ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 2 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü A 20327 Stat Stock Tag Holder77⁄8 x 59⁄16 x 8¾ Stat Stock® Tag Holder Efficient - Keep Stat Stock tags orderly to improve accessibility. Holder is ideal for spaces where tags are used most. Easy to Use - Load tags onto the PVC plastic holder by threading the post through the tag core, then resting it on the holder. by Health Care Logistics® RFID ReplenishmentInventorySystem Visit for more information.

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Stat Stock® Tags Improve Patient Safety - Reduce the risk for human error by relying on RFID technology to track and trace items at the item level. This also allows for quick, efficient retrieval of expired or recalled drugs so they never make it to the patient. Save Time - Verify kits in minutes and put an end to guesswork. See the Difference - Visit to see how our exclusive automated inventory replenishment system is saving time and money while improving process and patient safety. USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü ü 19926 Stat Stock Tags500/roll ü ü 19833 Stat Stock Tags1,000/roll Use Stat Stock tags as Flag or Flat labels to best suit your item surfaces.A

ü F 19725 Funnel ü G 20050 Rx Destroyer Rx LockBox, 1-Gallon7 x 10 x 8 ü ü ü H 20302 Lock Box for 19629 61⁄4 x 101⁄4 x 81⁄4 20302: WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm A B C Lock Box for 19629 Reduce Diversion - Budget-conscious solution secures your 1-gallon drug disposal container and helps reduce the risk of diversion. Heavy-Duty - Plain 18-gauge stainless steel lock box with wall mount. Includes a key lock with two keys. D Rx Destroyer Rx LockBox - (20050) Brightly colored lock box is ideal for placement at nurses stations to designate drug disposal areas. Can also be used inside EMS vehicles. Aluminum design with stainless steel hardware. Includes a keyed lock with two keys, units are keyed alike. Can be wall mounted or placed on a countertop.
Rx Destroyer™ & Accessories Reduce Diversion - Ready-to-use, all-purpose formula. Activated carbon slurry renders drugs nonretrievable, fulfilling current DEA guidelines. All-purpose formula accepts tablets, patches, ointments and liquids; just add medication and shake. Solution is reusable until the maximum tablet count is reached. Safe Disposal - Once filled to capacity, bottles can be discarded with general waste. Customer should check with local DEA and EPA regulations to confirm guidelines for disposal within their municipality. Less Mess - Use the funnel to pour tablets and capsules into containers easily and with less mess.
Wall Mounts with Security Cable - (19723 & 19722) Provide secure placement in a consistent location. USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü A 19628 Rx Destroyer, 16 oz. 1 ü B 20386 Rx Destroyer, 64 oz. 1 ü 20386-31 Rx Destroyer, 64 oz., case4 ü C 19629 Rx Destroyer, 1-Gallon 1 ü D 19630 Rx Destroyer, 2.5-Gallon 1 ü 19724 16 oz. Wall Mount 1 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x L ü 19723 1-Gallon Wall Mount w/ Security Cable10 x 10 x 10 ü E 19722 2.5-Gallon Wall Mount w/ Security Cable10 x 7 x 81⁄4

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 F 1-gallon drug disposal not included G H Locks and Seals sold separately. E secure RX withconsistentcontainersDestroyerinalocationWallMounts&SecurityCables.

Easy to Use - Add waste medication, fill half way with warm water, seal and throw the container in the trash. Deactivation begins as soon as water is added to the container.
Reduces Environmental Impact - Meets current EPA and DEA requirements for drug disposal.
20418: WARNING:
Deterra® Drug Disposal Proven Formula - Activated carbon quickly and safely renders prescription drugs inert and non-retrievable when mixed with water. Ideal for narcotics, antibiotics and hormone therapies, expired and unused medications. Safe & Effective - Provides a proven method of action against drug tamper and diversion.
Maximum Capacity per Pouch or Container: 19549 - 15 tablets or 2 oz./60mL liquid or 2 patches 19550 - 45 tablets or 6 oz./180mL liquid or 6 patches 19551 - 90 tablets or 12 oz./360mL liquid or 12 patches 19849 - 450 tablets or 60 oz./1.8L or 60 patches 20417 - 1,000 pills or films, 1-liter (34 oz.) liquid or 100 patches 20419 - 2,500 pills or films, 84 oz. liquid or 250 patches Reliable Storage - Pair the 1-gallon container (20417) with the Wire Wall Mount with Cable Lock (20418) and prevent the risk for walk offs until the container is full. USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü A 19549 Deterra Drug Disposal Pouches, Small25 ü B 19550 Deterra Drug Disposal Pouches, Medium10 ü C 19551 Deterra Drug Disposal Pouches, Large 10 ü D 19849 Deterra Drug Disposal Pouches, X-Large5 ü 19849-31 Deterra Drug Disposal Pouches, X-Large, case20 ü E 20419 Deterra Drug Disposal, 2.5-Gallon 1 ü 20419-31 Deterra Drug Disposal, 2.5-Gallon, case2 ü F 20417 Deterra Drug Disposal 1-Gallon 1 ü 20417-31 Deterra Drug Disposal 1-Gallon, case 4 ü G 20418 Wall Mount for 20417, 20417-31 1 Cancer and Reproductive Harm deterra VIDEO at:

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. 7 D F G Containers & holders are sold separately. E Funnel included with Deterra 2.5-Gallon. endorsed by DEA EducationalsendPerfectFoundation.tohomewithapatient!

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 8 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü ü A 19931 ISSI Insulin Box 1 ü 19958 Security Seals for ISSI Insulin Box100 Contents not included. ISSI™ (Insulin Safety Secure Initiative) Insulin Box Patent #9,339,437 B2 Reduce Insulin Waste: Decrease the number of redundant insulin vials sent to units per patient. Maintain insulin vials in a secure location. Adhere to regulations and standards regarding high-alert medications. Improves Efficiency - Decreases the abundance of vials sent to units per patient and leads to significant cost savings. Improves nurse and pharmacist productivity while also reducing the cost of replacement vials. OutsideDimensions:-85⁄8"W x 11⁄4"H x 21⁄8"D Inside - 81⁄8"W x 1"H x 13⁄4"D Tamper-Evident Syringe Case Secure Contents - One-piece construction includes two integral locks and 10 security seals. Additional seals sold separately. Tamper Evident - Once the two security seals are inserted into the locks, they cannot be removed without breaking, which provides evidence of tampering. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x DQty. ü B 7226-01 Tamper-Evident Syringe Case & 10 Security Seals85⁄8 x 11⁄4 x 21⁄8 1 ü 7227A-15 Security Seals for Tamper-Evident Syringe Case 25 TAMPER EVIDENT B A How valuable are 186 vials of insulin to you and your patients? During a 3 day inspection, 186 vials were retrieved. These vials were mislabeled, expired, duplicated or belonged to discharged patients. “The idea for the ISSI box (Insulin Safety Secure Initiative) came from our pharmacy and nursing staff on the front line of patient care. It has allowed us to more easily and safely administer, barcode scan and store various insulin vials. We now have an invaluable tool that has improved our insulin administration system, thereby enhancing patient safety, minimizing waste and reducing overall costs.” Jan Schwarz-Miller, MD, MPH Senior Vice President, Chief Medical and Academic Officer Atlantic Health System Atlantic Health System is the owner of the patent for the ISSI box and has given Health Care Logistics® a license for its manufacture, use and sale.

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 CD Laser Patient ID Wristband with 20 Labels Streamline Registration - Create a barcoded patient wristband and matching chart labels on a single sheet. No Special Equipment Needed - Designed for use with a standard laser printer. Easy to Read - Large print area for patient name, account number, barcode and additional information. Durable Design - Wristband portion features a moisture-resistant adhesive closure, tear-resistant material and an image area sealed in mylar to assure readability throughout the patient’s stay. Material - Latex-free polyester with paper liner Quantity - One wristband and 20 labels per sheet; 250 sheets per package; 4 packages per case OverallDimensions:-81⁄2"W x 11"H Wristband - 83⁄8"W x 3⁄4"H Label - 21⁄2"W x 1"H A USA HCL Item #Description ColorQty. ü ü B 15211* Tyvek Wristbands, 3⁄4" wide 1,000 ü ü C 15210* Tyvek Wristbands, 1" wide 1,000 ü ü D 15213* Vinyl Snap Wristbands, 1" wide 500 *Specify color when ordering. 15211, 15210 & 15213: WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm are numbered to provide control and accounting of patients, visitors, etc. CBD Improve Security - 15213 vinyl wristbands have a non-reusable snap closure that discourages transfer and increases security. Color Options - Available in Blue, High-Visibility Yellow and White.

Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü ü A 18684 High Alert Insulin Self-Sealing Tamper-Evident Bags2 x 8100 ü ü 17501 High Alert Self-Sealing Tamper-Evident Bags 6 x 8100 ü B 9527 High Alert Bags 4 x 6100 ü 9534 High Alert Bags 6 x 8100 ü 9535 High Alert Bags 8 x 11100 ü 9538 High Alert Bags 3 x 12100 ü C 9526 Look-Alike Sound-Alike Bags 4 x 6100 TAMPER EVIDENT B A Error Prevention Bags High Alert Insulin Self-Sealing Tamper-Evident Bags Thickness - 2-mil Closure - Single-track zipper; perforated opening with tamper-evident feature Look-Alike Sound-Alike Bags & High Alert Bags Thickness - 2-mil Closure - Single-track zipper Self-Sealing Tamper-Evident Bags with Receipt Thickness - 1.5-mil C Help dispensingmedicationreduceerrorsinthestorage&process.

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Shrink Bands Reduce Errors - Shrink Bands force users to remove a cover during administration, thus reducing medication errors. Compatibility - Fits 10mL vials USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü B 16107 High Alert Caution Shrink Bands250 C Insulin Insulin HIGH ALERT! Insulin Insulin ! BAGLINELINE! DOUBLE CHECK ALWAYS TRACE IV LINE HEPARIN HEPARIN HIGH ALERT! HEPARIN HEPARIN ! LINEBAGLINE! DOUBLE CHECK USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü ü C 2977 IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels, Heparin1,000 ü ü D 2976 IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels, Insulin1,000 A Pull Tab enables quick access to medication. Vial Rings Improve Patient Safety - Flexible vial rings raise awareness for critical drugs and help prevent med dispensing errors. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description Dia.Qty. ü ü A 18540 High Alert Vial Rings13⁄4 10 B D IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels OverallDimensions:3" x 11⁄2" Bag Label - 21⁄2" x 1⁄2" Line Labels - 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" Slip the band over the vial’s cap & use a portable heat tunnel or heat gun to shrink & seal the vial.

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 12 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. HIGHALERT!INSULINPREPARATION PEDIATRICDOUBLECHECK LOOK SOUNDALIKEALIKE HIGH ALERT ! Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description OctagonQty. ü ü A 17515 High Alert Insulin Preparation Labels¾ 1,000 ü ü B 18303* Double Check Pediatric Labels ¾ 1,000 ü ü C 18253 Look Alike Sound Alike Labels ¾ 1,000 *High visibility. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description OctagonQty. ü ü F 8354 High Alert Double Check Labels 2 x 2500 ü ü G 8345 High Alert Caution Labels 2 x 2500 ü ü H 2089 Stop Potential Error Double Check Labels2 x 210 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü ü I 8352 High Alert Labels35⁄8 x 3250 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü ü D 2871 High Alert Labels 1 x ¾1,000 ü ü E 2090 High Alert Insulins Labels1¾ x 110 A B C D E ALERTHIGHDOUBLECHECK POTENTIALSTOP!ERRORDOUBLECHECK F G H Quick & Easy Labels simple as 1, 2, 3! Contact our Resource group for information. HILLBILLY CROSSING! HIGH ALERT I

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü A 18558 High Alert Insulin Bin, 140541⁄8 x 3 x 73⁄8 ü ü B 17261 High Alert Insulin Bin, 140141⁄8 x 4 x 107⁄8 ü ü C 17269 High Alert Insulin Bin, 141211 x 5 x 107⁄8 ü ü ü D 18560 Covered High Alert Insulin Tray81⁄8 x 23⁄4 x 43⁄4 18560: WARNING: Cancer High Alert Insulin Bins & Tray 18558 High Alert Insulin Bin, 1405 Includes - One Black divider 17261 High Alert Insulin Bin, 1401 Includes - One Black divider 17269 High Alert Insulin Bin, 1412 Includes - Two Black dividers 18560 Covered High Alert Insulin Tray Sort & Organize - Tray with five Clear dividers to separate vials in six rows. C BA D Additional labels sold separately.

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 14 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. A 20320 RxCarbon HD Deactivating Mats12 x 12100 A Warning Clings Clear Communication - Place on the outside of the cleanroom window to warn of potential safety risks associated with hazardous drug handling. Cleanroom Friendly - Attaches to outside of a window to avoid cleanroom contamination. Easy To Identify - Yellow vinyl cling with bold text includes write-on space for site-specific information. Language can be customized for your facility. Contact our Resource Group for details. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü ü B 19898 Hazardous Drug Warning Cling 8 x 101 B Proven to protect surfaces! View the datA at: RxCarbon™ DeactivatingHDMats Rare - Similar to PPE for surfaces, these low-linting poly-backed mats feature layers of activated charcoal that not only absorb liquid hazardous drugs, but also deactivate active pharmaceutical ingredients upon contact, including cyclophosphamide and fluorouracil. Limits Exposure - Hazardous drugs are rendered inactive after absorption, which may help reduce contamination that occurs upon coming into contact with them. Versatile - Can be used anywhere hazardous drugs are handled. Ideal for use in the drug administration areas. Also great for transport carts, pharmacy shelves, nonsterile compounding areas and anywhere drugs may leak, spill or spray.

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description L x H ü ü B 2593 Hazardous Drug Labeling Tape 1⁄2"13⁄4 x 1⁄2 ü ü C 2594* Hazardous Drug Labeling Tape 1"500 x 1 * Not perforated. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description L x HQty. ü ü D 2324* Reproductive Hazardous Drug Labels15⁄8 x 3⁄8 1,000 ü ü E 2325* Non-Antineoplastic Hazardous Drug Labels15⁄8 x 3⁄8 1,000 ü ü F 2326 Antineoplastic Hazardous Drug Labels15⁄8 x 3⁄8 1,000 *High visibility REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTSDISPOSALHD NON-ANTINEOPLASTIC HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTSDISPOSALHD ANTINEOPLASTIC HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND REQUIREMENTSDISPOSALHDD E F CHEMO CHEMO HIGH ALERT! CHEMO CHEMO ! LINEBAGLINE! DOUBLE CHECK IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels OverallDimensions:3" x 11⁄2" Bag Label - 21⁄2" x 1⁄2" Line Labels - 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü ü G 2979 IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels, Chemo1,000 Labeling Tape Perforated - 2593 is perforated every 13⁄4" for easy removal from roll, 2594 is not perforated. 2593Quantity:6 rolls; 500" or approximately 285 labels per roll 2594 - 3 rolls; 500" G USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü A 20288 Steri-Tamp Hazardous Drug1,000 Bag Port Seals HighjustDOEsn’t“HD”MEANdefinitionanymore!Steri-Tamp® Tamper-Evident Hazardous Drug Bag Port Seals Prevent Exposure - Sterile, tamper-evident seals protect the point of entry of IV bags that contain hazardous drugs and protect staff from exposure. Sterile Barrier - Foil seals maintain a sterile barrier when properly applied. Single Use - Removal leaves a printed “OPENED” warning and cannot be reapplied. Refrigerator Safe - Seals maintain adhesion when refrigerated or frozen in cold drug storage conditions. USP <797> Friendly - Seals feature a lint-free plastic liner and are packaged in a plastic clamshell dispensing container that will not shed particulate. Removal leaves a “OPENED”printedwarning. Chemo Clean® Product HD For Use with Hazardous Drugs HD For Use with Hazardous Drugs CB A TAMPER EVIDENT STERILE

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. HD Delivery Area Bins Convenient Drug Deliverybin with Clear lid allows pharmacy to safely deliver hazardous drugs to a consistent location on the patient floor. Encourages safe handling as outlined by USP <800>. Save Time & Moneyspecial apparel to receive delivery, which results in less PPE usage and more savings. Additional OptionsContact our Resource Group to discuss options. A B Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü A 20362 HD Delivery Area Bin11 x 5 x 107⁄8 ü ü ü B 20363 HD Delivery Area Bin161⁄2 x 7 x 143⁄4 20363: WARNING: Cancer Hazardous Drug Tray Unmistakable - Distinct color and label clearly designate tray for HD drug placement. Convenient - Three-sided polystyrene tray provides an ideal location for HD medications on the nursing floor. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü ü C 20480 Hazardous Drug Tray11 x 3 x 12 WARNING: Cancer For RxCarbon™ HD Deactivating Mats (20320) SEE PAGE 14. C

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description ü ü A 20414 Hazardous Drug Transport Bags4 x 6 100 ü ü B 20415 Hazardous Drug Transport Bags12 x 15 100 C 19845 Chemotherapy Disposal Slider Bags14 x 2050 B A Hazardous Drug Transport Bags Safe Transport - Clear bags with preprinted warnings keep contents visible during transport and raise awareness for hazardous drug contents. Thickness adds another layer of protection. Closure - Reclosable zipper Thickness - 4-mil Chemotherapy Slider Bag Thickness - 4-mil bilingual (English and Spanish) Closure - Single-track reclosable zipper C Did you know that bobcats are bilingual too? Chemo Clean® Product

HD See-Thru Tablet Cutter Secure Cutting - Flexible V-arms and cutting base are coated with softer pill grip material to hold tablets more securely during splittings.
ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 18 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü A 20374 HD Cut, Crush, Drink & Store3 x 11⁄2 Dia. ü ü B 20371 HD Ultra Pill Splitter 13⁄4 x 11⁄4 x 33⁄4 ü ü C 20373 HD See-Thru Tablet Cutter11⁄4 x 1 x 31⁄4 HD Cut, Crush, Drink & Store
HD Only Tools Unmistakably Marked - HD symbol clearly identifies items for use with hazardous drugs only.
Prevent Contamination - Easily separate HD items from other compounded medications and prevent mix-ups that can lead to cross-contamination. B C
Multi-Function Device - Tablet crusher, tablet cutter, drink cup and med storage container with bold print to identify functions.
HD Ultra Pill Splitter Safe Handling - Blade guard protects against finger cuts while a pill grip prevents the tablet from shifting during splitting.

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 HD Medication Crushing Cup Cutter Set Two-in-One - Does the work of a crusher and cutter in one powerful set. Designed for use in pairs with a grated area that allows for uniform grinding of tablets. Bonus Shaker - Once cutting or crushing is complete, add the desired amount of liquid and snap the top cup onto the bottom for mixing. Easy to dispense after mixed. HD Triangular Tablet Counter Quick Calculations - Count any size round-shaped tablets according to the number of rows filled. USA HCL Item #Description Dimensions ü ü ü D 20377 HD Triangular Tablet Counter 71⁄4 W x 1⁄2 lip ü ü E 20369 HD Medication Crushing Cup Cutter Set13⁄4 H x 1-2 Dia. 20377: WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm D E

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. Dimensions Item #Description L x HQty. Tamper-Evident Seals, Preprinted, Foil33⁄8 x 1⁄2 1,000 Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty.Setup ü ü A 20541 Warning Causes Respiratory Arrest Flag Label37⁄8 x 3⁄4 2,0002 across; 10 down WARN ING : P ara l yz ing Agent Ca u ses Res pi rat o ry Arres t Dimensions Item #Description W x HQty. Warning Paralyzing Agent Clings2 x 25 Paralytic Paralytic HIGH ALERT! Paralytic Paralytic ! BAGLINELINE! DOUBLE CHECK ALWAYS TRACE IV LINE IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels OverallDimensions:3" x 11⁄2" Bag Label - 21⁄2" x 1⁄2" Line Labels - 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü ü C 2978 IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels, Paralytic1,000 WARNING: PARALYZING AGENT -CAUSES RESPIRATORY ARRESTPATIENT MUST BE VENTILATED Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü ü 2295 Warning Paralyzing Agent Labels2½ x ¾1,000 ü ü B 2296 Warning Paralyzing Agent Labels2¾ x 1¾1,000 A B C D E F TAMPER EVIDENT Labeling Tape Convenient Package - Handy clamshell container keeps tape visable, clean and organized. Quantity - 3 rolls per pack

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 Removal leaves a “OPENED”printedwarning. TAMPER EVIDENT STERILE A Shrink Bands Reduce Errors - Shrink Bands force users to remove a cover during administration, thus reducing medication errors. Compatibility - Fits 10mL vials Vial Rings Improve Patient Safety - Flexible vial rings raise awareness for critical drugs and help prevent med dispensing errors. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description Dia.Qty. ü ü B 2826 Paralytic Agent Vial Rings13⁄4 10 Pull Tab enables quick access to medication. B USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü A 20287 Steri-Tamp Paralyzing Agent1,000 Bag Port Seals Slip the band over the vial’s cap & use a portable heat tunnel or heat gun to shrink & seal the vial. Steri-Tamp® Tamper-Evident Paralyzing Agent Bag Port Seals Prevent Exposure - Sterile, tamper-evident seals protect the point of entry of IV bags that contain hazardous drugs and protect staff from exposure. Sterile Barrier - Foil seals maintain a sterile barrier when properly applied. Single Use - Removal leaves a printed “OPENED” warning and cannot be reapplied. Refrigerator Safe - Seals maintain adhesion when refrigerated or frozen in cold drug storage conditions. USP <797> Friendly - Seals feature a lint-free plastic liner and are packaged in a plastic clamshell dispensing container that will not shed particulate. C USA HCL Item #Description Qty. ü C 16063 Warning Paralyzing Agent Shrink Bands250

ERROR PREVENTION & PATIENT SAFETY 22 LOOK FOR ü MADE IN THE USA & ü HCL® EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS. High Alert Paralytic Agent Bins 18605 High Alert Paralytic Agent Bin, 1412 Includes - Two Clear dividers 17354 High Alert Paralytic Agent Bin, 1401 Includes - One Black divider A B Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü ü A 18605 High Alert Paralytic Agent Bin, 141211 x 5 x 107⁄8 ü ü ü B 17354 High Alert Paralytic Agent Bin, 140141⁄8 x 4 x 107⁄8 WARNING: Cancer Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü C 20096 Warning Paralyzing Agent Bags3 x 4100 ü D 20097 Warning Paralyzing Agent Bags6 x 9100 Warning Paralyzing Agent Bags Thickness - 2-mil Closure - Single-track reclosable zipper C D

FROM HEALTH CARE LOGISTICS®, INC. Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x HQty. ü B 9537 For Intrathecal Use Bag6 x 9100 For Intrathecal Use Bag Thickness - 2-mil Closure - Single-track reclosable zipper B Take a look at our large assortment of Pre-Printed Bags. Go to Dimensions USA HCL Item #Description W x H x D ü ü ü A 20809 Covered Paralyzing Agent Tray8 x 23⁄4 x 43⁄4 WARNING: Cancer Covered Paralyzing Agent Tray Reduce Errors - Clear plastic covered tray provides segregated storage of paralyzing agents. Warning labels on lid encourage double checks for a safer patient environment. Easy to Clean - Labels are safe for use with disinfectants and wipes. A