Burn Belly Fat and Strengthen Your Core with Lower ab Workouts
Everyone knows what is the worst thing to do! Removing lower belly fat. But removing the fat isn’t just a cup of green tea. It needs a lot of burning sensation in the lower ab and some diet. Believe it or not, lower belly fat is a candy that we don’t love (strange, right?). No one is as loyal as tummy fat, no matter what it won’t leave you ever. Your partner can leave you, but it won’t unless you get harsh on it, like giving it third-degree torture where it feels burning. Haha! Yeah, we are talking about lower ab workouts. Six-pack is a dream that every adult has; sadly not everyone can have them. But with some regular lower ab exercises, you will be able to make at least belly-fat go away. Once that is gone, you will need to move forward to advance lower ab workouts for the six-pack abs. Lower abs exercise is necessary as it will strengthen your core and will prevent back pain and other problems. Some of the Lower ab workouts also focus on the rectus abdominal muscles and obliques. Below are the few lower ab workouts that you need to do for a strong core and low belly fat:-
Also Read: Your Answer How To Get Abs Is Here 1. Mountain Climber
Mountain climbers are usually considered as a lower body workout, but they engage upper arms and core too. How to do:-
Source: openfit.com Start with the Plank position, palms right under your shoulder, legs, and back straight. Make sure this position stays as it is, throughout the exercise. Now bring your right knee towards your chest and jump it back to the ground, and quickly bring your left knee towards the chest and continue the exercise as many times possible.
2. Crunches
If you ask anyone about the exercise for the tightening of a belly, the first exercise to get mentioned is crunches. It involves the exercise of both the lower and upper abs, including obliques. But it primarily works on the rectus abdominal muscle. How to do:-
Source: metro.co.uk Lay down, your back straight on the floor, legs joined or slight apart (to your shoulder width not more than that). Your hands behind your head using thumbs and fingers (do not inter-twine the fingers and position it on the neck). Chest open and do not bring your elbows inward during the crunch. Now slowly move your torso upward using the core strength. Breath in as you come up and breath out as you lay down.
3. Reverse Crunches
Reverse crunches are also a part of ​core exercise​, and it focuses on the lower abdominal. How to do:-
Source: popsugar-assets.com Lay on the ground, hands under your hips (to keep your arms closer to the body), now lift your legs in the air about a foot from the ground. Bring your knees towards your torso and perpendicular to the ground, then move back to the elevated position of the legs. Repeat the process as many times as you can. While bringing knees in and out, breathe in and breathe out respectively
4. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches focus on lower abdominal and obliques, both. It is an easy exercise to target fat burn from both the area. How to do:-
Source: popsugar-assets.com Lay down on the ground in the position of crunches. Fingers behind your ears for flexibility and motion, chin upward (towards the sky). Now move right knee towards the chest and left elbow towards the knee. Touch the right knee and left elbow, repeat the same process with left knee and right elbow. Keep doing the exercise until you feel a severe burn in the core. You may have seen people doing
bicycle crunch in a fast momentum, but you can take it slow (if you are a beginner). Once you pick up a rhythm, you will also be able to do it quickly.
5. Dead Bug
Again, a dead bug is for the strong core. Yeah! We know its name is a little funny, but you actually look like a dead bug with your hands and legs lying up in the air. How to do:-
Source: fitbit.com Lay down on the floor, hands up in the air, straight and perpendicular to the ground. Legs in the air, with knees bending at the 90-degree. Now, lower your left hand towards your head and extend the right leg, stop just as you are about to touch the ground (in short, don’t let your hand and leg touch the floor). Repeat the same with the right hand and left leg. You can also go with just hands or just
legs movement. But make sure the position should remain the same (hands and legs in the air).
6. Crab Toe Touch
Crab toe touch exercise focuses on the core. It will help you in strengthening a core and will speed up metabolism. This way, it will help you in weight loss. How to do:-
Source: spartan.com Get into the crab position. Hips just above the ground and weight on the heels, not on the toes. Keep your shoulder straight. Now lift your left hand and right leg and try to touch the toe. Make sure your leg is straight while extending. Repeat the same with the right hand and left leg.
7. Scissor Switch
Scissor switch targets the transverse abdominals and helps you in strengthing the core and a flat belly. It will also give a great stretch to your lower back and hamstrings. How to do:-
Source: popsugar-assets.com Lie down on the floor. Legs extended above the ground. Now bring the right leg towards your head and using your hands, pull it forward. Do the same with the left leg. And while doing this, make sure your head is up in the air with shoulder blades straight and chin straight.
8. Leg Raise
Leg raise is a strengthening exercise that focuses on iliopsoas muscles, rectus abdominal muscles, and obliques. How to do:-
Source: ytimg.com Lay down, legs in the air such that it is perpendicular to the ground. Keep your hands on the mat beside your hips on under them, whichever is comfortable for you. Now move your legs downwards, but it should not touch the ground. Continue the exercise until you feel stress on the core. You can also do this alternatively with each leg.
9. Jack Knife
Jackknife targets the abdominal muscles, glutes, and hip flexors. This workout will help you in strengthening the abdominal muscles, especially lower abs.
How to do:-
Source: mobiefit.com Lay down on the floor, now lift your legs and hands upward, try to touch your toes with the hands, forming the V-shape. While doing this, make sure your back is on the ground and uplift the hip and head up to 35-45 degrees. You will feel the burning in the abdominal. Repeat the exercise a few times. *Note: Important things to keep in mind. ● Breathe in and out while working out. Don’t hold your breath for a longer time. ● If you feel extreme pain and uncomfortable, change the exercise. ● If you are a beginner, don’t rush yourself with an excessive workout.
â—? Keep equal counts on both the legs and hands while working out. For example, while doing dead bug count 1-1 for each leg.
Source: gasparinutrition.com
Dear Abs, We are Meeting Soon:Follow these nine lower ab workouts and maintain the diet, soon you will meet your abs. During the workouts, you will feel them brewing inside your donut-like tummy. Patience, exercise, and proper food is the key to a flat tummy and almost near to six-pack abs. For more information related to health issues and fitness tips, visit Healthclubfinder​.
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