10 factors that disturb your menstruation

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10 Factors That Disturb Your Menstruation

..................................................................................................... Having menstruation is a tiring issue on its own, so how about having an irregular menstrual cycle? Menstrual cycle irregularities like getting heavy periods, missing periods or spotting between periods have several reasons. A regular cycle lasts from 28-31 days from the beginning of a period to the beginning of the next one. Minor deviations are negligible but extreme cases need to be examined by a physician. Here are ten factors that disturb a menstrual cycle: 10. Being Around Pesticides Menstrual cycles are controlled by hormones and since pesticides imitate hormones, they normally disturb menstruation. This particularly affects women who live in farms where hormonally active pesticides are used. In order to prevent pesticides from messing up your period, avoid getting exposed to them completely. Choosing organic food will assist you in getting away from pesticides. 9. Carrying Extra Weight Overweight problems are not solely about appearance. Carrying extra weight increases estrogen levels and this can affect ovaries and suppress them from releasing eggs. This means that the endometrial lining continues to thicken ultimately leading to long, heavy periods. If losing weight isn’t working for you, consult your gynecologist about taking birth control pills to moderate your endometrial lining. 8. Irregular Sleeping Patterns

A fluctuating body clock influences reproductive hormones and so affect ovulation and menstruation. Women working on variable shifts face irregular sleeping pattern which disturbs melatonin levels. This in its turn messes with the reproductive system. Hence, it is recommended for people who have night shifts to use blackout curtains and earplugs for having sound morning sleep. 7. Aging Before menopause starts, women face frequent periods due to hormonal changes. After that egg count in the ovaries decreases such that periods become less frequent until menopause completely takes over. 6. Jet Lags Travelling across different time zones, like having irregular sleeping patterns, affects melatonin effect on the body. The body makes adjustments to adapt to the new time zone but this includes shaking off your menstrual cycle. The best solution is to search for methods to tackle jet lag if you fly frequently. 5. Excessive Weight Loss Contrary to being overweight, being underweight decreases the production of estrogen. This way the endometrial lining doesn’t thicken properly. Losing weight contributes to this phenomenon but being previously underweight doesn’t show the same effect. Losing weight to have average weight is a healthy idea and the menstrual cycle will adjust after it with time. 4. Birth Control Birth control pills are taken to stabilize the uterus lining and regulate periods. However, taking these pills on an unsteady manner destabilizes the uterus lining and causes spotting between periods. In order to avoid this, take the pill at the same time daily and wait for two to three months for the menstruation to be regular. 3. Taking Medication Hormonal drugs and drugs that motivates the release of hormones such as steroids, antipsychotics and thyroid drugs can affect your menstruation. There is no need to worry if you are on similar prescribed medications and your cycle have small changes in days. However, visit a physician if your cycle varies by weeks. 2. Stressing Out Menstrual cycles are found for conceiving babies and our bodies refuse to conceive babies in times of distress. So if you would like to have a baby or a regular cycle, consider chilling out and heading to a resort or something. 1. Excessive Exercise Excessive exercise stresses out the body and thus give the same effect on reproductive hormones. Amenorrhea, missing your period for more than three months, can be one of the effects of this extreme stress. It must be dealt with by the help of a physician to avoid a decrease in bone density.

Your Menstruation, Health, health care, woman

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