New GPs to be bonded to corporates under rumoured deal | Australian Doctor
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New GPs to be bonded to corporates under rumoured deal Tessa Hoffman
| 18 December, 2015 |
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EXCLUSIVE: Newly qualified GPs would be bonded to work for corporates for several years under a rumoured deal being negotiated between the Federal Government and industry. Australian Doctor has been told that large corporates are in talks with the government over a deal that would see them train a volume of GP registrars cheaply in exchange for being allowed to
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The Department of Health has denied there are any negotiations underway, but said options were
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being considered. Dr Bruce Willett, chair of General Practice Supervisors Australia, said under the rumoured deal, registrars would complete their training and supervised hours at one of the corporate's primary care medical centres. Then once they gain RACGP fellowship, these GPs would be contracted to work at the centres for
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a set period, expected to be between three and five years. Related News: • Primary rumoured for big GP training role • Junior doctors languishing in hospital limbo The mooted plan would help fix the dearth of GP prevocational training positions, which saw one in three applicants miss out this year. The situtation is expected to get worse with the increasing numbers of medical graduates coming through each year. Although such a deal would provide a creative solution for government, registrars would be the losers, Dr Willett said. “I don’t think it will be popular … but there are so many more registrars than positions, they will be forced to do it,” said Dr Willett, who has been a GP supervisor for more than 20 years.
The deal as it stands also unfairly discriminates against the bush, where corporates have little 18/12/2015