Flush Your Arteries Clean of Plaque

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Flush Deadly Plaque from Your Arteries!

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• Feel Younger and Stronger • Lower Risk of Heart Attack • End Fatigue & Boost Energy • Healthy Blood Pressure • Lower Your Cholesterol Doctor Who Won • End Sexual Problems the Nobel Prize a • Lose Weight Faster Record 2-Times • Improve Mental Function Recommends This • Normalize Blood Sugar for a Healthy Heart! • Fight Off Colds & Flu • Sleep Like a Baby Again... • End Digestion Problems. INSIDE: • And LOTS MORE! See Risk-FREE

 Plus $10.00 Guarantee!

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Flush Your Arteries Clean! Experience Radiant Health and Energy After Age 40 Dear Friend, His name’s Charlie. He’s 66, retired, and lives with his wife in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has three children and two grandchildren. Five years ago, Charlie’s doctor gave me some bad news. “Charlie, I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just going to blurt it out,” the doctor said. “Your coronary artery has 90% blockage. The main artery pumping blood through your heart is clogged with plaque. The doctor had difficulty looking Charlie in the eye. “You’re not a good candidate for open heart surgery,” he said quietly. “You better get your affairs in order… just in case.” Charlie was stunned. After all, 2

he was in pretty good health. Sure, he was feeling a little short of breath sometimes, but, heck, he was in his mid-60s. Charlie was devastated but began to put his affairs in order and prepared himself for the worst. His chest pain did get worse. In a few months, he couldn’t even take five steps without crying out in pain. Then a friend of his recommended a natural heart remedy. Since he had nothing to lose, he tried it. In a word, it ended up saving his life. Charlie’s doctor was wrong. He took action, cleaned out his heart, and today, he’s in great health, full of vim and vigor. I pray you don’t wait until it’s an emergency like it was for Charlie, or

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wait until it’s too late. You – and your loved ones – deserve your retirement years to be filled with good health. From this good health will come the best years of your life with by far … with extreme energy, happiness and satisfaction. Are you willing to risk leaving your spouse, kids, grandkids and friends before you have to because you didn’t clean-out your heart and arteries? Take it from me: When you’re sick, life is tough. You feel down, sad, mad, frustrated and drained. But with improved health, you feel the excitement and the fun of life again. I guarantee you, with your health problems relieved, you will be happier and more excited … and isn’t that what you really want? I’ve decided to tell you about Charlie’s story* because I believe you need to know what helped him.

This discovery is often compared to Penicillin for its dramatic improvement in the advancement of health, and I’ll explain why in a moment. Perhaps you’ve heard of EDTA. It stands for Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, a common amino acid your body produces. It acts as a weak cleansing acid. It is the main ingredient used in natural health supplements for oral chelation therapy, which is the natural removal of plaque from your arteries that Dr. Linus Pauling – who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine TWICE – highly recommended. Literally dozens of clinical studies have been done on the cleansing effects of EDTA chelation therapy. Plus, over 7,000 articles have been published. According to the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, over 23,000 patients have participated in EDTA chelation therapy studies, with

Studies Show You Can Unclog Your Arteries with Potent New Supplements!


ontrary to what big drug companies would have you believe, clogged arteries are reversible! Recent research has found that it’s possible to actually remove trapped cholesterol-loaded foamcell macrophages from the arterial walls with potent new supplements such as antioxidants, EDTA, N-Actyl L-Cysteine, bromelain, Trimethylglycine -- all ingredients in the amazing Ultimate Artery CleanseTM.

Why not try it risk-free for 90 days? It you don’t feel miraculously better very quickly, simply return the bottles for a FULL refund... plus $10 extra for your trouble! See p. 15 for info!

Arteries clogged with plaque

Arteries scrubbed clean of deadly plaque

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87% showing improved heart health and functioning. Scientists now know that over a dozen health problems are caused or worsened by the arterial plaque that is in your body. This plaque collects on your artery walls slowly over the decades, choking off the supply of life-giving blood, leaving you vulnerable to a heart attack, stroke and early death.

Your Heart is a Ticking Time Bomb! It Can Stop or Disable You at Any Second, Without Warning

In the 14 minutes it takes you to read this report, 97 Americans will have a heart attack. Of those, 34 will die. Shockingly, for over HALF of these people, their heart attack will be the first sign they had heart problems. For many, it will be their last. I hope you can see the immediate danger you and your loved ones are in now! As you age, you become more at risk for these silent killers. Believe me, you need to act NOW to protect and strengthen your heart – before it’s too late. When you flush the arteryclogging, heart-attack-causing plaque from your body, your blood flows easily through your heart, and your entire body will immediately function better.

Here’s How it Works First, THE PROBLEM: You have plaque-filled arteries to some extent RIGHT NOW, ranging from slight to extreme. This is the #1 root cause of death and disability in America. No symptoms? Don’t ignore this! This is called a silent killer for a reason: For 61% of people

who die each year from this, their sudden death was their doctor’s first indication they were at risk! No so-called “typical symptoms” or problems were present or diagnosed. This plaque in your arteries, caused by decades of cholesterol build-up and fat intake, causes reduced blood flow to your heart … and makes your heart need to pump harder, and as it worsens, it causes blood flow to your heart to slow down or stop and … you suffer a heart attack. Next, THE SOLUTION: You must get this plaque out of your body before it gives you a heart attack, and the best way that hundreds of natural health experts and progressive doctors have found is the original and #1 plaque-removing supplement, the Ultimate Artery Cleanse.TM Its main ingredient is the amino acid EDTA. It acts as a clog remover, cleaner and rotating brush through your miles of arteries. It safely and naturally dissolves the lethal and deadly plaque buildup for removal by your body.

Highly Recommended by 2-Time Nobel Prize Winning Doctor Remember Dr. Linus Pauling? Two-time Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Linus Pauling published a summary report on EDTA chelation therapy, concluding: “Published research and extensive clinical experience shows that EDTA chelation therapy helps reduce and prevent arteriosclerotic plaques, thus improving blood flow to the heart and to other important organs.” The famous Dr. Pauling continued: “The scientific evidence indicates that EDTA chelation therapy might ELIMINATE THE

NOTICE: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. People in this report are either composites or their names have been changed to protect their privacy. 4

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More WOMEN Die of Heart Problems Than Men! M

ore women die of heart problems than men. That’s the statistical fact! But many doctors and the general public believe that heart problems are a man’s issue. Hogwash! Don’t you believe it for even one second! The overwhelming evidence is shocking. A woman’s risk is greater than a man’s. Just look at these alarming statistics: • OVERWEIGHT: Being only 20 pounds overweight nearly doubles a woman’s risk of heart disease. Those “extra” pounds make a difference. • DIABETES: Women with diabetes have a 5 to 7 times greater than normal chance to be affected. Men, only 2 to 3 times greater chance. • WOMEN hospitalized for heart disease get fewer diagnostic tests than men. They also have a higher rate of complications from heartrelated procedures. • LOW HDL: A low level of HDL (the “good” cholesterol) spells danger for women more than for men. Women must pay closer attention to their HDL levels. • HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES: Triglycerides are the fats that deposit around your waist. They also build up in the blood and form plaque. They are more dangerous for women than men. A diabetic woman with high Triglycerides is 200 times more likely to develop heart disease. • CARDIOLOGISTS deny, misdiagnose and under-treat women with heart disease because they don’t suspect it – often with deadly results. Women are TWICE as likely to die after bypass surgery due to delay in treatment.

• Women’s heart disease symptoms are far more likely to be attributed to psychiatric or emotional problems. • Cardiovascular research usually excludes women. The evidence is clear that women need to take extra precautions against heart problems. Remember this is not a “man’s disease” only.

Don’t let a male dominated society rob you or a loved one of optimum health and a long life. Get the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM today! See page 15 for details!

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The Ultimate Artery Cleanse Helps Y Health Problems That Keep You from


on’t settle for impostors. Only the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM has its exclusive powerful formulation that cleans your arteries. If you want fast, safe relief from any of the many symptoms of plaque buildup, or if you have a family history of heart problems, you owe it to yourself to try the #1 and original. And because the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM works throughout your whole body to eliminate toxins, clean your arteries and improve blood flow, it helps prevent and relieve many health problems that can be related to poor circulation: • Improved sexual performance. • Normalize blood sugar levels. • Resisting cataracts and improve vision.

• End Insomnia and gain deep revitilizing sleep.

• WRINKLES, BAGS and OLDLOOKING SKIN can be stopped and even reversed so you look much, much younger again! Blood circulation gives your skin the energy it needs to look its youngest. Why, your friends may think you had a plastic surgery face-lift!

• End fatigue and give you much more energy each day.

• ANXIETY, STRESS and WORRY can all be eased significantly from your

• Combating varicose veins. • Fight off infections, colds and flu. • Restore cold and numb hands, legs, feet.

NEED FOR BYPASS SURGERY.” You may want to consider this question. Does the person who recommends what you should take for a healthy heart have Nobel Prizes like Dr. Pauling had?

Avoid the Surgeon’s Knife!

As your blood vessels are scrubbed clean of plague by the Ultimate Artery Cleanse,TM you’ll notice an increase in your energy and stamina. You will be able to do many of your favorite activities without 6

• Say goodbye to forgetfulness… poor vision… fatigue… leg cramps… sexual difficulties… cold hands/feet… varicose veins… excessive bruising… high altitude reactions… ringing in ears… frequent sighing… hands/feet go to sleep… nosebleeds…. dizziness when standing up… and shortness of breath when walking.

shortness of breath or fatigue. The Ultimate Artery CleanseTM is a powerful natural plaque remover that flows through your arteries like gentle scrub brush to safely eliminate decades of deadly plaque buildup in your arteries so you do NOT need surgery. Shocking fact: 959,924 people like you die each year from heartrelated problems. Main Cause: Blocked arteries caused by plaque buildup.

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You Say Goodbye to the Nagging m Enjoying Life to the Fullest! better blood flow, leading to better health, and then to a better mental outlook on life! • Even PROSTATE and SEXUAL PROBLEMS are caused in part by sluggish blood flow due to the plaque that has built-up in your arteries over the years. Once you deal with this problem, just watch how your prostate problems and sexual performance improve! (If you are not a man, be sure to buy this for the man in your life!) • More ENERGY, like when you were much younger! Stop being tired and fatigued so much. Get more things done, have more fun. Have more energy for your kids, grandkids! • Better VISION, day and nighttime! No more frustration from not seeing things, or not seeing them well enough. End squinting, headaches and embarrassment. Feel better about yourself! • End Bowel and Colon Problems! No more constipation, bloating, pain. Be regular again! Save a lot of money on medicine you now take. You’ll be

The Ultimate Artery CleanseTM is the safe, natural, easy way to help clear plaque from your arteries.

U.S. Navy Health Crisis Led to this Amazing Accidental Discovery

I’m a Navy veteran, so I found this very interesting and I think you will too. In the 1940s, our U.S. Navy began using EDTA chelation therapy to remove dangerous levels of lead from sailors who absorbed it while working on ships with lead-based

amazed at how healthier and happier you are. • Your Heart, Clean and Healthy! Imagine how good it’ll feel when your doc says your arteries are clear and soft like a much younger person’s. And you know what great news this is about your future! • Think Better and Clearer! Solve even complex problems easier. Make better decisions. Impress people with your razor-sharp mind. Accomplish the goals you’ve always wanted to now. • HEAR Better! Proper blood circulation is a vital part in the hearing process.

It’s easy to try the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM for 90 days ABSOLUTELY RISK FREE. Just call this toll-free number now: 1-800-2795517. paints. The treatment proved so effective and safe, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later approved it as the leading treatment of heavy metal lead poisoning. And since then … EDTA has saved the lives of more than 200,000 children and adults who had deadly lead toxicities. In 1955, Dr. Norman E. Clarke, M.D. cardiologist and Chief of Research at the Providence Hospital in Detroit, began using EDTA chelation therapy to treat several

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hundred lead poisoned auto workers. But soon after treatment started, Dr. Clarke began to notice some rather amazing side-effects: “Patients who suffered from chest pains and plaque-filled arteries began reporting amazing relief from their pain and symptoms.” When Dr. Clarke began using EDTA chelation therapy as an exclusive treatment for removing plaque in the body, his results were amazing … ... 95% of patients with blocked arteries made a dramatic improvement in their health.

Lifestyle Changes Alone Are NOT ENOUGH!

If you are like most people, you try to live a healthier lifestyle. This means you get regular exercise, don’t smoke, cut back on fat and

cholesterol and watch your weight. These lifestyle changes will definitely help you, but are they enough to prevent heart problems? A recent article in The Wall Street Journal stated: “Americans have been seriously misled into thinking heart disease is on the decline, the new president of the American Heart Association said.” Statistics prove the prevalence of heart problems is actually increasing, noted Jan L. Breslow, a researcher at Rockefeller University. And cardiologist David Kelly, M.D. of University of Sydney, confirmed that “the actual overall number of cardiovascular deaths is 60% higher than it was 30 years ago.” The bottom line is that you must clean the buildup of plaque out of

Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally


octors have known for many years that high blood pressure puts you at serious risk for a heart attack and stroke. But they haven’t known exactly why. With new research on vulnerable plaques, the answer is clear. High pressure in your arteries “squeezes” the plaques, like popping a pimple, and releases powerful blood-clotters into your system. In addition to causing the formation of these dangerous plaques, it turns out that calcium plays an important role in causing high blood pressure. Excess calcium reduces the flexibility in arteries as it calcifies plaque deposits. With reduced flexibility, the arteries cannot adjust to allow for increased blood demands. In the groundbreaking study, researchers from the Hypertension and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Unit of the University of Leuven


in Belgium studied 1,982 men and women. This research clearly showed that those with high blood pressure had elevated amounts of calcium in their blood. The study confirmed the result of at least five other studies showing the same correlation. The best way to eliminate excess calcium from your body and stave off heart problems and high blood pressure is by EDTA oral chelation from a supplement like the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM.

Try it yourself and see! You can try out Ultimate Artery CleanseTM risk-free and even get a $10.00 bonus back if you’re not 100% delighted with the results.

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your heart arteries now, and use all available proven methods including the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM.

What About Drugs and Surgery Instead?

DRUGS? Let me tell you some things about heart medication you may not know. Every year millions of people are given drugs for heart problems. The truth is, they may be doing more harm than good. Used improperly or in the wrong dosage, THEY COULD KILL YOU! Especially beware of the so-called “wonder drugs.” They are not always safe. There is a long list, at least five I could name off the top of my head. And they are only used to treat the symptoms and do not solve the problem. None of these drugs has the ability to wash away deposits from your artery walls. And that’s what will save your life. Gentle, unrestricted blood flow. SURGERY? Any type of surgery has some risk involved. But except for brain surgery, none is more dangerous and risky than heart surgery. Or what is called “bypass” surgery where the clogged portion of your artery is removed and replaced with a piece of vein from your leg. To do this procedure your heart must be stopped, and you’re hooked up to an artificial heart machine to keep you alive. Talk about risk! You then must be “jump started” by an electric shock to get it going. The really bad news is that this procedure is in no way permanent. The vein you are using in its place is not designed to carry so much blood under so much pressure. After time it will wear down the wall and deteriorate. Soon you are back where you started, chest pains, fatigue, shortness of breath and you go in for surgery again. This is the most frequently prescribed surgical procedure, costing $11.4 billion every year. Yet, a study in The New England Journal of Medicine showed this

surgery is over-prescribed and often unnecessary! The Alternative Medicine Digest reports that nearly 20,000 people DIE every year as a result of bypass surgery or angioplasty. Of course some doctors will sell you on this idea. But even they know it’s just a quick fix. Not to mention the $25,000 to $40,000 price tag!

Unique Formulation of All-Natural Ingredients Makes Ultimate Artery CleanseTM So Effective!

The main ingredient in the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM is the amino acid EDTA. But we’ve also added many additional natural nutrients important for a healthy heart: n Deadly CRP reduced 24% in only 2 Months. People who took 500 mg of Vitamin C a day saw a 24% drop in their C-Reactive Protein (CRP) level in just two months. CRP causes heart inflammation. And Dr. Arch Mainous at The Medical University of South Carolina says CRP levels are connected to the amount of stress caused by free radicals in your body. “Vitamins C and E decrease the oxidative stress,” he says. n Removes Harmful Toxins From The Body. The natural amino acid N-Actyl L-Cysteine is one of the most potent chelating agents available. Its powerful molecular attraction makes it extremely useful for eliminating toxins and heavy metals in the body. As it removes toxins, it fortifies and protects proteins in the body. n Reduces Fat Built-Up In The Arteries. Selenium is an important mineral that is often missing from most diets. It works to prevent hardening of the arteries by preserving the elasticity of the arterial wall. A seven-year European study of 11,000 people confirmed the importance of this nutrient in maintaining a healthy heart. The

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Millions Spent to Keep this Natural Health Secret Hidden from the Public!


natural health information hidden from you. (Perhaps you’ve noticed all the articles in the media lately attacking supplements?)

When their Billions of Dollars are on the line, do you really think you get the truth from them? Are you going to let their self-interest control your health? Or are you going to get the real facts and decide for yourself?

Why? Maybe it’s because prescription drugs cost thousands a year, and heart bypass surgery costs $48,000.00, compared to this natural supplement that costs only pennies a day. And no doctor, surgery, hospital or drug company prescription is needed.

ou’d hope the Big Drug Companies would recommend the most proven and safe healers, wouldn’t you? But you don’t trust them, do you?

I’m steamin’ mad. I’m sick and tired of good people getting struck down by heart attacks, bypass surgery, and other heart problems when there is a proven and safe way to help you prevent them! I’m not going to take it anymore! I’m going to fight back and get this great natural health news out to the public! The hiding of EDTA chelation therapy’s benefits reminds me of how Big Medicine hid the benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acid for decades, even though it would have helped millions of people! You see, dear reader, millions and millions of dollars are spent to keep


Try it yourself and see! You can try out the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM risk-free and even get a $10.00 bonus back if you’re not 100% delighted with the results. See page 15 for details!

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study showed that middle-aged people who had a low concentration of selenium also had a high risk of cardiovascular problems and death. n Ancient Healer And Rejuvinator. The Chinese consider bee pollen to be an energy enhancer and restorative tonic. Cultures around the world use bee pollen for improving vitality and endurance, aiding recovery from illness, promoting longevity. It provides a high content of the immune boosting nucleics RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). RNA and DNA are critical for health and longevity. They are responsible for directing cellular growth, renewal and repair, and deficiencies of them cause premature aging and compromised immunity. n Fights Off Inflammation and Platelets. Bromelain is an enzyme that is extracted from the stem and fruit of the pineapple. It is used to help reduce inflammation in the body, speed the healing of wounds and bruises, and aid in the digestion of proteins. Preliminary studies suggest that it may also be beneficial in helping to fight off heart problems. Bromelain inhibits the aggregation (clumping) of platelets, and so it has been theorized that it might help prevent heart issues caused by inflammation and platelet formations that could lead to a heart attack. n Lowers Blood Pressure, reports famous Mayo Clinic. Recent medical research suggests that CoQ10 causes a lowering of blood pressure (systolic and possibly diastolic). What’s more, low blood levels of CoQ10 have been found in people with high blood pressure, reports the world-famous Mayo Clinic. Many other studies report stronger and healthy heart functioning from Coenzyme Q10. n Promotes Healthy Levels of Homocysteine. The natural nutrient Trimethylglycine has three methyl groups attached to each molecule of glycine. It was discovered to be beneficial to heart health back

Questions & Answers About Ultimate Artery CleanseTM Q: Is it really possible to dissolve plaque in arteries? Yes. Research released in 2003 suggests that certain natural substances, including “good” cholesterol (HDL), can reduce the size of and in some case remove the deadly plaques that clog your arteries. Q: Does it have any side effects? There are no known side effects. Q: Is it sold in stores or online? NO. To keep the price as low as possible, we only sell it direct. It is NOT sold in any store or anywhere online. Q: How does Ultimate Artery CleanseTM work? It contains ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), a potent amino acid used in oral chelation therapy, as well as other natural heart nutrients that research shows support improved cardiovascular health. Q: Can I take it with prescription medication? A: Yes. There have been no negative interactions when taken with prescription drugs reported. Q: What if I don’t see any results from Ultimate Artery CleanseTM? A: Ultimate Artery CleanseTM is backed by our 90-day money back guarantee, less S&H. All sales are processed within 24 to 48 hours and shipped within 2 to 3 business days of the time the order is placed. (Orders placed on weekends are shipping on the following Monday.)

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Order Our “Bes in the 1950’s, but now, largely forgotten. Research showing its ability to promote healthy levels of homocysteine alone or in conjunction with other nutrients, confirms its status as an important nutrient for a healthy heart.

The #1 Best-Seller Because it Works!

Instead of taking potentially dangerous, even deadly prescription drugs with a long list of known (and potentially unknown) side effects for blood pressure and cholesterol, thousands of smart health-conscious people are taking the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM every day. You can order knowing this is our top selling heart supplement, and the reorder rate is extremely high because it works so effectively. Now that you’ve read the proof, isn’t it time you cleaned your heart out and got rid of the deadly plaque that has built up in your arteries? It costs less than a cheap cup of coffee a day, and you can try it risk-free, so why take this huge risk with your life and health when you don’t have to?

The “$10 Plus” RISK FREE Now!

I’m so sure you will see and feel a remarkable improvement in your health that I’m willing to make you this offer! If you don’t feel dramatically better after trying Ultimate Artery CleanseTM, just return the unused portion, or empty bottles, anytime within 90 days and you’ll get back every penny you paid … within 5 business days … no questions asked. In fact, if the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM doesn’t exceed your expectations in every way, I’ll do even better than that! Return it within 90 days for a full refund…and 12

I’ll send you an extra $10.00 cash just for trying it, I guarantee it! I don’t any other supplement company makes an offer like this! Could anything be more fair or riskfree? Just call now: 1-800-279-5517. This is a no-brainer decision for you! Ultimate Artery CleanseTM is a safe, convenient, and effective natural heart saver. It will quickly dissolve and flush out your system’s deadly artery blockages and reduce your risk of a sudden heart attack or stroke; reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels; support your immune system; sharpen your eyesight; and support your memory. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by trying the Ultimate Artery Cleanse.TM Call now 1-800279-5517. You owe it to yourself – and your loved ones. Yours for better health,

William Hartman

President, Hampshire Labs, Inc. Over 600,000 customers since 1986 P.S. Remember, this is a 100% risk free opportunity to try the Ultimate Artery CleanseTM to safely and effectively dissolve dangerous artery blockages – and reduce your risk of a sudden heart attack or stroke. If you do not see and feel a big improvement in your health, return the unused portion, or empty bottles, to Hampshire Labs anytime during the first 90 days, and you’ll get all your money back – within 5 business days. P.S.S. Remember, you have nothing to lose, PLUS you get the extra $10.00 guarantee.

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Wm J. Hartman

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Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-279-5517 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 14

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Hampshire Labs Enjoy New Energy & Vitality 4832 Park Glen Road When You Clean Your Arteries Minneapolis, MN 55416 New research shows that you can dissolve deadly plaque and flush your arteries clean with potent new natural supplements. Find out why an M.D. who twice won the Nobel Prize believed this could be one of the biggest health breakthroughs of the past century. Best of all, you can try it RISKFREE! See more inside...

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