7 Ways Laughter can Improve your Health
...................................... ............................................................... Laughing is a great blessing God granted us. Watching a funny movie or hearing a joke with your family and friends is the best behavior for your health. Laughing is the physiological reaction of the brain to funniness. Laughing sound can also make you laugh and grant you happiness. When you laugh you forget all your sadness and celebrate the good things only. Laughing is a good medicine. It gives us social, emotional, physical and psychological benefits. Some health benefits of laughing: 7. Laughter is a Good Internal Exercise: Laughing is an easy internal practice for your health. When you laugh a lot, it exercises the respiratory system, diaphragm, and stomach. After a good laughter your muscles become more comfortable and relaxed. When you laugh a lot, you take a deep breath which help clear airways and improve breathing and oxygen intake. 6. Laughter Fights Old Age: If you wish to look younger than your age just laugh and smile. When you laugh you improve the performance of fifteen facial muscles. This enhances blood circulation in the face which will certainly make you look younger than your age. 5. Laughter is a Good Medicine for Insomnia: Some people suffer sleeplessness at night. This makes them tired all day. You can try lots of methods to sleep as reading or watching TV, but nothing helps. We recommend you laughter as the best way to sleep. It can improve and organize your sleep times. Laughter helps the body to produce more melatonin, a hormone made by a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycle. You must laugh before you sleep, because normally melatonin levels begin to rise in mid- to late evening. 4. Laughter Controls Diabetes: Laughter is a great medicine for people with Type 2 diabetes. It can assist them keep diabetes under control. If you had a fatty or sugary meal while you are suffering from Type 2 diabetes, just laugh a lot and have a few medicines. Remember a joke you heard or spend a funny day with your friends. Stop the bad thinking, and get away from sad people. Laughter also increases the stomach muscles energy. It also affects the system which controls the glucose system.