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TOP 10
Innovative Healthcare Start Ups to Watch
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Profiles On Industry Leading Companies
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of new medicines is a long, complicated process. Each success is built on many prior failures but advances in understanding human biology and disease are opening up exciting new possibilities for breakthrough medicines. In this month’s issue, we take a look at the entire process of drug development, from research and development to production and distribution. Our two-part series gives insight into the process of drug discovery and how it does more than offer a new pill to pharmacy shelves, but also brings hope and relief to millions of patients around the world. In our Top 10 feature, we researched the most innovative startups in the industry and profiled their efforts and advances. From 3D printing to pocket anatomy, these entrepreneurs will lead the reinvention of healthcare.
We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you the best of health!
Stephanie C. Ocano Editor stephanie.ocano@healthcareglobal.com 3
Big Pharma, Part 1: Taking a Drug from Theory to Mass Distribution
Z-SC1 Biomedical
ir Charles Gairdner S Cancer Centre
I n2Motion & Global Kaizen Group
Big Pharma, Part 2: Taking a Drug from Theory to Mass Distribution
22 TOP 10
Most Innovative Healthcare Startups to Watch in 2015 4
February 2015
88 Vitória Apart Hospital
Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries (AMIIF)
Fundação Francisco Xavier
32 Z-SC1 Biomedical
Group Vitalmex
AMERICA LATINA 88 Group Vitalmex
106 Association: AMIIF
40 Sir Charles Gairdner Cancer Centre
112 Philips Healthcare Mexico
48 In2Motion & Global kaizen Group 58 UCB Pharmaceuticals 5
Taking a Drug from Theory to Mass Distribution In this introduction to the world of big pharma, we discuss how a drug is researched and developed. Writ ten by: STE PHAN I E C. OCANO
February 2015
H O S P I TA L S DID YOU KNOW that it can take up to 15 years to develop one new medicine from the earliest stages of discovery to the time it is available for treating patients? And out of the multiple new medicines being created only 10 percent reach the clinical trials phase, with only one of five ever being approved for human use? It’s a lengthy and challenging process, but a deeper understanding of the R&D (research and development) process can explain why so many compounds don’t make it. Success requires immense resources, sophisticated technology and complex project management. It also takes persistence and, sometimes, even luck. Ultimately, though, the process of drug discovery brings more than just a new pill to the pharmacy shelves – it brings
February 2015
hope and relief to millions of patients around the world. Understanding the Disease Before any potential new medicine can be discovered, scientists work to understand the disease to be treated, as well as the underlying cause of the condition. Numerous studies are conducted to understand how genes are altered, how that affects the proteins they encode, and how those proteins then interact with each other in living cells. They way said affected cells change the specific tissue they are in are then analyzed, finally giving scientists an understanding of how the disease affects the entire patient. Researchers from government, academia and industry all contribute to these studies. Once enough information is gathered, scientists select a “target” for a potential new medicine. A target could be a single gene or protein that is involved in a particular disease. After choosing a potential target, scientists must then show that it is actually involved in the disease and can be acted upon by a drug. Magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray
It can take up to 15 years to develop one new medicine crystallography along with powerful computer modeling capabilities, chemists can visualize the target in three dimensions and design potential drugs to more powerfully bind to the parts of the target where they can be most effective. On average, it costs $800 million to $1 billion to research and develop a successful drug, according to PhRMA, so target validation is crucial to help scientists avoid research paths that look promising but lead to dead ends. Drug Discovery Once scientists fully understand a disease and are ready to begin looking
for a responsive drug, they search for a molecule or “lead compound� that may act on their chosen target. If successful over years of testing and numerous odds, the lead compound can become a new medicine. New techniques have revolutionized the ability of researchers to optimize potential drug molecules. There are four key ways scientists can follow to find a lead compound: Nature: This was once the primary method for finding a lead compound, until recently. Bacteria found in soil and moldy plants both led to important new treatments, for example. Nature still offers many useful substances 9
‘Thanks to advances in chemistry, scientists can also create molecules from scratch. Using sophisticated computer modeling, scientists can predict what type of molecule will work. ’
During the clinical trials, researchers must determine how to make large amounts of the drug
February 2015
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but there are now other ways to approach drug discovery. De novo: Thanks to advances in chemistry, scientists can also create molecules from scratch. Using sophisticated computer modeling, scientists can predict what type of molecule will work. High-throughput screening: As the most common way that leads are usually found, advances in robotics and computational power allow researchers to test hundreds of thousands of compounds against the target to identify any that might be promising. Biotechnology: Through biotechnology, scientists can also genetically engineer living systems to produce diseasefighting biological molecules. Entering Early Safety Tests Once lead compounds are determined, they go through a series of tests to provide an early assessment of the safety of said lead compound. Scientists test absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicological (ADME/ Tox) properties of each lead. These studies are performed in living cells, in animals and via
computational models. Successful drugs must be absorbed into the bloodstream, distributed to the proper site of action in the body, metabolized efficiently and effectively, successfully excreted from the body and demonstrated to be non-toxic. Lead compounds that make it successfully out of this round are then optimized to make them even more effective and safer. Hundreds of different variations of the initial leads are made and tested with biologists and chemists working together closely to test the effects of variations. Pre-Clinical Testing Once optimized compounds have been narrowed down to a handful, researchers turn their attention to testing them extensively to determine if they should move on to testing in humans. In vitro and in vivo tests are conducted, where in vitro tests are experiments conducted in the lab and in vivo studies are those performed in living cell cultures and animal models. During this stage, researchers also must determine how to make large enough quantities of the drug available for clinical trials. The drug will need to be scaled up, as drugs on a small 11
H O S P I TA L S scale do not translate easily to larger production, and may later on need to be scaled up once more if it is approved for use in the general patient population. The Phases of Clinical Trials Before any clinical trial can begin, researchers must file an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the FDA. The application includes the results of the pre-clinical work, the candidate drug’s chemical structure and how it is thought to work in the body along with a listing of any side effects and manufacturing information. The IND also provides a detailed clinical trial plan that outlines how, where and by There are three phases to clincal trials
February 2015
whom the studies will be performed. In addition to the IND application, all clinical trials must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the institutions where the trials will take place. • Phase 1: In Phase 1 trials the candidate drug is tested in people for the first time. These studies are usually conducted with about 20 to 100 healthy volunteers. The main goal is to discover if the drug is safe in humans. • Phase 2: In Phase 2, researchers evaluate the candidate drug’s effectiveness in about 100 to 500 patients with the disease or condition under study, and examine the possible short-term side effects and risks associated with the drug. Researchers also analyze optimal dose strength and schedules for using the drug. • Phase 3: Once entering Phase 3, researchers study the drug candidate in a much larger number of patients, typically 1,000 to 5,000. This phase is key in determining whether the drug is safe and effective and provides the basis for labeling instructions to help ensure proper use of the drug.
B I G P H A R M A : PA R T 1
Scientists need to understand the disease before developing the drug As the costliest and longest phase, hundreds of sites around the world participate in the study to get a large and diverse group of patients. During this phase, researchers are also conducting other studies to determine full-scale production and preparation of the complex application required for FDA approval. New Drug Application and Approval Once all three phases of the clinical trials are complete, the sponsoring company analyzes all of the data. If the findings demonstrate that the
experimental medicine is both safe and effective, the company files a New Drug Application (NDA) with the FDA requesting approval to market the drug. Following rigorous review, the FDA can do one of three things: 1) approve the medicine, 2) send the company and “approvable� letter requesting more information on studies before approval can be given, or 3) deny approval. Once a new drug is approved, research continues. As a much larger number of patients begin to use the drug, companies must continue to monitor it carefully and submit periodic reports. 13
Taking a Drug from Theory to Mass Distribution Developing a drug is a lengthy process. But what happens after a drug is approved and is ready to be taken from the lab to pharmacy shelves? Writ ten by: STE PHAN I E C. OCANO
MEDICINE ONCE a drug is approved by the FDA, it needs to enter the manufacturing process. Going from small-scale to large-scale manufacturing, however, is a major undertaking. In many cases, companies must build a new manufacturing facility or reconstruct an old one because the manufacturing process is different from drug to drug. Patent Pending Depending on a number of considerations, a company may apply for and be granted a patent for their newly approved drug or the process of producing the drug, granting exclusivity rights for approximately 20 years. Patent protection enables the
owner of the patent to recover the costs of research and development through high profit margins for the branded drug. When the patent protection for the drug expires, a generic drug can then be developed and sold by any other company. Typically, the owner of a branded drug will create a generic version of the drug before the patent expires to gain a head start in the generic drug market. Marketing a Drug Pharma companies generally employ sales people to market directly and personally to physicians and other healthcare providers, but advertising is also common in healthcare journals as well as through more mainstream media.
‘When the patent protection for the drug expires, a generic drug can then be developed and sold by any other company’ 16
February 2015
When marketing a drug there are two ways to do so There are two avenues taken when a new drug is marketed: to healthcare professionals and direct to consumer advertising. Pharmaceutical company spending on marketing typically exceeds that of its research budget. In Canada, $1.7 billion was spent in 2004 to market drugs to physicians, while in the United States $21 billion was spent in 2002, according to a study published by the McGill Journal of Medicine. In 2005, money spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the
United States was estimated at $29.9 billion with one estimate as high as $57 billion. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Manufacturers are the source of prescriptions drugs in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Manufacturers manage the actual distribution of drugs from manufacturing facilities to drug wholesalers, and in some cases, directly to retail pharmacy chains, mail-order and specialty 17
‘In 2005, money spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the United States was estimated at $29.9 billion with one estimate as high as $57 billion’ pharmacies, hospital chains, and some health plans. Manufacturers may also distribute products directly to government purchasers, such as the Veterans Administration, AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs), and Vaccines for Children (VFC), which typically receive the largest price discounts. In a few rare cases, a manufacturer may distribute drugs directly to a self-insured employer with an on-site pharmacy, but the typical employersponsored plan does not follow this path. Wholesale distributors are the manufacturers’ largest purchasers and very few drugs are distributed directly to consumers. Manufacturers also play an 18
February 2015
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important role in ensuring the safety of the pharmaceutical supply chain by producing informational labeling for prescribers and consumers that is consistent with the terms and conditions of a drug’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and by using electronic bar-coding technology on drug packaging that may be used to track individual production lots, and to prevent prescribing errors.
Manufacturing medication
Wholesale Distributors Wholesale distributors purchase pharmaceutical products from manufacturers and distribute them to a variety of customers, including pharmacies (retail and mail-order), hospitals, and longterm care and other medical facilities (e.g., community clinics, physician offices and diagnostic labs). While traditional distribution services remain the cornerstone of the business, the industry has developed a more comprehensive list of services in response to the evolving marketplace. Today, wholesale distributors provide a number of specialized services, including specialty drug distribution, drug repackaging, 19
The pharmaceutical supply system is complex electronic order services, reimbursement support, and drug buy-back programs. The wholesale distribution industry has gone through significant change and consolidation in the last 30 years, due in part to the increasing pressures to lower costs. Between 1975 and 2000, the number of wholesale distributors in the U.S. declined from approximately 20
February 2015
200 to fewer than 50, according to a report by Kaiser Family Foundation. The top three wholesale distributors, McKesson, Cardinal Health, and Amerisource-Bergen, account for almost 90 percent of the entire wholesale drug market. Stocking Pharmacy Shelves Pharmacies are the final step on the pharmaceutical supply chain before
B I G P H A R M A : PA R T 2
‘Pharmacies are the final step on the pharmaceutical supply chain before drugs reach the patient’
drugs reach the patient. Pharmacies purchase drugs from wholesalers, and occasionally directly from manufacturers, and then take physical possession of the drug products. After purchasing pharmaceuticals, pharmacies assume responsibility for their safe storage and dispensing to consumers. Pharmacy operations include maintaining an adequate stock of drug products, providing information to consumers about the safe and effective use of prescription drugs, and facilitating billing and payment for consumers participating in group health benefit plans. Pharmacies also serve as a
vital information link between PBMs, drug manufacturers, and wholesale distributors. Unlike most other sectors of the healthcare delivery system in the U.S., the pharmaceutical supply chain is highly automated and virtually all claims transactions are handled electronically, rather than on paper. Since they are the final point of sale for pharmaceuticals and the interface between the supply chain and the consumer, pharmacies generate the prescription drug claims information that PBMs, as well as heath plans, employers, governments, and other payers, rely upon to measure consumer activity. The pharmaceutical supply system is complex, and involves multiple organizations that play differing but sometimes overlapping roles in drug distribution and contracting. 21
TOP 10
Entrepreneurs will be the ones to l
VE HEALTHCARE Watch in 2015
lead the reinvention of healthcare. W ri t t e n b y: ST E P H A N I E C . O C A N O 23
TOP 10
10 Edamam www.edamam.com
Revolutionizing nutrition with data, Edamam organizes the world’s food knowledge and aims to become the nutrition engine of the web. The startup enables companies to provide real time nutrition analysis and diet recommendations to their customers.
I N N O V AT I V E H E A LT H C A R E S TA R T U P S T O W AT C H I N 2 0 1 5
09 TalkSession www.talksession.com
TalkSession is a network of leading mental health care providers dedicated to making universal mental healthcare accessible, acceptable and affordable. The startup improves access to mental health treatment, utilizing mobile video to connect last-minute provider availabilities with patients on demand. Through web-based tools, TalkSession is enhancing the quality of care delivered and improving treatment outcomes. 25
TOP 10
07 Doctor.com www.doctor.com
Doctor.com was created practices and hospitals s new patients. The platfor to find, review and book a doctors and dentists, wh providers to control their
08 ABPathfinder www.abpathfinder.com
ABPathfinder provides autism therapy software as a therapy management tool to aid therapists in defining and administering therapy programs for patients with autism. Therapists save administrative time, reduce staff training costs and improve the quality and consistency of therapy delivery. Using data analytics, ABPathfinder predicts outcomes, benchmarks performance and acts as a resource for researchers
26 February 2015
I N N O V AT I V E H E A LT H C A R E S TA R T U P S T O W AT C H I N 2 0 1 5
to help medical stand out and attract rm allows people appointments with hile empowering online presence.
06 Pocket Anatomy www.pocketanatomy.com
On average, patients retain only 10 percent of the information provided by their doctors. Pocket Anatomy creates interactive 3D medical anatomy software as a visual aid for doctors to explain procedures and conditions. With backgrounds in medicine, game development and 3D animation, the founders of Pocket Anatomy hope to harness elements of gaming and game-based learning to promote the understanding of medical education and healthcare. 27
TOP 10
04 Docphin www.docphin.com
Regarded as “The Bloom Docphin provides mobile offer doctors and medica way to keep up with med professionals are able to connect through evidenc also enabling hospitals to and funding requirement available at over 35 medi including Harvard, Hopk
05 Twine Health www.twinehealth.com
Twine Health is a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based software that puts patients at the forefront of their collaborative care. Clinicians and patients work together as a team using synchronized apps that work seamlessly across devices. Self-tracking tools allow patients to proactively manage their conditions and build self-efficacy, while clinicians use a powerful dashboard to identify patients who need help so that they can deliver support at just the right moments.
28 February 2015
I N N O V AT I V E H E A LT H C A R E S TA R T U P S T O W AT C H I N 2 0 1 5
mberg for Doctors,” e and web platforms to al professionals a simple dical research. Healthcare o personalize, access and ce-based research, while o meet new accreditation ts. Docphin is currently ical centers nationwide, kins, Penn and Stanford.
03 Butterfly Network www.butterflynetinc.com
Butterfly Network is creating an entirely new approach to observe and heal the human body and couple it with deep learning and the cloud to enable insights that will profoundly impact society. One of the systems being developed by Butterfly Network is a medical imaging device that can create 3D images in real time. It is intended to be held up to a person’s chest and similar to a window, allow insight into the patient’s body. 29
TOP 10
02 Anglo American www.bloodbuy.com
The Dallas, Texas-based health care company offers a patent pending technology that connects hospitals and blood centers nationwide to ensure the efficient flow of life-saving blood products to patients in need. Hospital benefits: A direct access to a diversified base of premier blood centers. Blood center benefits: A direct reach to a broader base of hospitals across multiple geographies.
I N N O V AT I V E H E A LT H C A R E S TA R T U P S T O W AT C H I N 2 0 1 5
01 BioBots www.biobots.io
Using blue light technology, high resolution printing and dozens of biomaterials, BioBots is the future of regenerative medicine. The high resolution, 3D bioprinter recreates the 3D structure of a tissue using a fabrication technique. The startup is committed to building a low cost bioprinter that is accessible to a large number of scientists, physicians and biologists to achieve the recreation of an artificial organ. 31
Z-SC1 Biomedical
The ‘cool’ biotech company
The developer of biomedical laboratory equipment is chan of the scientific community. Literally. Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano Produced by: Cedrick Adolphe
in Canada
nging the face
New Show Room
-SC1 Biomedical Corp. is a Canadianbased company with a successful record of developing laboratory equipment for the biomedical and biotech industry. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada with manufacturing bases in Seoul, South Korea, Z-SC1 Biomedical is revolutionizing the scientific community, and with it, the world. “Being in the scientific community for 20 years, we have learned something special,” said Jean Fallacara, CEO of Z-SC1 Biomedical, in a recent interview. “The more you work closely with research and development, the more you try to represent the voice of the customer, is the way you plant a seed and remain a leader.” Every company claims to have re-shaped the
February 2015
New Necroscopy Facility in Québec equipped with ZSC1 Biosafety Cabinets. (picture by www.healthywildlife.ca)
technology of the past to create better products, but at Z-SC1 Biomedical, that claim is true. The biotech company is the first to have analyzed the industry, discovered a crucial dilemma and come up with the perfect solution: a Twincore ultra-low temperature freezer. “We changed the world with the Twincore freezer technology,” said Fallacara. The Safest, Ultra-Low Temp Freezer Around The Twincore freezer is the first and only of its kind, featuring two independent compressor systems each capable of maintaining -82C. Its pull down and pull up times are remarkable as well as its energy efficiency. Standard ultra-low temp freezers rely on a
“Being in the scientific community for 20 years, we have learned something special.” – Jean Fallacara, CEO of Z-SC1 Biomedical
w w w. Z -SC1.com
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Z-SC1 BIOMEDICAL cascade refrigeration system. Meaning that if the system fails, the freezer and any samples stored inside have to removed in a couple of hours. LN2 or CO2 backups only sustain temperatures for approximately seven hours, and require routine re-filling, maintenance and supervision. But aside from the impressive maintenance of temperature, every Twincore includes the WizBox monitoring system which adds peace of mind to your lab making the safest even safer. In addition to being an alarm system, it lets you manage your samples and inventory, history and events remotely. Z-SC1 Biomedical is a sustainable company, and the Twincore freezer is proof of the company’s promise of staying green. The freezer projects 75 percent less heat rejection than standard cascade refrigeration, is made from 85 percent recyclable material and 10 percent of that material can even be used to generate energy. “We are one of the only manufacturers of freezers that stays with natural refrigeration gases,” said Fallacara. “Sustainability has
been on my mind for many years. We try to reduce our operating costs by 25 percent along with reducing the water consumption in our industry.” Why Is Everyone Talking About Z-SC1? In short, it’s “sexy and cool.” At least this is exactly how Fallacara describes his company when talking about the culture and atmosphere. “Honestly, our company has that image where people who look at our marketing tools, our communication, the way we act, find us to be different for the field we are in,” explained Fallacara. “Everyone who pictures the scientific community thinks of old scientists with white hair and white coats working in the lab. Here, in every single lab, there are young guys that ride a skateboard, like cars, like music and this is the way I want to project the image of our company.” Aside from attracting young scientists who want to further grow the community, it’s pretty easy for Fallacara to retain his employees once they arrive at the company. And it’s all in his management style. w w w. Z -SC1.com
Z-SC1 Biomedical are delighted to announce that 20 units of the ZSC1 Ultra Low temperature Freezers, 24 CuFt are going to the New C.H.U.M 38
February 2015
“For me, and for us, every interaction counts, and every individual matters. I don’t care much about corporate strategies – who’s the boss of who and things like that. What is really important is building relationships – creating motivation and empowerment where everyone is free to set their own targets, to perform and to work at the time they want the way they feel is best to do it,” added Fallacara. Fallacara aims to find talent in every employee at his company. He therefore believes that the management of a workforce is not very complicated because it’s not required. “People are focused on their job; they want to perform,” he said. “And when they don’t perform by themselves, they ask for more advice on what they can do better and the team will then help them to succeed.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Westmount, QC, Canada FOUNDED
Looking Ahead The Twincore is only the first step in Z-SC1 Biomedical’s advancement and future plans. There are a number of new ideas and products set to be rolled out entering the new year. “We want to keep the revolution going and change the whole industry where refrigeration is involved,” said Fallacara. “We’re still a small company compared to our main competitors (Panasonic and Turbo). So, I would like to see our company ranked where it is deserved, which means no less than the first row.”
w w w. Z -SC1.com
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Cancer Centre:
Merging Technology with Inspiration Provide Distinguished Care
Housing the only CyberKnife in Australia and operating a unique facility, Sir Charles is a leading provider of cancer care. Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano Produced by: Troy Barker
n to
e youth cancer
Dr Colin Tang, Thomas Tuchyna and Dr Warren Toye discussing plans for the Cancer Centre.
ir Charles Gairdner Hospital is regarded as one of Australia’s leading teaching tertiary hospitals, treating over 420,000 patients annually. While numerous clinical services from transplantation surgery, neurosciences, orthopaedics and cardiac care are offered, the hospital houses the only public comprehensive cancer centre in Western Australia. Innovation and ground-breaking medical research is constantly strived for by Sir Charles Gairdner Cancer Centre, and the most recent 42
February 2015
accommodations are taking the Hospital to greater heights in terms of recognition. Housing the Only CyberKnife in Australia Since the early 1990s, Sir Charles has provided cranial stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), but earlier this year, thanks to the installation of a ground-breaking medical device, the centre has been treating patients for SRS by the hundreds. Medical professionals at SCGH have treated almost 200 patients
with Australia’s only CyberKnife operational since April 2014, and the list of body sites that are able to be treated has grown to include the lung, prostate, liver, spine, pancreas and kidney. The CyberKnife combines a linac on a robot with an imaging system and respiratory monitoring to deliver SRS treatments with sub mm accuracy. Tracking the motion of the target in real-time and mimicking the movement, the CyberKnife makes delivering radiation with high precision very simple. The fact that there are no other CyberKnives in Australia made the decision for Thomas Tuchyna, operations manager of the centre, to pursue implementation of one back in 2011 somewhat difficult. “We collected five or six of us around the meeting table and said, ‘Well, we’ve got this opportunity.’ At about the same time, the cancer centre was under development,”
said Tuchyna. “A certain amount of pressure had to be put on executive because up until a certain point, you can fit any machine in any bunker but it’s a bit like renovating your home. When you’re renovating your bathroom, you want the sink here, you want the shower there and bath there. And that’s okay, but once you put up walls and put in the floor and you’ve got drain holes, deciding to relocate any of these items after this point means further structural alterations. In the case of deciding whether to install a CyberKnife or a linac, the alterations become more complex and costly.” Tuchyna was successful in getting the approval from the executive and the CyberKnife was installed. Sir Charles is now one of 40 centres worldwide that provides treatment data to the U.S.-based RSSearch Registry. Patients that are referred for CyberKnife treatment are asked
“[The CyberKnife is] something that in five, 10 years time, we’ll look back and see there have been thousands of patients that have been treated and have seen a significant improved outcome.” – Thomas Tuchyna, Operations Manager w w w. s c g h . h e a l t h . w a . g o v. a u
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to participate in data collection to ensure continued access to essential diagnostic, pathologic, treatment and toxicity information which will help the centre build its knowledge and improve patient outcomes for the various disease sites in the future. “That’s probably something that in five, 10 years time, we’ll look back and see there have been thousands of patients treated through this and have seen a significant improved outcome, but it’s too early to say that now,” said Tuchyna.
As of August 2003, SCGH has conducted over 60,000 PET scans. Tuchyna was involved in the initial implementation of the infrastructure and equipment and looking back, he feels “quite good” about the outcome. “When I started in medical physics at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in about ’98, I was assigned to radiology testing and equipmenttype issues. Around that time, there was some interest to establish a PET service in WA,” recalled Tuchyna. “At the time there were only three cyclotrons in Australia to support Bringing PET Scans to Thousands PET, two in Melbourne and one in
Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. The company develops advanced tools and treatment planning systems for radiation therapy and radiosurgery, and workflow enhancing software systems across the cancer care spectrum. Through its products and services, Elekta aims to improve, prolong and save patient lives. Website: http://www.elekta.com.au/
w w w. s c g h . h e a l t h . w a . g o v. a u
S.C.G.H. CANCER CENTRE Sydney, so it was fairly new.” Having been involved from the outset and gained significant knowledge on the subject, Tuchyna was involved in the technical aspects of bringing up the service and the radiopharmaceutical production facility. Since then, the service has grown from operating with one camera to seven, with an eighth in commission that is expected to be operational next year. “We’ve gone from one camera to eight in the state with one cyclotron 12 years later still supporting all
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those imaging services in various parts of the city so patients can have PET scans,” said Tuchyna. “I feel quite good about that.” Separating Treatment from Living for the Youth Sir Charles Gairdner Cancer Centre houses various exclusive technologies, treatment procedures and services. But something that remains unique, to date, in Australia is the separated treatment of young adults. “We included in the building an adolescent/young adult centre, which was a partnership between CanTeen, a cancer support organization in Australia, SONY fundraising and WA Health,” said Tuchyna. “It is a facility designed specifically for young people with cancer, basically from young teenagers through to young adults.” Treatment for these individuals is no different in terms of quality and care, but in addition the service provides an opportunity to take part in clinical trials which offer a consistent approach and therapy. The service also provides
a “temporary non-clinical respite environment” that breathes hope into the lives of its patients. “What has been found across the world is that what makes young people a bit more different is that they’re going through a growth stage, and not just a physical growth stage, but they are finding their place in the world with—career, relationships, fertility, the meaning of life—and when they have a framework apart from the clinical treatment, they have a much better outcome because they can say, ‘Well, this is just a phase I’m going through. This is treatment and I’ll deal with it. In the meantime, I can still think about further education or getting a job,’” explained Tuchyna. The youth facility is staffed by nurses, psychologists, data managers and various other health care professionals who provide a support system for patients to complete schooling amongst other aspects of their life. “[Patients] often miss out on schooling or need a modified schooling program, but whether it is high school or university, they receive appropriate psychosocial support, career counseling and various events that help them bond with other people who have gone through cancer, as well,” said Tuchyna. Sir Charles Gairdner Cancer Centre can be referred to as a “growth center” as it not only enriches the lives of the patients that cross through its doors, but in terms of framework as well, as the centre is continuously looking to expand and improve upon itself.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Nedlands Perth, Western Australia FOUNDED
Approximately 500 REVENUE
The construction of an expanded Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) Cancer Centre has made the patient journey more convenient with cancer services now located in one building.
w w w. s c g h . h e a l t h . w a . g o v. a u
The Global Kaizen G In2Motion:
Jason Pilgrim: Empowering better health and business
The Global Kaizen Group and In2Motion are inspiring the industry in Australia to promote positive change and enric Written by: Stephanie C. Ocano Produced by: Troy Barker
g clients to s
allied healthcare ch lives.
An array of the highest quality products that the Global Kaizen Group produces.
y personal vision is to empower and inspire lifestyle abundance.� This is the motto that drives Jason Pilgrim every day. As the founder of numerous successful companies, including In2Motion and The Global Kaizen Group, Pilgrim believes that true success 50
February 2015
stems from collaboration. Having begun his career as an exercise physiologist, Pilgrim saw the need for more efficient treatment and rehabilitation centers in the community. Additionally, he saw the need for the healthcare industry to have people better equipped with business skills so that their
businesses were more empowered to provide better services and therefore, have better outcomes. “I realized I wanted to do more,” Pilgrim expressed during a recent interview. “I wanted to be able to assist more people, and when you’re swapping time for money, there’s only so much time you can give.” Hence, the creation of In2Motion.
times over the last six years. But the team has been able to keep up with such quick expansion and in turn has been awarded consistently both nationally and internationally for its performance. “Here, we don’t say TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday), we say TGIM (Thank God It’s Monday) because it means we get to spend time with our team again and we get to go out and A Holistic Allied Health Clinic empower people’s lives and get In2Motion was Pilgrim’s first stand- them to lead healthier and happier alone company. The allied health lives,” said Pilgrim. clinic has multiple male and female In2Motion offers a number of physiotherapists, an exercise services, from general physiology physiologist and numerous allied to post-surgery rehabilitations. The health providers. company also has a chronic disease “It was set up because the area management arm where work is that I lived in at the time didn’t have done with diabetes, osteoporosis, the treatment and rehabilitation heart disease, weight loss, cancer needs that I felt the community and more. deserved, and I had such a good “We have team members working relationship with numerous who are very well versed in the doctors,” said Pilgrim. “They were psychology of injuries and getting saying, ‘You need to set up your own back to optimal health,” explained stand-alone clinic.’ So, I took that Pilgrim. “Because of that, we have support and went and opened my a really good rapport with people own clinic which grew a lot faster which has also opened up a lot than I could ever have imagined.” of avenues into additional areas In2Motion has grown so rapidly including aged care.” that it has had to be expanded three Impressive Scanning Technology w w w. i n 2 m o t i o n . c o m . a u
THE GLOBAL KAIZEN GROUP/IN2MOTION At In2Motion, Pilgrim takes pride in the fact that his team can offer one-on-one support with every client who walks through the company’s doors. “We guarantee we won’t use machine-based therapy and leave you on a machine while we go and service someone else,” said Pilgrim. There is one piece of technology, however, that In2Motion uses that is cutting edge and usually only seen in city centres. The $12K G.A.I.T. scan is an
Let Us
Your Emotions
483 George Street, Windsor South, NSW 2756
assessment tool that allows the team at In2Motion to run static and dynamic assessments of clients’ standing postures and leg length differences. Upon completing a scan, the team can then design and prescribe custom orthotics for individuals who may need assistance with their running or walking gait. “The G.A.I.T. scan works on about 800 scans per second; it’s stealthy accurate,” explained Pilgrim. “Because it scans in so many frames
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per second, we can note what type of patterned walk is happening. Rather than using our eyesight like in conventional podiatry, we can rely on technology to do it much more accurately. It’s a fantastic piece of technology that we utilize.”
Pilgrim. “I certainly embraced that concept, which is why it was quite natural for me to have a company that was linked in and around the word Kaizen.”
Enter The Global Kaizen Group The Global Kaizen Group is a Striving for New Heights multi-faceted company that has Having started In2Motion from a strong business development the ground up, Pilgrim was able to arm inside allied health as well as learn from every aspect of running being a producer of the highest a business. quality fitness, rehab and strength Rather than franchising his first equipment. Rather than generic company, Pilgrim felt that a better business coaching, the company way to leverage his newfound skills offers a specialized approach and the success from In2Motion was particular to the allied health industry. to help other individuals with their “We help drive companies businesses to start a movement of forward. We look at increasing like-minded business professionals said companies’ effectiveness who wanted the best outcomes in and efficiency,” said Pilgrim. “[The their own companies. Global Kaizen Group] also allows “Kaizen is the Japanese proverb us to also provide fitness, strength for continuous improvement in your and rehabilitation products to the personal and professional life,” said marketplace.” These products are
“I wanted to be able to assist more people, and when you’re swapping time for money, there’s only so much time you can give.” – Jason Pilgrim, Owner
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Extensive production line within the Global Kaizen Group’s kettlebell foundry
framed around ‘The Professionals Choice’ as unlike other companies, these are made, by professionals, for professionals, and are of the guaranteed highest quality. The fitness equipment provided by Global Kaizen is niche. According 54
February 2015
to Pilgrim, “We work with the items that are most readily utilized by our clients so the patients can have a much more effective rehabilitation experience and get better outcomes which helps out each of the individual businesses that we’re
aligned with (such as In2Motion).” Also in the works is a women’s active wear collection that will further grow the brand. A worldrenowned supermodel will become co-owner and as time progresses, Global Kaizen will move into male
active wear and sportswear. “It’s a very smart way, we believe, to have more product move through our networks,” said Pilgrim. “Overall, I think [The Global Kaizen Group] is a very unique w w w. i n 2 m o t i o n . c o m . a u
“Ultimately, at the end of the day, we’re empowering more people in our industry to go out there and help other people and inspire people to make positive change.” – Jason Pilgrim, Owner
business,” continued Pilgrim. “I don’t see another business like it in Australia, and certainly not in our industry. Rather than trying to sell a product, we build people personally and professionally and we directly assist their own businesses to grow.” This creates a significant benefit to everyone involved with this movement and best of all, patient outcomes are the greatest beneficiary of this unique situation they have created.
Allied Health Blueprint–a five-step process specific to allied health that goes through every single aspect that an allied health company needs to partake in to have a successfully run business. “The blueprint I personally developed over the last four to six years,” said Pilgrim. “I’ve previously done a lot of work with business coaches and been heavily involved with many industries. As a result I’ve been able to see a lot of great Kaizen Allied Health Blueprint avenues of what works and what The Global Kaizen Group is doesn’t. From that, I’ve been able certainly unique in the way that it to create my own blueprint based mentors businesses. During the around financial mastery, niche, team time that Pilgrim built and operated building, culture, recruitment and the In2Motion, he was able to note every systemization of streamlining work success and failure and learn from flow effectiveness.” it. In turn, he created the Kaizen
February 2015
“What would normally take eight to ten years to do in our industry, by following this exact blueprint within a 24-month period, [Global Kaizen] can have businesses in a situation where they’ve got a million-dollar health company,” he added. According to Pilgrim, The Global Kaizen Group is the avenue and the business that can allow people to achieve their desired lifestyle. “It’s the next step from In2Motion,” said Pilgrim. “The Global Kaizen Group has a real tribe that really drives itself. You’ve got some of our top allied health professionals linking with one another through business and it’s allowing for a very strong and committed group of business owners to share, something that has never been done before in our industry.” “These businesses are thriving exponentially because rather than having to go out and develop everything themselves, they’re able to go out and utilize our blueprints of guaranteed success and draw upon the experiences and relationships they’ve got with the other leading providers,” Pilgrim added. “There are some huge opportunities for our industry to really grow and the best part is that we’re trading a healthier and happier environment for our kids to grow up in. The more we push this forward, and work together with this approach to make all of our businesses grow, the more we’re benefiting the communities around us.”
Company Information INDUSTRY
Richmond NSW, Australia FOUNDED
GKG 2012 / In2Motion 2004 EMPLOYEES
GKG - 5 / In2Motion 14 REVENUE
N/A PRODUCTS/ SERVICES The Global Kaizen Group is a multi-faceted company that has a strong business development arm inside allied health as well as being a producer of the highest quality fitness, rehab and strength equipment. In2Motion is an allied health clinic has multiple male and female physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and numerous allied health providers.
w w w. i n 2 m o t i o n . c o m . a u
UCB Australia:
Inspired by patients. Drive by science.
The power to make a difference: A global biopharma f diseases with operations in approximately 40 countrie revenue of â‚Ź 3.4 billion in 2013. Written by: UCB Australia Produced by: Troy Barker
focused on severe es and global
CB Australia combines biology and chemistry to make major breakthroughs. By integrating their expertise in large, antibody-based molecules and small, chemically-derived molecules, they can offer families with severe diseases and their specialist physicians the advantages of both large and small molecules to produce extraordinary breakthroughs. The Company partners with the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. The complexities of severe diseases are beyond the expertise and resources of a single organisation. That is why UCB has 60
February 2015
teamed up with partners — they play to their strengths and tap into the organisations with greater or complementary strengths. Vision UCB aspires to be the patientcentric global biopharmaceutical leader transforming the lives of people living with severe diseases. Connecting science in new ways: By integrating biology (bio) and chemistry (pharma), UCB is able to gain much deeper insights into disease pathways, including the complexities of severe diseases, as well as producing more potent,
cost-effective drugs. The unique combination of expertise in large, antibody-based molecules and small, chemically-derived molecules places UCB in a strong position to realise this ambition. Cimzia®, UCB’s New Biological Entity (NBE), targeted at Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, is one of the first fruits of this synergy of biology and chemistry. Connecting people: In a knowledge- and ideas-based industry like UCB’s, human capital is the lifeblood of success. To unlock the creative potential of our global team of 8,700 staff and their
partners, the Company is creating a networked, cross-functional organisation. Multi-disciplinary teams are working on all development projects, including members of R&D, supply chain and sales, as well as partners and patients. UCB People, an innovative intranet tool, links the Company’s knowledge and skills. Their virtual R&D collaboration platform, based on the principles of Wikipedia, is another example. Connecting patients: Severe diseases, such as epilepsy, Crohn’s or Parkinson’s, tend to be “silent diseases — sufferers are often w w w. u c b . c o m
UCB AUSTRALIA socially stigmatised and reluctant to share their experiences and insights. To overcome this problem, the Company is creating novel and personal ways for patients and their families to connect, virtually and live, with each other, UCB, their partners and opinion formers. The “CrohnsandMe.com” community is one such example. Patients and their families are regularly invited to discuss the daily realities of their diseases with UCB staff, partners and
key opinion informers, providing invaluable insights. Strategy With the aspiration to be the patientcentric global biopharmaceutical leader transforming the lives of people living with severe diseases, UCB applies strict discipline to its strategy, ensuring the successful execution of their vision. A prime component of their vision strategy relates to therapeutic areas. This strategy involves focusing on
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severe diseases in two therapeutic areas: Central Nervous System and Immunology. UCB also has a selective presence in primary care. As severe diseases are treated by a relatively small number of specialists, UCB can have a close relationship and regular dialogue with physicians and their patients — an essential ingredient for understanding and addressing the daily physical and social symptoms of these diseases. Severe diseases also require a smaller sales force, so more resources can be devoted to R&D and other functions. The Company also maintains a strong yet selective presence in primary care (e.g. allergy and cardiovascular) to support specialist products that are administered by primary care physicians. Furthermore, UCB combines biology and chemistry to make major breakthroughs. By integrating their expertise in large, antibodybased molecules and small, chemically-derived molecules, they can offer families with severe diseases and their specialist physicians: The efficacy of large-
molecule ‘new biological entities’ (NBEs), such as Cimzia®; the convenience and cost-effectiveness of small, ‘new chemical entities’ (NCEs), such as Keppra®, Neupro® or Vimpat®; and the advantages of both to produce extraordinary breakthroughs. UCB’s pioneering A2HiT™ project, which is using the Company’s leading antibody research to design more effective novel chemical entities, is one of the most exciting examples of how they are capitalising on the synergies between biology and chemistry. Because UCB understands that the complexities of severe diseases are beyond the expertise and resources of a single organization, they partnering with the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. From research and development to marketing and supply chain, we have joined forces with organisations such as Amgen (R&D - anti-sclerostin for bone loss disorders), sanofi-aventis (Marketing - Xyzal®, antihistamine) and Lonza (Manufacturing - Cimzia® for Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis). w w w. u c b . c o m
Leveraging scale and intellectual capital: Networking the Company’s resources and expertise not only results in cost reductions but also to crossfertilise the knowledge and skills of UCB’s staff across the world, as well exploit opportunities to develop therapies around the clock, across time zones. This is supported by an entrepreneurial, empowered and results64
February 2015
driven culture and a relentless commitment to the highest standards of quality. Research and Development UCB’s goal is to command a leading position in discovering and developing new therapies to treat patients suffering from severe diseases. With a strong pipeline, the Company’s focus is on central nervous system (CNS) disorders
“The Company is creating novel and personal ways for patients and their families to connect, virtually and live, with each other, UCB, their partners and opinion formers.” and immunology diseases to provide new treatments for specialists and their patients.
Company Information INDUSTRY
Malvern Victoria, Australia FOUNDED
Key features Patients are at the heart of all that UCB Australia does, driving their commitment to the treatment of severe diseases. In addition, the Company’s international R&D organisation comprised of UCB NewMedicines and UCB Global Projects and Development gives UCB comprehensive strength and resources. And UCB’s track record of successful partnerships with both academia and leading drug discovery organizations showcases how partnerships are very much a central component of the Company’s philosophy. One Team Approach UCB’s philosophy is to have a ‘one team’ approach to drug discovery and development with seamless integration of research, development and commercial colleagues, in a process of continual learning and confirming as they examine their data and capitalise on their knowledge.
UCB Australia combines biology and chemistry to make major breakthroughs. By integrating their expertise in large, antibody-based molecules and small, chemicallyderived molecules, they can offer families with severe diseases and their specialist physicians the advantages of both large and small molecules to produce extraordinary breakthroughs. w w w. u c b . c o m
Highly regarded hos in high-complexity c
With quality-focused management, the hospital c has the most modern tools of management, clinic and infrastructure that ensure patient safety. Written by: Flavia Brancato Produced by: Karla Sohn
spital care
complex cal staff
upported by the best medical staff of Espirito Santo and a Vitoria Hospital complex is prepared to handle any type of medical treatment with modern equipment and specialized units. The Vitória Apart Hospital is the result of the dream of medical entrepreneurs who took on the challenge of building a cutting-edge hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória, with the goal of providing all specialized treatments in one place. In just over 13 years, it has consolidated as a provider of highly complex care services, with the same structure and expertise as that offered in the best health centers in Brazil. Its highly qualified medical staff, technology, modern architecture and humane and safe service add up to excellence. The Managing Director of Vitória Apart Hospital, Carlos Castanheira, admits that a lot of maturity and efficiency is needed to maintain this efficiency. “The hospital maintains an intense and continuous improvement
Parking lot
February 2015
Reception entrance
work of its internal processes, focusing on systemically patient safety. To do so, the hospital establishes appropriated strategies regarding the structuring of quality programs for training, pursuit of awareness and the involvement of professionals,” he says. SPECIALTIES Highlights among the hospital’s health facilities include its burn treatment center, hyperbaric medicine, radiotherapy, oncology, state-of-the-art image diagnostics and transplant services. The modern hospital structures allow the oriented flow of both outpatient and hospital patient care, with the latest equipment and specific medical units, such as general ICU beds, cardiology, pediatric and neonatal services. “Our proposal is to always provide a complete patient care, without the need for transfer of patients to other units due to services or tests,” explains Castanheira. The complex also consists of separated surgical units for clean surgery (plastic and obstetrics) and a surgical unit for other surgeries, nephrology and dialysis services, emergency room with operating room and a wide w w w. v i t o r i a a p a r t h o s p i t a l . c o m . b r
Reception room
support for a third hospital. MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES According to the anesthesiologist Marcus Vinicius Azevedo Tanure, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vitória Apart Hospital, in order to overcome the natural challenges of this sector, “the Hospital always seeks to invest in continuing education, infrastructure and various management techniques.” In addition, it promotes discussions on the challenges facing health and law, with the institutional support of various entities, during its annual Brazilian Medical and Legal Congress, which is in its third year. Since 2010, the operations of Vitória Apart Hospital have followed a strategic plan structured using a balanced scorecard (BSC) and monthly monitoring. The managing director explains that, before 2010, “the hospital held a clash of management and initiated a process of implantation of the most modern marketing tools.” 70
February 2015
Other than that, the hospital, aiming for operational efficiency with a focus on patient safety and involvement of medical staff and employees in strategy, has implemented various management tools, including quality management, costs management, management of beds and clinical governance. Through management focused on human and organizational development and with the strategic goal to qualify its employees and partner services, the Hospital also possess four medical homes for new professionals training. HEALTH AND SAFETY To ensure utmost quality service, welfare activities and support processes (hygiene, nutrition and safety) are performed by hospital staff. “Our goal is to increasingly invest in quality and safety, therefore, we adhere to hospital accreditation process in order to make public the commitment of Vitória Apart Hospital with its patients safety and quality of care,” says Castanheira. The hospital has ONA Level 3 certification and also in 2015 will start the international certification process. Accreditations make the institution more alert to the risks and more effective, while ensuring the quality of care using structured protocols and procedures. “We have also launched the Secure Assistance Program (SAP), which unifies all the other quality and safety programs we have today.
Marcus Vinícius Tanure
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Carlos Castanheira
Managing Director Claudio Pinheiro
Technical Director Robson Denadai
Clinic Director
w w w. v i t o r i a a p a r t h o s p i t a l . c o m . b r
We also have the active Hospital Infection Control Committee (CCIH) and a well-structured risk management department,” Castanheira adds. With the support of the Institute for Health and Citizenship, Vitória Apart Hospital performs Community Health Partnership Clinics, a special program for people from surrounding neighborhoods who need medical care and find it difficult to get it through medical experts in the public health system. 72
February 2015
EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Two important points to the Vit贸ria Apart Hospital are information technology and technology targeted for assistance. In recent years, several investments were made in equipment and technology, such as the implementation of video surgery, purchase of modern ventilation and monitoring equipment and increased structure. As for the technology focused on welfare, the highlight is the newest w w w. v i t o r i a a p a r t h o s p i t a l . c o m . b r
“To improve services, the Vitória Apart H which will be applied especially in the e
– Marcus Vinicius Azevedo Tanure, Chairman of th
Extension work
device that performs laser cataract surgery in the Surgery Ophthalmologic Center, in addition to the enteroscope with double balloon in the Surgery and Coloproctology Center, which allows diagnosis and treatment of diseases without surgery. INVESTMENTS AND EXPANSION “To improve services, the Vitória Apart Hospital will invest about R$26 million in 2015, which will be applied especially in the expansion work of beds and emergency room,” says Marcus Tanure. When concluded, the expansion work will provide another 140 beds and a new 2,000-squaremeter emergency room. In addition to becoming one of the most highly regarded hospital complexes in the domestic market, Vitória Apart Hospital has a goal of 74
February 2015
Hospital will invest about R$26 million in 2015, expansion work of beds and emergency room”
he Board of Directors of Vitória Apart Hospital
Company Information INDUSTRY
Serra, Espírito Santo Brazil EMPLOYEES
1250 E S TA B L I S H E D
partnerships with major international medical institutions. According to Castanheira, another hospital goal for the next five years is to approach public authorities to assist in health strategies for Espirito Santo. “Our intention is to collaborate with the State Government in the management of public health facilities through the Institute for Health and Citizenship Vitória Apart Hospital, taking all our know-how for these units,” concludes the president of the Board of Directors of the Hospital.
Cardiology, Pediatric, Neonatal, General ICU, Burn Treatment, hyperbaric medicine, nephrology and dialysis service, transplant services, emergency room operating room, outpatient visits, Radiotherapy, Oncology, image diagnostics
w w w. v i t o r i a a p a r t h o s p i t a l . c o m . b r
SĂŁo Francisco Xavier Fou Preserving the quality of health
Renowned in the state of Minas Gerais, the Foundation has business units and an even more promising future Written by: FlĂĄvia Brancato | Produced by: Karla Sohn
undation: h and education
s five successful
Mário Cunha Hospital facade, Unit II
ocused on the expansion and sustainability of its business, São Francisco Xavier Foundation (SFXF) is proud to be a philanthropic institution that continually seeks to become a national model of excellence in the areas of health and education. In 1969, Usiminas established the foundation with the mission of providing training for citizens and the preservation of health. Initially, the Foundation fulfilled its mission by administrating the Hospital Márcio Cunha (HMC) and the College of São Francisco Xavier (CSFX). Today, Usiminas is the main customer of the Foundation. In the state of Minas Gerais, and throughout Brazil, SFXF is a renowned company in the education and health fields. Currently, SFXF has more than 3,700 employees and consists of five business units: HMC, CSFX, Usisaúde Health Care Plans, Integrated Dental Center and Occupational Safety, and Health and Environment Services. 78
February 2014
Márcio Cunha Hospital - HMC Márcio Cunha Hospital has achieved accreditation for high-complexity procedures and services such as: outpatient and emergency room care, hospitalization, and diagnostic services. The complex has an exclusive unit for cancer patient treatment, a medical diagnostic unit, and two additional units with 529 beds. According to Luís Márcio Araújo Ramos, Executive Director of São Francisco Xavier Foundation, this institution is a reference hospital for approximately 800,000 inhabitants of more than 35 cities in the east of Minas Gerais. Márcio Cunha Hospital is an important state partner in health care. Through the Unified Health System (SUS) and agreements with the state government, the hospital offers urgent and emergency care, oncology, cardiac surgery, hemodialysis, and kidney transplants, among other services. “Today, this hospital is the 3rd general hospital of Minas Gerais in number of births--about 6,000 each year--and the 4th hospital in w w w. f s f x . c o m . b r
Investment in technology and advanced equipment, such as CT scan
the state in number of hospitalizations by SUS,” he says. In 2014 alone, the hospital performed more than 1.3 million pathology tests, emergency care for more than 120,000 patients, 32,000 hospitalizations, and 15,000 surgeries. In 2003, Marcio Cunha Hospital was the first in the country to receive the Accreditation to Excellence by the National Accreditation Organization (ONA). This certification recognizes the institution’s quality services and its excellence in medical and hospital care. Last year, the hospital also received the recommendation of Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd (GLDNV) to be awarded with the National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations/ Det Norske Veritas International Accreditation Standard. This certification is based on North American hospital standards for quality care and
HMC emergency room facade
February 2014
infrastructure safety. To ensure high-quality medical care and the quality of life and health of its patients, SFXF maintains complementary and simultaneous action in all areas. Ramos also specifies the importance of continued investment of funds, both from the hospital’s own resources and from the state and federal governments. “We have been investing in advanced technology and equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, besides the investments of R$ 60 million in the last four years--part of the Master Plan of Works of FSFX--which has been largely responsible for the expansion and modernization of the emergency room--now one of the largest and most modern in the state--and units I, II, and the Oncology Hospital Marcio Cunha,” explained Ramos São Francisco Xavier College - CSFX São Francisco de Xavier College (SFXC) offers high academic standards to all of its 3,000, approximately, students from preschool, elementary, middle and high school, technical courses, and post-graduate courses--offered in partnership with PUC Minas. Ramos recognizes the importance of implementing new courses. “The SFXC has also incorporated in its portfolio the MBA in Healthcare Management-in partnership with the University of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais / Lucas Machado Foundation--in addition to the language school
Management Luís Márcio Araújo Ramos Executive Director of Fundação São Francisco Xavier Adriana Leite Chaves Quintela Superintendent Manager Adseu Álvares de Andrade Healthcare Plans Superintendent Amália Regina Leão Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Superintendent Carlos Antônio de Souza Integrated Dental Center Superintendent Mauro Oscar Soares de Souza Lima Márcio Cunha Hospital Superintendent Solange Liége dos Santos Prado São Francisco Xavier College Superintendent
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Medical Residency Program of HMC has 60 residents in ten specialties
that offers English and Spanish courses, and sports school” he explains. In 1997, SFXC became the first college in the country to achieve the ISO 9001 certification for its Quality Management System of Education for elementary, middle, and high school levels. The college, in partnership with all the other units of São Francisco Xavier Foundation and Usiminas, has opened technical courses in clinical analysis, nursing, mechanics, dental prosthetics and safety, which contributes to skilled labor formation. Usisaúde Usisaúde, the health care plan company, is part of a select group of institutions with more than 100,000 customers in the country and is the largest philanthropic healthcare plan provider in Brazil. Usisaúde is responsible for the health care of about 150,000 customers nationwide. It offers high quality medical, hospital, and dental care through a network of more than 4,000 direct accredited health care providers and more than 200 82
February 2014
hospitals in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Espirito Santo, and Rio Grande do Sul. However, in addition to a skilled management committed to the philosophy of the institution, the integration between the units is crucial for business continuity. “We have been investing in quality, modernization, and expansion of the hospital to keep it as a reference and as the main accredited health care provider of the Usisaúde network. At the same time, Usisaúde is working on creating primary care units and health promotion programs for Usiminas employees. This shows the importance of the partnership with our founding and main client. This is an example of socially and economically sustainable development that expresses the commitment of Usiminas with the communities where it operates,” explains the director. Integrated Dental Center - COI COI is considered one of the best oral care providers in Brazil and worldwide. It has 47 clinics spread over Ipatinga, Belo Horizonte, Porto
Integrated Dental Center (COI)
w w w. f s f x . c o m . b r
Luís Márcio Araújo Ramos, FSFX’s Executive Director
February 2014
Alegre and Cubatão. Among them, 15 operate inside the company offices of the Usiminas group. In just over two decades of operation, the dental care unit has created a structure for both oral health promotion and highcomplexity treatments. All of São Francisco Xavier Foundation’s units are always associated. Usisaúde, for example, is crucial to maximizing the activities of both the Integrated Dental Center--through dental care plans sales--and the Occupational Safety and Occupational Health Service--through specific service packages marketing for companies. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Services This business unit has teams dedicated to preventing accidents, promoting health, and ensuring the welfare of its own employees, Usiminas employees, and contractors. The company maintains an exclusive unit of Occupational Health for all market segments in Jaipur, which includes more than 170 companies in 15 cities and over 40,000 customers. Professional Qualification “São Francisco Xavier Foundation has in its DNA the genes of the joint and shared actions, which open the doors of the institution to various corporate social responsibility activities,” says Ramos. Also, according to the director, the Foundation selects, retains, and stimulates creative work from employees and this has been a major challenge for organizations due to market competitiveness. In this scenario, São Francisco Xavier Foundation
“Hospital care is supported by a multitude of processes. This is the strategy outlined in our integrated planning that ensures the sustainability of our business, even being a philanthropic institution” – Luís Márcio Araújo Ramos, Executive Director of São Francisco Xavier Foundation w w w. f s f x . c o m . b r
Multidisciplinary team work in the
seeks, first of all, to improve the environment and working conditions in all areas of work and to attract high-level professionals for all departments within the company. “Our next challenge is to retain these professionals and, in order to do that, we have been investing in three lines. Besides the investment in fringe benefits, employees’ evaluation, and incentive pay-pay for performance--another important line is professional development. Our corporate education program includes more than R$ 1 million that are invested annually in the qualification of employees of all levels of the institution,” he explains. This includes training for medical staff and other health care professionals, training programs inside and outside the company, and development of supervisors and leaders. São Francisco Xavier Foundation’s outlook for the future is present throughout its history. The foundation has known how to incorporate 86
February 2014
Company Information INDUSTRY
Health and Education Services Provider HEADQUARTERS
Ipatinga, Minas Gerais Brazil E S TA B L I S H E D
specific management and quality tools from the industry into its hospital and school activities. The results of this pioneering practice, which is the great advantage of this institution, have been seen over the last decades: multiple opportunities, services and social responsibility activities that transform people’s lives in a sustainable manner; full reinvestment of its profits in the foundation’s own operations; and the effectiveness of its results. “Hospital care is supported by a multitude of processes. This is the strategy outlined in our integrated planning that ensures the sustainability of our business.” concludes Ramos.
R$ 610 milhões (in reais) PRODUCTS / SERVICES
Medical and hospital care, dental care, healthcare plan sales, occupational safety services, occupational and environment health, education from preschool to postgraduate school
w w w. f s f x . c o m . b r
Mexico’s Most Significant Contributions to Global Well-Being An avant-garde companies working for the global healthcare industry.
Written by Rebecca Castrejon Produced by: Lucy Verde Translation by: Rafael Tablado Interviewee: Jaime Cervantes, CEO, Grupo Vitalmex
italmex Group began operations in 1976 as an equipment supplier for hemodialysis and heart surgery procedures. Throughout the years, the group added new products and services to its business line by offering equipment for mechanical peritoneal dialysis, consumables for cardiac surgery and nephrology, operating room services, specialized transplants, imaging solutions, minimally invasive surgical procedures and electrosurgery. Here are its most important accomplishments throughout the years: Inside the production
1978 Introduction of peritoneal dialysis mechanical equipment to the Mexican market. An innovation that involved the proper training of medical staff and nurses, and transformed public hospitals into major customers of the company. 1980 The consolidation of Vitalmex as a commercial company promoted the creation of a new subsidiary, focused on research, development and manufacture of instruments and supplies, in the areas of heart surgery and nephrology. 1981 Instrumed of Mexico was inaugurated. The company has been manufacturing medical products such as bypass piping, cardiotomy reservoir, blood oxygenators, and cycler peritoneal dialysis bags. 1988 Technological Merit Award for Instrumed by the Industrial Development Trust (FONEI) of the Bank of Mexico, as the most successful Mexican company in research, medical technology and
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commercialization of new products. 1990 Technological exchange with the Russian company Medigrant, for the commercialization of oxygenators, reservoirs and pipes. The parts are assembled in Russia and sold in Eastern Europe. 1991 Participation in the International Exhibition of Medical Equipment in Düsseldorf, Germany. Exposure of Vitalmex products in the Center for Promotion of Exports of Developing Countries in Amsterdam, whose results yield sales in the Netherlands, Greece, France, Germany, UK, Turkey, Thailand, India and Bolivia. 1993 Vitalmex received an award as a leading distributor in Latin America by the company Laser Industries Ltd. 1994 Strategic alliance between Cobe of Mexico and Vitalmex, which places the company as a leader in the commercialization of equipment
Key People
Jaime Cervantes CEO, Grupo Vitalmex Jaime Cervantes earned a Bachelor’s degree in graphic communication at Universidad La Salle in 1995. Afterwards, he took a marketing and executive finance course at ITAM; in 2007 finished a course in project planning and management, leadership and negotiations, at ITESM. He specialized in upper management at IPADE, graduating in 2010. Cervantes found himself in charge of the family business at the dawn of the century, he worked previously in each of the company’s departments as it began expanding through his guidance and global vision. “My father being a successful businessman, and my mom working alongside with him since the beginning set solid foundations for the company,” Cervantes reminisced; he received his family’s support from the beginning and married at 20 years old.
Main offices of Grupo Vitalmex w w w. v i t a l m e x . c o m . m x
and supplies for hemodialysis. Introduction of the concept of Integrated Services in Hemodialysis in the Mexican market, which revolutionizes traditional practices among providers. 1998 AQUA Medica was founded in order to manufacture world-class products. 2000 Reorientation and reorganization of Vitalmex in their comprehensive services in the operating room, high specialty (Cardiology and Transplants), hemodynamic and imaging and hemodialysis. Offering new medical logistics and highly innovative and competitive products in the national and international market. Another subsidiary was created, Innovamedica, a company specializing in the research, design and development of medical equipment for the health Sector.
A pioneer in the distribution of cardiovascular medical devices. Founded in 1983 with the objective of serving the medical community, with the mission to preserve the health of patients, improving their quality of life, for optimal incorporation into daily life through efficient distribution of medical products best quality, which should facilitate and maximize the daily work of the doctors in their medical practice. Sitio web: www.medicamex.com
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Implementation of cardiovascular equipment, imaging, rehabilitation, etc.
“Our entire project is based on innovation. We’ve become an avantgarde entity within our sector, we are an influential, leading company able to transform medical attention” – Jaime Cervantes, CEO, Grupo Vitalmex 94
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The group’s comprehensive services extend to minimally invasive and electrosurgery. 2001 Restructuring Vitalmex under the concept Grupo Vitalmex. Additionally, the subsidiary Vitalmex Internacional was constituted to provide integral services in three areas: operating room, high specialty and imaging. 2004 Establishment of Vitalmex Germany, for the purpose of extending the business model abroad. 2005 Opening of Medika Humana to establish health, clinical and hospital Infrastructure and services. 2006 The company opened its production plant to manufacture medical devices, a process certified by COFEPRIS in Good Manufacturing Practices in the medical field. A computational analysis is performed for the circulation of blood
JosĂŠ Manuel is able to sit down for the first time thanks to Vitalmex innovative equipment
with Vitacor-UVAD. 2007 Vitalmex Comercial was created in order to commercialize world-class products for the health sector. The subsidiary MĂŠdika Alternativa was also founded to provide alternative health treatments. These two new businesses positioned Grupo Vitalmex as a solid business group working in the forefront of medical developments in Mexico. 2011 Jaime Cervantes C., CEO of Grupo Vitalmex, presents a new business model and strategic adjustments that will shape the direction of the company in the following years. 2012 After more than a decade of research and development, Vitacor-UVAD is implanted for the first time in a patient with successful results. The new visual identity of the group is presented.
Entrance Vitalmex
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Surgical technology adapted to life GimmiÂŽ GmbH Carl-Zeiss-StraĂ&#x;e 6
D-78532 Tuttlingen Phone + 49 74 61 / 95 590-0 Fax + 49 74 61 / 96 590-33 contact@gimmi.de www.gimmi.de
2013 The group is recognized as a Great Place to Work. The group opened a new office in Pedregal, reflecting its commitment of sustainability. Vitalmex acquires Gimmi GmbH, a German company with 80 years in the market as a specialist in medical instruments and equipment for minimally invasive endoscopy. Awarded a recognition for its green efforts, “sustainable building conversion” by Centro Impulsor de la Construcción y la Habitación (CIHAC). 2014 For the second year in a row, the group receives recognition from Great Place to Work and the Distinctive H at its headquarters in Pedregal.
Medical solutions Vitalmex
Upper Management Vitalmex Group’s Chief Executive Officer is Jaime
Innovamedica subsidiary engaged in the design and development of new medical equipment w w w. v i t a l m e x . c o m . m x
Inside Vitalmex offices
Cervantes, a second-generation entrepreneur with 10-plus years of experience in the healthcare sector from Vitalmex. His father founded the company almost 40 years ago. “I started here as a regular office employee; I’ve been through the finance, purchasing and storage departments, I even performed as a driver. I’ve worked here always counting with my parents’ support, until I became the leader taking the company to different stages,” said Cervantes. Accomplishments Through the Group’s History Mexico’s healthcare sector has experienced
constant changes, sudden reforms andcreation and dismantling of pop-up practice schemes derived from changes and political interests. Vitalmex Group has had enough flexibility and adaptation capacity toward these changes, becoming a leading company able to bring innovative solutions for clients in both the private and public sectors, consolidated in the domestic market and strengthening its presence in foreign markets. Some of the group’s most important accomplishments include: • Transformation from a family-operated business to become an international corporation led by the family’s second generation of entrepreneurs. • Transitions from microbusiness to a mediumsized enterprise and finally becoming a corporation with a large-scale global interaction. Relationship with employees is considered a key factor for this evolution, aside from achievements within the industry, tech improvements and good practices. • An average annual growth of 25 percent. The company’s value chain has somehow reshaped medical services in Mexico by outreaching to patients and bringing solutions via joint strategies along medical entities such as Social Security institutions, the Department of Defense and public health institutions, among others. • A global approach to business, made possible after organic growth of their business units in
Vitalmex Team
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Instrumed subsidiary of Mexico, whose opening goes back to 1981
Support ventricular Vitacor-UVAD, produced and developed by Groupo Vitalmex
Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala and other countries in Latin America, and the acquisition of an important share of Germany’s GIMMI, the fifth-largest minimally-invasive surgery company, globally; present in more than 80 countries. • Innovation in the field of medicine, derived from important investments in research and development. • Certified personnel management. Vitalmex is the only Mexican company in the country’s healthcare industry included in the top 100 Great Places to Work companies for two years in a row. Current Operations Vitalmex Group is able to provide integral medical
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Manufacture of inputs in the area of heart surgery
services and products for the most important healthcare institutions: equipment, infrastructure, compatible devices, consumables, maintenance, installation of units such as operating rooms, specialized surgery rooms, anesthetics, ophthalmology revision areas, imaging, hemodialysis and more. A recent business model presented in 2011 is focused on improvements to the patients’ quality of life through integral solutions involving government-ran institutions with three main elements: medical attention opportunity, consumables availability and access to facilities, medical staff and medical equipment. “Patients must not lack any of these elements while receiving medical attention, which is a human right in itself. Our promise of value is
“Sharing our knowledge is a valuable contribution towards improvement of the health sector, nationwide” – Jaime Cervantes, CEO, Grupo Vitalmex
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Continuing specialization. Seminar on good practices Vitalmex
defined by transferring all the economies of scale to the patient via healthcare institutions,” said Jaime Cervantes, CEO for Vitalmex. Countries such as Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Turkey, India, China, Thailand, Russia, England, Portugal, Italy and Spain are facing similar problems to the ones experienced in Mexico’s current health sector. Vitalmex Group seeks to solve conflicts involving opportunity, availability and access to health services by becoming one of the most important health suppliers. “Public-private partnerships are becoming more common in our country; given that condition, Vitalmex is developing alternative business models able to provide healthcare to a population group which currently lacks coverage not only in Mexico, but in other emerging economies,” Cervantes added. Medical Improvements Fifty years after Mexico remained far from providing any significant achievement on the medical field, Vitalmex created the first universal artificial heart, the VITACoR-UVAD, after 10years of research and investments of more than $10 million; the device was successfully placed in a human being in August 2012, bringing the spotlight to the Vitalmex Group for their contribution to the global health sector. The device’s cost will be available at a cost of 70 percent less in comparison with current,
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similar resources. The research and development department has come up with four new innovations for cardiology, to be marketed along with the Gimmi partnership, starting in 2016. Also, Vitalmex has more than 10 certified patents for devices and instruments. “Vitalmex is about innovation, we have always invested in innovation and development of products, procedures and technology. We’ve become an avant-garde entity within our sector. we are an influential, leading company able to transform medical attention,� Cervantes said.
Manufacture of inputs in the area of heart surgery
Sustainable growth with the company Gimmi in Germany w w w. v i t a l m e x . c o m . m x
Grupo Vitalmex, strengthening with quality medical equipment
Grupo Vitalmex, among the 100 best companies to work for in Mexico by Great Place to Work
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Specialized Training Every single step forward for Vitalmex is a result of the proper training, updating and skills of their proficient staff. “We provide specialized training programs based in every product and service we provide, such as heart surgery, cardiovascular surgery, minimally invasive surgical procedures and imaging. We have practically trained every staff member—we are a school within our sector,” said Cervantes. Next year’s plans include the opening of a polytechnic college whose purpose is the formation of new entrepreneurs in the sector; the institute will be open both for the group’s employees as well as for outside professionals, doctors, nurses and other specialists. “We think that sharing our knowledge is a
valuable contribution towards improvement of the health sector, nationwide”, added the group’s CEO.
Company Information NAME
Committed Collaborators According to the Vitalmex philosophy, partnerships are one of the most valuable traits for most operations. The group has close ties with its suppliers, some of which have worked with Vitalmex for more than 25 years. “I don’t have enough words to thank our suppliers’ loyalty and availability. They are a fundamental part for our engagement in new ventures, ours is a “dream team” of suppliers. Vitalmex would not exist without its human team, its suppliers and its clients,” the CEO concluded.
Grupo Vitalmex INDUSTRY
Medical equipment HEADQUARTERS
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico FOUNDED
March 13, 1976 EMPLOYEES
Headquarters - entry w w w. v i t a l m e x . c o m . m x
Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries (AMIIF): Investigation for Life Written by: Cristobal Thompson, executive director Produced by: Lucy Verde
he Mexican Association of Pharmaceutical Research Industries, AMIIF for its name in Spanish, represents 40 of the top companies focused on the development of innovative medicines that improve expectations of patients worldwide. AMIIF aims to become a strategic piece for the transformation of the health environment in Mexico based on pharmaceutical innovation. To achieve this objective, it has a strategic plan developed with a holistic approach focused on innovation, investments in health and new links to all stakeholders involved in the health sector development in Mexico. Pharmaceutical companies represent the second most important industry in this country, as they account for 1.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), equivalent to almost $193 billion pesos, according to data from the Ministry of Economy. Plus, more than 13 percent of the pharmaceutical industry’s sales are invested in new research and development projects. In 2014, Mexico reached the largest number of innovative medicines approved in the last years, with 32 registries of new molecules. Since the national regulatory agency (Cofepris for its name in Spanish) started its current administration in 2012, Mexico has opened its doors to 133 innovative medicines. The challenge remains on how to ease access to these new therapies, which is a priority for all participants in the Health sector
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and is reflected in AMIIF’s vision: we all are patients. One of the most ambitious objectives for AMIIF is to contribute to raise the perception of Health as a priority for the strategic sectors in the country. According to a report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mexico has a total spending on Health of 6.2 percent of GDP, one of the lowest percentages among OECD members and below the overall average of 9.2 percent. As in the rest of the world, Mexico is facing a growing need of health services for its aging population and the increasing number of patients with chronic-degenerative illnesses. AMIIF is convinced that only with a coordinated action between all stakeholders involved in the Health sector is that it will be possible to improve
Key People
Cristobal Thompson, Executive Director Mr. Cristobal Thompson graduated from Universidad de Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) and has been the executive director of AMIIF since May 2013. Previously, he worked for Quintiles Mexico as Marketing VP and general manager of Commercial Solutions business. Mr. Thompson has also occupied top level positions at global corporations such as Schering Plough, Teva, Searle, Stafford Miller, Quaker Oats and Colgate Palmolive, where he had the opportunity to develop a broad expertise in pharmaceutical markets and OTC products. He has also collaborated as an associate of Global Pharma Strategies.
AMIIF member companies
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“In 2015, AMIIF will celebrate its 65th anniversary with a bold agenda to leverage awareness and support for innovation for health� – Cristobal Thompson, executive director
conditions for the Mexican patients, a key element to leverage national productivity overall. AMIIF has a good, transparent and permanent relation with the top Health and Economy officials of the Mexican government, but also has established a broad network of contacts that includes more than 80 companies focused on innovation for health. To leverage its message, AMIIF has built a specialized agenda to address issues related to intellectual property, access and regulatory environment. For its members, AMIIF brings a fast and effective positioning with authorities, and firmly based and unified statements to look after their legitimate interests in a regulated environment. 110
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Company Information TYPE OF A S S O C I AT I O N
Civil Association HEADQUARTERS
40 companies KEY PEOPLE
Also, it grants access to updated information on the sector, strategic networking and good practice sharing with top level specialized professionals who lead the discussion in the industry. This organization was founded on March 23, 1950 under the name of “Medicinal Goods Producers and Importers Association”, but changed to its current name in 1994. In 2015, AMIIF will celebrate its 65th anniversary with a bold agenda to leverage awareness and support for innovation for health, with the reassurance that it will be moving forward to achieve its goal of becoming a transforming agent in benefit of all patients in Mexico.
• President: Luis Calderon. • Executive Director: Cristobal Thompson. WEBSITE
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Philips Healthcare Mex
Delivering the Continuum o from Hospital to Home
The company’s vision is to change the country’s healthc standards by providing solutions across the continuum prevention to homecare.
of Care
care of care, from
Written by: Mateo Rafael Tablado Interview by: Rebecca Castrejon Produced by: Lucy Verde Interviewee: Mark Stoffels, General Manager of Philips Healthcare Mexico
P Philips Vereos digital PET CT system
hilips is a household name in appliances, consumer electronics and lighting, whose presence goes from a blender in any home’s kitchen to light bulbs in factories and offices worldwide. The Dutch manufacturing company has achieved important developments during a more than 120-year existence, venturing into the creation of devices able to impact everyday life, including what finally became the now defunct Laserdisc, the CD (and derivative products such as the CD-R, CD-RW, DVD and Blu-ray) and the cassette tape during the early 1960s, among others. This vision, skill and desire for innovation is also applied by Philips to create and improve equipment for health-related diagnostics and monitoring procedures, such as MRI, computed
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tomography, molecular imaging, ultrasound, clinical informatics, patient monitoring and others. Philips has been in Mexico since 1939 and improving individuals’ health is a priority for this country’s subsidiary. “We’ve always been leaders in lighting and lifestyle products. We will leverage those strengths, and focus on becoming a leader in health tech as well,” said Mark Stoffels, General Manager for Philips Healthcare Mexico. Stoffels graduated from the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, majoring in marketing and innovation management. He attended additional management courses at Harvard and Babson College. His work with Philips Healthcare has taken him to Russia, India, China and other emerging markets. After an assignment as Head of Strategy & Marketing for Latin America, in Sao Paulo, he was appointed General Manager for Philips Healthcare Mexico operations in December 2012. “With the appointment came the opportunity to draft a long-term strategy to truly improve healthcare in Mexico and to grow our presence in the country,” Stoffels said. In September 2014, Philips announced that it will divide the company in two parts: The first focused on lighting solutions and the second
Key People
Mark Stoffels General Manager of Philips Healthcare Mexico Stoffels graduated from the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, majoring in marketing and innovation management. He attended additional management courses at Harvard and Babson College. After graduating, he was appointed to Bangkok, Thailand as a Philips trainee. His experience spans Hong Kong, Russia, Japan, Africa, the U.K. and Brazil, holding positions such as Program Manager and Strategic Marketing Director. Most recently, Stoffels was appointed General Manager of Philips Healthcare Mexico, in December 2012.
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Philips State-of-the-art technology for complex diagnosis
on health technology. This move will ensure that both divisions can attract the focus they need to remain key players in their respective marketplaces.
Lighting solutions
For Philips Mexico, it means that actions will focus more and more on providing solutions for healthy living. Where previously the company’s focus was on manufacturing and selling products, in the future Philips will partner long term with key clients in the private and public sectors. Focus on health tech: Providing care from the hospital to the home Being a leading supplier of healthcare technology for both private and public hospitals, Philips has
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Philips specialized software for hospitals
always offered the best equipment available for diagnostic imaging and monitoring. Recent additions to this catalogue include the only digital MRI solution currently available in the market, a digital PET-CT solution capable of diagnosing cancer faster and more accurately with half the radiation and a spectral CT scanner, which provides diagnostic precision levels as never seen before.
Heart Navigator System from Philips Healthcare
However, Philips Healthcare’s operations now encompass a spectrum not limited to supplying equipment for hospitals alone. “If we truly want to improve healthcare for Mexicans, we need to look at the full continuum of care,” said Mark Stoffels, and added: “This w w w. h e a l t h c a re . p h i l i p s . c o m / m x _ e s /
P H I L I P S H E A LT H C A R E M E X I C O means that we should work to make sure a patient does not have to go to the hospital in the first place. And if they have to, we should try to make their stay as short as possible so that they can soon return to the comfort of their own homes. Our strategy is to become the best provider of solutions across this continuum of care.” Integrated Solutions: Worth the Investment Five years ago, Philips acquired TASY, one of the largest providers of hospital informatics solutions in Latin America. In 2014, the company signed its first contracts in Mexico, providing four hospitals with complete TASY hospital informatics systems. This system includes all capabilities needed to manage the workflow of a hospital, from electronic medical records to administrative and clinical protocols.
“True healthcare is making sure a patient does not have to go to the hospital; and if they do, they make sure they are out of there as soon as possible” – Mark Stoffels, General Manager of Philips Healthcare Mexico
“If you want to improve the quality of care, you need to be able to lower costs while improving patient outcomes. That is nearly impossible without means to accurately measure performance. And for that, software is indispensable. Combining our informatics solutions with a customer service organization, as well as our recently opened Philips Healthcare Academy, we are uniquely positioned to provide an integral solution to our clients,” Stoffels said.
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“We want to become a supplier of solutions that will lower the cost of the healthcare system and improve quality of healthcare in Mexico” – Mark Stoffels, General Manager of Philips Healthcare Mexico
Providing Solutions: It’s More Than Selling Machines “The healthcare delivery model of the future will be very different than it is currently,” Stoffels said. Instead of buying a product and a service contract, he said he believes that the future will evolve around partnerships between suppliers and clients. In these partnerships, healthcare providers will pay for just the services they need. These might be studies, scans or even patient outcomes. Big data will play a key role as more and more insights can be drawn from vast amounts of information gathered by devices
ranging from hospital equipment to smart phones and other wearable technology. “It is our job to help our clients make sense of all that information while at the same time taking care of their technology so that they can focus on taking care of their patients,” he said. Forecast for the Future Philips Healthcare Mexico is ready to face the specific challenges the country is facing. With a growing and aging population, of which a large part still doesn’t have full access to quality care, Mexico has been selected as a major area of growth for Philips. As government budgets are under ever-growing pressure and private hospitals are continuing their search to reduce costs, the Mexican population needs clever solutions to cater to their needs. “We want to be at the forefront of healthy living, improving the care of millions of Mexicans. By executing our long-term health tech strategy we plan to do exactly that,” Stoffels said.
Company Information NAME
Philips Healthcare Mexico INDUSTRY
Goods manufacturing, imaging machines and other devices for diagnostics and health monitoring; software for hospital management HEADQUARTERS
Huixquilucan, Mexico FOUNDED
1939 in Mexico (before split in HC division) WEBSITE www.healthcare.philips.com/mx_es/
Doctor Shabtai Samoilov, Senior Specialist for CT, visited PhilipsHealthcare Academy in Mexico w w w. h e a l t h c a re . p h i l i p s . c o m / m x _ e s /