29 minute read
It is clear that people who are never guilt-trapped and don’t have a hold on their bad side are toxic. Toxic individuals always stick by being illogical.
Unfortunately, a few toxic people are unaware of how they are a bad influence or a negative vibe to the others. On the other hand, a few individuals are aware of their level of toxicity. However, they don’t make an attempt to correct themselves.
You must be wondering as to how is this even relevant in your life. Well, it is important you know how to defend yourself against toxicity that can consume or manipulate you.
Studies suggest that toxic people can mentally stress you out. Further, this stress can have a negative impact on your mind.
It is said that stress due to toxicity can damage your brain cells. Technically, the most important area of your brain that is responsible for reasoning and memory gets affected.
As per a conducted research named Talentsmart, the ones who can balance their emotions and are the happiest are people who can easily catch toxic people and know where to keep them.
In order to safeguard your happiness, comfort, and growth, here are 5 kinds of toxic people you should keep away from.
No 1 - Constant Gossipers
Stay away from people who constantly have a habit of bad-mouthing successful people. They tend to have two faces.
They show their good side to the ones they are gossiping about and talk ill about them behind their back.
Most importantly, they would always be the first ones to get into someone’s personal life and make that personal life private in front of others.
No 2 - The Overemotional
A few people get cheesed off over little things and they would always find it convenient to dump their emotions on you.
Their inability to control emotions can drive you mad or you would tend to excessively empathize with them.
Avoid getting into this trap of being treated as a dump yard.
No 3 - The Sufferers The sufferer kind of toxic
people cannot be spotted easily. As time goes by, you come to an understanding that they are always seeking your attention and truly not the real sufferers.
Instead of growing from their mistakes or a mishap, they keep brooding over the sad happening and you eventually empathize or start feeling bad for them.
Always looking forward to empathy makes them toxic in a way and you should certainly avoid such people.
No 4 - The Self-
Absorbed Self-absorbed people are seen as narcissists. They would never make you feel happy or united around them. It is always about their feelings, opinions, and superiority.
No 5 - Dangerously Twisted People
Unlike ‘the sufferers’, dangerously twisted people can easily be spotted and understood through their actions. They don’t miss a chance from making it evident that they are toxic.
A dangerously twisted person would always have the wrong intention of either feeling happy seeing your pain, they would always be ready to hurt or criticize you and they are never bothered about you.
So, without a second thought, it is quite easy to drive them out of your life.
It is not easy to deal with pain in the rib cage. It is likely caused due to an accident or other health issues.
At times, the pain is caused because of a problem in your organs. The severity of pain is either mild, moderate, or too much.
Irrespective of the intensity of pain in your ribcage, it is always better to get it checked by your doctor. Read on to know everything about the causes and natural remedies to treat pain in your ribcage.
What Causes This Pain?
No 1 - Gas getting trapped in the colon.
When gas gets trapped, the pain moves from one end to another and causes discomfort in the colon.
No 2 - Problems In The Spleen
If the spleen is damaged, it would have a direct impact on your rib cage.
Apart from this, you would even experience severe pain in your left shoulder.
No 3 - Damaged Ribs
If the ribs break due to an injury or accident, this is likely to result in damaged ribs.
4. Acid Reflux Or Heartburn
If there is too much acid in the stomach which can go up to your chest you may face the condition of heartburn or acid reflux.
5. Stomach Ulcer
The formation of an ulcer ends up causing pain in the left ribcage. Top 5 Home Pain Under Rib Cage
1. Dry Ginger
To get relief from the pain in the left rib cage, it is vital to consume dry ginger. Here is what you need to do : Crush some ginger and boil it in a glass of water. Divide the prepared drink into four parts and consume it throughout the day.
Remedies For
2. Garlic
Garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that help in treating the pain under the left rib cage. In other words, it is a natural pain killer.
Here is what you need to do
Just peel some cloves of garlic.
Deep fry it in ghee and consume it along with lunch
3. Mustard Oil Massage
and dinner. Eliminate pain in your rib cage by massaging a few drops of mustard oil.
Here is what you need to do :
Heat up the mustard oil for a few seconds.
Gently massage it on your rib cage before you go to bed.
4. Egg Yolk And Asafoetida
A mixture of egg yolk and asafoetida is good medicine that battles against the pain
in your left rib cage.
Here’s what you need to do
Mix a teaspoon of asafoetida in the egg yolk and mix it well. Apply the mixture to the affected area to get instant relief from the pain.
5. Turmeric With Milk
Drinking warm turmeric milk is good to heal all the pain in your ribcage.
Here’s what you need to do
Boil some milk
Add 2-4 cardamom along with ½ teaspoon of turmeric in it.
Drink this milk before going to bed.
PEDSnet Report Gives Details About The Effects Of COVID-19 pandemic On Children
An organization collecting information from seven of the nation’s largest pediatric medical centers reports details about how covid-19 infection has affected children.
It states that a few groups of children are doing significantly worse than children in general during the pandemic.
On Nov 23rd, in JAMA Pediatrics, the findings of PEDSnet organization that includes Cincinnati Children’s state that the report is from electronic medical records data that shows 135,000 children have been tested for infections from the SARS-CoV-2 virus from Jan. 1 through Sept. 8, 2020.
These findings are essential as it gives the doctor’s an understanding of the impact of COVID-19 in the pediatric population.
In the study, they observed that kids with diseases were less likely to die due to covid-19 when compared to adults.
Further, they understood that covid-19 infection spread more among Black, Asian and Hispanic children.
What centers does PEDSnet include?
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Children’s Hospital Among children who were of Colorado; Nationwide tested positive, 7% required Children’s Hospital; Nemours hospital admissions, 28% Children’s Health System; required intensive care, and Seattle Children’s Hospital; 9% required mechanical and, St. Louis Children’s ventilation. There were Hospital. Combined, 8 deaths among these Every year, around 2.5 million the fatality rate is 0.2%. children get care from these centers. Limitations Of This Analysis Made by Study PEDSnet The lack of testing availability Firstly, a child is not tested life. This study didn’t include positive easily. Secondly, or consider this scenario at if a child is tested positive, all. it is less likely that he/she severely suffers from the Besides, the study didn’t illness. take the right count of Compared to white children, children across the country. the African-American, Neither did it mention the Hispanic, and Asian race/ kind of risk those children ethnicity were not easily brought to adults. affected by the infection. more likely to test positive illness. hospitalized children. Thus, led to a few kids losing their asymptomatic infected However, they were most The medical centers likely to be tested positive. witnessed several technical challenges while tracking More than younger children, details about the pandemic. teens were at risk of being Now, there is a scope for tested positive. deeper analysis to be done Teens and young adults were the tracking system. than younger children. Lastly, this entire study Asthmatic children were not Centered Outcomes at an increased risk of severe Research Institute. after refreshing the data of was funded by the PatientWWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | NOVEMBER 2020
New Study: Can Sex Cause Cardiac Arrest?
As per a new study, in rare cases, the heart stops beating after having sex. That being said, this is only a possibility that is not commonly seen.
In the study conducted, researchers have gone through the information of more than 4,500 people who experienced a sudden cardiac arrest, wherein suddenly the heart stops beating due to a flaw in the heart’s electrical activity.
Further, the study found that among most cases, less than 1 percent of cardiac arrests occurred during or immediately after sexual activity.
As per researchers, this is the first study to examine sexual activity as a trigger or the cause for a sudden cardiac arrest in the entire population.
These findings were presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions meeting in Anaheim, California, and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
According to Dr. Sumeet Chugh, medical director of the Heart Rhythm Center at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles, the possibility of a sudden cardiac arrest occurring during sexual activity was low.
Further, he said that this would be given as an assurance to all the heart disease patients and is based on actual data.
In instances where sex was linked with cardiac arrest, almost 94 percent of these were in men.
In men, about 1 in 100 cases of cardiac arrest were linked with sex, compared with just 1 in 1,000 cases among women.
Usually, people who experienced sudden cardiac arrest during sex were considered younger. On average, they were around 60 years when compared to those who had a sudden cardiac arrest when they turned 65 on an average.
Besides, those who had a cardiac arrest while having sex had an existing heart condition or were on heart medication as those who had a sudden cardiac arrest at other times.
As per findings, researchers said that one-third of individuals who had a heart attack while having sex was given a CPR.
Until an ambulance shows up, CPR is performed by a witness. Further, these findings stress educating the public about the importance of CPR for sudden-cardiacarrest patients.
Chances of survival are more if sexual partners learn the CPR process and make an effort to help their partners who have a sudden cardiac arrest.
Multiple research studies have proved that CPR performed by bystanders would improve the chances of survival from cardiac arrest.
Based on a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, men getting bald might be hinting at a risk linked with symptomatic coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection.
As per the study published, it was likely that men of the same age group with no hair loss and the one’s with “severe” hair loss were at a bigger risk of being tested positive for COVID-19.
There was an investigation done on this issue. Demographic and clinical information of more than 5,00,000 individuals was taken from the UK Biobank.
This investigation assessed hair loss patterns in 1941 men who were hospitalized for COVID-19.
Based on images adapted from the Hamilton-Norwood scale, the men there were asked to categorize their hair loss.
In total, the scale had 4 options,
(1) no hair loss
(2) slight hair loss This hair loss data were collected and compared between the two groups. One, in patients with a positive COVID-19 test (n=336) and patients with a negative test (n=1605).
Apart from this, COVID-19 test results were derived from the UK Biobank.
Taking into consideration factors such as age, body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes, the relationship between balding severity and the likelihood of testing positive for COVID-19 was assessed through a multivariable logistic regression.
On the whole, there was a correlation between an increase in hair loss and covid-19 infection.
Among the 592 patients who said no hair loss, 15.03% tested positive for COVID-19.
Among the 551 patients who said moderate, the percentage of positive tests increased to 18.15% and 20.05%, respectively. This was a similar case even with patients who said severe hair loss.
When compared to the ones who said “no hair loss”, those who said “ severe hair loss” were more at a risk to test positive.
Looking at those who said slight or moderate hair loss, none of them showed signs of being tested covid-19 positive when compared to the ones who said no hair loss.
Given the fact that severe androgenic alopecia is associated with Covid-19 hospitalization, this experiment was done.
Having said, since this balding data was self-reported, according to study authors, it still remains to be a limitation.
To get a confirmation that baldness is associated with covid-19, a few more observations need to be made.
This risk of baldness being associated with covid-19 would help clinicians and public health authorities know how to study this further.
Healthy Turkey Meat Balls
Turkey meatballs are healthy and delicious. Since Christmas is nearing and is likely that you must be in a festive mood to cook something special, why not try out this healthy turkey meatballs recipe. This meatball comprises of zucchini and breast meat. You will have to make it in an oven. Here’s how to prepare it!
l 250 grams turkey l 4-5 garlic cloves l 2 medium-sized onions l Oregano l Pepper l Salt as per your taste l Baking sheets
Method To Prepare
In a large bowl, mix all the turkey, zucchini, eggs, garlic, onion flakes, oregano, salt, and pepper.
Use your hands to mix all these ingredients well.
Mix all this batter well and make small balls of this turkey batter.
Then freeze these balls for over 5 hours and place them in a gallon ziplock bag.
Open a large baking sheet, put a few drops of cooking spray, place these balls, and whenever you wish to eat them, preheat your oven to about 375 degrees to cook it whenever convenient for you. You can eat these balls with spaghetti, or add sauces with a few vegetables. Besides, you can even add it to your corn salad and relish its taste.
If you are not convinced with either of the ideas, you can stuff these meatballs in between two buns, add some marinara sauce and Mozzarella cheese on top.
Three Yoga Asanas
To Get Your Thighs And Hips In Shape
It is always a pleasure to bring your thighs and hips in shape. You can get into skin-tight clothes when you are toned and this would in turn help you feel confident about your body.
Here are three yoga asanas to bring your thighs and hips in shape. Take a look!
No 1 - Anjaneyasana
l Strengthens gluteus muscles
l Good for the quadriceps makes them stronger
l A good stretching workout for the hips and hip flexors
l It is good for your shoulders, lungs, and chest
l Improves your body balance
l Boosts concentration power and improves awareness
l Reduces sciatica pain
l Improves the digestive and reproductive organs
l Tones and energizes your body
l Stretch and lift your hands up. Come in the downward dog position. Let your right knee stay between your hands and see to it that you lower your left knee on the floor.
l Rest the top of our left foot on the floor and see to it that your right knee is at a 90-degree angle.
l Slowly inhaling, lift your spine upwards, stretch your arms up to the ceiling, bring your
ears close to the arms and place your palms in the namaste pose.
l Now, slightly bend your head backward, stay here for two minutes and then relax.
1. Don’t do this asana if you have high blood pressure and knee injuries
2. If there is an injury or pain in your shoulders, instead of raising your hands up, place it on your thighs.
3. Keep looking straight if there is pain in your neck. Avoid looking up.
No 2 - Uttan Pristhasana
l Strengthens the glute muscles l Relaxes your mind and takes all the stress away l Strengthens the shoulders and chest. Prevents dislocation l Makes the hip muscles flexible l Eliminates excessive fats around the belly l Tightens the quadriceps and hamstrings
| Begin with the downward-facing dog asana.
| Slowly inhale and bring your right foot to the edge of your right palm.
| Bring your hips down, straighten your arms, stretch your body and flatten your spine.
| If you find a comfortable position, slowly get onto your forearms. Press the ball of your left foot and straighten your left leg.
| Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat the same on the other side.
1. You should avoid this asana if you have knee or hip problems.
2. See to it that your shoulders and forearms are strong as you have to balance your body weight.
3. You should avoid this asana if you have an injury in your lower back.
No 3 - Goddess Pose
l Goddess pose is even known as the half-squat pose. It stretches many muscles such as the quads, hamstrings, groin, and chest
l Stabilizes the lower body and gives your hips and spine a good base
l It stretches the hips, shoulders, ankles, and knees
l It boosts fertility and is a helpful asana during childbirth. Energizes the pelvis and is good for the reproductive organs
l Opens the thighs and knees. It is extremely good for the inner thigh muscles. Effectively stretches the sciatica nerves
l Maintains a good body balance
l Usually, body stress gets accumulated at the hips, this asana relieves all that stress by contracting the psoas muscles
l Uses the diaphragm muscles effectively
| Place your legs 3 to 4 feet apart.
| Based on your flexibility and comfort, turn your toes 45-90 degrees outwards. your knees, squat, and lower your hips down.
| Join your palms in namaskar mudra.
| Stay in this position for 10 seconds and repeat this procedure.
1. Keep your body cool as this asana generates heat in the body through the activation of chakras.
2. If you have injuries in your knees, shoulders, rib cage, or toes, avoid doing this asana.
Why Should You Consider Spring Cleaning At Home?
It is a good practice to regularly keep your home clean. While cleaning might not be your most favorite task, it would seem interesting if you explore some of the benefits of spring cleaning.
You might not find spring cleaning easy in the beginning. However, gradually you will get the hang of it. So, let’s look at some of the best benefits of spring cleaning.
No 1 - It Is Good For The Immune System
A good immune system is a clear indication of being healthy. That being said, spring cleaning is effective because it works excellent on the immune system.
This would seem to be most useful for people who suffer from allergic reactions. An unclean home can severely affect your immune system.
By spring cleaning you will be able to remove bugs, mildew, and even the bacteria surrounding your home. So, indulge in spring cleaning to get rid of these triggers that could possibly end up making things worse.
No 2 - Boosts Productivity
Interestingly, spring cleaning is known to do good to your productivity.
If your home is in a mess, you won’t be able to focus on all the important tasks. It is only after clearing the clutter that would you be able to relax and finish your work.
So why not clear the clutter and have a productive day. You will notice that the time you take to complete your work when your home is clean is relatively lesser.
Above all, you’d feel all energetic to live in a clutterfree home.
No 3. It Makes You Happy
Spring cleaning is known to enhance your mood. By now you must have got hints to how that happens.
Cleanliness around would instantly boost your physical and mental health. How? By keeping yourself occupied with the cleaning, you would get to distract those junk thoughts and focus on the task.
On the other hand, physical activity would help you burn calories and stay fit.
While you might not find it to be a joyful task, it is still a healthy distraction.
No 4 - It Can Be A Stress Buster
In this world filled with stress, we need an activity or a task that could help us relax and take a break for a while.
If it is work or the disturbance at home that’s draining you out, you should indulge in spring cleaning for 30
There are two benefits to doing this. One, your home gets clean. Two, you will be able to de-stress and relax a bit.
As mentioned earlier, the dirt around your home can worsen your state of mind. So why get to that point? It will do you good if you proactively pick a portion of your home and clean it up well.
No 5 - Promises Good Heart Health
Keeping your home clean is an indication that you are living a healthy lifestyle(there is movement). So, a healthy lifestyle clearly means you have a healthy heart.
As cleaning is similar to exercising, studies claim that it is good for your heart’s health.
Indulging in spring cleaning would help you lose weight too. Looking at its overall benefits, you should think about spending time spring cleaning.
Simple vacuuming or mopping is good enough to keep you fit 24/7.
7 Myths Around Living A Healthy Lifestyle!
All these years, we have grown up listening to some of the known tips on living healthy.
Right from eating the right food to following a particular habit, most of what we follow is commonly followed by everyone else.
That being said, let’s find out if what we are following or thinking of as healthy habits are truly effective or mere myths.
Listed below are the most common myths about living healthy and the right facts associated with that myth.
No 1 - It is essential to drink 8 glasses of water each day
Each body type is different from the other and fluid needs vary from body to body.
level of activity.
That being said, a few people drink water only when they are thirsty. So, don’t go by the myth that drinking 8 glasses is enough.
No 2 - Cold Air Is The Main Cause For Cold
So, it is good if you drink 8 glasses of water every day.
However, it is not a definite quantity that would do the same good to everyone.
The amount of water you drink depends on factors such as your size, gender, and In all these years, most of us believe that cold air outside can be one of the major causes for catching a cold. Is that true?
No, we catch a cold only because of the virus. Viruses spread in hot and cold weather.
So, don’t think it is the cold that’s causing all the trouble. It is likely that the logic to catch a cold could be associated with people inside a closed room due to the cold weather. If one person has a cold, it won’t take long for the others to easily catch a cold.
No 3 - Working Out Everyday Is Good For Health
If you intend to work out regularly, nothing like it. However, scientists claim that working out for 5 hours a week is more than sufficient. Going overboard with tough exercises can disrupt the muscles and take longer to recover.
Having said, individuals used to working out every day have strong muscles that can handle that kind of load.
If you are not an athlete and wish to workout regularly, then try mild workouts and do yoga every day.
No 4 - Running Is The Best Workout
The notion that running could be the best workout is not true in every case. The fact is that it may or may not suit your body. best way to lose weight. However, people who are overweight might develop pain in their knees or heels in the long run. Additionally, this even increases the risk of heart problems in elderly people.
Why? This ends up thickening the heart muscles and might cause discomfort.
If you wish to try running then it is advisable that you don’t run for more than 30 minutes a day.
No 5 - It Is Not A Good Idea To Eat Carbs and Proteins Together
Well, in reality, it is not true to believe that carbohydrates and proteins cannot be digested simultaneously. What makes their process of digestion different is their environment of digesting food.
Usually, carbs are absorbed in the small intestine and proteins tend to breakdown in the stomach and large intestine. In some way or the other, the body has its way of digesting everything that you need.
Thus, don’t believe in this myth of avoiding carbs and proteins together. Without any hassles, you can eat them both.
What You Need To Know About World COPD Day 2020
World COPD Day 2020 is acknowledged on 18th November every year. On this day, there is awareness given on ways to fight COPD.
This year, the theme for World COPD Day 2020 is ‘Living Well With COPD - Everybody, Everywhere.’ The abbreviation of COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In this condition, enough air doesn’t go in and come out of the lungs. Usually, a change in weather is the major cause of this condition.
Besides weather, sometimes it is even air pollution that worsens this condition. When the temperature drops, it affects the lungs, and excessive exposure to cold weather troubles the
respiratory system. This condition is another form of lung disease that stays in the body without any symptoms for many years.
As mentioned earlier, along with the change in weather, even what mixes in the air can be a matter of concern.
Many times, there are genetic risk factors such as antitrypsin deficiency that can lead to COPD.
Here is everything you need to know about COPD
What Is COPD?
It is a lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. Some of the symptoms of COPD are difficulties in breathing, cough, mucus (sputum) production, and
People suffering from COPD are at risk of suffering from heart disease, lung cancer, and several other conditions.
Individuals having COPD usually struggle with Emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
In chronic bronchitis, usually, there is an inflammation on the lining of the bronchial tube and this ends up causing cough and mucus.
In Emphysema, the bronchioles of the lungs are destroyed and this usually happens because of pollution. COPD gets worse over time. If it is not treated correctly then you are prone to suffer from other diseases.
COPD is most commonly seen in people who are above 40 years.
l Smoking l Chemicals l Fumes l Long term exposure to air pollution l Asthmatic + smoking l Poorly ventilated homes
COPD symptoms are seen in three stages. Initially, it gets difficult to breathe. Later, you might experience tightness and wheezing. Listed below are the symptoms of COPD l Shortness of breath l Continuous cough l Unclear throat every morning l Later, l Shortness of breath while walking or climbing stairs l High pitched wheezing l Tightness in the chest l Dry cough l Weakness
l Constant cold, flu, and other respiratory infections l Swelling on segments of the leg l Weight loss Apart from these symptoms, if you feel confused or find it difficult to breathe or talk, then you immediately need to be taken care of. Diagnosis This disease is diagnosed based on a physical examination and diagnostic test results. Spirometry, X-ray, CT scan, and arterial blood gas test would be done. Treatment You can get treated for COPD in the following ways. Ø Medications Bronchodilators as it helps with relaxing muscles of the airways and widens it so that you can breathe better.
This is usually taken through an inhaler or nebulizer.
Glucocorticosteroids are another medication taken for reducing inflammation in the airways.
Ø Oxygen therapy Extra oxygen is given through a mask or nasal cannula so
that you can breathe better. Ø Surgery When every form of treatment fails, that’s when surgery comes into the picture. Mostly, surgeries happen when you have a form of severe emphysema.
There is another type of surgery called bullectomy. During this process, surgeons tend to remove air spaces from the lungs.
Lastly, lung transplantations or a lung volume reduction surgery can be done to remove the upper lung tissue.
Ø Simple Lifestyle Changes You can stick to a few habits and get rid of COPD. Take a look at what you should avoid
l Quit smoking
l Avoid inhaling secondhand smoke and chemical fumes l Eat healthy food l Safely exercise
Health Tips
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