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Promote equity by increasing institutional access, sustaining diversity and actively advancing a community of inclusion and belonging.
Diversity—one of the three core tenets of our mission—is essential to our identity as part of the larger Oakland and Bay Area community. We believe in the power of an intentionally diverse community where all are not only welcomed, but also belong. While we have put a considerable amount of focus in this area, we have more work to do to define what it means to be a community that promotes equity, inclusion and belonging, and encourages a range of ideas and perspectives. With a deep commitment to DEIB, we will examine and adjust our systems, practices and messaging to further deliver on our mission. In an ever-changing world, we celebrate that Head-Royce is a place where we are stronger and more connected because of our diversity, and where students will flourish in the larger world with tools to offer others because of their experience here. Our work in this area is critical for our students’ and our community’s future.
Bridge To 2022 Initiatives And Accomplishments
Created a Bias Incident Report and fo low up structure.
Analyze and improve our administrative practices, policies and programs to ensure equity and inclusion.
Enhance our K-12 curriculum and co-curricular programs to strengthen our commitment to equity and inclusion.
Trans tioned from APs to allow for the introduct on of more m ss on-aligned and relevant courses
Rev sed “Use of Offensive Language“ policy
Formalized structures to support Affinity Spaces for adults and students
Implemented Folio and Danielson to systematically grow and evaluate faculty.
Created and adopted standards to guid our principles of practice in: DEI M ss on Statement, PTL, Department-specif c Mission Statements and Learn ng for Justice Standards.
Designed the Anti-Racist Pedagogy Theory of Action and Text Select on Tool as frameworks to support our curr cu ar work
Promote our core values of diversity, equity and inclusion through effective storytelling and communication within and beyond the Head-Royce community.
Rev sed the DEI Mission Statement
Developed the DEI 10-Point Action Plan Implemented the Be ong ng Survey.
Wrote departmental anguage covenants.
Developed department Mission Statements as guiding documents Launched the Belonging newsletter.
Create a sequenced and stipulated DEIB curr culum to onboard various stakeholders
A ign PD around a foundationa vocabulary, a commitment to anti-racism, and building indiv dual and col ective sk lls to advance the mission and work
Identify the guiding documents required to review our curriculum and define the expectations for our PC and their evaluation. 2
Create studentcentered programming that offers more experiential learning.
Extension To 2024 Initiatives And Draft Action Steps
Move the School community towards cultural fluency and have a unified understanding of what it means to belong, including feeling seen, heard and respected in order to advance a more inclusive community.
Define clear expectat ons for DEIB work and develop a process to hold PC members accountable for engagement and growth. Build n t me and structure throughout the Schoo year and use Fol o as a collaborative tracking tool.
Create formal pathways for reflect on and conversation in affinity and across differences inside and outs de of the classroom.
Create and implement consistent protocols for restorative practices in the K-12 community.
Bolster structures that identify and address difficult experiences and issues 3
Interrogate our systems using an anti-racist lens, examining why we do what we do and who benefits or is left out
Use data and metrics to assess our pract ce and nform our decisions in support of DEIB initiatives (dashboard, surveys)
Seek opportunit es and support programs that keep commun ty members involved in and aligned with DEIB work on an ongoing basis
Define the work of various DEIB groups to ensure the right amount of overlap and ownersh p of this work (E&I Council Office of E&I, ADCO, Board DEI Committee).
Ensure that the Board and ADCO elevate and sustain the prior ty of anti-racism work
Lead with a commitment to antiracism with an emphasis and urgency to address the critical needs of the BIPOC community and regularly assess our practice and progress.