7 habits you must avoid right after having a meal

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7 Habits You Must Avoid Right After Having a Meal!

........................... .......................................................................... We’ve all heard myths and advices about what to do after a good meal, but are all of them true? The answer is no, there are some false sayings that are actually harmful for you. Here are seven habits you must avoid after having a meal: 7. Napping Now this is a habit we all tend to do, falling asleep right after we get stuffed. Now as we sleep, our whole body sets to rest which affects our digestive system so that it won’t digest food as well as it should. This may lead to gastric pain and infection in our intestine. So before you go to sleep after a meal, think about the consequences. 6. Drinking Tea I know having a nice hot beverage after having a meal sounds satisfying, but it doesn’t have to be tea. If it is very necessary to drink tea after a meal, at least wait one hour. Tea contains a lot of acids that aren’t very healthy after consuming a meal, and that’s because the acidic substance hardens the proteins in your food making it harder to digest. 5. Loosening Your Belt Whoever came up with this is idea, must know that it is anything but true! It’s not particularly unhealthy, but it is still bad for you because loosening your belt means that you’ve over eaten to a point where your stomach feels uncomfortable. You usually loosen your belt in order to continue overeating freely, but that is only a temporary solution that must be avoided by eating food that is delicious but just sufficient for living.

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