Screaming for Ice Cream? Know Its Positives and Negatives
..................................................................................................... Ice cream is a mixture of high fat milk or cream, sweeteners, and flavoring. These ingredients are mixed then chilled forming the cold creamy beverage we know as ice cream. Just like any other food, ice cream has its advantages and disadvantages, both of which discussed in the following: High in Fat and Sugar Ice cream should have about 10% milk fat or even more. Milk fat is basically cholesterol, a form of saturated fat, which can build up in your arteries as plaque resulting in heart conditions or stroke. Additionally, ice cream is full of sugar and, when eaten in high quantities, leads to weight gain and other health problems. It’s okay to treat yourself with ice cream but in moderate amounts to avoid its side effects. You may also consider looking for low-sugar and low-fat ice cream options to pick. Excellent Source of Energy
The amount of cholesterol and proteins found in ice cream serves an immense amount of energy. If you are on a gaining weight program or engaged in activity that requires much energy, ice cream is an excellent choice to easily gain kilocalories of energy.
Lactose Content Since ice cream is a dairy product, it contains lactose. The problem is that a large number of people suffers from lactase deficiency and aren’t able to digest lactose. So if you are lactose-intolerant, try to avoid ice cream or replace it with another product that substitutes dairy milk with soy milk and other alternatives. You can also take lactase supplements before eating ice cream to avoid further problems. Source of Vitamins and Minerals Ice cream is a rich source of many nutrients including vitamins like vitamin A, C, D, E, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamins B-6 and B-12. It also slightly contains vitamin K which is important for blood clotting. Likewise, ice cream holds important minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
Screaming for Ice Cream, Health, other