7 common misconceptions that influence sleep

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7 Common Misconceptions that Influence Sleep

..................................................................................................... Many people participate in some behaviors that may affect their sleep. All those thoughts aren’t entirely true. You have to follow the latest research and examine sleeping habits more closely for yourself. Read on to clear all your misconceptions about sleep. 7. Books, Television and Laptop are Good Tools to Sleep Many people believe that they can’t sleep without TV and they consider it a good way to sleep. They think that they are sleeping during a TV show, but unfortunately they stay awake all the night. Try to turn off the TV during the sleep of your partner who believes in this fallacy. As soon as you turn it off TV he or she wakes up and screams at you. The sound and light of the TV prevent sleep. Reading in bed is also wrong because you will need light which prevents your sleep. Experts recommend us to go to bed when we want sleep only and do the other things outside the bedroom. 6. Moving to Your Side Stops Snoring A long time ago our grandparents believed that rolling over stops snoring. At present time many people take this misconception from their parents and grandparents. They still do it without doing research about the factual reasons. If you read or listened to experts you will know the truth. Truth says there are several reasons that cause snoring as interrupting the airflow in the nose, narrow nasal broken up passages, alcohol and allergies. 5. Believing in Counting Sheep If you suffer from insomnia or worry, and are awake all night, don’t believe who tells you to count up to a hundred sheep. According to an Oxford University study of insomniacs, counting sheep doesn’t make you sleep, but it delays it and makes you more stressed. Try another way as imagining a relaxing view. It is the fastest way to sleep. Some people tried this way and fall asleep in a few minutes.

4. You Can Complete Your Lost Sleep Hours on the Weekend Most people exhaust themselves in work and sleep a few hours. They believe that they can make up the lost sleep time on the weekend. Experts made researches on a few individuals. They made them sleep a few hours within the weekdays, then they slept more hours on the weekend. They found that they became relaxed and their tiredness reduced, but it’s not according to the recovery sleep. Other researchers found that scarcity of sleep causes heart disease, overweight and other diseases. It also stresses you out. 3. Insomnia Is Usually Caused by Stress Stress is surely a reason for lack of sleep. Yet, it isn’t the only cause for insomnia. Alternative reasons include physical pain, sleep apnea, psychological strain and many others. Insomnia is quite a familiar case that needs to be treated if it lasts longer than three weeks either by medicine, cognitive relaxation techniques or by treating any underlying illnesses. 2. Sleep Apnea is Seen Only with Old Aged and Overweight Individuals A lot of us assume that constructive sleep apnea affects only the obese and older people. Although these are in fact considered risk factors, perfectly fit youngsters might suffer from sleep apnea as well. A person may possibly have OSA without even knowing it, it is required to check with your doctor even if you haven’t suspected the occurrence of the condition. 1. Older People Require Less Sleep The assumption that old people need less sleep is a widespread misplaced thought. Because old people seem to spend less hours sleeping, people think that’s what they require. However, disorders such as hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s might be the cause of sleep deprivation in older people.

Misconceptions that Influence Sleep, Health, health care

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