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The Great Race AYC
from 2020 MBSA Yearbook
1.1 Event: The Great Race will be held Saturday, September12, 2020. The organizing authorityis the Annisquam YachtClub (AYC).
Eligibility: The race is open to all boats with a PHRF certificate. Boats will be presumed to be competing under their Racing Rating unless theyhave either(1) registered as competing undertheirCruising Rating or (2)notified the AYC Race Committee of theirintention to competeundertheirCruising Rating. Said notification must be made priorto the warning signal. Boats competing undertheirCruising Rating maynotflya spinnakerorsimilarheadsail, exceptwhere specified otherwisebythe PHRF rules orsailing instructions. Failure to complywith this restriction will resultin disqualification.
2.2 Registration: Submitregistration form and entryfee to the AYC no later than 1200 hrs. Friday, September11, 2020.
2.3 Fees: Entryfee is $40, minus$5 for US Sailing Membershipand $5 for MBSAmembership.
Rules: This eventwill be governed bythe Mass BaySailing Association General Sailing Instructions exceptas changed by these EventSailing Instructions.
3.2 The use ofstored powerforthe adjustmentor operation of running rigging is allowed. This changes RRS 52.
Notices to Competitors: Notices will be posted on the AYC web site www.annisquamyc.org. Pleasecontactthe Race Committee on VHF Channel 68 with questions, starting at1000 hrs the dayofthe race. Priorto the dayof the race, please contactPaul Horovitz (racesail@annisquamyc.org or 978-283-4507).
Changes to Sailing Instructions: Anychanges to Sailing Instructions will be posted on the AYC website before 0900 hrs. on the dayofthe race.
7.2 Warning Signal: 1230 hrs. All boats (racing and cruising) will startatthe same signal and compete forthe same prizes.
Racing Area: Ipswich Bayand Cape Ann area in the vicinityof Annisquam and Rockport.
10.1 Course: The starting and finishing linewill be in the vicinity of the Annisquam Bell [RW “AR” Mo (A)]. The Race Committee will announcethe course on channel 68 priorto the race. As an example, in 2013, the course was from the Annisquam Bell around a moveablemarkapproximately1.0 nm north and westof HalibutPointto the Ipswich Whistle [RW “MR” Mo (A) WHIS] and backto the Annisquam Bell, twice ‘round.
Start: The Class flag is E.
14.2 Recalls: The Race Committee will use VHF Channel 68.
17.1 TimeLimit: Boats mustfinish within 5 hours afterthe firstwarning signal. The time limitmaybe extended bythe Race bythe Race Committeevia announcementon VHF Channel 68
17.2 Finish Window: 60 minutes afterthe firstboatto finish in the class.
19 Protests: Competitors mustinform the Race Committee at the finish line oftheirintentto protestand must receive acknowledgmentof said intentfrom the Race Committee. Protests mustbe filed on a protestform supplied bythe AYC within 30 minutes afterthe Race Committeeboatdocks.
24 Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the firstthreefinishers on corrected time at the AYC following the race. Post-RaceActivities: Chowderand refreshmentswill beserved in theAYCclubhouse. (In conformancewith the Club liquorlicense, members and guestsare prohibited from bringing beer, wine, orliquorontoClub premises.) ContacttheAYCin advanceifyou would like toreserveamooring, asavailabilityislimited.