6 Natural Hair Straightening Remedies That Work Wonders
.................................. ................................................................... Who don’t wish to have straight and soft hair with a thick volume ? almost no one , and that is why the chemical hair straightening products are in a high demand , however the chemicals included in such products have a negative effect on the wellbeing of your hair , Natural hair straightening remedies are safer and effective if used on regular bases , Take a look below on the 6 Natural Hair Straightening Remedies That Work Wonders and have no side effects like the chemical ones below . 6- Coconut Milk With Lemon Juice . The coconut milk have an effective soft touch on your hair , mix one cup of coconut milk with the juice of two big lemons and leave it in the fridge for over night , you should notice a creamy layer forming on top of the glass , take that cream and apply it to your hair , wrap your hair up with a warm towel for one hour and then wash and condition . 5- Hot Oil Treatment . Treating your hair with hot natural oils regularly can make your hair soft and healthier , you will also notice how your hair is starting to look more sleek and straight , mix an equal amount of coconut oil with almond oil, get the mixture warmed up in a boiling water bath and apply the mixture to your scalp , wrap up your hair with a hot towel for at least 45 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo , you may not even need to use any conditioner. 4- Natural Hair Conditioning . You can make your own natural hair conditioning to use after you wash your hair with shampoo to promote its growth and health , the regular usage of the conditioner should make your hair softer and straighter , soak half a cup of flaxseed in three cups of water over night and use that water to rinse your hair with after shampooing . 3- Milk And Egg Yolk Mask .