8 necessary health kit items for travel

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8 Necessary Health Kit Items for Travel

..................................................................................................... When travelling to a new terrain, you are being exposed to a new environment and may not have access to a pharmacy easily. You can better be safe than sorry regarding your travels by carrying with you the following necessary travel kit. This will guarantee you a vacation or a business trip that is hassle-free as much as possible. 8. Painkiller If your travels include hiking, climbing or swimming adventures your may need a painkiller for your muscles. Good choices include ibuprofen and paracetamol. 7. Stomach Soother Suffering from stomach related problems such as nausea and diarrhea can make your travel miserable. That is why it is recommended to carry a multipurpose medication such as PeptoBismol to sooth such symptoms. 6. Nasal Spray Your destination may be less humid from where you were and this may contribute to a dry nose. Carry a saline nasal spray to keep your nostrils moist in order not to host unwanted germs and make you sick. 5. Ace-bandage

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