10 Advices All Contact Lens Wearers Should Follow
........................... .......................................................................... Eye damage is not a simple issue. We thankfully have eyelids which protect our eyes, but what if damage cannot be prevented by eyelids? Contact lens wearers enjoy many advantages like not having to wear eye glasses; however, if not careful, they can suffer from many disadvantages. Here is a list of advices to follow in order to wear contact lenses without worrying: 10. Contact Lens Storage The solution in which you store your contacts must be replaced daily. This way you will ensure proper cleaning. Apart from replacing the solution, the contact lens case itself must be replaced every now and then or else they will be unhygienic to use. 9. Cleaning and Drying The only fluid you can use to clean your contact lenses is official contact solution. You must not use saliva as a replacement because it carries loads of germs that can infect your eyes. Contact lenses cleaning should be done each morning with your fingers and the solution before wearing them. Your contact lens case need to be cleaned to, but don’t use tissue or cloth to dry it up. Just let it air dry to avoid transmission of germs. 8. Follow Instructions