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© Health Care Logistics ® , Inc. 4/23 Labels from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. More label solutions than you can imagine!

Labeling Tape

Error Prevention - Avoid the risk of errors caused by unlabeled medications and other communication breakdowns that put patients at risk. Preprinted tape can be written on with a pen, pencil or felt tip marker.

Less Mess, Less Waste - Unlike paper-backed labels, tape rolls will not unravel. Labeling Tapes prevent tangled messes and paper waste. This product features removable adhesive.

Convenient Packaging - Rolls are packaged in clear, stackable containers with click-to-close design. Perforated - Most tapes are perforated every 13⁄4" for easy removal from roll.


2560 - 2577, 2581 - 2590 & 2593 - 6 rolls; 500" or approximately 285 labels per roll

2578 - 3 rolls; 500" or approximately 285 labels per roll

2579, 2580, 2591, 2592 & 2594 - 3 rolls; 500"


2560 - 2577, 2581 - 2590, 2593 & 2595 - 13⁄4" x 1⁄2" 2578 - 13⁄4" x 1" 2579, 2580, 2591, 2592 & 2594 - 500" x 1"

Labeling Tapes





2580 Not perforated

CH E M O : Ha ndlin g

P reca u t ion s Re qui re d

2591 Not perforated

2579 Not perforated

WARN I N G : P ara l yz ing A g e n t

Ca u ses Res pi rat o ry Arres t

2592 Not perforated

HD For Use with Hazardous Drugs

2594 Not perforated

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!
Labels, magnets & signs
500" Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product 2

Every tape comes in its own container. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 3 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! G-TUBE PROPOFOL Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. HEPARIN Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. Tm. : Init. EPHEDRINE Strength mg/mL Dt. LIDOCAINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. PERIPHERAL IV 2560 2564 2568 2572 2576 2583 2587 NG-TUBE MORPHINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. VECuronium Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. DEXAMETHASONE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. ATROPINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init.
EPIDURAL 2562 2566 2570 2574 2581 2585 2589 OXYGEN FENTANYL Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. NEOSTIGMINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. GLYCOPYRROLATE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. FOLEY/URINARY CATHETER SUCTION 2563 2567 2571 2575 2582 2586 2590 HD For Use with Hazardous Drugs 2593 Contact our Resource Group to organize your Labeling Tapes with a handy ring. Labeling Tapes J-TUBE MIDAZOLAM Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. KETAMINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. NORMAL SALINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. PHENYLEPHRINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. BUPIVACAINE Strength mg/mL Dt. Tm. : Init. VENTRICULAR DRAIN 2561 2565 2569 2573 2577 2584 2588 2595 500" SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE Chemo Clean® Product

Labels, magnets & signs

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!

Custom Labeling Tape

Your Message, Your Design - Raise awareness or provide specific instructions with your text printed on adhesive-backed tape.

Less Mess, Less Waste - Unlike paper-backed labels, tape rolls will not unravel. No tangled mess and no paper waste. This product features removable adhesive.

No Residue - Tape removes easily from containers and packages without leaving sticky residue.

Text Option - Ten interchangeable tape and text colors to choose from. Up to three colors can be selected per selling unit.

Graphics Option - Predesigned symbols/graphics from our

“Pick-A-Symbol” chart are available at no additional charge. Special artwork designs and logos will not have an additional fee if high-resolution artwork is provided.

Preferred Formats: Vector - AI, EPS, PDF or SVG.

Perforation Option - Tape can be perforated every 13⁄4" - no cutting or tearing required!

Convenient Packaging - Rolls are packaged in clear, stackable containers with click-to-close design.


TAPE1/2 - 6 rolls; 500" x ½"

TAPE1 - 3 rolls; 500" x 1"

Lead Time - 10 business days from proof approval

Tape Ink Colors

USA HCL® Item # Description ü ü TAPE1/2 1⁄2" Custom Labeling Tape ü ü TAPE1 1" Custom Labeling Tape
PICK-A-SYMBOL (NO EXTRA CHARGE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. URGENT! 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.
Green Black Gray Orange Lavender Red Brown Yellow White Blue 4 • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! Insulin Insulin HIGH ALERT! Insulin Insulin ! LINE BAG LINE ! DOUBLE CHECK ALWAYS TRACE IV LINE 2976 HEPARIN HEPARIN HIGH ALERT! HEPARIN HEPARIN ! LINE BAG LINE ! DOUBLE CHECK 2977 CHEMO CHEMO HIGH ALERT! CHEMO CHEMO ! LINE BAG LINE ! DOUBLE CHECK 2979 IV Line Tracing Piggyback Labels Paralytic Paralytic HIGH ALERT! Paralytic Paralytic ! LINE BAG LINE ! DOUBLE CHECK ALWAYS TRACE IV LINE 2978 Quantity 1,000 SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE HOT LOBSTAR BISQUE LOBSTAR BISQUE Create your own Piggyback labels See pageS 22-23 for details. 21⁄2" x 1⁄2" 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" Chemo Clean® Product 5 KEEP things organized & tidy with our convenient Label packaging.
HCL®’S FREE ONLINE LABEL PRINTING SOLUTION Labels, magnets & signs These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! INTRAVENOUS USE ONLY 18585 High visibility NON-STANDARD CONCENTRATION PLEASE CHANGE PUMP SETTING 17862 2867 Activation Required Prior to Use TPN 17623 IV Administration Labels Change Wednesday Change Wednesday Change Thursday Change Thursday Change Monday Change Monday Change Tuesday Change Tuesday 2893 High visibility Change Saturday Change Saturday 2896 High visibility 2894 Change Friday Change Friday 2895 2891 High visibility 2892 High visibility Quantity 250 Change Sunday Change Sunday 2890 High visibility Item # Description 2897 Tube Change Labels, Seven Day Kit, 7 rolls of 250 each SAVE when you buy the full set! FOR CENTRAL LINE ADMINISTRATION ONLY 17523 HEPARIN FLUSH 17573 SALINE FLUSH 17574 NOT FOR IV PUSH 17680 High visibility ACTIVATE BEFORE INFUSING 2807 Quantity 1,000 2304 SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE FATAL IF INFUSED NOT for Infusion 2359 2356 FATAL IF INFUSED 2355 NOT for Infusion 2358 ISMP RECOMMENDATION ISMP RECOMMENDATION ISMP Recommendations ( 2355, 2356, 2358 & 2359 - May 2022 Potassium Chloride for Injection Concentrate in EXCEL Plastic Bags ISMP RECOMMENDATION ISMP RECOMMENDATION 6 • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! 2302 TPN LINE TPNLINE Date Time By IV Administration Labels Quantity 1,000 2452 2403 2401 2402 2404 2471 High visibility CENTRAL VENOUS LINE CENTRAL VENOUS LINE Date Time By 17585 17584 17581 PERIPHERAL LINE PERIPHERALLINE Date Time By ARTERIAL LINE Date Time By ARTERIAL LINE 17583 SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE 7
These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! 2522 2070 2112 2010 2004 2008 2765 2611 2001 2722 High visibility 2006 2015 PACKAGE NOT CHILD RESISTANT 2055 2064 2766 2060 2011 2101 Do not handle this medication if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breast-feeding 2805 2052 2285 2003 2102 2017 2044 2616 2959 2005 2025 Warning Labels 2293 CAUTION: OPIOID Risk of overdose and addiction 2297 OPIOID NAÏVE 2298 OPIOID TOLERANT Quantity 1,000 CAUTION: OPIOID RISK OF OVERDOSE AND ADDICTION 2294 2051 DO NOT Flush Unused Meds or Pour Down Sink or Drain 18587 2038 2092 2084 2029 2024 2030 2066 2046 2145 2018 2061 2047 2155 High visibility 2520 FOR INTRATHECAL USE 2913 2292 CAUTION: OPIOID Risk of overdose and addiction 2324 High visibility REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS HD 2325 High visibility NON-ANTINEOPLASTIC HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS HD Enlarged to show detail 2328 Contains Tranexamic Acid FOR IV BAG USE ONLY! Fatal if given by other routes! STOP 2348 Chemo Clean® Product 2326 ANTINEOPLASTIC HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS HD Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product ISMP RECOMMENDATION ISMP RECOMMENDATION ISMP Recommendations ( 2030 & 2024 - December 2022 Prevent Administration of Ear Drops into the Eyes 8
Labels, magnets
signs • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 2345 2096 2199 2111 2077 2870 CAUTION: New Drug Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use Quantity 1,000 Warning/Law Labels 2154 2309 2311 INSULIN 2086 WARFARIN 17838 17944 PROPOFOL OXYTOCIN 2868 Quantity 1,000 Drug Identification Labels Pharmacy, Emergency, Pediatrics, Rapid Sequence Induction & Opioid Overdose Kit Labels Use to quickly identify boxes, carts and other items. Material - Vinyl Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H x D ü ü A 2389 Pharmacy Dept. Label 63⁄16 x 21⁄4 ü ü B 2390 Pediatrics Label 63⁄16 x 21⁄4 ü ü C 2388-01 Emergency Box Label 63⁄16 x 21⁄4 ü ü D 18334 Rapid Sequence Induction Label 63⁄16 x 21⁄4 ü ü E 19773 “Opioid Overdose Kit” Label 33⁄4 x 45⁄8 D A B C E Quantity 1,000 Warning Labels RTS 2351 REVERSAL AGENT 2362 ANTIDOTE Quantity 10 2361
These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! 2056 2095 2285 2002 2048 2050 2054 PHARMACY ALTERED 17729 2081 2520 VERSED mg/mL Date Time Int 17792 MUST BE DILUTED 17864 LIDOCAINE mg/mL Date Time Int 17793 FENTANYL mcg/mL Date Time Int 17790 2153 High visibility Quantity 1,000 Dosing Labels 2117 2118 2122 2123 2119 2120 2169 2127 2121 2116 18537 AFTERNOON 2306 NOT FOR DAILY USE 2316 2210 PM AM NOON AM NOON HS 2208 AM NOON PM HS 2209 2307 PM AM 2205 AM HS 2206 AM PM HS 2207 18620 USE FIRST 17863 DOUBLE CONCENTRATION NON-ONCOLOGIC METHOTREXATE Not For Daily Use 2318 NON-ONCOLOGIC METHOTREXATE Not For Daily Use 2317 SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE 1125 Quantity 1,000
Labels, magnets & signs
Label 10
Veterinary • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! ALLERGIC TO: 17618 DNR 17865 2889 High visibility Quantity 500 PATIENT’S OWN MEDICATION 17624 2297 OPIOID NAÏVE 2298 OPIOID TOLERANT Quantity 1,000 Patient Specific Labels X 2031 2065 2058 2215 PARTIAL ORDER BALANCE TO FOLLOW 2964 PLEASE Call 2 Days in Advance for Refills 2866 Quantity 1,000 2156 High visibility 2166 2049 MEDICATION BACKORDER SUPPLEMENT TO FOLLOW 17730 SHORTAGE ALERT 2804 START HERE 18305 High visibility 2911 2019 Wecanprint yourlabelsinArabic, Dutch,Armenian,Chinese,Danish,Japanese,French,German,Italian, Korean,Russian, Spanish,Ukrainian,Vietnamese &crustaceantoo! Refill Information Labels ALLERGIES: 17614 2451 BRILLIANT SOLUTIONS FROM HCL® SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE COMPOUNDED IN THIS PHARMACY 2360 11
HCL®’S FREE ONLINE LABEL PRINTING SOLUTION Labels, magnets & signs These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! Quantity 1,000 Caution Labels NON-STANDARD CONCENTRATION PLEASE CHANGE PUMP SETTING 17862 CAUTION: HAZARDOUS DRUG OBSERVE SPECIAL HANDLING, ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS HD 18595 2136 Product Contains Natural Rubber Latex LATEX 2984 2292 CAUTION: OPIOID Risk of overdose and addiction Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex 2982 2301 18304 CHEMO Wear Gloves When Handling 2973 2357 BIOALERT 2377 High visibility 81231 2966 POSSIBLE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) 81232 2889 Quantity 500 CAUTION: OPIOID RISK OF OVERDOSE AND ADDICTION 2294 2488 2487 HD 2321 BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCE CATEGORY B UN3373 81230 2373 2139 2293 CAUTION: OPIOID Risk of overdose and addiction 2322 HD For Use with Hazardous Drugs 2372 2374 CAUTIO N High Concentration 17497 81234 ISOLATION COVID-19 81233 81249 COVID-19 Casirivimab REGN10933 2335 lmdevimab REGN10987 2336 Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product Chemo Clean® Product SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE 12 • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! 2960 REFRIGERATE Quantity 250 2451 Quantity 1,000 Caution Labels 2280 2281 2282 REFRIGERATE 2749 2098 2284 2012 2083 2971 2022 2025 Quantity 1,000 2460 High visibility Storage Information Labels Quantity 1 DO NOT TUBE 2349 SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE 13
HCL®’S FREE ONLINE LABEL PRINTING SOLUTION Labels, magnets & signs These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! FOR IV BAG USE ONLY! Fatal if given by other routes! STOP 2348 2090 18549 HIGH ALERT Quantity 10 17352 PARALYTIC AGENT 18547 FOR INTRATHECAL USE Quantity 1,000 2308 2303 High visibility SALA D 2069 HAZARDOUS DRUGS 17520 HIGH ALERT 8350 2054 Error Prevention Labels 8354 HIGH ALERT DOUBLE CHECK Quantity 500 8345 STOP! POTENTIAL ERROR DOUBLE CHECK 2089 17353 Paper Label with Overlaminate for durability HIGH ALERT! HEPARIN 17519 HIGH ALERT! INSULIN PREPARATION 17515 LOOK ALIKE SOUND ALIKE 18253 8353 HIGH ALERT DOUBLE CHECK 18303 High visibility DOUBLE CHECK PEDIATRIC 18251 HIGH ALERT HIGH ALERT ! 2871 HIGH ALERT CAUTION SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE STOP Confused Drug Name 20815 14 • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 15 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! ALLERGIC TO SHELLFISH NOTICE NO ROCK LOBSTARS PERMITTED Say it like you mean it... quick and easy labels help you do just that! 8352 NAME ALERT 17616 Quantity 1,000 2968 High visibility HIGH ALERT 8351 STOP!! SCAN BARCODE ON MEDICATIO N 18248 18535 Tech Check By Pharmacist Check By 18586 DOUBLE CHECK ALERT HIGH 8346 High visibility CLEANED-CHECKED DATE BY 17634 WARNING: PARALYZING AGENT -CAUSES RESPIRATORY ARRESTPATIENT MUST BE VENTILATED 2295 Error Prevention Labels 2296 WARNING: PARALYZING AGENT -CAUSES RESPIRATORY ARRESTPATIENT MUST BE VENTILATED Quantity 250 7824 REUSABLE DO NOT THROW AWAY REUSABLE DO NOT THROW AWAY SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE



These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! Quantity 100 Vinyl Labels INSULIN DISCARD AFTER 28 DAYS 17866 17535 HIGH ALERT AGENT 19957 17534 LOOK ALIKE SOUND ALIKE 2148 2032 2115 High visibility 2034 2305 2914 18369 DISCARDAFTER 28 DAYS EXP. DATE 18533 USE ONCE AND DISCARD 18619 Date Vial Opened Date Vial Expires Discard After 28 Days DISCARD AFTER 42 DAYS EXP. DATE 2829 Quantity 1,000 2763 2289 2764 2472 2970 2290 Quantity 1 Quantity 5 Clings 2319
Labels, magnets & signs
Expiration/Discard Labels
16 • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! Circles - 3⁄4" Dia. Quantity 500 THU 17919 FRI 17920 SAT 17921 TUE 17917 WED 17918 MON 17916 JUL 17929 JAN 17923 FEB 17924 MAR 17925 APR 17926 MAY 17927 JUN 17928 AUG 17930 17931 SEP OCT 17932 17933 NOV DEC 17934 Item # Description 18870 Week Kit, 7 rolls of 500 each 18869 Month Kit, 12 rolls of 500 each SAVE when you buy the full set! Quantity 1,000 Expiration/Discard Labels 2327 EXP I RE S 2024 2323 EXP I RE S 2023 SUN 17922 DO NOT USE BEYOND DATE 18333 18225 INSULIN Discard after 28 days Discard Date: 18326 High visibility MULTI-DOSE VIAL DISCARD days after opening or reconstituting. Date Opened: DATE EXP.INITIAL OPENED DATE 17638 Quantity 250 17522 High visibility EXPIRED MEDS SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE EXP I RE S 2025 2343 2350 EXP I RE S 2026 17
& signs These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! Expiration/Discard Labels Quantity 1,000 18226 BLACK BUCKET WASTE DO NOT Flush Unused Meds or Pour Down Sink or Drain 18587 18311 CHEMOTHERAPY Dispose of Properly 2810 P H W 17813 P-Listed 17355 RCRA 17358 BLACK BOX WARNING 17553 Waste Labels 2817 Crash CartCheck First Drug To Exp. Date NameofDrug Lock Number Check Done on Date Initials Removable Adhesive 17576 Quantity 1,000 Crash Cart Item Check First Item To Exp. Date Name of Item Lock Number Check Done on Date Initials Removable Adhesive 2342 28-Day Multi-Dose Vial Expiration Date Assigner Quantity 5 Material - White Vinyl Dimensions: - 141⁄4"W x 21⁄2"H 28 Day Multi-dose Vial Expiration Date Assigner Jan, Mar, May Jul, Aug, Oct Dec Apr, Jun, Sept Nov Feb 1. Find current month on chart 3. Use number below current date for expiration date. 2. Find current day on top line 4. Shaded numbers indicate product expires in same month How To Use: HCL ITEM #18511 For Reorder: 800-848-1633 18511 Print your own 28-Day Multi-Dose Vial Expiration Date Assigner. Just visit to get started. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE Chemo Clean® Product 18

Laser Labels

Compatible - Permanent adhesive labels on 81⁄2" x 11" sheets fit standard laser and ink jet printers.

Multiple Sizes - Four sizes to accommodate vials, bottles, bags, dispensers, jars, etc.

Compliant - Labels meet requirements of FDA 21 CFR 175.105 for indirect food contact.

Quantity: 20648 - 6 across, 18 down; 100 sheets per pack; 10,800 total 20475 - 5 across, 10 down; 100 sheets per pack; 5,000 total 20687 - 4 across, 10 down; 100 sheets per pack; 4,000 total 8041 - 3 across, 10 down; 100 sheets per pack; 3,000 total 7062A - 3 across, 5 down; 100 sheets per pack; 1,500 total

Blank Labels - All labels have permanent adhesive

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc.
Dimensions USA HCL® Item # W x L Qty. ü ü A 20648 11⁄4 x 7⁄16 10,800 ü B 20475 11⁄2 x 1 5,000 ü C 20687 13⁄4 x 1 4,000 ü D 8041 25⁄8 x 1 3,000 ü ü E 7062A 213⁄16 x 2 1,500 Quantity 1,000 Blank Rectangle Labels - 15⁄8" x 3⁄8 2200 White 2202 High Visibility Green 2201 High Visibility Red 2203 High Visibility Orange 2204 High Visibility Pink 2211 High Visibility Yellow 2214 Blue Blank Rectangle Labels - 7⁄8" x 3⁄8" 2536 High Visibility Pink 2534 High Visibility Red 2532 High Visibility Orange 2537 High Visibility Green 2546 White 2552 High Visibility Green 2548 High Visibility Orange 2553 Yellow 18617 Black 2555 Blue 2558 High Visibility Pink 1123 Orange 2550 High Visibility Red Blank Circle Labels - 3⁄4" Dia. Blank Circle Labels - 1⁄4" Dia. 2556 Blue 2556 Red 2556 White 2556 Yellow 18618 Black 2556 High Visibility Green 2556 High Visibility Orange
C Ideal for multiple uses including covering unscannable barcodes. B expands print options & is compatible with our full line of Tamper Tuf Vials SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE 19

Labels, magnets & signs

Polyester Quick & Easy Labels - 23 sizes

Please specify Clear or White polyester. Adhesive is permanent.

Please specify Clear or White polyester. Adhesive is permanent.

31⁄2" x 7⁄8"

Please specify Clear or White polyester. Adhesive is permanent.

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! HCL16P 3⁄4" HCL73P 1⁄2" HCL07P 2" HCL75P 13⁄8" HCL06P 3⁄4" HCL74P 13⁄"8" x 13⁄8" HCL02P 5⁄8" x 5⁄8"
HCL14P 25⁄8" x 2" HCL23P 23⁄4" x 13⁄4" HCL08P 21⁄2" x 11⁄2" HCL09P 13⁄4" x 1" HCL97P 21⁄2" x 3⁄4" HCL71P 11⁄4" x 1⁄2" HCL11P 23⁄16" x 9⁄16" HCL12P 11⁄2" x 5⁄8" HCL01P 15⁄8" x 3⁄8" HCL03P 1" x 3⁄4" HCL05P 7⁄8" x 3⁄8" HCL72P 11⁄2" x 1⁄2" HCL10P 13⁄16" x 3⁄8" HCL20P 35⁄8" x 3" HCL13P
ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL73P 1⁄2 Round 1,000 ü ü HCL16P 3⁄4 Round 1,000 ü ü HCL02P 5⁄8 x 5⁄8 Square 1,000 ü ü HCL74P 13⁄8 x 13⁄8 Square 1,000 ü ü HCL06P 3⁄4 Octagon 1,000 ü ü HCL75P 13⁄8 Octagon 1,000 ü ü HCL07P 2 Octagon 500 ü ü HCL05P 7⁄8 x 3⁄8 500
USA HCL® Dimensions
7⁄16" USA HCL® Dimensions ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL03P 1x 3⁄4 1,000 ü ü HCL71P 11⁄4 x 1⁄2 500 ü ü HCL10P 13⁄16 x 3⁄8 500 ü ü HCL72P 11⁄2 x 1⁄2 500 ü ü HCL12P 11⁄2 x 5⁄8 500 ü ü HCL09P 13⁄4 x 1 400 ü ü HCL01P 15⁄8 x 3⁄8 500 ü ü HCL11P 23⁄16 x 9⁄16 350
IN ACTUAL SIZE SHOWN IN ACTUAL SIZE USA HCL® Dimensions ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL97P 21⁄2 x 3⁄4 250 ü ü HCL08P 21⁄2 x 11⁄2 500 ü ü HCL14P 25⁄8 x 2 500 ü ü HCL23P 23⁄4 x 13⁄4 500 ü ü HCL89P 3 x 7⁄16 200 ü ü HCL13P 31⁄2 x 7⁄8 200 ü ü HCL20P 35⁄8 x 3 250 20
3" x

Polyester Quick & Easy Labels simple as 1, 2, 3

Polyester Quick & Easy Labels

More Durable - Offers less tearing than paper labels.

Options Galore! - Choose from 23 sizes of Clear or White labels. Nine ink color options (see examples); up to four colors on a label. Custom colors are also available. Contact our Resource Group for information. No Extra Charge! - Includes barcoding and sequential numbering or lettering. Also includes predesigned symbols/graphics from our “Pick-A-Symbol” chart.

1 choose your SIZE & QUANTITY

Small Batch Availability - Order quantities of 1,000 to 25,000 labels. Rolls are packaged in clamshell dispensers.

Low Cost, Fast Delivery - Arrives within five working days of proof approval.

Compatible - Can be written on with permanent marker. Food-Safe Adhesive - FDA 175.105 compliant

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Black label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Fuschia label

Choose your LABEL & text colorS

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Red label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Royal Blue label

2 pick A symbol (TOTALLY OPTIONAL)

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Green label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow


Orange label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Purple label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red white Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Sky Blue label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Yellow label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

White label • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!
really is Quick & Easy! Just go to GoHCL.Com/QUICK to place your order.
PICK-A-SYMBOL (NO EXTRA CHARGE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. URGENT! 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Labels, magnets & signs

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!

Paper Quick & Easy Labels - 24 sizes




USA HCL® Dimensions ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL73 1⁄2 Round 1,000 ü ü HCL16 3⁄4 Round 1,000 ü ü HCL02 5⁄8 x 5⁄8 Square 1,000 ü ü HCL74 13⁄8 x 13⁄8 Square 1,000 ü ü HCL06 3⁄4 Octagon 1,000 ü ü HCL75 13⁄8 Octagon 1,000 ü ü HCL07 2 Octagon 500 ü ü HCL05 7⁄8 x 3⁄8 500 Please specify permanent or removable adhesive. Please specify permanent or removable adhesive. Please specify permanent or removable adhesive. HCL16 3⁄4" HCL73 1⁄2" HCL07 2" HCL75 13⁄8" HCL06 3⁄4" HCL74 13⁄"8" x 13⁄8" HCL02 5⁄8" x 5⁄8" HCL14 25⁄8" x 2" HCL23 23⁄4" x 13⁄4" HCL08 21⁄2" x 11⁄2" HCL09 13⁄4" x 1" HCL97 21⁄2" x 3⁄4" HCL71 11⁄4" x 1⁄2" HCL11 23⁄16" x 9⁄16" HCL12 11⁄2" x 5⁄8" HCL01 15⁄8" x 3⁄8" HCL03 1" x 3⁄4" HCL05 7⁄8" x 3⁄8" HCL72 11⁄2" x 1⁄2" HCL10 13⁄16" x 3⁄8" HCL13 31⁄2" x 7⁄8" HCL89 3" x 7⁄16" 21⁄2" x 1⁄2" 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" 21⁄2" x 5⁄16" HCL15 Overall: 3" x 11⁄2" HCL20 35⁄8" x 3"
your own Piggyback labels USA HCL® Dimensions ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL03 1 x 3⁄4 1,000 ü ü HCL71 11⁄4 x 1⁄2 500 ü ü HCL10 13⁄16 x 3⁄8 500 ü ü HCL72 11⁄2 x 1⁄2 500 ü ü HCL12 11⁄2 x 5⁄8 500 ü ü HCL09 13⁄4 x 1 400 ü ü HCL01 15⁄8 x 3⁄8 500 ü ü HCL11 23⁄16 x 9⁄16 350 USA HCL® Dimensions ü ü Item # W x H Qty. ü ü HCL97 21⁄2 x 3⁄4 250 ü ü HCL08 21⁄2 x 11⁄2 500 ü ü HCL14 25⁄8 x 2 500 ü ü HCL23 23⁄4 x 13⁄4 500 ü ü HCL89 3 x 7⁄16 200 ü ü HCL13 31⁄2 x 7⁄8 200 ü ü HCL15 3 x 11⁄2 500 ü ü HCL20 35⁄8 x 3 250 22

paper Quick & Easy Labels simple as 1, 2, 3

Paper Quick & Easy Labels

Color & Size Options - Choose from 24 sizes of White, Colored or High-Visibility labels. Nine ink color options (see examples); up to four colors on a label. Custom colors are also available. Contact our Resource Group for information.

Note: High-visibility paper can only be printed with Black ink.

No Extra Charge! - Includes barcoding and sequential numbering or lettering. Also includes predesigned symbols/graphics from our “Pick-A-Symbol” chart.

1 choose your SIZE & QUANTITY

Small Batch Availability - Order quantities of 1,000 to 25,000 labels. Rolls are packaged in clamshell dispensers. Specify permanent or removable adhesive when ordering.

Low Cost, Fast Delivery - Arrives within five working days of proof approval.

Food-Safe Adhesive - FDA 175.105 compliant

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Black label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Fuschia label

Choose your LABEL & text colorS

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Red label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Royal Blue label

2 pick A symbol (TOTALLY OPTIONAL)

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Green label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow


Orange label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Purple label

It really is Quick & Easy! Just go to GoHCL.Com/QUICK to place your order.


black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red white Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Sky Blue label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

Yellow label

black Fuchsia Green Orange

Purple red Royal Blue

Sky Blue white yellow

White label • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. URGENT! 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

Labels, magnets & signs

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!

Peel N Go® Label Dispenser

Patent 8,973,783 & 9,334,077

User-friendly DesignNeatly organizes as many as 10 rolls of labels.

Secure Magnetic Closure - Keeps lid tight and ensures labels peel from their backing as they are pulled from the dispenser. Just pull straight down. No more picking and bending labels off their backing.

Improves Efficiency - Stack, connect or mount dispensers to create a system specific to your needs.

Cleans Easily - Just use soap and water.

Stack & Connect Label Dispensers & Mounting Brackets

Connect Multiples - Plastic dispensers connects by interlocking tabs on each side. Note: 10-roll dispensers do not connect to 20-roll dispensers. Stay Organized - 10-roll dispenser includes nine removable dividers and accommodates clamshell labels and labels on a roll. 500 and 1,000 label rolls will work in this dispenser. 20-roll dispenser does not include dividers. It accommodates roll and clamshell-packaged labels in quantities up to 500. Rolls of 1,000 labels will not work with this dispenser.

Holds Multiple Sizes - Holder will accept a variety of label sizes; however, dispensing slots will only accommodate labels up to 5⁄8"W.

Mounting Options - Mount under a counter or cabinet using Mounting Bracket (17027 or 17028).

Dimensions: 12721 - 81⁄4"W x 5"H x 51⁄2"D 12998 - 153⁄4"W x 43⁄8"H x 43⁄4"D

C A Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H x D ü ü A 18894 Peel N Go Label Dispenser 93⁄16 x 41⁄8 x 53⁄16 ü ü ü B 19038 Mounting Bracket for Peel N Go Label Dispenser 93⁄4 x 13⁄4 x 5 19038: WARNING: Cancer Dimensions W x H x D Stack & Connect Label Dispenser, 10-Roll 81⁄4 x 5 x 51⁄2 Stack & Connect Label Dispenser, 20-Roll 153⁄4 x 43⁄8 x 43⁄4 Mounting Bracket for 12721 10-Roll Dispenser 813⁄16 x 13⁄4 x 5 Mounting Bracket for 12998 20-Roll Dispenser 161⁄4 x 13⁄4 x 41⁄2 Raised notches for stacking D Hinged lid for easy loading connection Brackets B 24

HCL® Bulk Label Storage Unit

Clean Storage - Organize bulk quantities of HCL labels inside clamshell containers and keep spaces free of clutter. Creates a convenient restocking station. Material - Polycarbonate Placement - Ideal for counter or wall placement; includes keyholes for wall mounting.

Clamshell Capacity:

Drop & Load® Label Dispensers

Maintain order with our stainless steel Drop & Load Label Dispenser! Easy to clean and easily accessible, the dispenser is the perfect choice for keeping labels in a centralized location.

Printed Lid - Slots are numbered to identify each roll.

Built-in Guides - Accommodate up to 3⁄4"W labels. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. B C D
Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H x D ü B 2504-01 Drop & Load Label Dispenser, 10-Roll 71⁄8 x 41⁄8 x 4 ü C 2507 Drop & Load Label Dispenser, 20-Roll 133⁄4 x 43⁄4 x 49⁄16 ü D 2506-01 Drop & Load Label Dispenser, 30-Roll 195⁄16 x 41⁄8 x 4 Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H x D ü ü ü A 20928 HCL® Bulk Label Storage Unit 41⁄8 x 12 x 41⁄2 WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm
Small - Top, 10; Bottom, 10 Medium - Top, 7; Bottom, 6 Large - Top, 5; Bottom 4 dispense from the bottom Fill from the top NEW NEW A 25

Labels, magnets & signs

Sterile Blank & Colored Preprinted Labels

Error Prevention - Use sterile labels to properly

Require the use of sterile marking pen. Contact our Resource Group to order.

Packaged in Tyvek® pouches for reduced particulate. Available blank or preprinted with common surgery medications. (10 labels per pouch, 30 pouches per box.)

Do you need different medications on your Sterile Label? Our Resource Group can help!


Accountability - Scored area peels away to serve as documentation.

Create Your Own - Blank MedTags are ideal for adhering computer printed labels.

Easy Access - Includes a plastic holder.


- 3⁄8" x
USA HCL® Item # Description Qty. ü C 7760 MedTags w/ Holder 150 ü D 7765 Blank MedTags w/ Holder 150 STERILE
Overall - 61⁄2" x 11⁄8" Flag
1.800.848.1633 ext.
Qty. Sterile Colored Preprinted Labels 300 Sterile Blank White Labels 300 B A 26

Flag Labels

Error Prevention - Easily add barcodes and critical information to small and odd-shaped containers.

Stays Put - Adhesive-backed portion wraps around the container; aggressive adhesive ensures label will remain on the container.

Maintain Visibility - Clear tail on polyester labels will not interfere with markings or graduations.

Flag &


Two Styles - Available in solid colors or with the top half colored and the bottom half white for printing readable barcodes.

Flag Labels

Options - 81⁄2" x 11" sheets for use in laser and inkjet printers or on a roll with 3" core for thermal transfer printers.

Bowtie Laser Labels

Material - Choose paper or polyester labels.

Preprinted Flag Labels

Convenient - Preprinted messages solve small product labeling needs and help prevent medication errors. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H Colors Qty. Setup ü ü A 6028 White Flag & Receipt Labels 17⁄16 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü B 6029* Solid Color Flag & Receipt Labels 17⁄16 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü C 6030* Half Color Flag & Receipt Labels 17⁄16 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü D 6026 Flag Labels 33⁄4 x 1 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü 6032 Flag Labels Thermal Transfer 33⁄4 x 1 2,000 1 across ü ü E 20500 Flag Labels with 4" Tail 53⁄4 x 1 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü F 18918W Bowtie Paper Laser Labels 5 x 11⁄2 1,000 2 across; 5 down ü ü 18919W Bowtie Polyester Laser Labels 5 x 11⁄2 1,000 2 across; 5 down ü ü G 17437 High Alert Double Check Flag Labels 37⁄8 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü H 17438 Paralyzing Agent Use w/ Caution Flag Labels 37⁄8 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü I 17436 Look-Alike/Sound-Alike Flag Labels 37⁄8 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down ü ü J 20541 Warning Causes Respiratory Arrest Flag Label 37⁄8 x 3⁄4 2,000 2 across; 10 down *Specify color when ordering.
27 HCL’s FREE Online Label Printing Solution

Labels, magnets & signs

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!

Covers entire prescription medication label Only covers the patient’s name

Patient Privacy Labels

Tamper Evident - Protect sensitive patient information in compliance with HIPAA guidelines using this scored tamper-resistant label that self destructs upon removal.

Quantity - 2 rolls of 500; 1,000 labels total

A great way to protect sensitive information!

This label looks spectacular on our Medication Transport Case! Go to

Vaccine Transport Labels

Improve Compliance - Permanent adhesive label allows users to easily designate a thermal transport container as vaccine transport per CDC guidelines.

Material - Vinyl

Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H ü ü C 19892 Vaccine Transport Label 3 x 3 ü ü D 19893 Vaccine Transport Label 5 x 3 D C
Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H Qty. ü ü A 2300 Patient Privacy Labels 3 x 1⁄2 1,000 ü ü B 7038 Patient Privacy Labels 3 x 17⁄8 1,000 Nothing to See Here! 28


Improve Patient Safety - Provide clear communication to all caregivers of patient/resident’s mobility assessment status. Place the appropriate magnet on patient’s in-room whiteboard or other magnetic surface as a visual status indicator for staff.

Options - Choose individual magnet or set of four.

Fall Precautions Magnet

Alert Caregivers - Apply to door frames, doors and patient beds to raise awareness for special care as needed.

Refrigerator Vinyl Labels & Magnets

Compliance - Choose a magnet or label to properly identify your refrigeration units per CDC recommendations. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! from Health Care Logistics®, Inc.
Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H ü ü 2393 Refrigerator Vinyl Label 35⁄8 x 3 ü ü F 2392 Refrigerator Magnet 35⁄8 x 3 ü ü G 2376-01 Drugs Only/No Food Vinyl Label 35⁄8 x 3 ü ü 2381-01 Drugs Only/No Food Magnet 35⁄8 x 3 ü ü H 2375-01 Food Only/No Drugs Vinyl Label 35⁄8 x 3 ü ü 2380-01 Food Only/No Drugs Magnet 35⁄8 x 3 A F G Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description W x H ü ü A 2877 Fall Precautions Magnet 11⁄2 x 6
H 2877 6"H Dimensions USA HCL® Item # Description Dia. Qty. ü ü B 20819 MOBILITY LEVEL 1 Magnet 2 1 ü ü C 20820 MOBILITY LEVEL 2 Magnet 2 1 ü ü D 20821 MOBILITY LEVEL 3 Magnet 2 1 ü ü E 20822 MOBILITY LEVEL 4 Magnet 2 1 ü ü 20823 MOBILITY LEVEL Magnet, Set of 4 2 4

Labels, magnets & signs

Vinyl Labels & Lettering

Labels and vinyl lettering can be cut to any shape, any size and up to four colors. For sizes not listed, call our Customer Service Team.

Adhesive - Labels/Lettering have permanent adhesive.

Note: We do not recommend writing or typing on labels because of the slick finish.


- Clear Polyester (indoor use)

- General Use White Vinyl (indoor - short term outdoor use)

- Premium White Vinyl (extended outdoor use - vehicle decals etc.)


Outside Glass Mount - Clear or White Clings are recommended. Inside Glass Mount - When viewing from the opposite side, only Clear static Clings should be used.

Less Mess - Use Clings instead of adhesive labels and the sticky mess is eliminated when trying to remove them.

USA HCL® Item # Description

Vinyl Labels & Lettering

ü ü L2966-4 Up to 4" x 4" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2966-6 Up to 6" x 6" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2966-8 Up to 8" x 8" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2966-11 Up to 111⁄2" x 111⁄2" size, up to 4 colors


ü ü L2962-4 Up to 4" x 4" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2962-6 Up to 6" x 6" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2962-8 Up to 8" x 8" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2962-11 Up to 111⁄2" x 111⁄2" size, up to 4 colors


ü ü L2965-4 Up to 4" x 4" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2965-6 Up to 6" x 6" size, up to 4 colors


Non-adhesive PlasticIdeal for doorknob notices, advertisements, displays, business cards, table tents etc.

Versatile - Lexan material is translucent and flexible.


Use Practically Anywhere - Perfect for walls, floors, carts and cabinets

Note: Decals are removable but not repositionable.

Mess-free Removal - Adhesive will not leave residue when decals are removed. Not recommended for rough or coarse surfaces. Please specify mounting surface when ordering.

Indoor Only - Dry, indoor application only


Raise Awareness - Ideal for displaying information or messages on doors, refrigerators, cabinets, equipment and vehicles. Please specify mounting surface when ordering.

USA HCL® Item # Description


ü ü L2961-4 Up to 4" x 4" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2961-6 Up to 6" x 6" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2961-8 Up to 8" x 8" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü L2961-11 Up to 111⁄2" x 111⁄2" size, up to 4 colors


ü ü M2960-2 Up to 2" x 2" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü M2960-4 Up to 4" x 4" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü M2960-6 Up to 6" x 6" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü M2960-8 Up to 8" x 8" size, up to 4 colors

ü ü M2960-11 Up to 111⁄2" x 18" size, up to 4 colors

These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive!
OUR team will create professional looking signage exactly how you want it!
Say it like you mean it: creating relevant and timely signs with labels, clings, decals, floor markers, wall vinyls and magnets! HCL® can print labels in any size, shape or color to meet your unique needs! We offer small package quantities, short lead times and fast shipping. CONTACT OUR RESOURCE GROUP FOR INFORMATION.
Special artwork designs and logos will not have an additional fee if high-resolution artwork is provided. • • Call: 1.800.848.1633 • Fax: 1.800.447.2923 These products are all Made in the USA & HCL® Exclusive! from Health Care Logistics®, Inc. NOTICE NO LOBSTAR TRAPPING PERMITTED WATCH WATCH YOUR STEP ALLERGIC TO SHELLFISH M I SSEDAPPOINTMENT Need to reschedule HCL® OFFERS MANY MORE IN-STOCK SIGNS AND FLOOR MARKERS 31

Damaged Barcodes Be Damned

One scan of a medication package can reveal practically everything you need to know about the drug, its contents, warnings, expiration and more. As long as the barcode isn’t damaged, that is. take a look at our Blog!

HCL®’s FREE Online Label Printing Solution Questions? go to or Contact our friendly Unit Dose Team at 1-800-848-1633 ext. 4646 from 8:00am to 4:30pm EST Monday-Friday.
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