Top ten most effective non

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Top Ten Most Effective Non-Caffeinated Ways To Wake Up At work

..................................................................................................... Who of us don’t feel really sleepy at one point of our working day ? This is a common problem that all of us are experiencing ,However the majority believe that the solution for this problem is coffee or energy drinks ,while coffee is great to solve the problem and have a lot of health benefits , coffee also have many side effects including headache , mood change and addiction which can happen if consumed too much over a long period , The good news that we’re bringing for you today is that there are actually several other NonCaffeinated ways to wake up at work and below we will list to you the Top Ten Most Effective Non-Caffeinated Ways To Wake Up At work . 10- Take A Walk Outside . Taking a break , swing something different and inhaling fresh air and swing something different will help you wake up and get more productive , spend 10 or 15 minutes walking , think of something different to the work , clear your mind and then turn back to your office you are sure to notice a difference . 9- Drink Water . Drinking water can release up to 20% of the stored energy in your body , staying hydrated is an effective way to boost your energy levels needlessly to energy drinks or coffee just keep a cold cup of water beside you and make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water a day . 8- Exercise . Exercising don’t necessary mean that you get up and jump in the middle of the office , but a simple idea like running up and down the office stairs can be effective to raise the heart beats thus increasing the blood flow to your brain . 7- Stimulate Your Brain .

Always have an intelligent boosting game application downloaded on your mobile , try play cross words or Sudoku to stimulate your brain and get rid of the sleepy mood you have . 6-Have Snack . The absolute decrease of blood sugar can cause you to feel really sleepy specially if you are the type of person that usually skip breakfast , having a healthy little snack will help boosting the sugar in your blood which make you feel energetic , avoids heavy and full of carbs snacks try having a green salad with nuts like walnut or almond , walnut and almond are great to boost the brain power , or have salmon or tuna sandwich . 5- Change Your Position . Maybe the way you sitting and where you sitting is just getting you very comfortable and relaxed , you might find it helpful if you change your sitting position , change your chair or even work while standing up for a few minutes . 4- Refresh Your Senses . Always make sure to have a bottle of perfume , lotion or essential oil near by on your desk , the strong scent will awaken your senses and get you back to the mood of working , make sure to choose scents like citrus , jasmine or peppermint and avoids lavender as it is known of its relaxing effect . 3- Watch Something Funny . Watch a funny video online or tell jokes to your coworkers , the laughter will cause endorphins to be released in your body that will boost your mood and make you ready to get some work done . 2- Listen To Your Favorite Dance Tune . Put on your headphones and listen to one of your favorite dance tunes ,make sure it is not slow tunes , the music will make your heart pump , this way is highly effective and will surely make you feel much energetic . 1- Call A Beloved One. Make a call to your wife, husband , dear friend , mother , father or even son the conversation that will take place will take you out of the work mood for a few minutes which will clear your mind causing you to get ready for more work , another effective way is to write notes , set a target in front of you on a little piece of paper that will encourage you to achieve your target of the day .

Wake Up At work, Health, man, other, Top 10, woman

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