Why is Swallowing Therapy Required?
Dysphagia can lead to people having poor nutrition and hydration, acute lack of energy, pneumonia and reduced social interactions in any activity that involves food.
Apart from treating the patients using swallowing therapy, they also offer consulting and education the families and caregivers of the patients. This reduces the risks and helps maintain the health and well-being of the patients.
They have difficulty in starting the swallowing process, including squeezing the food down their throat.
If these signs and symptoms are visible in someone near and dear to you, then the next course of action would be to rush them to the nearest center where you can get the best S-LPs to treat them.
This article is originally appeared on http://healthcareindubai.blogspot.ae/2018/06/why-is-swallowingtherapy-required-who.html