Top 10 tips for having healthier bones

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Top 10 Tips for Having Healthier Bones

..................................................................................................... A child jumps around for fun and might occasionally break a bone which can heal to be as good as new. However, this might not be the case with an adult who gets in an accident that breaks a bone because the healing is much harder. With low bone density, there is a higher chance for bone fracturing and conditions like osteoporosis. Therefore, we must do our best to have healthier bones that can comfortably support our bodies. By following the next tips, you will be doing a good job saving your bones. 10. Consume Dairy Products or Their Alternatives Dairy products are prominent for being rich with calcium content which is a crucial component in bones. For instance, yogurt contains about 400 mg of calcium in an 8-ounce serving. Lactose intolerance shouldn’t stand in your way of consuming a sufficient amount of calcium because you can have alternatives like enriched soymilk and almond milk which contain about 300 mg of calcium in a cup. 9. Eat Whole Grains In order for our bones to absorb calcium from the blood, they need the help of magnesium. We can consume a fine amount of magnesium by eating whole grains such as brown rice, barley and whole

wheat. Moreover, whole grains provide our bodies with enough calories which prevent our bodies from metabolizing proteins and so reserving the muscles and bones. 8. Decrease Sugar Consumption We might be taking good amounts of calcium and magnesium, but excessive sugar intake steals these essential minerals from our bodies. To avoid this, we must decrease our sugar consumption or eliminate it as a whole and using healthy alternatives for sweet taste. 7. Include Good Fats in Your Diet Our bodies need good fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 to maintain bone health. Such fats can be found in vegetables, animal products, nuts and seeds. We cannot rely on one source because it won’t contain all the healthy fatty acids. 6. Cook With Stock Stock is rich with various beneficial nutrients and minerals that came out of cooking bones and vegetables. That is why when you start to cook a soup, a sauce or a stew, consider doing it with stock. You may store extra stock in the freezer to defrost it when needed. 5. Sit in the Sun Not all of us have the chance to frequent the beach and enjoy the sun. Nonetheless, sun exposure is necessary for the body to produce vitamin D which is very important to our bones. You can simply use break time to sit outside in the sun because the recommended daily sun exposure is 15-30 minutes. 4. Eat Bones! This might be a bit unusual but there are some recipes for preparing edible bones. It is obvious that edible bones will contain most of the beneficial components such as calcium and minerals for our bones’ health. 3. Look For Proteins Proteins are rich with collagen which is important for the flexibility of bones that prevents fractures. Proteins are found in both vegetables and animal sources and can be taken from both or either sources in moderate quantities to take the needed benefit. 2. Eat Foods With Trace Minerals Apart from calcium, bones need a balanced intake of other minerals to remain healthy. You can intake iodine from seaweeds for healthy thyroid function which results in healthy bones. Nuts and seeds are also rich with trace minerals like iron, phosphorous and magnesium which are helpful to bones. 1. Eat Your Vegetables Vegetables, particularly leafy greens, are rich with all kinds of benefits for bones such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and even a little collagen. Examples of the best vegetables for bones include parsley, mustard greens, broccoli, cabbage and zucchini.

Healthier Bones, Health, health care, Tips

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