Sonography: What to Expect
Sonography is an important medical tool used throughout a woman’s pregnancy. A sonographer – a medical professional who specializes in running and interpreting these tests – will monitor the fetus at several points throughout the pregnancy to make sure everything is developing properly.
What Is a Sonogram? A sonogram is the name of an ultrasound scan that looks at the fetus, womb and surrounding areas. It’s a non-invasive procedure that creates an image based on sound waves and the information that’s relayed to the sonogram machine through these waves.
Sonograms are used throughout the pregnancy to check on the development of the fetus, to detect problems in advance of live birth, to confirm the viability of a fetus, to diagnose abnormalities, discover the baby’s gender and perform other checks.
When Should You Get Sonograms Women who get a positive pregnancy test confirmed by their ob-gyn should discuss the best time to begin sonograms.
What to Look for Out of San Antonio Sonography Choosing the right provider for San Antonio sonograms requires careful thought.The woman’s ob-gyn may already work closely with their own sonographer and offer this service on-site.
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