What To Prepare Before Going to a Dentist? https://physicalhealth.quora.com/What-To-Prepare-Before-Going-to-a-Dentist
The following section gives a brief idea of what to do and what not few hours before your dental appointment:
Brush & Floss It is advisable to brush and floss your teeth before you visit your dentist, without overdoing it. If you do not have a habit of flossing your teeth between your appointments, then it not considered as a good practice and technically it can harm your teeth when you go overboard.Â
To prevent bad breath and plaque build-up flossing should be done every day. If you are to see your doctor in the afternoon or early evening, then brush your teeth after lunch to wash down any stuck residues. Brushing and flossing before the appointment will keep your breath fresh and clean your jaws.
Do Not Eat Smell Causing Food If you do not want to fall embarrassed in front of the dentist, then avoid eating the food which can cause a pungent smell. The mouth smell won't fade away even after brushing,Â
Avoid Sugary or Caffeinated Beverages Sugar and caffeine can create a sugary layer on the teeth and increase your anxiety. Better to avoid these few hours before your appointment.
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