10 Common Mistakes That Damage Your Skin
..................................................................................................... Sometimes, wrong skincare practices become a habit. The following are some frequent mistakes people get involved in. Carrying out any of them on a daily basis may cause a serious damage to your skin. Learn the right ways to care for your skin and avoid the wrong ones we all fall for. 10. Sleeping With Your Make-up On It’s necessary to wash off your makeup before going to bed. If not, the makeup clogs your pores, makes them appear bigger and more apparent. Even when your collagen level decreases, the enlarged pores don’t easily shrink back to size. Besides because of the chemicals, leaving makeup on your face can certainly inflame your skin. 9. Exfoliating Excessively Exfoliating two to three times a week is a nice way of taking care of your skin. However, over-doing it will certainly cause far more damage and aging. By removing the top layer of your skin, you’re removing the protective barrier causing exposure to sun rays and environmental toxins to your skin. 8. Squeezing Pimples Popping your pimples is clearly an inappropriate way to get rid of them. When a dermatologist drains a pimple, he applies a downward pressure unlike most people who squeeze it from the sides. This method causes the infection to go deeper into your skin. The best way to take care of an annoying pimple is to wash your face with a clean washcloth and it will pop on its own when it’s ready. 7. Never Changing Your Sheets and Pillowcases