HIV Workforce Capacity Building Initiative

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The TheHIV HIVWorkforce WorkforceCapacity CapacityBuilding BuildingInitiative Initiativeprovides providesHIV HIVexpert expertmentoring mentoringto toclinicians cliniciansinincomcommunity munityhealth healthcenters centers(CHCs). (CHCs).This Thisfree freementoring mentoringinitiative initiativematches matchesphysicians, physicians,nurse nursepractitioners, practitioners, and andphysician physicianassistants assistantsto toHIV HIVclinical clinicalexperts expertswho whowill willprovide provideone-on-one one-on-onecoaching, coaching,education, education, and andtraining. training.

Why Why IsIs This This Initiative Initiative Needed? Needed? HIV HIVhas hasevolved evolvedinto intoaachronic chronicdisease diseasethat thatcan canbe bemanaged managedininthe theprimary primarycare caresetting. setting.With Withmore more people peopleliving livingwith withHIV HIVaccessing accessingintegrated integratedcare carethrough throughCHCs, CHCs,this thisinitiative initiativebuilds buildsthe theclinician’s clinician’s capacity capacityto toprovide providequality qualityHIV HIVcare. care. Demand Demandfor forHIV HIVcare carecontinues continuesto toincrease increaseas asthe thenumber numberof ofHIV HIVspecialists specialistsdecrease. decrease.The Theshortage shortage ininthe theHIV HIVworkforce workforceand andthe therising risingHIV HIVcases, cases,building buildingthe thecapacity capacityof ofclinicians cliniciansininCHCs CHCsisiscritical. critical.This This initiative initiativeaddresses addressesthe theshortage shortageof ofHIV HIVspecialists. specialists.

What What Do Do Mentors Mentors Provide? Provide? The Theprogram programmakes makesHIV HIVexpert expertcoaching, coaching,education educationand andtraining trainingavailable availableto toclinicians cliniciansinincommunity community health healthcenter centersettings. settings.ItItfeatures: features:

HIV HIVWorkforce Workforce Capacity Capacity Building Building Initiative Initiative For Formore moreinformation information contact contact

...................... ...................... HealthHIV HealthHIV 2000 2000SSStreet, Street,NW NW Washington, Washington,DC DC20009 20009 Tel. Tel.202.232.6749 202.232.6749 Fax Fax202.232.6750 202.232.6750

■■ Personalized Personalizedone-on-one one-on-onementorship mentorship

■■ Access Accessto toan anHIV HIVexpert expertclinician clinician

■■ Customized Customizedlearning learningto tointerests interests

■■ Flexibility Flexibilitywith withtime timeavailability availability

Who Who IsIs Mentored? Mentored? Participants Participants can can be be physicians, physicians,nurse nurse practitioners, practitioners,and/or and/or physician physician assistants. assistants.Clinicians Clinicians at at all all levels levels of ofHIV HIVmedical medicalmanagement managementknowledge knowledgecan canbenefit. benefit.

How How Often Often Are Are They They Mentored? Mentored? Participants Participantscan canchoose chooseto tomeet meetwith withtheir theirmentor mentoreither eitherat attheir theirhealth healthcenter, center,or orat atthe thementor’s mentor’spracpractice/clinic. tice/clinic.After Afteran aninitial initialface-to-face face-to-facemeeting, meeting,participants participantsdecide decidehow howoften oftenthey theywill willmeet meetwith withtheir their mentor, mentor,as aswell wellas ashow howthose thosemeetings meetingswill willtake takeplace place(examples (examplesinclude: include:face-to-face, face-to-face,telephone, telephone, on-line on-linevideo videoconferencing). conferencing).


Other Other Initiative Initiative Components Components Educational Educationalresources resourcesare areoffered offeredto tocomplement complementmentorship. mentorship.Participants Participantswill willhave haveaccess accessto toaavariety variety of ofpeer-reviewed peer-reviewedarticles, articles,literature, literature,tools, tools,and andan anon-line on-linenetwork networkof ofmentors mentorsand andmentees. mentees.

National National Steering Steering Committee Committee Donna DonnaE.E.Sweet, Sweet,MD, MD,MACP MACP Committee CommitteeChair Chair University Universityof ofKansas KansasSchool Schoolof ofMedicine, Medicine,Wichita Wichita Jonathan JonathanS.S.Appelbaum, Appelbaum,MD, MD,FACP FACP Florida FloridaState StateUniversity UniversityCollege Collegeof ofMedicine Medicine Dawn DawnAveritt AverittBridge Bridge The TheWell WellProject Project Laura LauraCheever, Cheever,MD, MD,ScM, ScM,FACP FACP Health HealthResources Resourcesand andServices ServicesAdministration Administration Patrick PatrickClay, Clay,PharmD, PharmD,FCCP FCCP , ,CCTI CCTI American AmericanPharmacists PharmacistsAssociation Association

HIV HIV Workforce Workforce Capacity Capacity Building Building Initiative Initiative For Formore moreinformation information contact contact

...................... ...................... HealthHIV HealthHIV

Kevin KevinFenton, Fenton,MD, MD,PhD PhD Centers Centersfor forDisease DiseaseControl Controland andPrevention Prevention Marshall MarshallGlesby, Glesby,MD, MD,PhD PhD Weill WeillCornell CornellMedical MedicalCollege College Brian BrianHujdich Hujdich HealthHIV HealthHIV Wilbert WilbertJordan, Jordan,MD, MD,MPH MPH O.A.S.I.S. O.A.S.I.S.Clinic Clinic

Kenneth KennethH. H.Mayer, Mayer,MD, MD,FACP FACP Fenway FenwayInstitute Institute Beth BethIsrael IsraelDeaconess DeaconessMedical MedicalCenter, Center, Harvard HarvardMedical MedicalSchool School George GeorgeRust, Rust,MD MD Morehouse MorehouseSchool Schoolof ofMedicine Medicine Lyn LynStevens, Stevens,MS, MS,NP NP , ,ACRN ACRN New NewYork YorkState StateDepartment Department of ofHealth HealthAIDS AIDSInstitute Institute Valerie ValerieStone, Stone,MD, MD,MPH, MPH,FACP FACP Massachusetts MassachusettsGeneral GeneralHospital, Hospital, Harvard HarvardMedical MedicalSchool School Sharon SharonValenti, Valenti,MSN, MSN,SCNP-BC, SCNP-BC, AAHIVS, AAHIVS,AACRN AACRN St. St.John JohnHospital Hospitaland andMedical MedicalCenter Center Donald DonaldL.L.Weaver, Weaver,MD MD National NationalAssociation Associationof ofCommunity Community Health HealthCenters Centers

Susan SusanLeLacheur, LeLacheur,DrPH, DrPH,PA-C PA-C George GeorgeWashington WashingtonUniversity, University, School Schoolof ofMedicine Medicineand andHealth HealthSciences Sciences

2000 2000SSStreet, Street,NW NW Washington, Washington,DC DC20009 20009 Tel. Tel.202.232.6749 202.232.6749 Fax Fax202.232.6750 202.232.6750

Getting Getting Started Started For Formore moreinformation informationor orto toparticipate, participate,contact workforce@healthhiv.orgor orcall call202.232.6749. 202.232.6749.

Funding Fundingprovided providedthrough throughan anunrestricted unrestrictedgrant grantfrom fromBristol-Myers Bristol-MyersSquibb Squibb

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