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Extension To 2024 Initiatives And Draft Action Steps
Created Phi osophy on Teaching and Learning (PT&L). 2
Align Head-Royce’s K-12 curriculum and program to the NAIS 21st Century Competencies, which include critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and cultural competency. Adopted the Folio and Dan e son Frameworks to ensure objective metrics for the evaluat on process
Implemented project based learning throughout the div sions
In tiated process of evolv ng from AP Program to Honors courses in the US Re-examined and revamped curricular strands (math, anguage arts sc ence and soc al studies) to add nqu ry based elements in the LS
Re-examined Amer can History curriculum (LS, MS, US)
Examine 21st century Best Practices for Teaching and Learning; Refine and align with our current Philosophy on Teaching and Learning. Share our revised definition of academic rigor in terms of intellectual challenge vs. volume and load.
Incorporate civ c engagement sk lls that nc ude po it cal act on, human connection and env ronmental stewardsh p.
Cultivate K-12 programs and courses that expand options for choice, real-world problem solving and experiential learning.
Moved toward a common adoption of exper ent al earn ng with the creat on of the Philosophy on Teaching and Learning (PTL)
In tiate a reflect ve curr cu um audit process including a regular cycle for review at div sion/ department/grade evels; with associated updates where needed
Find specif c pathways to assess post-AP Honors and Capstone Courses
Explore ways to incorporate the princ ples from the AntiRacist Theory of Action and Immers ve C imate Assessment (ICA) nto curricular review cycles And extend these reflective pract ces and criteria to faculty evaluation
Created a trans tion plan in the US for the evolution from AP programs to Honors coursework. 3
Init ated pro ect-based earn ng approach to faculty professional development (PD)
Re-examine our K-12 assessment philosophy and methods in order to investigate forward-thinking measurements of academic and social competencies.
Broadened the definition of “assessment” in a var ety of ways
Create student-centered programming that offers more experiential learning.
Pi ot/develop an exper ential education session ( ntersession) for the Upper School
Created authentic learning opportunit es as assessments that are transferable to the rea world.
Offer Capstone programs in each d vision (at 5th/8th /12th grades)
Add outdoor and globa educat on components where prudent
Elevate project based experient al learn ng and offer addit ona training
Develop forward thinking measurements of academic success and social emotional outcomes. 3
Research and offer PD opportunit es in competency-based learning and grad ng for equity, and prov de the profess ona learning commun ty with clear definit ons
Examine tradit onal assessment tools to ensure that they al gn with and accurately measure our des red learning outcomes for students