How to regulate hormones naturally

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How To Regulate Hormones Naturally

..................................................................................................... Hormones such as progesterone and insulin are chemicals produced by the brain or different glands to regulate the functioning of different body systems, those chemicals travel through your blood stream to almost all of your body parts thus having them regular and balanced is highly important to prevent many health problems such as infertility, hair loss or uncommon hair growth in different parts of the body, weight gain, depression, low libido, fatigue and insomnia. Fortunately there are many ways you can balance and regulate your body hormones Naturally, below are some ways to do so, read on to discover more. 1- Eat Foods Rich In Fatty Acids. These healthy fats like those found in avocado, coconut, nuts and seeds play an essential role in the healthy production of hormones in the body, not just that but these type of Fatty Acids also promote the body’s metabolism and in result accelerate weight loss. 2- Consume Adaptogenes.

Adaptogenes are special types of plants that have the ability to balance hormonal production in the body, best types are holy basil and ashwagandha, adaptogenes can also reduce your risk of different types of diseases while boosting the immune system and metabolism. 3- Balance Omega3-6 Ratio. Increasing your consumption of omega-6 that present in the different types of fats that we consume on regular basis while forgetting to balance out the omega-3 levels in the body can lead to hormonal imbalances, therefore you want to reduce the fats you are consuming and start taking more omega-3 Fatty acids. 4- Heal Leaky Guts. Leaky Guts don’t only affect negatively your digestive system but also the rest of your body organs and cause hormonal imbalance, when the undigested food particles leak out of your guts to your bloodstream they cause inflammations in different body organs and specially your thyroid which mess up with the production of hormones. 5- Eliminate Toxic Kitchen And Body Care Products. Another reason you may be having hormonal imbalance is using body Care Products that are high in parabens, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. Also make sure to use glass bottles and glasses for drinking instead of plastic, and stainless steel pots and pans instead of Teflon. 6- Exercise. If there is a magical solution to quickly balance the hormonal production in your body, then it is exercising, exercising help your body to produce the right levels of each hormones that the body needs so no hormone can be dominant while other hormones are deficient. 7- Get Quality Sleep. Unless you are getting 8 hours of quality sleep every night then you are doing your body great harm, hormones are regulated and produced at specific times of the day, growth hormone, cortisol and other hormones need to be produced during your sleep at night, if you sleep in the daytime then your body will have difficulties regulating hormonal production. 8- Limit Caffeine. Consuming too much caffeine increase stress hormones like cortisol and disturb the functioning of the thyroid hormone level, therefore it is just better to take caffeine in moderation, coffee should not be drank more than once a day, also mind how many cups of green tea you drink a day.

Regulate Hormones Naturally, Health

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