How to Prevent Acne By Eating Delicious, Healthy Food
I will be giving you information on Acne. I will also discuss an alternative remedies to these treatments that can yield the same if not better results without the side effects. I will give you some of the ways a healthy diet may aid in your journey to a pain-free life. To see the remainder of this article along with further product reviews, and a copy of our free report, please visit our website at
Acne Acne is as we know are infected, raised, white and red bumps on the skin that over-produces sebum which causes a blockage and occurs usually during hormonal or stressful periods of our life. Other causes might be Genetics, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivity, emotional stress, poor digestion, and yeast overgrowth. Whatever the cause, these unsightly bumps are embarrassing and ugly and we will do whatever it takes to get rid of them. Thousands of dollars are spent by the individual yearly to try and eradicate these spots with no results when all the time the answer is usually hidden in what we eat. As we know we should stay away from fried and processed foods. We should follow a basic diet, eating lots of dark-green or orange vegetables which should be eaten slightly cooked or raw for best results. Here are some other helpful suggestions.
¼ cup of flaxseeds daily, taken with at least 8oz of water. Lots of protein in the form of beans, peas, lentils, eggs and lots of fresh water fish like salmon and mackerel. Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and almonds are good sources Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Water, Water, Water and more Water!! Note: If you are using a topical cream or taking antibiotics, be sure to stock up on some unsweetened yogurt which will replenish what the antibiotics are taking away.
We talked a little above about what not to eat but here are some other helpful suggestions of what to stay away from…..
NO soda’s candy or refined grains. These are very toxic choices for a snack or desert. NO added sugar and avoid sweet-n-low or other sweeteners. Well, here it is again…… No dairy, what, sugar or chocolate and corn. No fried foods, No saturated and hydrogenated fats. Avoid Alcohol. Limit meat products Keep eye on caffeinated products, if they give you a problem then you should discontinue them…
These are just a few of our suggestions and a more detailed description of some of the treatments of Acne can be found on our website along with a product line of remedies. Look better feel better. Eliminate black heads and pimples. Remove scars and acne marks. To get more information on this clinically proven holistic skin system, please visit our acne section!!