Top ten foods to lower blood pressure

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Top Ten Foods To Lower Blood Pressure

...................................... ............................................................... If you or a dear member of your family have been diagnosed with Hypertension then you should note that your diet has a strong effect on either lowering or increasing your blood pressure reading , maybe you have been already advised by your doctor or health provider to consider some changes with your diet , these changes will be mainly focused on reducing the sodium level and increasing the nutrients , below we will present to you a list of ten different foods that are delicious and ideal to lower your blood pressure naturally . 10- Bananas . Bananas are a natural source of potassium which is if deficient in the body lead to a negative effect on the muscles and heart rate, Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also low in sodium which make them a perfect food for those who are suffering high blood pressure . 9- Yogurt . Yogurt is rich with calcium which deficiency contribute to high blood pressure , yogurt is a perfect source of calcium with a low sodium content , you will need to have 6 ounces serving of yogurt three times a day , have it the way and flavor you like . 8- Salt-Free Seasoning . Instead of buying the premixed seasonings in the grocery store which are often including salt make your own mix of seasonings without adding any slat , seasonings like cinnamon , cumin , ginger , turmeric and nutmeg are rich with flavor and at the same time very effective in terms of lowering the blood pressure naturally . 7- Cinnamon .

As mentioned above cinnamon do miracles in terms of reducing the blood pressure to normal readings in addition to contributing to lowering cholesterol levels , Cinnamon can be used in deserts , main dishes and drinks , consider adding cinnamon to all your meals and deserts to get the potential health benefits of it . 6- White Potatoes . Potatoes are rich with potassium which we already spoke about above in terms of helping to lower blood pressure , moreover potatoes are low in sodium , fat free and rich with fibers which make it an ideal side dish , best way to enjoy potatoes is by baking it . 5- Fish . Fish is a great source of protein and vitamin D which was proven to lower blood pressure , fish fillets are usually a healthy protein rich meals that are also rich with healthy Omega3 fatty acids that was also proven to lower the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream . 4- Oat Bran . Oat Bran is an ideal and tasty choice for hypertensive people , Oat Bran is rich with fibers which contribute in lowering the blood pressure and improving the digestive process , it can be prepared as a hot cereal mixed with various fresh fruits or can be added to bakes and pancakes . 3- Lima Beans . Lima beans are a great choice for hypertensive people , as it is rich with protein , fiber and potassium , they can be prepared by boiling until they get tender and combining them with other vegetables . 2- Spinach . Spinach is low in sodium and rich with iron ,fibers, vitamin A and C , it is also a good source of calcium which make it an important ingredient in a diet for lowering blood pressure , it can be enjoyed in many ways , add it to your stews , casseroles , salads or even pasta . 1- Flaxseed . These seeds that come from the flaxseed plant is effective in lowering the blood pressure as it is rich with omega 3 fatty acids that work on lowering high cholesterol levels , crushed flaxseeds can be included in your morning cereals , sprinkled on yogurt or even added to a home made bride loaf .

Lower Blood Pressure, Food, Health, health care, man, other, Top 10

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