8 Unusual Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake
..................................................................................................... Proteins are essential elements in our daily diets as they are not only necessary to have healthy muscles but they are present in every single cell in our bodies. Protein rich foods are also quite fulfilling and this characteristic makes them essential for individuals who look forward to lose weight. Sources of protein are not only limited to the popular meat and dairy products but there are some unusual sources that have proteins in addition to lots of other benefits as following: 8. Beans Beans are superb options to increase your protein intake because there are many kinds of them and many ways to cook them. For instance, a salad can transform from just a side dish to a nutritious meal with the addition of your favorite bean. Putting the right ingredients in a salad will provide you with enough antioxidants, proteins, fibers and healthy fats to boost your wellbeing. 7. Whole-Grain Pasta The last thing to pop of most of our minds as a protein source would be pasta. Though notorious of being just a supply of additional carbohydrates, when whole-grain, pasta can provide us with good quantities of proteins, fibers and vitamin B. A dish with whole-grain pasta plus some lentils or black beans can prove to be a delicious nourishing main course for vegetarians and pasta lovers.
6. Tofu Soybean products such as tofu are protein rich sources. A pleasant way to prepare tofu, especially soft tofu which is called soybean curd, is to scramble it just like you scramble eggs. The addition of spices and stir-fry vegetables will not just enhance the flavor but will also increase the nutritious value of a scrambled tofu dish.