6 Vital Vitamins For A Healthy Hair
..................................................................................................... The hair get effected by many factors that occur in our everyday life . Age , stress , vitamin deficiency, consuming some types of medications and fungal infections in the scalp all are factors that can lead to hair issues like hair fall , treating the hair with masks and conditioners are not enough to have a healthy hair , a healthy hair starts from inside of your body , vitamins play an important role in keeping your hair healthy and growing fast , But what vitamins exactly you need to suffice your body with in order to have a healthy and fantastic hair , that is what we will be informing you below . let us find out the 6 Vital Vitamins For A Healthy Hair . 6- Vitamin A . Vitamin A is needed to keep your hair black , shiny , long and thick in volume , Vitamin A works on strengthening the hair and protect it from drying out , it also help to keep your scalp protected from any fugal infections , you can get vitamin A from liver , egg yolk , sweet potatoes , carrots , milk and spinach . 5- Vitamin B7 Biotin . Vitamin B7 also known as H vitamin , Biotin and hair growth vitamin , it is one of the twelve vitamins of the vitamin B family , and it do wonders in keeping the hair thick, long and healthy , Biotin helps in producing fatty acids in the cells that involve amino acids that are needed for building protein that the hair need to grow fast , have a thick volume and be strong and straight , you can get vitamin B7 from eggs, bananas , walnuts , almonds , yeast , cauliflower and raspberries . 4- Vitamin B12 . This is another vitamin of the vitamin B family and it helps your body to absorb the iron which if deficient you will be ending up losing hair , you can get vitamin B12 from egg, cheese , milk and yogurt . 3- Vitamin C.