QHG WR the Earth and that the rogue elements should be isolated underground. Large bees were brought from Venus to serve as their guards in the vast caverns of the inner world, known as Agartha. At a certain point, efforts to round up 'HUR RQ WKH VXUIDFH SURYHG XQQHFHVVDU\ IRU D JUHDW ÀRRG wiped them out. The surface Dero were living in the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers when the inundations occurred. Your Bible contains an account of Noah and his family, being survivors of this deluge. Your ancestors worshiped the Dero, presuming them to be as gods and demigods, referring to them as the Anunnaki. All of this gave rise to the Valkyrie legend, much as Wagner presented it in his operas. Occult Nazi circles have made a fetish of the Anunnaki.” “Yes, thank you for this explanation. I must admit that I have heard tell of it from some of the contactees. Most notable among them is Albert Coe.”15 “A good friend, Albert is. I know him well. You can trust his words, Sister Annabell.” I had always been interested in the antediluvian world and the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. Watching the documentary provided illumination in this matter, and insight beyond PHDVXUH 1RZ , XQGHUVWDQG WKDW WKH ÀRRG ZDV SUHFLSLWDWHG E\ D VKLIWLQJ LQ WKH Earth’s axis. This shifting was responsible for the ultimate sinking of both Atlantis and Lemuria. Before war had broken out between these two superpowers, underground tunnels were built to connect them with high speed trains. These tunnels also went under the oceans. Remnants of these tunnels can still be found in certain places. Of particular importance, however, is the mental grasping WKDW PRUDO SURJUHVV LV VXSHULRU WR VFLHQWL¿F SURJUHVV ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV NQRZLQJ KRZ WR XWLOL]H power rightly trumps everything else. As for the Dero, they certainly posed a threat to the peoples of Earth and to our brothers and sisters of other planets. If the Venusians and other benevolent space people were not around to police the 'HUR FRQWDLQLQJ WKHP ZLWK WKHLU VXSHULRU SRZHUV ERWK SV\FKLFDOO\ DQG VFLHQWL¿FDOO\ you would now stand in subjection to their evil machinations. Because of this, the Dero are afraid of us, on that very account. Therefore, they keep to their caves under your planet’s crust. 7KH\ H[HUFLVH D EDG LQÀXHQFH ZKHUHYHU WKH\ JR 7KH\ KDYH FHUWDLQ UD\ PDFKLQHV LQKHULWHG from way back, from those of the giant red star, Aldebaran, as well as the Pleiades, in the Taurus Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. These extraterrestrials look very much like Earthlings; but their intentions have not always been good toward the Earth or its peoples. The Earth’s Moon is not the only way station for extraterrestrial spaceships. There is another near the very center of the Earth. The Dero are not allowed to enter this area. Of course, higher-evolved descendants of some of the original space visitors, along with some of their (DUWK FRPSDQLRQV GLG ¿QG WKHLU ZD\ LQWR WKH Earth’s center before Atlantis and Lemuria sank beneath the seas from the great axis shifting. The Earth’s crust is really only a few miles thick. Inside there are seas which had drained down from the surface. This caused the drying-up 15 For a detailed account of Albert Coe and his Venusian contacts, please see Dr. Raymond Keller, Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2015), 146-149. 54
Raymond Andrew Keller II process, exposing deserts that were once sea basins. The centrifugal force of the Earth’s own revolutions keeps this water clinging to the inside of the planet’s crust. This, in turn, leaves open spaces between that and the central core, which is a glowing globe, or that which is what is left from the time when the whole Earth was a molten ball. This was long before its crust cooled off and hardened. Thus, the inner world does possess light and warmth, land and water, even all of the conditions necessary for the rise of vegetation and the life forms that feed upon it. There are entrances with air locks that are concealed under the ice at both poles. There is also an open space, much like the hole in a doughnut but shaped more in the order of a Mobius strip. Admiral Perry’s plane wandered partway into it, whence he reported back that he had sighted RSHQ VHDV DQG IHUWLOH ODQGVFDSHV )HZ KRZHYHU DFWXDOO\ ¿QG WKHLU ZD\ LQ 7KLV LV EHFDXVH WKH Van Allen Radiation Belt, whose terminals are at the poles, makes all compasses go haywire. The space people have their ways of guiding all searching parties, in both the air and on the ground, away from this entrance. The world’s inner sun never sets. However, there are rainstorms ever present, just as on the VXUIDFH DQG FLWLHV ÀRXULVKHG WKHUH DV WKH\ GR RQ WKH Moon, minus the glasslike canopies that keep the air in. All of the documentaries shown to me revealed the wondrous panoply of intelligent life forms scattered throughout the galaxy. I felt as though my mind had been extended to HQFRPSDVV WKH LQ¿QLWLHV RI WKH &RVPRV
Lady Columba discusses life in Agartha, the realm of the Inner Earth. See love-a-good-conspiracy-theory-hollow-earth/.
Vorton Answers Questions on Life in Outer Space Annabell: “George Adamski said that all of the planets and their moons in our solar system are inhabited. What kinds of life forms will pioneering spacefarers from Earth discover when they reach these remote worlds?” Vorton: “The planets that our solar nebulae gave birth to are like siblings in a close family, brothers and sisters of varying ages. They all belong to the same generation. As humankind 55
Lady Columba Venus Revelations evolved on Earth, life also evolved on these brother and sister worlds, but more or less in varying degrees of evolution. Humans on Earth look at the humanoid as the highest form of evolutionary development; but this is not the case. The highest forms of intelligent life in this solar system are the insects, particularly the bees found on the Earth, Mars and Venus. The humanoids on Venus, like me, however, are actually descended from cosmic travelers from the star system you know as Tau Ceti. Our sun is very much like your own, but has only about 80 percent of the mass. It has seven planets in orbit about it; and we hail from the second planet known as Norca, that millions of years ago became a vast desert world unable to continue supporting its human population. The other six planets in our system were not conducive to supporting humanoid life forms, so we used the last of our resources and technology to launch a ÀHHW RI VSDFHVKLSV LQ WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI \RXU VRODU V\VWHP DV RXU DVWURQRPHUV QRWHG VSHFWURJUDSKLF signs that life existed on several of the worlds there. Upon our arrival to the solar system, we asked permission of the bees on Venus to settle there. We were granted permission to establish a colony in the northern continent, near the pole, where we have prospered ever since. There has been interaction between the inhabitants of the solar worlds ever since; so there is much that Earthlings need to learn of cosmic history.” Annabell: “When you visit the larger planets, how can you withstand their greater gravities?” Vorton: “The gravity of any particular planet is not determined by its size, but by its composition, the rate of its revolutions and its distance from the Sun. There are so many factors to consider. Our spacecraft, however, can neutralize any amount of gravitation by producing its own rate of gravity, in various but controllable degrees. Also, by using the magnetic lines of force around each planet, we manipulate our relationship to the planet’s polarization, either to attract for arrival or to repel for departure. Magnetism streaming into a planet is gravity’s centrifugal force; while magnetism streaming out is levity’s centrifugal force. Speaking on a PRUH HVRWHULF SODQH LW LV WKH ¿UVW WKDW EULQJV XV LQWR LQFDUQDWLRQ DQG WKH ODWWHU WKDW WDNHV XV RXW again. “We can also land and walk on any planet because of the anti-gravity belts that we wear. These operate on the same principle, but in miniature. We can control such a device to skim over water, or even make a deep dent in a metal or stone. Not too long ago I spent some time with a Venusian friend working undercover in a major Los Angeles newspaper. Before we left, while our anti-gravity belts were operative beneath our clothing, we actually levitated in the RI¿FH DQG PDGH VFUDWFKHV ZLWK RXU ¿QJHUQDLOV LQ PHWDO QHZVSDSHU SULQWLQJ SODWHV 7KH VHFUHWDU\ was a big fan of the Adventures of Superman, and we wanted her to know that the program UHSUHVHQWHG PXFK PRUH WKDQ VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ 6KH ZDV VR DVWRQLVKHG WKDW VKH SUDFWLFDOO\ IHOO RXW of her chair.”16 16 Editor’s note: Paul M. Vest, a prominent Theosophist from the Southern California Lodge, wrote an intriguing story about a pair of Venusians posing as reporters in the Greater Los Angeles area who were occasionally seen exhibiting such superpowers. His detailed account of these extraterrestrials, “Venusians Walk Our Streets,” appeared in the August 1954 issue of Raymond A. Palmer’s Mystic magazine (Amherst, Wisconsin: Palmer Publications). Also, the existence of anti-JUDYLW\ À\LQJ EHOWV DV DQ HOHPHQW RI DOLHQ WHFKQRORJ\ ZDV ¿UVW UHYHDOHG E\ WKH SURPLQHQW XIRORJLVW DQG FRPLF ERRN VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ ZULWHU 2WWR Binder, in his story, “The 5th-Dimensional High School,” that appeared in Adventure Comics #306 (New York, New York: DC Comics, March 1963). Also see the account in Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2017), concerning an appearance of Dolores Barrios as the Queen of Outer Space in 1954 that inspired Otto Binder to create the character of 6XSHUJLUO IRU '& &RPLFV ¿YH \HDUV ODWHU $V WR WKH À\LQJ belts, in the Adventure Comics rendition, the members of the Legion of Superheroes originally used those SXUFKDVHG E\ WKHLU VSRQVRU 5 - %UDQGH ZKHQ WKHLU RUJDQL]DWLRQ ZDV ¿UVW HVWDEOLVKHG 7KH anti-gravity belts were considered state-of-the-art in Earth’s 30th century personal transport technology. 56
Raymond Andrew Keller II $QQDEHOO ³6R OLIH LV D ORW PRUH ÀH[LEOH than we’ve given it credit for.” 9RUWRQ ³<HV OLIH ÀRXULVKHV ZKHUHYHU LW FDQ ¿QG D IRRWKROG ,W FDQ HQGXUH PRUH extremes than could normally be expected. For humanoids to progress, evolutionary that is, three requisites must be present: 1) a larger cranial cavity; 2) an opposable, prehensile WKXPE ZLWK ¿QJHUV WR PDQLSXODWH REMHFWV DQG 3) an upright posture. When we think, we are increasing our brain case. Our ambition raises the body from a horizontal position; and to try to mold one’s environment closer to being able to meet one’s desires, we have our hands. Of course, all physical creations, regardless of We should all enjoy such consolation prizes! See WKHLU IRUP PXVW ¿UVW EH FUHDWHG LQ WKH VSLULWXDO and mental planes. We call them ‘archetypes’ around which atoms are drawn at the Creator’s will. “On Earth, it was the lemur, and later the ape form, that ultimately developed into the human. The base of the composition was carbon. On other planets, it has been the insect form, the elephantine or bird form, etc. The requisites for these life forms will differ somewhat from WKDW RI WKH KXPDQ EXW HDFK FDQ DVFHQG WKH HYROXWLRQDU\ VFDOH DQG IXO¿OO WKH PHDVXUH RI LWV creation.” $QQDEHOO ³,¶P EHJLQQLQJ WR XQGHUVWDQG $SSDUHQWO\ RXU ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU GLG LQWHQG IRU WKH inhabitants of the planets that belong to the same Sun to commune. We can certainly relate to each other, being of the same physical substances that proliferate throughout the cosmos. I look forward to the day when we of Earth, like the Venusians and other space friends, will be able patrol the solar system in spaceships, to visit and learn from each other, exchange views over our interplanetary intercoms and telescopic televisors. As I recall, Nikola Tesla was way ahead of his time. He invented a device as early as 1898 that allowed him to talk to bees on Venus. Everyone thought he was crazy; but now I know better!” Vorton further explained that representatives from every inhabited planet in our solar system, and even from beyond, were coming to visit the Moon of Earth preparatory to congregating for an interplanetary convention regarding the Earth’s ongoing predicament. They wanted to assemble in order to see what they could do to help the Earthlings. The extraterrestrials meet on various member planets or hold conferences aboard one of their huge motherships or space platforms. Some are miles long, hollowed-out asteroids or vast space stations, the equivalent of whole towns complete with green belts and parks. They were built by civilizations that enjoy OLYLQJ LQ XQGHUJURXQG XQGHUVHD RU ÀRDWLQJ FLWLHV ³/LNH WKH KLGGHQ RQH , YLVLWHG RQ Earth,” I mused. From my brief time in outer space, I was really amazed at how many kinds of intelligences there were, encased in various types of bodies. That they could all come together in order to discuss all kinds of problems and plans in such harmony of understanding and friendliness was a goal that we of Earth, in the same physical form but only of differing cultures and languages, could readily learn from. To thrash out differences of opinion and meet on the common ground 57
Lady Columba Venus Revelations of mutual interests, without rancor, envy, greed, hate or rage, was quite admirable. The freedom and mechanical powers, let alone the psychic powers, we each possess in our own ways. I pray that we begin to treat each other on the very best and sincerest terms, before we add space travel to this mix. If we can’t get along with each other, how are we going to be fully accepted into the ranks of our greater cosmic community? Vorton was reading my mind, as usual. “In comparison,” he said, “Your political conclaves on (DUWK DUH OLNH SULVRQ ULRWV $OO DUH FKDLQHG WR WKH VDPH SODQHW \HW ¿JKWLQJ HDFK RWKHU RYHU every square mile of it, almost, off and on, and for power over the minds of the masses. Earth, I hesitate to tell you, is considered to be the ‘Reform School’ of this solar system. On Earth is where souls are embodied who need to purge out all of the undesirable qualities we consider anti-social, like all meanness, for instance. These are souls who have fallen below the minimum standard of conduct on other planets. They still have to learn lessons through sufferings. Some souls, of course, choose to be born on Earth, to bring some needed service to humankind. You would be counted among this group, dear Annabell. We even land some of our own, who can pass as Earthlings, in some isolated spot, and this for the same reason of performing certain PLVVLRQV ¿UVW KDQG ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW WKRVH RI RXU VSLULWXDO NLQVKLS ZKHWKHU ERUQ RU landed on Earth, we make it a point to keep in telepathic touch with.” “But aren’t those who are landed ever detected, especially in countries where everyone who wants a job must have a Social Security number?” I inquired, quite excited about the probability of having met space people on Earth while not realizing their origin. “No, they are all well-trained before we land them, to meet all contingencies. Even if they told others there, no Earthling would believe they were spacemen without proof, and thereby consider them to be ‘a bit off,’ so to speak. Even if they performed so-called ‘miracles,’ from their deeper knowledge of, and hence power over nature, they would only be considered magicians. It would take a spaceship from outer space to verify their claim,” he answered with a chuckle of kindly amusement, adding that, “Concerning the need for Social Security numbers to earn money in some parts, we get around by not applying for any. That method of counting noses was instituted, among other reasons, to spot anyone not of Earth, when your politicians came to the realization that space travel was possible.” I then asked, “Then how do the ones you land live on Earth, without money to pay for living expenses?” Vorton replied, “We do not have to conform to all of your systems. We carry food pills with us; and through our power to become invisible by bending light rays around us, we can pick up those we have landed at anytime, anywhere, though our teleportation ray from our craft. Although we can get a job on Earth, without putting a false birthplace on the application for a 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ FDUG ZKLFK FDQQRW EH YHUL¿HG HYHQ LI LQYHVWLJDWHG RQH FDQQRW GHQ\ WKDW WKHUH are still places where one can get jobs without going through all of that red tape. Just look at the YDVW QXPEHUV RI XQGRFXPHQWHG ZRUNHUV WKDW ¿QG HPSOR\PHQW LQ \RXU FRXQWU\ 7KHQ WKHUH DUH also gambling casinos where our intuitional powers can discern when and where the winning number is coming up next, to increase our earnings, if we are in a hurry for something, where more money might be needed.”17 17 Editor’s note: This is quite true. When the Venusians needed me to get over to Venezuela, for example, they telepathically directed me to a Native American casino in Michigan where I won a Live Wire slot jackpot LPPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU HQWHULQJ WKH EXLOGLQJ DQG SOD\LQJ WKH ¿UVW PDFKLQH E\ WKH GRRU , OHIW WKH United States in the week immediately following the 9-11 terrorist assault on the Twin Towers in New York City and stayed in Venezuela for two years, becoming a professor at La Universidad de Momboy in the city of Valera, not 58
Raymond Andrew Keller II In continuing the dialogue, I remarked admiringly, “I take my hat off to your ingenuity that thinks of everything, and therefore can do anything,” adding, “And because of that, I am glad that you are so morally evolved to do only the most noble things.” 9RUWRQ SURFODLPHG ³4XLWH VR GHDU $QQDEHOO 1RELOLW\ RI FKDUDFWHU LV WKH ¿UVW UHTXLVLWH WR use unusual powers rightly; for only those who do can keep and increase them. Abuse through PLVXVH VRRQ ORVHV DQ\ SRZHU LQ DQ\ ¿HOG RQ DQ\ SODQH ´ Mysteries of Mercury Unveiled “Tell me about the smallest planet, Mercury, which is nearest to the Sun. How could you VWDQG WKH KHDW ZKHQ YLVLWLQJ LW"´ , DVNHG ZLWK D QRWH RI VFLHQWL¿F FXULRVLW\ “The heat....” Vorton echoed, “Yes, there is blinding light on the side facing the Sun, but not as much heat as you might think; because of 0HUFXU\¶V DUWL¿FLDOO\ DXJPHQWHG PDJQHWLF ¿HOG WKHUH KDV ORQJ H[LVWHG D VFUHHQLQJ RI WKH DWPRVSKHUH DOWKRXJK QRW OLNH RXUV ZKRVH QDWXUDO PDJQHWLF ¿HOG LV VXI¿FLHQW IRU WKH MRE ,W LV QXFOHDU VRODU UD\V WKDW UHDFK DQG VWULNH WKH DWPRVSKHUHV WKDW FUHDWH KHDW IURP ¿FWLRQ ´ “What? Why, I know that the 6XQ LV MXVW D ELJ EDOO RI ¿UH ´ , SURWHVWHG 7KHQ , PRPHQWDULO\ paused and added, “OK, I see your point. We of Earth know that there is a band of higher frequencies around the Earth, miles above the surface. So it kind of makes sense to me now. These bands must intercept the more deadly cosmic rays before they ever get to a point in the atmosphere where they might become too harmful.” “Also,” added Vorton, “Most of the inhabitants of Mercury actually live underground. And those that don’t live under protected domes. The establishment of settlements on Mercury followed the pattern set previously for the colonization of the Earth’s Moon. In fact, the Moon and Mercury have much in common, and are of an approximate size. “You see,” Vorton continued, “the atmosphere of each planet that is habitable in any way has methods of screening out the kind of solar rays that it does not need. This makes the solar rays pile up around the edges of its atmospheric blanket, being caught up in the strong electromagnetic currents collecting there. This is much like your Aurora Borealis on the Earth in its third density. This, in turn, is determined by the planet’s distance from the Sun. Really, it’s amazing how nature can adapt some forms of life to almost any kind of environment. Life LV VR ÀH[LEOH ,W KDV WDNHQ D IRRWKROG RQ PDQ\ SODQHWV PRRQV DQG RWKHU FHOHVWLDO REMHFWV LQ WKLV solar system, and even beyond.” Humbled by Vorton’s great knowledge and the time it took for him to explain the cosmic situation to me, I said, “The more we learn, the more we ought to realize just how little we know. Therefore, it is only by holding an open mind that we can advance through research and experimentation to new and greater truths.” “Ah, my dear, I see that you are already beginning to understand. And you should know that it is all taking place without envy, even if another should beat us to it.” I really wanted to know if Vorton had ever been out of the solar system on one of his many expeditions/exploratory trips. “Have you ever been out of the solar system, Vorton, to visit any planets orbiting other suns in our galaxy?” I asked my esteemed extraterrestrial friend.
far from the border of Colombia. A visiting Foreign Languages chairperson from West Virginia University observed one of my classes there and offered me a position as a graduate teaching assistant in his department, which I graciously accepted. 59
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Vorton replied, “While the Venusians are more spiritually advanced than the inhabitants of other star systems, they are only now, in the past few millennia, catching up on technological fronts with the Arcturans, Pleiadians and other space-faring civilizations. Most of our VSDFHFUDIW FRQ¿QH WKHPVHOYHV WR RSHUDWLRQV along the magnetic lines of our Sun’s vortex, inclusive of all its planetary family. We do have a few Cytherium-powered motherships, however, that can reach stars scattered throughout our galaxy, the Milky Way, even Mercury and the Moon have cratered, rocky surfaces. to those in orbit around the Great Central Sun Both celestial bodies have surfaces, or crusts, (Kolob), the realm of gods and angels. The composed almost entirely of rock and pocked with Venusians are also working on establishing a craters. Their craters are considered evidence of colony in the Sirius star sector.” numerous meteorite strikes. The Moon is slightly He continued, “The Kolob is a greater larger than the planet Mercury. The Venusians informed Annabell that both were hollow and served vortexian phalange that holds all the galaxy’s as space colonies for advanced extraterrestrial solar systems therein. In time, we have made civilizations. See some tremendous strides in interstellar work. In watch?v=fnfbUxFfTVE. time, even you of Earth will begin to learn how to construct space vehicles which can reach the Kolob. At your present rate of technological advance, however, you have not conceived the plans for the development of any vehicles large enough in their capacity to carry enough power long enough to bridge such vast distances in outer space, even to Alpha-Proxima Centauri, the nearest star cluster to your sun and planet. Such a voyage would necessitate you taking many years, lugging around enough supplies WR SURSHUO\ PDQDJH DOO RI \RXU WHPSRUDO DIIDLUV DORQJ WKH ZD\ <RX ZLOO ¿QG WKH VROXWLRQ WR interstellar travel as soon as you learn how to bridge time as well as distance. Time travel through gravity wave compression will even allow you to create star gates, under certain circumstances.” I mused, “Hmmm. Maybe God put the speed of light out there as an inhibiting factor as much to protect us as the extraterrestrial civilizations. What I am saying is this, Vorton; maybe the Creator only wants the worthy ones to communicate with the Higher Intelligences that are out there. That’s why he established the speed of light, as a sort of cosmic safety limit. Only WKRVH FLYLOL]DWLRQV VXI¿FLHQWO\ DGYDQFHG FDQ EHFRPH PHPEHUV RI WKDW LQFOXVLYH FOXE ´ “Well,” noted Vorton, “Spiritually speaking, the Creator has made a way to commune with the Highest Intelligences, through thought waves riding on the cosmic rays beamed from the Grand Central Sun, which is different from the Kolob, which is the black star at the center of our galaxy alone. The Grand Central Sun is situated at the center of the physical universe, around which the galaxies revolve. The Grand Central Sun is the Divine Source of all Creation, an invisible orb but omnipresent spirit entity from whom all the highest intelligences projected forth into this reality and began to expand their presence into the further reaches of endless space. These are counted as the Firstborn in all the individual galaxies. “Fortunately, these divine cosmic rays are stepped down consecutively in frequencies, when percolating through the Great Central Sun in the center of each galaxy. There, they are 60
Raymond Andrew Keller II further stepped down when going through the individual suns of each solar system, until they ¿QDOO\ UHDFK VRXOV RQ HYHU\ OHYHO RI HYROXWLRQ LQFDUQDWH DQG GLVLQFDUQDWH 7KH UHVSRQVLYH capacity of each soul determines how much they can receive, absorb and act upon. They qualify the receiving individuals according to their own patterns of life; and if used rightly, they can SURPRWH WKHLU SURJUHVV XS WKH ODGGHU RI HYROXWLRQ WR WKHLU ¿QDO JRDO RI DWWDLQLQJ WR WKH 'LYLQH Source. Otherwise, if wrongly used, they continue to backslide until they reach the point that they can reform to catch up again. “At this juncture, while we are on this tremendous subject, I would like to add another angle, about the way the Law of Relativity works throughout the creation. You have seen through a microscope how even the tiniest insect is so intricately made. So, on other planets besides nonhuman intelligences of numerous sizes, don’t be surprised to discover human and humanoid creatures incredibly smaller, as well as larger, than we are. Basically, the larger the brain, which is the focal point of intelligence, is in relation to the body, the higher the consciousness in it. This is true on every plane of expression, from the coarser and slower on YLVLEOH OHYHOV XS WR WKH ¿QHU DQG IDVWHU RQ WKH LQYLVLEOH SODQHV RU WKRVH GLPHQVLRQV WKDW ZH cannot see with our physical eyes. ³7KH VDPH FDQ EH VDLG RI VXEWHUUDQHDQ ZRUOGV 7KHUH LV D PLQLDWXUH EXW DUWL¿FLDO VXQ WKDW JHQHUDWHV EODFN VWDU HQHUJLHV DW WKH FRUH RI WKHVH RUEV $V RQH PRYHV FORVHU WR WKLV DUWL¿FLDO VWDU the vibrations continue to rise. “In other words, what I am telling you, Annabell, in all of this, is that consciousness unfolds and accelerates in broadness of concepts the further it climbs from the sod to God. Spiritual love not only ‘makes the world go round,’ but the whole universe!” said Vorton with worshipful awe. I pondered Vorton’s words in my heart. I was now beginning to understand that all beings, regardless of where they came from or their outward appearance, were all manifestations of WKH *RG SUHVHQFH WKDW SHUPHDWHV WKH XQLYHUVH 6HHNLQJ IXUWKHU FODUL¿FDWLRQ RQ WKLV SRLQW , inquired, “But Vorton, just what kind of differences have you found between some of the more humanoid life forms on other planets?” “Instead of answering that question, Annabell, I will invite you to attend the Round Table Conference of the Interplanetary Confederation, to be convened 24 hours from now, right here at the base,” responded Vorton, adding that, “You just can’t imagine what our Board of Directors look like until you actually see them, what with the various kinds of human and hybrid humanoid types. We just can’t have any class, gender, sex or racial discriminations anymore; DV ZH KDYH IRXQG WKDW IHPDOHV DUH MXVW DV HI¿FLHQW DQG GHSHQGDEOH DV PDOHV LQ DQ\ FDSDFLW\ QR matter how important. With so many species to deal with, and of so many variations, we had to give up such prejudices long ago, and learn to respect others’ customs, ideas, etc.” “Thank you for the invitation,” I declared. “If more Earthlings had the same appreciation and admiration when recognizing any superior genius in another, in any way, like you do, even for those from other planets, instead of trying to becloud and undermine another’s light and power through envy, or ‘steal their thunder’ through greed, they could help each other up the ladder of cosmic evolution, instead of pushing each other down, thus mutually obstructing their progress. “What an object lesson your United Planets conferences would be to Earthlings, demonstrating how so many different species and races can get along on such a mutually helpful basis, without any suspicions and causes for fear. I hope Earthlings will soon learn 61
Lady Columba Venus Revelations that- even though they choose the hard way of suffering- for the sake of humanity’s evolution, to say nothing of its survival.” “Many thanks, dear Annabell, for your kind praise, which I hope we deserve. Even we of the other worlds have much to learn yet. Now we shall retire to our respective quarters. You can contact me anytime, over this intercom.” Vorton handed me a communicator that actually resembled a tiny wristwatch. At that point, I was escorted by a female inhabitant of the Moon base Clarion to a special section reserved for visitors from (DUWK VSHFLDOO\ DGDSWHG WR ¿W WKHLU VOLJKWO\ ODUJHU VL]H DQG SDUWLFXODU QHHGV $W WKLV , UHPDUNHG WKDW ³,W¶V WHUUL¿F WKDW \RX KDYH HYHU\WKLQJ UHDG\ IRU RXW of-planet visitors. By the way, how many visit here and where do they come from?” The Clarion guide explained, “You would be surprised, Sister Annabell. They come from over 600 worlds, mostly planets but some moons and even space platforms, like those constructed in hollowed asteroids. They are all different, yet all containing some component manifesting love. There are no humans from Earth’s surface represented at these conferences, however, at least not yet. Anyway, this is the closest thing we have to a ‘church,’ so to speak; so PD\ \RXU VWD\ KHUH EH ¿OOHG ZLWK PDQ\ KDSS\ KRXUV 0D\ \RXU OLIH EH ¿OOHG ZLWK PDQ\ KDSS\ \HDUV DQG PD\ \RXU GUHDPV EH ¿OOHG ZLWK VWDUV ´ “And may God’s richest blessings come your way, no bars holding,” I heartedly exclaimed.
Chapter V: Interplanetary Confederation Conference
A female from Clarion escorted Annabell to the Interplanetary Confederation Conference chamber. See “Moon Girl” by Hannavos,
In spite of the opinions of certain narrow-minded people who would shut up the human race upon this globe, we shall one day travel to the Moon, the planets, and the stars with the same facility, rapidity and certainty as we now make the ocean voyage from Liverpool to New York. —Jules Verne Since life on the Clarion Moon base is largely underground, conveniently for me the lighting in the (DUWK VHFWLRQ UHÀHFWHG WKH GLXUQDO UK\WKPV IRXQG RQ P\ QDWLYH SODQHW 2Q WKH IROORZLQJ day, the same female who escorted me to her quarters in the Earth section, showed up at my door to guide me to the soon-to-be convened conference of the Interplanetary Confederation. “Hi, Annabell; it’s me again. Sorry I failed to introduce myself properly yesterday. My name’s Rowena. I was born here on Clarion in the Earth year 1896. My father is an Earthling from the British Isles and my mother is one of the Metrons (time police) from Abejar. I work in the hydroponics towers right here in the Earth zone.” “Good to see you again, Rowena. What’s on the agenda for today?” “I’ll be escorting you to the conference, Annabell. Brace yourself, because you’re in for some real surprises.” Rowena gently took my hand and guided me to the audience chamber. She bid me to take a seat on one of the sponge-rubber benches lining the wall. “We’re actually in a huge spaceship anchored to a mooring tower in the center of this half-underground lunar city,” explained Rowena. 63
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Soon after everyone had embarked, Rowena took a seat beside me. The ship the two women were in was huge, aptly called the Space Leviathan. Within seconds after taking off for the depths of outer space, the ship was hovering, suspended somewhere between the Earth and the Moon. Rowena assured me that we were privileged to be attending a “momentous meeting of extraterrestrial minds concerning the future of the Earth.” I could see the stars. They seemed to be staring in at me with great constancy through the curved windows of the Leviathan. Even with my limited experiences so far in traveling with space friends, I realized that stars only twinkle on Earth because we see them through our planet’s atmospheric envelope.
Onboard the Space Leviathan for the Interplanetary Conference, Annabell and Rowena pay close attention to the proceedings. 9RUWRQ LQWURGXFHV WKH ¿UVW VSHDNHU &RPPDQGHU Aura Rhanes of Moon Base Clarion, seated next to him and wearing a red beret. Source: Keller Venus Files.
An Account of the Conference , KDG P\ H\HV IXOO VWXG\LQJ DOO WKH GHOHJDWHV DV WKH\ ¿OHG LQ DQG WRRN WKHLU SODFHV DURXQG D circular table which was decorated with a design of the Solar System. Never had I seen anything like these various types, even in my wildest dreams. I had not expected to see such radical differences in humanoids, although Vorton had tried to prepare me for it, in a roundabout way. Earthlings had evolved from the ape pattern, as had the Norcans and other humanoid species countless eons ago, with minor differences. Here I am referring to those inhabitants from other planets with larger heads, or greater cranial capacity. A delegate from the interior of one of the Jovian moons was elephantine in origin, also EHLQJ D OLWWOH ODUJHU DQG IDWWHU WKDQ VRPH RI WKH UHVW +LV KHDG KDG ORQJ ÀDSSLQJ HDUV EXW KLV trunk-like nose was shorter than an elephant’s. Also, his grey, leathery skin was softer; and KLV VWXEE\ ¿QJHUV KDG WKH QHFHVVDU\ SUHKHQVLOH WKXPE ,Q DQFLHQW ,QGLD WKHUH ZHUH WDOHV RI such a fantastic being holding an esteemed place in the pantheon of Hindu deities. Known as Ganesha, this was a god with an elephant head and pot-bellied human body that the people prayed to for help in removing obstacles, achieving success and obtaining wealth. Another delegate from a super-Earth type world orbiting close to the red dwarf star we know as Wolf 359 in the constellation of Leo, about eight light years distant from our own solar 64
Raymond Andrew Keller II system, evolved from the turtle form, but had a bigger head, shorter neck and usable hands. The shell was corrugated. His skin was spotted, with four arms and a row of diamond-bright eyes. The elders of many Native American tribes have taught us that the planet Earth is itself known as Turtle Island by our brothers and sisters from the sky realms. There was even a delegate from Pluto, the planet at the fringes of our solar system in the midst of an outer belt of icy asteroids and deep-frozen planetoids. The Plutonian was covered with a thick, white fur to protect her or himself from the intense cold. His was a bear-like form, H[FHSW IRU KLV DOPRVW KXPDQ IDFH DQG FODZ OLNH ¿QJHUV 7KH FORVHVW SDUDOOHO WR WKLV FUHDWXUH RQ Earth would be the legendary Yeti, as it is known in Asia. As for the planet Uranus, there is a star gate on the surface of its small, irregular-shaped moon of Setebos, discovered in 1999 by John J. Kavelaars, a Canadian astronomer attached to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The astronomer noted that this tiny moon was in a fast retrograde orbit along the rim of Uranus’ rings that could not be logically explained in the celestial mechanics of its positioning with respect to either the planet or the other moons in the Uranus system. From this star gate emerge blue, bird-like forms. Of one of the delegates from Setebos, I noted a beaked nose, webbed feet and feathered wings extending from the shoulders along the arms, ending in claw-like hands. The being was tall and had a very musical voice, sounding masculine, although I could not be sure. On this bird being’s planet, I thought, there would be no need for vehicles of any kind, unless it came to transporting larger goods. And coming from Titan- the largest moon of Saturn- was a being much closer to that of the Earth human in appearance. Although he had a larger head, chest and eyes, this one had wiry limbs as strong as steel. From Abejar (Venus) came another type of hybrid, a bee-like person with gossamer wings. The delegate was a queen bee with four, three-jointed arms, with two on either side, and two, three-jointed legs, but bigger. She had an antenna on her hard, round head. It waved around now and then, possibly to catch thoughts or vibrations. A shell-like skin covered her narrow waist and large, striped trunk behind. The Clarion Moon base Commander Aura Rhanes, a Venusian, was also present and serving as both the co-chair with Vorton and the Master-at-Arms for the conference. The Commander was not a hybrid bee person, however, but a naturalized Venusian originally hailing from the planet Earth. Born in the early eighteenth century in France, Commander Rhanes has served as a muse for many revolutionary movements scattered throughout the Earth’s turbulent history. 6KH ZDV RI DYHUDJH KHLJKW D OLWWOH RYHU ¿YH DQG D KDOI IHHW 7KH Martian delegate was also in attendance, although much taller than the average Earthling, most likely due to the lesser gravity on the red planet, which is about one-fourth that of Earth. , KDG WR JHW XVHG WR DOO RI WKLV VWUDQJHQHVV ZKLFK DW ¿UVW ZDV UDWKHU ZHLUG DQG FRXOG EH very terrifying, at least from an ordinary point of view. However, when I concentrated on the expressions of these out-of-this world creatures, I could see the light of human intelligence and kindliness shining from them. This eventually made me forget their unearthly appearance.18 18 About 25,000,000 years ago, forces from the Aldebaran and Pleiades star sectors began to expand throughout our quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy, genetically mixing and modifying various species on the planets they conquered. This period of galactic history has come to be known as the Sirian Shift. Read Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Headline Books, 2017) to understand its impact on the inhabitants of our sister planet Venus. 65
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Each delegate wore a lighted disk, like a pendant around their necks. This had been given them by a higher solar tribunal as a sign that they had developed spiritual love for all creatures to the fullest extent, proving themselves worthy of the high honor of being chosen as a delegate. Such a coveted distinction was examined and passed upon by the infallible verdicts of the Solar Masters, the most highly evolved in our solar system. They were the ‘higher authorities’ of whom the lesser lights on the planets spoke in hushed whispers of reverent awe. All the wise ones aspired to joining with them one day, just as good Earthlings aspire to reach Heaven in the afterlife, or sooner if through a process of celestial translation. The delegates from the sundry planets and moons constituting the worlds of the Confederation varied greatly in both physical size and strength, depending on the relative environmental and gravitational conditions of their respective natal orbs. Except for those from Abejar, Earth, the Clarion Moon base and Mars, all of the other delegates wore space helmets so they could breathe the type of air they were used to on their home worlds. There were hoses that ran from tanks on their backs to the space helmets. This proved to me that a mix of oxygen and nitrogen was not the only atmospheric composition that could support intelligent life in the universe. It also demonstrated that life does not always have to exist “as we know it” on Earth. It was quite a motley crew. In comparison, the various races on Earth would appear to belong to one big family, even though some Earthlings have yellow skin and slanted eyes, while others have black and brown skin, etc. At least they all look similar in other aspects. The good feeling of friendship among these widely different-looking delegates was based upon the spiritual values of soul qualities and super-human intellects, regardless of our physical coverings. The spirit of their FRQVFLRXVQHVV RI EHLQJ FKLOGUHQ RI WKH VDPH ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU prevailed among them to such an extent as to put Earthly summit meetings to shame, where so many from various nations (not planets) eyed each other with mutual distrust, and even cunning, to see how much they could beat the others out of, etc. What if the most progressive and dominant life wave on any planet happened to be of a different form and composition than the foremost life wave on another planet? So what? Were they not all spirits on the same trek from the brute up to the godly? If the delegates preferred to speak in their own language instead of the space-language taught to all, it was interpreted simultaneously into every other language. All a delegate had to do was to connect his hearing aid to an outlet under the table, to tune in on her or his own home dialect without being disturbed by her or his neighbor’s reception. And if there were any with advanced extrasensory powers of perception, all they had to do was to synchronize their brain waves with the mental imagery being psychically projected from the speaker in order to fully understand the unspoken concept being relayed. After Vorton made the suitable introductions all around, the Venusian Aura Rhanes launched into the subject matter, in an elegant and perfectly intoned English. Her tone was solemn and authoritative: “We have gathered here to discuss the present situation of the Earth’s civilizations that now stand at the same fateful crossroad that the lost planet Maldek once stood, just before the inhabitants of Maldek blew their planet to pieces in a major contest for planetary control, between two sides and their satellite areas. “We have not had any wars on any of our planets since some of our ancestors witnessed that tremendous blow-out. All of our histories, way back, record that nuclear war. The resulting chain reactions caused that catastrophe. It was a terrible object lesson for all of us. This lesson 66
Raymond Andrew Keller II has been pounded into our heads from all of our school teachers on every planet in this system and even from those nearby, and all so that no generation would ever be so foolishly suicidal as to invite the same awful fate. “Now, with the two greatest nations on the Earth, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, running an arms race, with a space race to the Moon having been added ODWHO\ LQ D FROG ZDU WKDW IROORZHG WZR KRW ZRUOG ZDUV ZLWK FKDQJLQJ VLGHV DQG VKXIÀHG DOOLHV according to momentary conveniences, we are afraid that the Earth will go the same fatal way that Maldek did so many eons ago, unless the Earthlings acquire enough good common sense to prevent such a calamity, before it is too late; or we can do something about it, if they do not, or at least minimize its effects. “As you know, whatever happens to one planet on such a grand scale is bound to have some effect in repercussions on the nearest planets, insofar as they are all in the same solar vortex. Any dislocation, anywhere, is apt to throw their delicate inter-balance off and thus change the alignment of their respective axis.
&RPPDQGHU 5KDQHV H[SODLQHG KRZ FRQÀLFWLQJ SROLWLFDO DQG PLOLWDU\ SRZHUV RQ Maldek blew their planet apart in a nuclear war. Can we avoid the same fate? See watch?reload=9&v=5gv1fSeKvXk.
“When Maldek blew up, it brought on the Earth’s Ice Age. Earthly scientists have found proof of this in prehistoric mastodons preserved in ice in the northern latitudes. These areas close to the North Pole were once lush jungles before the sudden changes brought about by the destruction of Maldek overwhelmed them. It also affected Mars with the concussion whipping off some of the red planet’s atmosphere, and Jupiter, causing the unusual atmospheric eruptions that can still be seen there and known as the Great Red Spot. “The nuclear blasts that the Earthlings have already set off, to end their last world war, and in many practice tests for yet another world war, has caused the Earth to start wobbling on its axis, as proven by the shifting of the small axis-orbit in the northern latitudes as such an orbit ZLGHQV MXVW OLNH D WRS OXUFKHV EHIRUH LW ÀRSV 67
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “Judging by the actions of the Earth during the winter equinox of December 21st, 1955, the Sun rose three degrees off the normal point of its rising. This most unusual event was duly noted by some Earthly scientists but was not broadcast for fear of public panic, except for obscure notices in a few newspapers that two scientists in South America had noted it. “Ever since, the Earth has wobbled back and forth a bit, around the four annual equinoxes, especially the summer and winter ones, so that now the seasons are a few weeks late. It is now more than 23 degrees off balance, so that the new maps do not show just where the poles are. Other phenomena accompany these signs in the sky, such as a slow melting of the North polar ice, while the ice at the South Pole is accumulating. Thus, the process is going on, step by ominous step, which will culminate in the big shift of the Earth’s axis, that will tilt it over into D QHZ SRODU DOLJQPHQW 7KLV ZLOO EULQJ WKH RFHDQV XS RYHU SDUWV RI WKH ODQG HQWLUHO\ HQJXO¿QJ the coastal areas, and exposing other parts now still under water, much as the Earth’s sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce had predicted. ³7KHUHIRUH JRRG IULHQGV ZH DUH KHUH WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW ZH FDQ GR DERXW LW ERWK WKURXJK RXU VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH DQG SV\FKLF SRZHUV :H KDYH EHHQ GRLQJ ZKDW ZH FRXOG VR IDU WR awaken Earthlings to the reality of our spacecraft in their skies, and our friendly intentions. We also clean-out the radioactivity let loose in their atmosphere by their nuclear blasts, using the whisking broom of our JUHHQ ¿UHEDOOV %XW LI WKH Earthlings keep insisting upon polluting their air much more, we may not be able to clear up the mess in time to prevent many from being poisoned by the after effects upon vegetation and reproductive genes, etc., at faster or slower rates. ³,I WKH PDMRU (DUWKO\ QDWLRQV GR ¿QDOO\ GHFLGH WKDW QXFOHDU ZDU LV WRR VXLFLGDO DQG UHWURDFWLYH as nobody wins in the end due to trade winds carrying radioactivity back to the aggressor, the Soviets have other weapons that are more underhanded and insidious, to undermine the western powers from within. We have watched through our scanning scopes and telepathic monitors how the Soviet agents go about accomplishing this in various ways, by most ingenious PHWKRGV WKURXJK HYHU\ ¿HOG RI HQGHDYRU :KLOH WKH Americans are sky watching for bombers, the enemy is digging in behind their backs at home, under the cover of many different kinds RI FDPRXÀDJH ´ At this point, a delegate and prominent contactee from Earth interposed: “Is there nothing you can do, to prevent a nuclear war, undermining Soviet tactics or an axis shift?” It was apparent from his wavering voice that he was anxious about the Confederation’s power in being able to help this matter in some way. Commander Rhanes replied, “We can discover about when a nuclear war is brewing on either side; but there is nothing we can do about their undermining unless we could get into strategic positions of power on Earth, or inspire truths to come out to reach as many as possible, various types of ‘UFO disclosure,’ as you Earthlings might call it. As for the axis shift, which is slowly going on now, we can only guess when the big tilt will come. Now we must draw up some kind of plans to help the Earth in the coming crisis. So, if you Earthlings will please excuse us, we will discuss this in our own interplanetary language.” I sat back, having been on the edge of my seat with absorbing interest, in order to listen to the chorus of voices. Speaking in turn, they were carrying out a conversation I could not understand, yet which held the great promise of some measure of salvation for Earth from such LPSHQGLQJ GLVDVWHUV ERWK QDWXUDO DQG PDQ PDGH , ZRQGHUHG ZKLFK NLQG ZRXOG VWULNH ¿UVW 2U could all such calamities be averted? 68
Raymond Andrew Keller II 7KH YDULRXV WRQHV DQG LQÀHFWLRQV WKDW FDPH IURP VXFK D GLIIHUHQWLDWHG FRQJUHJDWLRQ RI personalities had a much wider range than even the various Earthly dialects. They ranged from deep booming bass all the way up to high-pitched tones. Of the bass tones, those that were too low to be heard by the human ear were brought up to normal range by the console in front of us. And for those high-pitched tones that went beyond the normal range of human hearing, they were toned down by the same instrumentation. , FRXOG VHQVH WKDW WKH SUHYDLOLQJ VSLULW ZDV RQH RI QREOH XQVHO¿VKQHVV DQG PXWXDO KHOSIXOQHVV Somehow, I felt honored just to be in the presence of such august company. Conference Assessment When the conference was over, Vorton rose and came over to me to express his appreciation of the honor of having me as their guest, a sentiment also expressed by others in attendance. I was overwhelmed by this recognition of anything in me that deserved to be honored, coming from such advanced beings. Earthlings rarely praise each other, unless they have some ulterior motive. As though reading my thoughts, Vorton assured me in all humility, explaining that, “There are many planets in other solar systems whose inhabitants were even more evolved than any of these delegates that you have seen today.” “How do you know this?” I inquired of Vorton. “Annabell,” he declared, “our mind-reading instruments can reach across the gulf of space between the stars, to say nothing of the long-distance powers of telepathy that some of our masters possess. Remember, there is neither distance nor time on the higher planes of Spirit and Thought.” “At this important conference, Vorton, what decisions have been arrived at, if any, regarding the Earth’s welfare?” I eagerly asked. “We are not allowed to interfere with the affairs of other planets, unless they pose a threat of any kind to our own. Nor can we prevent any culmination of reactions from their actions, because everyone must reap what they sew, whether for good or ill. But, we can rescue as many of our real friends as possible. These will become the nucleus of the New Space Age, along with those survivors in untouched areas. We can also provide forewarnings, in some form, to those who are telepathically attuned to us, when we foresee any approaching emergency.” Vorton paused, and then continued. “We found that our meeting with President Eisenhower did not bear the fruit we hoped it would. Commander Rhanes landed her Saturn-class observation patrol craft, the Spartacus, near Palm Springs, California, in the spring of 1955. The only one who was allowed to approach and enter her ship was President Eisenhower. They sat down for about an hour and Commander Rhanes let the president know that the fondest wish of the Confederation of Planets was for him to appoint a ‘Secretary of Peace.’ This had never been done before; but it was time there was such an attempt made, in view of the world situation. We were hoping it could do something about promoting the cause of world peace, especially in such a powerful nation as the United States. But later we saw the formation of a cabinet post like Secretary of Peace was up against a secret coalition of formidable obstacles, so the proposed post became only a pipe dream instead of a springboard for action. But, it did set a precedent, which should be perpetuated; and we hope the time will come when there will be no need for a Secretary of War.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “We of the Confederation also advised Eisenhower to induce all the governments to get together on a Geophysical Year, to be held two years hence. The purpose of the Geophysical Year was to study what their mutual planet was up to and to take measures to avoid a nuclear war, on account of the imminent axis shift. Commander Rhanes forewarned the president that the Confederation would not allow the United States and the Soviet Union to blow up the Earth in all-out nuclear war. We gave the Soviet government the same message, also relayed to their Politburo leadership by Commander Rhanes. Of all of this, however, the public knew nothing. ,W ZDV DOO NHSW XQGHU WKH ZUDSV RI µQDWLRQDO VHFXULW\¶ DQG FODVVL¿HG 723 6(&5(7 “After that, the two largest and strongest nations competing for world power, took time off from being at loggerheads in a cold war of ideology and acquisition of allies among the VPDOOHU ZHDNHU QDWLRQV WR EHFRPH µEXGG\ EXGG\¶ LQ H[FKDQJLQJ VWXGHQWV DQG VFLHQWL¿F GDWD in the Geophysical Year. So, that much good was achieved, at least. Having had a taste of our superior powers, they did not want to risk our being forced to take a hand if they did not listen to our command to prevent a nuclear war at all costs.” “How did you give them a taste of your powers?” I asked, knowing it was no use watching any Earthly news media for what’s really going on behind the scenes. There has always been IDNH QHZV JHQHUDWHG IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI WKH HOLWHV ZKR UXOH EHKLQG WKH VFHQHV DQG , VXSSRVH WKHUH always will be. ³:HOO ZH QXOOL¿HG D IHZ DWRPLF VWRFNSLOHV ZLWK D VSHFLDO UD\ ZH VKRW GRZQ RQ WKHP :H gave such examples by nullifying piles in England and Russia, as a general warning to both. And when an airplane with a nuclear warhead crashed near a mid-western city in the United States, we prevented the warhead’s explosion by making it just burn down to ashes. In the same Geophysical Year (1957), we also sent another emissary, Commander Valiant Thor of the Victor ÀHHWV WR FKHFN XS RQ WKH SURJUHVV RI WKH United States with President Eisenhower; whence he remained in the Pentagon in a monitoring capacity for three whole years (1957-1960).” Ever more curious at this point, I asked Vorton, “How does the Confederation contact other leaders on Earth?” Vorton replied, “We could have projected our voices down from any height, or transmitted a mental message on an invisible ray synchronized to any particular frequency pinpointed IRU DQ\ VSHFL¿F LQGLYLGXDO ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV HYHU\RQH KDV WKHLU RZQ µPLQG WRQH¶ ZKLFK Z FDQ tune in on. It’s like tuning in a radio band or television channel; but we know the receiver will just imagine he or she is ‘hearing voices’ or ‘getting strange ideas.’ The receiver may become afraid, thinking he or she is being haunted by ghosts or losing their mind. So we have other ways, such as making ourselves invisible, though still physical. In this manner, we can open locked doors without making a sound, and then reappear when an Earthling is alone, and in our IXOO VSDFH ÀHHW UHJDOLD (YHQ LI VRPHRQH LV VOHHSLQJ QH[W WR KHU RU KLP ZH FDQ NHHS WKDW SHUVRQ sound asleep. We can even prevent any movement or outcry, without harming the person. We know that he or she will not tell others about this meeting, especially government leaders for fear of skepticism breeding ridicule and the suspicion of insanity. So we are sure it will be kept a secret.” “You space people think of everything!” I blurted out with admiration. “Well, Annabell, in such serious times as these that now confront the Earth, we have to do what we can to help; although we have to be very careful in dealing with Terrans, who are scarcely out of their evolutionary swaddling clothes. Because of this, they are more prone to
Raymond Andrew Keller II EHOLHYH DQG IHDU WKH ZRUVW LQVWHDG RI WKH EHVW 7KLV LV HVSHFLDOO\ WUXH LQ WKHLU ¿UVW HQFRXQWHU DW least until they are fully reassured.” ³&DQ \RX QXOOLI\ ERPE ORDGHG ZDUKHDGV RQ DLUSODQHV ZKLOH LQ ÀLJKW"´ , DVNHG “Yes, our patrolling spaceship can keep pace with it, high above and out of sight, and then shoots an invisible ray down. This can also nullify the motive-power and controls, yet keep the plane hovering in the same spot. Our larger spaceships, the carrier ships or mother ships, can even suck a plane up into its underbelly through a sliding door.” I then remarked that, “I remember reading about such an instance, where you let the plane go, after a while; but the aviator refused to tell what went on while with he was with you, upon return to his air base. Why was that?” Vorton gave me a wary look, declaring that, “We cannot divulge that information yet; but we impressed upon the aviator the necessity of doing the same, for very good reasons that he well understood. He knew that we can oversee his activities anytime, anywhere.” I further asked, “What about those very small disks, were they manned by little folk?” Vorton said, “No, they were run by remote control from our spaceships outside the Earth’s atmosphere or from some cloaked or remote location on your planet or under your seas. This is done when our pilots determine that it is more expedient to not get too close to any developing situation on your planet or in your skies. With the small disks, everything that is taking place can be relayed back to us so that we can adequately see and hear what is going on, to properly assess the situation. These small, ‘registered disks’ as we call them, employ electric rocket EODVWV WKURXJK YHQWV XQGHUQHDWK DQG DURXQG WKH HGJHV WR À\ LQ DQ\ GLUHFWLRQ 7KHLU VXGGHQ acceleration is so fast the human eye cannot follow; and so they seem to disappear.”
Chapter VI: Space Race
In the near future, Earthlings will join with our brothers and sisters of other planets in the peaceful exploration RI RXWHU VSDFH 6HH KWWSV L NLQMD LPJ FRP JDZNHU PHGLD LPDJH XSORDG V S*ZVOYHS FB¿OO ÀBSURJUHVVLYH JB center,h_450,q_80,w_800/1453667017897704077.jpg.
“I believe space travel is an absolute necessity for the survival of the human race.” —Anousheh Ansari, space pioneer I was grateful for the opportunity of sitting at the feet of such an evolved being as Vorton, WR LPELEH KLV ZRUGV RI ZLVGRP LQ PDQ\ ¿HOGV 19 as he continued: “When we $EHMDQV ¿UVW FRQTXHUHG RXWHU VSDFH FRXQWOHVV DJHV DJR ZH YLVLWHG RWKHU SODQHWV in this solar system and beyond who were at the stage of evolution where they could understand DQG SUR¿W IURP RXU NQRZOHGJH $QG ZKDW LV PRUH ZH IRXQG WKHP ZLOOLQJ DQG JUDWHIXO WR OHDUQ from us. This is more than I say for the Terrans, as yet. But at least the amazing capacities of RXU VSDFHFUDIW SURYHG WKDW VSDFH ÀLJKW FRXOG EH DFKLHYHG LQ D EHWWHU ZD\ WKDQ WKH Terrans had so far discovered. This inspired them to seek for our secret of motive power, while still messing around with friction instead of traction methods. None of the Terrans so far contacted by us have been told just how we do it. This is because we cannot let such a secret leak out until Terrans have matured enough to abandon aggressions of any kind against each other. As soon as any species or individual becomes completely trustworthy, they are entrusted in that way.” “Couldn’t you at least give some inkling, without giving the whole thing away?”
19 Keep in mind that Annabell Krebs is primarily an artist and social activist and not a scientist, per se. Her quotations from Vorton are based on her personal remembrance and apperception of phenomena as they were then being explained to and observed by her. See my article, “Apperception in the UFO Phenomenon,” Alternate Perceptions, February 2019, =1270&Itemid=53, Accessed 17 April 2020. 72
Raymond Andrew Keller II Vorton Explains Spacecraft Propulsion “Alright, I can tell you that research into the forces of negative polarity light, contrapolarity magnetism and zero polarity balance revealed that none of these natural forces require consumption of any substance to manifest power for material machines. Application of magnetism in polarity opposition produces more power, per gauss, than fuels do in horseSRZHU SHU JDOORQ 'LDPDJQHWLF DSSOLFDWLRQ RI VWDWLF HOHFWULFLW\ LQ D ¿HOG EXLOGV D ZDOO VWURQJHU than the strongest of building materials. “Control of the differential between the positive and negative magnetic poles makes it possible to phase these natural forces for use. The existence of cosmic radiations, whose clicks have been heard through instrumentation, represent condensations of energy ranging up to about 100,000 times the energy furnished by the hypothetical and unrealizable complete evaporation of the uranium nucleus. “A way exists to liberate this energy, by transforming it into energy of a more degraded kind. For example, consider how a hammer stroke against an anvil transforms kinetic into thermal energy. In a mechanism which will thus transform such energy, there will be a local difference of potential due to liberation or absorption. For instance, the Crooks Radiometer turns simply because one side of its vanes absorbs light, being painted black; while the other VLGH UHÀHFWV LW EHLQJ ZKLWH 7KLV LV HQRXJK WR VHW WKH ZKHHO URWDWLQJ ZKHQ H[SRVHG WR OLJKW “The liberation of this cosmic energy makes it possible to create, at the point of operation, D ORFDO ¿HOG RI IRUFH WKDQ FDQ EH YDULHG DQG GLUHFWHG DW ZLOO 7KLV ¿HOG FDQ EH FRPSDUHG WR WKH PDJQHWLF ¿HOG H[LVWLQJ LQ D VROHQRLG RU EHWZHHQ WKH SROHV RI D PDJQHW RU HYHQ RI D SODQHW itself, utilizing a method of liberation analogous to that which creates the primary cosmic rays. 7KLV FRVPLF MHW ZRXOG QRW EH D MHW RI DUWL¿FLDO UD\V EXW D QDWXUDO IRUFH ¿HOG 6XFK D YHVVHO LV DEOH WR PRYH DW WHUUL¿F VSHHG ZLWKRXW QRLVH H[FHSW PD\EH D KXPPLQJ DQG EUHDN WKH VRXQG barrier without producing the sonic boom. The IRUFH ¿HOG DOVR DFWV RQ WKH VXUURXQGLQJ DLU by dragging the air molecules along at speeds proportional to their proximity to the central mechanism. “Thus, whatever the craft’s speed is, its rate with respect to the nearest molecules is always much less than the speed of sound. Such molecules, in turn, will travel more rapidly than the molecules of the next layer further out, and so on. In that way, the air is drawn along at a distance, so there is never any shock, but a gliding one upon another of the successive layers. “For the same reason, the machine is able to travel at enormous speeds through the atmosphere without overheating. Any frictional heat, instead of concentrating on the vessel’s skin, would be dispersed in the volume of air being drawn along by the IRUFH ¿HOG 7KXV WKH greatest accelerations, even in 90 degree turns, would not even be perceptible to the passengers inside as they would be subject to the IRUFH ¿HOG WRR WKURXJK HYHU\ DWRP RI WKHLU ERGLHV EHLQJ equally affected. “If the craft wants to take off horizontally, it will tilt upward so as to direct the IRUFH ¿HOG in the desired direction, inversely as the cosine of the angle of inclination. In this manner it would sustain the altitude as well as produce the horizontal acceleration. Inasmuch as the violent increase in the IRUFH ¿HOG FDQ RQO\ EH REWDLQHG E\ VXFK DFFHOHUDWLRQ WKH FUDIW ZLOO exhibit various luminous changes of color, according to intensity. Moreover, the air adjacent DOVR XQGHUJRHV WKH OXPLQRXV HIIHFWV RI WKH ¿HOG DQG JORZV DV D UHVXOW RI WKLV LRQL]DWLRQ
Lady Columba Venus Revelations
On September 28, 2019, William Guy, a passenger on a ferry off the coast of Beaufort, North Carolina in the 2XWHU %DQNV ¿OPHG WKHVH JORZLQJ UFOs moving at a high velocity in a northerly direction. A spokesperson for the Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, just north of %HDXIRUW WROG D ORFDO )R[ 1HZV DI¿OLDWH WHOHYLVLRQ VWDWLRQ that, “No planes were in the area that day.” Vorton said that their spacecraft are physical vehicles and that WKH\ JORZ GXH WR WKH LRQL]DWLRQ RI DWPRVSKHULF SDUWLFOHV VXUURXQGLQJ WKHLU HOHFWUL¿HG KXOOV 6HH KWWSV ZZZ
“A change of orientation is obtained by de-centering the IRUFH ¿HOG¶V UHVXOWDQW HIIHFWV 7KLV LV DFKLHYHG E\ D PRYDEOH VFUHHQ WKDW DWWHQXDWHV RU QXOOL¿HV WKH ¿HOG¶V HIIHFW RQ WKH VXUIDFH WKDW LV FRYHUHG E\ LW 6LQFH WKH LRQL]DWLRQ HIIHFWV YDU\ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH ¿HOG¶V VWUHQJWK WKH VFUHHQ¶V position is visible outside. In photographs of our spacecraft, when the exposure is adjusted to its average luminosity, this part will be underexposed, showing a dark shadow anywhere in the vicinity of the craft’s center. ³7KH LRQL]DWLRQ RI WKH DLU LQ WKH ZDNH RI WKH FUDIW LV VXI¿FLHQW EHFDXVH RI WKH ¿HOG¶V LQWHQVLW\ WR SURGXFH XOWUD KHDY\ SRVLWLYH SDUWLFOHV :KHQ WKLV ¿HOG LV LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH DLU¶V PROHFXOHV of oxygen, nitrogen, water, etc., novel chemical reactions are exhibited. The product of this combination is the “angel’s hair” which disintegrates as the ionization disappears. “We can detect large meteors at a distance, and thus avoid them, while our craft’s force ¿HOG GHÀHFWV VPDOO SDUWLFOHV E\ VZHHSLQJ WKHP XS VR WKHLU WUDMHFWRULHV DUH FKDQJHG WR IROORZ WKH vessel without striking it. A radar-type device applies a brake automatically at the approach of any obstacle; and by reversing the IRUFH ¿HOG WKH SLORW FDQ DSSO\ D FRPSOHWH EUDNH “As soon as a force can be applied to the atomic nucleus, it can be directed and varied at will. Thus, the three primary mysteries of our spacecraft to Terrans are solved, namely: silence, thermal resistance, and maneuverability/color changes, as this force is directed to every atomic nucleus of the machine and its occupant. The corona effects of the high voltage changes color according to the degrees of electronic speed, as the liberation of large numbers of positive ions cause perturbations that have a 90% chance of manifesting as luminous phenomena. 74
Raymond Andrew Keller II The discharge of these ions not only gives the vessel a positive charge, but also propels it by repulsion from the liberated ions if discharged in one direction. Such a positively-charged craft would have an anti-gravity action by virtue of the Biefeld-Brown Effect. Some Terran scientists are aware of this effect, whereby there is a tendency of a charged condenser to move in the direction of a positive charge. “Such a spaceship, in conjunction with a planet, will constitute such a condenser. The planet, being at zero potential, would be negative relative to the positively-charged spaceship. 7KH HWKHU ÀRZV GLUHFWO\ IURP WKH FUDIW WR WKH SODQHW WKHUHE\ UHGXFLQJ WKH HWKHU SUHVVXUH RQ WKH upper side of the craft. This results in a lifting force in direct opposition to the downward pull of gravity. By controlling the intensity of the electrostatic charge, it is possible to keep the craft hovering in midair or move it vertically upwards. “As gravitational forces are thus overcome, inertial forces are also affected. With the Terran methods of propulsion, the driving force is mechanically applied at only one place. This produces an undesirable inertia reaction upon the passengers that would instantly kill them with the accelerations and swift turns that our craft can do so safely for the occupants. This is because our driving force is electro-statically applied to craft and Sectional view of a Venusian scout ship (ventla) as it appeared pilots alike. in Leonard G. Cramp’s groundbreaking UFO book, Space, “Our bodies can be made to Gravity and the Flying Saucer, with introduction by Lord constitute such condensers individually, Desmond Leslie (London, United Kingdom: Thomas Werner Laurie, 1954). to relieve us of extra weight through our belts with this force, undergoing gradual diffusion, when we are visiting a planet of extra-strong gravity, whatever its size. An electrical condenser bears the same relation to electro-gravities as the coil of wire bears to electromagnetism. Thus, by not too complicated an arrangementwhich allows the change of the positive pole in strategically positioned condensers throughout the craft- its complete movements can be controlled. ³7KH DFWLRQ RI JUDYLWDWLRQDO DQG LQHUWLDO IRUFHV LV FRQ¿QHG DOPRVW HQWLUHO\ WR SURWRQV 7KH ether-vortex proton consists of a pair of vortex rings, in rolling contact with outward polar ÀRZ $V WKHVH ULQJV DUH HODVWLF WKLV ÀRZ ZLOO RFFXU DV SXOVDWLRQV 7KH\ ZLOO QRW RQO\ ÀRZ along radial lines, but also in traverse directions, as in the displacement of light waves. If such WUDYHUVH GLVSODFHPHQWV DUH RI VXI¿FLHQWO\ KLJK IUHTXHQF\ WKH\ SDVV WKURXJK VROLG PHWDO ZKHUH the atomic cores are spaced apart from one another, but would not be able to get through a coating in which the atomic cores are in direct connection with each other to form a continuous lattice network. “Such a coating would thus protect a craft’s pilots against the injurious effects from cosmic radiation, which cannot be done effectively with ordinary metals. To function as such an inertial gravitational shield, the coating need not be impervious to both inwardly and outwardly moving ether. Since the latter is incompressible, the volume taken in by the craft must be equal to that sent out. Now, do you know any more about this puzzle than you did before?” 75
Lady Columba Venus Revelations I hemmed and hawed. “Not being a scientist, I would not know how to go about duplicating all of this in an Earthly craft. I wonder if scientists from (DUWK ZLOO HYHU ¿QG WKH ZD\ WR constructing the right apparatus to produce all those effects.” Vorton replied that, “What is speculation today may be demonstrated tomorrow; and therefore it is true today. The atomism of Epicurus and Lucretius was pure speculation, yet true, for 2,000 years. Scientists should always keep open minds about what they don’t understand, to make a rational search for phenomena that can be used later. No inventor can claim every angle of her or his inventions as their own, because they only build on the discoveries of the past. “As soon as Terrans learn how to deal with all intelligent life they encounter anywhere, and on a friendly and cooperative basis, where nothing is ever taken from another, but only a mutual sharing of wisdom and exchange of products that enriches all participants, then there will not be any more mysteries hidden from Terrans that are known by us.” I opined that, “That’s alright for you, with your mind-reading capacities to guard against treachery, even at a distance; but the Soviet government has proven that it cannot be trusted by breaking pledges, etc. So, the rest of the nations have to be careful how they deal with them, for the sake of their own best interests.” “Yes, the Soviets have not always been trustworthy in their dealings with other countries,” noted Vorton; “but can you be so sure the Americans have always been truthful with them? I mean, look at how the United States government lies to its own people about the reality of the À\LQJ VDXFHUV DQG OLIH RQ RWKHU SODQHWV $QG DV \RX KDYH OLYHG LQ VRPH RI WKH Earth’s developing countries, you have surely noticed how these poorer lands are taken economic advantage of by the imperialist western capitalist countries, with the United States leading the pack.” “Yes, Vorton, you are right about that.” ³$QG MXVW DV WZR ¿JKWHUV ZLOO VWRS WR SRRO WKHLU UHVRXUFHV LI ERWK IHHO WKUHDWHQHG E\ DQ outside danger; so the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are being brought to a better understanding of each other, behind the scenes, by their mutual fear of the growing danger of an axis shift and what we extraterrestrials might do to interfere with their plans…. if they go too far with their new nuclear toys. From their points of view, they are both literally, as you might say, ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea.’ “You have to give the Soviets some credit. After all, they did beat America in the race for VSDFH ZLWK WKH ¿UVW RUELWLQJ VDWHOOLWH DQG HYHQ ODXQFKLQJ RUJDQLVPV DQLPDOV DQG ¿QDOO\ D PDQ (Yuri Gagarin), to test their endurance under outer space conditions. It has become apparent that the Soviets are trying to see who can throw more satellites faster into orbit; but frankly, I don’t see this as a danger at this early point in their rocket development program.” “But why don’t the news media tell us more about what those space probes are relaying back to Earth?” my inquiring mind wanted to know. And I have to admit that I asked this question rather petulantly, because of being so hungry for such news, if for no other reason than to satisfy my curiosity. “Because,” 9RUWRQ H[SRXQGHG ³\RXU UHSRUWHUV KDYH QR ZD\ RI ¿QGLQJ RXW LI WKRVH µLQ the know’ do not wish to tell them ‘top secret’ information. Even space scientists have no way of telling just what happens after such probes disappear from radar screens. They can’t WUDFH WKHP RQFH RXW RI WHOHVFRSLF VLJKWV XQOHVV WKH SUREHV HPLW VRGLXP ÀDVKHV RU UHOD\ WKHLU ‘beeping’ signals and telemetry codes.
Raymond Andrew Keller II “When your scientists noticed the Earth’s unusually strong, intermittent shifting of the poles, they alerted their respective governments. And they took our previous advice to start the Geophysical Year, replete with the mutual exchange of discoveries. The imminent possibility of their planet going on a rampage called for secret, drastic measures, to save their own skins. So they managed to tone down their ‘cold war’ for a new ‘peaceful co-existence.’ However, the IURQW RI DQ DUPDPHQW UDFH ZDV NHSW XS ZLWK WKH µVKDGRZ ER[LQJ¶ RI EUXVK ¿UH SUR[\ FRQÀLFWV here and there, off and on. This was to prevent the Soviets from grabbing more territories in colonies, through controls implemented apparent or behind the scenes. The two strongest QDWLRQV ZHUH Y\LQJ ZLWK HDFK RWKHU WR VHH ZKR FRXOG LQÀXHQFH DQG SRVVLEO\ DQQH[ WKH PRVW populations, in every way possible including brain-washing, etc.
What would it take to foster cooperation rather than confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union? See
“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” —President Ronald Reagan to President Mikhail Gorbachev at 1985 Geneva Summit “But their most important discoveries dealing with an axis shift had to be kept under RI¿FLDO ZUDSV IRU VHFXULW\ UHDVRQV L H VHFXULW\ IURP SXEOLF PDVV K\VWHULD ZKLFK ZRXOG GULYH the masses into higher inland altitudes, thus dislocating community and industrial coherence, with accompanying vandalism, etc. “The United States government built small observatories in strategic spots, for the secret purpose of studying the shifts, by using the present northern pole star (Polaris) as a reference point. Not even most of the employees of these projects were told the real reason for all this activity in the International Geophysical Year, if it could be helped. If not, they were warned against betraying such a secret. They also built underground shelters that were bomb-proof and ZHDWKHU WLJKW IXOO\ HTXLSSHG IRU DQ\ HPHUJHQF\ IRU JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV HWF VXFK DV WKH $LU Force headquarters deep within a Colorado mountain. “67 nations, including the arch rivals for world power, the United States and the Soviet Union, cooperated in the International Geophysical Year at a cost of 500 million dollars. They 77
Lady Columba Venus Revelations VHQW H[SHGLWLRQV WR WKH 1RUWK DQG 6RXWK 3RODU UHJLRQV DQG XQGHUVHD WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW ZDV JRLQJ on in nature’s ‘laboratories.’ “They discovered that while the North Polar ice was slowly melting, and the ocean warming up due to the changing angle of the Earth’s axis, by the slight shifts, the South Polar ice was thickening. This was throwing the Earth more and more out of its delicate axial balance. When they found that nuclear tests were worsening this process, all such tests were curtailed. But, have they fully realized the stupidity of playing with such forces they do not fully understand the overall effects of, as yet? “Besides this secret reason, another was to watch for the spaceships anywhere they might be found, underground, undersea, as well as overhead. The other reasons, given out to the public, were to determine the levels of radioactivity in the atmosphere, to sound out the military potential of space, to create better facilities for weather observations, to foster national prestige for space achievements, with all of this to add to humankind’s fund of such knowledge, to satisfy the human being’s compelling urge to explore the unknown. “But the most important reason of all was kept a deep, dark secret; and woe to the one who lets it leak out, with proofs. There are some people, the ‘cream of the crops,’ so to speak, ZKR KDYH D VXUH HVFDSH IURP WKH FRPLQJ ÀRRGV WRUQDGRHV DQG HDUWKTXDNHV WKDW ZLOO accompany any axis shift, which can come in conjunction with any equinox. Then they would return to Earth later, after everything has quieted down, to start a new civilization. “The world meteorological intervals were scheduled near the changes of the seasons, to study where the Sun rose and set, due to changes of the Earth’s angles to the Sun. Therefore, OLQHV RI PHWHRURORJLFDO VWDWLRQV ZHUH VHW XS WR UXQ WKURXJK DQG FULVVFURVV FHUWDLQ VSHFL¿HG continents and atolls. They used all kinds of mechanisms to obtain a daily cross section of the Earth’s atmosphere at every altitude. “International *HRSK\VLFDO <HDU RFHDQRJUDSKHUV LQYHVWLJDWHG WKH VHD ÀRRUV DV IDU GRZQ DV their apparatuses would allow. Under the Antarctic ice, they discovered that the waters there had been free from ice between 15,000 to 12,000 years ago. That was when the North and South Poles were in a different alignment, before the last axis shift. This had made the various zonesfrigid, temperate and tropical- exchange places; so what had been tropical became frigid, and YLFH YHUVD 7KLV ZDV SURYHG E\ WKHLU GLVFRYHULHV RI FRDO EHGV SHWUL¿HG IRUHVWV VHD VKHOOV HWF buried deep under the icy layers. “The Arctic ice is over a pool surrounded by land masses; whereas the Antarctic ice is over an island surrounded by water. The International Geophysical Year scientists also found that the light from the Sun, in striking the molecules of air, cause some heat through friction; but most of the heat is radiated from the (DUWK¶V VXUIDFH DIWHU WKH ODWWHU ¿UVW DEVRUEV D SRUWLRQ RI LW “The other mystery they came up against, but could not understand even until this time, and ZRQ¶W SXEOLVK DQ\ UHVXOWV XQWLO WKH\ GR ¿JXUH LW RXW LV H[SODLQLQJ ZK\ WKH ERWWRP RI WKH RFHDQ is not pockmarked like the 0RRQ 2XU DQVZHU LV WKDW DV IDU DV RXU VFLHQWL¿F LQYHVWLJDWRUV KDYH gone back, as far as primeval times on Earth, the oceans were covering everything, after the FORXG EODQNHW KDG EHHQ SUHFLSLWDWHG LQ ÀRRGV WR FOHDU WKH DWPRVSKHUH DQG LQFLGHQWDOO\ VKRZ WKH ¿UVW UDLQERZ “The constant action of the waves, retreating from the land washing silt up on it, kept grinding the rocks into gravel, sand and earth. Therefore, most of such pockmarks, when the land was like boiling lava before cooling, had been sandpapered down by the water’s erosive force. There are still some extra-hard rocks that look like bubbling pudding that had suddenly EHHQ SHWUL¿HG 78
Raymond Andrew Keller II “Another puzzler for the scientists was why the deepest parts of the oceans were nearest the land masses, with such sudden drops of up to 35,000 feet, in long, more or less straight gashes, parallel to each other. Our answer is that when the Earth cooled off, its surface wrinkled up. ³$OVR ZH FRQVLGHUHG ZK\ WKH HFRQRP\ RI OLIH F\FOHV LQ VHD RUJDQLVPV LV PRUH HI¿FLHQW WKDQ LQ ODQG RUJDQLVPV ZLWK WKH ¿UVW EHLQJ DEOH WR OLYH RQ OHVV DQG HQGXUH PRUH 7KDW LV EHFDXVH sea organisms had a longer time to make more perfect adjustments to their environment. Life began in the sea and later made its way up on land, beginning with vegetation. They were IROORZHG E\ FUHDWXUHV KDOI ¿VK DQG KDOI DQLPDO ZLWK VRPH GHYHORSLQJ LQWR PDPPDOV WKDW evolved past the point where they could also live in water. “And then we looked at why the aurora borealis displays coincide in time over both the Arctic and Antarctic region; and why these colorful arcs are frequently aligned in a northsouth direction, instead of along a circle of geomagnetic latitude. That is because the Earth’s PDJQHWLF DXUD ÀRZV YHUWLFDOO\ DURXQG WKH VXUIDFH DQG WKURXJK WKH D[LV LQ DQG RXW RI WKH SROHV DW D WHUUL¿F UDWH “Another question we pondered was why the electro-jet, i.e. electric currents of several hundred thousand amperes, not only orbits the equator high in the atmosphere, but also circles both magnetic poles. As explained before, it is because the Earth’s revolutions carry a concentration at the periphery of its atmosphere. “Yet another matter for our consideration was why the visible sunlight does not vary more than a few percent over long periods of time; while the invisible solar energies oscillate by large factors over periods as short as a minute to as long as many years. I’m referring here to x-rays, radio waves, ultraviolet, infrared and ions, etc. As it turns out, all things visible have fewer oscillations than those things invisible; for visible materials are really slower FRQJORPHUDWLRQV RI WKH ¿QHU IDVWHU LQYLVLEOH PDWHULDOV RI KLJKHU IUHTXHQFLHV )RU LQVWDQFH consider the difference between ice, water, steam and vapor. They are all of the same essence, EXW YDU\ LQ GHJUHHV RI RVVL¿FDWLRQ IURP WKH RULJLQDO LQYLVLEOH DUFKHW\SH -XVW DV ZH KDYH D visible body and invisible spirit, so everything else has its invisible, counterpart component. “We have learned the past history of the Earth, in every respect, by many methods such as reading crystals, tapping the ethereal records on the ‘sensitive plates’ of atmospheric impressions, and bridging the gulf between the incarnate and discarnate levels with very delicate instruments, to tape discarnate memories about their Earthly lives, etc. “These are just extra proofs that the Earth changes its axial alignment in relation to the Sun anywhere from 15,000 to 25,000 years, to a new Northern Pole Star. Your present one is, of course, Polaris. Your next one will be Vega, which will bring such higher frequencies that only those with higher spiritual consciousness will be able to sustain them, without developing heart ailments. The Earth’s poles are now several hundred feet from their former alignment, not only with the Pole Star, but also with the magnetic band in the highest atmospheric layer around the (DUWK ZKLFK FUHDWHV DQ LQFUHDVLQJ LPEDODQFH WKDW PXVW EH UHFWL¿HG E\ WKH ELJ VKLIW ZKHQ WKLV imbalance reaches its peak. “The magnetic pole, varying between zero and 25 degrees west of the North Pole, is west of it because the (DUWK URWDWHV WKURXJK WKH HOHFWUL¿HG JDV RI WKH VRODU PDJQHWLF YRUWH[ SKDODQJH Thus, the Earth’s own magnetic IRUFH ¿HOG LV GUDJJHG EDFNZDUG DV PXFK DV GHJUHHV sometimes, by this gas. This constant drag gradually slows the Earth’s rotational speed, after many eons of time, until it stops, to disintegrate into dust clouds. When any planet’s rotation stops, its sun’s gravity pulls it back to it. 79
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Factoring in Spiritual Components “Just as the colors in the aurora borealis are caused by the excitation of nitrogen and oxygen in the ionosphere, so the accompanying spiritual components of solar energy also radiate Divine Power into all minds in tune with such wonderful wavelengths to produce the µFRORUV¶ RI YDULRXV YLUWXHV $XURUD FRORUV GLIIHU DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH W\SHV RI QHHG WR EH WKXV ¿OOHG spiritually speaking. ³7KH LQYLVLEOH VRXUFHV DUH FRQFHQWUDWLRQV RI SHRSOHV¶ WKRXJKWV DQG HPRWLRQV ¿OOLQJ WKH atmospheric layers. In the higher planes, whatever we thus send out gather strength there, bringing realization boomeranging back, when later returning to the sender, much as radio waves, etc., bouncing back from their resounding board above. Thus, we are constantly meeting, in some form sooner or later, with the results of what we engendered. These effects DUH VWLOO SHOWLQJ RU EOHVVLQJ XV DV WKH FDVH PD\ EH :H PD\ \HW EH LQÀXHQFHG E\ RXU WKRXJKWV and emotions of long ago, if they were strong enough in the beginning, combined with such LQÀXHQFHV IURP RWKHUV DORQJ WKH VDPH OLQH %LUGV RI D IHDWKHU ÀRFN WRJHWKHU “The Earth is like a sensitive plate; as above so below. The immaterial affects the material. So whatever the masses’ thoughts and feelings register on that ‘plate’ also affects the Earth’s PDJQHWLF ¿HOG ERWK LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH 7KLV FDXVHV HDUWKTXDNHV IURP VWUDLQV DQG VWRUPV IURP concentrations of clashing elements, as well as good effects from good causes. After all, the SK\VLFDO ZRUOGV DUH MXVW UHÀHFWLRQV RI WKH LQYLVLEOH ZRUOGV RI VSLULW RQ HYHU\ OHYHO RI HYROXWLRQ “The suns each have a different number of planets, of all sizes and distances from them. The spiritual reason for this is because souls who fell below the standard in their sun have to be thrown out of that celestial sphere, or rather automatically throw themselves out by falling below the high standard therein. These fallen souls are attracted to whatever planet is best suited to heal, purge and teach them needed lessons. It takes a long time sometimes to purge out the lower desires and evil qualities, to regain the necessary pristine nobility of character, plus more wisdom from planetary experiences, to reclaim their ‘place in the Sun.’ Relative Conditions on Evolving Planets “The planets are enveloped by various strata of different substances in atmospheres, some of which Earthly instruments cannot detect as yet. These act as a series of screens, the coarser being nearest the ground. The 6XQ HOHFWUL¿HV WKHVH OD\HUV E\ WKH VRODU UD\V (DFK OD\HU absorbs waves of energies that are suitable for the make-up of that planet’s inhabitants, and can penetrate these screens. “The planets closest to the Sun screen out one set of waves, while admitting others. The planets which are furthest out screen wavelengths at the opposite end of the spectrum’s range. After all, Earthly senses have not yet been able to reach certain frequencies; and some are beyond your present apparatus’ capacities. Each planet is made habitable in its own way, according to its own needs, which depend upon its make-up, position and potentialities. By Earthly standards, life is possible anywhere through the power of adaptation. Just like people make out differently from even the same set of circumstances, each planet reacts in choosing to accept and absorb certain rays, while rejecting others, according to its make-up. “The reason that cosmic rays arrive from all directions to strike the solar system is because WKH\ ÀRZ IURP WKH Grand Central Sun’s magnetic vortex, which encompasses the whole Milky Way galaxy. This gigantic vortex causes the solar systems comprising the galaxy to
Raymond Andrew Keller II slowly revolve in a wide orbit. This galactic vortex extends outwards to the farthest sun.20 This boundary bounces the cosmic rays back from the periphery, where our Sun and solar system is located, as radio waves are bounced back from the ionosphere. “Any rays coming direct from the Sun could not strike the planets from all sides simultaneously. Solar rays aimed straight at the equator would simply curve away and swing around in the aurora zones. That is why some aurora rays point north and south while others are from east to west, etc. The Earth and all other planets are really just huge spaceships, with inhabitants on the outside as well as the inside. The principles of magnetic activity are the same. A Warning from the Space People “The cosmic rays from the galaxy are so swift and powerful that the primary ones are broken up by striking atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere. Thus, such rays reach the ground in diluted form, as otherwise they would be deadly if absorbed in large amounts. The reason for this is that your frequencies are not high enough yet to endure such vibrations. On another planet, with a higher evolution, the solar rays would be allowed to come in more fully. Thus the ozone layer, beginning about 20 miles up, traps and dilutes the ultraviolet rays that otherwise might be too strong for Earthlings to bear. This protective layer is being thinned out by the radioactivity of nuclear explosions. H-bombs actually blow holes in this The elites are building space arks to escape the coming global stratum. After the new polar alignment destruction with Earth’s axial shift. Our brothers and sisters from the impending axis shift, however, of other worlds warn that this is a futile attempt, as mobs will more of these high frequencies will leak storm the rocket launch sites before they ever have a chance through. Then Earthlings will have to to get off the ground. Photo above from scene in Paramount 3LFWXUHV¶ VFL ¿ FODVVLF PRYLH When Worlds Collide. raise their consciousness onto higher planes for adjustments to them. “The International Geophysical Year triggered the acceleration in the race for space. Some of the more analytical minds conjectured that there was more here than met the eye. Why ZRXOG WZR QDWLRQV DW ORJJHUKHDGV ZDVWH WLPH DQG PRQH\ RQ VXFK VFLHQWL¿F OX[XU\ LQ VSLWH RI the heavy demands for war preparations? “Behind the scenes,” 9RUWRQ FRQFOXGHG ³WKH JRYHUQPHQW DXWKRULWLHV ¿JXUHG WKDW LI WKHUH was not enough time left to build colonies on the Moon, at least they could hide out in manned satellites orbiting the Earth and Moon, to ride out the storm of the elements in an axis shift. To give these few chosen ones a chance to get off the Earth safely, the many have to be kept in total ignorance of what is going on right under their noses. Otherwise, mobs would be storming the rocket take-off sites, and nobody would be able to escape in that 100% sure way.”
20 The Milky Way galaxy spans 100,000 light years. Light originating on the event horizon near the galactic core would thus take 50,000 years to reach our planet and could be viewed by our astronomers focusing their telescopes through gaps in the sky in the constellation of Sagittarius. 81
Chapter VII: The Coming Catastrophe
DC Comics artist Wayne Boring depicts the destruction of the planet Krypton. Through the pages of comic ERRNV DQG SXOS VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ QRYHOV HDUO\ EDE\ ERRPHUV EHFDPH DFXWHO\ DZDUH RI WKH IUDJLOH VWDWH RI WKH Earth and its precarious future in the face of emergent technology in both the atomic and space ages. See http://www.
“Earth holds no secrets from us,” Vorton informed me. “We can see what is happening on any planet through our scanners. We tune into whatever subject we are interested in, through our mental scopes. Thus, we can discover who is thinking what, by picking up the selective frequencies of thought patterns, coming in from any direction, no matter how faint, to amplify and interpret. Our Metrons, or time police in the Temple of History, keep records of all of this data by an imperishable method, to which we can refer to at any point in any time frame or time line.” “This being the case,” I said admiringly, “there is nothing that can be hidden from your prying facilities on many planets.” Vorton smiled, indicating his appreciation of my sincere praise. He thanked me in the name of those space brothers and sisters, the inventors of such advanced technology, and led me into a scanning tower in the heart of the Clarion moon base complex. I was then able to peer through one of their scanners and tune into a mental scope, ¿QDOO\ JHWWLQJ D JRRG LGHD RI ZKDW ZDV UHDOO\ JRLQJ RQ After studying some of the reports garnered from Earth scans and thought transmissions by the Metrons, Vorton suddenly became visibly agitated. He took a deep breath and slowly H[KDOHG FDOPLQJ KLPVHOI DQG GHFODULQJ ³1RZ , ZLOO ¿OO \RX LQ ZLWK ZKDW KDV EHHQ KDSSHQLQJ behind the scenes down there, in a nutshell, so you will gain a greater understanding of the situation.” Then his voice rose with excitement, as he continued, “The Soviets have just launched their largest four-stage rocket from Russia. Its third stage is allegedly set to ignite when the rocket has broken its orbit of the Moon and heads out to deep space. At that point of ignition, its sodium-cloud tail will be visible to some astronomers on Earth. The Soviet space command will then announce that this so-called unmanned rocket probe will be proceeding on to inject itself in an orbit around the Sun. But we know better. 82
Raymond Andrew Keller II “What the Soviets are not saying about this most ambitious rocket project is that there is a crew in its nose cone. Their space vehicle is hundreds of times larger than a helicopter; and is large enough to carry a crew of three or four cosmonauts. Why should they build such a huge spaceship to merely orbit the Sun, when a smaller probe would do just as well for gathering and relaying information back to Earth? A spokesperson for the Soviet News Agency, TASS,21 said that it takes a rocket of that size to reach a solar orbit. But that is plainly false. If the rocket were headed toward the Sun, it could conserve fuel through gaining a gravitational boost from its lunar orbits.” After my return to WHUUD ¿UPD, I researched various articles in space journals, as well as standard print media like newspapers and magazines, for additional background information on this Soviet rocket to the 6XQ )URP ZKDW , FRXOG JDWKHU LW VHHPV VLJQL¿FDQW WKDW DOO FRQWDFW with the Soviet’s so-called “solar-orbiting rocket” had been lost once it had passed the Moon. This included visual as well as radar detection. In the Western world, nobody knew what happened to this rocket once it was a relatively short distance beyond the Moon. Although the 6RYLHWV ODXQFKHG D JLDQW URFNHW SHUIHFWO\ FDSDEOH RI KROGLQJ EDWWHULHV VXI¿FLHQW WR ODVW IRU months of transmitting signals capable of being received here on Earth, as they, in fact, did so with their previous Sputniks, here we have the radio going dead in a few days time. We are asked to accept its trajectory based on the word of the Soviet space agency alone, and not with any supplied mathematical calculations or actual evidence. The truth of the matter is that the Soviet solar-orbiting rocket was lost from all ken of humankind not far beyond the Moon, despite the statement by our scientists that modern radar techniques can detect a body as large as a spaceship billions and billions of miles out into VSDFH DQG VSHFL¿FDOO\ HYHQ RXW EH\RQG WKH RUELW RI Pluto. We have even bounced radar signals off the Sun itself; yet we cannot detect this Soviet solar-orbiting rocket just a mere quarter of a million miles away! As we all know, our astronomers keep telling us that life on Venus, Mars and other planets is impossible, except maybe for lichens, because of the lack of oxygen as a key atmospheric component. They say they know this because they have an instrument called a spectrograph which analyzes the light coming from a body in question and the lines of the elements in the atmosphere show up on this device. The Soviets decided to include a spectrograph in one of their rockets, however, and when they aimed it back at Earth what do you think it told them? Yes, you are right…. No oxygen! So here is some news for you: “Life on Earth is impossible, except, perhaps, for a few lichens!” Now I am not saying that spectrographs do not work as they are so designed. But it does not seem that the space authorities of any of the world’s two super powers are telling the truth about what they are discovering in outer space. So keeping this in mind, let us get back to the words of Vorton: “Some (DUWKOLQJV FODLP WKDW WKH ¿UVW QDWLRQ WR ODQG RQ WKH Moon can possess it and conquer the Earth from that vantage point. This is utterly ridiculous! The present inhabitants of Terra Luna (the Moon) will certainly have something to say about that. If Earthlings could ever send a nuclear warhead projectile from the Moon to the Earth, radar could track it coming as well as if it had been sent from any spot on Earth, and even have more time to gather defensive forces to meet it. So that is not the real, important reason for the race to the Moon. 21 5XVVLDQ ɂɧɮɨɪɦɚɰɢɨғɧɧɨɟ ɚɝɟғɧɬɫɬɜɨ Ɋɨɫɫɢғɢ ɌȺɋɋ 5RPDQL]HG Informatsionnoye agentstvo Rossii TASS), abbreviated 7$66 ɌȺɋɋ 83
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “Another reason given the public for such interest in space at such a critical time for Earth, was to investigate the astronomical wonders without the confusing blanket of the atmosphere intervening. Satellites orbiting Terra are excellent for such studies as they are outside its atmospheric envelope that distorts telescopic views. Satellites that are orbiting the Moon can VWXG\ LWV VXUIDFH PRUH FORVHO\ <HW WKH ¿UVW FHOHVWLDO ERG\ WR VXSSRVHGO\ EH REVHUYHG XS FORVH by an Earth satellite was the Sun!” 9RUWRQ ZDV FRUUHFW LQ KLV DVVHVVPHQW 7KH µVFLHQWL¿F LQWHUHVW¶ DQJOH GLG QRW JR RYHU ZHOO as far as the public was concerned. Only a little news now and then was allowed to leak out concerning whatever new knowledge our satellites were relaying back. It was especially an exaggeration that the authorities were foisting about the high radioactive band found in the Earth’s IRUFH ¿HOG ,W ZDV WKRXJKW WKDW QR KXPDQ FRXOG SDVV WKURXJK WKLV DOLYH ZLWKRXW EHLQJ shielded by so much lead that it would far outweigh the fuel pay-load necessary. Was this to discourage the idea in the public’s mind that any manned vehicle was getting through to outer space, by conforming, in some way, to this band’s positive polarity? The Soviets would have their hands full in explaining the real reason for their sudden interest in space travel, what with the necessity for armaments, acquiring new buffer states for bases and building up a large country to become a good tool for waging war against the last strongholds of freedoms. Governmental good sense would be doubted if they diverted VXFK KXJH VXPV IURP SUHVVLQJ ZDU SUHSDUDWLRQV MXVW WR IXO¿OO DVWURQRPLFDO IDQFLHV 6R WKHLU public had to be given a stronger reason that tied in with national defense interests. Hence, the publicized need for gaining control of the Moon as a lever to conquer the world. Thus, the governments engaged in the race for outer space had to depend upon leaning on VXFK VWUDZV RI H[FXVHV KRSLQJ WKH UHDO UHDVRQ ZRXOGQ¶W EH ¿JXUHG RXW E\ WKH ³GXPE SXEOLF ´ The 6RYLHWV ZHUH LQ D EHWWHU SRVLWLRQ 2YHU ÀLJKWV RI $PHULFDQ U-2 spy planes indicated that they were operating from a secret rocket base established on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains in Siberia. All personnel working in this tightly guarded facility were brought there from all sectors of the 6RYLHW 8QLRQ¶V VFLHQWL¿F FRPPXQLW\ RUJDQL]HG LQ EULJDGHV OLYLQJ LQ isolated camps and new housing being built along the perimeter of the base. Much of the hard, common labor was supplied from Siberian prisons and the local gulag. Clearly, their “iron curtain” was successful in keeping prying eyes out, with all travelers to the region kept under strict surveillance. Television cameras were ever-present in the work zones as well, constantly monitoring the activities of both the scientists and the labor which they supervised. A radar curtain was also set up around the borders of the rocket base for the purpose of detecting any IRUHLJQ SODQHV ZKLFK PLJKW EH FURVVLQJ RYHU WKLV GHVLJQDWHG ³QR À\ ]RQH ´ Just as the United States government’s Operation PAPERCLIP brought German nuclear and rocket scientists to America following World War II, the same was true of the Soviet government in bringing these same types of German experts to facilities in their communist country to work alongside outstanding researchers from the Soviet Academy of Sciences DVVLJQHG WR VLPLODU 723 6(&5(7 SURMHFWV IROORZLQJ WKDW VDPH FRQÀDJUDWLRQ WKDW ZDV UHIHUUHG to by most Soviets as the Great Patriotic War. I listened attentively as Vorton continued his assessment: “As we see it, if the Soviets can carry out such harsh injustices on their own people to speedily bring about their aims of conquest, then we have to wonder if they would hesitate to do the same to the inhabitants of any other world they happened to encounter in their exploration of outer space? Therefore, it is imperative that we watch them closely, especially all their activities having even the remotest 84
Raymond Andrew Keller II connection to outer space. We of Terra Luna and Venus are GH¿QLWHO\ DJDLQVW LQMXVWLFH QR PDWWHU KRZ MXVWL¿HG WKH Soviets think it might be or by whom it is perpetrated. We would have to say the same thing about the United States, as we have knowledge that the Americans are generating similar nefarious plans like the Soviets are currently trying to carry out. “Years ago, politicians in the United States made a big deal out of burying a metal tube in Long Island, amid much fanfare, I might add. It was to be dug out 100 years later. This tube ZDV ¿OOHG ZLWK PLFUR¿FKH GDWD FRQFHUQLQJ WKH ODWHVW FXOWXUDO DQG VFLHQWL¿F DFKLHYHPHQWV 7KH stated purpose of this ‘time capsule’ was to provide the survivors of a nuclear war with a new starting point for rebuilding civilization. But what chance would there be for recovery if the FDSVXOH HQGHG XS RQ WKH RFHDQ ÀRRU IROORZLQJ WKH D[LV VKLIW" “Sadly, the inner cliques that run both the United States and the Soviet Union have arrived at the conclusion that it is better for a select group in each of their respective countries, the ones deemed the ‘smartest’ and ‘un-expendable,’ to be assured of their survival, than to leave everything to chance. They did not want to risk their necks even in inland mountain regions. +HOLFRSWHUV ZHUH DOVR WULFN\ RQ DFFRXQW RI XS DQG GRZQ GUDIWV WR VD\ QRWKLQJ RI WKH WHUUL¿F F\FORQLF ZLQG VWRUPV VXFK D WLOW PD\ FDXVH $V WKH\ ¿JXUHG WKH D[LV VKLIW PLJKW FRPH ZLWKLQ the next few years, since having started in late 1955 or early 1956, there was no time to try saving many. “Both nations, having space travel know-how, were aiming at establishing their own lunar colonies, to ride out the coming axial tilt, and then return to Earth to claim rule over what was left after the deluge. Just think how easy that would be, once all countries had been disorganized after parts of their lands were drowned or washed clean, especially in the cultivated areas. “The future of such a new civilization depends, of course, upon the right kind of ‘New Age’ to be inaugurated. We are willing to intervene to prevent the wrong kind from getting started, as it will then be very important who will get a head start in these ambitious projects. The reason that the 6RYLHWV ZHUH ¿UVW LQ VSDFH ZDV WKDW WKH $PHULFDQ VDWHOOLWH SURMHFW ZDV KHOG EDFN by intrigue and even sabotaged by secret Red agents inside the sanctums of the space program, despite every security precaution taken. ³,Q WKH EHJLQQLQJ WKHUH ZDV D VFUDPEOH IRU HYHU\ DYDLODEOH TXDOL¿HG VFLHQWLVW IURP DOO RYHU the world by both the United States and the Soviet Union. If inducements from the Soviets failed, they even resorted to kidnapping and threats to the scientists and their families to hold them in line. On the other hand, the Americans had to make more attractive offers of higher pay IRU WKH H[SHUWV DQG VFLHQWLVWV ZLWK PRUH EHQH¿WV WR ZRR WKHP DZD\ IURP FRPPHUFLDO ¿UPV and keep the university graduates on track for their specialized programs. “The public’s eyes were held to a stepped-up program of Earth-orbiting satellites as a cover-up for the real space race to the Moon. Every explosion had to be explained, as nothing escaped the radar pick-ups anywhere on Earth.” Severe Problems on Earth “While the Americans and the Soviets were carving out territory for establishing bases on the Moon, there were those who knew about the coming tilt, facilitated by a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union, who concocted several ways to survive on (DUWK %XW HYHQ FRQFUHWH ZDOOV VKRULQJ XS XQGHUJURXQG ÀRRG VKHOWHUV FRXOG EH XQGHUPLQHG E\ too much pressure from earthquakes attending such seismic disturbances. Another idea was to have air-tight boats connected by long ladder ropes to balloons, in whose baskets one could 85
Lady Columba Venus Revelations KLGH XQWLO WKH ÀRRGV VXEVLGHG 7KH ERDWV RU UDIWV ZLWK 4XRQVHWV ZRXOG EH FXVKLRQHG E\ OD\HUV of inner tubes to withstand the shocks of being bumped around, and would be stocked with all necessities. The cheapest way was to just have water-wings or life-belt handy! “But there wasn’t enough time, money or materials to construct enough shelters, balloons or rafts, etc., to accommodate even a tiny minority of the population. The magnitude of this problem was clearly seen following the conclusion of the Second World War, with millions of casualties and refugees unattended all over the world. Besides, even if there was enough time to build such safeguards, the public would have to be told the real reason for such constructions. The governments could not make up lies around that one. “This knowledge of a danger that hangs over everyone’s head would bring on the same dangers of mass hysteria. People are calm about any danger they cannot do anything about to avert or escape, like the discovery of applications for nuclear power. But what a difference there is when they can do something personally about it. Learning that only a minority could hope to have enough of these modern ‘Noah’s Arks’ built to save them, there would be a mass migration to higher altitudes with the resultant dislocations and lawlessness, etc. “Thus, the deep dark secret was discovered only by those connected in some capacity with 3URMHFW 0221 WKDW WKH\ FRXOG QRW KHOS EXW ¿QG RXW WKDW PDQQHG URFNHW VKLSV ZHUH SODQQHG WR land on the Moon instead of orbiting around it and the (DUWK DV WKH ¿UVW RQHV ZHUH WR EH µUHG herrings’ for public consumption and cover-up of the real purpose.” Media Blackouts “You space people certainly get behind the scenes on what is happening everywhere,” I said to Vorton admiringly, adding, “Hasn’t any news of the coming tilt leaked out, though, from any quarters?” 9RUWRQ DQVZHUHG WKDW ³:KHQHYHU DQ\ FLWL]HQ ¿QGV RXW DERXW LW LQ DQ\ ZD\ DQG HYHQ JRHV so far as to write a book about it, or advertise it in other ways, he or she is considered to be a ‘nutty crackpot’ and is, therefore, ridiculed to the point of being discredited; while the national media ignores such news. Thus, truth leaks out slowly, due to the people’s skepticism. They are so apt to act as the ostrich and bury their heads in mental sand-hills. They say to themselves WKDW LW MXVW LVQ¶W VR VR QHZ WUXWKV LQ DQ\ ¿HOG KDYH GLI¿FXOW\ LQ ¿QGLQJ DFFHSWDQFH 0DQ\ OHDQ on the comforting lack of such notice in the news outlets. If the papers, radio or television doesn’t mention it, it can’t be true. Some skeptics, or even those who are afraid to let the public NQRZ JR VR IDU DV WKURZ RXW VRPH FULWLFLVP RI WKH ZKLVWOHEORZHU¶V SHUVRQDO OLIH DV MXVWL¿FDWLRQ for not believing the message he or she was trying to disseminate. Calamity howlers can render important service, however, because forewarned is forearmed, if some solution can be found.” 6FLHQWL¿F 6HFUHWV What Vorton said about the media blackout was the truth of the situation. My next question also dealt with information not coming to the public’s attention. “Vorton,” I asked, “When are you going to let (DUWKOLQJV LQ RQ \RXU VFLHQWL¿F DQG PHWDSK\VLFDO VHFUHWV ZKLFK JLYH \RX VR many varied powers?” “Dear Annabell, as soon as the Earthlings have evolved to the point where they will deserve such knowledge, with the requisite moral responsibility and spiritual love to know how to use such powers for good, we of the other worlds can begin to share such information. You cannot blame us for not being more communicative with Earthlings, especially after we have seen 86
Raymond Andrew Keller II how they feel about reaching other planets for the purpose of looting their natural resources and colonizing by conquest, even if these orbs are already inhabited. Imagine how Earthlings would feel if we did the same thing to their planet. And you know we have the power to easily do so,” Vorton frankly admitted. Being ashamed of humankind’s greed, I had to agree with Vorton’s words. “Our leaders on Earth do have some gall,” I noted. “But then Earthly astronomers have so often said that there is no sign of intelligent life on the Moon or other planets of our solar system.” “We know that many in academia in both the United States and the Soviet Union are not being honest about what they really know about the existence of intelligent life in outer space,” emphatically declared Vorton. “They know that the Moon is inhabited. Since the time of Galileo, and his inventing the telescope, your astronomers have noted much activity and PDQ\ VWUXFWXUHV SURYLQJ LW LV SRSXODWHG E\ VRPH NLQG RI LQWHOOLJHQW OLIH IRUPV :H GH¿QLWHO\ reserve the right to protect our property and lives from attacks from any source. We avoid violence as much as we can and therefore do not wish to be put into a position where we may have to use force to protect our interest. Our power of making ourselves, and anything else LQYLVLEOH PD\ QRW EH HQRXJK LQ ¿OOLQJ WKLV QHHG ´ “What do you mean, Vorton?” “What I am saying is that anytime any strange craft approaches without the identifying sign or electronic signature, or is unfamiliar to us, we can activate a cloaking screen against prying eyes. In this manner, our constructions are not seen through any physical or mechanical eyes to beam back to their home bases. ³%XW VRPHWLPHV WKLV LV QRW VXI¿FLHQW WR UHSHO RU QHJDWH D GDQJHU WR RXU RZQ IDFLOLWLHV Remember my reference to the four-stage Soviet rocket?” “Why yes, what about it?” ³7KDW ZDV WKH ¿UVW SKDVH RI D FROG ZDU UDFH EHWZHHQ WKH United States and the Soviet Union to actually explode a nuclear device on the Moon,” said Vorton, adding that, “We had no choice but to blow it up. The so-called ‘larger-than-usual sodium plume’ that was seen from Earth high above the Moon was actually a particle disintegration beam sent up from our Clarion base to neutralize the Soviet rocket ship and its deadly cargo. We timed the explosion of the Soviet ship to correspond with their ignition of the third stage. While the Soviets manned the ship as a back-up in case their guidance system for the nuclear missile failed, we’re sorry the crew was lost in the process of defending our Terra Luna from this invasion.” “You exercise such awesome power, Vorton. It frightens me, realizing what you can do to the Earth and its inhabitants if our leaders ever got involved in an interplanetary war with their neighbors in outer space.” “We have been quite concerned about military technological developments in the United States and the Soviet Union since 1945, Annabell. I cannot understate this. Each superpower has been striving to develop the most deadly armaments. As the arms race morphed into a space race, the two nations set their sights on the Moon and made it their goal to extend WKHLU LQÀXHQFH EH\RQG WKH Earth’s atmosphere. Our operatives in both countries became DZDUH RI FODVVL¿HG GRFXPHQWV WKDW UHYHDOHG MXVW KRZ IDU WKH VXSHUSRZHUV ZHUH SUHSDUHG WR go as they hatched terrifying plans to obliterate parts of the Moon with nuclear strikes. The $PHULFDQV ZHUH WKH ¿UVW WR GHYHORS VXFK D SODQ FRGHQDPHG Project A119.22 President Dwight 22 For additional information, particularly concerning the role of Dr. Carl Sagan in Project A119, see Keller, Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus (Terra Alta, West Virginia, 2017), 99-103. 87
Lady Columba Venus Revelations D. Eisenhower placed this operation under the prevue of the United States Air Force in 1958. It was designed with the purpose of proving America’s aerospace and military superiority over the forces of the Soviet Union, while at the same time denying the use of the Moon as a launching site against the defense forces of the United States and their allies on Earth.” “That’s amazing, Vorton. I didn’t realize that the threat to you of Clarion was so imminent.” “And there is more, Annabell. Dr. Leonard Reiffel (1927-2017) was put in charge of this most terrible of projects. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he was an electrical engineering student before going on to becoming a physicist, author and educator. He collaborated with Enrico Fermi, Carl Sagan, and members of Operation PAPERCLIP.23 His team planned on exploding a nuclear device with about the same impact as the atomic bomb that wiped out Hiroshima in Japan at the end of World War II. The detonation would have lit up Clarion defenders vow to take whatever the Moon’s surface, generating a sphere of dust that steps are necessary in protecting their lunar would blot out any hopes of the Soviet Union winning abode from Earth invaders. See https://i. the arms race or ever establishing a missile launch site on the surface of the Moon. At the time, Reiffel’s 0e846e7405f9067990d.jpg. team believed it could feasibly hit a target on the Moon within an accuracy of two miles. But then lobbing nuclear bombs is not anything like playing horseshoes. The devastation is total no matter where the device goes off, regardless of its distance from the intended target, with all the radiation and after effects. “However, by January 1959, United States military bosses were ordered by President Eisenhower to stand down with Project A119 for the following reasons: When the public realized the extent of this operation, the backlash against such a senseless strike would be enormous. The risks of a malfunction in the launch of such a weapon were too great. Our emissary, Victor Fleet Commander Valiant Thor, informed the president that any attack on the Clarion Moon base or any Venusian facilities on the Moon would result in swift retaliation and an interplanetary war with the offending Earth nation. “It was for these reasons that America’s leaders turned their attention to putting people, rather than weapons, in space. “The Soviets, being aware of what the Americans were cooking up with Project A119, had preempted the capitalist plot with a scheme of their own codenamed Project E-4. In their rush to preempt the United States, they encountered the overwhelming power of the Clarion defense grid. With the development of their four-stage rocket, the Soviets planned on striking the moon with a nuclear missile of their own. Although this plot faced the same overwhelming risks 23 He is also credited with the development of “telestrator” technology so commonly employed in sports broadcasts and television advertising today.
Raymond Andrew Keller II DQG GLI¿FXOWLHV DV WKH Americans’ secret plans, there was no one with the wisdom of President Eisenhower seated in the Politburo to dump the E-4 SODQV LQWR WKH QHDUHVW µFLUFXODU ¿OH ¶´ If the Soviet Union could not colonize the Moon, its leaders would at least make sure nobody else could. The truth is in there.
Chapter VIII: The Soviet Cosmonaut
,Q 5XVVLDQ DQLPDWRU ¿OPPDNHU 3DYHO Klushantsev’s Stantsiia Luna provided citizens of the Soviet Union with a futuristic vision of a bustling construction site on the Moon’s surface.
“It is quite clear that these mad plans and insane aims of the nuclear maniacs with regard to space and the celestial bodies must alarm world opinion. All of mankind is interested in barring the road toward transforming space into an arena of military rivalries. The U.S.S.R., ZKLFK ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR RSHQ WKH ZD\ LQWR VSDFH KDV DOZD\V EHHQ FDUHIXO WR FRQGXFW UHVHDUFK DQG WKH FRQTXHVW RI VSDFH IRU SHDFHIXO SXUSRVHV IRU WKH JRRG RI PDQNLQG 7KH VFLHQWL¿F WHFKQLFDO and biological facts obtained as a result of the launching of spaceships and Earth satellites are mostly published in the Soviet press and have become aids to world science.” —Declaration of the Soviet Union with regard to the militarization of outer space, broadcast over Moscow Radio, 21 August 1966 It was apparent that Vorton was highly respected for his diplomatic skills in the Solar Council, insofar as he was on loan from the Isis, as that fantastic spaceship’s communications RI¿FHU WR VHUYH DV WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLYH DLGH DQG FR KRVW RI WKH LQWHUSODQHWDU\ FRQIHUHQFH ZLWK WKH PDJQL¿FHQW Clarion Moon Base Commander Aura Rhanes. Following the outer space congress, however, Vorton and I returned to Clarion, where the Isis was docked with its scheduled maintenance check-ups just concluded. Isis Commander Asteria In the docking bay we were met by the Isis Commander $VWHULD 7KLV LV WKH ¿UVW WLPH , KDG enjoyed the honor of actually being in close quarters with her esteemed presence. Immediately recognizing her, I was quite taken aback. “I’ve seen you out at Giant Rock on several occasions,” I blurted out. Asteria laughed, explaining that, “Yes, dear one, on Earth I am known as both a private charter pilot and hostess at the Los Angeles International Airport, the woman you call Gloria Lee. I am not of Earth, originally at least, but the planet you call Venus. I had chosen to 90
Raymond Andrew Keller II incarnate onto the Earth to be of service to humankind. Much like you, Annabell, it was only after I began to reach a state of higher awareness that the space people contacted me in the California desert, revealing my true past through many lifetimes, and brought me into my full position of power in the Solar Hierarchy of Light and Isis Commander.” Vorton added, “Yes Annabell, you can be sure that there is a great future in store for you, also, since such important personages as Commander Rhanes and Asteria have singled you out for contact and the receipt of further communications and even revelations. Asteria is known by all in the Confederation of Planets as a Metron, or Traveler of Time. As such, she merits your undivided attention. The Metrons may not even know why they know something they tell you; but believe me, they know. It is because they have been taught this in other worlds.” “We do see something in your sweet spirit, Annabell,” said Asteria earnestly; “and welcome aboard the Isis for the second leg of our journey.” Asteria paused, stepped closer and took my right hand LQ ERWK RI KHU FXSSHG KDQGV DQG FRQ¿GHG LQ PH ³'HDU one, once your instrument24 is done with its work on Earth, you, too, will return to the planet Venus along with many others who have come along with you in your current incarnation on the Blue Planet. As time progresses, there will be many more souls, like \RXUVHOI WKDW ZLOO ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV UHDG\ WR OHDYH WKH Earth plane, once your planet is well into the New Age. This mission that we are about to embark on is just a sneak preview of what you shall one day come to Photograph of Commander Asteria, a.k.a. Gloria Lee, from her book, Why We Are expect as a crew member aboard one of our Abejan Here (Palos Verdes Estates, California: star vessels.” Cosmon Research Foundation, 1959). 7HDUV ¿OOHG P\ H\HV DV Asteria embraced me. She then directed me back to the arms of Vorton, who also hugged me and led me into the Isis EULH¿QJ URRP ZKHUH Asteria would appear moments later to provide the forthcoming mission’s situation report. Situation Report The commander stepped up to the dais. The lights dimmed in the assembly room as the Earth zoomed in ever larger on the viewing screen. “Another rocket has been launched from the Soviet Union,” she declared. “As you can see, the rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Soviet’s Kazakhstan Republic, at 0638 Moscow time. That it was not launched from their top secret Ural Mountains complex leads us to believe that the four-stage rocket we destroyed may have been their only one, a prototype. “Our ventla VFRXW SDWUROV KDYH YHUL¿HG WKDW LW¶V RQ D WUDMHFWRU\ IRU OXQDU LQMHFWLRQ DQG orbit around Terra Luna in about three days and two hours, as time is measured on Terra. Our operatives in the 6RYLHW 8QLRQ WHOO XV WKDW WKH URFNHW LV D PRGL¿HG Vostok-K. This is a simple two-stage, expendable carrier rocket. So unlike the advanced and heavier four-stage, nucleararmed rocket that our Clarion perimeter defense recently annihilated, this one carries but one 24 Here she refers to the physical body in the third dimension. 91
Lady Columba Venus Revelations cosmonaut and is believed to be unarmed. Our intelligence network informs us that it is solely on a reconnaissance mission, making just a few orbits around Terra Luna and then back to base. Its purpose is to discover what happened to their advanced rocket ship and its crew and why WKHLU QXFOHDU DUPHG URFNHW VKLS MXVW VHHPHG WR µ¿]]OH RXW¶ DQG GLVDSSHDU VKRUWO\ DIWHU VHWWOLQJ LQ to a lunar orbit instead of detonating its cargo on the surface of Terra Luna, thereby rendering all of it unsuitable for conquest and colonization by the Americans. “As soon as this reconnaissance rocket injects itself into lunar orbit, we shall launch from Clarion Moon Base and engage our cloaking device, catching up with the Vostok from behind while it is still on the Earth side of Terra Luna, commencing to tail it. Shortly after the rocket crosses the terminator, its cosmonaut will be unable to relay any more messages back to the Cosmodrome….” Three Earth Days Later Following the trans-lunar injection, the cosmonaut cut off the Vostok’s motive power. The rocket ship was pulled back at an angle by the Moon’s gravity, drawing the rear down, and leveling it off in an orbital path about 190 kilometers above that orb’s crater-pocked surface. Suddenly, the spaceship began to rock both fore-to-aft, back and forth. Isis Commander Asteria ordered an invisible tractor beam to be deployed in an attempt to capture the interloper in its HQHUJ\ ¿HOG GUDJ LW WR WKH QRUWKZHVW TXDGUDQW RI Terra Luna’s far side and force it to land in the vicinity of the Clarion base. 7KH &RVPRQDXW FRXOG QRW ¿JXUH RXW ZKDW ZDV KDSSHQLQJ +H FRXOGQ¶W VHH DQ\WKLQJ XQXVXDO outside the portholes of his capsule; but nevertheless, he realized that something was pulling his ship down to the surface. He would crash if he didn’t snap free of that “something;” and the sooner the better, as far as he was concerned. The cosmonaut needed to gain some altitude. Although his ship had magically slowed down in its orbital spiral, it was still descending. The cosmonaut ignited the thrusters, hoping they would buy him a few more kilometers in altitude and a lot more time in orbit. No good. The rocket ship sputtered again, with the thrusters only serving as a brake to soften its landing, right-side up against a crater, one of many hundreds that peppered a vast plateau. But on the other side of that particular crater wall whence the rocket ship rested, was an invisible city- the Clarion Moon Base. Being an American, of course, I was conditioned to “view with alarm” anything the Soviets GLG DQG ZLWK PXFK MXVWL¿FDWLRQ WKDW WKH\ VXSSOLHG WKHPVHOYHV , DP MXGJLQJ WKHP IURP WKHLU past records of broken international treaties, publicized brutalities toward conquered peoples, and their sly methods to reach the realization of their avowed purpose of conquering the whole of Earth, no matter how. Therefore, I queried anxiously of Commander Asteria, “Are you going to allow him to stay here? Can’t you just send him back home?” Vorton stepped between the Commander and me. “Now don’t bother the Commander right now,” he interjected. He then soothingly explained that, “We know how to handle the situation, to discourage any warlike ideas this cosmonaut may harbor towards us. If we decide to contact this space voyager personally, we can impress upon him the necessity of his country, the Soviet Union, accepting our terms for friendly cooperation without anyone getting hurt. And should ZH ¿QG LW QHFHVVDU\ ZH FDQ HYHQ NHHS KLP IURP PDNLQJ DQ\ WURXEOH ZKLOH KH LV KHUH ZLWKRXW revealing ourselves. “We do realize that this Moon is Earth’s satellite, and therefore, by right of Nature’s placement, you Terrans have some rights to it, if rightly exercised, in respect to the native 92
Raymond Andrew Keller II Clarionites. We of Abejar have used Terra Luna as a way-station only at their invitation and with their cooperation. “You of Terra will soon discover that the universe is teeming with intelligent life. In this outer rim of but one of the great spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy, there is an organization of planets known as the Confederation of Light. It is really more like a club than a government. The club members respect the sovereignty of all other member worlds. But at the same time, WKH\ HQMR\ D IUHH H[FKDQJH RI VFLHQWL¿F LQIRUPDWLRQ UHVXOWLQJ LQ D TXDQWXP FRPPXQLFDWLRQV network, faster-than-light travel in vast spaceships, and lifetimes sometimes extended into WKH WKRXVDQGV RI \HDUV 2QFH D VSHFLHV KDV EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG DV H[LVWLQJ LQ RXU VWDU VHFWRU WKH\ may collectively be invited to join our Confederation, just as soon as the majority of that orb’s inhabitants have evolved to the point of meeting certain criteria, such as utilizing power at a planetary level, abolishing all weapons of mass destruction, having established formal and friendly relations with a Confederation member world, and selecting for themselves true representative leadership on a planet-wide scale. “With the last two rocket expeditions to Terra Luna, it is apparent that Terrans have learned how to reach us here. Both the Soviets and Americans seem to be going out into outer space for many reasons, but primary among them might be seeking a place of safety from the coming catastrophes consequential from an imminent axial shift, albeit one brought upon themselves by the casual and thoughtless deployment of nuclear technology. Frankly, Cosmic Law obliges us to allow them to do so, at least insofar as it does not jeopardize anyone’s future welfare in any way. They would only be doing what we might be forced to do, if we were in the same predicament. So, my dear friend Annabell, let us watch and see what this Russian’s next move will be.” With that, Vorton moved over to his post on the bridge and adjusted a scanning device. This was no ordinary scanner of electromagnetic waves, but one that detected and relayed thoughts. It also possessed a translation capacity, in that it could make understandable for the FRPPXQLFDWLRQV RI¿FHU QHDUO\ DQ\ ODQJXDJH VSRNHQ RQ DQ\ RI WKH SODQHWV LQ WKH &RQIHGHUDWLRQ and even beyond. The Russian pilot of the Soviet rocket ship was peering out of portholes and wondering to himself, “Hmm, nothing in sight that looks as though it was made by intelligent beings. But, I am pretty sure that there is some form of life out here, judging by the moving lights going on and off that our astronomers have seen on the Moon and reported to the Academy of Science. Therefore, I had best keep on the alert; for I do not know what strange powers are lurking in or behind those craters. There might be real Lunarians down there, some sort of unimaginable creatures.” Clarion was cloaked. So it was no wonder that the Russian cosmonaut failed to see it, despite the fact that it was within sight of his capsule, if looking out the portholes. It was just over a ridge. Even before the Vostok-K had reached the far side of the Moon, however, WKH QHZV RI LWV DSSURDFK KDG EHHQ ÀDVKHG DURXQG WR DOO FRQFHUQHG SDUWLHV DW Clarion base on DQ HQFU\SWHG IUHTXHQF\ IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI WKRVH WKDW QHHGHG WR JHW UHDG\ IRU LWV DUULYDO 8SRQ receipt of this news, the cloaking mechanisms were turned on, bending light rays around any REMHFW DV GHVLUHG VR WKDW SK\VLFDO H\HV FRXOG QRW VHH OLJKW UHÀHFWHG IURP VXFK VXUIDFHV WKXV shrouded. Vorton remarked, “It’s a good thing that the Soviet rocket ship did not come down on top of the curved glassy dome over Clarion. If we had allowed it to land there, the pilot would 93
Lady Columba Venus Revelations have wondered why he was hovering in midair. He would have been even more puzzled if KH JRW RXW VOLGLQJ RYHU LW +H ZRXOG QRW KDYH EHHQ DEOH WR ¿JXUH RXW KRZ WKH VKLS ZDV EHLQJ VXVSHQGHG VR IDU DERYH WKH FUDWHU¶V ÀRRU \HW ZKLOH IHHOLQJ VROLG VXUIDFH XQGHU KLV IHHW ´ “What would have been done about it, if he did?” my inquiring mind wanted to know, wondering what the Clarionites’ super science could do about that. “Oh,” explained Vorton, “we would have just used our invisible transporter ray, which would have held the rocket ship as in a vise, to pull it up over the invisible electronic shielding wall surrounding Clarion, and deposited him elsewhere.” Vorton allowed me to look through the scanner. Then we saw the Soviet cosmonaut donning his space suit, opening the air lock and climbing down the ladder to stand on the Moon. He was surprised by the amount of dust he had kicked up, the accumulation of micro-particles from the cosmic bombardment of countless eons. Initially, he felt as though he was sinking down in quicksand; but saw that the rear-end struts of the ship had also sunk in, but for only about a half a meter, approximately 20 inches. The dust particles clung tenaciously to his space suit, tanks and other equipment. The cosmonaut managed to get back to the ladder and climb about halfway up to the air lock when Vorton reengaged the transporter ray and levitated the ship, moving it and its pilot to a rockier, more steady and dust-free area on the other side of the crater. After the ship settled, the Russian returned safely to his space vehicle’s interior. Clearly, the cosmonaut was befuddled. Before Vorton was dispatched to greet the Russian and welcome him to Clarion, he synchronized the scanner/translator and tuned into the jumbled thoughts running through the cosmonaut’s head. Vorton provided me with a type of breastplate and accompanying headgear so I could listen in, too: “What’s going on here? My ship acts like it has a mind of its own. It must be possessed RI WKH GHYLO RU UDWKHU DQ DQJHO VLQFH , DP PDJLFDOO\ VWDQGLQJ RQ ¿UPHU JURXQG QRZ 7KLV is crazy. What nonsense for a communist materialist to think! It must have some physical explanation even though I do not see anything outside to account for such movement. Then it must be sabotage! Somebody tinkered with the automatic guiding controls before I left home in Kaliningrad. I better check them out….” We listened long enough to establish the cosmonaut’s identity. From our thought scan of his mind, Vorton and I came to learn that his name was Alexander Kadachev and that he hailed from Kaliningrad, the chief administrative city of the Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian enclave along the shores of the Baltic Sea. He was both a test pilot and aviation engineer in the Soviet Air Forces until mid-1957, when he was drafted for cosmonaut training in a branch of the secret Soviet space program, headquartered at Salizharovo Station, on the outskirts of Kaliningrad. All throughout 1959 this station was plagued by a rash of UFO sightings. On 25 April, Alexander was out hunting with his father when they saw an elliptical object with “an aspect ratio of one third between its vertical and horizontal axes.” The UFO was dark, but not completely black, and seemed to exhibit an opaque quality. Its lower edge was purple. This coloring may have been due to the object’s illumination by the rising Sun. It seemed to be the size of the Moon, as you would see it at arm’s length, and was observed for several minutes. The father and son lost sight of the UFO as they walked deeper into the forest, with the object being obscured by the tall trees. Once they reached a clearing, however, they saw it hovering higher up in the sky.25 25 Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat (New York, New York: Ballantine Books, 1992), 184. 94
Raymond Andrew Keller II 6LQFH $OH[DQGHU KDG EHHQ À\LQJ WKH PRVW DGYDQFHG DQG VHFUHW 6RYLHW DHURVSDFH YHKLFOHV he was sure the object was not one of these. Neither did he think it was a vehicle of American origin. The 6RYLHW $FDGHP\ RI 6FLHQFHV GLVWULEXWHG D SDSHU DI¿UPLQJ WKH H[LVWHQFH RI H[WUDWHUUHVWULDOV PRQLWRULQJ VFLHQWL¿F GHYHORSPHQWV WDNLQJ SODFH DW LQVWLWXWLRQV DOO DURXQG WKH FRXQWU\ VR KH SUHVXPHG WKDW LW ZDV D À\LQJ VDXFHU IURP VRPHZKHUH LQ RXWHU VSDFH ³$K \HV 7KDW¶V LW ,W¶V WKH H[WUDWHUUHVWULDOV -XVW OLNH ZKHQ WKH\ ÀHZ RYHU Kaliningrad. They must be somewhere in the area, checking out what their Soviet comrades are doing up here on the Moon….” Contact Established “I think we are ready to make our move. Don’t you agree, Sister Annabell?” “Yes, by all means. Let’s make this happen.” After getting clearance from Commander Asteria, Vorton disengaged the cloaking device around the Isis, hovering directly over the Vostok-K and casting a massive shadow over both the Soviet rocket ship and some of Clarion’s perimeter domes and other habitat structures. Vorton instructed me to use the standard communications space radio and tune it in to 122.500 MHz, an international distress frequency. Obviously, the cosmonaut will realize that the transmission was coming from Clarion, for without a Trojan object to bounce signals off of for relay to Earth-based stations no communications are possible with space craft on the far side of the Moon.
The People’s Republic of China’s Chang’e 4 can’t transmit messages back to the China National Space Administration from the far side of the Moon without the help of the relay satellite Queqiao and a phenomenon known as Lagrange points. For further details on how this works, see Sara Rigby, “Chang’e 4: How China’s lander talks to us from the far side of the Moon,” BBC Science Focus Magazine, 14 January 2019, https://www. (Accessed 5 March 2020).
Vorton provided instructions for the cosmonaut over the emergency frequency. “Captain Kadachev of the Soviet Space Forces, this is 9RUWRQ FRPPXQLFDWLRQV RI¿FHU RI WKH Isis mother ship, now hovering directly over your position. We have guided your craft to a safe landing on the southeastern perimeter of our Clarion Moon Base. We of the Confederation of Planets understand that your ship is not in a satisfactory condition to make it back to your base in the 95
Lady Columba Venus Revelations 6RYLHW 8QLRQ 'XH WR WKH HPHUJHQF\ FLUFXPVWDQFHV LQ ZKLFK \RX QRZ ¿QG \RXUVHOI ZH DUH obliged by interplanetary conventions to provide material assistance. We are also aware that your mission is one of peace; and that you are unarmed. We are sending a delegation of three to meet you outside your spaceship in 30 minutes, whence you will be escorted to Clarion where you shall be helped.” The cosmonaut acknowledged the transmission from Vorton. In 30 minutes time, he met Vorton, Commander Asteria and I at the bottom of the Vostok’s ladder. Commander Asteria pointed the way to a portal on the side of a crater wall, where we could see huge towers and spires looming overhead, peaking at the top of a translucent dome. After we entered the portal, Commander Asteria gave commands for the mother ship to re-dock with the Clarion Moon Base. The base commander, Aura Rhanes, was also there to meet us, along with her security chief, Al-An. Commander Rhanes: “Welcome Captain Kadachev. You are now inside the Confederation of Planets Moon Base Clarion. I am Aura Self portrait made in 1961 by Lady Columba with Rhanes, the Commander of this facility. This Russian friend, Cosmonaut Kadachev, outside is Al-An, our Chief of Security. Please follow perimeter of Moon Base Clarion. Source: Keller Venus Files. KLP WR WKH EULH¿QJ URRP ´ $O $Q JXLGHG XV DOO WR WKH EULH¿QJ URRP ZKHUH ZH WRRN VHDWV DURXQG D ODUJH FLUFXODU WDEOH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV RI¿FHU Vorton called the meeting to order. Commander Rhanes rose up from her chair and addressed the small assembly. “Do not be afraid, Captain Kadachev. We mean you no harm. We are here to help you in any way we can. Our engineers and mechanics are now making repairs on your ship so that you can return home safely. We don’t understand why the authorities in your country would send you up in such an unworthy space vessel. Did they realize that they were sending you on a suicide mission?” Captain Kadachev: “First, I want to thank you and all of your Confederation, Commander Rhanes, for your timely assistance. You saved my life.” The captain paused for a moment and then continued, “Yes, I’m afraid they did. They explained to me that I might not make it back DOLYH EXW WKH\ KDG WR NQRZ ZKDW KDSSHQHG WR WKHLU ¿UVW URFNHW WKH IRXU VWDJH RQH DQG WKDW LI I died in the process, I would be recognized as a hero of the socialist revolution and that my family would be forever well taken care of.” &RPPDQGHU 5KDQHV ³$QG IRU ZKDW SXUSRVH ZDV WKH ¿UVW VSDFHVKLS DUPHG ZLWK D ZHDSRQ of mass destruction?” Captain Kadachev: “It wasn’t directed at you. We didn’t know that there was such as an extensive complex as Clarion on the far side of the Moon, because our astronomers could not see it from Earth-based telescopes. We did suspect that there was some type of alien presence on the Moon, however, because our astronomers noted movement in the craters and tracklike rays proceeding from them, stretching across the surface, as if they were made with huge
Raymond Andrew Keller II construction equipment. I suppose the military strategists just thought that the aliens would leave if the Moon became contaminated with radioactive fallout.” Commander Rhanes: “We are well aware that your planet is ideologically, politically and militarily divided by the two superpowers, your country of the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States. We are also aware that both of your nations have two kinds of space programs going on within your respective borders, one for public consumption emphasizing the peaceful exploration of outer space and the other for the militarization and ultimate conquest of outer space. We are also aware that your four-stage mission was carried out for the purpose of deploying a nuclear bomb on the surface of the Moon, thus rendering it unsuitable for future colonization and exploration by the Americans, and for anyone else, if the truth be known. Is that not correct, Captain Kadachev?” Captain Kadachev: “Yes, Commander Rhanes, I’m afraid it is.” Commander Rhanes asked, “Is there anything else you want to add at this point, Captain?” The cosmonaut thought it over and decided that it would probably be unwise to volunteer any additional information. After all, he most likely reasoned, it looked as though there was nothing that could be hidden from these advanced Clarionites. Captain Kadachev: “Not at this time, Commander Rhanes.” Commander Rhanes: “So I will tell you, Captain Kadachev, that we are sorry that we IRXQG LW QHFHVVDU\ WR GHVWUR\ WKH ¿UVW URFNHW VKLS DQG LWV OHWKDO FDUJR <RX OHIW XV ZLWK OLWWOH choice in the matter, really.”26 The commander took some 15 seconds, looked deep into the 26 Commander Rhanes later came to explain to us the circumstances that forced her to make the command deciVLRQ WR DQQLKLODWH WKH ¿UVW 6RYLHW URFNHW VKLS ³:KHUHDV LW LV HQRXJK WR XWLOL]H D VXI¿FLHQW UDGLDWLRQ SODVPD FKDUJH PDQLIHVWHG DV D µJUHHQ ¿UHEDOO ¶ WR QHXWUDOL]H D QXFOHDU ZHDSRQ LQ WKH Earth’s atmosphere or in orbit around the Earth, the Moon is too ‘gravitationally unstable’ to allow this defensive technology to work properly anywhere on the lunar surface or in space when an incoming object is near the Moon. Should we have WULHG WR VLPSO\ QHXWUDOL]H WKH QXFOHDU GHYLFH ZLWK RXU SODVPD FKDUJH WKH HQHUJ\ ¿HOG JHQHUDWHG E\ WKH XQGHUground mass would have served to facilitate a chain reaction and subsequent explosion that would have taken out not only the Clarion base, but the whole 0RRQ :H ZDLWHG XQWLO WKH ODVW PLQXWH KRSLQJ WR ¿QG VRPH ZD\ to neutralize the bomb and let the ship return safely to (DUWK EXW RXU VFLHQWLVWV FRXOG QRW ¿QG DQ\ VXFK YLDEOH alternative plan. So it was I who gave the order to destroy the rocket ship and thereby, the nuclear bomb in its cargo. We timed its destruction to coincide with the break off of the rocket’s third stage, so that the loss of the ship might appear as an accident to those monitoring the expedition in the Soviet Union.” ,Q WKH PLG V ZKLOH RI¿FLDOV RI WKH National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) were planning for the Apollo Moon missions, unmanned Ranger probes were sent to orbit the 0RRQ WDNH VFLHQWL¿F measurements and photographs to thoroughly map the terrain. In the process of this investigation, the existence of these gravitational anomalies became known. They were dubbed “mascons,” which is a shortened version of “mass concentrations.” Jay Melosh, a geophysicist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, noted that these areas of much heavier gravitational concentration under the Moon’s surface, “were nothing more than navigational KD]DUG ZKHQ WKH\ ZHUH ¿UVW GLVFRYHUHG ´ DGGLQJ WKDW ³7KH\ ZHUH D UHDO SDLQ LQ WKH QHFN IRU $SROOR SODQQHUV like reefs in an ocean, they were things to be avoided and planned around.” On 10 September 2011, NASA launched two Grail probes, named Ebb and Flow, to study the lunar mascons in greater detail, mapping their exact locations under the Moon’s surface. The Grail mission ended on 17 December 2012 when the two probes never reemerged from their orbit passing over the far side of the Moon. A NASA spokesperson said that the probes “most likely crashed there.” According to Denise Chow, a reporter for SPACE.COM, in her article, “Mystery of Moon’s Lumpy Gravity Explained,” 30 May 2013,, (accessed 9 March 2020), the mascons, it turns out, “are so dense that they alter the Moon’s JUDYLW\ ¿HOG FDXVLQJ perturbations that can tug a spacecraft lower in its orbit around the Moon, or push it wildly off course.” So here it becomes clear that Commander Rhanes had to issue her order to destroy the rocket ship or it could 97
Lady Columba Venus Revelations cosmonaut’s eyes, and declared, “Very well, Captain, I will now place you in the custody of Commander $VWHULD DQG &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2I¿FHU Vorton of the Isis mother ship. Vorton will direct you to your quarters here on Clarion and explain the conditions of your further disposition. That is all.” Vorton escorted the cosmonaut to the room that had been set up for him, and then explained that, “We have brought many Earthlings here to Clarion, initially placing them here in this ‘Earthling Guest House.’ Composite photo of mascon areas of The ones that came before, however, were chosen by Moon as measured by NASA Grail probes, us after careful scrutiny through our instruments and courtesy of NASA and Caltech. psychic powers.” I, however, was feeling sympathetic to the Russian space farer, and added that, “Don’t worry, Alexander, ZKHQ \RX DQG \RXU IDWKHU VDZ WKDW À\LQJ VDXFHU EDFN in Kaliningrad a few years ago, that was most likely a sign that you were chosen, too, to one day come here, I mean.” Vorton scowled at me for letting my heart get in the way of security precautions. “How did you know about that, Annabell? Are you people cosmonauts or angels?” inquired the Russian. “Maybe a little of both,” interjected Vorton. “Let’s just leave it at that.” Gravitational anomalies (mascons) were “OK,” replied the Russian. “So what’s on the detected over the Freundlich-Sharonov agenda for me? And how long do I really have to impact basin on the far side of the Moon by NASA’s Grail probes. See https://www. remain here?” informed the cosmonaut that he would mystery.html. only have to be on Clarion for about two weeks, until have crashed into the Clarion Moon Base, ergo knocking the Moon out of orbit or even blowing up the Earth’s natural satellite altogether. Of these probes, however, NASA gained unprecedented views of the Moon’s interior structure. They allowed NASA scientists to study two mascon basins, one on the nearside and the other on the far side of the Moon. This aided them in the development of sophisticated computer models demonstrating how mascons form. From what the Grail team could surmise, billions of years ago massive asteroids slammed into the Moon, leaving deep craters that reached into the mantle material lying beneath the thin lunar crust. Melosh remarked that, “What had been unexplained until now was how these big impact sites could support extremely dense material, and how the JUDYLW\ ¿HOG LQ WKHVH EDVLQV FRXOG EH LQ VXFK GLVHTXLOLEULXP ´ :KDW WKH UHVHDUFKHUV determined was that ancient asteroid impacts excavated large craters on the Moon, thus causing surrounding lunar materials and rocks from the Moon’s mantle to melt and collapse inward. This melting caused the material to become much denser, and even more concentrated. Melosh believes that as the hot materials cooled and the surface chilled, it became strong and could then “support the load of the extra-dense material from the lunar mantle.” Therefore, the strong lunar crust that slides down into the impact hole eventually forms a curved but rigid barrier over the basin, holding the dense materials down. This makes for a solid foundation in building a lunar base, but certainly creates problems for spacecraft in the vicinity of the Moon. Mascons are known to exist on Mars and Mercury. There are none on Earth, however, insofar as asteroid impacts and subsequent craters were not large enough to churn up materials from our planet’s mantle. 98
Raymond Andrew Keller II repairs could be affected on his ship for a return back to Mother Russia. “In the meantime,” Vorton continued, “you are free to attend special training classes in the Earth Zone about living in space habitats or developing qualities of leadership. Many of the Earthlings here, known as Terrans, eventually go back to Earth and assume positions of authority in their local communities, where they can affect meaningful changes. What they learn here of our cosmic SKLORVRSK\ WDXJKW E\ SURJUHVVLYH DYDWDUV LV WUXO\ IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI KXPDQNLQG LQ HYHU\ ZD\ ´ I remember reading George Orwell’s novel about a future dystopian society, 1984,27 so I was pleased that those of Clarion never pressured the cosmonaut with compulsion or hypnotism. One had to admire the Clarionites for both their understanding and patience demonstrated to visitors to their beautiful city. Vorton, who must have been reading my mind, said that, “We are just giving them the EHQH¿W RI RXU ORQJHU H[SHULHQFH DQG KLJKHU HYROXWLRQ LQ VXFK D ZD\ WKDW WKH\ ZHOFRPH LW Humankind’s moral status must be raised out of the morass of meanness, etc. to the point of peaceful cooperation, especially if they are ever going to make their ‘deserts bloom like the rose.’ The best kind of leadership sees to it that everyone receives the right opportunities to bring out the best in them, so their souls and talents can also come to fruition in the development of the higher faculties.” Special Class The following day, Vorton and I escorted Alexander to one of those special classes being held in the Earth Zone of the Moon base. Through the use of a translation device, the Russian was able to keep up with Commander Asteria’s presentation: “Down through the ages, it is WKH SURGXFWV DQG LQÀXHQFHV RI JHQLXVHV ZKR SURPRWH SURJUHVV LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG 7KHVH DUH the ones that have the most to do in keeping humankind’s paths from being more crooked than they already are. For this reason, geniuses of all kinds deserve more encouraging admiration and cooperation, instead of discouraging envies that try to discredit in any way, or ‘steal their thunder,’ so to speak. ³1RZ KXPDQNLQG ¿QGV LWVHOI DW WKH crossroads of an evolutionary crisis, and needs Classrooms on Clarion connect self-organized learning environments in an organic movement an extra helping hand to avoid backsliding into the destructive degeneration that will surely towards a more inclusive, universal education. Even now, futurist educators on Earth advocate that we follow catastrophe. Climbing the upward path be courageous in incorporating new, revolutionary WR SHUIHFWLRQ WKDW RXU ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU GHVLJQHG ideas in the classroom, experimenting with sundry for all beings is more important than pomp, self, modalities of learning under the guidance of expert and wise mentors. See http://mrkempnz. position or possessions, if such are acquired by com/2015/03/what-is-school-future-classrooms.html. evil means. “Should a thermonuclear war occur Earth, even to a limited extent, the Blue Planet will tilt on its axis, eventually settling down into a new polar alignment. The survivors of this FRQÀDJUDWLRQ DQG \HV WKHUH ZLOO EH VXUYLYRUV ZLOO EH WKH RQHV WR UHEXLOG HVWDEOLVKLQJ D EHWWHU 27 George Orwell, 1984 (New York City, New York: Harcourt, 1949) 99
Lady Columba Venus Revelations and more compassionate civilization than the previous one. They will be the ones to herald the New Space Age. This will be a time for a fresh start for the remnant of humankind. The slate will have literally been washed clean. All of the elements that have prevented true progress will have become but footnotes in the historic march of human civilization to greater heights. The pioneering survivors will need the best material available in brains and brawn to rebuild civilization on a higher foundation. “Long ago on the Earth, that is what we did for the survivors of a global tech-war that took place between the kingdoms of Atlantis and Lemuria. Those that managed to live on following WKDW FRQÀDJUDWLRQ IRXQG WKHPVHOYHV LQ ZUHWFKHG FRQGLWLRQV 7KH\ ZHUH OLYLQJ LQ XQGHUJURXQG dugouts, trying to escape the frigid cold of the night and the intense heat of the day, subsisting on bugs and tubers. They had enough sense to welcome us, in the beginning, allotting us certain areas for our colonies, in return for teaching them better ways of living, on a mutual, non-interference basis. “As you know, I am one of those referred to as a ‘Traveler of Time.’ In other words, I am a member of a special force in the &RQIHGHUDWLRQ RI 3ODQHWV WKDW SROLFHV WKH ÀRZ RI WLPH We are called the Metrons; and our duties include checking out time-space anomalies. In the quantum universe, which exists outside our own space-time continuum, in another dimension, you might say, time manifests as octave waves of tachyons. The Metrons have developed equipment that can intercept such octave waves to view the past events in our own time line, as if they were occurring now, or to view probable future events, as seen through any of the other seven time lines that exist in the octave wave. So what I am telling you is that the future is never predestined. We can have a general ‘feel’ for the direction in which it might be moving by looking at other time lines; but it is always in our power to affect changes to our own time line. Therefore, as far as the Confederation councils are concerned, our ongoing mission has been to dispatch our scouts and round up those Earthlings chosen for rescue before the predicted probability might occur. “We have been landing our scout ships in secluded spots, dressed like Earthlings. We do this WR PDNH VSHFL¿F FORVH XS WHVWV RQ FHUWDLQ LQGLYLGXDOV ZKRP ZH KDYH NHSW XQGHU VXUYHLOODQFH through our scanners and telepathic intercept instruments. We have been seeking those who hold the promise of being outstanding additions to the New Space Age. These are the ones who DUH QREOH RI FKDUDFWHU RSWLPLVWLF RI PLQG DQG ¿OOHG ZLWK VSLULWXDO ORYH IRU KXPDQNLQG 7KH\ DUH WKH RQHV ZKR KDYH DFFRPSOLVKHG PDQ\ ZRUWKZKLOH DFKLHYHPHQWV LQ WKHLU ¿HOG RI HQGHDYRU whether recognized or not and however misunderstood by others.28 “We have been ‘casing the joint,’ as you might idiomatically say on Earth, for a long time now, so as to not miss anyone who might be worthy. Alas, we discovered that they were few and far between, among so many millions, because we scan the inner soul and mind, not outward appearances. Every mind has its own type of wavelength, which our instruments can pin-point among many, from our spaceships hovering high above the atmosphere. Ever since it was surmised that an axial-shift was on its way for the Earth, we have been searching and marking such persons for future reference. Our ‘spies’ have even contacted these chosen ones in person, without most of them even knowing it.”29 28 See chapter “Missing UFO Experiencers” in Keller, Vast Venus Conspiracy (Terra Alta, West Virginia: Headline Books, 2020). 29 Hebrews 13:2 (Good News Translation): “Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it.” 100
Raymond Andrew Keller II Commander $VWHULD RSHQHG WKH ÀRRU XS IRU TXHVWLRQV 6HL]LQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ , DVNHG KHU ³&DQ \RXU VSDFHVKLS ÀHHW PDQDJH WR UHVFXH WKH FKRVHQ RQHV IDVW HQRXJK WR HVFDSH DQ\ RI WKH ÀRRGV ZKHQ WKH WLOW FRPHV"´ “Yes, Sister Annabell, more or less, because we have been bringing more of them up here in the past few years, as fast as we can; and once we explain our reason for doing this, we offer them the choice of staying with us until the after the tilt, whence they can return to the Earth as a teacher and rebuilder of civilization, or being returned to Earth. They have all preferred to stay, up until now. We have even picked some out of their beds, just before dawn, by opening locked doors with our unlatching ray, or even resorting to activating a nimbus to accelerate our bodies’ atomic structures and thereby walk right through any bulkhead. We caused the sleeper to continue sleeping, to avoid any struggle, as we levitated them out. Of course, our personnel and ship were wrapped in an invisibility cloak; so all any witnesses would have seen was the subject rise in the air and disappear, with no sound to betray our presence. Just for the record, dear one, that’s exactly how we brought you along with us.” 3RQGHULQJ KHU ZRUGV , UHPDUNHG ³, NLQG RI ¿JXUHG LW ZDV VRPHWKLQJ OLNH WKDW« +PP WKDW VHHPV WR IXO¿OO the Biblical prophecy about the rapture, ‘One will be taken and the other left,’ whatever they were doing.30 I took a breath with awe and wonderment, adding, “I had a friend who worked for the Missing Persons Bureau. She told me that they have been swamped with an ever-increasing number of reports from people who had no idea where the missing person had gone. Dr. Frank Stranges and many other leading 7KH EXUHDX FRXOG QRW ¿QG WKHP HYHQ DIWHU H[WHQVLYH lights in both theology and UFO circles, and intensive searches.” EHOLHYH WKDW WKH DSSHDUDQFH RI À\LQJ VDXFHUV Commander Asteria then took us to meet future and the rise of missing persons cases, may leaders of the Blue Planet, other inhabitants of the Earth ZHOO EH D IXO¿OOPHQW RI WKH SUHGLFWHG UDSWXUH in Bible prophecies. See https://www. Zone on the Clarion Moon Base. They were patently “cream of the crop,” all representative of different the-second-coming-2012-apocalypse. nationalities hailing from almost every country. The Commander told us that this hardy band of lunar citizenry constituted the “Pinnacle of Human Evolution,” the best that Mother Earth had so far produced. I never saw such bonds of 30 Luke 17:34-35 (Good News Translation): “On that night, I tell you, there will be two people sleeping in the same bed: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind. Two women will be grinding meal together: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind.” The late Dr. Frank E. Stranges, founder of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs in Van Nuys, California (1927-2008), was a fervent believer in the angelic connection with Venus and the integral role that the 9HQXVLDQV DQG WKHLU À\LQJ VDXFHUV SOD\HG LQ WKH IXO¿OOPHQW RI Bible prophecy. Dr. Stranges held degrees in theology, psychology and criminology. The reverend dedicated his life to teaching celestial wisdom and counseling people throughout the world to live in Divine Spirit. He also believed that the rapture was to be carried out by an ‘angel force’ directed by God to come to (DUWK DQG UHVFXH WKH FKRVHQ RQHV LQ À\LQJ VDXFHUV 'U )UDQN RIIHUHG D PRQWKO\ QHZVOHWWHU Interspace Link DQG FUHDWHG WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO ³,QQHU &LUFOH ´ ZKHUH PHPEHUV EHQH¿WWHG IURP KLV VSLULWXDO WHDFKLQJV DQG information that he gathered from those of other worlds, especially those beings from the planet Venus. In 'U )UDQN KDG KLV ¿UVW SK\VLFDO HQFRXQWHU ZLWK &RPPDQGHU Valiant Thor. This friendship was to deepen throughout Dr. Frank’s life on Earth. His book, Stranger at the Pentagon (Van Nuys, California: National Investigations Committee on UFOs, 1967), more fully explains the details of his encounters and Dr. Frank’s subsequent activities. 101
Lady Columba Venus Revelations friendship, among such scintillating minds, each rejoicing in the others’ enviable assets, and listening with understanding to each others’ ideas. About half were women, as the space people recognize only the merits of noble spirit, wide intelligence and spiritual love wherever found, regardless of class, color, creed or sex. We all settled down to watch the line of screens in the main assembly room in the Earth Zone. Though on the side of the Moon that conceals any view of Earth with the naked eye, live transmissions of the Blue Planet were projected on an array of screens, all being relayed from an armada of Confederation space ships that were orbiting it. We were there because all indications had pointed to the probability of a nuclear war erupting at any moment. We had quite a wait, which made us more nervous, and no wonder. An historic cataclysm was on its way, more than we expected, and nobody could do anything about it, or were even allowed to. :RQGHULQJ ZKDW WKH VSDFH SHRSOH FRXOG GR ZKDW ZLWK DOO RI WKHLU XOWUD VFLHQWL¿F ³NQRZ how,” I beseeched Vorton. “You told me that you could nullify any nuclear weapon or nuclear stockpile. Well, aren’t you going to do something now to prevent such a war?” Looming Apocalypse Vorton referred me back to Commander Asteria. “Dear Annabell, the Commander is a 0HWURQ DQG LV FHUWDLQO\ PRUH TXDOL¿HG WR DQVZHU \RXU TXHVWLRQ $V \RX OLVWHQ WR KHU H[SODQDWLRQ and watch the event about to unfold on the screens, keep in mind that we ‘space people,’ those of Clarion, Venus, Mars and other planets of the Confederation, are actually physical beings, PXFK OLNH \RXUVHOI EXW RSHUDWLYH RXWVLGH RI WKH QRUPDO ÀRZ RI WLPH DV \RX XQGHUVWDQG LW ,Q other words, we are fourth dimensional beings.” Commander Asteria thanked Vorton for his kind words. She then reassured me. “All is well, dear one. Please remain calm; for this presentation is essential for your leadership preparation. In the New Space Age that I see coming, you will become an ever-increasing asset to the Confederation, a light that shines in the darkness, bringing hope to the lost and confused ones. “Yes, Annabell, if the powers-that-be on Earth were simply going to use nuclear weapons, we could nullify them quite easily. Remember, there is nothing to complicate such a feat on our part as the Earth has no mascons under its surface, as Terra-Luna or some of the other worlds. However, these Earth-based foes that you are now viewing on the screens are not going to use just nuclear bombs against each other, but “quarksplosion” space-launched missiles. They emit eight times more energy than the reaction that powers the hydrogen weapons. The device generates this powerful force through an onboard nuclear accelerator that times the collision of two charmed quark subatomic particles.” At this point, the cosmonaut chimed in. “Commander, I think I understand what’s going on KHUH :H¶UH QRW ORRNLQJ DW D FRQÀLFW RQ (DUWK LQ our own time frame. This must be happening far into the future. The technology I see on those screens is far beyond anything we have developed in the Soviet Union. And I know that the Americans can’t be that far ahead in science, either.” “You are quite correct, and astute, Comrade Alexander. This battle that is now brewing is taking place around 130 years into the future, but on the timeline of Earth Four, one of the seven parallel worlds that we can observe to make predictions about the future of your planet.” But I wanted to know more about these quarks. “Just what is a quark?” I inquired of the Commander. “Dear one,” she responded, “quarks are the fundamental ingredient of matter, the one subatomic particle that cannot be broken down any further. But there are six types of quarks, 102
Raymond Andrew Keller II coming in a variety of sizes. On the Earth that we are now viewing on the screens, their scientists discovered in the year 2017 at a test subatomic particle accelerator in Switzerland, that two relatively large quarks, called charm quarks, could actually be stuck together in the same particle.31 6R WKLV VFLHQWL¿F ¿QGLQJ PDGH WKH VFLHQWLVWV WKLQN WKDW SHUKDSV VRPH quarks FRXOG EH IXVHG WRJHWKHU DQG FRQVHTXHQWO\ VSOLW DQG WKDW WKHUH FRXOG EH VLJQL¿FDQW PLOLWDU\ applications in creating some device to make this happen. “After some time, a physicist from Israel, working at the same test site in Switzerland, actually succeeded in repeating this fusion of two charmed quarks, but it only produced 12 mega-electron volts of energy. Really, that is but a mere two-thirds of the energy produced by the fusion of two individual pairs of hydrogen atoms. But at least the idea now went beyond theory. “Then the scientists tried again, but ‘running the numbers,’ so to speak, with the larger bottom quarks, which incidentally are much heavier than the so-called ‘charm quarks.’ By their calculations, the scientists on that team measured the release of 138 mega-electron volts of energy. “In the decades that followed, this began a race between the Sino-American Alliance and the Euro-Asian 8QLRQ RI 6RYLHW 6RFLDOLVW 5HSXEOLFV WR GHYHORS WKH ¿UVW quark bombs, the ultimate weapon. But the problem with quarks is that they are so unstable to work with. And here we see, in the Earth Four year of 2063 C.E., that a way was found to contain and manipulate quark energy, and that neither of these powers could display any constraint in not putting it to military use. “So, basically dear Annabell and esteemed Alexander, I am sorry to say that even we of the Confederation have not yet found any way to nullify those quarks. In the meantime, we’ll have to hope for the best. And it is our fondest desire that by letting you peer into this other time line, that of Earth Four, that perhaps you of Earth One might learn from their mistakes, before it is too late. Perhaps when you return to Earth as ambassadors of the Confederation’s message of peace, the war makers will reconsider the course they are pushing your planet onto. If they only realized the consequences of moving in the direction of hate and strife, they would cease and desist. As with all worlds being so fragile, as they are, an axis shift is sure to come as a direct result of nuclear war. We watch with heavy hearts the leaders of many worlds wondering in their perplexity when the great apocalypse will befall their peoples. “All we can do now is to wait and see,” Commander Asteria remarked, with a sigh of resignation.
31 In our own time line of Earth One, such a discovery was also made. An article appeared in Newsweek’s Live Science section by Meghan Bartels on 3 November 2017, “Subatomic Event More Powerful Than A Hydrogen Bomb Discovered,” that explains how research in the quark universe being carried out at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland went from theoretical work to real experimental results. Bartels informs readers WKDW WKH ¿QGLQJV ZHUH VR VFDU\ IRU WKH UHVHDUFK VFLHQWLVWV FRQGXFWLQJ WKH H[SHULPHQWV WKDW WKH\ WULHG WR KLGH the results from the public at large. 103
Lady Columba Venus Revelations
On a parallel Earth, scientists unravel the mysteries of the quark universe. See
Doomsday Scenario ³,W¶V WKH (QG RI WKH :RUOG DV ZH NQRZ LW DQG , IHHO ¿QH ´ —R.E.M. (Universal Music, 1994)
See “Cranking Up the Large Hadron Collider,” physics-13-tev-cranking-lhc/.
Then it happened! From the comfort of Clarion we could see cities on both coastlines of the North America continent, as well as the coastal cities of China, Japan and the Korean peninsula, bursting into huge quark explosions. A few moments later, the major cities of Russia and Europe likewise exploded. The Earth was SHSSHUHG ZLWK D FKDLQ RI EULJKW UHG ÀDUHV WKDW billowed up into massive mushrooms of thick, smudgy smoke, full of nasty, radioactive dirt 104
Raymond Andrew Keller II WKDW ZDV NLFNHG XS LQ WKH SURFHVV 'DUN VKDGRZV VSUHDG RXW IURP WKHVH ¿HU\ VSRWV ZLGHQLQJ and shifting as trade winds carried these irradiated masses around the planet. All of us choked with the horror of it all. There wasn’t one dry eye left among us as we mourned for all those innocent lives snuffed out so mercilessly. Vorton tried to comfort us by saying, “Do not grieve. Earth Four is now in the birth pangs of the New Space Age. Those souls who deserve another chance to make good will be reborn into a better life that our counterparts in that other time line will help bring about, sometime after this is all over.” Now that parallel Earth was more or less shrouded in a dusty blanket that grew consecutively darker. Waterspouts appeared from bombs dropped on submarines trying to dive deep enough to escape the full impact of the quark attack. Battles being fought in the air also added to the heaviness. So many quark bombs punched holes in the upper atmospheric layers that previously protected the Earth by screening out the more dangerous solar rays. These holes let in such VWURQJ UDGLDWLRQV DW ¿UVW WKDW HYHU\WKLQJ EHQHDWK WKHP FDXJKW ¿UH LQ D ZLGHQLQJ UDGLXV Eventually, the holes were closed up, being swept over by the rest of the churning atmosphere. But, the whole had been thinned in the process, which would have an important bearing upon the New Age later to be manifested. It seemed as though everything ignitable would be GHVWUR\HG E\ WKH ¿UHV WKDW VSUHDG VR UDSLGO\ IURP WKH hurricane-force winds kicked up by the quark explosions. Nothing that humans could possibly do would extinguish them. Even the space people, monitoring all of this from orbiting positions high above the atmosphere, were helpless to do anything about this dire situation. I covered my dampened eyes to shut out the awful sight, wondering grimly whether this parallel world would “melt with fervent heat,” as was prophesied in the Book of Revelations for Earth One, our own world, in the latter days. As to the poor souls of Earth Four, it seemed as if something did not happen quickly to shorten the time for the sake of the elect, if there be any in WKDW VDLQWO\ FDWHJRU\ QR ÀHVK ZRXOG VXUYLYH WKH quark holocaust. By the ‘elect,’ I am referring to those who were chosen by our space brothers and sisters to be rescued at the last moment. Perhaps an axis-shift might even become an avenue of salvation for these distressed ones. It was Commander Asteria who answered my unspoken thoughts, by saying, “That is the only answer now, for the long term. So let us pray for the axis-shift to come in time to extinguish VRPH RI WKH ¿UHV DW OHDVW ´ &RPPDQGHU Asteria then inched a dial on the time scope forward a notch or two. With that, we all huddled together in a circle, holding hands and praying as we had never prayed before, that such a salvation would come before everything on Earth Four had been consumed. At last, the parallel Earth began WR ZREEOH OLNH D WRS UXQQLQJ GRZQ MXVW EHIRUH WKH ¿QDO lurch. The planet swayed back and forth, back and forth, at northwest and southeast angles, reeling drunkenly on its axis. It was the most awesome sight that I had ever seen! The outlines of the continents became clear and sharp again after Vorton, in turn, had adjusted the temporal scanning devices equipped with X-ray mechanisms which pierced pathways through the cloud banks for our eyes to follow. But these outlines momentarily changed, as the oceans were washed up over parts of the land, while simultaneously exposing other parts that had been undersea. We could see that the land masses still exposed were covered with a thin layer of ashes. The most amazing thing about it was that the ashes were the color of sulfur! The winds of tornado YHORFLW\ JHQHUDWHG E\ WKH D[LV VKLIW KDG OLWHUDOO\ EORZQ WKH PXOWLWXGH RI ¿UHV RXW )ORRGLQJ KDG 105
Lady Columba Venus Revelations WDNHQ FDUH RI H[WLQJXLVKLQJ WKH RWKHU ¿UHV (QRXJK ZLQG FDQ IDQ D ÀDPH EXW WRR PXFK FDQ blow it out like candle! The ashes had been blown far and wide, covering everything like a light snowfall. The tilt had come at a most opportune moment. I wondered whether all this commotion of World War III had triggered it! Earth Four ¿QDOO\ FDPH WR UHVW LQ DQRWKHU DOLJQPHQW ZLWK the North Pole pointing at a different angle, which made Vega the new Pole Star. So it seems that Earth Four’s dimension is in a stellar alignment with our own, albeit invisible to both our physical eyes and limited, current technology. Thanks to the Venusian mastery of fourth dimensional science and the presence of the Metron, Commander Asteria, all of this was viewed in a short period. But it seemed like an age to us; as we held our breaths with the intensity of suspense! 7KH GHQVH VPRN\ FORXGEDQNV KDG EHHQ GLVSHUVHG DOO RYHU WKH JOREH E\ WKH WHUUL¿F ZLQGV WKDW ZKLSSHG DURXQG ZLWK F\FORQLF IRUFH DW ¿UVW« 7KLV SURGXFHG D KHDY\ SDOO VR WKLFN WKDW LW weighed down on the atmosphere and shut out the sky. Day was turned into a starless night that lasted about three days. A lot happened during that time! We watched the waves still rushing over the coastal areas, propelled by the momentum given them by the tilt. The tall tidal waves were thinning out the further they swept inland, being repeatedly braked, to some extent, by mountain ranges en route. The tilt had brought the Atlantic Ocean partway up to the Mid-Western States, at right angles to the coastline. The RSSRVLWH OXUFK KDG EURXJKW WKH 3DFL¿F GRZQ DW WKH VDPH DQJOH DOPRVW WR WKH )RXU &RUQHUV DUHD where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet. Then 9RUWRQ WXUQHG WKH PDJQL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH WHPSRUDO VFDQQHUV XS WR WKH IXOOHVW SRZHU HYHQ to the extent that our vision could reach down as far as seeing tiny objects bobbing about in WKH WXPXOWXRXV ZDYHV 7KH YHORFLW\ RI WKH WHPSRUDU\ WRUQDGRHV KDG WRUQ XSURRWHG DQG ÀXQJ everything that was detachable helter-skelter in the raging torrents. Ships, houses and people clinging to driftwood, etc. were stirred together as with a giant spoon, in the roaring, foaming ZDWHUV 7KH ÀRWVDP DQG MHWVDP FUDVKHG DJDLQVW DQ\ ODUJH REVWDFOH UHDULQJ XS LQ WKH ZD\ We were all stunned by such a combination of special catastrophes, and grieved for the fate of all those millions of persons of Earth Four EHLQJ HQJXOIHG LQ WKH ÀRRGV HDUWKTXDNHV and tornadoes. They were being whirled around and around, high in the air by the winds, and dropping out of sight in the yawning chasms of inland earthquakes. About two-thirds of humankind perished in these ways, all around Earth Four. Huge mountain chains and plateaus with deep chasms now reared their slimy heads, having long lain under the oceans. The corpses of all kinds of sea life, both known and unknown to humankind, were strewn over them. We could even see the seaweed slinging around the encrusted and crumpled remains of ancient cities, long submerged and now exposed again. Commander Asteria as a Metron was also an expert historian on the history of the cosmos. At this point, she remarked that, “Those are parts of ancient /HPXULD LQ WKH 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ DQG Atlantis, in the Atlantic Ocean’s Sargasso Sea area, now being resurrected. They also existed on Earth Four, much as they did on your planet, Earth One. They will be rebuilt and re-inhabited VRRQ 7KH\ ÀRXULVKHG EHIRUH WKH ODVW D[LV VKLIW DQG WKH\ ZLOO ÀRXULVK DJDLQ DIWHU WKLV RQH “Now that the axis shift has occurred,” she continued, “you will note that around one-third of Earth Four’s population has now been spared, or rescued. Look over there (pointing to the lower left of a center screen); and you will see swarms of our spaceships cruising over every DUHD WKDW KDV EHHQ HQJXOIHG E\ WKH ÀRRGV 7KH\ KDYH EHHQ NHSW YHU\ EXV\ VKLQLQJ VHDUFKOLJKWV 106
Raymond Andrew Keller II everywhere to discover and rescue any of Earth Four’s inhabitants still found alive. See them now pulling them out of the water with their transiting rays. All they have to do is to hover over them and the ray does the rest, drawing them up and depositing them inside the open, sliding door on the bottom of the spaceships.” All kinds of jumbled refuse were piled up against mountain sides, etc. in the swirling eddies RI WKH UHFHGLQJ ZDYHV 6RPH KHOG VXUYLYRUV KDUG\ VZLPPHUV DQG HQGXULQJ ÀRDWHUV ZKR FOXQJ to anything they could reach, as long as they could keep a hold. The ones who needed the most luck were those who had been swept away from anything that they could cling to. They were in danger of having their brains bashed out by being knocked against something hard by the churning water, or of being sucked down by the many whirlpools. All these were being picked up by the spaceships, dashing about like streaks of lightening, so as to not miss any survivors. Such lucky ones seemed fated to be rescued, having been protected so far, in some way. $V IDU DV WKH LQODQG DUHDV ZKLFK KDG HVFDSHG WKH ÀRRGV WKHUH ZHUH FRXQWOHVV LQ WKHVH places that had to be treated for burns of major or minor degrees, depending on where they had happened to be when the quark bombs struck. The luckiest ones were those who had been IDU HQRXJK DZD\ IURP WKH ¿UHV DQG ÀRRGV WR RQO\ KDYH KDG WKH KHDYLO\ VPRNHG DWPRVSKHUH WR FRQWHQG ZLWK 7KLV HYHQ FDXVHG ELUGV WR IHHO VR GRSHG DQG JURJJ\ WKDW WKH\ FRXOG QRW À\ EXW crouched on the ground. During the three days of darkness, I remembered the prophesy in Revelations about the Sun not giving light, and the Moon turning red,32 which is exactly how these orbs would appear from the Earth if they were viewed through the quark bomb explosions. The “stars falling from heaven”33 could mean the changed astronomical layout seen from the Earth. The space people were very busy every moment, all that time, working in shifts, to account for all they could rescue. They even searched the caves and crevices of the mountainous areas, into which the survivors had crawled. But their most important job was to sweep the radioactivity from the atmosphere by exploding ZKROH ÀHHWV RI JUHHQ ¿UHEDOOV :KLOH WKHVH ZHUH XVHOHVV LQ QHXWUDOL]LQJ quark explosions, they were certainly effective in cleaning up the after effects. These helped to precipitate the heavier particles in the overhanging curtain of clouds, as they shot eastward. I wondered if these could have been what the Apostle John on the island of Patmos foresaw and described as the “falling stars,” in the previously cited scripture. Thus, during each day of those three dark days, the sky grew lighter until the 6XQ ¿QDOO\ shone again. Oh, what a relief that was! How everybody welcomed those solar rays they had taken so much for granted before. Our friendly neighborhood space people had cleaned up the radioactivity on the ground by KDYLQJ WKHLU ¿UHEDOOV EXUVWLQJ DOO RYHU WKH (DUWK EHIRUH any landings were made. The whole of Earth Four seemed to be reborn with a new freshness in the atmosphere and brighter Sun.
32 Revelations 6:12 (King James Version): “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood….” 33 Revelations 6:13 (King James Version): “And the stars of heaven fell unto the (DUWK HYHQ DV D ¿J WUHH FDVWHWK KHU XQWLPHO\ ¿JV ZKHQ VKH LV VKDNHQ RI D PLJKW\ ZLQG ´ 107
Lady Columba Venus Revelations
Following three days of darkness, the space people cleaned up the planet’s atmosphere and restored large parts of it to a paradisiacal glory. See
Chapter IX: Rebuilding an Alternate Earth
Helping to rebuild Earth Four, Annabell and Alexander travel into the trans-dimensional future with the Metrons in an enhanced Venusian time probe. See WR FRPH F¿ KWPO
“This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces? And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.” —Franz Kafka in Diaries, 1910-1923 Commander Asteria charged Vorton with taking me and Alexander aboard her enhanced Venusian time probe to skim over the Atlantic Ocean of Earth Four for the purpose of viewing the New Atlantis, which had risen since the waters had receded to new basins since the tilt. After landing on what had been an amphitheater in antiquity, we three joined with a ground crew already in place and began clearing away all the encrustations of barnacles, etc. Vorton informed us that he had pushed the time machine 26 years into the future, beyond the time that the TXDUN ERPEV ¿UVW VWDUWHG IDOOLQJ 7KH IDOORXW KDG FOHDUHG DQG WKH SODJXHV KDG abated years ago, allowing for a vigorous planetary reconstruction program. Buildings and ancient designs were now being uncovered, with inscriptions that the space people knew how to decipher. There were treasure chests unearthed, full of intricate handcraft, and watertight PHWDO ER[HV ¿OOHG ZLWK SDS\UXV RI DQ LQGHVWUXFWLEOH WH[WXUH WKDW GLG QRW GLVLQWHJUDWH ZLWK time. Thus, priceless knowledge that had lain dormant for ages now came to light, adding to humankind’s fund of knowledge. $ ÀHHW RI VSDFHVKLSV ZDV VNLPPLQJ RYHU WKH 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ ORRNLQJ IRU QHZO\ ULVHQ ODQG masses. They were reconnoitering for new settlement sites. Still the personnel on another contingent of spaceships were attending to the needs of the survivors, like an extraterrestrial Red Cross. Vorton told me that only those space people who resembled Earthlings more closely were allowed to contact them. The others helped in ways that did not entail such contacts. “After all,” he said, “The poor ones have had enough shocks lately to upset them. We don’t want to 109
Lady Columba Venus Revelations add to that! Just as we prepared you, in a roundabout way, to meet such unearthly creatures, so we will have to wait until we can indoctrinate these fellow humans.” Upon examining Earth Four’s atmosphere, the space people found that the higher stratum had been so thinned out by the quark explosions that now more of the ultraviolet radiations were penetrating through to the surface. These higher ranges of frequencies were exhilarating, LI RQH FRXOG WDNH LW LQ VWULGH 7KLV IDFW JUDGXDOO\ VLIWHG WKH XQ¿W RXW HYHQ DPRQJ WKH VXUYLYRUV The method that Nature took was that of metabolism. Those who had conditioned their constitutions to higher rates of vibration, regardless of age, by living rightly, i.e. healthier, wiser and nobler lives, could endure these higher frequencies. Whereas those survivors that had not done so were liable to eventually succumb to heart ailments. There was nothing the VSDFH SHRSOH¶V VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH FRXOG GR DERXW VXFK VWUDQJH HIIHFWV ,W ZDV MXVW 1DWXUH¶V way of “sifting the wheat from the chaff.” Now the chastened survivors, awakened by such cataclysmic pressures and impressions, were willing and even eager to listen, over the heads of past centuries’ hide-bound traditions, to the ancient, yet ever new truths about the mysteries of humankind and the universe in every ¿HOG 7KHVH WUXWKV DUH ZRUNLQJ WKHLU WUDQVIRUPLQJ DQG XQIROGLQJ PDJLF LQ WKH KHDUWV DQG PLQGV of those new-born souls, washed clean in the blood of adversities that made them see life’s truest values. This new yet ancient message is the clarion call that is heard above the chanting and ranting of the muddled contradictions of all kinds of falsehoods in the old disorder. It is louder and clearer than the voice of battles in any aspect of life contending for the minds of the new civilization to rise on ashes of the old, literally so. Intellectually speaking, the tides of the new truths which the space people rescuers now opened the sluices of, could now break through the dam of bigotry, error and ignorance, and sweep away all such debris that had strewn the stony paths of so many truth seekers and truth tellers, who had struggled against great odds to serve humankind with their new inventions and new ideas, etc., for its betterment. Now at long last, through truths shining out, humankind could learn to really know itself more quickly, to overcome all limitations through its true selfhood, completely arisen from human to proto-God to God. Now as truly a child of the 6XQ RU DJHQW RI WKH ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU WKH KXPDQ EHLQJ FRXOG ¿QG KHU RU KLV ZD\ WR WKHLU ULJKWIXO ³SODFH LQ WKH Sun,” their spiritual home. Thus were the wonderful effects of the space people’s indoctrination, to mold the survivors into assets for the New Space Age they would build on this “New Earth” and “New Heaven.”34 When I quoted this prophetic passage by the Apostle John the Beloved in Revelations, Vorton explained his interpretations: “The New Heaven refers to the different stellar FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV DV VHHQ IURP (DUWK GXH WR the new alignment of the poles, after capsizing. The New Earth, on the other hand, is indicative of the fresh ground appearing out of the oceans, which we will prepare for Earthlings to live on.” 34 Revelation 21:1(King James Version $QG , VDZ D QHZ KHDYHQ DQG D QHZ HDUWK IRU WKH ¿UVW KHDYHQ DQG WKH ¿UVW HDUWK ZHUH SDVVHG DZD\ DQG WKHUH ZDV QR PRUH VHD 110
Raymond Andrew Keller II “But how will the new cities be built, without any forests or factories in these parts exposed from ocean beds?” I asked. “Are you going to bring lumber from some of the lands that somehow made it through the catastrophe relatively undamaged?” All he answered was, “Just watch and see;” and he took me on all his scouting trips, in his capacity as overseer, so I could do just that. Over the next year, we visited many of the towns being rebuilt as well as some that were in the process of being newly constructed. There were too many of the rescued Earthlings to crowd into the parts of land left intact, because most of these were already inhabited. Where the land had just been washed over and exposed again by the receding water, however, some Earthlings were returned to their waterVRDNHG WRZQV LI WKH\ ZLVKHG WR UHKDELOLWDWH ZKDWHYHU HGL¿FHV KDG QRW EHHQ VZHSW DZD\ E\ WKH force of the waves. In areas where towns were still partly submerged, transparent glassy domes were drawn over them and made water-tight, after the water had been pumped out through pipes, and fresh air continually pumped in. Thus such towns were made livable again, with all facilities restored and new ones added. Even farms in such areas were likewise recovered, with covered passages between them. The former owners among the survivors could then return to their old communities, after they were dried out and spruced up by the space peoples’ ultra-modern methods. Or else new tenants were found to inhabit them. Most of those that preferred the old haunts were the oldsters, of whom there were not so many left after going through such a test for the survival RI WKH ¿WWHVW It was indeed strange to them to look up at the 6XQ DQG VWDUV WKURXJK D OLJKWHU RU GDUNHU ¿OP RI ZDWHU GHSHQGLQJ XSRQ WKH GHSWK RI WKHLU VHWWOHPHQW ZLWK ¿VKHV VZLPPLQJ DURXQG DERYH WKH protecting dome overhead. As for the land masses that had been lifted from sea beds, I watched with fascination as the space people worked in their own strange ways of building. Whenever they reached any likely areas, they hovered, projecting powerful rays from within their spaceships to level off uneven places. Thus they converted mountain peaks into smooth plateaus and ground rocks into fertile land. Then they would lower their spaceship to only a few yards from the newly prepared ground. Lines of light shot down, tracing patterns out.35 $ ¿OP\ VXEVWDQFH IROORZHG WKHVH lines of light, which changed color according to what kind of substance was needed.36 Thus, DOO HGL¿FHV ZHUH EXLOW XS ELW E\ ELW EHFRPLQJ PRUH VXEVWDQWLDO DV WKH ¿OP KDUGHQHG LQWR WKH archetypal molds outlined by the light rays. The light rays that guided the dispersal of Venusians will help humankind “build a future by this substance were turned off when the edge design.” See video on the “Venus Project,” https:// or top of the designed building was reached. 35 On our planet (Earth One), these traced patterns form the basis for creating more elaborate designs that farmers and paranormal researchers have come to recognize as “crop circles.” An excellent book on this phenomenon is Luis Fernando Mostajo Maertens’ El Sello del Dragon (Palma, Spain: Ediciones Amatista, 2019). An English translation is scheduled for release later in 2020. 36 6RPHWLPHV WKLV VXEVWDQFH KDV EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG DV D W\SH RI ³DQJHO¶V KDLU ´ L H GURSSLQJV IURP À\LQJ VDXFHUV Web-like, it hardens quickly and forms a super-hardened exo-skeleton and bonded mesh structure. 111
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Then it was switched on again at another angle, or another part of the rounded pyramidal HGL¿FHV WKDW URVH LQWR FRPSOHWLRQ DV LI E\ PDJLF 1R KDPPHUV RU QDLOV ZHUH XVHG DV HDFK VHFWLRQ ¿WWHG LQWR DOO WKH RWKHUV DV WKRXJK VPRRWKO\ ZHOGHG 7KH PDWHULDO WKXV EHLQJ EURXJKW LQWR PDWHULDOL]DWLRQ E\ VXFK XOWUD VFLHQWL¿F PHWKRGV ORRNHG OLNH FU\VWDOOLQH JODVV ZLWK UDLQERZ colors in the appropriate places. It was unbreakable; and even a shockwave would just bend it, then allowing for its springing back into the former shape. So it wasn’t glass as Earthlings understood it. This “glass” was opaque from the outside, for privacy, but transparent from the inside for views, and lots of light. “What a quick, easy way to build, with no lugging of materials or scaffolding,” I exclaimed DGPLULQJO\ DGGLQJ ³%XW ZKHUH DUH WKH ZLUHV DQG SLSHV HWF IRU WKH ¿WWLQJ RI XWLOLWLHV"´ “If you look more closely,” Vorton explained, “you will see that there is no need for all that, except water disposals, and they are made with the building.37 All power for light, heating, cooling, electrical gadgets- even to water-precipitating machines- is drawn directly from the inexhaustible supply of solar energies. The Sun is our powerhouse.” Then pointing to a structure on the edge of new settlement, he further elaborated on this concept: “The central factory over there gathers, concentrates and projects this power to the various antennas and panels atop all the other buildings. Trailers have their own, silicon solar batteries to travel with. And all of this, of course, is free for the asking.” “If we had that knowledge to apply on my Earth, we wouldn’t have to pay anything for all utilities, except for the gadgets themselves,” I said. “Such inventions have already been discovered; but your entrenched gas, oil and electric interests saw to it that such a simple )XUQLWXUH LQ *HRUJH -HWVRQ¶V DSDUWPHQW UHÀHFWHG D space age future predicted in contactee literature of source did not get on the market,” replied the Venusian, continuing, “Therefore, it takes a the late 1950s and early 1960s. The Jetsons was a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that premiered on the ABC major change to wipe the slate clean, to get a Television Network on 23 September 1962, and ran new start on a higher level, with all the new for three seasons. Annabell Krebs completed her inventions that were withheld before. It is too initial manuscript for this book on 6 September 1961. At that time, she was residing in Williams, Arizona, bad that such improvements were prevented from coming out, until enough time passes or while working to establish a Cosmic Arts Shrine there. Above and below appear cartoon cels from The a catastrophe such as this will bring about the Jetsons. needed changes, by necessity. 37 With the advent of 3-D printing, it is now believed possible to fabricate complex machinery and structures to much larger scales. This would prove ideal for the quick set-up of habitats on Mars and other planets in our future human exploration and perhaps ultimate colonization of outer space.
Raymond Andrew Keller II ³6LQFH RXU SODQHWV HYROYHG WR D KLJKHU VWDJH RI XQVHO¿VK PRUDOLW\ ZH NHHS RSHQ PLQGV about any new discovery, no matter how much it might dispense with previous ways, or GLVORFDWH DQ\ ¿HOG WHPSRUDULO\ 7KXV ZH FDQ SURJUHVV ZLWKRXW VHO¿VK JUHHG EORFNLQJ WKH SDWK ´ When all of the buildings were created, except the roofs, the architects among the space people created the furniture in the same mysterious way. Then they lowered them down into their proper places, most coming out of the walls at the touch of a button, to give more room. The domelike roofs were placed on last. Orchards, etc. were brought in from the mainland by spacecraft freighters, and lowered on WUDQVLVWRU UD\V LQWR KROHV SUHYLRXVO\ GXJ E\ WKLQ IRUFH UD\V 3\UDPLG FRQHV RI D VSHFL¿F GHVLJQ with wires all around to each tree, under the ground, made the fruits bigger and tastier, and free from blights, etc. “What about vegetable gardens?” I further inquired. “They will come from the seeds we planted in the chemical farms on the outskirts of the town,” Vorton pointed out, adding, “It saves a lot of ground space, to grow everything needful LQ ORQJ WUD\V RQ WLHUV ¿OOHG ZLWK FKHPLFDOO\ IRUWL¿HG ZDWHU DQG VDQG 7KH YHJHWDEOHV JURZ XS through the wire netting to hold them, with sunlamps on the lower tiers.” “You just think of everything,” I remarked admiringly. “We have to, when we provide for new habitations on a desolated planet,” he said while smiling with appreciation for the gratitude shown the space people by the Earthlings they EHQH¿WHG VR PXFK ³7KHUH LV VXFK DQ H[TXLVLWH MR\ LQ KHOSLQJ RWKHUV WR KHOS WKHPVHOYHV E\ JLYLQJ them a good start. Such joy does more to accelerate the giver’s own spiritual development than anything else, and piles up spiritual wealth in their spiritual banks ‘upstairs.’ Such banks can be drawn on all through eternity!” Not only were enough homes thus provided for all the survivors, with plenty of ground space left for the natural expansion of the population over time, but also schools, colleges, EXVLQHVV RI¿FHV DQG D WHPSOH IRU HDFK WRZQ ZDV DOVR SURYLGHG 7KXV FRPSOHWH FRPPXQLWLHV with all needed services, and all kinds of stores, full of New Age goods, were pulled like rabbits out of the magicians’ hats! When everything was furnished for luxurious living, they made balconies around the KLJKHU ÀRRUV 7KHVH DSDUWPHQWV ZHUH EXLOW DURXQG FLUFXODU FRXUW\DUGV ZLWK VR PDQ\ SHU ZKLFK EORRPHG LQWR ÀRZHU JDUGHQV ZLWK VZLPPLQJ SRROV HWF The space people did not believe that small social cliques of snobbish exclusiveness encouraged communal solidarity. Therefore, they also built community halls big enough to hold the citizens of each section assigned to it. There was a division in sections for the younger set and older set, as their interests differed. These halls were open every evening, and all day RQ ZHHNHQGV IRU KHDOWKIXO UHFUHDWLRQV DQG HQWHUWDLQPHQWV VXFK DV GUDPDV VKRZV ¿QH DUWV classical concerts, indoor and outdoor games, with fresh fruit and vegetable juice bars. They had no meat or liquors, but meat substitutes that were more nutritious and delicious than meats, and elixirs, more exhilarating with no hangovers. Removing meat and alcohol from human consumption contributed much by way of raising the overall level of consciousness around the planet, aiding substantially in its cosmic evolutionary development. Unless anyone wished to be alone, for which isolated retreats were built, nobody need be lonely, with no place to go, or nothing to do after work, except watch television, sit in saloons, city and vacant lots for kids, or sitting in corners for the aged. Participating together in meaningful activities enhanced enjoyments in the right ways; and hence, all got more out of life. 113
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “Unlike on my world, Earth One, I don’t see any processing plants,” I mentioned to Vorton. “We accept Nature’s bounties as much like the way they come from her hand, as possible,” explained Vorton. Continuing in this vein, he stated that, “Food must not be allowed to become adulterated in any way. Before this planet’s tilt, most of the processed food had poisonous WR[LQV DGGHG VXFK D SUHVHUYDWLYHV DGGLWLYHV DQWLELRWLFV G\HV EOHDFKHV DUWL¿FLDO FRORULQJ DQG ÀDYRUV GHRGRUL]HUV PRLVWHQHUV HPXOVL¿HUV QHXWUDOL]HUV DFLGL¿HUV DQWLIRDPLQJ DQG DQWL caking agents, metallic and radioactive compounds, and unnecessary hormones injected into OLYHVWRFN WR PDNH WKHP JURZ IDVWHU DQG IDWWHU SOXV WKH ÀXRULGDWLRQ RI GULQNLQJ ZDWHU “Besides all of that, which is equally true of what is taking place on your own planet and in your own time line, another problem with food is that it is distributed in packing containers PDGH ZLWK V\QWKHWLF UHVLQ SODVWLFL]HUV VWDELOL]HUV SLJPHQWV SDUDI¿Q HWF ZKLFK FRQWULEXWHG to undermining any nutritional value that may have been left. So many illnesses that plague humankind, physical as well as mental, can be traced to the long and constant use of such unsuspected toxins. All of these adulterations slowly undermine the mental and physical strength of the consumers.” “Of course,” I opined, “we do have pure food laws enacted in my country. But I don’t think they are properly being enforced.” ³<HV WKH QHIDULRXV RQHV DOZD\V ¿QG ZD\V RI JHWWLQJ DURXQG VXFK ODZ E\ VXEYHUWLQJ methods of various kinds,” declared Vorton. “But here in areas under our prevue, all food must be fresh and raw, chopped or liquidized, with the bulk softened by ray treatment, infrared, HWF WKDW ZLOO QRW YLWLDWH WKHLU YLWDPLQ FRQWHQWV RU ÀDYRUV OLNH WKH ROG IDVKLRQHG FRRNLQJ GLG which threw most of the nutritional values down the drain. Because our medical advances have practically destroyed all diseases, and extended our life spans with enduring vitality, there will be no need for hospitals, except for certain accidents, childbirth and old age.” “What a wonderful prospect for those of Earth Four now, and Earth One later!” I joyfully exclaimed, adding, “If only those lost in the quark bomb war and tilt could have had enough wisdom and brotherly love for each other to make such a worthwhile life for everyone.” Near this particular town I had watched being built up, were the ruins of ancient Lemuria, which had arisen somewhere in the vicinity of a chain of volcanic islands in the Tonga group, LQ WKH 6RXWK 3DFL¿F 2FHDQ /LNH Atlantis, arisen from the Sargasso Sea, it had been excavated DQG UHVWRUHG DV WKH ³1LQWK :RQGHU RI WKH :RUOG ´ RI JUHDW VFLHQWL¿F LQWHUHVW 6XFK SHUIHFW reconstruction showed just how those ancient civilizations had lived. One of the /HPXULDQV¶ VFLHQWL¿F GLVFRYHULHV ZDV JROGHQ GLVNV VOLJKWO\ VPDOOHU WKDQ standard kitchen plates. If attuned exactly to one’s vibratory frequency, as each one had its RZQ SHFXOLDU UDWH DQG KHOG LQ D FHUWDLQ ZD\ QH[W WR WKH ERG\ RQH FRXOG À\ XS WKRXVDQGV RI IHHW 7KLV VFLHQWL¿F VHFUHW WKH VSDFH SHRSOH PDGH XVH RI LQ \HW VPDOOHU GLVNV RQ WKHLU EHOWV RU LQ their shoes. Thus they could levitate whenever they wished to glide along the ground without WRXFKLQJ LW RU ÀLS DURXQG DW ORZ DOWLWXGHV Hence there was no need for roads, except as divisions for walkers between buildings, as each home had a new kind of auto, which glided over the ground without wheels, as high as WKH WUHH WRSV 7KHUH ZHUH DOVR VN\ FDUV WKDW FRXOG À\ KLJKHU EXW ZLWKRXW SURSHOOHUV RU ZLQJV These were powered by the same electromagnetic devices that powered their utilities, except that these conveyances could not travel in space. These new ways of traveling for (DUWKOLQJV QHFHVVLWDWHG VSHFL¿HG DLU ODQHV ZLWK WUDI¿F FRSV LQ VWDWLRQDU\ EDOORRQV RQ HDFK DLU ODQH DW FURVV VHFWLRQV LQ WKH IRUP RI DXWRPDWLF WUDI¿F 114
Raymond Andrew Keller II OLJKWV 7KH FDUV KDG FDWHUSLOODU WUHDGV LQVWHDG RI ZKHHOV PDGH RI LQÀDWDEOH UXEEHU VR WKH\ FRXOG JR DQ\ZKHUH RYHU WKH URXJKHVW WHUUDLQ 7KHVH WLUHV FRXOG EH LQVWDQWO\ GHÀDWHG DQG WXFNHG inside while soaring. They could also travel on water, like boats, by projecting a hall, and skis for over snow. The IRUFH ¿HOGV DURXQG FDU ZHUH DFWLYDWHG RQO\ ZKLOH GULYLQJ RU À\LQJ ZKLFK SUHYHQWHG collisions with any object by just bouncing off it without touching it. If the car overturned, the IRUFH ¿HOG DFWHG OLNH D FXVKLRQ VR QRWKLQJ could be broken. The space people had also given the Earthlings “ground borers” which could dig down into the center of the Earth, like moles. This was done by their snouts shooting a disintegrating ray ahead to grind earthen particles into gasses that were ejected from the rear. Such a machine made underground explorations possible, From Back to the Future II, starring Michael J. Fox, which were of great interest to miners and Universal Pictures, 1989 metallurgists. But regardless of how much the Earthling scientists entreated, the space people refused to tell them the secrets of their ability to render themselves invisible whenever they wished, and their motive-power instrumentation for trans-space travel. The reason for this reluctance was that the space people, knowing how to read minds, and having studied the earthly histories, knew that Earthlings were still too untrustworthy, aggressive, contentious and callously disregarding other’s welfare to be trusted with such important secrets yet; but they had hops for the future when Earthlings could be trusted. Some Earthlings asked Vorton, “If you knew the axis shift was coming, why didn’t you ZDUQ HYHU\RQH LQ WLPH VR WKH\ FRXOG ÀHH WR VDIHU SODFHV"´ He answered, “Even if we had, would everyone believe us? The skeptics might have been suspicious of our motives, concluding that we only wanted everyone to rush away from the coastal cities to we could take them over more easily, judging us by their own insincerities and greed. We did not wish to alarm you in any way; because you are so prone to lose your heads, MXGJLQJ E\ WKH ZD\ \RX ZRUU\ RYHU WULÀHV The new lands that had appeared since the tilt were settled by a conglomeration of races; as there was as much of that new land as the old ones remaining. All who wished could live on thee ne lands reclaimed from the oceans. Thus, racial and national distinctions were being mixed in this great “melting pot” of the new face that Earth Four had taken on since the tilt. The space people had brought the Earthlings (those of Earth Four) they had trained to be the leaders of the new civilization, to take over the leading positions in the various areas, in or near the parts to which they had originally belonged. Thus, a Chinese leader would rule over the Chinese, an Indian for the Indians, a Russian for the Russians, an African for the Africans, a European for the Europeans, an American for the Americans, etc. 7KLV ZKROH VXSHU VFLHQWL¿F RSHUDWLRQ RI UHEXLOGLQJ D SODQHW DORQJ VXFK QHZ XOWUD PRGHUQ lines, with such vast improvements in every way, was the most amazing thing the Earthlings had ever witnessed. It was all done in such a short time, too, and so perfectly, down to the
Lady Columba Venus Revelations last detail. It called forth many heartfelt protestations of deep gratitude for such generous and timely aid in such a worldwide emergency. When everything was complete, all were assembled in the huge town halls, in every town all over the globe. They were to be instructed in the best ways to cooperate with their new leaders, to run their new civilization in the best ways. I was pleasantly surprised to see Rowena, the young lady I met on the Moon, introducing the speaker, whose speech would be relayed to all the other town halls. She began, “You all know Vorton, who has been coordinating all that our space friends have done for us. Never before has such a wondrous thing happened, to have a New Age, with all its wonders, handed to us on a silver platter by our more highly evolved friends from other planets. Thus, a friendly EDVLV IRU IXWXUH FRRSHUDWLRQ KDV EHHQ ¿UPO\ HVWDEOLVKHG :H FDQ VKRZ RXU JUDWLWXGH EHVW E\ seeing to it that our actions henceforth will make them proud of us and glad that they started us on our new way.” Vorton’s speech was delivered from the town named after him, which I had witnessed the erection of. He began: “The New Space Age for Earth has ¿QDOO\ DUULYHG :H \RXU QHZ IULHQGV KDYH DFWHG LQ WKH capacity of ‘midwives’ who delivered your world from the womb of the Old Disorder. It was a GLI¿FXOW ELUWK RQ DFFRXQW RI WKH quark bombs and the tilt. But now you must all cooperate with each other in bringing up the new-born civilization rightly, for it to bloom in the way it should. “We came to help you, as all these events have proven, without interfering with your internal affairs in any way. But we must insist that all armaments still left in areas untouched by ¿UH RU ZDWHU PXVW EH PHOWHG GRZQ WR EH UHFDVW LQWR LQVWUXPHQWV IRU DOO FRQVWUXFWLYH XVHV $Q\ hidden arms can be detected by our delicate instrument, the detector, regardless of where they DUH KLGGHQ 7KLV IXO¿OOV \RXU %LEOLFDO SURSKHF\ µ7KH\ VKDOO EHDW WKHLU VZRUGV LQWR SORZVKDUHV their spears into pruning hooks.’38 ³:H FDPH WR SXW \RXU ZRUOG RQWR WKH ULJKW WUDFN IRU SURJUHVV LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG LI \RX ZLOO EXW listen and follow our advice given to your new leaders that we have trained on the Moon. We were given this right to inject ourselves to this extent by the higher tribunal of our Interplanetary Confederation because, if things had kept on as they had been going, everything would have been completely destroyed by the TXDUN ERPEV DQG ÀRRGV DQG FLYLOL]DWLRQ DV \RX NQHZ LW would have been put back thousands of years. “We did not wish to see that because you have so much good in you, so deserving of being salvaged, that you were saved, by us or fate, to be the pioneers of this New Age. The Earth has been cleansed of the trouble makers, and now has a chance to mature on a higher basis. We have established the best possible foundation for you to build healthier, kinder and hence, happier lives upon. “But we just constitute a sort of advisory committee, as needed by your leaders. We will be on call at any time through the interplanetary intercom we shall leave with them. We will leave everything in their capable hands because we believe that the inhabitants of one planet should not rule or take aught from those of another planet. Now let it be that ‘To each his own.’ So now you must take it from here; although we will always be ready to come to your aid in any emergency that you can’t handle yourselves. So don’t ever worry about anything; as we will be keeping a watchful eye over you at all times,39 and visit you every once in a while to invite 38 Isaiah 2:4 (King James Version) 39 The Egyptians originally migrated from the biblical land of “Shin’ar,” which means the Land of the Watchers. 116
Raymond Andrew Keller II you to visits on our planets, in time. We must leave you now, as we have other commitments elsewhere in the multi-verse and the space-time continuum that we must attend to.” After such a speech, there were tears of joyful gratitude in many Earthling eyes as roars of applause and cheers swept echoing around the world and even reverberating over the intercom televisions on other planets and spaceships in mid-space listening in. I noticed, however, that none of the space people had told the Earthlings about the other kinds of space beings, from other planets that did not resemble us so much, because they had evolved along different lines. Nor that each of these had their own colony in sectors on the Moon, under air-bubble domes, with their own kind of air, so-to-speak. The Earthlings trained to be leaders had been told to keep this secret for the time being, until such shocking news could be brought to them gradually, through appropriate education. After the armada of spaceships had zoomed away from Earth Four that they had so kindly rehabilitated with such improvements,40 I went on a sightseeing tour to study all of the angles of this new civilization, hoping it would provide many insights into the future of my own world. I found many surprising innovations.
According to the Book of Enoch, in the antediluvian world, about 200 of the watchful angels went rouge, taking for themselves human mates and declaring independence from their home world. Statue, The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair (1923) by Daniel Chester French in the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
On Government There was no world government over all, although the circumstances obtaining after the tilt were most conducive to forming one. This was because the space people knew that too much power placed in too few hands was always a temptation to despotism that enslaved the people. Each area had its own autonomous governing power, based on democratic ideals. There were no national dividing lines, with customs, passports, different money exchanges, etc. Plenty of vacation time was given to workers, for free trips around the world. This was the only way the various people of Earth would ever be drawn together in mutual understanding and harmony. The Egyptians called it Ta Neter—The Land of the Watchers “from whence the gods came into Egypt.” Other cultures, such as the Sumerian and Hebrew, also share legends of the Watchers operating as gods on the Earth. The Sumerian scribes referred to the Watchers as “Anunnaki,” which, they said, “came from Nibiru” to judge/rule the inhabitants of the Earth for a season. Some interpret this word “Nibiru,” however, as simply “another planet,” while others say it should be translated, “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.” The Hebrew Old Testament refers to these beings as “Nephilim,” which also means “those who came from Heaven to Earth.” And in the Book of Jubilees, a.k.a. the Apocalypse of Moses, the Watchers are compared to angelic beings mentioned in the sixth chapter of Genesis in the Old Testament and the Book of Jude in the New Testament, some who had been corrupted while dwelling on the Earth and going rouge, i.e. taking for themselves mates here and making themselves and their descendants rulers over various tribes and peoples. 40 After prior sad experiences with leaving contingents of space people on Earth following such interventions, the highest councils in the Celestial Hierarchy of Light have determined that all cosmic forces should withdraw to return sovereignty to the appropriately trained and trusted indigenous leaders of assisted planets. 117
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Each area government had agencies in every town, to discover, foster and market the creations of any kind of genius, with full remuneration to them. It is on the wheels of genius that any civilization moves forward. On Consciousness The mantra that the space people left for all to chant at certain meetings was: ³, DP P\ ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU¶V H[WHQVLRQ RI 'LYLQH &RQVFLRXVQHVV WKURXJK P\ RZQ development of all the virtues that conquer all vices. Divine Power gives me the capacity to IXO¿OO P\ GHVLUHV WR KHOS RWKHUV LQ WKH ULJKW ZD\ WKHUHE\ DWWUDFWLQJ DQ\ KHOS , PD\ QHHG IURP LW 7KXV , FDQ WUXVW LQ P\ ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU¶V 'LYLQH 3URWHFWLRQ 3URYLGHQFH DQG 3URPRWLRQ LQ HYHU\ good way. My heaven consists in eternal gratitude for all blessings. Amen.” On Art $Q DUW JDOOHU\ ZDV EXLOW IRU HDFK DUHD ¿OOHG ZLWK WKH PRVW LQVSLULQJ DQG EHDXWLIXOO\ H[HFXWHG ZRUNV RI DUW LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG RI FXOWXUH 7KHUH ZHUH DOVR FUHDWLRQV E\ DUWLVWV RI RWKHU SODQHWV WRR Such a variety of themes and techniques showed that the spacemen went in for culture in a big way! What attracted the more highly evolved art lovers the most were symbolic paintings, with explanations of their deep meaning, to portray the highest truths about life’s mysteries in the &RVPRV (DFK SLFWXUH ZDV OLJKWHG E\ XOWUD YLROHW ODPSV XQGHU ZKLFK ÀXRUHVFHQW SDLQW JORZHG LQ UDLQERZ FRORUV OLNH QHRQ ÀDPHV 7KHUH ZHUH H[DFW FRSLHV RI ZKDW WKLV JDOOHU\ FRQWDLQHG LQ all the others around the world. I even recognized some masterpieces that had even been in museums back on Earth One, although there seemed to be slight variations in color, texture, etc. but not themes. After I had returned to my own Earth time line, I FUHDWHG QXPHURXV SLHFHV UHÀHFWLYH RI the experiences I enjoyed with the space people. One entitled, “The Grand Central Sun,” took the viewer not only “out of this world,” but even out of this solar system into the heart of the galaxy! Others depicted the history of the evolution of the universe, materially and spiritually. Some examples were titled, “The Spiritual Cosmos,” “Galactic Development,” “The Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Realms,” “The Human Saga,” and “Paradise,” etc. These are samples of WKH H[DOWHG NLQG RI ¿QH DUW WKDW WKH New Age so widely sponsored on the alternate Earth for the good they could do for facilitating greater inspiration and wisdom. Of the art I produced back on my own planet and time, I would best describe it as symbolic, but I am sorry to inform you that it met with a more or less negative reception by the masses. I suspect this was due to the fear that enveloped their lives in the midst of the Cold War. They GLGQ¶W XQGHUVWDQG WKDW WR PDNH D EHWWHU ZRUOG \RX KDG WR HQYLVLRQ LW ¿UVW )URP RWKHU DUWLVWV WKHUH ZDV DOVR WKH IDFWRU RI MHDORXV\ WR FRQVLGHU 7KHLU ODFN RI LPDJLQDWLRQ NHSW WKHLU ¿HOG LQ old ruts. Yet my art was like having a grand-stand box seat among the Celestial Hierarchy to watch the progress of life on a majestic scale, in all its beauty, inwardly and outwardly. As an artist, I was thankful that Vorton brought me to the art gallery, for my visit there has served me well as an unending source of inspiration. Prior to trying my hand at celestial and symbolic art, I had drawn and painted various works dealing with the economic struggles of the masses during the Great Depression and their strivings to build a socialist utopia on Earth. During that turbulent time, I witnessed the proletariat of the world both in the industrial state of Pennsylvania and the colonized nation of
Raymond Andrew Keller II ,QGLD RUJDQL]H WKHPVHOYHV WR ¿JKW DJDLQVW WKH DEXVHV RI FDSLWDOLVP DQG WKH W\UDQQ\ RI imperialist exploitation. “Thank you for being so thoughtful, good friend, in bringing me to the gallery. I’m happy to see that art is so valued and appreciated here. I think back home in Williams, Arizona, most SHRSOH WKLQN P\ DUW LV WRR UDGLFDO ,W UHÀHFWV D Christian socialist message; but they all think its Russian Red propaganda,” I explained to my Venusian mentor, adding, “While I admire the SUHFHSWV RI FRPPXQDO OLYLQJ , DP GH¿QLWHO\ DJDLQVW WKH W\SH RI DXWKRULWDULDQ V\VWHP WKDW WKH Politburo in Moscow has imposed on their people. The Soviet leaders seem so self-serving, enjoying all the good things in life in their elaborate dachas, while the masses must contend with being cramped two or more families into small studio apartments with frozen pipes.” Alexander quipped, “You seem to know quite a bit about my country, Annabell. By any chance, have you spent any time in the Soviet Union?” “Sorry, Alexander,” but I do plan on going there once we get back, just to visit, mind you.” “By all means, Comrade Annabell, you can even stay at my place in Kaliningrad. My family would be thrilled to meet a real American.” I put my arms around Alexander’s neck, pulled myself up to meet his face and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.
On Literature In the process of reorganizing society, the space people helped the inhabitants of Earth Four to resurrect their libraries from the ashes of the quark bombs, elevating them to a superior condition. Now every community library was as complete as one in any of the larger cities. This was because the books did not take up so much room. There were “book machines” that displayed the written word on small electronic screens, as it was retrieved from data banks, or FRXOG HYHQ UHDG WKH WH[W DORXG 7KH VPDOO VFUHHQV FRXOG DFWXDOO\ ¿W LQ WKH SDOP RI RQH¶V KDQG and received color television transmissions to present articles, books and even motion pictures and newscasts. The very best in literature from all nations had been preserved by the space people. Going incognito, somehow they managed to make perfect photographic copies of all the classics before the quark bombs started bursting in sundry places. There was also some literature from the RWKHU SODQHWV 7KLV KDG WR EH VFUHHQHG E\ WKH VSDFH SHRSOH ¿UVW EHIRUH LW FRXOG EH GLVVHPLQDWHG 119
Lady Columba Venus Revelations to (DUWKOLQJV DV VRPH RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDLQHG WKHUHLQ ZDV VWLOO FODVVL¿HG L H QHHGLQJ WR be held back for a season. The extraterrestrial literature was translated into all the languages of Earth Four. There were edited histories of the other planets with humanoid populations. It was going to be much easier for the Earthlings to accept the humanoid extraterrestrials as fellow beings, after all, and then later introduce them to the existence of other non-human species scattered throughout the galaxy, and even beyond. However, they were being somewhat prepared for these startling revelations by the infusion of such entities in the plots of theatrical performances, television and radio programs, movies, etc. to gradually and eventually accept VXFK GLIIHUHQFHV LQ SK\VLFDO PDNH XS ,W ZDV SUHVHQWHG PXFK DV VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ EXW ZLWKRXW WKH KRUURU $QG RI FRXUVH ZH PLJKW ORRN MXVW DV JURWHVTXH WR WKHP DW ¿UVW JODQFH On the Development of Latent Powers After arriving at the college in this town of Vorton, I was cordially invited to attend any classroom to see their demonstrations. In the psychic development class, the students’ psychic SRZHUV ZHUH DZDNHQHG GHYHORSHG DQG JXLGHG LQ VXUH VDIH ZD\V (YHU\ GLVFRYHU\ LQ WKH ¿HOGV of metaphysics and parapsychology were analyzed and learnt the right use of, such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, prophesy, levitations, astral travel and the secrets of glandular activities. The investigations and experiments made in extra-sensory perception was a good beginning for the unfolding of the higher capacities and dormant qualities, if done in the right way and for good purposes. The need for such use against abuse was strongly emphasized, as black magic is using the same powers but for evil purposes, and rebound to the detriment of the misuse. The students included all ages of those who wished to learn the inner side of the New Age civilization they had been saved for. There were mechanisms and methods whereby one could see into the astral and ethereal realms, on one or more levels of these planes. Thus one could meet, or at least see, the invisible bodies of relatives and friends who had “passed on.” Also, how they lived in the “after life” in the various “summer lands,” “purgatory” or “hell” just could not be found! Maybe the apparatuses used could not lower their frequencies enough to reach that state. Hell and heaven are not really places, but states of consciousness, that have been ingrained on the soul by habitual focusing. ,W JDYH PH D ZHLUG IHHOLQJ WR VHH ZUDLWKOLNH ¿JXUHV drifting through the furniture and walls, as though these material things did not exist for them. Their bodies looked like they were not substantial. They were really OLJKWHU DQG PXFK ¿QHU LQ DWRPLF FRPSRVLWLRQ WKDQ any of the material objects in their environment; and thus they could go straight through them, like water through a net. Another peculiarity was that the disembodied Annabell explores a phantom realm. See spirits were not conscious of the embodied one looking WKHP RYHU WKURXJK WKH VFLHQWL¿F LQVWUXPHQW PDGH IRU that purpose. If the latter knew them and called to them mentally, after concentrating on what they remembered about them, then there was a mutual meeting with recognition. Then no matter where the spirits were at the moment, they were drawn to the caller. There is no distance 120
Raymond Andrew Keller II or time in the spirit worlds. They could be at the other end of the galaxy, and yet they would still catch any thoughts directed at them, if they were en rapport with the sender. Just like some sensitive incarnated humans can sense any thoughts about them, even from persons they do not know personally, but who are somewhere on their “channel” or “band” to some extent, over any distance. This explains why inventors who don’t know each other are inspired by the same idea about the same time. Meetings between disincarnates and incarnates, on either or both sides of the “veil” can commune by thoughts and expressions, especially when the “veilrending machine” is turned on to aid extrasensory abilities.41 I thought, “Well, at least this helps to some extent to acquaint us with what we’ll be getting into after we leave this life, if we know which level on what plane we are attracted to. By the ODZ RI DWWUDFWLRQ µELUGV RI D IHDWKHU ÀRFN WRJHWKHU ¶ 7KDW TXHVWLRQ RI ZKDW KDSSHQV WR XV DIWHU this life has intrigued humankind’s curiosity for ages.” Vorton, who was looking over some maps of the Jupiter sector in preparation for an upcoming mission, lifted his eyes and met my gaze. Having intercepted my thoughts, he said, “Annabell, that’s right. Nobody knows for sure until one gets there. But we can formulate an overall conjecture. It depends upon where our mental and spiritual forces have been focused PRVW RI WKH WLPH ZKLOH VWLOO LQFDUQDWHG ,I ZH DUH RQ D ORZ SODQH WKDW LV ZKHUH ZH ZLOO ¿QG ourselves still vibrating on after death, by the immutable law of consociation; thus the wrong kinds of thoughts and pleasures bring ultimate pains of punishment to teach us to do better. The right kind brings joys of rewards. Therefore, it behooves us to develop noble interests and activities to prepare ourselves for higher planes. This is like a graduation, instead of being held back in the same class, or demoted to a lower.” Then pointing to a dial on the veil-rending machine, Vorton instructed me to “Turn it up to those notches highlighted in red on the control board, and you’ll see what I mean.” :KHQ , GLG WKLV WKH ORZHU SODQHV ZHUH ¿OOHG ZLWK YDULRXV VHFWLRQV HDFK RQH KROGLQJ VRXOV whose main interest and love was the same. For instance, the greed of misers still gloating over their imaginary wealth, fearful of it being taken away from them, and suffering frustration because there was nothing to spend it on, was manifest on one of these lower levels. There were also the dens of meanness, spite and revenge, where frenzied souls fought among themselves, but couldn’t kill each other off, etc. Enough of these sufferings were intended to purge them of such vices by teaching them the much-needed lessons before given another chance to make good in reincarnations on some planet. The Earth in all planes and projections was the “reform school of the solar system,” where the same tests would have to be gone through to reexamine the progress, or lack of, on the part of all its inhabitants. Thus we see how necessary it is for us to learn what each and every situation is trying to teach us. In the higher levels, I got a peek into the joys that the rewards of virtues bring to souls who WDNH GHOLJKW LQ ¿QGLQJ WUXWK DQG KHOSLQJ RWKHUV %HDXWLIXO FRORUV H[TXLVLWH PXVLF LQVSLULQJ landscapes, sweet fragrances and delicious tastes were here, instead of the opposites in the dank caverns of the lower. The buildings were fashioned by the image-making and desire faculties of though essences and powers. The felicities of warm companionships in which JUDWHIXO DGRUDWLRQ ZDV DGGHG WR RXU ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU ZHUH HYHU SUHVHQW LQ WKH VWLOO KLJKHU UHDOPV RI VXSHUQDO EOLVV DGGLQJ D VDWLVIDFWRU\ IXO¿OOPHQW WR QREOH HQGHDYRUV 41 Editor’s note: On a visit to his apartment in Glendale, California, in the late 1980s, the top Weekly World News correspondent and fellow paranormal researcher Andy Reiss showed me a “psychic telephone” that he often used to communicate with spirits on the other side of the “veil.” -Cosmic Ray 121
Lady Columba Venus Revelations 7KHVH UHDOPV ZHUH ¿OOHG ZLWK VXFK EULOOLDQW OLJKW WKDW , FRXOG QRW SHQHWUDWH WKHP DQ\ IXUWKHU 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, King James Version (KJV) 9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
Chapter X: New Age Wonders
7KHUH LV D JHQHUDO FRQVHQVXV DPRQJ PDQ\ HVRWHULF WUDGLWLRQV WKDW WKH ORWXV ÀRZHU symbolically represents spiritual enlightenment and rebirth into a New Age for all of humankind. See
“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” —Galileo Galilei We still had a few weeks before I and Alexander were to be returned to Earth and Vorton would go on to the Jupiter system with Commander Asteria on a top secret mission. Therefore, I took advantage of my time with Vorton to check out all I could on Earth Four, to later share this information on the wonders of the New Age with the people of my own Earth’s time line. I noticed that the classrooms in Vorton College did not look like the old ones I was familiar with, with hard seats and blackboards. These new FODVVURRPV ZHUH ¿WWHG ZLWK KXJH WKUHH dimensional, color television screens and ear phones from each of the foam-rubber chairs, connected with a “central knowledge computer machine.” Thus each student would have individual and customized attention simultaneously. The lessons were composed by all the best instructors from many of the human-populated SODQHWV LQ WKH &RQIHGHUDWLRQ LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG RI NQRZOHGJH RQ WKH (DUWK GXULQJ WKDW time frame, way ahead of the old system. The answers to homework questions, based on what was learned from the day before in class, were on sound disks. These were placed under the student’s pillow at night to reach her or his subconscious mind through a mechanism that spoke softly enough so as to not awaken the sleeper. There was no chance of any deceit, for this disk would not start until the student was asleep. Then upon awakening, all the student had to do was to switch on the questions and speak their answers into a microphone that automatically recorded them and transmitted them to an “answer-checking machine” in the school. An individual report on the student’s progress would be presented them at the end of the next class on that subject. To prevent any student from dishonestly snitching answers, these sound disks would self erase immediately after delivering their content data while to the learner’s subconscious. 123
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Nobody else could hear them, as the sound was out of ear range, connected with bone behind the ear. Only sleep could trigger the mechanism. “What’ll they think of next?” I inquired of Vorton. “Wow,” I added, “This is some system of education!” Alexander, who generally just watched and rarely asked questions, wondered aloud, “Is there no need for a teacher, at least in some capacity?” Vorton explained that, “Yes, there is an overseer for each classroom who checks the answer disks from the computers, and disseminates the examination results. Also, the overseer keeps a close watch over each student with the help of a mechanical monitoring apparatus. Should any student act up in an inappropriate manner, he or she will be immobilized by a ray shot down on them from the ceiling by the monitoring device. The student will then be unable to move until the class is dismissed. Then the delinquent will be called onto the carpet, where he or she will receive suitable reprimand and punishment. We have very little trouble that way now.” Alexander mused, “Hmm, seems like a system that Comrade Stalin might have heartily approved.” Vorton gave us both a confused glance as the Russian and I laughed loudly. Staying Healthy Our next stop was the Health Symposium. In the gym there was both an indoor and outdoor section, for appropriate exercises and games. There was quite a variety to choose from, as many such pastimes had originated on other planets. The space people placed much emphasis on breathing exercises, as the “Breath of Life” is aptly considered the foundation and fountain of health.42 Colored lights of various shades, tones and intensities, accompanied by musical scores that corresponded to the colors, were used in the Rejuvenation Department, proving TXLWH EHQH¿FLDO :LWK VXFK DLGV WKHUH ZDV OLWWOH QHHG IRU GRFWRUV DQG QXUVHV EXW VRPH ZHUH RQ hand in case of any emergency. On Dance Parties were held I the ballrooms, which also had unique innovations. Instead of dancing to jazz, which has a disconcerting effect upon the higher centers, classical music was transposed into danceable rhythms. Nor did the dancers have to exert much energy pulling their weight DURXQG %\ WKH ÀLFN RI D FRQWURO EXWWRQ RQ WKHLU OHYLWDWLRQ EHOWV WKH\ FRXOG QXOOLI\ gravity to DQ\ GHVLUHG H[WHQW 7KXV WKHLU IHHW FRXOG OLJKWO\ RU QHYHU WRXFK WKH JURXQG 7KH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV they could make in the air were manifold, expressing all emotions. The girls wore harem-type EORRPHUV NQHH OHQJWK RU DQNOH OHQJWK WKDW ÀRZHG LQ VLONHQ IROGV The enjoyment of such dances, soaring, dipping, twirling, etc. in the air, was beautiful to EHKROG DQG H[TXLVLWH WR IHHO 7KH FHLOLQJ ÀRRGOLJKWV FKDQJHG FRORUV WKDW ZHUH KDUPRQLRXV ZLWK the mood of the music. Thus, a dreamy waltz had the cooler tints, while the livelier tangos 42 Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita taught Arjuna the principles of correct breathing, or pranayama. The Indian yogi Paramahansa Yogananda in chapter 5 of his book, God Talks with Arjuna (Los Angeles, California: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1995, interprets this technique as follows: “By the concentrated practice of Kriya Yoga, pranayama— or the offering of the inhaling breath into the exhaling breath (prana into apana) and offering the exhaling breath into the inhaling breath (apana into prana)—the yogi neutralizes these two life currents and their resulting mutations of decay and growth, the causative agents of breath and heart action and concomitant body consciousness. By recharging the blood and cells with life energy that has been distilled from breath and reinforced with the pure spiritualized life force in the spine and brain, the Kriya yogi stops bodily decay, thereby quieting the breath and heart by rendering their purifying actions unnecessary. The yogi thus attains conscious life-force control.” 124
Raymond Andrew Keller II had the warmer shades. No GDQFH ÀRRU ZDV DOORZHG WR KDYH PRUH WKDQ WKH DOORWWHG QXPEHU RI couples, as overcrowding restricted the space the dancers needed for full expression. Social GLUHFWRUV VDZ WR LW WKDW HYHU\RQH ZDV LQWURGXFHG DOO DURXQG WR DYRLG VWDJ OLQHV DQG ZDOOÀRZHUV Women had the right to ask a man to dance with her, and could take turns in leading. They believed in practicing equality down to the last detail! On Public Discourse In the old pioneer days in the United States, communities were closely knit. The grassroots natives gathered around the pot-bellied stove in the general store to swap viewpoints and GLVFXVV WKH IDWH RI WKH ZRUOG 7KXV WKH\ FRXOG ¿QG XQLW\ LQ SODQV WR LPSURYH DQ\ VLWXDWLRQ /DWHU WKH RQO\ SODFHV ZKHUH IUHH VSHHFK ÀRXULVKHG ZDV DW EDUV DV ORQJ DV WKH\ RUGHUHG drinks, and on soap boxes in public squares, as long as order was maintained. Orators at either place were not taken too seriously, being considered, more or less “crackpots,” no matter how much truth they might express. Club meetings were under the restrictions of speakers’ subjects being censored before GHOLYHU\ DQG VSRQWDQHRXV GLVFXVVLRQV IURP WKH ÀRRU GLVFRXUDJHG E\ OLPLWV LI DOORZHG WR VSHDN at all. Thus any joint action for improvements or conspiracies had to be held secretly among trusted cliques who often did not even trust each other half of the time. All these brought about less mutual understanding, hence less cooperation for reforms by the public and less resistance to evil plots against them. Publications which showed up the truth about any malpractice were not allowed to sell on the newsstands or bookstores, but had to rely upon subscriptions through the mail. Subscribers could be pinpointed through agents of WKH 3RVW 2I¿FH WR EH ZDWFKHG IRU DQ\ PDVV JDWKHULQJV In this New Age, there were round table discussions in city halls, where any subject could be aired. Thus any problem could be threshed out for the best solutions. A monitor saw to it that everyone got a chance to speak, as long as it was kept impersonal and to the point, if dealing in public affairs. There were specialized round tables devoted to personal problems to VWLPXODWH PXWXDO KHOSIXOQHVV LQ UHDFKLQJ GHFLVLRQV $OVR LQ SOD\LQJ WKH JDPH RI ¿QGLQJ DQG complimenting each other upon their good qualities, gossip was discouraged. This made for a more constructive outlet. There was a telepathy game to develop telepathic and intuitive powers. The group concentrated upon the subject carrying out some action, without providing any outward hints. This developed one’s “sending” capacities, when one of the group, and “receiving” capacities when the subject. If the subject held the sender’s right hands with her or his left, in turn, it helped to get into rapport. That is because the right side of the body is positive, or projective, while the left side is negative, or receptive. On Ethics In this New Age society there was no favoritism or “greasing of palms” allowed for any special privileges in placing men and women in high positions. The latter depended upon the applicant’s merits entirely. These were computed in thorough research. If what the applicant wanted was not available, three choices of other jobs were offered based upon her or his SUR¿FLHQFLHV DQG SUHIHUHQFHV The same practices operated in applications for business licenses. If the chosen line of work was not needed as much as three others, the applicant was advised to accept one of the 125
Lady Columba Venus Revelations latter so offered. Then he or she was helped to get started the proper machinery and tutelage E\ IHOORZ ZRUNHUV DOUHDG\ RQ VLWH 7KXV WKHUH ZDV QHYHU DQ\ RYHUFURZGLQJ RI DQ\ RQH ¿HOG RI enterprise. This precaution also precluded business failures. On Economics ,Q WKH ¿QDQFLDO ¿HOG WKH QHHG IRU IXQGV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ SURGXFHG WKHP DV PRQH\ ZDV EDVHG on what it really represents by way of goods and services, without any interest being charged. This system was controlled by the constantly stabilizing values of goods and services, without any speculations. The governments of the various provinces paid their own expenses in the same manner; and therefore did not need to levy any taxes upon the people. The value and volume of money was based on the old relationship between costs, prices and purchasing power, ZLWKRXW WKH ROG ÀXFWXDWLRQV GXH WR WKH DUELWUDU\ MXJJOLQJ RI WKHVH YDOXHV E\ WKH ³DFFRUGLRQ like” manipulations in the old usurious money controllers. In this new system of systematized free enterprise and private property, everyone, including the workers, connected with any new business, automatically became stockholders.43 7KXV HYHU\RQH EHQH¿WWHG DQG the producers had enough to buy back what they had produced. This method kept the wheels of industry continually turning. Every birth brought its own support, so as to support all other services and goods needed. Besides the usual employment agencies, there were also barter agencies where goods and services could be exchanged on that Long before progressive presidential candidate Bernie Sanders came up with basis. Foreign trade consisted in barter also, where the proposal, in the late 1950s, Annabell one section specializing in a product exchanged it for Krebs wrote about a future belonging to a like amount in value for another product it needed, the working class, describing how in the which the other section specialized in. No interest new economic order, workers become was charged on loans nor paid on savings. Usury had stock holders in the companies where they caused too much trouble before. This system worked are employed. This gives them a stake and out so beautifully that they wondered how they ever UHVSRQVLELOLW\ LQ LWV VXFFHVV DQG SUR¿WDELOLW\ Photo: ABC Television News tolerated the old system, before the war and tilt. On Family Life )DPLO\ OLIH DQG WKH SURSHU UDLVLQJ RI FKLOGUHQ ZHUH JLYHQ ¿UVW SULRULW\ EHFDXVH RI EHLQJ considered of prime importance for the future of civilization. Communities did everything to HQFRXUDJH DQG VXVWDLQ WKH KLJKHVW HI¿FLHQF\ DQG FRQWHQWPHQW LQ WKHVH YLWDO ¿HOGV 0RUDOLW\ DQG PHWDSK\VLFV ZHUH SUHVHQWHG LQ PRUH HQWHUWDLQLQJ DQG VLPSOL¿HG PHWKRGV such as in colorful pictures and interesting text through all avenues of publicity, to include 43 Daniel Marans, “Bernie Sanders Plans to Give Workers a Stake in their Corporate Employers,” +XI¿QJWRQ Post, New York, New York, 14 October 2019. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders unveiled a set of “corporate accountability and democracy” plans in October 2019 that radically re-imagine the role of corporations in U.S. society. Writes Marans: “By far the boldest of the proposals is Sanders’ plan to force large corporations to grant workers ownership of 20% of the shares issued by the company and 45% of the seats on the board of directors. The proposal would apply to all publicly traded companies, as well as privately held corporations with annual revenue of at least $100 million or balance sheets with the same amount.” 126
Raymond Andrew Keller II television, movies, framed pictures, postcards, puzzles, etc. Thus the fundamental ethics on which any progressive society depends were delightfully impressed upon the minds of the young folks, almost as soon as they could understand anything, geared to their age comprehension. In child training, the old adage always worked, “Spare the rod and spoil the child;” yet this philosophy was tempered with loving understanding to make sure the child understood the reason for the need of correction. The less Annabell viewed emergent family values on Earth Four through apperceptions gained of the American corporal kind of taking a prized privilege o middle class of the 1950s. Above is a family photo possession away temporarily was favored for of the Cleaver family from the popular Leave it older children. A favorite way of showing to Beaver television series (1957-1963), which ran on the CBS network. From left to right: Ward children where they were wrong, and its logical Cleaver (Hugh Beaumont), his wife June (Barbara consequences if not checked, was for parents Billingsley) and their sons Theodore, a.k.a. “Beaver” to relate stories about “Baddie” and “Goodie.” and Wally (Tony Dow). These mythical characters were examples of what happens when Baddie makes the same mistakes, while Goodie manifests the opposite virtue, garnering the resultant award. It worked wonders by rescuing the peace of many an otherwise mutually harried family, such as one where children would see how much they could get away with in the battle of wills and parents would take their own spites out on the children with little or no excuse. Meeting with a Venusian Master Alexander and I were escorted by Vorton to a lecture in the Auditorium of Universal History, which was to be relayed all over the world from a Venusian spaceship in orbit around the Earth, out in space, by a translated master of Venus. The speaker introduced herself as Lady Asteria, whom we recognized immediately as the commander of the Isis. We were delighted; because her arrival meant that it wouldn’t be too long before we could rendezvous with the Isis for the return trip to our own Earth and proper timeline. Our party was pleased that Lady Asteria, even from afar, acknowledged our presence in the auditorium before she began her talk. (YHU\ VHDW ZDV ¿OOHG DQG HYHU\RQH¶V DWWHQWLRQ ZDV ¿[HG RQ /DG\ Asteria’s broadcast. 6KH HPLWWHG D ZRQGURXV JROG DXUD DERXW KHU HQWLUH SHUVRQDJH DQG ZDV FORWKHG LQ D ÀRZLQJ white robe. “There are levels of cosmic evolution,” she began, “that should not be mixed, because the right kind of discernment dictates the good, common sense of not entangling the WKUHDGV RI GLIIHUHQW SDWKV SURFHHGLQJ IURP WRR ZLGH D GLYHUJHQFH 7KDW LV WKH UHDVRQ RXU ,Q¿QLWH Creator placed the stars and their attendant planets at such great distances from each other. The stragglers in any evolutionary wave should admire and emulate the pioneers; and the latter should inspire and lift the former. If they interfere with each other’s progress by not giving this mutuality, they should be separated so they can both progress in their own ways. This is the basis of our noninterference directive. Otherwise, it has been found that the lower evolved are more apt to drag the higher down, rather than the higher raising the lower.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “Your civilization has been set on the next higher rung of progress. This took place when it was in such danger of slipping backwards a long way. Now we must use our heads for gaining wisdom. This is the only requisite for guiding the heart of compassion rightly. So we want you to develop the necessary qualities to continue progressing on your own. This is also true for those of you whom we brought here and whom we have selected to return to your own world to become part of and carry out the work of our great Angel Force there. “You of Earth,44 for the most part, except certain saints and sages dispatched on special missions, are sent to the solar system’s ‘reformatory,’ Earth, to work out their own salvation among their own kind, more or less by learning Earth’s special lessons of purity and peace, even if learnt only through suffering. “The lower any entity is on the evolutionary scale, the more backward, slothful or predatory and pugnacious they are. These souls have to be taught the hard way, until vices are turned into virtues, and all before the law of attraction will work to bring them into a higher evolution on a more highly advanced planet. “Compared to some other planets, where the highest species are less evolved, Earthlings are a beautiful people on a beautiful planet. Now you must make your actions more beautiful to measure up to these assets. But on the other hand, you are not the highest because you are still on a scale that has violence. Therefore, you must not let it erupt again. Violence in the animal kingdom sprang from the need for food and protection for their young. Human violence has less excuse when springing from the lust for power, more property, wealth and slaves of some kind. “When the souls on planets have reached the ‘human’ stage in their peculiar life wave, whether sub-quasi or humanoid, they are supposed to learn the lesson of becoming ‘humane,’ from which the word ‘human’ was derived. Looking at the Earth from a spiritual standpoint, it is, in some respects, a ‘refresher course’ in the solar system schoolhouse. Laggards are demoted EDFN LQWR LW WR FDWFK XS RQ WKHLU µJUDGHV¶ E\ JRLQJ WKURXJK WKH SXUJLQJ ¿UHV RI VXIIHULQJ LQ VRPH ZD\ WR UH¿QH WKH µJROG¶ RI VWHUOLQJ ZRUWK IURP WKH µGURVV¶ RI LPSXULWLHV DQG PDOLFH HWF “From time to time in the planet’s history, saints and sages leave their own higher-evolved worlds voluntarily to incarnate on Earth, to throw more light on humanity’s path of evolution LQ HYHU\ ¿HOG RI HQGHDYRU 7KH\ GR WKLV E\ EHLQJ VKLQLQJ H[DPSOHV RI ZKDW WKH\ WHDFK DQG gradually unveiling nature’s secrets on every plane. “On my planet, we give these noble souls admiration and try to emulate their achievements. We do not have various sects and cults that try to invoke the ‘wrath of God’ on all who do not see ‘eye-to-eye’ with their ideas and beliefs; as we have true freedom of thought. Nor do we hold professional jealousies that try to discredit others’ talents. Some of these great teachers had miraculous powers to heal, raise the dead, etc. They even told us that we could do likewise if we developed the way they did. We are placed on planets to learn how to make our lives and planets as near like Heaven as possible. The key is that we must get ‘heaven’ inside before we can get inside it! “Religion and philosophy are so intertwined with history that they cannot be left out if history is taught as it should be in all its angles, especially the inner sides, not just the outer of battles, dates, etc. Many ages ago, even before Genesis was written, we had to exile some 44 /DG\ &ROXPED H[SODLQHG WR WKH HGLWRU WKDW FLYLOL]DWLRQV LQ WUDQVLWLRQ DUH QRW ¿OOHG LQ RQ WKH GHWDLOV RI DGYDQFHG SK\VLFV DQG WLPH WUDYHO XQWLO WKH\ KDYH VXI¿FLHQWO\ SURJUHVVHG LQ HWKLFDO DQG VSLULWXDO DUHDV VXI¿FLHQWO\ WR GHDO with such technology. They are as yet largely unaware of the existence of parallel Earths in different dimensions and quantum waves (timelines). 128
Raymond Andrew Keller II of our own, bodily to Earth because they had fallen below the high moral standards of our civilization. But still they were more evolved than the highest type of the humanoid life wave on Earth at that time. The Bible and other sacred scriptures too, provide symbolic references to the folk tale that, “There were giants in those days who became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.” Well, Martians are tall. The story continues that, “The Sons of God saw the daughters of men; and they took wives of all whom they chose.”45 By thus mating with the humanoid Earthlings, their descendants became more human, were larger and lived longer. Thus, the mental and physical evolution of Earthlings was accelerated suddenly.46 In this way, a new intelligence was infused into the Earthly life-stream. The giant strain and longevity was eventually thinned out by generations of Earthlings breeding among themselves. So you see that we are related from way, way back. As your elders, we have an obligation to oversee your progress. ³7KURXJK WKH SV\FKLF SRZHUV DQG VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH WKH VSDFH SHRSOH DQFHVWRUV EURXJKW with them, the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were built up over time. But it isn’t only these that make any people truly great, but the morality rate that is most important. ,I WKDW JRHV GRZQ WKH IRUFHV RI QDWXUH UHÀHFW WKH RXWUDJHG FRVPLF ODZV DQG JRHV RQ D UDPSDJH to stop the evil trend and give Earth a fresh start. They abused these powers through wrong uses, until the Great Flood which sunk both. The story of Noah symbolized all those Earthlings who escaped to other parts of the Earth and underground through long tunnels into the interior. We have never tried that eugenic experiment since. So our help now is of a more impersonal nature. ³%XW WKH VFLHQWL¿F DQG HVRWHULF NQRZOHGJH and powers were lost to a great extent. Some of it was carried by survivors to ancient Egypt to be developed along secretive lines to avoid being abused by the unscrupulous. As humanity becomes more worthy, responsible and trustworthy, these secrets can come out. “Before the tilt, the Euro-Asian Union, under the leadership of Russia, developed more DORQJ VFLHQWL¿F OLQHV ZKLOH WKH Sino-American Alliance, under the leadership of China, had developed along esoteric lines, which created Lady Asteria explores the connections between an imbalance in the whole. Now, through such aliens and angels. See newsletters/84152. a shake-up there is more of an exchange of WKHVH YDOXHV $IWHU ORQJ GDUN DJHV RI LJQRUDQFH UHJDUGLQJ ERWK VFLHQWL¿F DQG PHWDSK\VLFDO truths, Earthly civilization had come almost to the same point in progress, but still you were not morally advanced enough to use these new discoveries and gifts constructively. 45 Paraphrase of Genesis verses 4 and 2, in that order, from KJV. 46 Ancient astronaut proponent and ufologist Otto O. Binder (1911-1974) advanced the theory that human beLQJV DV D VSHFLHV FDQ EH FODVVL¿HG DV ³KRPR K\EULG ´ RU DQ ³LQWHUVWHOODU FURVVEUHHG´ KDOI KXPDQ KDOI H[WUDWHUUHVWULDO +H ¿UVW GLVFXVVHG WKLV K\SRWKHVLV LQ KLV ERRN Flying Saucers Are Watching Us, later called Unsolved Mysteries of the Past (New York, New York: Tower Publications; reissue edition, 1970). Binder ZDV DOVR D ZULWHU RI SRSXODU VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ DQG FRPLF ERRNV +LV PRVW PHPRUDEOH FUHDWLRQ E\ ZD\ RI D FRPLF book character was the legendary “Supergirl.” This “Maid of Might” premiered in Action Comics #252, (New York, New York: DC Publications, May 1959). 129
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “The Biblical authors called us ‘angels’ in antiquity because we could disappear and UHDSSHDU DIWHU ODQGLQJ EULHÀ\ ZLWK RXU VSDFHVKLSV UHIHUUHG WR DV µZKHHOV ZLWKLQ ZKHHOV ¶ µÀDPLQJ FKDULRWV ¶ HWF WR VSHDN WR RXU LQFDUQDWHG RZQ &RQVLGHU WKH IROORZLQJ TXRWH µ7KH DQJHOV ZKR NHSW QRW WKHLU ¿UVW HVWDWH EXW OHIW WKHLU RZQ KDELWDWLRQ SODQHW +H KDWK UHVHUYHG LQ everlasting chains, under darkness unto judgment of the Great Day’47 This is a clear reference to the continued reincarnation on Earth of these souls, to purge and teach them. Being kept in the dark, these souls are in waiting until the New Age has dawned, at which time the ‘sheep’ (deserving ones) and the ‘goats’ (undeserving ones), could be separated. “You are the ‘sheep’ who were saved, one way or another, to start anew. You have a lot to learn from history as it is now given, as an object lesson. You have a lot to live up to; for this civilization must not go the way of the previous ones. You must keep this Golden Age from degenerating into an ‘Age of Gold.’
47 Paraphrase of Jude 1:6 (KJV) 130
Chapter XI: A Fond Farewell
$OH[DQGHU .DGDFKHY¶V VSDFH YHKLFOH ZDV D PRGL¿HG /XQD 6WDWLRQ GHSOR\HG LQ the Soviet Union’s secret space program.
“During George Adamski’s world tour in 1959, certain heads of governments informed KLP WKH\ ZHUH DOVR FRQWDFWHHV ,W LV HYLGHQW WKH VSDFH YLVLWRUV KDYH QRW FRQ¿QHG WKHLU YLVLWV WR the United States. In regard to knowledge about the space people and their reasons for coming, the United States falls sadly behind the majority of other nations. Perhaps Americans will soon realize that a vast new horizon has opened before us, a limitless destiny which only the open, alert mind will inherit.” —C.A. Honey, July 1960 From Alexander’s revelations to the authorities on Moon Base Clarion and me, it is now clear that the Soviet Union had ambitious lunar landing and exploration plans. As early as 1958, the Politburo authorized a secret space program designed to launch interplanetary spacecraft to the Moon, codenamed Project LUNA. This was active much earlier than the United States’ Apollo program. According to Yekaterina Sinelschikova, a Russian space correspondent for the Russia Beyond website, “Yuri *DJDULQ¶V ¿UVW PDQQHG VSDFH ÀLJKW LQ RQO\ VWUHQJWKHQHG the Soviet belief that it was their destiny to dominate space.”48 :LWK WKH REMHFWLYH RI UHDFKLQJ WKH 0RRQ ¿UVW WKH Soviets designed their Luna Station YHKLFOH 7KH ¿UVW WKUHH DWWHPSWV HQGHG LQ GLVDVWHU ZLWK WKH ODXQFK YHKLFOHV RI WKH /XQD HLWKHU blowing up on the pad or never escaping the Earth’s orbit. On the fourth attempt, however, the 6RYLHWV GLG VXFFHHG LQ ODXQFKLQJ WKHLU /XQD VWDWLRQ $OWKRXJK LW ZDV WKH ¿UVW VSDFHFUDIW WR escape Earth’s orbit, it unfortunately shot past its intended target, the Moon. By 1959, however, and in just one year after the program began, other improvements in the Vostok rockets and WKH /XQD VWDWLRQ YHKLFOHV DOORZHG IRU WKH /XQD WR WDNH WKH ¿UVW SKRWRV RI WKH GDUN VLGH RI WKH OXQDU VXUIDFH 2WKHU WULXPSKDQW PLVVLRQV LQFOXGHG WKH ¿UVW PDQ PDGH REMHFW WR UHDFK WKH 0RRQ DQG WKH ¿UVW probe to make a soft landing on the surface. This is only an account of what was publicly known at the time; but the United States and the Soviet were conducting 48 Yekaterina Sinelschikova, “Luna-15: Russia’s secret Moon shot designed to beat Apollo 11,” 13 July 2019, (accessed 31 March 2020). 131
Lady Columba Venus Revelations their own secret space programs insofar as some details of these missions have been revealed in leaked documents, especially concerning Project A119 for the United States and E-4 for the Soviet Union. Going Home In a communiqué to Vorton, Commander Asteria informed us that our mission was over and that arrangements were being made to bring us up to the Isis on the following day. The commander noted that the mothership had no problem in traversing both the dimensional and time barriers to retrieve us and was safely positioned in a geosynchronous orbit some 22,000 miles above the equator of Earth 4. Vorton ZRXOG DFWLYDWH KLV QLPEXV DQG À\ XS ZLWK PH WR the ship at 0700 tomorrow. At the same time, a scout ship would land and the pilot, my fellow Pennsylvanian Andy Thomas, would serve as Alexander’s escort. Vorton congratulated both Andy and I for completing our courses of study on Earth 4. “You are now no longer considered cadets in our Angel Force, Alexander and Annabell; but you are KHUHE\ GHVLJQDWHG DV &RQIHGHUDWLRQ FLWL]HQV DQG PHPEHUV RI RXU VSDFH ÀHHW LQ JRRG VWDQGLQJ Similar trials and tribulations are coming soon to your Earth and its inhabitants. I am sending you as bearers of the true divine light. You will stand ready to guide your lost brothers and VLVWHUV RXW RI WKH GDUNQHVV ZKHQ WKHVH WUDYDLOV EHVHW \RXU SODQHW $QG ZKHQ \RX KDYH ¿QLVKHG your missions on Earth, you will both be given new reconstituted bodies, reunited with your celestial brothers and sisters of &ODULRQ DQG DVVLJQHG QHZ PLVVLRQV LQ \RXU ZRUOG¶V WZHQW\ ¿UVW century and beyond.” Alexander and I were both overwhelmed with an unspeakable joy. We all embraced. Then we returned to our quarters and packed our bags. Our last day on Earth 4 would be a busy one. Tomorrow couldn’t come too soon. Alexander and I both woke up early and made our way to the landing zone inside the elevated courtyard. My Russian friend had spent most of his time in classes studying space navigation. Andy was one of Alexander’s tutors; and now that the FRVPRQDXW ZDV D JHQXLQH PHPEHU RI WKH VSDFH ÀHHW $QG\ SURPLVHG KLV VWXGHQW RYHU WKH VSDFH radio that he could co-pilot the Venusian scout ship back to the Isis. It was just about breaking dawn; so it was still a little dark outside, with a bank of gray clouds overhead. Alexander and I were waiting at the designated landing zone about 15 minutes early. We became most excited when we saw a very bright, star-like object dip down under the clouds directly over our position, steadily becoming larger as it descended toward us. It looked like a crystalline Christmas ornament as it loomed ever closer. Vorton then activated his nimbus and a bubble-shaped orb appeared, about 12 feet in diameter. “I’ll wait until Andy gets here before we embark,” he said. In a few minutes the Venusian scout craft was hovering about ten feet above the receiving SODWIRUP $ GRRU RSHQHG XS RQ WKH VLGH RI WKH FUDIW 7KH VKLS GLSSHG DERXW ¿YH PRUH IHHW landing struts were deployed, and then a ladder was extended to the ground. Andy’s voice came ORXGO\ WKURXJK WKH DLU ³0DLQWDLQ D VDIH GLVWDQFH IURP WKH VFRXW SOHDVH :H VKDOO HPEDUN LQ ¿YH minutes, Alexander, after the ship cools down.” Onboard the Isis Traveling in a nimbus, it only took about ten minutes for Vorton and me to transmit ourselves via an oscillating tachyon wave into the receiving station of the mothership, and
Raymond Andrew Keller II most of that time was spent with Vorton’s calculating the celestial mechanics and plugging in the space coordinates. On the other hand, it took about an hour for Andy and Alexander to dock with the Isis. While the scout functions on the principles of electro-magnetic propulsion, it requires operation in WKH YLFLQLW\ RI D SODQHW¶V PDJQHWLF ¿HOG RU WKH SRZHUIXO PDJQHWLF ¿HOG RI D mothership or other space platform. As for the Earth, its magnetic ¿HOG H[WHQGV DERXW PLOHV RXW $QG ZLWK the mothership in a geosynchronous orbit 20,000 miles above the equator; and since it takes an acceleration up to some 25,000 miles per hour to attain escape velocity, it therefore took slightly less than one hour to complete the trip. Insofar as Andy was letting Alexander do most of the navigating, he wanted to make sure they were going slow enough so as not too overshoot the mothership, whereby a lot of precious time would be lost in Commander Asteria and her crew trying to chase down and recover the scout craft. Vorton and I, accompanied by Commander Asteria, met Andy and Alexander in the docking bay of the Isis $OH[DQGHU ÀDVKHG D EULJKW VPLOH GLVHPEDUNLQJ IURP WKH VFRXW ³ɇɢɱɟɝɨ ɩɨɞɨɛɧɨɝɨ ɜɨ ɜɫɟɣ ɫɨɜɟɬɫɤɨɣ ɤɨɫɦɢɱɟɫɤɨɣ ɩɪɨɝɪɚɦɦɟ ɧɟɬ ´ ³:RZ 7KHUH¶V QRWKLQJ OLNH this in the whole of the Soviet space program!” the cosmonaut loudly proclaimed. “As I now have to return to the bridge to conduct our jump into the time/space coordinates of your own Earth,” said Commander Asteria, “please go with Vorton to the conference room to discuss your further plans, such as where you want you want to go and what you might be doing once you get there. I’m talking about your forthcoming missions.” Making Plans Having gone to the conference room with Vorton, we took seats around a large oval table. I was seated immediately to Vorton’s right, with Andy and Alexander directly across from him. Fortunately, Alexander knew a little English and I could speak a little Russian, since we had been working together for some time now. Vorton convened our meeting. “At this moment, our commander is preparing to make the jump through the space/time continuum. I understand that for you, Annabell, you wish to return to :LOOLDPV $UL]RQD WR HVWDEOLVK DQ HVRWHULF DUW FRORQ\ WKHUH , VHH QR GLI¿FXOWLHV ZLWK WKDW “And for you, Alexander, I understand that there will be some problems in getting you back into the Soviet Union, especially since you would have to explain your survival in space and your long duration of ‘missing time,’ let alone what happened to your spacecraft.” “Vorton, you have spoken truly,” I acknowledged. “Alexander and I have discussed this situation in some detail; and I think I can help him.” “Please explain,” said Vorton. “Alexander says that he has some relatives in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. They are some of the Kadachevs that came to America after World War II, before the Cold War began. He IHHOV VXUH WKDW WKH\ ZRXOG ZHOFRPH KLP , FDQ KHOS KLP ¿QG KLV ORVW IDPLO\ PHPEHUV DQG WKHQ proceed back to my home in Arizona after that.” “That’s a brilliant plan, Annabell. I’m so proud of you for thinking of that,” replied Vorton. He then turned to Alexander and asked him if he were in agreement with this stated course of action. “Of course, Vorton, it’s certainly the most logical and convenient step we can take at this time. I have no problem with the plan.”
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “I shall inform Commander Asteria of your decision. Be in the hangar and ready to go in VL[ KRXUV $QG\ ZLOO À\ \RX GRZQ WR WKH VXUIDFH LQ KLV VFRXW ´ H[SODLQHG WKH FRPPXQLFDWLRQV RI¿FHU 'XULQJ WKH ¿UVW KRXU RI WKLV LQWHULP SHULRG &RPPDQGHU Asteria had successfully made the space-time jump utilizing the cytherium-powered neutron pulse engine of the Isis to punch a hyper-dimensional hole right through it, whereby the spacecraft could transit. Landed Saucer After packing our bags and resting a bit, we reported to the hangar about 15 minutes ahead of schedule. Andy and Vorton were already there to meet us. Andy explained to Alexander and me that we were now operational at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on 28 August 1961. Alexander and I had already discussed his coming to the United States; and I agreed to stay ZLWK KLP ORQJ HQRXJK WR KHOS KLP ¿QG KLV UHODWLYHV DQG JHW VHWWOHG LQ WKH QHZ FRXQWU\ 7KH United States was in the middle of the Cold War at that time. As such, the most inconspicuous thing that Alexander could do was to blend into a long-established Russian ethnic community. “I can’t risk landing the scout near Cleveland; and there are also problems with the Greater Akron area. Those cities are just too populated and the presence of our scout ship will attract too much attention. The closest I can get you in safely is a small town called Gnadenhutten in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, situated on the Tuscarawas River, about 85 miles south of Cleveland. Do you think you can handle that?” To that question, Alexander and I both replied LQ WKH DI¿UPDWLYH ³*RRG ´ VDLG $QG\ ³7KHQ WKDW ZLOO EH RXU ODQGLQJ ]RQH 7KLV VLWH LV RYHU D VLJQL¿FDQW magnetic vortex area and only a little ways off to the west from one of our atmospheric penetration routes that run up the eastern side of Ohio right up to Lake Erie.” Everyone could see that Alexander was a little edgy about not returning home to the Soviet Union, worried about his future in the United States; so Andy relieved him of any duties as a crew member or co-pilot on this mission and piloted the scout to the designated coordinates RI ƍ Ǝ1 ƍ Ǝ: RQ KLV RZQ , FRPIRUWHG $OH[DQGHU stretching my right arm around his shoulders as we sat along the light ring inside the saucer. Everywhere around us, except for the ring, the scout’s bulkhead had become transparent. It was LI ZH ZHUH JKRVWV MXVW ÀRDWLQJ LQ VSDFH ,W¶V DOZD\V D GLVRULHQWHG IHHOLQJ EXW RQH JHWV XVHG WR it. Within forty minutes or so, we arrived over the village of Gnadenhutten. All was dark except for the lights from a few farm houses. Vorton instructed Andy, “Put it down over there along the river, about 3.5 miles north from the settlement. It looks like there’s a nice but isolated farm road connecting to that county highway running parallel to the river.” “Roger that,” Andy replied. “Your wish is my command.” The saucer made a swooping motion over the site and settled into a hover mode just a few feet above the ground. “Please remain seated until pressure is equalized,” our pilot told us calmly. “It’s been a pleasure having you aboard.” Then he lowered the landing struts as we VWHSSHG RII WKH ULQJ DQG VLQJOH ¿OHG RXW WKH VOLGLQJ GRRU DQG GRZQ WKH QRZ H[WHQGHG VWDLUV Cleveland Ufology Project When it comes to UFO research and the state of Ohio, there is only one organization that immediately comes to the minds of most ufologists, and that is the Cleveland Ufology Project 134
Raymond Andrew Keller II (CUP). This organization is one of the oldest UFO investigative groups in the world, being RI¿FLDOO\ RUJDQL]HG DQG LQFRUSRUDWHG LQ Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, 3 October 1952. It is also considered to be the longest lasting UFO group in existence, in the world. Its director on the date of our arrival in Gnadenhutten was Earl J. Neff, a prominent commercial artist and former sketch artist who once worked for Elliot Ness of the “Untouchables” fame when he served as the Safety Director of Cleveland (1935-1942). 1HII KDG ZLWQHVVHG D À\LQJ VDXFHU SDVVLQJ RYHU KLV 3DUPD +HLJKWV 2KLR KRPH LQ HDUO\ 1958; and after making some inquiries at the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper as to whom KH VKRXOG ¿OH D UHSRUW ZLWK IRXQG RXW DERXW WKH PRQWKO\ CUP meetings held on the third 6DWXUGD\ RI HYHU\ PRQWK LQ WKH EDVHPHQW RI D 3DUPD VDYLQJV DQG ORDQ $IWHU DWWHQGLQJ WKH ¿UVW meeting, he was hooked. Apparently, although small in numbers, the CUP membership in attendance listened approvingly to what Neff had to say about his own sightings, as well as his opinions of UFOs, in general. Neff agreed with the extraterrestrial hypothesis; that is to say that, “UFOs are genuine phenomena and originate from outer space.”49 So impressed were the CUP members with Neff and his solid background, that they unanimously elected him chairman of the group at their October 1958 annual meeting. In the ensuing years, Neff reorganized the group and established both a UFO report center number, operated from his own home, and a special ¿HOG LQYHVWLJDWLRQV WHDP WR IROORZ XS RQ WKHVH UHSRUWV as they would be called in by the observers. Field Photo from archives, Cleveland, Ohio, investigators would then be immediately dispatched to Plain Dealer newspaper: Earl J. Neff (4 UFO KRW VSRWV RU ³ÀDS DUHDV ´ DQ\ZKHUH WKHVH REMHFWV April 1902-12 March 1993) on the job as a were being witnessed in the state of Ohio. commercial artist in his early years. 1961 was a big year for UFO sightings in Ohio. Here are three of the more prominent cases that received a lot of press attention, actively checked out by Director Neff and his CUP investigators: On 4 July at approximately 10:15 p.m., the pilot of a small charter airplane reported a near collision with a glowing green and white cigar-shaped UFO in the skies over Akron. The object was descending fast and suddenly undertook a zigzag maneuver around the airplane, continuing its drop. The UFO WKHQ OHYHOHG RII DQG ÀHZ DZD\ WR WKH QRUWK LQ WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI Cleveland. $W D OLWWOH SDVW PLGQLJKW D FRPPHUFLDO SLORW À\LQJ RYHU Cleveland reported a UFO ¿WWLQJ the same description; but this craft displayed a panel of windows spanning its width, along with a red light on one end of its fuselage and a white light on the other. Both illuminations were quite intense. The object was tracked on radar at Cleveland’s municipal airport and many RI WKH JURXQG FUHZ UHSRUWHG YLVXDO FRQ¿UPDWLRQV DV ZHOO 49 Entry for “Neff, Earl J.,” Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, Case Western Reserve University, 2020, https:// (Accessed 3 March 2020); sections on Cleveland Ufology Project and Earl J. Neff were updated through 2020 following research conducted by Dr. Raymond Keller and interviews which he held with Michael A. LaRiche in February 2020. 135
Lady Columba Venus Revelations Six days later at 7:45 p.m. in the skies DERYH 6SULQJ¿HOG DERXW PLOHV WR WKH ZHVW of Columbus, a smaller UFO, spherical in shape, was observed by a former Korean War air navigator and his wife zipping from west to east at a rapid clip. This object seemed to have an aluminum-plated sheen to it. It was the opinion of the experienced Air Force veteran that the UFO was metallic in its composition and represented some type of advanced, possibly extraterrestrial technology; or perhaps LW ZDV VRPH NLQG RI WHVW YHKLFOH EHLQJ ÀRZQ RXW of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Drawing by commercial pilot of UFO over Cleveland in early hours of 5 July 1961 Ohio. The latter option seemed unlikely, due to the incredible speeds and maneuvering capabilities of the object which far surpassed anything the ex-airman had ever run across. $V WKH ¿HOG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV FRQFOXGHG WKHLU LQYHVWLJDWLRQV DQG SURYLGHG Neff with their reports, duplicate copies were forwarded to the headquarters of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C.50 Neff was their Ohio liaison and director of research. The more notable UFO reports would be published in NICAP’s monthly newsletter, the UFO Investigator. The National Director of this group, Retired Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe, was also a close friend of Earl J. Neff. If anything new was going on in the UFO universe, 1HII ZRXOG EH WKH ¿UVW WR NQRZ DERXW LW WKURXJK Keyhoe. Mission for Michael In August of 1961, Michael (Mike) A. LaRiche of Bedford, Ohio, was enjoying his summer vacation. In his seventeenth year, the young man recently received his driver’s license and KLV JUDQGIDWKHU JDYH KLP WKH PRVW ZRQGHUIXO JLIW RI KLV ¿UVW FDU D XVHG &KHY\ %HO $LU convertible, metallic blue and white in color. During the summer, Mike worked part time in the parts department of his family’s Cleveland automobile dealership, Southeast Chevrolet. Grandpa pondered the practicality of Mike having his own car, in that his grandson would no longer have to take the bus to work and could even deliver parts in his car when business was brisk, rather than merely riding shotgun with the parts delivery man in the dealership’s pick-up truck. And then having his own car would instill in the young man a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, besides bestowing upon him a great deal of personal freedom. To this end, Mike enjoyed taking his Chevrolet out for a spin on any occasion. He was always looking for some excuse to drive it somewhere new and interesting in the Buckeye State. So when Mike offered to be on call and drive &83 ¿HOG LQYHVWLJDWRUV RXW WR 8)2 ÀDS areas throughout Ohio in exchange for apprenticing with them, Earl J. Neff was elated and eagerly took him up on it. Toward the end of August, Mike and other teenagers all across the United States turned their attention to getting ready to return to classes. Mike would be entering his senior year in 50 NICAP was founded in 1956 and went defunct in 1980. Following NICAP’s cessation of activities, CUP became aligned with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) with Neff continuing in his capacity as liaison between the groups. CUP/NICAP’s 8)2 ¿OHV ZHUH HYHQWXDOO\ WUDQVIHUUHG WR MUFON, where they remain to this day in that group’s Hangar One facility in Santa Clara County, California. 136
Raymond Andrew Keller II a couple of weeks at Chanel Catholic High School in %HGIRUG VLWXDWHG RQ 1RUWK¿HOG 5RDG directly across from the public school, Bedford Senior High, with whom Chanel had a healthy rivalry with in high school athletics. As Chanel was a school for boys, Mike and his classmates naturally took an interest in the goings on across the way with the girls at Bedford High. Mike was especially looking forward to the 1961-1962 academic year, as driving his new car to school would certainly attract the gaze of many of the Bedford lassies. Mike became interested in the paranormal during lunchtime discussions at Chanel with KLV FODVVPDWHV 7KH &KDQHO ER\V ZHUH DOZD\V WKH ¿UVW WR UXVK RXW WR WKH 6WLOOZHOO 7KHDWHU LQ Bedford or the Mapletown Cinema in the next door Cleveland suburb of Maple Heights, to FDWFK WKH ODWHVW PRYLHV LQ WKH JHQUHV RI IDQWDV\ DQG VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ 5LJKW EHIRUH &KULVWPDV LQ 1960, Mike and his pals caught the premiere of MGM’s thriller, Village of the Damned, starring George 6DQGHUV DQG %DUEDUD 6KHOOH\ 7KLV ZDV RQH RI WKH ¿UVW PRYLHV JLYLQJ LQGLFDWLRQV RI an extraterrestrial presence existing among us largely undetected, highlighting both the perils and the possibilities. It certainly gave the young men a lot to think about. Among all the young PHQ 0LNH HVWLPDWHV WKDW WKH\ KDG VHHQ RYHU VFLHQFH ¿FWLRQ ¿OPV SULRU WR
Alien hybrid children living among us, hiding out in a private school in the English countryside, was the theme of MGM Studio’s 1960 thriller, Village of the Damned.
One of Mike’s lunch buddies was Dennis Adams, who later went on to become a noted extraterrestrial contactee, New Age healer, motivational speaker for many large corporations, and prominent resident of the metaphysical epicenter of the planet, the city of Mt. Shasta in Northern California. Toward the end of June 1961, Dennis transferred to the Walsh Jesuit High School in Canton, Ohio; so Mike wasn’t able to catch up with him until later in his adult life. The “fun for lunch bunch” boys were also into comic books in a big way. The young men would discuss the latest adventures of each superhero and swap some of the more recent issues. While some might consider them “nerds,” Mike took great pride in being part of a group that could “think outside the box” and looked forward to one day when each individually would be 137
Lady Columba Venus Revelations making their mark in history. Chanel, apart from its Roman Catholic orientation, was really not that different from other high schools. The student population was divided into several cliques. The Jocks were obsessed with everything pertaining to athletics. The Greasers were noted for their hot rods, Brill-Cream “Little Dab Will Do You” plastered-back hair, black leather jackets, and highly polished, black pointy-toed shoes with cleats. The Nerds made up the third clique; but it was the fastest growing one. After all, not everyone could be a Jock or a Greaser; and besides, the people at Mike’s table always had something interesting to share about the latest television shows, Hollywood movie releases, paranormal phenomena of every sort, and pop culture in all its aspects, to include literature of almost every genre, inclusive of comic books. In the ensuing years, one of the more tall and lanky among them, Doug P, was given the nickname of “Plastic Man,” because he could cross a four-lane highway with a minimum of steps. Six years after their graduation from Chanel, Doug was working with Mike at South East Chevrolet and joined him as the co-host for one of the pioneering paranormal radio programs in the United States. Earl J. Neff was one of several UFO investigators on their program, Youth Power, broadcast over Cleveland’s WZAK Radio, 93.1 FM. The station was primarily noted for tailoring its broadcasts to sundry European ethnic communities in the Greater Cleveland area; but Doug and Mike persuaded the station manager that an emphasis on paranormal phenomena, especially UFOs, would be widely received. Ever since the 1966 “swamp gas” sightings up in Michigan, UFOs were back in the headlines of all the major newspapers. Some of the other young men in the group were on the then cutting edge of societal changes. Ernie Horvath became an early advocate for gay rights and eventually became director of the Cleveland Ballet. Frank S., another in the group, after graduation enlisted in the United States Army and served honorably in South Korea. He brought back a Korean bride and had to fend off discrimination directed at them from local bigots staunchly opposed to biracial marriages. Another lad, Frank B., continued in the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and was ordained a priest, where he remained in the Northeast Ohio area serving the spiritual needs of ORFDO FRQJUHJDWLRQV ZKLOH ¿JKWLQJ IRU VRFLDO MXVWLFH LQ VRFLHW\ DW ODUJH And yet another friend of Mike’s is Raymond Keller, a graduate of Bedford Senior High in 1972, who was also a staunch member of CUP and attained some notoriety in the UFO community as “Cosmic Ray,” the editor of this very book. Mike met Ray at a CUP meeting in 1967. It is the law of attraction which brings such like-minded ones into our circles of friendship. There is no such thing as coincidence. The Gnaddenhutten Incident At 9:45 p.m. on Monday, 28 August 1961, Mike received a call from Earl J. Neff concerning VRPH VWUDQJH ¿UHV DQG OLJKWV LQ WKH ZRRGV MXVW QRUWK RI Gnaddenhutten, Ohio,51 about 85 miles due south of Bedford. Neff informed Mike that the UFO report was made by a male high school sophomore visiting some relatives in Gnaddenhutten. “I realize it is getting kind of late, Mike; but perhaps you may like to investigate this case personally. By the time you drove out to the west side of Cuyahoga County to pick me up, hours will have passed since the sighting. ,W VKRXOG RQO\ WDNH \RX D IHZ KRXUV WR JHW WKHUH 0LNH DQG WKLV ZRXOG EH WKH ¿UVW FDVH WKDW \RX 51 Gnaddenhutten is a village located along the banks of the Tuscarawas River in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. It LV KLVWRULFDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG DV WKH ¿UVW (XURSHDQ VHWWOHPHQW LQ WKH VWDWH RI 2KLR 7KH RULJLQDO FRORQLVWV ZHUH RI German and Moravian origin. Gnade LV WKH *HUPDQ ZRUG WKDW VLJQL¿HV ³JUDFH ´ DQG LV IRXQG DV WKH SUH¿[ LQ the names of many places established by the Moravians. Its total population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 1,288. 138
Raymond Andrew Keller II have investigated solely on your own,” said Neff, who paused and then added, “What do you say, Mike? Can you do this big favor for me and CUP?” During the summer months, Mike had already made one trip down to Cambridge, Ohio, with Earl Neff, checking out some alleged Bigfoot sightings to the immediate northeast of that city. They heard some howling noises past the tree line, but only caught a glimpse of some ÀHHWLQJ VKDGRZV DORQJ WKH HGJH RI WKH ZRRGV Neff wasn’t sure what to make out of the Bigfoot reports; but as many were sighted along with UFOs, the ufologist suspected that there might be some extraterrestrial connection. To reach Gnaddenhutten Mike would mostly be taking the same route he took to get to Cambridge with Neff; so at least he was familiar with most of the roads. And as gasoline was only thirty cents per gallon, he had tapped his car off earlier in the day and knew that he would have enough to drive out to the UFO witness’ home, and still have a little to spare. There was also the possibility that Mike might even see the UFO himself, as many times they remain in the area for quite some time if the ufonauts believe they have gone undetected. Mike right away accepted Neff’s request. He left immediately and put the “pedal to the metal,” so to speak, getting down to the reporting high school sophomore’s location in a record three hours and thirty minutes, considering that he had to drive on zigzagging country roads in the dark. Even though the object had since departed the area, Mike interviewed the fellow young man whom we shall simply refer to as Keith B., only about one year younger than him, and the results are published here: Mike: “OK, Keith, let’s start out with the date and time of the UFO observation.” Keith: “Well, Mike, It was around 9:00 p.m. tonight. That’s Monday, August 28th, 1961.” Mike: “What shape was the object?” Keith: “What do you mean, Mike?” Mike: “I mean, was it triangular, square, circular....?” .HLWK ³,W ZDV FLUFXODU <RX NQRZ« D À\LQJ VDXFHU ´ Mike: “OK, we will call it a typical disc-shaped object. Now, before I let you tell me about the incident in your own words, I need to know how long you observed it.” Keith: “I’d have to say about half an hour.” Mike: “How do you know this? Did you time the sighting with a watch?” Keith: “No. But I was inside the house with my parents, Michael and Sara B., and grandparents here, on my father’s side, Martha and Daniel B., getting ready to drive up to Uhrichsville and pick up some snacks and groceries while the family stayed in to watch the Danny Thomas Show at around 9:00 p.m. Seeing this saucer delayed my drive; and then after WKH REMHFW ÀHZ RII , FDPH EDFN LQ WKH KRXVH DQG WKH $QG\ *ULI¿WK 6KRZ was already starting; so it must have been about 9:30 p.m.” Mike: “That’s great, Keith. You use things around you, things you know, to track the time. That’s the mark of a true observer. Now I would like you to take your time and explain in your own words what you saw earlier this evening. As a member of CUP, I am making no judgments KHUH , ZLOO ¿OH D FRS\ RI WKLV WDSH UHFRUGLQJ DORQJ ZLWK DQ\ RWKHU HYLGHQFH , FROOHFW ZLWK CUP; and its director Earl J. Neff will be in contact with you soon, offering his expert opinion.” Keith: “Well, Mike, I don’t know if the saucer left any evidence of it having landed here in Gnaddenhutten; but I can assure you that it was very real. We can go out to the site after this LQWHUYLHZ DQG FKHFN LW RXW ZLWK ÀDVKOLJKWV 0D\EH WKHUH LV VRPHWKLQJ WKHUH WKDW , PLVVHG EHIRUH rushing back into the farm house. 139
Lady Columba Venus Revelations “My mother and father drove me and my younger, 11-year-old sister Anna, down here at the end of June from our home in Akron so that I could spend the summer vacation with Grandpa and Grandma B. Dad works in the Goodyear Tire plant up there, so he and Mom planned on staying in Akron and left me and my sister in the custody of Grandpa and Grandma. My folks just returned here a couple of days ago and were planning on taking me and Anna back to Akron tomorrow morning so we could get ready for the new school year. Anyway, they all ran outside when I started yelling about the UFO and saw it, too. A neighbor also ran over DQG VDZ WKH À\LQJ VDXFHU RU DW OHDVW WKDW LV ZKDW , WKLQN LW ZDV “This farmhouse has belonged to the B. family for generations. This farm is about 3.5 miles outside the Village of Gnadenhutten and we are in Tuscarawas County. Well, as I was saying previously, I was about to start up my Dad’s always dependable old car, a 1946 Cadillac, and drive up to Uhrichsville for some snacks and groceries when I noticed what appeared to be D ODUJH ULQJ RI ¿UH LQ WKH ZRRGV DFURVV IURP WKH IDUPKRXVH ,¶G HVWLPDWH DW DERXW \DUGV distance, slightly uphill and beyond a creek. I ought to know, really, Mike, as I have spent many a summer out here. I’ve probably hunted every acre of this 250 acre farm. Anyway, as I had run up to the front door of the farmhouse, banging loudly on it, everyone came outside to see what DOO RI WKLV FRPPRWLRQ ZDV DERXW 0\ JUDQGIDWKHU¶V ¿UVW UHDFWLRQ XSRQ VHHLQJ WKH REMHFW ZDV WR H[SUHVV FRQFHUQ DERXW WKH VSUHDG RI D SRWHQWLDO IRUHVW ¿UH VR VHYHUDO RI XV SURFHHGHG WR WKH VLGH porch to verify the position of whatever it was lingering out there. ³)RUWXQDWHO\ WKH ¿UH GLG QRW DSSHDU WR EH VSUHDGLQJ $V VXFK *UDQGSD DVVXPHG WKDW VRPH deer hunters were camping in his woods. He then called a couple of neighbors to verify the ORFDWLRQ RI WKH REMHFW DQG JHW WKHLU RSLQLRQV $QG ZLWKLQ ¿YH WR WHQ PLQXWHV ZH QRWLFHG ZKDW LQLWLDOO\ VHHPHG WR EH D VSUHDG RI WKH ¿UH DORQJ WKH ZRRGV¶ ÀRRU PRYLQJ IURP RXU OHIW WR ULJKW and following the contour below the ridge of the hill. This was strange, as the previous location RI WKH ¿UH ZDV QRW EXUQLQJ 7KH ¿UH ZDV PRYLQJ DW DQ DQJOH FORVHU WR RXU SRVLWLRQ ZKHQ one of us noticed this was caused by a pulsating light (reddish with some yellow mixed with ZKLWH FRPLQJ GRZQ IURP DERYH 6R LW ZDV GH¿QLWHO\ QRW D ¿UH 7KH UHDOLW\ WKDW VRPHWKLQJ ZDV HPLWWLQJ D OLJKW VWURQJ HQRXJK WR PDNH WKH ÀRRU RI WKH ZRRGV DSSHDU WR EH RQ ¿UH WRRN D IHZ minutes to sink in. We all noticed an additional hazy light source in a band encircling the craft WKDW ZDV VXVSHQGHG RU À\LQJ RYHU WKH WUHHWRSV 7KLV WKLQJ ZDV PRYLQJ DERXW IHHW SHU minute. We could clearly distinguish a saucer shape to the object. “The one very unusual thing was the lack of any sound. In fact, the only sounds were WKH QRUPDO QLJKW FUHDWXUHV IURP WKLV ZRRGHG IDUP DUHD 7KLV LV VLJQL¿FDQW LQ WKDW WKLV HQWLUH occurrence took place in a narrow (maybe 600-yards wide) valley surrounded by 250-300 foot hills. We all watched in total shock as we could more clearly see the shape of the unit as it approached us to within 250-300 yards. It was silhouetted against the hill and the trees were dark, so, the only light source was from within the craft, in a band around the center section and the light from the bottom. My best guess is that the craft was wider than my grandfather’s two-story farmhouse, and approximately half as high. At its closest point we could more clearly see the light shinning down through the treetops as a wavy but concentrated VKDIW RI OLJKW DOO WKH ZD\ WR WKH ÀRRU RI WKH ZRRGV 7KH WUHH EUDQFKHV DQG OHDYHV ZHUH YLVLEOH under this somewhat blinding (high intensity) light. When the unit moved beyond the woods it ZDV VXVSHQGHG DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW RYHU D KD\ ¿HOG DQG WKH VKDIW RI OLJKW ZDV QRW VR apparent. However, it began to angle (about 45 degrees) itself skyward and with ever increasing
Raymond Andrew Keller II speed soon (less than 10 seconds) became a distant white spot, before vanishing in the night sky. “The bottom of the unit, when changing altitude was multi-colored but mostly reds to oranges mixed with some whites. My grandfather went back in the house and called two families of neighbors to come outside and look at this occurrence from their properties. Right after the object left, everyone walked over to our farm and agreed that this was all unexplainable and that it might be better if none of us told this story to avoid ridicule from others.” Mike: “OK then, Keith, why are you telling me and CUP about it?” Keith: “Well, Mike, my grandfather heard Earl Neff talking about UFOs on the radio and believes that he is an honest and sincere man. So he told me that I can report the sighting to CUP, but requests that you leave our real names out of any published reports of the occurrence. *UDQGSD VDLG WKDW RQH GD\ HYHU\RQH ZLOO UHFRJQL]H WKDW À\LQJ VDXFHUV DUH UHDO DQG DUH SLORWHG by advanced beings from other planets; and I believe him. So that is why I am telling you about this UFO incident.” Mike: “Thank you for your honesty, Keith. As for I and the CUP organization, we can certainly respect you and your family’s wishes as to how we are going to handle this report.” After Mike concluded his interview with Keith, both he and the grandfather went out with ÀDVKOLJKWV LQWR WKH SXUSRUWHG ODQGLQJ ]RQH RI WKH À\LQJ VDXFHU 7KHUH ZDV D GH¿QLWH ULQJ RI ÀDWWHQHG DQG VLQJHG KD\ PHDVXULQJ VOLJKWO\ OHVV WKDQ IHHW LQ GLDPHWHU DQG WKHUH ZHUH DOVR two sets of footprints proceeding from the perimeter of the saucer directly into the woods. In all the ado, it seems that some of the ufonauts had disembarked from the ship but never got back on before it blasted out of the area. Mike told the grandfather, “If you are serious about not wanting to attract publicity to yourselves, my best advice is that you get your tractor out of WKH EDUQ DQG SORZ WKLV SRUWLRQ RI WKH ¿HOG XQGHU ¿UVW WKLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ ´ “Sure thing,” said Grandpa B. After the turn of the century, Keith related to CUP/MUFON investigators that, “Over the \HDUV , GLG UHFRQ¿UP WKLV LQFLGHQW ZLWK P\ PRWKHU DQG IDWKHU DQG ZLWK D QHLJKERU 7R WKH EHVW of my knowledge, everyone else associated with this incident is gone. However, my sister (she was 11 at the time) does remember that something happened, but not any details. Last year, I asked one of the neighbor boys if he recalled the incident and he was stunned that I would PHQWLRQ WKDW HYHQLQJ +H FRQ¿UPHG WKDW KH VDZ WKLV XQH[SODLQDEOH RFFXUUHQFH EXW KH ZDV DW an angle to witness the event more from an end position, whereby the craft was moving toward their family before leaving the woods. His family porch would be about a half mile to the right of my grandfather’s as we viewed this craft moving from left to right; and the point of departure was a little right of center from our porch position.” Mike and Keith talked out on the side porch of the house for about half an hour after all of the commotion died down. Keith’s family members had since gone back into the farmhouse and were already sleeping. The young men drank Pepsi colas while they conversed about the current state of ufology, the American and Soviet space race, and the search for life on other planets. Mike thanked Keith once again for his cooperation in the investigation as he packed up his tape recorder and was preparing to hit the road and return home to Sector Drive in %HGIRUG ZKHQFH KH ZRXOG ¿OH KLV UHSRUW ZLWK (DUO - Neff and CUP. Earl Neff’s expertise in interviewing UFO witnesses had rubbed off on Mike. It was almost 3:00 a.m. on 29 August as Mike turned on the ignition of his 1956 Bel Air and EDFNHG RXW RI WKH IDUPKRXVH GULYHZD\ +LV ¿UVW VWRS ZDV JRLQJ WR EH WKH DOO QLJKW 6XQRFR WUXFN 141
Lady Columba Venus Revelations stop and diner in Uhrichsville that he had passed on the way in. His eyes were already getting heavy and he would certainly need some more Pepsi to keep on going up the road. He left his jacket in the back seat as the temperature was a comfortable 70 degrees with just a touch of humidity in the air. Mike felt like dropping the top of his convertible, but hesitated to take the time in parking the vehicle and making that happen. He simply rolled down the driver’s side window instead. The rush of air would assist in keeping him awake until he could drive into the Sunoco, go inside and stock up on some goodies. Cleveland Adventure The nearest Venusian safe house was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, nearly 400 miles from our landing zone. The human contact in Philadelphia was Albert Coe, a then 57-year-old engineer who had been helping Venusians carry out their clandestine missions on Earth since 1920. At the time of our arrival in Gnaddenhutten, both Alexander and I realized that we were going to be on our own; as Vorton informed us that Coe and the Philadelphia Venusian contingent members were then in Peru with an esoteric teacher, Dr. George Hunt :LOOLDPVRQ ZKR LGHQWL¿HG KLPVHOI DV ³Brother Philip,”52 attempting to build a solar retreat high up in the Andes Mountains. Brother Philip explained that he was given his new name by Ascended Masters from a higher dimension on Venus. As Dr. Williamson was given a new name when working with the Celestial Hierarchy of Light and their operatives here on Earth, I also received a new name from Commander Asteria EHIRUH EHJLQQLQJ P\ ¿UVW PLVVLRQ RQ WKLV SODQHW RI GHOLYHULQJ %URWKHU $OH[DQGHU LQWR WKH VDIH and loving bonds of his American family in Cleveland. The name she chose for me was Lady Columba. Columba is a constellation that since the ancient days has symbolically represented a dove with an olive branch. The doves, of course, are emblematic of the goddess Venus, for they pulled her chariot across the vault of the heavens; and the olive branch indicates peace on Earth. After Andy successfully landed the ventla in the back acres of the Ohio farm, Alexander and I quickly made our way to the tree line and out through the forest. As we scooted across the damp and matted hay, our feet sunk slightly a few inches into the mud with every step. We then proceeded onto the highway, skirting the country access road altogether. Once on the main route, we scraped the muck off of our shoes on the edge of the pavement. Alexander scanned the twinkling stars and quickly found the North Pole star, Polaris, at the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor/or Little Bear). “We go north,” said Alexander, pointing in the direction we should continue up the highway. While still onboard the Isis, Vorton provided us with maps and clothing appropriate for 1961 Ohio; as well as $250 in American paper currency for each of us. Alexander studied American history and English language books and tapes in the ship’s library; and I coached him along in this, encouraging him all the way. Once oriented, we just started walking along the side of the highway, heading north. Vorton had presented me with a nimbus, shaped in the form of a small box. The device was preset. Its activation could generate a cloak of invisibility to help us escape from any dire situation that might arise; but Vorton advised us to use it only in the case of an emergency. 52 Brother Philip, a.k.a. Dr. George Hunt Williamson, anthropologist and archaeologist; see his Secret of the Andes (London, United Kingdom: Neville Spearman, Ltd.), 1961.
Raymond Andrew Keller II After about ten minutes of walking up the side of the highway, a large milk truck came by. Turning around to face the oncoming truck, I stuck my right thumb out, hoping to hitch a ride. The driver of the milk truck came to a stop about 100 feet ahead of us. He stuck his left hand out the driver’s side window and waved us up to the truck. “What’s going on here?” he LQTXLUHG ³)LUVW WKHUH¶V VRPH ZHLUG ¿UH LQ WKH ZRRGV EDFN WKHUH LQ Gnaddenhutten; and now I see you two walking around in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night.” I explained that our car had broken down a little ways back; that we parked it alongside the road; and that we’d appreciate a ride into the Sunoco diner in Uhrichsville, where we could safely wait and meet up with a mechanic in a couple of hours when he opens the doors to the garage. Then we could explain our problem and secure a tow of the vehicle into town. “No problem,” the driver responded. “Even though it’s company policy not to pick up riders, you look the kind of young people I can trust. You look like good Christian people, not like the beatniks you see up in Cleveland or over in Pittsburgh.” He slightly paused, then added, “And you know, don’t you, that there are bears out here in the woods this time of night?” “No,” I stuttered, “I wasn’t aware of that. Thank you so much for helping us out.” Alexander just remained silent. “Please forgive my cousin from Serbia,” I explained, adding that “He’s still learning English in night classes up in Akron.” We squeezed into the wide, front seat of the cab. Alexander sat by the window and I sat in the middle in order to do most of the talking with the driver. During our twenty minute drive to Uhrichsville, we learned that our driver’s name was Lawrence Stafford and that he had been driving for about 40 hours out of Orlando, Florida, hauling orange juice for Lawson’s Dairy convenience stores. His last delivery was to a Lawson’s retail outlet on Turney Road in Maple Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. While it would have been perfect to go with him the whole way, we realized that a stopover in Uhrichsville would be best. We could easily catch a bus there for Cleveland and not have to answer a lot of questions and possibly arouse any suspicion. We pulled into the Sunoco diner at about midnight. Our driver said he was in a hurry to get EDFN RQ WKH URDG EXW ZLVKHG XV OXFN , KDQGHG KLP D FULVS QHZ ¿YH GROODU ELOO DQG WKDQNHG him for his hospitality. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Annabell, and your Serbian cousin too,” Stafford replied as he tipped his cap. We went over to a revolving rack with folded bus schedules and found out that the next Greyhound to Cleveland would not be leaving until 8 a.m. The waitress escorted us to a booth and we both slumped in for the long haul. I passed a menu to my Russian friend and said, “As long as we’re here, Alexander, why don’t you try some typical American cuisine?” Alexander meticulously read the menu and opted for the traditional cheeseburger with French fries and a strawberry malted milk shake. “Good choice,” I said. “You are on your way to becoming a real American.” Although I had lived in Darjeeling, India, where I studied Theosophy with the most enlightened of the gurus and had long ago made the personal decision to become a vegetarian, I wasn’t about to become a fanatic about it and force others into the lifestyle when they weren’t ready to receive it. I just ordered a simple salad with oil and vinegar dressing and a refreshing Coca-Cola. Now that we were actually on the ground in the United States of America, Alexander had many questions for me. I spent the next few hours trying to answer them for him to the best of my ability. It must have been quite a cultural shock for Alexander.
Lady Columba Venus Revelations At about 3:30 a.m., Michael A. LaRiche drove up to the Sunoco, tapped off his Bel Air with some gasoline, parked his vehicle, and entered the diner. He had planned on just moseying on over to the convenience store side of the establishment and picking up some potato chips and pretzels for the road, so to speak, along with some Pepsi; but all of a sudden he heard what he later described as a “buzzing sound” inside his head. Michael had read every issue of Fate magazine ever published up to that point; so he knew that he must be in the presence of persons with exceptional psychic abilities, possibly extraterrestrials. Even the great Earl J. Neff would talk about this at CUP meetings. Neff said on many occasions that our “space brothers and sisters are just like angels; and we oft entertain them unawares” (paraphrase of Hebrews 13:2). Mike scanned the store and the diner and didn’t see anyone there but Alexander and I, and of course, the cook and waitress. What he did notice was that our shoes were caked with mud along the edge of the soles and that we had scuffed a little of it as a path to our booth across the black and white square-patterned tile. Anyway, Mike came over to the table, introduced KLPVHOI DQG DVNHG XV LI KH FRXOG VLW GRZQ ZLWK XV $V P\ ¿UVW LPSUHVVLRQ ZDV WKDW KH SRVVHVVHG a good heart, I said, “Of course, Michael, have a seat, please.” Alexander gave me a puzzled look. “What brings you out to Uhrichsville at this ungodly hour?” said Mike. “I could ask you the same thing,” I replied, adding that, “We’re just here to make a bus connection to Cleveland.” “That’s great,” exclaimed Mike, “I’m on way back to Bedford right now. I can drop you off wherever you want to go in Cleveland. I ride shotgun with auto parts delivery to customers of my family’s Southeast Chevrolet dealership; so I know where almost any address is in the Greater Cleveland area. “You can just call me Mike. Most people do. In local clubs people call me North Coast Mike, because I am always networking people and various organizations all across Northeast Ohio.” “What kind of clubs are you talking about?” asked Alexander, worrying that they might be of some political nature. “UFO and metaphysical groups, mostly,” explained Mike. “As a matter of fact, I’ve just UHWXUQHG IURP LQYHVWLJDWLQJ D À\LQJ VDXFHU ODQGLQJ RQ EHKDOI RI WKH Cleveland Ufology Project. Our club’s director, Earl J. Neff, sent me down to Gnaddenhutten to check it out and bring back a report.” “That’s very interesting, Mike,” I exclaimed. “Then I take it that you are familiar with such writers as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum and Howard Menger?” “Am I!” declared Mike excitedly. “I knew it! It’s just like Earl said, ‘There’s no such thing as mere coincidence.’ As soon as I walked in here I knew that something unusual was afoot. I DQG DQRWKHU \RXQJ PDQ .HLWK ZHQW RXW ORRNLQJ IRU HYLGHQFH RI WKH À\LQJ VDXFHU DQG VDZ WZR VHWV RI IRRWSULQWV H[WHQGLQJ IURP D PXGG\ FURS FLUFOH WR D WUHH OLQH DQG KHUH , ¿QG \RX WZR muddy shoes and all!” ³<HV 0LNH WKDW ZDV VXUHO\ XV ´ , DI¿UPHG ³$V , KDYH UHDG \RXU PLQG , VHH WKDW \RX GLG not exploit the situation out at the farm, and even encouraged the grandfather to plow the crop circle under to destroy the evidence of our scout ship’s landing. For this, we heartily commend you and know that you can be trusted. “As you have mentioned Earl Neff, I am somewhat aware of him and his work. I served as a secretary for two contactees, Truman Bethurum in California and Buck Nelson in Missouri. I 144
Raymond Andrew Keller II remember typing some correspondence on both of their behalf, answering questions submitted by Neff. Your CUP director replied that as far as Bethurum and Nelson were concerned, he was going to keep an open mind; so I can appreciate that.” Mike ordered the same hamburger plate as Alexander had previously selected and we picked up the tab, also leaving a generous tip. Mike, who was a connoisseur of Ohio roadside eateries, said this diner was one of the best. He feared that as Governor Michael DiSalle continued with his plans to build multiple north-south and east-west interstate highways, that some of these more delectable mom and pop operations would go the way of the dinosaurs. And as it turned out, he was right. As Mike was enjoying his late-night meal, I explained our predicament of getting Alexander safely and undetected to his family in Cleveland, where he could blend in with the Russian-American community there. “I don’t have an address for them;” explained Alexander, “but I do know that they are living somewhere in Cleveland.” “Don’t worry,” said Mike. “I have a plan.” The Bedford ufologist then explained that his family’s automobile dealership, LaRiche Chevrolet, was located just a few blocks from the Archangel Michael Orthodox Church at 10000 Union Avenue on the East Side of Cleveland. Archangel Michael’s parish was the heart of Cleveland’s East European ethnic community. Mike knew the pastor there, Father Vladimir Prislopsky, as the reverend ordered parts from LaRiche Chevrolet and got his 1959 Chevrolet Impala serviced there. If anyone NQHZ ZKHUH WR ¿QG $OH[DQGHU¶V ORQJ ORVW IDPLO\ )DWKHU Clothed in full vestments and crowned with ecclesiastical miter, Archpriest Vladimir Prislopsky would be the prime candidate. Prislopsky (1900-1970) in his later years. Mike cleared out the back seat of his Bel Air for we pair of outer space adventurers. Having stopped off at a Howard Johnson’s restaurant in Akron IRU D ELJ EUHDNIDVW EHIRUH SURFHHGLQJ RQ 0LNH SXOOHG XS WR WKH SDULVK RI¿FH RI WKH $UFKDQJHO Michael parish at around 9:45 a.m. Entering through a side door, a secretary invited us into her RI¿FH DQG FDOOHG IRU )DWKHU Prislopsky, who said he would be there in about thirty minutes. The secretary had a pot of Chase and Sanborn coffee going and offered us each a steaming cup, straight black. Father 3ULVORSVN\ VKRZHG XS LQ KLV VWUHHW FORWKHV D ¿QHO\ WDLORUHG SLQVWULSH VXLW DQG EODFN highly shined shoes. Lacking a beard at that time, he looked more like a typical American EXVLQHVVPDQ WKDQ D 5XVVLDQ 2UWKRGR[ SUHODWH ,W WRRN KLP DERXW ¿YH PLQXWHV WR JHW VHWWOHG LQ for the day; and then the secretary conducted us into his study. Alexander introduced Mike and I as his “dear American friends” to the pastor; and then explained his situation in the language of Mother Russia; so Mike and I had no idea of what he told the reverend about his adventures in outer space, if he even mentioned that at all. Previous to the meeting with Father Prislopsky, Alexander feared that the minister might think he was a Soviet spy. During the meeting, Alexander was elated as the pastor pointed out a Kadachev family on the church membership rolls, all members in good standing and living right there on Cleveland’s 145
Lady Columba Venus Revelations east side. The patriarch of the Cleveland Kadachev family was named Alexey. His wife was named Lana, which means “Light” in Russian; and they had one ten year-old daughter named $NVLQ\D ZKLFK VLJQL¿HV ³VWUDQJHU´ RU ³IRUHLJQHU ´ $NVLQ\D ZDV VR FKULVWHQHG VLQFH VKH ZDV WKH ¿UVW WR EH ERUQ LQ WKLV VWUDQJH QHZ ODQG RI $PHULFD )DWKHU Prislopsky informed Alexander WKDW KH NQHZ WKH IDPLO\ ZHOO DQG WKDW $OH[H\ DQG /DQD ¿UVW DUULYHG LQ 'HWURLW IURP Kaliningrad sometime in the late 1940s as part of an automobile worker exchange program. Alexey and his wife were supposed to go back to Kaliningrad at the expiration of their contract; but made their way to Cleveland in 1950 where they applied for political asylum and were immediately granted it. The pastor allowed Alexander to use his phone while he dialed Alexey’s home phone number for him. Lana picked up the phone and explained that Alexey was still at work in the Ford plant, but that she would call him at his lunch break and tell him to drive by and pick Alexander up at the church on his way home. Alexander would be well received and welcomed as long lost family in a splendid reunion. Alexander could live with his American family and they would help him become an American citizen. In Father Prislopsky’s study we all embraced. Mike and I left Alexander in the care of the good priest. Mike then took me shopping at Halle’s department store on Euclid Avenue in downtown Cleveland to buy some new footwear and clothing. I checked into a downtown hotel for the night to get freshened up; and then in the morning Mike picked me and walked me over to the Cleveland Union Terminal to catch the train running on the Southwest Chief route, which made a stop in my hometown of Williams, Arizona, just 35 miles west of Flagstaff in Coconino County.
Chapter XII: The Advanced Civilization on Venus
Original artwork from Keller Venus Files by Lady Columba, 1961, depicts Lord Dysmas, the Regent of Venus, dispatching avatars to Earth.
“The Divine Essence of all Life cannot be in any one form because it is in all forms in ever more conscious states of activity the higher we go on the scale of evolution.” —Lady Columba to the Cosmic Ray, January 2013 in the Cyther Dome, City Azure on the planet Abejar Sometime following my physical death on 9 April 1998, I found myself awoken inhabiting a new ethereal body on the back side of the Moon in the most beloved Clarion Base. My HWKHUHDO HVVHQFH ZDV FORWKHG ZLWK D JDUPHQW RI QHZ ÀHVK HVSHFLDOO\ UHFRQVWLWXWHG IURP P\ own siphoned but reinforced DNA shortly before my last Earth incarnation had expired. In January of 2013 C.E., as the passing of time is denoted on your planet, I met up with the editor of this book, the Cosmic Ray, at ceremonies in the Cyther Dome on Venus commemorating the ascension of Queen Mazu of Abejar to the Great Central Sun and the election of Lady Orda as the new queen in the physical densities of that sister planetary realm. The following are my perceptions of the advanced civilization on Abejar, the planet you call Venus: Advanced Venusian Teachings The &\WKHU 'RPH LQ $]XUH LV EXW RQH H[DPSOH RI WKH W\SH RI IDFLOLW\ RQH ¿QGV LQ HYHU\ major Venusian city. Known as “Temples of Truth,” these are all circular, gold-plated on the outside and studded with glistening, rainbow-colored glass stones, thus creating a jeweled effect. Inside, large living four-dimensional presentations of spiritual import seem to jump out from the very walls. There is a live transmission from sub-space depicting a four-dimensional 147
Lady Columba Venus Revelations view of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from overhead, with its octaves of time accelerated tremendously so its spin can be observed and admired by all visitors. This is projected onto the domed ceiling. From its apex is suspended an inverted aluminum pyramid that draws down cosmic energy to a throne directly beneath. Anyone sitting here for even a few moments would be rejuvenated both mentally and physically, and uplifted spiritually. On the roof of the temple was another, even larger inverted pyramid, bringing down the white light of truth from the eternal Cosmos and breaking it up into the more powerful colored rays of illumination and wisdom. During the joyous services that are conducted in this sacred place, there are thirteen windows in the dome that are opened up to permit the entrance of the large bees that are the original inhabitants of Abejar. These EHHV DUH RQ DYHUDJH DERXW ¿YH IHHW ORQJ ZLWK D JLUWK RI about one-and-a-half feet. Once the bees enter the temple, they join the humans in a type of waggle GDQFH +HUH WKH KXPDQV SHUIRUP GDQFHV LQ VWDWHO\ UK\WKPV DQG ÀXRUHVFHQW YHLOV WKDW glow under the ultraviolet light that streams in from the open window bays. If this light is VWURQJ HQRXJK LW PDNHV WKH GDQFLQJ ¿JXUHV VHHP WR GLVDSSHDU EXW LQ VXFK D PDQQHU WKDW RQO\ WKH ÀRZLQJ VWUHDPHUV PDNH FRORUIXO GHVLJQV LQ WKH DLU $OO RI WKLV ZDV DFFRPSDQLHG E\ WKH ORXG buzzing of the bees, along with silver-toned organ music. When I attended with the ceremony in the Cyther Dome at Azure with the Cosmic Ray and Lady Orda, I listened to a sermon through which our consciousness was expanded by a wider, mental vista. It was like looking at life through the intellectual telescopes of our more highly evolved space brothers and sisters. Lord Dysmas, the Regent of Abejar, relayed a message from the Ascended Masters of Kolob that was listened to by all with respectful attention. Lord Dysmas, with a silvery, resonant voice, began: “Greetings, dear Confederation friends: “We rejoice in the privilege of bringing to those who rejoice in new truths, whatever store of ZLVGRP ZH KDYH DFKLHYHG VR IDU 2XU ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU¶V 'LYLQH (VVHQFH LV GLIIXVHG WKURXJKRXW the Omniverse, expressing in more concentrated form in the galaxies. The all-encompassing love of the Christ is sent forth on beams of light to the core of the Great Central Sun, around which the galaxies revolve. From there, it is relayed to the Kolob at the heart of own galaxy and then, from there, to the various suns of the countless solar systems. This even extends to the proton core suns of the atoms, in the microcosm. The power of Divine Intelligence, Will and Love is behind it all, activating the atomic building blocks of all material manifestations. Our increasing, concentrated connection with the Divine Essence brings progressive spiritual enlightenment and the blossoming of our highest potentialities. “No matter your solar system of origin, your sun or group of suns is the source of everything connected with its family of planets. That is the meaning of the Sun symbol on every altar. We are all crystallized forms created by this Solar Power. Therefore, the Sun is WKH WUXHVW UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI WKH ,Q¿QLWH &UHDWRU RI DOO VXQV +RZ HOVH FDQ ZH UHSUHVHQW VXFK LQFRPSUHKHQVLEOH LQ¿QLWXGH WR RXU ¿QLWH PLQGV" ³7KH ,Q¿QLWH 3RZHU RI /LIH WKXV VXFFHVVLYHO\ VWHSSHG GRZQ LQ IUHTXHQF\ LV UDGLDWHG through each sun to every planet around it. All planets have some kind of atmosphere, no matter how attenuated. This generates some amount of heat when the solar vibrations strike it. Each atmosphere is elective, admitting some rays while screening out others, according to its inhabitants’ evolutionary needs. The way they live either brings in, through their activated
Raymond Andrew Keller II JODQGXODU V\VWHP RU VFUHHQV RXW WKURXJK JODQGXODU DWURSK\ VWURQJHU LQÀX[ RI 'LYLQH /LIH to accelerate their spiritual evolution. Nothing ever stands still, but is constantly either regenerating or degenerating. “There is more than one Solar Logos, but only one leader in the spiritual aspect of each sun. The Solar Logoii receive more and higher spiritual powers, according to their capacities, from the higher Galactic Solar Logoii, in the Kolob of each galaxy. They, in turn, receive even higher spiritual powers, also in the Great Central Sun in the center of our universe. All the galaxies revolve around that tremendous black sun, in immense orbits of millions of light years, insofar as Terrans compute special distances. “According to the Earth’s book of Genesis, the gods (Elohim) declared: ‘Let us make man in our own image,’53 which does not mean physically, but only as to logical reason, egoconsciousness and intelligence, independent of inborn animal instinct, and the capacity for pure, impersonal love, as distinct from the personal instinctive kind. “The Solar Logoii in each solar system can take on, by ensouling or overshadowing the different human or humanoid forms on each inhabited planet, when they have evolved to the point where they can provide the right kind of embodiment and respond to such higher LQÀXHQFHV E\ UDLVLQJ consciousness into higher octaves. Their teachings are attuned to the evolutionary status of the recipients at any given time. “Meat is not given to babes until they have grown strong enough to digest it.”54 %\ PHDW , PHDQ WKH GHHSHU WUXWKV PRUH GLI¿FXOW WR understand and cultivate. “Independent thinkers are the forerunners of progress to which the masses catch up with in time. The exalted consciousness of being sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father-Mother, insofar as we can partake of the Divine Spiritual Essences, makes us, more or less, gods and goddesses. This avoids the wrong kind of humility, which depreciates this possibility instead of stretching up to claim it. “The souls that transit the Sun,55 or Suns in some cases, are the most highly evolved in each solar system, drawn from the various planetary schools they have graduated from. Acquiring tremendous powers through the proper use of the powers initially granted them for their accumulated acts of kindness, which are radiated from the visible part of the Sun, sustains all planets. This helps their less-evolved brothers and sisters come into a fuller bloom through a PRUH UHVSRQVLYH UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKH ,Q¿QLWH “The Divine Essence of All Life cannot be in any one form, because it is in all forms, in ever more conscious states of activity the higher we go on the scale of evolution. The principle of high spiritual love is the very hub upon which life in any form takes place. It is the cohesive power, expressing its harmony as the attractive force between protons, neutrons, ions and electrons. It is the Directive Intelligence56 which wills that the combinations are just right to produce this 53 Genesis 1:26 (KJV) 54 1 Corinthians 3:21 (paraphrase) 55 See Joseph Smith, Book of Abraham, Facsimile Number 2, Figure 5 explanation, in Pearl of Great Price, (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013 edition): “This planet receives its SRZHU WKURXJK WKH PHGLXP RI .OL ÀRV LV HV RU +DK NR NDX EHDP WKH VWDUV UHSUHVHQWHG E\ QXPEHUV DQG 23, receiving light from the revolutions of Kolob.” Reference is made here to a tunnel of light that allows for the passing of higher celestials to a planet in orbit around a great black star haloed in light at the galactic core (the Kolob). (Accessed 16 April 2020). 56 1 John 4:8: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is Love.” (KJV) 149
Lady Columba Venus Revelations or that form. Divine Power keeps them whirling around a central core, from the atom up to the universe, including all varieties of expression everywhere, in vortices, dimensions, levels, planes, wavelengths, etc. Oh, Glorious Creator, it is marvelous in our sight!” Much more was revealed by Lord Dysmas and other Celestials on that day of Queen Mazu’s ascension to the Kolob concerning the path of eternal progression and the missions that our brothers and sisters of Venus and other planets in the vast Pleroma are now carrying out on Earth and other more distant worlds in poignant need of their assistance. Until we meet again, remember to work for social justice, study the words of the Avatars sent among you, and meditate on the glories of God, Who is the Author of All Good, and the Holy Angels.
Acknowledgements Many thanks are extended to Major George Filer, USAF, Ret., editor of Filer’s Files; Michael A. LaRiche of the Northeast Ohio Coast-to-Coast A.M. Radio Discussion Groups; Barbara Jean Lindsey, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Oracle” of Contact in the Desert; Jeff Hutchinson of Valiant Thor’s Inner Circle in Las Vegas, Nevada; Shari Lynn, creator of the Cosmic Healing Discs; Luis Mostajo Maertens, the Bolivian contactee; Omnec Onec, the Ambassador from Venus; Robert Potter of the Promise Revealed in Mt. Shasta, California; Lon Strickler, host of Arcane Radio; Ross Weidler, director of the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Paranormal Search organization and countless others too numerous to list here, but all members of the Venusian Angel Force working to bring needed illumination to the inhabitants of the Earth. In the light of Venus! Lady Columba and Cosmic Ray 20 July 20
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Index Symbols 122.500 MHZ 95 1984 99 2063 C.E. 103
Archangel Michael Orthodox Church 145 Arctic 78, 79 Arcturans 60 Area 51 12 artificial satellites 36 Asteria 10, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 123, 127, 129, 132,
133, 134, 142
Abejan(s) 22, 23, 32, 33, 35, 41, 32, 72, 91
asteroids 51, 52, 53, 57, 62, 65, 98
Abejar 13, 19, 22, 34, 36, 38, 63, 65, 66, 93,
Atlantean 54
147, 148
Atlantis 51, 53, 54, 100, 106, 109, 114, 129
Aboard a Flying Saucer 15
atomism 76
Adamski, George 32, 34, 50, 55, 131, 144
Aura Rhanes 6, 41, 64, 65, 66, 90, 96
Adventures of Superman 56
auric formations 27
Agartha 54, 55
axis-shift 105
Akashic Record 12 Akron, Ohio 134, 135, 140, 143, 145 Al-An 96
Aldebaran 54, 65 Alexander Kadachev 1, 94, 131 Alpha-Proxima Centauri 60 Alternate Perceptions 72 Altoona, Pennsylvania 42 Americans 50, 68, 76, 85, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 97, 102, 115, 131 Andes Mountains 142 Andy Griffith Show 139 Ansari, Anousheh 72 Antarctic 78, 79 anti-gravity belts 56 Anunnaki 54, 117 Apostle John 107, 110 152
Back to the Future II 115 Baltic Sea 94 Barrios, Dolores 56 BBC Science Focus Magazine 95 Beaufort, North Carolina 74 Bedford, Ohio 136, 137, 138, 141, 144, 145 bees 36, 54, 56, 57, 148 Bethany, Virginia 42 Bethurum, Truman 15, 32, 44, 144, 145 Betts, Gay 34 Bhagavad Gita 124 Bible 22, 30, 54, 101, 129 Biefeld-Brown Effect 75
Bigfoot 139
Cleveland Plain Dealer 135
Binder, Otto 56, 129
Cleveland Ufology Project 10, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 144, 145
Blackett, P. M. S. 51 Blue Planet 91, 99, 101, 102
Confederation of Planets 69, 91, 95, 96, 100
blue-skinned gods 48
consciousness 11, 18, 24, 26, 61, 66, 79, 81, 113, 120, 124, 148, 149
Book of Abraham 149 Book of Enoch 117
Constable, Trevor James 24
Book of Life 12
Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure 3, 27, 33, 56, 65
Book of Revelations 105 Boring, Wayne 82
Cosmodrome 50, 91, 92
“Breath of Life” 124
Cramp, Leonard G. 75
“Brother Philip” 142
criminal and gang activities 22
Buddha 47
Cyther Dome 147, 148
Campbell, Alexander 42
dance 125, 148
Carter, June 15
Danny Thomas Show 139
Cash, Johnny 15
Darjeeling, India 143
Cayce, Edgar 68
Dayton, Ohio 136
Ceres 52, 53
Deimos 36
Chang’e 4 95
Dero 53, 54
Childers, Lee 31
Dimension X 26
China 95, 104, 129
Divine Poem of Dante Alighieri 43
Chinese 115
Dixie Garrett 33
Christian socialist message 119
DNA 11, 41, 147
Clarion 6, 9, 11, 41, 42, 44, 45, 62, 63, 64, 65,
Dream of the Blue Turtles album 37
66, 82, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
dust particles 94
97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 104, 131, 132, 147 Clarionite(s) 42, 93, 94, 97, 99 classrooms 99, 123 Cleveland, Ohio 10, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146
Earth 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
fallen angels 51
20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
“falling stars” 107
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48,
Fate magazine 144
49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
Ferrebee, Wayne 17
62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76,
Flaxman, John 43
77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus 53, 87
88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
Flying Saucer Review 31
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109,
Flying Saucers Are Watching Us 129
110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
Flying Saucers from Outer Space 30
119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 128, 129, 130,
Flying Saucers on the Attack 30
131, 132, 133, 142, 147, 149, 150, 151
force field 20, 25, 26, 27, 34, 37, 73, 74, 79, 84, 115
Earth Four 6, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 123, 127 Earthling(s) 9, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29,
force fields 25, 26, 27, 30, 115 Frantz, Anna 13
30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 42, 44, 54, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 81, 83, 86, 87, 98, 99, 100, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 128, 129
Earth One 103, 105, 106, 111, 114, 118
Gagarin, Yuri 76, 131
Earth Zone 99, 101, 102
Galactic Federation of Light 53
Ebb and Flow 97
Galactic Federation of Planets 34
Elohim 149
Galileo 87, 123
El Sello del Dragon 111
Ganesha 64
Eris 52
Garrett, Dixie,
Etheric Double 27
Garrett, Pal,
ethics 127
garudas 38
Euro-Asian Union of Soviet Socialist
Genesis 117, 128, 129, 149
Republics 103 Exeter 18
Geophysical Year 70, 77, 78, 81 Giant Rock 24, 32, 90 Gnaddenhutten, Ohio 10, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144 God Talks with Arjuna 124 Gorbachev, Mikhail 77
Grail probes 97, 98
International Geophysical Year 77, 78, 81
Grand Central Sun 60, 80, 118
Interplanetary Confederation 9, 61, 63, 116
gravitational anomalies 97
Interplanetary Federation 31
gravity 19, 22, 25, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 47, 53,
Interspace Link 101
56, 60, 65, 75, 79, 92, 97, 98, 124
Isis 10, 18, 35, 90, 91, 92, 95, 98, 127, 132, 133, 134, 142
“greasers” 27 Great Red Spot 67 “Great Soul, The,” green fireballs 24, 68, 107
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 13
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 50, 65 Jetsons 9, 17, 45, 112 Joddrel Bank radio telescope 50 Jovian moons 64
Jupiter 23, 50, 51, 53, 67, 121, 123
Hannavos 63 Haumea 52 H-bombs 81 Heritage Library, London, United Kingdom 43 Hierarchy of Light 5, 7, 23, 28, 31, 37, 41, 91, 117, 142
K Kaliningrad 94, 95, 98, 119, 146 Kaliningrad Oblast 94 Keller, Dr. Raymond A. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13, 27,
Hindu(s) 48
33, 34, 46, 48, 54, 64, 87, 96, 100, 135,
Human Atmosphere 26, 27
138, 147
hurricane-force winds 105
Keyhoe, Major Donald E. 30, 136 Kilner screens 27 King, George 34, 107, 110, 116, 122 Klushantsev, Pavel 90 Kolob 60, 148, 149, 150
Krebs, Dr. Stanley Le Fevre 5, 11, 13, 72, 112,
imperialist exploitation 119 Inner Earth 55
126 Krypton 82
Institute of Astrophysics of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences 50 international distress frequency 95 155
Menger, Howard 50, 144
Lady Orda 31, 32, 33, 147, 148 Lake Erie 134 Large Hadron Collider 103, 104 LaRiche, Michael A. 135, 136, 144, 145, 151 Law of Relativity 61 Lawson’s Dairy 143 Leave it to Beaver 127 Lee, Gloria 31, 90, 91
Mercury 9, 52, 59, 60, 98 Metrons 63, 82, 91, 100, 109 militarization 28, 90, 97 Milky Way Galaxy 54 missile launch platform 28 Mobius strip 55 Mojave Desert 44 Moon, the 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19, 25, 27, 28, 29, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49,
Legion of Superheroes 56
54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
Lemuria 51, 53, 54, 100, 106, 114, 129
78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
Lemurian(s) 54, 114
92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102,
Leo 64
107, 116, 117, 131, 147
Lord Dysmas 147, 148, 150 Lord Krishna 124 Lord Vishnu 49 Los Angeles International Airport 90 Lovell, Professor Sir Bernard 50, 51 Lucifer 51 Lunarian(s) 9, 41, 44, 48, 93 Lunar Tower 9, 45
Morning Star 51 Morrow, Jeff 18 Moscow Radio 90 Mostajo Maertens, Luis Fernando 111, 151 mothership(s) 57, 60, 132, 133 Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) 136, 141
M Makemake 52 Maldek 23, 50, 51, 53, 66, 67 Mare Crisium crater 28 Mars 9, 23, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 48, 50, 51, 53, 56, 66, 67, 83, 98, 102, 112 Martian(s) 31, 36, 37, 39, 41, 65, 129 mascons 97, 98, 102 mass concentrations 97 Melosh, Jay 97, 98 156
“Moon Girl” 63
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 36, 39, 50, 51, 97, 98 National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) 136 National Investigations Committee on UFOs 101 Native American tribes 65 Neff, Earl J. 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 144, 145
Nephilim 117
Polaris 77, 79, 142
New Age 5, 10, 13, 24, 85, 91, 105, 113, 116,
polarity 73, 84
118, 120, 123, 125, 130, 137
Prince Neosom 31
Nibiru 117
Prislopsky, Father Vladimir 145, 146
Norca 35, 37, 56
Project A119 87, 88, 132
Norcan(s) 35, 36, 38, 64
Project E-4 88 Project LUNA 131 Project MOON 86
“psychic telephone” 121 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Old Testament 47, 53, 117
Operation PAPERCLIP 84, 88 Orthon 34 Orwell, George 99 Osiris 18
oxygen 20, 66, 74, 80, 83
quark(s) 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 114, 116, 119
ozone layer 81
quark bomb(s) 103, 105, 107, 109, 114, 116, 119 P
Queen Mazu 147, 150
Palm Springs, California 69
Queqiao 95
Queen of Outer Space 31, 56
Paradise, California 33, 118 particle accelerator 103 Pearl of Great Price 149
People’s Republic of China 95
radioactive fallout 38, 97
perimeter domes 95
radioactivity 32, 37, 68, 78, 81, 107
Phaeton 23
Ranger probes 97
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 13, 23, 142
Reagan, President Ronald 77
Phobos 36
Red Planet 9, 31, 37, 38, 39
planetoids 36, 52, 65
Reiffel, Dr. Leonard 88
Pleiades 54, 65
Rigby, Sara 95
Pleiadian(s) 60
Rowena 63, 64, 116
Pluto 52, 65, 83
Russia 44, 70, 82, 99, 104, 129, 131, 145
Plutonian 65
Russians 37, 50, 115 157
Stranger at the Pentagon 101
Sagittarius 81 Salizharovo Station 94 Sanders, Bernie 126, 137
Stranges, Dr. Frank E. 101 Strickler, Lon 31, 151 Sun, the 13, 23, 27, 32, 35, 36, 38, 45, 47, 50, 51, 56, 57, 59, 60, 68, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,
Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania 31
83, 84, 94, 107, 110, 111, 112, 118, 147,
Saturn 65, 69
148, 149
Saturn-class observation patrol craft 69 Scott, Willie 44
Supergirl 56, 129
Secretary of Peace 69 Setebos 65 Sino-American Alliance 103, 129 Social Security numbers 58 solar energies 24, 38, 45, 79, 112 Solar Hierarchy of Light 7, 37, 91 Solarians 23, 27, 33 Solar Logoii 149 Solar Logos 149 solar-orbiting rocket 83 Sons of God 51, 117, 129 Soviet Academy of Sciences 84, 95 Soviet News Agency (TASS) 83 Soviets 68, 76, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 92, 93, 131 Soviet space planners 28 Soviet Union 1, 37, 45, 50, 70, 77, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 102, 119, 131, 132, 133, 134 space friends 22, 31, 44, 57, 64, 116 Space, Gravity and the Flying Saucer 75 Space Leviathan 64 Spartacus 69 spirit worlds 121 Stantsiia Luna 90 Sting 37 158
T Taurus Sector 54 telepathy 12, 26, 33, 69, 120, 125 “Temples of Truth” 147 Terra 1, 2, 23, 27, 33, 35, 39, 42, 48, 53, 54, 56, 83, 84, 85, 87, 91, 92, 93, 100, 102 Terra Luna 35, 83, 85, 87, 91, 92, 93 Terran(s) 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 92, 93, 99, 149 “The Great Soul” 11 This Island Earth 18 Thomas, Andy 26, 42, 48, 75, 132, 139 time travelers 25 Trench, Brinsley Le Poer 31 Turtle Island 65 Tythan 31
90, 91, 96, 100, 101, 102, 111, 127, 142, 147, 150, 151
U-2 spy planes 84 UFO(s) 30, 36, 46, 68, 72, 74, 75, 94, 100,
Venusian(s) 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38,
101, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141,
39, 41, 44, 46, 48, 49, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60,
65, 66, 75, 88, 106, 109, 101, 111, 112,
UFO Investigator 136
119, 127, 132, 142, 147, 151
ufonauts 139, 141 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 24, 37, 50, 67, 76, 103 United States 12, 24, 27, 37, 39, 41, 45, 50, 51, 58, 67, 69, 70, 76, 77, 84, 85, 87, 88, 97, 125, 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 143 United States Air Force 12, 39, 88 University of Arizona at Tucson 11
Venusian Observation Ranger 33, 34, 38, 39 Venus Rising 1, 2, 13, 31, 34, 54 Verne, Jules 63 Victor fleets 70 Village of the Damned 137 Virgil 33 Vorton 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
Ural Mountains complex 91
39, 40, 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
Uranus 47, 52, 65
60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
urim and thummim 47
74, 76, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, V
120, 121, 123, 124, 127, 132, 133, 134,
Valiant Thor 70, 88, 101, 151
Valkyrie legend 54
Vostok 51, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 131
Vallee, Jacques 94
Vostok-K 91, 93, 95
Van Tassel, George 24, 32 Vast Venus Conspiracy 48, 100 vatic energy accelerator 42
Vega 79, 106 vegetable gardens 113 “veil-rending machine” 121 ventla 75, 91, 142 Venus 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 64, 65, 83, 85, 87,
Warren Light Center II 31 Welles, Orson 30 When Worlds Collide 81 Why We Are Here 91 Wilkins, Harold T. 30 Williams, Arizona 112, 119, 133, 146
Williamson, Dr. George Hunt 142 Wolf 359 64 World War III 106 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 136 WZAK Radio, 93.1 FM 138
Y Yeti 65 Yogananda, Paramahansa 124 Youth Power 138 Z Zond probes 45
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8/31/20 9:24 AM