8 tips on how to keep anxiety under control

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8 Tips On How To Keep Anxiety Under Control

.................................... ................................................................. Too much worry, fear, stress, sadness and nervousness are all indicators of anxiety that by time can lead to many conditions that can have potential harm to the overall health of the body and the mind, anxiety can lead to shortness of breath, insomnia, panic attacks, dizziness weakness, depression and nausea. The way to keep all those stressful feelings under control can seem quit a challenge but it is extremely important to learn how to keep your anxiety under control in order to achieve peace and tranquility in your life, below is presented 8 Tips On How To Keep Anxiety Under Control. 8- Socialize. Socialize with other people, meet new friends and go out as often as you could, spend most of your time with other people who are fun, avoid being alone because loneliness will only make your anxiety worse. 7- Increase Your Magnesium, Potassium And Vitamin B Intake. If your body is definite on magnesium or potassium that can lead to insomnia and anxiety so try to increase your intake of these two minerals. Vitamin B is another way to strengthen your nerve system, calm your nerves and relax your muscles, try to eat foods that are rich with vitamin B or consider taking vitamin B dietary supplements. 6- Realize The Reason For Your Anxiety.

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