Holistic Remedies www.TheHealingFactor.com “Alternative Medicine to Several of Today’s Common Conditions” A Plan for the Future
Common cold Flu
Arthritis Allergies
Anxiety Acne
Neuropathic or natural medicine, with the first founding college in 1902 in New York City, is the system of medicine that focuses on prevention of illness and the use of nontoxic natural therapies. It encompasses the healing wisdom of countries such as India, China, and Greece.
It is based on these 7 principles 1. Do No Harm. 2. Nature has healing powers. Neuropathic physicians believe that with proper ingredients, the body has the power to heal itself. 3. Identify and treat the cause not the symptom. 4. Treat the whole individual, not just the impaired or affected area. 5. The Physician is a teacher. 6. Prevention is the best cure. 7. Establish health and wellness. In today’s rising economy, the high cost of pharmaceuticals alone is enough to make people shy away from traditional medicine and seek a more holistic view to health. The real reason we should encompass these new ideas is that it focuses on diet, lifestyle, preventative measure and how the patient is feeling. Holistic medicine treats the body as a whole and not as a part. We as informed individuals also can see that often times a trip to the doctor may fix one problem only to create another one, or maybe it only decreases and not stops your symptoms. Don’t get me wrong, a physical exam, diagnostic testing and antibiotics will always serve as the cornerstone for all medicine. The old thought was that the human body functioned much like a machine and if you just fixed the damaged part you could restore full
functionality. The new focus is on the interconnectedness of body mind, emotion and social factors, and that you must treat the whole body which will cure the underlying cause. Another impression that many people get is that by taking a holistic approach that you are firing your doctor completely. A physician is a teacher and should listen to what you have to say as a whole. He or she should never dictate what you should do (surgery or invasive procedures) but rather listen to your view point and offers alternatives for what you as an individual chooses as a treatment plan. YOU ARE THE BOSS!!!! and you are in charge of all your health care choices. All that being said, in each section we will discuss several types of therapy. You can try one, some or all of these therapies until you reach your goal. There are also four life changes you will need to promote to achieve complete health. Understand that this is a way of living and not a pill you can take to make it all go away. To achieve complete health you must change your mind and lifestyle….. this is not going to happen in a day or even a week but you can feel results in that amount of time if you are consistent. You should not try to change all at once but you should do the most that you can now and then slowly over time incorporate the rest. 1. A Positive Mental Attitude- Be a optimist not a pessimist. A Healthy mind is the cornerstone to a Healthy Body. 2. Healthy Diet- Examples and Descriptions will be given in it’s own section. 3. Healthy Lifestyle- Quit Smoking, Exercise as much as possible and get plenty of rest. 4. Supplements- Take one high quality multiple-vitamin- mineral supplement a day, Take extra antioxidants and take q tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. 5. Exercise- Yes this was mentioned earlier but is so important that I thought I would give it it’s own category. The more of these smaller daily exercises, breathing, posture, body work, and range of motion exercises, the better.
A Positive Mental AttitudeTry a Self Help Book or positive reinforcement daily devotional to help keep your spirits positive. There is growing evidence that your thoughts and habitual thinking and emotions can largely determine your level of health and the quality of your life. If you think negative, you will get negative and vice versa. A positive mental attitude is absolutely essential to living life to the fullest. I understand that we cannot change these habits in a day and learning to think positive for some of us is like trying to climb a mountain with all of today’s up’s and down’s but it is found that healthy individuals are motivated towards self fulfillment or call to fate or destiny. A healthy individual will strive, learn and grow pride and self respect from that learning and will therefore be happier and have a more positive attitude toward life. Because he is happy, he is more healthy.
Healthy DietTruth be known, while our gastrointestinal tract is able to digest both animal and plant foods, the fact is that we are able to digest plant foods easier. Our teeth are also built to crush more so than to tear and our mouth only has 4 carnivorous teeth out of a total of 28, the rest and meant for grinding and crushing plants, fruits and vegetables. A Plant based diet is low in saturated fat, and high in fiber and essential fatty acids and is also high in antioxidant nutrients and phyto-chemicals. With that in mind, you diet should look something like this…… 1. High Fiber, you should be getting a fiber intake of 25 to 35 grams daily. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Carrots, Potato w/skin, Zucchini, Baked Beans, and Dried cooked peas, kidney or lima beans are all good sources of fiber. Green leafy vegetables and yellow-orange fruits and vegetables will give you the best benefits. Bran cereals are also very high in fiber. These also help fight against cancer, heart disease and stroke. 2. Reduce Fat Intake, the fact is that we should only eat a total of 30% of our total calorie intake should be fat. Eating more plant foods which contain Linoleic and linolenic acid which are essential fatty acids (prostaglandins) can not only provide energy to the body but can also protect against cancer, arthritis, heart disease, skin diseases and more. A good comparison would be the difference a Good Sirloin Steak w/ fat or a piece or pork sausage would yield a fat content of 83% where as a piece of Salmon would only yield 49% vs. a serving of Asparagus would only yield 13%. Also avoid trans-fatty acids, like margarine and shortening which is made from hydrogenating vegetable oil. Trans-fatty acids interfere with the ability to utilize essential fatty acids, raise the bad cholesterol and lower the protective qualities of the good cholesterol. They are also associated with causing types of cancer, including breast cancer. 3. Eliminate the Intake of Refined Sugars, Corn or maple syrup, honey, or white grape concentrate are all types of refined or simple sugars which is harmful to blood sugar control and have a negative effect on a person’s mood and premenstrual syndrome. Try staying away from ingredients like sucrose, glucose, maltose, lactose, and fructose. This is an indication that extra sugar has been added. 4. Lower your Salt and increase your potassium intake, try keeping your sodium intake under 1800mg daily. Try using a salt substitute. 5. Water, Water, Water and more water……….. 6. Eat Fresh produce when possible.
Let’s take a look at how pesticides or waxing will affect your body and your food. EPA has identified sixty-four pesticides are cancer causing compounds and nation Research Council found that 80% of those cancer causing pesticides is due to 13 pesticides that are widely used on the foods we eat every day. If someone told you that a farmer in this country is healthier than someone who worked at a desk job, would you believe them? Of course, we see farmers as hard working, healthy eating, lots of fresh air and sunshine kind of persons. The fact is that because of the pesticides they use on these foods and because they are in such close proximity to those pesticides, they are more likely to be ill or die of cancerous cells somewhere in their body. It has been shown over 50 different pesticides are used on broccoli or bell peppers and twice as many on apples. These pesticides penetrate the entire fruit or vegetable and cannot be washed off. Waxing is a procedure done in stores to help keep fruits and vegetables fresher and looking better for longer periods. Sounds harmless? These waxes are made with the same ingredients as are in many furniture, car and floor waxes. The above listed formula is your base line plan for good health. You should always follow these principles and suggestions when thinking about getting healthier. Now let’ discuss some of today’s most common conditions that cause us pain and illness today. I will give you the additional supplements you should incorporate into your diet anytime one of these illness’s rear’s its ugly head. You may also consider other supplements. Dosage amounts suggested in this report are recommended by the author’s of “Prescription for Natural Cures, revised edition”, James F Balch, M.D., Mark Stengler, N.M.D. and Robin Young Balch, N.D.
Arthritis The goal of treatment is to reduce pain and inflammation, improve function, and prevent further joint damage. To accomplish this we should step up our activity level through proper exercises, change our diet and add proper supplements. You may also try stress reduction activities and aromatherapy.
Turmeric (Indian Saffron)- 500mg, up to three times a day for inflammation of the joints and muscles. You may also try alternating heat and cold packs for more immediate relief. By reducing the inflammation, you will reduce the pain. Enroll or start a mild exercise program which concentrates on range of motion, isometrics and swimming. Fish Oil- A daily dose of 1.8mg of DHA and 1.2mg of EPA. 40mg Collagen per day- To help rebuild the cartilage. There are more than 25 types of collagens that naturally occur in the body. Collagen is one of the most plentiful proteins present in humans and it makes up about 25 percent of the total amount of proteins in the body. Some people refer to collagen as the glue that holds the body together. Without it, the body would, quite literally, fall apart.
An alternative to the Turmeric and Collagen which can also be effective is Glucosamine sulfate (1500mg daily) and chondroitin sulfate (600mg-1200mg daily). These are taken together and will produce the same effects.
One of these treatments is often a great supplement for minor arthritis pains where as a combination of treatments may be needed for Rheumatoid or other more debilitating of symptoms. Note: These are only a couple of the many holistic and homeopathic remedies. Others will be discussed in our website. Dietary Considerations: I would like to make a note hear that the more of these dietary changes you can make, the better you will be able to control your arthritis pain. Cut down on Red Meat, eggs, saturated fat, oily or fried foods, breads and pasta’s Alcohol and caffeine. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, and herring), flaxseed, rapeseed (canola) oil, soybeans, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts. Eat a high fiber diet full of raw fruits and vegetables, which contain important vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E. Asparagus, cabbage, garlic or onion is high in sulfur and one of these should be eaten every day. Broccoli and Cauliflower are good for inflammation WATER!!!! WATER!!!! WATER!!!! What more can I say………. The more the better.
Allergies: Allergies can be caused from most anything, mold, dust, pollen from trees or flowers, animal fur, insect bites, household chemicals and more. The excess of mucus can be caused by a poor diet and even stress can bring allergies on. We Recommend: Increase your whole grains. Increase you intake of fresh vegetables and fruits to help with detoxification. You might try a 3 day vegetable juice fast for best results.
Cold pressed oils and raw seeds and nuts. You will need to increase your lean protein such as seafood and tofu. Drink all the water you can. This will reduce mucus secretions. Take flaxseed or flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation, 2 tablespoons every day.
We do not recommend: Dairy products, fried foods or processed foods, refined flours, chocolate and eggs. Cut down on fats and oils and trans-fatty acids. Also stay away from refined flours or processed foods. Increase Fiber intake, raw fruits and vegetables. There are many cures for allergies. Listed below you will find a complete list of remedies. You should pick one and if you don’t see improvement within three days discontinue and reevaluate your symptoms and try something else. Within this particular list of possible remedies you should incorporate a dosage of 2/30C twice daily. Again, only choose one remedy for three days before trying another. Also stop taking remedy as soon as you experience relief. Allium Cepa- You have Burning, watery eyes and a runny nose. Your symptoms feel better outside in the open air. Euphrasia- can be taken if your experiencing burning and teary, red eyes. You can also use Eye-Bright, 5 drops ratio to ½ ounce saline for your irritated eyes. Apply twice daily. Sabadilla- Take this is you suffer from repeated sneezes and runny nose. Histaminum- Your experiencing normal allergy symptoms which have a sudden onset. Natrum Muriaticum- Take this if you sneeze at the sun and get reoccurring cold sores. Craving salt might also be a concern for you. Silica- can be used when upper respiratory problems develop into infection, you feel irritable and tired. Nux Vomica- You may wake up sneezing and crave stimulants such as tobacco or sweets. Arsenicum Album- You will have burning eyes and constant runny nose causing red and sore irritation under the nose. You are sensitive and have many allergies. Lycopodium- For people with only one sided nasal congestion and throat issues. If you are in this category, you might also experience Bloating after meals. Pulsatilla- Do your allergies get worse in warm conditions and you have a lot of congestion at night. Stinging nettles – For Hay Fever.
I would also suggest taking 1,000mg of Vitamin C which is a natural antihistamine, three to five times daily. If this gives you diarrhea you can decrease the dosage or try taking Quercitin. Also Butterbur has been studied and found to be better than Allegra and comparable to Zyrtec. My other suggestion would be to take a hot bath with Chamomile or lavender to induce sweat and clean out toxins.
Common Cold Often times it is hard to tell the difference between the common cold and flu. They have almost all of the same symptoms yet a cold generally will stay in the head and neck producing all the normal signs such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, sore throat and loss of appetite where as the flu will be accompanied by body aches, fever, fatigue and sometimes nausea and vomiting, insomnia or depression as well. DO NOT Take over-the-counter medications. These medications suppress the immune systems attempt to flush the system and can actually cause you to be sick longer. Seems mama always new best and those old time remedies “starve a fever, feed a cold” are still the best around. Eat lightly- steamed vegetable, broth, soups for first few days of cold or flu symptoms. Don’t force yourself to eat., Drink lots of water- Keep your body well hydrated with lots of water and herbal teas (Ginger) every two hours and avoid juices which have refined sugar. Also a traditional grandma’s hot water with lemon, honey and cinnamon are good way to relieve stress, clean your system and clear your airways. Avoid milk and other dairy products as this will only make you feel worse. Vitamin C or Calcium- 1000mg three or four times daily unless it gives you diarrhea then decrease dosage. Get plenty or rest, use humidifier, gargle with salt water for sore throat and take short brisk walks when fever is gone. Keep sanitized or it will spread to friends and family.
Try some of these herbs for faster relief of cold and flu: Oregano Oil- 500mg, 4 times per day or every 6 hours. Elderberry- 10ml for adults and half of that for children three times a day or every eight hours. Probiotics have also been shown to prevent cold in children. This is also good for flu.
Garlic- Can be used daily for prevention of infection and to support immune system. Garlic is good for many other things as well and should be incorporated into your regular diet. Thymus extract also help immune system taken as directed. Astragalus is a great way to prevent the flu but should not be taken is you have a fever. Chinacea and goldenseal should be taken together.
Choose one of these that is the best match your cold symptoms: Ferrum Phosphoricum- When you feel a little sore throat, maybe a little flushed and feel a little run down. Natrum Muriaticum- you’re sneezing and have a thin clear or white discharge. You may have a cold sore developing and may be suffering from lingering headache. Gelsemium – When you’re really sick and you have chills, muscle aches and fatigue. Feel like you might have the flu. Pulsatilla- You Know you’re sick and want to be comforted and are producing yellow or green nasal mucus. Lack of thirst and warm but feels better outside.
Influenza or the Flu As stated above, many of the symptoms are the same as the cold and the treatment is the same except for some of the following herbs and remedies. Try some of these herbs and remedies for this acute infection or the upper respiratory system. Untreated or prolonged flu like symptoms can turn into pneumonia which can be fatal, especially in elderly, those with low immune systems and children. Again, lots of broth, tea but not black tea, water, steamed vegetables if you fell like eating. Take Vitamin C, try a hot-tottie and increase ginger onions and garlic, maybe add it to your soup. Astragalus is a great way to prevent the flu but should not be taken is you have a fever. Elderberry- 10ml for adults and half of that for children three times a day or every eight hours. Probiotics have also been shown to prevent cold in children. This is also good for flu.
Echinacea and goldenseal- can be taken as a combination of 500mg, four times daily for flu symptoms. Use both for mucus production and only Echinacea if you do not have signs of mucus. Oregano as shown above. Although there is no cure for the flu, and you must simply work through it, there is preventative measures that you can take when you first start feeling the symptoms. Try only one of these remedies at a time and change if you see no improvement after 3 days. Aconitum Napellus-This is to be taken within 4 hours of first symptoms. Try this for first 24 hours only. Brought on by dry, cold, weather. Arsenicum Album- Take this for a cold/flu combinations. You will feel extremely tired, anxious, restless and chilly. You may also crave something warm to soothe your throat. Belladonna- Flu symptoms come on suddenly and you have high fever. You feel flushed and warm but hands and feet are cold. Pupils may be dilated and you may experience a throbbing headache. Bryonia or- Flu with severe joint pain, Dry cough, Thirsty for caffeine and sugar drinks (soft drinks) and irritable. You don’t want to move, everything hurts and you need lots of love and attention. Eupatorium Perfolatum- Substitute this for Bryonia when there is a high fever present. Mercurius Solubilis or Vivus- You’re sensitive to hot and cold, feel like your tongue is thick but there is a lot of saliva production or drooling on pillow. The person may have bad breath. Nux Vomica- if you have a severe upset stomach, cramping and nausea. Rhus Toxicodendron- Very restless, extreme stiffness and warm packs help.
Anxiety Anxiety is a natural response to stress in our life. Your heart races due to a burst of adrenaline, your palms become sweaty, your dizzy, trembling and have a dry mouth. You might be constantly worried, have diarrhea, mood swings and can’t sleep or sleep to much. You may feel fatigued, have lost your appetite or suffer from high blood pressure. These are all symptoms of anxiety. Hope is not lost, these symptoms can be controlled with a combination of stress relief techniques. Further relief can come from dietary changes and herbal therapies which can have a serene and calming effect on your mood.
First however you need to make a trip to your doctor to rule out any underlying causes. Have your blood sugar, thyroid, and heart. Nutritional deficiency or clinical depression could also be the cause. Once these factors have been ruled out, try some of the following remedies. Next you need to cut out as much stress as possible. Shy away from caffeine, sugar (cakes, candies, chocolate), nicotine, black tea, alcohol and drugs. Try to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet as described above along with the following dietary suggestions. Plan well rounded small basic meals. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big meals. Eat Brown rice, oats of some type of whole grain every meal. Also increase your green leafy vegetables such as broccoli or lettuce, asparagus but NO SPINACH !, Also, soy beans, nuts, molasses, salmon, oysters, sardines, and unsweetened cultured yogurt can help keep you cool and collected.
Other stress reducers you may incorporate into your daily plan: Vitamin B6- 50mg once or twice daily. All B Vitamins help with reducing stress but B6 is the most important of these. Valerian- Strong nerve relaxer, when taking 300mg two or three times daily. This also helps with insomnia as well. Saint-John’s-Wort- Take 300mg three times daily for depression or anxiety. Ashwagandha is a stress hormone reducer. 250mg extract daily. Chromium 200mg two or three times a day to balance blood sugar levels. Inositol- 4 grams daily to help panic attacks. Chamomile and oatstraw are herbal tea flavors. Fish oil is important for a lasting treatment. Try one of the herbs for relief: 5-hydroxytryptophan- Do not take this in conjunction with other anxiety or depression pharmaceutical medication. Take 50 to 100mg, two to three times a day. Kava- 200 to 250mg, two or three times daily of any product with up to 30% kava lactones. Do not take with other pharmaceuticals. Only take this under a doctors supervision. Can calm panic attacks and severe anxiety. L-theanine-200mg to 250mg daily for a calming effect. GABA- 500mg two or three times daily for calming effect. Calcium and Magnesium- take 500mg calcium and 250mg magnesium twice daily. For calming the nervous system.
Passionflower- 250mg two or three times daily. This relaxes the nervous system and is gentle enough to take during the day. You may also try the remedy from this list that best suit your symptoms: If you have not gotten any relief after 3 days, stop that one and try another. Only take one of these remedies at a time. Take 2 pellets or 30C twice daily to prevent or reduce anxiety. For a panic attack or acute anxiety you may take this same dosage for up to 6 times every fifteen minutes or until symptoms subside. Aconitum Napellus- for acute panic attacks that make you feel like you will die. You are experiencing heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Calcarea- You are generally chilly and tire easily and feel overwhelmed. Gelsemium- Fear of being in a crowd that is accompanied by diarrhea. Ignatia- You may have suffered an emotional trauma and feel moody. Kali Phosphoricum- For general anxiety, poor memory and fatigue. Take 6x potency, three times daily. Lycopodim for stage fright or social anxiety. Pulsatilla- Scared of being alone.
Acne Acne is as we know are infected, raised, white and red bumps on the skin that overproduces sebum which causes a blockage and occurs usually during hormonal or stressful periods of our life. Other causes might be Genetics, poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivity, emotional stress, poor digestion, and yeast overgrowth. Whatever the cause, these unsightly bumps are embarrassing and ugly and we will do whatever it takes to get rid of them. Thousands of dollars are spent by the individual yearly to try and eradicate these spots with no results when all the time the answer is usually hidden in what we eat. As we know we should stay away from fried and processed foods. We should follow a basic diet, eating lots of dark-green or orange vegetables which should be eaten slightly cooked or raw for best results. Here are some other helpful suggestions.
¼ cup of flaxseeds daily, taken with at least 8oz of water.
Lots of protein in the form of beans, peas, lentils, eggs and lots of fresh water fish like salmon and mackerel. Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and almonds are good sources Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Water, Water, Water and more Water!! Note: If you are using a topical cream or taking antibiotics, be sure to stock up on some unsweetened yogurt which will replenish what the antibiotics are taking away.
Well, the end result is that the more of these changes you can incorporate into your daily routine, the better health you will have and the less trips to the doctor you will make. If you are eating healthy your body will act like the well oiled machine that it is. Without a healthy diet your parts will continue to be misaligned and will malfunction. Becoming a herbalist or following homeopathic guidelines for a healthy life is a lifestyle change and will take some time and effort. Don’t we do general maintenance on our cars every day? This is the same difference. You may think the cost is too much to buy all the herbs and whole foods but isn’t your body more important than your car? Try adding up what you spend at the doctor’s office and what you spend on the foods you eat now. Then price a healthy preventative based diet and compare the cost. If you are not living a healthy life then you can’t be living a happy one as our level of health is directly related to our stress level and our stress level will be high if we are not eating the proper foods. Isn’t your happiness worth it?
For More Information on other herbal remedies please visit us at: www.TheHealingFactor.com