Health Action - Spring 2014

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Spring 2014

A Non-Profit Project of Health Action Network Society (HANS) Information Education Action

Spring Clean Your Career, Your Office,Your Water

Shedding Light on Vitamin Bashing Sleep Well: Insomnia Relief for All Ages

Ferulic Acid for Natural Sun Protection

Sick Home Office: A New 21st Century Syndrome Struggling with Incontinence? Stop Unwanted Leakage

Support HANS—Your Natural Health Network p 13 Looking for a Practitioner, Product or Service? Visit the HANS Wellness Directory p 28


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Health Action

Health Action Spring 2014

Defending Apple Orchards: Speak Up Against the GM Apple...................................................5 The Popular Practice of Vitamin Bashing....................................6 Ask This Question Before Taking Statins....................................7 Why I Work in the Natural Health Field....................................8 The Real Meaning of Chinese Medicine....................................10 Eden Energy Medicine Comes to Chi Wellness......................11 HANS Member News...................................................................12 Insomnia Relief for All Ages.........................................................14 Ferulic Acid for Natural Sun Protection...................................15 Struggling with Incontinence?......................................................18 Sick Home Office Syndrome.......................................................20 Why Every Day Should Be Earth Day.......................................22 Activist Morgan Ostler, 81, Still Going Strong.........................24 B.C. Fluoride Free Update...........................................................25 Soul-Mind-Body Medicine............................................................26 Give Joy and Be Free.....................................................................27 HANS Wellness Directory...........................................................28

Published quarterly by Health Action Network Society President Randy Gomm Executive Director Lorna Hancock Managing Editor Michelle Hancock Assistant Editor/Proofreader Julie Cheng Layout & Design Angela Nat Contributors Karen Bowers; Alexis Costello; Kimberly Easterbrook; Jim Harding; Canteris A. Hartley, DCH, HMC; Peter Hudoba; Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CPP; W. Todd Penberthy, PhD; Ingrid Pincott, ND; Jane Shaak; Dr. Chun-Kai Wang; Naomi Wolfman, RN Submissions: Letters to the editor and requests for article references may be sent to editorial@ HANS reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. Health Action Network Society 214-5589 Byrne Rd, Burnaby BC V5J 3J1 T: 604-435-0512 F: 604-435-1561 PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40050050 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 330-123 Main St, Toronto ON M5W 1A1 Health Action magazine is a free publication to its membership. The opinions expressed within are those of the writer and not necessarily those of HANS. Those with health concerns should contact their health-care provider. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

Vitamin Bashing...p 6

Chinese Medicine...p 10

Sick Home Office...p 20

3 | Health Action |

The Effect of Salvestrols on CYP1B1

Salvestrols are food-based compounds that interact with an enzyme to revitalize natural cell death in diseased cells that are beyond help from antioxidants. For more information about Salvestrol supplements, please contact us:

Toll-free 1 (866) 837-1523 Discounts are available for members of the Health Action Network Society. 4 | Health Action |

Defending Apple Orchards: Speak Up Against the GM Apple


grew up in a small town in the Okanagan Valley in B.C, surrounded by fruit trees, homemade preserves and chickens running wild in the backyard. I remember routinely picking apples, cherries, peaches and plums right off the tree and digging in on the spot, the juice dribbling down my chin and onto my clothes, to my mother’s dismay. But if the genetically modified (GM) apple becomes available commercially, I won’t be taking those fruit trees for granted any longer. A small B.C. company called Okanagan Specialty Fruits has asked the Canadian and U.S. governments to approve a “non-browning” GM apple called the “Arctic” apple. I’m pretty sure apples brown for a reason, an indicator of age. This particular GM apple, however, won’t brown when cut for 15 to 18 days. If approved—as early as this year—it could threaten our apple supply, our farmers, and it would be a chink in the armour of what remains of unadulterated food. It would be the first GM apple in the world, and the first GM fruit grown in Canada. According to a 2012 poll commissioned by the BC Fruit Growers Association, 69 percent of Canadians don’t want

to eat the GM apple. I know that many of Health Action Network members are amongst them. In my experience, our members are passionate about food and preserving the integrity of our choices. On that note, HANS is sending a letter to all B.C. grocers asking them to commit to not sell this GM apple, should it be approved. We’ll be reporting our results in future issues of Health Action and the HANS eNews (sign up free on our website at In collaboration with other ­consumer groups such as GE-free BC and the ­Canadian Biotchnology Action Network (CBAN), we’re also encouraging everyone to visit their local grocer and ask the manager to commit to not stocking the Arctic apple. CBAN has a great GM apple resource page on their website. I urge you to take a look. Genetic engineering is an issue that HANS has been writing about in our publications since the 1990s, so it’s wonderful to sense that consumer awareness is at an all-time high. It inspires me that there are so many passionate, committed individuals out there willing to speak out. This is one of the very reasons that HANS was founded in the first place—to facilitate

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Ask about the “HANS Advantage” for business owners today! The Robinson Group Inc June Borlé: 604.874.4429 Fax: 604.873.5600 Toll Free: 1.888.880.2266 5 | Health Action |

change. Let’s work together and make our consumer voice heard so that when our grandchildren go walking through that ­orchard, we know they’re GM-free. h

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HANS considers it a distinct privilege to be named a beneficiary of an estate. To make a bequest towards the continuation of HANS’ goals and educational objectives, request your lawyer add ‘HANS Health Action Network Society Registered Charity No. 13195 1667 RR 0001’ as a beneficiary. Simple, but hugely beneficial.

(604) 435-0512

The Popular Practice of Vitamin Bashing by Ingrid Pincott, ND


ith increasing incidence I am receiving comments from my patients that they have stopped taking certain supplements ­because their MD quoted some research that they did not need them or that they were harmful to them. This article will ­hopefully shed some light on this subject—which is not going away anytime soon. I want to encourage readers to think for themselves rather than relying on the media. In the light of research that shows prescription medications are the fourth leading cause of death in North ­America and that deaths caused by nutritional supplements is far less than one percent, many consumers are looking to regain control over their health and are wanting alternatives to costly prescriptions that have many side-effects they don’t want. This is reflected in the billions of dollars spent yearly by consumers in North America on alternative herbal and ­vitamin ­supplements. Certainly consumers are not always getting what they think they are buying as quality control of the industry varies widely. This is my job, as a naturopathic physician, to use professional remedies that I know contain what is on the label and has the potency that is medicinal. This is a topic for another article! My true job is education, which is the real meaning of doctor—“docere” to teach—and, in this case, to refute the vitamin bashers. The official message emanating from the lofty towers of medical academia is that unscrupulous vitamin salespeople

are duping the foolish and ignorant public. In fact the pharmaceutical industry is running out of ideas and the field of nutritional science is exploding with new discoveries. The situation now exists where self-proclaimed academic “experts,” many of whom have no formal training in nutrition, make negative assertions about vitamins and dietary supplements. These are then published in respected papers such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times

“When we hear negative research, we need to go to the source and read the study ourselves.” or the Globe and Mail, and they carry a certain weight of acceptance by the general public. These assertions are most often scientifically unfounded. Many times after these negative statements are made, positive articles are published to refute these assertions, showing the overwhelming research proving these negative statements as false. The question needs to be asked: “Why does the media not report these positive outcome ­articles?” It would be a full-time job of myself or any other functional medical practitioner to write about every vitaminbashing article that is published and to then point out the reason why this so-called research is “scientifically u­ nfounded.”

A case in point is the research published in early 2013 reporting that calcium increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Many patients reported to me that they had stopped their calcium supplementations because of this media coverage. What the media did not cover was other researchers refuting this so-called research: for example, the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition entitled “Calcium intake is not associated with increased coronary artery calcification: the Framingham Study.” Still to this day the media rehashes this topic repeatedly and patients still come in confused. When we hear about negative research, we need to go to the source and read the study ourselves and not rely on how the media or supposed experts interpret the study data for us. It is encouraged of vitamin bashers to spend more time reading the extensive peer-reviewed journal articles by Roger Williams, PhD, and Bruce Ames, PhD, and textbooks such as Nutritional Medicine by Alan Gaby, MD, or Textbook of Natural Medicine by ­Joseph Pizzorno, ND, and Michael Murray, ND, before proclaiming that there is no evidence supporting the use of dietary supplements.1 h Ingrid Pincott, ND, has been practising naturopathic medicine since 1985 and is currently practising in Campbell River, B.C. (250) 2863655 or This article was first published January 8, 2014, in the North Island MidWeek.

“It would be a full-time job to write about every vitamin-bashing article that is published.” 6 | Health Action |

Ask This Question Before Taking Statins by W. Todd Penberthy, PhD


efore taking statins [to lower cholesterol], ask yourself one question. Why is it, given two people with identical environmental backgrounds, that on average one of them dies early due to cardiovascular disease? Is it because that individual has taken ­fewer statin drugs? Of course not. It is likely due to something different in their genetics, which causes differences in enzymes and levels of other proteins. This leads to differing requirements for essential vitamins and minerals. Cardiovascular disease is largely caused by deficiencies of essential nutrients. Thus adjusting the diet makes sense. When your car breaks down, do you have the repair shop install a gadget not on the car’s parts list? Of course not. We clean, tighten, remanufacture or replace the correct part. Similarly, the body needs maintenance and some tender loving care. Statins are not one of our parts. Essential nutrients are what we need. The reason people die of cardiovascular disease usually begins with inflammation and progressive calcification, not cholesterol levels. The correlations between inflammation, calcification and death by cardiovascular disease (CVD) are much stronger than for correlations between cholesterol levels and death by CVD (Bolland et al, 2008). To understand what’s going on inside of the body, just take a look at the ­images of vascular calcification. In response to inflammation in arteries, plaques form. At the centre of an arterial plaque sits a hard calcification that contains calcium carbonate. Around this calcified nucleus, the plaque develops with fat deposits and a ­fibrous cap. In many cases the plaque can be reversed with excellent nutrition. Considering the media attention given to statins, it’s quite remarkable to learn that they only reduce the risk of mortality from CVD by less than one percent. In contrast, in clinical trials involving more than 8,000 patients over six years, high dose niacin (3,000 mg daily) reduced mortality by 11 percent. And this lowered

risk was tabulated 15 years after the clinical trial ended (Canner et al., 1986)! That represents a huge improvement over treatment with statins. Recent advances in molecular ­biology explain how this works. Niacin’s amazing sustained effect is likely due to its effect on regulating sirtuin proteins that cause longlasting epigenetic ­changes in the structure of DNA. This type of ­epigenetic modulation is known to have ­long-lasting effects.

“The reason people die of cardiovascular disease usually begins with inflammation and progressive calcification, not cholesterol levels.” The nutrition you get in early childhood, or even that your parents got before you were born, can affect your genes over a long period. The data from this study implies that 3,000 mg of niacin is far superior to statins for preventing CVD death. And it only costs about 35 cents per day. Anyone who has the risk factors for death from CVD would be well advised

7 | Health Action |

to consider taking up to three 1,000 mg ­daily doses (or, for less flushing, 12 doses of 250 mg) of regular “fast-release” niacin (Hoffer et al, 2012). It would also be wise to add 100 mg of the MK7 form of vitamin K2 and 1,000 mg flax seed oil with every dose of niacin. These nutrients reduce flushing and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. For a healthy heart, include 3,000– 10,000 mg of vitamin C (Roberts and Hickey, 2011), 400–1,200 IU natural vitamin E, and five cups of kale mixed with colourful vegetables and a bit of grass-fed butter every day. Further, to remove calcifications, it may help to daily take two 200–400 mg doses of magnesium (citrate, chelate, malate or chloride). This can help to dissolve the calcium deposits in arteries (Dean, 2007). None of these essential nutrients requires any prescription, and together they have tremendous advantages for health compared to a statin pill.1 h W. Todd Penberthy, PhD, is a research consultant, medical writer and prominent niacin researcher. This article was first published in the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, December 3, 2013. Get a free subscription at and see the archives at omns/index.shtml.

Why I Work in the Natural Health Field by Alexis Costello


ou saved my life.” “I don’t know what we would have done without

you.” “He’s like a totally different kid— he’s happy, doing well in school and not sick all the time.” These are the kinds of comments that we hear in our office on a regular basis; we get them in cards, emails and teary phone messages. There is something ­really amazing about being in a career where you get to observe people changing over time, where you can see them dealing with physical and emotional challenges and watch them blossom into their full potential. Over the past 13 years I have worked in many different aspects of the natural health world. I’ve worked in and managed health food stores, prepared food in a healthy deli, written articles for newspapers and magazines, done one-on-one consultations and sessions, trekked through the rainforest with a shaman, poured samples at health shows, taught classes and presented in front of large groups. Now, I am the owner of a natural health and wellness centre where myself and four other practitioners see clients, recommend products and teach classes. The three-and-a-half years that Happily Holistic has been open have been some of the hardest of my life—and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Canada is still behind the times in some ways when it comes to how the natural health industry is perceived. While it has definitely improved in the past ­decade, I still meet with glassy-eyed stares on occasion when people ask what I do for a living, and when I use the word “herb,” one in every crowd will ask, “do you mean pot?” As an instructor for spe-

cialized kinesiology classes I constantly try to reinforce the fact that this kind of therapy is scientifically proven, reproducible and teachable, and thus I try to lend some credibility to the field. Europe, Asia and Australia are much more accepting of the natural health field and the concept of integrative medicine. Hopefully, this is where Canada is going in the future. Despite Canada’s tendency to be a bit behind the times, the natural health industry is booming. According to Global ­Industry Analysts, the worldwide alternative medicine sector is expected to reach close to $115 billion by 2015. Their mar-

“The worldwide alternative medicine sector is expected to reach close to $115 billion by 2015.” ket report states, “Over the past 10-year period, the market has recorded strong growth, relatively unaffected by the economic recession. Other elements that have had a positive impact on the market include a trend toward using herbs to prevent and treat illness, greater acceptance of functional foods, the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices publication concerning dietary supplements, and supplier innovation.” Insurance companies are ­increasingly covering alternative or complementary sessions, noting that people who take advantage of these tend to use less medications and doctor visits overall. According to Statistics Canada, Canada’s functional

food and natural health products industry is a leading contributor to global innovation and growth. Canada has more than 680 functional food and natural health product companies with revenues of $3.7 billion. In a 2010 Ipsos Reid survey, 71 percent of Canadian adults reported that they have used a natural health product, while 38 percent reported that they use at least one product on a daily basis. In a field that is steadily growing, most of the challenges are personal. Working with people can be stressful in any profession, but working with people who are unwell has its own challenges. It can be emotionally draining to guide people through their sickness and stress, especially when releasing these involves a lot of tears or anger on their part. And occasionally you have to watch in frustration as someone does not improve or respond to treatment. When this happens, it is easy to give in to feelings of inadequacy or guilt. It’s important to remember that it is the client’s body that does the work, not the practitioner. We do not cure or heal anyone, rather we help remove stress that is holding the body back from healing itself. No day of working with clients is ever boring. People will constantly challenge you. Your heart will swell as they improve and falter when they do. You will see people grow and change. It is demanding, rewarding and the best way I could ever imagine living my life.1 h Alexis Costello is a health practitioner and instructor and the owner of Happily Holistic Natural Health and Wellness. She is a homeschooling mom of three and vice president of the Canadian Association of Specialized ­Kinesiology.

“Canada is still behind the times in some ways when it comes to how the natural health industry is perceived.” 8 | Health Action |


Looking for an exciting career in natural health?

Please join us at our ďŹ rst Natural Wellness Career Fair, a recruiting and networking event for anyone interested in everything from naturopathic medicine to organic landscaping. More info: 604.435.0512 -


The Real Meaning of Chinese Medicine by Dr. Chun-Kai Wang


hinese medicine has a long ­history and it comes from China—this is about as much as the average Joe knows. Despite the popularity of Chinese medicine these days, we need to set some things straight so this ancient healing system doesn’t end up popular for the wrong reasons. What is Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine is as the name suggests: medicine from China. By medicine, we mean natural medicinal plants cultivated more or less in China. Chinese medicine is all about balance, yin-yang and the five elements, right? While true to certain degrees, I avoid such terms, because it speaks nothing of what Chinese medicine really is. I’d like to rather put it short and blunt: Chinese medicine treats disease, period. By disease, I mean real diseases and conditions, ones that patients will have to be given drugs and even surgery for, without sufficient guarantees of any degree of alleviation. It also includes maladies that you may be told are “all in your head,” when you know very well it isn’t. “Chinese medicine uses many endangered species and exotic ingredients.” Bear gallbladder, deer antler, scorpions, geckos and tiger bones are what come to mind when some people think of Chinese medicine. I’ll straighten things out

here: the true orthodox lineage of Chinese medicine does not use such items. Chinese medicine is 99 percent herbal; only about one percent is comprised of common animal-derived and earth-mineral ingredients such as ground oyster shells and ground gypsum. Such items are only employed in special circumstances. Please bear this in mind: Chinese medicine is a clinical science, not witchcraft. “Chinese medicine is a bunch of unscientific folk remedies.” My Oxford Dictionary of Current English defines science as a “branch of knowledge involving systematized observation and experiment.” Chinese medicine, like any discipline, is a branch of knowledge. People were using Chinese medicine to treat infectious diseases in a systematized fashion at least 2,000 years ago. Chinese medicine has been experimented on the people of East Asia for at least just as long. Not science, you say? “Chinese medicine is not safe because it hasn’t gone through controlled double-blind studies.” Chinese medicine is only unsafe if the practitioner doesn’t have a license and isn’t educated well enough to be practising with sound knowledge of Chinese medicine and its diagnostic protocols. As for double-blind studies, we are really comparing more than 2,000 years of clinical herbal experience from human experimentation versus comparatively small pharmaceutical studies on lab rats,

with funding from sometimes suspicious sources. Modern medical science is only a branch of knowledge just like everything else. Using it to criticize and evaluate the science of Chinese medicine is like an electrician telling a plumber how to do his job. What about acupuncture? Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are Oriental medical modalities, but acupuncture technically is not part of Chinese medicine. The core theory and therapeutic method are not entirely the same: acupuncture uses needles and Chinese medicine uses herbs. Furthermore, both modalities treat different things. For example, acupuncture is great for simple musculoskeletal and joint injuries and conditions, while internal systemic diseases or “internal medicine” is practically and exclusively the forte of Chinese medicine. Historically, both disciplines belong to different schools of thought and developed independently from one another. It’s important to know that while both types of therapies can be used in conjunction, Chinese medicine is still Chinese medicine, and acupuncture is still acupuncture.1 h

Dr. Chun-Kai Wang is a licensed doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who practises internal medicine. He is also a lecturer at PCU College­ of Holistic Medicine. (604) 836-3968

“Chinese medicine, like any discipline, is a branch of knowledge.” 10 | Health Action |

Eden Energy Medicine Comes to Chi Wellness by Alexis Costello


fter 20 years of searching, Christine Fisher of Chi Wellness has finally found a healing practice that combines her passion for wellness and has roots in acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathic philosophies. The modality that’s struck a nerve is Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), a tradition that unites a wide variety of approaches to encourage health, healing and well-being. EEM was created by Donna Eden over 35 years ago, after she experienced a wondrous recovery from a multitude of health challenges. Wheelchair-bound and diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, heart disease and breast tumours in her 30s, Eden was instructed by her doctors to get her affairs in order. As a mother of two young daughters, Eden moved to Fiji, lived off the land and achieved a full recovery. She then returned to the United States, took a Touch for Health course and started sharing her healing journey with others and teaching them to do the same. Fisher first discovered EEM in 2007 when she attended a workshop for her own health. She had been suffering from chronic health challenges. She was so impressed with the way she felt after using EEM techniques that she became a Touch for Health instructor and began the certification process for EEM. She has seen the evidence, both personally and with clients, that EEM helps to relieve stress and fatigue, improve symptoms of chronic illness and enhance quality of life. “If you keep your energies moving, you’re going to be healthy. When your energies are stagnant and blocked, that’s when you get problems,” Fisher says. “Eden Energy Medicine is a way to help

take care of yourself energetically. I think of it as acupuncture without needles. It’s powerful, but it’s not invasive.” EEM incorporates the principles of Touch for Health, a system formulated by a chiropractor in the 1960s to balance posture, attitude and life energy to relieve stress, aches and pains. Fundamentally,

“If you keep your energies moving, you’re going to be healthy.” the practice is about moving energies to restore flow and balance without being invasive. Fisher sees EEM as an adjunct ­therapy that can help integrate the results from other treatments, both ­conventional or alternative, and maintain the results, and she often works with a variety of

practitioners to help clients enhance the effects of different therapies. “The beauty of Eden Energy Medicine is that it brings everything together,” she says. “It makes sure all the systems are talking to each other.” Anyone can learn EEM, and perform it at any time and any place. While you can visit certified practitioners like ­Fisher, she also enjoys teaching clients simple movements and techniques they can use at home. “You can work on yourself, and that’s what I love about it,” she says. “You don’t need any equipment to do it. Once you’ve learned it, you’ve got it and it’s available to you for free.” h1

Alexis Costello is a health practitioner and instructor and the owner of Happily Holistic Natural Health and Wellness. She is a homeschooling mom of three and vice president of the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology.

Sample Exercise:The Wayne Cook This exercise helps to focus your mind, untangle inner chaos and think clearly. Sit with your spine straight. Place your left foot over your right knee. Hold your left ankle with your right hand and the bottom of your left foot with your left hand. Breathe in slowly through your nose, letting the breath lift your body, while stretching your leg toward you. Exhale slowly through your mouth, relaxing your body. Repeat four or five times.

11 | Health Action |

Switch to the other foot and repeat this entire process. Uncross your legs and “steeple” your fingertips, resting your thumbs just above the bridge of your nose. Breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth three or four times. On the exhale, separate your thumb slowly stretching your skin on your forehead. Slowly bring your hands down in front of you. Surrender to your breathing. ­—courtesy of

HANS Member News RootsEFT Solid Gold Relationship Guide Heather Donaldson of Nature’s Way Holistic Health has released a new book: Solid Gold Relationship Guide—Creating Flourishing Relationships with RootsEFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Find a compilation of “best of the best” advice and research available at www.rootseft. com. **HANS member discount Online Health Awareness from Island Healthworks Island Healthworks in Nanoose Bay, B.C., has developed a new online health awareness program! Visit and subscribe to receive their cutting edge health and lifestyle ­articles on a weekly basis. Excellence in Ayurveda Award Padmashri Naturals Inc., manufacturers of Sewanti Ayurvedic Series and Padmashri products, was recognized by ayurvedic professionals of North America for Excellence in Ayurvedic Business at the Ayurveda and Cancer Care Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, in October 2013. www.sewanti. com (604) 628-2003 Connect Health Welcomes New Practitioners Connect Health Centre for Integrative Medicine welcomes two new practitioners. Melisa Dzamastagic is an osteopathic practitioner who continues her post-graduate studies in Switzerland and has a special interest in pediatrics. Lisa Schneider is an RMT with an integrative mindset who thrives on treating chronic health conditions. (604) 733-4400

Look What’s New at Port Moody Health Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness has changed their name to Port Moody Health—Integrative Medicine & Cancer Care for Excellence in Advanced Healthcare. Nicole Duffee, BSc, ND (family), and Alana Shaw, BSc, ND (fertility), will now be available for patients in B.C.’s Tri-Cities area in addition to Langley and Vancouver. Kathryn Tian, RDTCM, RAc, TCM and Acupuncture, who has experience in China for cancer care, is also available for consultations. Lastly, Port Moody Health is now one of a few clinics in North America offering hyperthermia cancer therapy (Oncotherm). Sound CDs Launch Harmony of the Spheres’ new CDs have arrived! Chakra Sound Journey is designed to balance and energize the chakras while New Beginnings offers meditative sound journeys. Both CDs were created with the intention of nourishing, supporting and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. Ferulic Facial for Sun Damage New Visage Advanced Skin Care and Anti-Aging Ltd. is introducing a new skin care treatment. The ferulic antioxidant facial is for repairing, restoring and defending against future sun damage. (604) 893-8872 Pain Support Group in Richmond The People in Pain Network is pleased to announce a new support group in the Richmond, B.C. area. Attending a support group is an important way to share the struggles and solutions that are part of living with pain. The dates and times for the meetings will be announced at

12 | Health Action |

Our First Networking Night—A Preview of More to Come Wednesday, January 29th was HANS’s first Professional Member Networking Night. More than 30 members and guests made the trek to Speakeasy Bar & Grill on West Broadway in Vancouver. Thank you to all those who participated in making this a successful first effort. From my perspective, it was a good turnout and, after talking with a number of attendees, it seems there is a strong desire to hold future networking events. In today’s hypercompetitive business environment, it’s crucial for enterprising professionals to engage with other professionals. Networking can be an extremely important activity for educating yourself to the challenges of the marketplace. Networking events can also be good for your own professional knowledge. One takeaway I had from this event is that HANS has in our membership an articulate authority on the thyroid gland. Jeda Boughton’s talk, although only 20 minutes, was important for a couple of reasons. Besides the obvious benefits of learning about the thyroid gland, it was great to see how engaged attendees were by what she was saying. This type of casual, almost town hall-style discussion is a great way to learn without being in a formal educational environment. For future networking nights, HANS will be putting more effort into promoting the knowledge-building part of the evening. The evening was not without a few hiccups. We were limited in menu choices and the management seemed to be unable to control the heating. The restaurant was also a bit noisier than anticipated. ­Although it was a convenient location for many, we will seek a more intimate space next time. As for future events, we’re already considering a networking night in the TriCities area in March. Our thoughts and goals going forward is that these events will become bimonthly and move around the Lower Mainland, so please send me your ideas.1 Michael Volker is the director of operations of HANS. (604) 435-0512


Health Action Network Society is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help grow this important organization. If you or someone you know is interested in being part of HANS in a greater capacity, please email

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Free DVD with memberships or renewals! Circle below or call for other favourites. (Please include $5 S&H) Annual Cancer Prevention & Healing Conference: choose from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Digestion, Mercury and Your Health Jonn Matsen, ND, (2010). Women’s Health Collection Hormones in menopause, TCM and fertility, anti-aging strategies and intuitive eating (2009). Healthy Breast Seminar Sat Dharam Kaur, ND, of The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer (2009). Alzheimer’s Disease: Cause-Prevention-Reversal Harold Foster, PhD (2008). Peace Begins with Me Ted Kuntz, M.Ed. – Practical strategies to increase peace, joy and happiness (2008).

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13 | Health Action |

Insomnia Relief for All Ages by Canteris A. Hartley, DCH, HMC


he consequence of society’s overworked, overstimulated and overscheduled lifestyle is sleep deprivation, both in adults and children. Insomnia—the inability to sleep adequately and soundly and wake refreshed—can be a sign of an underlying condition or imbalance such as anxiety, depression, chronic physical pain and illness, poor diet, stress and not having a rhythmic, balanced lifestyle. Sleep is the body’s way of healing and maintaining health on all levels. When adults and children are deprived from adequate sleep, all aspects of their health and life are affected—from poor memory and concentration, frequent colds and flu, inability to cope with and enjoy life and, especially for children and teenagers, being able to grow and develop in a healthy and enjoyable way. When young children are sleep deprived the more excitable they will be and the harder it is for them to unwind. This can become cumulative throughout the day if missing naps, but also over weeks and months. Finding a balance and rhythm of regular meal times, quiet time and connecting with their parents will help chil-

dren fall and stay asleep each night. Moreover, eating late and going to bed late interrupts the liver’s rhythmic storing activity, giving children and adults a “second wind.” When young children eat dinner before 6:00 pm and go to bed by 6:30 to 8:00 pm, this second wind will not occur. The same applies to adults: eating early and going to bed by 9:00 to 10:00 pm each night maintains your liver’s rhythms, and you’ll sleep deeper and longer and wake refreshed. For teenagers, sleep deprivation can be especially adverse. Teenagers need more sleep than adults, but they often get less due to their busy schedules and late nights. This can result in poor performance and productivity, depression, anxiety, moodiness and aggression, and even affect their hormone levels, laying the ground for other health issues and chronic insomnia later in life. There are helpful steps you can take to ensure proper sleep. It’s important to reduce the amount of stimulation in food and activity; create a bedroom conducive to sleep that is quiet, dark and free from electronic and Wi-Fi devices and phones; get regular exercise and fresh air; incor-

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porate down time throughout the day and week; do relaxing activities for the two hours before bed such as doing meditation or yoga, going for a walk, having a bath and unplugging from your day and computer; and create a rhythmic, slow-paced bedtime ritual for you and your children. Homeopathy is also an effective way of treating any kind of sleep disorder in adults and children. As insomnia is a sign of an imbalance that is occurring in a person’s overall health, all aspects of a person’s health are considered in homeopathic treatment along with their sleep concerns. Often when adults and children are treated homeopathically for other concerns, the first thing that improves is their sleep. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own innate healing ability and in order to resolve any illness—from a cough to depression, chronic illnesses, hormone imbalance and the effects of stress—the body will sleep better to ­facilitate this healing process and find well-being again. Homeopathic treatment is individualized, so it can address the many forms of insomnia and conditions related to it such as an overactive mind, physical restlessness and discomfort, waking too early or frequently, ­inability to fall asleep, anxieties and fears (especially in children who feel insecure at night), and teething, colicky babies. Natural and free of side-effects, ­homeopathic remedies are especially safe for young infants, the elderly and pregnant women. If you or your child have been experiencing sleep problems for more than a couple of weeks, it is advisable to seek a professional homeopath rather than self prescribe so that the underlying ­chronic issue connected with the insomnia can also be addressed and resolved.1 h Canteris A. Hartley, DCH, HMC, has been practising classical homeopathy for more than 14 years and practises in Gibsons, B.C. www.

Ferulic Acid for Natural Sun Protection by Karen Bowers


cientists are heading back to ­nature exploring plant extracts as ­defences against cancer-causing UV ­radiation. Current statistics from the Skin Cancer Foundation report skin cancer has increased by nearly 77 percent in the past decade and the incidence of melanoma has increased by 800 percent among young women and 400 percent among young men. UVB and UVA radiation are both recognized as causing skin cancer; however, UVA is the deeper-penetrating wavelength more often associated with skin changes and long-term damage leading to cancer. Due to alarming studies, considerable scientific awareness has focused on plant-based phytochemicals to combat sun damage and skin diseases. One dietary component in particular, ferulic acid, has been the focal point of medical research at several universities. Ferulic acid is a plant-based antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet corn and rice bran. This naturally occurring substance arises from metabolic pathways in plants. Studies have shown that it exhibits a wide range of therapeutic effects against diseases such as cancer (including skin cancer), diabetes, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Its strength comes from augmenting the effects of other antioxidants, and it enhances the stability of vitamins such as vitamins C, A and E. Duke University Medical Center conducted studies of ferulic acid relating to sunlight damage and DNA mutation associated with skin cancer. Their demonstrations confirmed that topical application of ferulic acid could prevent UVB-induced inflammation and UVA-induced DNA modifications leading to cancer. Their studies demonstrated and supported topical application of ferulic acid for protection and prevention of UV sun damage and skin cancer, including protecting it

from further damage. This news is significant due to recent studies substantiating the shortcomings of sunscreen protection on its own against skin cancer. Indeed, an analysis of three SPF broad-spectrum sunscreens, ­conducted at the RAFT Institute of Plastic Surgery, Mount Vernon Hospital, Middlesex, UK, revealed that UVA free-radical formation was reduced only by 55 percent. Sunscreens are designed to be shields for the skin, protecting the skin by absorbing harmful UV radiation. Since they work at the surface of the skin, they are ­easily ­removed by perspiration, swimming, washing or rubbing. It was concluded that sunscreens are not effective at defending against skin cancer. However, sunscreens are able to prevent some photo-damage, delaying the appearance of wrinkles. Researchers in Australia compared skin aging in 900 men and women over a four-year period from 1992 to 1996. They found that daily sunscreen use significantly slows skin aging, even in middle-aged men and women. Topical antioxidants, in contrast, are designed to work not only at the skin’s sur-

15 | Health Action |

face but also to penetrate inside the skin and become an integral part of protection in the skin. Research at Duke University showed that direct topical application of antioxidants combined with ferulic acid is able to provide optimal photo-protection against skin cancer in the skin when combined with a broad-spectrum sunscreen. I truly believe that boosting our immunity with topical antioxidants could be one of the best ways to focus on sun protection and may be crucial for defence against skin cancer. The studies at Duke University present us with valuable information to guard against skin cancer. This information is important to share considering new cases of skin cancer diagnosed in Canada are trending at 80,000 each year and studies have shown that fewer than 33 percent of adults, adolescents and children routinely use sun protection. 1 h

Founder of New Visage, Karen Bowers has 35 years of international training in natural skin care. (604) 893 8872

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Struggling with Incontinence? Stop unwanted leakage with the Kegel exercise and more by Naomi Wolfman, RN


heila goes in for a yearly physical exam and expects the health care professional to approach the subject of incontinence. When that doesn’t happen, she goes home without having her bladder or bowel symptoms addressed. The cycle continues. When dining out, Ken makes sure he knows the layout of the restaurant for quick access to the washroom. Otherwise, he says no to social invitations. Nancy worries about losing her job because she has to punch out each time she leaves the assembly line. She uses pads, which cost much of what she makes but cannot disclose to anyone. The stories of Sheila, Ken and Nancy illustrate their secret suffering. Throughout the world women and men suffer with incontinence, urgency, frequency, hesitancy, dribbling or nocturia at a ratio of four to one. In Canada alone 10 percent of the population reportedly ­experiences bothersome urinary symptoms. Bowel symptoms are less reported, but so far five percent of Canadians suffer with ­frustrating and

­embarrassing occurrences. Incontinence is any leakage that one does not intend to let escape. Incontinence can be divided by type of symptoms, namely stress, urge, mixed, overflow or functional incontinence. Causes of incontinence There are many causes of incontinence, including loss of structural support, sphincter deficiency, detrusor (bladder muscle) instability, pelvic surgeries, and certain medications or lifestyle habits that aggravate existing symptoms. The pelvic floor—comprised of muscles below your pelvis—cradles internal organs and gives you control when urinating. Conversely, having a weak pelvic floor impacts most of our daily routine and often leads to incontinence. The Kegel exercise is a practical measure for everyone to strengthen their pelvic floor. Dr. Kegel developed the exercises in the late 40s and a select few women practised and greatly benefitted from them. The rest of us, men included, did our bladder

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18 | Health Action |

training when we were around three years old and believed that it should have been good enough for a ­lifetime. What causes a weak pelvic floor? For one, an expanding waistline places weight on the bladder while imposing onto the pelvic floor to support the extra weight. Immobility also creates complications. The muscles of a person who is chronically immobile do not get as well nourished by blood flow as those of an active person. By the same token, immobility of the pelvic floor can make the muscles tense up, shorten and weaken, leaving them vulnerable to unwanted leakage. Studies show that with consistent daily pelvic floor exercises, one can strengthen the muscles supporting our internal organs with desirable results in around three months. Smoking negatively impacts the ­lower urinary tract by decreasing blood flow while the nicotine and tar irritate the fragile tissues. Over time, the blood vessels may be overwhelmed and have more and more difficulty nourishing the susceptible tissues. When a tissue is gradually starved, its function decreases and nerves suffer, rendering the organ less pliable as well as leaving the host less sensitive to bodily cues. Heeding the urge to urinate or eliminate at the right time is important to avoid worsening symptoms such as constipation or overflow incontinence. The ingredients in cigarettes are not the only irritants for bladder or ­bowel. Sugars, caffeine, tomato sauces, spicy foods, fizzy drinks, to name a few, adversely ­impact the elimination organs by creating spasms. Years after childbirth, some women discover they have pelvic organ prolapse (falling out of place), resulting in incontinent symptoms. Pelvic descent can be assessed and the woman’s symptoms ­alleviated by fitting her with a pessary (a medical device) to address areas of pelvic organ prolapse and/or incontinence.

Pregnancy can also weaken the pelvic floor—just try carrying that extra weight for nine months! Strengthening the muscles by doing the Kegel exercises as a daily routine is an important aspect of preparing for labour and delivery. Perineal massages and sitz baths are also very soothing for moms to be. At delivery time, the perineum sometimes suffers micro tears or needs an episiotomy. When ready and free from pain, postpartum moms can resume the Kegel exercises as a daily practice to bring nourishment to the tissues, strengthen sphincters and completely heal the area. Menopausal symptoms play an important role in addressing the lower urinary tract. There are many estrogen receptors within the woman’s pelvic floor. Declining estrogen leaves the tissue thin, fragile, vulnerable to tears and less elastic, as in vaginal atrophy. Deficient estrogen gives irritating symptoms such as redness, tingling, inflammation. It also decreases the number of vaginal lactobacilli, leading to an increase in the vaginal pH and a predisposition to urinary infections—studies show that cranberry juice and vaginal probiotics help in this case.

Men with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) are at risk for weak muscles as well. The prostate itself has muscles and when it increases in size it compresses the prostatic urethra, narrowing or even partially obstructing the passage. Having a surgery such as trans urethral resection of the prostate (TURP) can sometimes inadvertently nick the inner sphincter at the

“Declining estrogen leaves tissue thin, fragile and vulnerable to tears.” bladder base and/or scar tissue can form there, causing incontinent symptoms or ineffective stream starting or emptying. Again, practising Kegel exercises before the surgery and then after the removal of the drainage catheter has shown to be effective in regaining continence status earlier than without the exercises. By the same token, during radical prostatectomy (RP, an operation to remove the prostate gland), the external urinary sphincter will need to learn to perform the function of

containing urine on its own. In this case the Kegel exercises are again a good conservative measure one can do any time, any place. As we age, many of us will experience decreased bladder capacity. This is attributed to changes inside the bladder such as trabeculations (thickens bladder wall, hindering flow) and tissue elasticity. This also means that the urge to void will come at a lesser volume. By decreasing irritants, increasing fluid intake and working on a daily routine, the bladder or bowel can be trained. Again, Kegel exercises are useful as they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. As you can see there are numerous ways to tackle incontinence. It ­requires a dedication to the exercises and a ­willingness to be an active participant in ­self-care.1 h

Naomi Wolfman is a registered nurse specializing in continence. She feels that more education is imperative to assist patients and loved ones in preventing or managing incontinence. (604) 327-7056

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The Sick Home Office A new 21st century syndrome by Kimberly Easterbrook


ccording to Ted Nuyten, CEO and chairman for the Business for Home Foundation, a homebased business is started every 12 seconds in North America. In Canada, 3.6 million Canadians enjoy the many perks and freedoms of working from home. No doubt it is a luxury working from home. Less stress, no heavy traffic to fight, no sitting in a stuffy office all day and no sideways looks when you throw in a load of laundry while working in your pajamas. But is working at home really healthy? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollution is one of the nation’s most pressing personal health concerns. The American Association of Poison Control Centers states that toxins in the home account for 90 percent of all poisonings each year. Indoor air can be up to five times more toxic than outdoor air.

Off-gassing in every room Why is indoor air at home so toxic? One reason is the “off-gassing” of chemicals from products and household items into the air we breathe. No matter where your home office is located, unless you are constantly opening your windows throughout the day, it is a toxic soup mix of chemicals you are exposed to. Every room can be a source of offgassing. Kitchens with cleaning products such as ammonia and bleach and furniture or floor polish containing phenol and nitrobenzene. Bathrooms that carry aerosol propellants, butane in hairsprays, toluene in nail polish and chlorine steam when you shower. Basements that store

p­ esticides, herbicides and fungicides. And living rooms, home office desks and bedrooms that contain furnishings made of formaldehyde and damp carpets that produce mold. Unfortunately, not all indoor air pollutants give off noticeable smell or colour. Radon, for example, is a colourless, odourless gas—the byproduct of ­decaying uranium in rocks and soil. It can seep undetected into lower levels of a home through cracks in walls or concrete. Our noses also lose their sensitivity to a given smell after initial exposure, so some chemicals can go undetected for ­indefinite periods of time. 100 billion times stronger Before the Second World War, after which chemicals became mass produced, there was no such thing as sick building syndrome, nor sick home office syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity and chronic fatigue syndrome. Chemical sensitivity symptoms or “environmental illness” can range from headaches, fatigue, nausea, congestion, heart palpitations, chest pain, sore throat, memory problems, mood changes, breathing problems and skin rashes, to name a few. Many people do not feel the symptoms right away, but some toxins can be stored in fatty tissues for years before they manifest as disease. Chemically sensitive people will feel the effects that much sooner. To compound the problem, we as a society are facing a much bigger problem as wireless technology increases at an alarming rate around our globe. Dr. Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the Karo-

linska Institute in Sweden, states that we are exposed to 100 billion times the electromagnetic frequency radiation that our grandfathers were exposed to. The most dangerous radiation is often found in our home office. Do you have a wireless internet? A wireless laptop? A wireless mouse? An iPod? A cellphone or cordless phone? Or do you have adapters plugged into the wall and resting at your feet? Now for the rest of your home. Do you have a wireless alarm system? Wireless lighting controls? A wireless baby monitor? A wireless music system? A microwave? Now let’s wrap these wireless devices up and slap a smart ­meter on your house and intensify everything ­tenfold. Farren Lander of Healthy Homes Environmental states, “A wireless internet router can be the equivalent of having a cell tower in your home, and when you combine this with a digital electronic cordless telephone (or DECT) and other wireless devices, you turn your home and office into a microwave oven.” Practical solutions So let’s think solution-oriented for our home office and home rather than despair, overwhelm and worry. Start with a practical first step. When you get up in the morning, get in the habit of opening up your office window, then shutting the door and coming back in 15 minutes. This will give some time for the air to circulate and rid toxic air buildup. Do this twice a day, and leave your window open a bit so there is always air flowing in your office. If you don’t have a window in your office, then invest in a good air filter and

“A wireless internet router can be the equivalent of having a cell tower in your home.” 20 | Health Action |

get out for a half hour walk during the middle of the day. Whether you have a window or not, a walk to break up your day and get some air will make you feel more energized. Invest in a couple of large salt lamps for your office, placing one on your desk and the other in a corner. The salt crystal lamp binds the negative ions with the excess positive ions from EMF fields. When the lamp becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Through the lamp, the positively charged atmosphere of an office can be neutralized. Water fountains also give off negative ions in the air. Purifying the air Plants like bamboo palm, Chinese evergreen, English ivy, corn plant or peace lily are known to clear the air of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene and carbon dioxide. To replace toxic air fresheners, add a drop of your favourite aromatherapy to a spray mist bottle. Mist throughout your office. If you are unsure about common airborne contaminants and want to identify the possible sources in your office and home, hire a home-testing agency to do an evaluation. You can find an agency under building inspection services on the internet in the yellow pages in your area. Hire an environmental expert who specifically tests for EMF radiation and dirty electricity, and who can offer you safe solutions. It is just too c­omplicated

nowadays to understand the depth of the EMF radiation attacking our immune system, especially around all our office equipment. To address household toxic products that are also affecting your health while working in your office space, purchase the booklet called The Safe Shoppers Guide by Samuel S. Epstein, MD. Go through your entire house with a garbage bag. Learn what chemicals are harmful. You may have a couple of bags to throw out by the time you are finished. Good old-fashioned vinegar and baking soda are great alternatives for cleaning. Lastly, hold the intention of envisioning a long life with your body, brain and business. Drink good alkaline water throughout the day, eat healthy snacks ­every couple of hours to keep your blood sugar stable, take your essential fatty ­acids daily, get up and stretch from your computer every 20 minutes, make sure you have a good chair to sit on at your computer. Smile, be grateful, and you will be on your way to a healthier you and a healthier home-base office to work in, for the longevity and future success of your business venture.1 h

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Kimberly Easterbrook of Wholistic Gal Consulting is a business interior consultant, longevity research writer and interior wellness educator. She works with her clients, helping them to stay healthy, happy and profitable in their business and workspaces. (778) 823-6960

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Why Every Day Should Be Earth Day by Jim Harding


erhaps you will recall the children’s story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You’ll remember one bed was too hard, another too soft and the third just right; one bowl of porridge was too hot, another was too cold and the third was just right. The “just right” principle has cosmic proportions. Astronomers argue that lifesupporting planets must have the right balance of elements such as carbon, ­oxygen, iron or silicon, within margins and not in extremes; this must be just right. Since launched in 2009, the Kepler satellite has been searching endlessly for signs of other earth-like planets by measuring orbiting objects blocking light coming from far-away stars. It has ­located 2,700 potential alien planets but only three earth-sized ones that are within the “habitable zone” around a star similar to the sun. But these three are thousands of light years away. Meanwhile, just within our own solar system there are three ­solid rock planets from which we can learn what we need about what’s just right for life. Perhaps we need a story called Goldilocks and the Three Planets. Venus:Too much What can we learn about the specialness of Earth compared to our solar system neighbours Mercury and Venus? Venus was named after the Roman goddess of beauty mostly because it shines like a bright star in the night light. We now know, though, that this is because its heavy, contaminated atmosphere reflects much of the sun’s light back to our eyes. There is nothing beautiful about Venus’s environment; it actually forewarns us about the runaway effect that comes with

a buildup of greenhouse gases. Its heavy atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide and then sulfur dioxide, and its temperature is around 863 degrees F, which is incompatible with evolving life as we know it. Venus is still geologically very ­active, which seems to be one fundamental requirement for a planet to support life. But it’s too active. Its volcanoes spew such thick gases that the resulting atmosphere builds up immense solar heat. The circulating of liquid water is another precondition for life as we know it, and this can’t happen on Venus. ­Venus’s canyons, once thought to have been formed by water, now appear to be the result of the constant flow of lava. If there ever were water there, the extreme greenhouse effect sent it into space. So our sister planet Venus is too hot and too dry, has too much atmosphere and too much geological activity; it’s not at all just right for life. Mercury:Too little What about Mercury? This fast­orbiting planet was named after the ­Roman messenger god. As it is the closest planet to our sun, you might think it to be even hotter than Venus. Not so; in contrast to Venus, Mercury hasn’t enough ­atmosphere to build up and regulate heat. It has too little greenhouse effect to support life. Mercury has the greatest temperature variation of all our planets: it is extremely hot (800 degrees F) on the sunfacing side and extremely cold (minus 280 degrees F) on its dark side. Being much smaller than Venus or Earth, Mercury’s gravity is too weak to hold an atmosphere. Without any sign of internal geological activity for billions

of years, it’s considered a “dead planet” and has no seasons at all. (There could be no snowbirds going south for the winter on Mercury.) NASA recently confirmed that while there’s water on Mercury, it is locked up as ice in deep craters at the poles, not exposed to direct sunlight. It is thought the water may have come from comets and out-gassing from long-gone geological activity. Mercury is too small and too dry with too little atmosphere and no apparent geological activity; it’s not just right for life either. Earth: Just right Earth is not too hot or too cold for life and it has seasons. It’s not too dry but instead has oceans of liquid water covering most of its surface. It’s not too small and has just enough atmosphere to regulate temperature to maintain liquid water and life. It’s not a dead or hostile planet, but an active, life-creating, self-regulating one, called Gaia. That’s why we’re here; it’s clearly a very special place in the cosmos. When we realize the chances of a planet being just right for life, Earth should be considered a very sacred place, not to worship as though we are outsiders but to preserve as a sacred, interconnected web of being. But Earth has been colonized by proliferating humans who are quickly accelerating the greenhouse effect through industrial-consumer globalization. We are collectively altering the chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans upon which we and our fellow species depend, and habitats and species are steadily disappearing. We speak of planets being “dead” or “alive.” A living planet like ours has just

“Perhaps we need a story called Goldilocks and the Three Planets.” 22 | Health Action |

enough atmosphere to create the “just right� greenhouse effect to protect us from cosmic radiation and envelope us in a water-nourished, life-sustaining biosphere. We are taking this all for granted at our peril.

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Jim Harding is a retired professor of environmental and justice studies.

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Sacred planet No matter where we live, what we are doing or thinking, or what our cultural or religious background, we all breathe, eat and commiserate because of the Earth’s unique biosphere. Without the biosphere maintaining the right range of temperature, health of the oceans, web of life and food chains, we would not survive or flourish. Without the water flowing through our bodies with the nutrients of the planet, we would be as dead as a dead planet. We are now learning the hard lesson that without the bees our own food security would be in jeopardy. We simply couldn’t have come into existence on a dead or hostile planet like Mercury or Venus. Yet with the help of our evolved brain and social control systems we have created the illusion that we are somehow not of this place, that we are above it, that we can extract from and poison this planet at will, without consequence. That we can then escape this degraded planet and find an equally comfortable place somewhere else! We are very wrong about this and our ideas must change quickly. There’s no such thing as a replaceable planet; however, the ­economy is replaceable with a more s­ ustainable form. So every day should be Earth Day whether we think about it this way or not. And every day we might want to spend at least a moment or two pondering how our creation is interwoven with the unique characteristics of this living planet. There is a huge lesson here for how we preserve and promote our individual and collective health. It can be both humbling and inspiring to realize our unique and blessed circumstance. We earthlings have to be careful. Every day we need to recommit to doing all we can, in awe and action with others, to protect this sacred place.1 h

Activist Morgan Ostler, 81, Still Going Strong by Jane Shaak


received a cheery call from Morgan Ostler last fall after she read my article about Prince George’s upcoming referendum on fluoride in October 2014. Morgan has been a HANS member since 1996. She first learned of HANS through a phone call from HANS founder Lorna Hancock. Morgan mentioned that she will always remember that personal call from Lorna, congratulating her right after the successful vote to eliminate fluoride from Campbell River’s water. Morgan’s story “I am now in my 81st year,” Morgan says. “I was raised on a farm near the Saanich Peninsula on Vancouver Island and was blessed to have a father who was a visionary regarding whole foods, vaccinations, natural healing and mind power. I have lived in Campbell River for almost 50 years and have worked as a reporter and then editor of a local weekly. I have a long background in social services and also owned a travel agency for 10 years. “My second husband, Bob Ostler, was a much-loved mayor. He placed great importance on acquisition of waterfront property in order to protect it from future commercial development. Hence, the city enjoys an eight-kilometre stretch of seawalk property that will be protected from future commercialization. I was very watchful of how my husband brought about change in the community. “Following his death, I sold the ­agency and decided to run for city council. I served two terms and held the ­environment portfolio. I then retired as

it became obvious that with this new political understanding of how things work at City Hall, I could have more effect on the outside looking in. The major accomplishment for the time on council was to raise a huge support group to assist in my fight to prevent the construction of a massive shopping development on the water’s edge of our famous Campbell River, designated a Heritage River by the B.C. ­government. “For the past five years, I have been deeply involved in issues around food security and sustainable development, chaired the city’s Agriculture Advisory Steering Committee, and have written a

“It was the longest lobby held in B.C. This kind of experience changes your life.” regular column “The Urban Gardener,” which appears in the Campbell River Mirror, a local weekly. I recently co-formed a team that has been successful in bringing forward a backyard poultry bylaw and another team that has formed a Broombuster group with the mission of removing all invasive broom within city borders. “It is estimated that Campbell River supplies less than one percent of its food requirements. Our Ag Committee set a future goal of raising that to 10 percent of our city’s food consumption. Thanks to the support of North Island College, we

now have ongoing classes for both students and adults in all aspects of food gardening. The process of how to open up our agricultural land to community and commercial development is my next task. There will be a lot of professional help on that one, hopefully.” Learning to lobby In my discussions with Morgan, I marvelled at her skills of lobbying. When she was 68 and ran for city council in Campbell River, she learned about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and decided that this condition, which she believes she would have been labelled with, has actually been a great asset. “I think of ADHD as a gift, having such abundant energy is a wonderful thing and I try to use it wisely,” says Morgan. She learned to lobby in 1965 with a group of young mothers who were alarmed at the island’s traffic death statistics. These women formed a lobby group and did a presentation to the minister of highways regarding the necessity for an inland mountain highway. Over the years, there were fewer and fewer people left in the group until Morgan was the last in the final lobby, so in 2001, she was the one to cut the ribbon on the Inland Island Highway. “This was the longest lobby held in B.C. This kind of experience ­changes your life. I realized the effectiveness of forming groups and regardless which ­party was in, we were in their faces.” In terms of Prince George’s upcoming fluoride referendum (see side), Morgan has been very helpful, sending articles

“For the past five years, I have been deeply involved in issues around food security and sustainable development.” 24 | Health Action |

and recommendations to local committees. She sent along information about the Campbell River experience, including, “The local paper The Mirror reported that it was first approved by council in 1960 as a plebiscite. There was a call for a referendum in 1978. The city, the school board and two water districts were embroiled in the issue and they each believed that water was a separate jurisdiction for each group. The proposed referendum disappeared in a puff of steam. Finally a citizens group, of which I was a member, decided that it was the right time to bring the issue forward to the public. Dr. Richard Foulkes was a health-care administrator for the government of B.C. and then commissioned to establish a special study on the healthcare system. He supported fluoridation at that time but around 30 years later he reviewed the science and recanted his support. With his newfound knowledge, he travelled around BC to warn communities of fluoride’s dangers. Fortunately, he addressed a group in the Comox Valley and his speech received wide publicity. The timing of that new information was helpful to us when we were campaigning in the malls for signatures supporting a referendum. “Fluoride came out of Campbell ­River’s water in 1993 with a 70 percent no vote. Since that time, Campbell River has earned U.S. and Canadian awards for the quality of its water.” Morgan has a blended family of 10 children, 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. About being 81, Morgan says, “It’s as good as it gets. I wake up in gratefulness every day and live in perfect health. On my bike rides, I try for 20 ­kilometres a day. I have discovered vacuum packing for fruits and vegetables.” A while ago, Morgan had symptoms of arthritis; however, she read Dr. Davis’s Wheat Belly and followed the book’s advice. Within four weeks she was totally pain-free. She now uses ancient grains and wheat alternatives such as amaranth, red fife, sorghum and rice flour. “My doctor tells me I will live to 105. I live organically and have a great garden. I get my exercise and I live in the moment.”1 h Morgan Ostler’s blog is Urban Gardener Campbell River; email her at

B.C. Fluoride Free Update


.C. Fluoride Free” has been a goal of HANS for decades and there are new opportunities to achieve this through education, community awareness and referendums. Of the five remaining fluoridating communities in B.C, three are already going to referendum and there is still time for the last two to make their announcements. The five B.C. communities currently fluoridating their water systems—Cranbrook, Fort St. John, Prince George, Sparwood and Terrace—add up to three percent of the population, according to B.C. Statistics. Cranbrook, Prince George and Sparwood are going to referendum, and Fort St. John and Terrace have not made any official announcements to date.

“Breaking the cycle of fluoride is challenging, with many organizations still d­ efending it vehemently. ” Since water fluoridation began in the 1950s, it had a peak in about 22 communities in the 1980s. Since then, communities have been taking out fluoride to the point where we now have only five left. These five remaining communities are primarily resource based. Vancouver and Victoria, B.C.’s largest cities, do not have fluoride. There is no fluoride being administered on Vancouver Island or the Kootenays. You may have heard of Kevin Millership, who worked hard to take fluoride out of the water in Kamloops and succeeded. In the last few years, Millership moved to the Kootenays and sued Cranbrook, which has since accepted a settlement with him. This settlement includes $10,000 towards educating the community and its constituents about the risks of fluoride. According to an article in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman newspaper, in his lawsuit, Millership alleges that the city has a duty of care for its residents and is negligently harming members of the suit by adding fluoride to drinking water. 25 | Health Action |

Millership is passionate and has written other communities that are currently distributing fluoride, such as Sparwood, Terrace and Fort St. John. Sparwood has since advised Millership that it will be going to referendum. Breaking the cycle of fluoride is challenging, with many organizations still ­defending it vehemently. In spite of the studies, debates and conclusions that fluoride has risks for many demographics of the population and should be unconstitutional, the much-used apple pie kind of discussion continues with the thought that we are helping people who can’t afford dentists. How about the environment and the habitats? How about elderly people with dentures (no teeth) and brittle bones? What about people on medications with unknown side-effects? What about all the people who use bottled or distilled water intentionally to get rid of fluoride and other toxins? Actually, we are still grateful because B.C. has one of the lowest percentages of fluoride being administered in North America. We appreciate that fact and although it is comforting, the end goal is to have the entire province of B.C. fluoride free. Imagine how the “Best Place on Earth,” as we are told, can attract visitors and immigrants with the assurance that fluoride is not hidden in the ­municipal waters! Fluoridation continues to be ­debated worldwide with Paul Connett and the team of Fluoride Action Network keeping track of progress. Go to for updates. It is impressive to see the steady removal of this toxic chemical from communities and entire countries. Let’s hope that B.C. communities succeed in ridding their water of fluoride in November this year. And when they do, we can all toast them with a glass of fluoride-free drinking water! —JSJS

Soul-Mind-Body Medicine by Peter Hudoba


n recent decades, there has been an upsurge of new concepts of healing. Words like “integrative,” “complementary,” “alternative” and “holistic” now permeate not only the health-care field, but also everyday discussions. Various forms of mind-body medicine have become more and more popular, to the point of being widely accepted. ­However, these modalities emphasize the mindbody connection, while the role of the soul, the spirit, has been often avoided. Spiritual medicine seems to be standing somehow separately, on its own. In my personal view, based on the study and practice of various healing ­modalities over the past 35 years, the best results can be achieved when we combine healing that has an effect on all three ­levels: body, mind and soul. When a patient has, for example, a pain in the stomach, he would go to a medical doctor, have an endoscopic ­examination, and could be found to have an erosion in the stomach lining. After receiving the diagnosis of a stomach ulcer, he would then be prescribed Zantac (to reduce stomach acid) or some other medication. However, this medication would not necessarily cure the illness ­permanently and, in many cases, would need to be ­repeated. Having practised acupuncture for many years, I would, as well, understand that there is likely a blockage in the flow of energy in the stomach meridian. An acupuncture treatment could be offered to open the blockage, and the patient could feel better. However, the effect would usually not last, and within a few days, another treatment would be necessary. This might be repeated again and again. So what is the issue then? I believe that it is in the soul. We are born with karmic messages in our souls and they manifest as all sorts of difficulties in our lives, including illness. Coming back to our ­example of the patient with the stomach ulcer, very likely there would be karmic darkness blocking the flow of energy in

the stomach meridian, finally leading to erosion of the stomach tissue. What I usually teach participants in workshops is a very simple technique called the four power technique meditation. First, place your left palm on the ­belly, just below the navel. Then place the right palm on the upper abdomen, over

“We are born with karmic messages in our souls and they manifest as all sorts of difficulties in our lives, including illness.” the stomach, where you feel the discomfort. Focus on the area underneath your right palm and imagine it is filled with golden light. Then, ask the Divine, Holy beings, angels or any saints—whatever you believe in—to heal you, to give you “soul healing light” to heal your problem. Then give love. Say to your soul, and the soul of your stomach: “I love you, help your-

self, heal yourself. You have the power to do that, do a good job!” Finally, chant. A powerful mantra is “shining soul light.” Do this practice routinely, for about 20 to 30 minutes a day and eventually you may feel a difference. However, I must stress, do not attempt to do this as a replacement for medical care. You must see your medical doctor and ­receive appropriate attention alongside your chanting practice. In my view, spiritual healing alone many not be enough either, because even when we remove the karmic blockage, its energetic and physical manifestation could still be present, and it takes some time to un-manifest. Therefore, in order to achieve a permanent solution quickly, we should apply healing at all three levels. In my experience, this approach offers the best results.1 h

Dr. and Master Peter Hudoba is a spiritual master with more than 40 years of study in ­alternative healing and Taoist techniques. His professional background as an international award-winning neuroscientist gives him a comprehensive perspective on healing. He travels the world to teach and is author of a book on the enlightenment journey.

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Invest in Your Health - 26 | Health Action |

Give Joy and Be Free by Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CPP

Giving joy is a simple, delicious, time-tested mantra that can open your heart and bring endless happiness and purpose to the giver or receiver. All too often, we wake up to our day keenly aware of our hidden limitations, body aches, past traumas, children’s worries, unachieved goals, money concerns and relationship struggles. How you pull yourself out of that human mire is unique to you, your character and how you have lived your life. We lose track of ourselves, lose our in-syncness with our path, our internal ­barometer, when we get too wrapped up in our own malaise. The time-tested “giving joy” mantra can blast away that self-serving “woe-is-me” block that has allowed you to forget who you really are. Giving joy possesses tremendous power, if you choose to let it. For me, the simple thrill of knowing I am an instrument of joy with the ­power to affect life provides sufficient fuel and thrill to get me going in the morning, no matter what. And if I so choose, I can

bring happiness or give someone some sweet loving that they otherwise may be missing that day. Getting older brings the accompanying ability to let go of things that stop joy from flowing freely. Getting ­older means acquiring wisdom that allows you to choose those who are going on the same journey as you. Those who are ­toxic to you, you can let go in compassion and love. Those who bring you trials but whom you love, you enter a relationship willingly for the sake of your own spiritual expansion—and for theirs, because we all need to grow. We grow because of this beloved earth we inhabit. Universal consciousness begins with you and me. It doesn’t just exist in a good book for you to get inspired when you need; it exists in you precisely so you might practice it for the good. Giving joy doesn’t have to sound too spiritual to attempt if you can understand we are social beings; we can’t live isolated from others. A large chunk of happiness comes when we give ourselves and

our hearts away. We don’t get happier through shielding our hearts from feeling for each other; we get healed from past hurts by risking our hearts and speaking our truth clearly, quietly and freely. We risk ourselves because we want to have a different conversation that may set us free in the process. The act of giving joy or giving love— whichever works for you—is simple and free. It will keep on giving itself to you and never run dry. We are parts of a whole, the whole of humankind. We need each other to heal and to grow. If you care to practice this with a sweet bravery and a large dose of lightness and fun, I can ­assure you that joy—the genuine article—is yours now and forever more.1 h

Trish Lim-O’Donnell, CCP, is a certified life coach practitioner and E.Q. Music recording artist with 28 years of personal and professional life coaching experience.

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HANS Wellness Directory Your natural health resource. More details at * *Discount to HANS Members naturopathic physicians acupuncturists chiropractors homeopaths environmental services natural skin/hair care and more. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine ACU‑BRIDGE Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic (604) 432‑7209 5238 Irmin Street, Burnaby BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca BodaHealth (604) 733‑2632 bodahealth. ca 302‑1245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Lorne Brown, BSc, CA, Dr TCM, RAC (604) 678‑8600 #250 ‑ 828 West 8th Avenue, Van BC acubalance. ca Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock BC drerikson. com Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com Shelley L Page, Dr TCM (604) 541‑9336 690‑15355 24th Ave, Surrey BC PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 TCM Association of BC (604) 602‑7550 4347 W 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC tcmabc. org Dr.  Chun‑Kai Wang, DTCM Internal Medicine & Pain Clinic 15532‑ 92A Avenue, Surrey www. drwang. ca Jen Wasmund, RTCMP (604) 738‑5569 #409 ‑ 2150 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 202‑2383 King George Hwy, Surrey BC Yackel, Avery, BASc, R. TCM. P.  (604) 671‑4682 108‑2078 West 4th Ave, Vancouver BC Lyla Yip, MSc, RAc, DTCM (604) 872‑6833 #203 ‑ 2256 Brunswick Street, Vancouver BC Weidong Yu, DTCM, FAc. , BM, MPh (604) 737‑7876 916 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver BC

Animal & Pet Holistic Health Care Richard Calland, DVM (604) 565‑7217 7280 Adera St, Vancouver BC Fraser Valley Animal Care (604) 852‑4480 217 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC

Aromatherapy Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080

For Associations, Non-Profits and Support Groups, please visit HANS does not recommend, prescribe or endorse any particular product, service or professional. This directory is for informational purposes only.

Saje Natural Wellness #101‑19052 26th Ave.  Surrey www. saje. ca 604‑536‑7191 Young Living Essential Oils (604) 874‑7318 Carolyn Zerr & Micheal Au http:/ / carolynzerr. younglivingworld. com

Assessments NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com Revitalize Health Centre 3331 No.  3 Road Richmond www. revitalizecentre. com info@revitalizecentre. com

Associations For these FREE listings, visit

Ayurvedic Medicine Padmashri Naturals Inc.  www. sewanti. com 60022‑6417 Fraser St, Vancouver 604‑ 628‑2003 Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Jaisri M Lambert, www. ayurveda‑seminars. com Ayurveda Seminars and Consulting (604) 290‑8201 Sudha Madhuri Ayurvedic Medicine www. vancouverhealing. com sudha@ vancouverhealing. com

Biofeedback Embrace Continence Solutions Ltd.  www. embrace‑cs. ca 6729 Tisdall St.  Vancouver 604‑327‑7056 Eloise O’Ball, RN, Registered Holistic Allergist pacificallergyandwellness. com (778) 839‑6557

Business Opportunities Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Cancer Information, Treatments & Support Acquired Intelligence Inc (Salvestrols) Victoria BC salvestrol. ca (250) 483‑3640 Callanish Society (604) 732‑0633 2277 W 10th Ave, Vancouver BC Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Dr Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca

28 | Health Action |

LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 428‑1991 327 Renfrew St, Vancouver BC Ovarian Cancer Canada www. ovariancanada. org 205 145 Front Street East Toronto ON Dr.  Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness (604) 949‑0077 #202 ‑ 101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody BC Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT, New Westminster, BC

Children’s Health National Vaccine Information Centre (703) 938‑DPT3 204 Mill Street, Suite B1, Vienna Virginia Autism Canada (519) 695‑5858 PO Box 366, Bothwell ON Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego CA Sabrina Chen‑See www. DrChenSee. com 905‑750 W.  Broadway Vancouver 604‑566‑9088 Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com VRAN ‑ Vaccination Risk Awareness Network Inc.  (250) 355‑2525 PO Box 169, Winlaw BC

Chiropractors Gregg Anderson, DC (604) 531‑6446 305 ‑ 1656 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Christine Bird, DC (604) 885‑7124 Box 358, Sechelt BC Dr Janice Blanke (819) 687‑9021 90 CH Morgan, Montcalm QC Sabrina Chen‑See www. DrChenSee. com 905‑750 W.  Broadway Vancouver 604‑566‑9088 DesLauriers Chiropractic Group & Assoc 1219 Johnston Road, White Rock BC (604) 535‑2500 Dr Barbara James Chiropractic (250) 868‑2951 1333 St.  Paul St, Kelowna BC Dr Kevan Shong Chiropractic (604) 540‑1551 Suite E ‑ 7487 Edmonds Street, Burnaby BC Dr.  Karin Mattern (250) 758‑7022 3648 Departure Bay Road, Naniamo BC

evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Helen Fadden, DC (604) 852‑4480 #217 ‑ 2825 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford BC Dr.  Mahin Darabi ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC Drs Rainer & Randall Zindler ‑ Fraser Chiropractic (604) 321‑6704 #315, North Tower 650 41st Ave W, Vancouver BC John W C Loh, MSc, DC (604) 941‑0644 201 ‑ 3377 Coast Meridian Road, Port Coquitlam BC Kitsilano Chiropractic (604) 731‑6773 3446 W.  Broadway, Vancouver BC Alvin G Klassen, DC, FCCRS(c), CPT (604) 271‑6442 10020 No 3 Rd, Richmond BC Jay Lepp, DC (604) 939‑7556 2325 St.  John’s Street, Port Moody BC Dorothea McCallum ‑ Ventura Chiropractic 101‑32920 Ventura Ave, Abbotsford 604‑859‑6781 Peter Mulyk, DC, 1318 Alberni St, Vancouver, BC (604) 685‑9416 Nucca Spine Clinic ‑ Dr.  Michael J.  Foran Vancouver, BC (604) 266‑1461 www. neckdr. com Orion Health‑ Surrey (604) 575‑2325 #120 ‑ 16555 Fraser Highway, Surrey BC Robert T Ohori, DC (604) 946‑0144 5017 ‑ 48th Avenue, Delta BC Edith Veillette, DC (819) 669‑9676 435 boul.  La Verendrye e. , Gatineau PQ Brent Willox, DC (604) 253‑6930 1279 Nanaimo St.  Van, BC www. vanwellness. com Woodgrove Pines Chiropractic (250) 390‑2003 or (250) 390‑2993 102 ‑ 6135 Metral Dr, Nanaimo BC

Cleansing & Detoxification ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7019 North Van BC primevitality. ca Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC

Colon Hydrotherapy ABC of Colon Care/ Prime Vitality (604) 929‑7019 North Van BC primevitality. ca Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Lifelong Health www. lifelonghealth. ca (604) 538‑6850 15228 Pacific Ave, White Rock BC Lisa Keith (604) 738‑3858 212‑3195 Granville Street, Vancouver BC The Happy Colon (604) 525‑8400 #360 ‑ 522 ‑ 7th Street, New Westminster BC **Archer Jensan /  Vestta (604) 731‑3571 2190 Fir St, Van /  vesttawholehealth. com Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC

Counsellors (Registered) Brigitte R.  Clark M. Ed, C. C. C. , S. E. P.  Vancouver, BC (604) 928‑5913 www. freefallinsurrender. com Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Craniosacral Therapy Jennifer Beeston 604‑536‑5985 beeston. jjulia@yahoo. ca Brenda Pulvermacher, BSc (604) 986‑9355 200‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Dentists Arshbir S.  Kler, DDS/ A.  Ross Gorrell, DDS #201‑5405 12th Ave, Delta BC (604) 943‑2291 Art of Dentistry (604) 431‑0202 104‑6411 Nelson Ave, Burnaby BC

Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca Evangelo Papoutsis, DDS (604) 886‑4543 315 ‑ 287 Gower Point Rd, Gibsons BC Van Cosmetic/ Implant Dentistry (604) 434‑0248 #359 ‑ 4800 Kingsway, Burnaby BC

Electromagnetic Fields & Earth Radiation Jim Waugh, EMF SafeHome (604) 788‑0743 Greater Vancouver, BC EMFSafeHome. com Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Farren Lander, HealthyHomes Environmental Surrey, BC (604) 538‑0809 **Vlasty Senovsky, Geopathic Consultant (604) 990‑0524 Lower Mainland, www. geopathic‑consulting. com

Energy Medicine Holly Berezowski, Happily Holistic Natural Health & Wellness www. happilyyholistic. ca, office@ happilyholistic. ca (250) 491‑7559 **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Maria Djordjevic, BSc.  CIEHP (604) 727‑4186 Vancouver BC sanare. ca Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Diane Louie, EFT Practitioner (604) 888‑2950 21231 ‑ 93rd Avenue, Langley BC Michael D’Alton’s School of Bio‑Energy Healing (604) 688‑5177 www. daltonsbio. com Vancouver BC Ann Perrick (604) 250‑4916 EMF Balancing Technique, North Vancouver, BC The HeartMind Institute (778) 476‑1414 Penticton BC www. theheartmindinstitute. com Phillip W Warren (604) 946‑4919 4459 ‑ 52A Street, Delta BC rebprotocol. net

Environmental Products & Services Milt B Bowling (604) 949‑1502 http:/ / www. cleanenergycanada. com/  **Nature Cleaning Services (604) 255‑3735 2, Port Coquitlam BC

Food Preparation & Healthy Cuisine Earthsave Canada (604) 731‑5885 Vancouver BC, www. earthsave. ca FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Raw Food Society of BC (778) 737‑8852 8051 Poplar St, Van BC www. rawbc. org

Health & Education Centres Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Dominion Herbal College (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionherbalcollege. com www. happilyholistic. ca 7655 Falconridge Cres.  Kelowna, BC Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC Love Peace Harmony Vancouver (604)733‑0853 www. lovepeaceharmonyvancouver. com PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 John Theobald GNM Education www. learninggnm. com john@learninggnm. com Vancouver Island College of Natural Wellness Nanaimo, BC (800) 255‑2816 www. vicnw. com

29 | Health Action |

Health & Life Coaches Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC Trish Lim‑O’Donnell, CCP (604) 544‑2902 Vancouver BC, www. trishlimodonnell. com

Health Food Stores **Alive Health Centres www. alivehealthcentre. ca With 14 locations in BC, mostly in the Vancouver area Ave Maria Specialties (250) 563‑6388 1638 20th Ave, Prince George BC Clearwater Natural Foods Limited (250) 674‑3147 735 Clearwater Village Road, Clearwater BC Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Consumers Nutrition Centre (604) 270‑0007 #1318 ‑ 6551 No.  3 Road, Richmond BC Dawson Creek Health Food Ctr (250) 782‑4656 901C ‑ 103rd Avenue, Dawson Creek BC Edible Island Whole Foods Market (250) 334‑3116 477‑6th St. , Courtenay BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com **Kelly’s Specialty Shop Ltd.  (604) 485‑5550 4706 Marine Ave, Powell River BC Lifestyle Markets, #180‑2950 Douglas St.  250‑384‑3388 **Marks Pharmacy (604) 731‑8535 3750 Oak Street, Vancouver BC **Mother Natures (250) 365‑7750 Caslegar, BC www. mothernaturescastlegar. com Nurture Health & Wellness (403) 208‑0812 63 Crowfoot Terrace NW, Calgary Alberta Sunnyside Naturals Kaslo BC (250) 353‑9667 The Peanut Mill Natural Foods Market (905) 685‑8848 191 Welland Ave. , St.  Catharines ON Valley Health (780) 624‑1332 10019‑100 St Peace River AB

Health Products & Equipment AIM Canada (604) 263‑8497 theaimcompanies. com 390‑2025 W.  42nd Ave. , Vancouver BC Amazing Health (604) 856‑9472 6581 Sunshine Drive, Delta BC Alison Douglas www. myaimstore. com/ alisonswellness. com alisondouglas52@gmail. com Earthing Canada 1‑877‑819‑1968 www. earthingcanada. ca Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC Wendy Hampton Bio‑mats. ca (250) 756‑5973 MsWalkabout1@gmail. com Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC **Healthy Business Consulting Ltd (778) 294‑0611 Ron & Maggie Gale South Surrey BC healthybusiness. ca Infinite Possibilities Consulting (250) 598‑8574 USANA Distributors, possibilities_intl. usana. com Juice Plus www. mariannesjuiceplus. com 604‑603‑4272 mhpearson@telus. net Kwikfit4u laura@kwikfit4u. com 250‑769‑5552 Laura Pelletier Whole Body Vibration Specialist Preferred Nutrition (519) 853‑1118 153 Perth St. , Acton ON, pno. ca Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Health Retreats & Spas Cedar Springs Renewal Center (360) 826‑3599 Sedro Woolley WA cedarsprings. org

Healthy Homes & Interiors Holistic Interior Consultant (778) 823‑6960 Kimberly Easterbrook Farren Lander, HealthyHomes Environmental Surrey, BC (604) 538‑0809

Herbalists (Registered) Dominion Herbal College (604) 433‑1926 Burnaby BC, dominionherbalcollege. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC PCU College of Holistic Medicine www. pcucollege. ca 604‑433‑1299 Wellness Trading Post www. wellnesstradingpost. com Julieta Criollo, DNM, CHT, New Westminster, BC

Herbs & Herbal Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB Eastern Currents Distributing Ltd.  (604) 263‑5042 9109 Shaughnessy St, Vancouver BC easterncurrents. ca Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Independent Zango Distributor, Surrey, BC **Gaia Garden Herbals 604‑734‑HERB (4372) 2672 West Broadway, Van BC, gaiagarden. com Joy of the Mountains Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano joyofthemountains. com (866) 547‑0268 Vitex Nutrition Ltd.  VitexNutrition. com 494 Midvale St.  Coquitlam BC 778‑355‑8027

Holistic Massage Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca

Homeopaths Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC BC Society of Homeopaths www. bcsh. ca Referrals to classical homeopaths Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 Marie Lamey, Trinity Homeopathy Clinic Vancouver, BC (604) 837‑7396 Diane Louie, DCH, RSCHom, Classical Homeopath 21231‑93rd Avenue, Langley BC (604) 888‑2950 Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH (604) 677‑7742 351 E 39th Ave, Van, BC Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC West Coast Homeopathic Society (604) 803‑9242 #101 ‑ 1001 West Broadway Ave Unit 120, Vancouver BC

Hyperbaric & Oxygen Therapy Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325

Hypnotherapy Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BC Div) (604) 688‑1714 2036 West 15th Ave. , Vancouver BC Heather Gabriel (604) 536‑5585 Suite 176 106‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Inspiration **Banana Moon (250) 390‑4010 102 ‑ 6135 Metral Dr, Nanaimo BC


Naturopathic Physicians

**Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Island Healthworks Natural Health Clinic (250) 468‑7685 1830 Douglas Crescent, Nanoose Bay BC

Revitalize Health Centre 3331 No.  3 Road Richmond www. revitalizecentre. com info@revitalizecentre. com A New Leaf Naturopathic Clinic (604) 514‑8555 #103 ‑ 4061 ‑ 200th Street, Langley BC BC Naturopathic Association (604) 736‑6646 2238 Pine Street, Vancouver BC, bcna. ca Bellevue Natural Health Clinic (604) 913‑2262 1467 Bellevue Ave, West Vancouver BC Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (604) 777‑9981 #300 ‑ 435 Columbia St, New Westminster BC Anita Bratt, ND (250) 862‑2673 www. drbratt. com 102‑1441 Ellis St, Kelowna B. C.  Timothy W Brown, ND (604) 538‑3017 #200 ‑ 12761 16th Avenue, Surrey BC Kristen Brown, ND (604) 568‑6899 350‑507 West Broadway Ave, Vancouver BC Cdn Assoc Naturopathic Doctors (416) 496‑8633 1255 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto ON Phoebe Chow, ND (604) 327‑0021 2298 Newport Ave, Vancouver, BC Scarlett Cooper, BSc, ND 604‑222‑2433 305‑2083 Alma St.  Vancouver drscarlettcooper. com Brian Davies, BSC, ND (778) 340‑1114 #1‑156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Mandana Edalati, ND (604) 987‑4660 213‑1940 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC Dr.  Ara Elmajian & Associates (604) 876‑9228 701‑805 West Broadway, Van, BC draraelmajian. ca evolve Nurturing Vitality (604) 255‑7777 102‑2025 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Paula Fainstat, DC, ND (604) 222‑2433 #312 ‑ 2083 Alma Street, Vancouver BC Dorothy Fairley, ND (604) 738‑2205 2490 Blenheim St, Vancouver BC Juliet Ghodsian, ND (604) 697‑0397 487 Davie Street, Vancouver BC Brenda Gill, ND (250) 362‑5035 Suite 1 1995 Columbia Ave Box 1841, Rossland BC Tom Glew, ND (604) 263‑6338 330‑2025 W 42 Ave, Vancouver BC Hawthorne Naturopathic Centre (250) 598‑3314 1726 Richmond Avenue, Victoria BC Holistic Healing Arts Centre (519) 751‑3488 213 King George Road Unit 209, Brantford Ontario InspireHealth (604) 734‑7125 #200 ‑ 1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver BC Shyrose Karim, ND (604) 451‑7786 or 604‑922‑7372 J2‑925 Main St, West Vancouver BC Westcoast Naturopathic Clinic (604) 681‑5585 1190 Thurlow Street, Vancouver BC LEMMO Integrated Cancer Care (604) 428‑1991 327 Renfrew St, Vancouver BC Paul Levendusky, ND, RAc (604) 536‑8600 #202 ‑ 15210 North Bluff Road, White Rock BC Bruce Lofting, ND (403) 270‑3372 3701 17th Avenue SW, Calgary AB Jonn Matsen, ND (604) 986‑7774 156 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver BC Heathir Naesgaard, ND (604) 980‑4181 #1 ‑ 3731 Delbrook Avenue, North Vancouver BC Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Gurdev Parmar, ND, Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Peninsula Naturopathic Clinic (250) 655‑1660 102 ‑ 9725 Fourth Street, Sidney BC Ingrid Pincott, ND (250) 286‑3655 300 ‑ 1170 Shoppers Row, Campbell River BC Allana Polo, ND (778) 397‑3979 New Westminster, BC www. drallanapolo. com Port Moody Naturopathic Health & Wellness (604) 949‑0077 #202 ‑ 101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody BC

Kinesiology **Well Balanced Kinesiology and Consulting (604) 936‑5463 Coquitlam BC denisecambiotti. com Jake Atchison, Happily Holistic Natural Health & Wellness www. happilyyholistic. ca, office@ happilyholistic. ca (250) 491‑7559 CHI Wellness (604) 767‑3834 Vancouver BC CHI MACHINE www. chidvd. com/ chiwellness Alexis Costello Happily Holisitic Natural Health & Wellness www. happilyyholistic. ca, office@ happilyholistic. ca (250) 491‑7559

Live Blood Analysis Arnica Homeopathy Centre (604) 780‑2114 205‑1401 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver BC

Massage Therapy Behrs’ Massage Therapy Clinic (604) 485‑2155 4763 Joyce Avenue, Powell River BC Mavis Brown RMT ‑ (250) 774‑6769 Top Flr, Sikanni Plaza/ 5004 52nd Ave W, Fort Nelson Elfi M.  Dillon‑Shaw, RMT (250) 247‑9504 730 Captain Ahab’s TRC, Gabriola Island BC Electra Health Floor (604) 685‑4325 Electra Health Floor ‑ 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC Doug Fairweather, RMT (250) 542‑3553 11601 Palfrey Drive West, Coldstream BC Pauline Johnson, RMT 250‑920‑2093 1999 Cochrane St, Victoria BC Joyce L deVooght, RMT (250) 372‑1365 #92 ‑ 665 McBeth Place, Kamloops BC Sandra MacDonald, RMT (902) 421‑7549 #440 ‑ 5991 Spring Garden Road, Halifax NS Massage Therapy Assn of BC (604) 873‑4467 Ste 180 Airport Square 1200 W 73rd Ave, Vancouver BC John Russell & Colleen Schmitt, RMT (604) 436‑5500 308 ‑ 4900 Kingsway, Burnaby BC www. burnabyrehab. com Murray P Schwabe, RMT (604) 532‑3050 #203 ‑ 5755 Glover Road, Langley BC Leslie Smith, RMT (250) 492‑5599 1458 Government Street, Penticton BC

Mattresses Essentia ‑ Natural Mattresses (604) 738‑0321 2144 West 4th Ave, Van.  BC myessentia. com

Medical Doctors Connect Health Centre (604) 733‑4400 205 ‑ 2786 16th Ave W, Vancouver BC International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario Zoltan Rona, MD (416) 920‑9241 8188 Yonge St.  Suite 101, Thornhill ON

Mental & Emotional Wellness **Brioso Holistics, Robine Yohm (604) 317‑6676 Burnaby BC, www. briosoholistics. com Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca Nelie C.  Johnson, MD (604) 467‑1794 www. awarenessheals. ca NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355 Gillian Padgett www. gillianpadgett. com (250) 542‑7602 Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd (888) 878‑3467 PO Box 888, Raymond Alberta Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC

30 | Health Action |

Danny Jui, ND Ray Clinic (604) 461‑7900 #3‑201 Morrissey Road Port Moody BC Denise Rochon, ND, FCAH, CCH (604) 885‑3150 8442 Redrooffs Rd, Halfmoon Bay BC William Russell, ND (604) 535‑4003 305‑1656 Martin Dr, Surrey BC Brewster Scott, ND 250‑382‑2639 855 Cormorant Street, Victoria BC Selkirk Naturopathic Clinic (604) 463‑4911 230‑22529 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge BC Dr.  Pieter C Taams, MD, ND (604) 856‑5687 Abbotsford, BC www. naturopathic‑retreat. com Neil Tessler, ND, DHANP (604) 542‑9759 203‑2828 152nd Street, Surrey BC Gudrun Tonskamper, ND, RAc (604) 536‑1400 #200 ‑ 1676 Martin Drive, Surrey BC Village Health Clinic (604) 575‑7275 105 ‑ 15153 No 10 Hwy, Surrey BC Jennie Weisenburger, ND (604) 876‑1150 603 ‑ 805 West Broadway, Vancouver B. C.  **Jese Wiens, BSc,ND 250‑494‑3321 or 778‑476‑6016 Practising in Summerland and Penticton, BC

Neurofeedback MN Health Consulting 778‑231‑9878 mnhealthconsulting@hotmail. com Vital Synergy Mind Fitness Inc 604‑770‑3038 www. vitalsynergy. ca

Non-profit Organizations For these FREE listings, visit

Nurses (Registered) Embrace Continence Solutions Ltd.  www. embrace‑cs. ca 6729 Tisdall St.  Vancouver 604‑327‑7056 Betty Minifie, HTCP/ I, RN, BSCN, QM Calgary, AB (403) 474‑7399

Nutritional Consultants (Certified) Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (604) 730‑5611 #100 ‑ 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver BC Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Institute of Holistic Nutrition (604) 558‑4000 300‑604 Broadway W, Vancouver BC

Organic Products Community Natural Foods (403) 229‑2383 10th Ave Market Location 1304‑10th Ave SW, Calgary AB Community Natural Foods (403) 541‑0606 Chinook Market Location 202‑61st Ave SW, Calgary AB FarmFolk/ CityFolk Society (604) 730‑0450 Vancouver, BC ffcf. bc. ca Genki Foods Calgary, AB 1‑866‑338‑6583 Experience the power of whole foods! genkifoods. com **Green Earth Organics (604) 708‑2345 Organic delivery service in Vancouver BC Health Plus (604) 437‑6286 3512 East 24th Avenue, Vancouver BC NingXia Red™ Super Juice 604‑874‑7318 Van BC, ningxia‑red‑juice. com 778‑222‑7318 cell **West Pointe Organic Produce (604) 736‑2839 2183 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Orthomolecular Medicine International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario ISF International Schizophrenia Foundation (416) 733‑2117 16 Florence Avenue, Toronto Ontario

Osteopathic Practitioners **Carolyne Abrams, DO DPO (UK) (604) 730‑5950 11‑3615 West 19th Ave, Van ‑ vancouverosteopathy. net

**Sarah Stranan, Vancouver Osteopathy Centre 201‑2475 Bayswater St, Vancouver BC (778) 835‑1633 Melanie Swithin‑Jones (604) 973‑0210 North Vancouver, BC harmonyosteopathy. ca **West Coast Clinic of Osteopathy (604) 960‑1171 210‑145 West 15th St. , North Vancouver BC

Personal Development Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com The Haven 1‑800‑222‑9211 240 Davis Road, Gabriola Island BC

Physical Therapist (Registered) Shayna Hornstein, Registered Physical Therapist www. shaynahornstein. net 604‑731‑4076

Professional & Business Friends of HANS Caligiuri Financial Group Inc.  (604) 685‑6525 1200‑1111 Georgia St W, Van caligiurigroup. com Jane Shaak (888) 484‑7253 Royal LePage 484 Main Street, Penticton BC

Publications (Health & Environmental) Alive Publishing Group Inc.  (604) 295‑9333 100 ‑ 12751 Vulcan Way, Richmond BC Common Ground Publishing Corp (604) 733‑2215 #204 ‑ 4381 Fraser Street, Vancouver BC The Herbal Collective Magazine (250) 754‑7103 Distributed on Vancouver Island, BC The Natural Health Show www. thenaturalhealthshow. ca Saturday mornings at 11am on am650 Vancouver

Reflexologists Brigitte Beaudoin, Happily Holistic Natural Health & Wellness www. happilyyholistic. ca, office@ happilyholistic. ca (250) 491‑7559 Pacific Institute of Reflexology (604) 875‑8818 535 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC Reflexology Association of BC (604) 435‑8325 720 Sixth St PO Box 248, New Westminster BC

Rehabilitation Blue Lotus Revitalized Health (778) 899‑1179 Vancouver, BC www. bluelotusrevitalizedhealth. ca NeuroKinetics™ Traumatology & Concussion Clinic Vancouver BC, (604) 736‑3963 neurokinetics. com NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355

Reiki Inner Focus Holistic Healing (604) 985‑7302 North Vancouver BC innerfocus. ca Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. christalynn. ca Brian Madigan (604) 626‑6277 Stressed out at work? endworkstress. com Myorei Healing (778) 239‑4555 Vancouver BC myorei. ca

Saunas Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Shiatsu Heather Donaldson, Nature’s Way Holistic Health 604‑815‑3436 www. natureswaymassage. ca Raphael Limsico (604) 876‑4948 House calls available, www. shiatsubyraphael. com

Ferlow Botanicals Manufacturers/ Distributors ferlowbotanicals. com Vancouver BC (604) 322‑4080 New Visage Advanced Skincare & Anti Aging Ltd.  #417 ‑ 1770 W 7th Ave, Vancouver BC (604) 893‑8872

Sound Healing Harmony of the Spheres (604) 340‑4955 Vancouver BC www. harmonyofthespheres. net

Support Groups For these FREE listings, visit

The BodyTalk System Christa Lynn (604) 837‑5125 Vancouver BC www. thebodytalkclinic. com

Water & Air Systems Best Water For You, Keremeos, BC Toll Free 1‑855‑499‑8892 www. bestwater. ca Watermatters (604) 733‑7888 Vancouver BC www. yourwatermatters. com World Living Water Systems Ltd.  (604) 990‑5462 North Vancouver, BC www. alivewater. com

Weight Management **Irimeta Health Services (604) 731‑8535 Vancouver, BC www. irimeta. com Sonya McLeod, BA, DCH (604) 677‑7742 351 E 39th Ave, Van, BC Radiant Health Saunas (604) 221‑1799 Vancouver BC radianthealthsaunas. com

Wellness Centres www. happilyholistic. ca 7655 Falconridge Cres.  Kelowna, BC NeurVana Recovery and Wellness Inc.  www. neurvana. ca 250‑826‑4532 1‑888‑657‑9355 Revitalize Health Centre 3331 No.  3 Road Richmond www. revitalizecentre. com info@revitalizecentre. com

Women’s Health Brenda Eastwood 800‑884‑9220 Saanichton BC, brendaeastwood. com Canteris A.  Hartley, DCH, HMC, www. coasthomeopathy. com #201 ‑ 1001 Gibsons Way, Gibsons (604) 886‑3844 Integrated Health Clinic, Sarah Sjovold, ND Fort Langley, BC (604) 888‑8325 www. drsjovold. com Dr.  Karen Parmar, ND Integrated Health Clinic 202‑23242 Mavis Ave, Fort Langley BC (604) 888‑8325 Unbridling Your Brilliance (604) 626‑4806 25027 Robertson Cres, Aldergrove BC Vancouver Women’s Health Collective (604) 736‑5262 #225 ‑ 119 West Pender, Vancouver BC

Yoga Marie Chang, Burnaby, BC (604) 809‑8378 www. insighttowellness. com Salt Spring Island Centre of Yoga (250) 537‑2326 Salt Spring Island BC www. saltspringcentre. com Sandra Tonn (604) 483‑3509 Powell River BC, sandra_tonn@telus. net

DID WE MISS YOU? If you’d like a higher profile with your target market, ask about a Professional Membership. (604) 435-0512

Skin & Hair Care Active Skin Care (604) 961‑7533 Vancouver BC www. activeshiatsu. com Dr.  Erikson‑Chinese Medical Dermatology (778) 886‑1180 15767 Roper Ave, White Rock, BC drerikson. com

31 | Health Action |

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