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Doctor’s Guide to Heart Health $4.95 USA $5.50 CAN

Is Your Heart a Ticking Time Bomb Inside?

INSIDE: Why Most Heart Supplements Are Worthless, Even Dangerous! Page 4.

Discover Omega-3 TM Cardio PlusTM

2 Nutrients Even the Government Says Reduce Your Risk of Heart Problems Page 4

Unclog Your Veins & Feel Feel Like You’re 30 Again! FAST HELP!

No Prescriptions! No Doctor Visits!

The Importance of BetaSitosterols in Reducing Cholesterol. Page 6. What You Need to Know About Inflammation! Page 3. The Link Between Heart Health & SEX. Page 6.

More Energy! No Side Effects!

All-Natural & Effective! Supports Circulation Health

Discover How to SUPPORT HEART HEALTH Starting Right Now!

Doctor’s Potent NE Works When Other Helps Banish: > Circulation problems > Heart worries > Blood pressure concerns all different ways 0 1 h lt a e h r la cardiovascu many doctors, y b d e d Support your n e m m anteed! Reco at once... guar per-affordable! su d n a l, ra tu a safe, n Richard Cohen, M.D. Medical Director


... prevent heart and brain disasters

Dear Friend,

... improve your cholesterol

If you’re over the age of 35, then you and I should talk. In this little booklet, I will reveal some revolutionary new information that could change your life in a dramatic way – and could even end up saving it some day!

... end terrifying chest pains

Over the past 20 years, medical science has made some astonishing discoveries about how to maintain cardiovascular health well into your 70s, 80s and beyond. If you suffer from the usual heart concerns that are epidemic in America, these discoveries could make a huge difference right now. They could help you... ... unclog your arteries ... support optimal blood pressure health 2

... restore the energy and stamina of your youth ... even restore erectile function once and for all. And let me make one thing clear: I’m NOT talking about preventing something that might occur. I’m talking about revitalizing and restoring your circulation right now, so you’ll go from being old, tired and sick... and become young, energetic and brimming with new health and vitality. Make no mistake: A strong, healthy heart... robust cardiovascular system... powerful circulation... and clear arteries... are one of the best ways to remain

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EW Heart Formula r Supplements Fail! active, happy and mentally sharp well into your 70s, 80s and beyond.

are still an epidemic in the United States.

That’s because your cardiovascular system is responsible for circulating oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body, including your brain! With a strong circulation, all of your major organs are flooded with life-giving, rejuvenating nutrients that keep them functioning.

While the death rates for heart problems have actually declined in recent years due to improved emergency room care, it’s estimated that an astonishing 81 million people still suffer from at least one cardiovascular ailment in the U.S., with 17.6 million suffering from serious heart problems.

The problem is...

Up to 81 Million Americans Suffer from Cardio Problems (Many Without Knowing It!)

And despite improvements in lifesaving emergency room care, more than 631,000 people still die every year from heart ailments – and another 5.5 million people are hospitalized.

My name is Dr. Richard Cohen, M.D. I’ve been a medical doctor for more than 15 years. But I became so disgusted with the way conventional medicine is practiced in America, I quit my practice to dedicate myself to helping people heal themselves with potent natural remedies. Take your cardiovascular system, for example. Whatever else you may say about the conventional approach to cardiovascular health in America, it’s clearly not working – or at least not well enough. We have more “fat-free” instant foods, more prescription heart medications, more government programs and studies, than ever before. For example, Americans spend an estimated $18 billion annually on cholesterol-lowering products and other heart remedies. Yet according to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular problems

About Richard Cohen, M.D. Richard Cohen has been an active member of the medical profession since 1987. For the past 13 years, he has specialized in preventive medicine and heart health. Dr. Cohen’s credentials include: n Founder and medical director of Envision Health Centers, Hanover, MA n Medical director, Medical Weight Loss Center, Chestnut Hill, MA n Medical Director, Cape Cod Center for Medicine, Barnstable, MA n Corporate Medical Director, Beverly Hills Weight Loss and Wellness, Portsmouth, R.I.

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The Ongoing Epidemic of Heart Ailments Presents You with a Stark Choice! The truth is, you can get by on youth for a while... but eventually, after age 35, you face a dramatic choice:

Or you can take some simple steps that have the potential, at least, of utterly transforming your health and your life.

they were wealthy, Tony and his wife spent their lives going to doctors’ offices... spending hundreds of dollars on expensive medicines... and rarely stepping outside of their suburban home. It was horrible to watch this once-vibrant pair suffer like this.

I’ve seen this choice in my own life. I once knew a couple, Tony and Edna, who were in their early 50s and had everything going for them. But a number of years earlier, Edna was diagnosed with a heart problem that gradually left her a virtual cripple. Although

In contrast, I know another couple, Sarah and Michael, whom I met when they were in their late 60s. Michael was forced to quit his job when he was diagnosed with a cardiovascular problem; but instead of just giving up and doing what everyone else did, Michael

You can do what everyone else is doing and just hope for the best. That usually results in being tired, sick, exhausted, with humiliating health problems that dramatically curtail your activities in your 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.


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Is Your Heart a Ticking Time Bomb?


These Seemingly Healthy People Dropped Dead of Heart Problems They Didn’t Know They Had!

John Ritter, Actor, dead at age 54

Jerry Garcia, Musician, dead at age 53

Tim Russert, News Anchor, dead at age 58

Douglas Adams, Sci-Fi Writer, dead at age 49

Don’t Let This Happen to YOU! Find Out What You Can Do to Enjoy Better Cardiovascular Health!

decided to take active steps to regain his health and vitality. He began exercising regularly... watched what he ate... and started taking some heart nutrients I recommended for him. Sarah, for her part, started teaching a “yoga for seniors” class and even got her husband to help her. Now in their late 70s, Sarah and Michael are still going strong and look ten years younger than their peers. The last I heard, they bought a condo in the Caribbean where they snorkel, take cruises and live life to the fullest. Michael enjoys racing his teenage grandchildren on jet skis and waterskiing when they visit.

The Revolution in Heart Health That Can Transform Your Life What many ordinary people and even many doctors don’t realize is that over the past 10 years there has been a revolution in how we support optimal heart health.

Twenty or thirty years ago, doctors thought that cholesterol and high-fat diets were the primary culprits in cardiovascular problems. To a certain extent, we still do. Cut out fatty foods from our diets, the thinking went, and we’ll see a dramatic improvement in heart health. It didn’t work out that way. For a while, heart-related problems actually increased. Then we discovered that cholesterol levels are actually far more complex than we thought. It’s not just that there is “good” (High Density Lipoprotein or HDL) cholesterol and “bad” (Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL) cholesterol. For example, a new study published in 2011 in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that the amount of HDL in the body may be less important than how effective the HDL is at riding the body of excess LDL cholesterol. In other words, a high HDL level doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guaranteed fewer cardiovascular problems.

Nearly 75% of Both Men & Women Over Age 60 Have Cardiovascular Problems




73.6 73.1





39.6 39.6



14.9 8.7

Age 6




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Research suggests Omega-3 deficiency may lead to development of arterial plaque Not only that, we now know that the nutrients you are not getting may be just as important as eliminating the bad stuff. More specifically, we now believe that Omega-3 fatty acids are not merely recommended but actually essential for preventing the chronic arterial inflammation that may be the real culprit in cardiovascular problems. Omega-3s apparently help prevent certain types of immune cells, known as macrophages, from getting “trapped” like shards of glass in the walls of arteries, causing inflammation. This inflammation, in turn, seems to be what creates the dangerous plaque that clog your arteries and cause all sorts of problems. You see, 100 years ago, Americans got 3 to 5 times more Omega-3s than they do today. In the early 1900s, most cattle ate grass and absorbed Omega-3s that way. Americans also ate more fish and vegetables back then. But beginning in the 1920s, large industrial ranches began feeding cattle, chicken and other animals corn and soybeans to fatten them up quickly. This change in feed rapidly transformed the U.S. diet from one in which

Omega-3 fatty acids were quite common... to one in which Omega-3s are now extremely rare. Shortly afterward, doctors began to notice a skyrocketing increase in heart ailments. Heart and brain disasters, which had been rare, suddenly became increasingly common. Many doctors became convinced that it was all of the meat and meat products that Americans consuming that were responsible for this rapid increase in heart problems. But researchers today now believe that it may have been what was not in the meat (Omega-3 fatty acids) that was actually behind the epidemic of cardiovascular ailments. The Omega-3 fatty acids in grassfed beef and pork and free-range poultry – as well as in fish and certain types of nuts – had helped prevent the clogged arteries that were choking the life (sometimes literally) out of people prematurely, beginning in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Now many doctors believe that, simply by switching to a diet rich in Omega-3s, you could potentially reverse the damage done to your arteries from decades of eating processed foods full of artery-clogging grain products.

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The Truth About Women & Cardiovascular Health!

New Studies Say Women Now More Likely to Die from Heart Problems Than Men!


ardiovascular health is no longer an issue only men have to worry about. According to the American Heart Association, heart problems are now the leading cause of death for American women as well. Many women believe that abnormal growths are more of a threat to their health than heart ailments, but they’re wrong. Women naturally worry about their breasts, but statistics show that serious cardiovascular problems are far common among women than abnormal growths. There are several factors that increase the risk of a serious heart problem or brain disaster. Age: For example, as women grow older, their risk of developing cardiovascular problems begins to rise and keeps rising with age. Heredity: Family history also has an impact. Both women and men are more likely to develop heart or brain circulation problems if they have close

blood relatives who have had them. Other risk factors include: High blood cholesterol: High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor. Studies show that women’s cholesterol is higher than men’s from age 55 on. Unhealthy blood pressure levels: Unhealthy blood pressure is a major risk factor for serious heart problems. Women have an increased risk of developing unhealthy blood pressure if they are obese, take certain types of birth control pills or have reached menopause. Physical inactivity: Various studies have shown that lack of physical activity is a risk factor for heart problems. Diabetes: Adults with diabetes have heart-related death rates that are two to four times those of adults without diabetes. Omega-3 deficiency: Major studies have found a link between insufficient Omega-3 fatty acids in women’s diets and serious heart problems!

Recently Discovered Hidden Link Between Heart Problems and Omega-3 Deficiency


any heart experts now believe one of the keys to maintaining and restoring optimal cardiovascular health lies in eliminating inflammation in your arteries by getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids. Two large, long-term, scientific studies have been published that show a dramatic relationship between large intakes of Omega-3 fatty acids and heart health. One, the Physician’s Health Study, began in 1982 when more than 20,000 healthy male physicians were followed for 11 years. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and found that men who consumed one or more fish meals per week had a 50% lower risk of dying suddenly from heart problems than men who rarely ate fish (less than one fish meal per month). The second, even larger study of 80,000 female nurses, begun in 1976

and also published in JAMA, found that women who ate fish once per week have a 29% lower chance of developing any serious heart problems at all (not just dying from them!). Those who ate fish five times per week cut their risk of develop heart problems almost in half! Since then, the evidence continues to mount that the systematic, regular intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can dramatically support heart health – and can make a HUGE difference in other ways as well. Most significantly, some studies suggest that taking regu-

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Some scientists believe that the skyrocketing increase in heart problems seen in the past 100 years occurred when Americans shifted from a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as found in grass-fed beef and fish, to a diet dominated by factory-farmed meat and processed goods with practically no heart-protective Omega-3 fatty acids at all.

lar amounts of high-quality Omega-3s doesn’t merely prevent heart problems but actually improves your circulation and blood flow in the present. For example... n A study published in The Lancet in March 2007, involving over 18,000 patients with unhealthy cholesterol levels, found that patients given a type of Omega-3 fatty acids ended up with superior cardiovascular function. n Another study of Japanese men, this one published in a different medical journal, also found that Omega-3 fatty acid intake resulted in a significant decrease in the thickness of the carotid arteries along with improvement in blood flow. Yet people in the richest, most overfed country on earth still suffer from MASSIVE Omega-3 deficiency.

The problem is, most Americans do NOT get enough Omega-3 fatty acids to support optimal cardiovascular health. Not even close. In fact, findings from research performed at Harvard’s School of Public Health and the Harvard Global Health Initiative revealed that Omega-3 deficiency was the sixth highest killer of Americans, responsible for a whopping 72,000 to 96,000 preventable deaths annually. Researchers estimate that about 86% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, and about 20% have so little that test methods cannot even detect any in their blood! The World Health Organization and governmental health agencies of several countries recommend consuming at least 300 to 500 mg daily of combined EPA and DHA.

NOTICE: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. 10

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Deadliest Blunders Adults Make About Heart Health!


he point is this: You really do have a choice. Cardiovascular health is something you choose. Unfortunately, many people have misconceptions about cardiovascular health.

Blunder #1:

Believing heart problems are an inevitable part of aging. Not true! While age is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular problems, you can significantly reduce or eliminate heart-related problems in your life right now and lower your risk of suffering from serious heart problems in the future. What’s more, heart problems afflict even those as young as 30 and 40.

Blunder #2:

Relying upon thinness and exercise. “Modelthin,” seemingly healthy people die of heart disasters every day. There are a number of steps you can take, in addition to exercise and diet, that can make a huge difference in supporting your heart health. You should always get regular checkups from qualified physicians to make sure you are doing everything you can for your heart.

Blunder #3:

For women, acting as though heart issues are largely a problem for men.

Again, not true! Since 1984, more women than men have died of heart problems each year. In fact, compared to men, women have a 28% greater risk of dying, following a serious heart disaster, within the first year.

Blunder #4:

Checking your cholesterol, and then doing nothing else to maintain cardiovascular health. Although high

serum cholesterol is a risk factor for heart problems, we now know that it’s possible to have poor cardiovascular health even when you have low cholesterol numbers.

Blunder #5:

Relying upon weak, watered-down, obsolete heart supplements or “fish oil.”

Most of the heart supplements, like generic “fish oil” capsules, that you find in local grocery stores, pharmacies or even health food stores are usually missing the latest nutrients (such as Beta-Sitosterols) many doctors believe are essential for supporting cardiovascular health. And when it comes to essential Omega-3 fatty acids, these store-bought products often are not pharmaceutical grade -- and that means you can’t be sure you’re getting both types of Omega-3s (EPA and DHA) and that the products are free from toxic contaminents. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two times (two servings) a week. However, for people who suffer from cardiovascular problems, it may not be possible to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids from diet alone – and the AHA recommends that you talk to your doctor about taking supplements.

Harvard School of Public Health: “Omega-3 deficiency is the sixth highest killer of Americans, responsible for a whopping 72,000 to 96,000 preventable deaths annually.” According to the American Heart Association, individuals with no history of heart problems should consume oily fish or fish oils at least two times per week. Those who do have heart or cardiovascular problems should consume one gram (1,000 mg) of EPA and DHA daily from oily fish or supplements. The AHA recommends that people who wish to lower their blood triglycerides should consume 2 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA daily in the form of

supplements. But there are two problems when health conscious individuals look to increase their Omega-3 intake:

Problem #1: Eating fish will bankrupt you! The cost of cold

water fish in which Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant – such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines – has skyrocketed in recent years due to the problem of over-fishing. In some places, the cost of wild salmon is as high as $30 per pound!

Problem #2: Many fish products contain toxic metals and PCBs! In recent years, consumers have become concerned by the presence of heavy metals such as mercury and fat-soluble pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxin in many fish, including salmon. Some manufacturers have promoted oil from krill (a shrimp-like crustacean) as a more pure alternative source of Omega-3s, but numerous studies have found krill, too, is often contaminated by pollution.

Problem #3: Many supplements only contain EPA! Many “fish oil” supple-

ments bought in grocery stores or pharmacies only contain one type of Omega-3s your body

The American Heart Association recommends consumers increase their intake of Omega-3 fatty acids by eating oily fish or fish oils twice per week... but many fish contain dangerous levels of pollutants and heavy metals.

needs. There are two types of Omega3s: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Some studies suggest that BOTH EPA and DHA play crucial roles in eliminating the chronic arterial inflammation that causes many cardiovascular problems... yet too many supplements only contain EPA.

Problem #4: Supplements that are not pharmaceutical grade! Few store-bought “fish oil” supplements are pharmaceutical grade and tested for both purity and potency. Crude fish oils, like many brands sold in grocery stores, are the least expensive but could contain some levels of

contaminants including PCBs, DDT and organic mercury. In contrast, pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 supplements start with health-food grade fish oils but then, using complex refining technology, distill the oil into a 2:1 ratio of EPA and DHA. It typically takes about 100 gallons of health-food grade fish oil to make one gallon of pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3s Until recently, it was very difficult to find adequate supplies of pollutant-free, pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 fatty acids in both the EPA and DHA forms... but now there’s good news...

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Remarkable Heart Health Breakthrough:

Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM Gives You Pure Omega-3 Fatty Acids Free of Dangerous Pollutants!


ow, there is finally a way you can support optimal cardiovascular health and get the Omega-3 fatty acids your body needs without taking a chance on potentially polluted fish or questionable store-bought fish oil supplements: Health Research Labs’s Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM – a remarkable NEW formula of heart nutrients that support cardiovascular health and improved circulation. Rather than flood your body with unknown brands of “fish oil” products that could contain dangerous mercury, PCBs and dioxin poison, or take your chances with expensive and possibly polluted fish, it’s easier simply to take advantage of this NEW source of 14

super-pure, all-natural Omega-3 fatty acids. It’s safe... easy... and most of all, inexpensive! Due to the essential role natural Omega-3s play in your entire body’s functioning – especially its cardiovascular health – regular use of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM can make the difference for you between chronic health problems and radiant health.

A Safe, Proven Alternative You Can Trust Best of all, you can take advantage of the benefits of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM safely, in the comfort and privacy of your own home... and for

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just pennies a day! Its unique softgel formula is easy to digest for maximum bio-absorbability. As your body FINALLY begins getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids to support and restore optimal cardiovascular health, chronic, painful, and even dangerous health concerns may simply vanish: • Clogged arteries begin flowing again • Feelings of fatigue suddenly diminish • Heart and brain disasters no longer a worry • Blood pressure health is supported • Unexplained weight gains may begin disappearing • Chest pains are no longer a concern • Keeps LDL cholesterol in check • Depression, memory loss and confusion may be improved • Sexual desire and performance can be restored • Swelling of the lower legs, due to

poor circulation, can be alleviated • Cold, numb, and painful extremities can be warmed and soothed • No more scary heart palpitations • And more. Health Research Labs Labs’s Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ gives you the unique combination of ingredients designed to take advantage of Omega3s’ amazing ability to support cardiovascular health:


Fatty Acids. Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ provides the purest, most potent form of Omega-3 fatty acids on the market today, in its most easily absorbed form. For millions of years, humans evolved on a diet rich in natural omega-3 food sources, including free-range game, fish, and seaweed. In the early 20th century, however, food manufacturers in the industrialized nations began literally pouring soybean oil—a source of omega-6 fatty acids—into the food chain. At the same time, there was a dramatic decline in fish and wild game consumption and a



huge boost in the use of grains (another Omega-6 source) as feed for livestock. The net result was a drastical shift in the balance between Omega-6s and Omega-3s in the Western diet, yielding a ratio skewed at least 10:1 to as high as 50:1) Now, with Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM, that balance can be finally restored, arteries unclogged and cardiovascular health renewed.


rols. Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants that is known to significantly lower total and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. It is now one of the few supplements that many doctors recommend for lowering blood cholesterol.


pionyl L-Carnitine (GPLC). GPLC is a nutrient that appears to support both heart muscle function and prevent some types of artery problems. One reason appears to be that GPLC increases the production of nitric oxide which helps keeps arteries open and blood flowing freely. In human studies, GPLC produced significant improvement in maximum walking distance for people who complained of certain types of cardiovascular problems and had no major side effects.


Policosanol is a natural waxy extract from sugar cane, rice bran or bee’s wax. The policosanol and cholesterol link is quite strong, and the extract has been used to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels as well as increase HDL (good) cholesterol. Research also suggests that policosanol could help reduce the risk of heart or brain problems as well as support healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Many people who want to promote better blood pressure health without 16

resorting to prescription drugs look to policosanol as a possible solution. Policosanol side effects are minimal if they exist at all, and it has been shown to be very safe in numerous trials and research studies.


and C. While these vitamins are no longer considered the “magic bullets” they once were, studies suggest that they may provide some help in preventing heart problems and have few if any negative effects. Some studies suggest that vitamin C, for example, can slow down the development of artery problems and keep arteries more flexible.


hydrate. Quercetin is a type of plant pigment known as a flavonoid and is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Test tube, animal, and some population-based studies suggest

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Flush Your Arteries Clear with Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM Used as directed, Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is designed to...


Dissolve DECADES of arterial plaque build-up that can trigger a sudden heart disaster...


Eliminate terrifying chestpains...


Lower LDL cholesterol levels...

3 3

Improve aerobic capacity... Increase insulin sensitivity and fat metabolism...


Lower blood pressure safely and naturally...


Boost circulation and eliminate ugly varicose veins...


Normalize irregular heart beats...


End scary heart palpitations...


Dissolve deadly blood clots...


Improve your mental clarity and memory...


Get rid of humiliating erection problems...


End your worry and sleeplessness over heart problems!


Enjoy new energy and vitality into your 70s, 80s

that quercetin, found in large concentrations in red wine, may help prevent clogged arteries that can lead to serious heart problems. It appears to help protect against the damage caused by LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.


Some studies suggest that garlic consumption may decrease the progression of cardiovascular problems. Garlic may help decrease both the “bad” LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterols (high density lipoprotein, or HDL), decreasing platelet aggregation (helps the blood flow more easily), and support

<< The Purest I MAXIMUM EFF A

t Health Research Laboratories, we go to great lengths to insure that every supplement leaving our facility is of the highest quality available - and formulated synergistically so that all the ingredients work together to give you exactly what you need. Most inexpensive supplements are often formulated with only health food ingredients designed to meet the bare minimum RDA requirements. They are often less bioavailable and far less potent. In contrast, our FDA-inspected cGMP lab insures that we use only Pharmaceutical Grade ingredients. That’s what sets us apart from ordinary, run-of-the-mill supplements found in many stores and pharmacies. When it comes to your health, value is more important than price. There are several factors that have helped make Health Research Laboratories a leader in the industry and the choice of many leading health professionals and today’s health oriented consumers.

Purity Guarantee #1: You get only the highest-quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Too boost profits, some unscrupu18

lous companies use low-grade ingredients that are not as fresh as possible. We don’t do that. We believe you deserve the very best -- and make sure our products have the purest ingredients available.

Purity Guranantee #2: FDA Inspected, cGMP approved. Our manufacturing facilities are FDAinspected and cGMP approved. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity of products by requiring that we adequately control manufacturing operations. Purity Guarantee #3: Potency. Pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 products differ from generic “fish oil” in the concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids they provide. It typically takes about 100 gallons of health-food grade fish oil to make one gallon of pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3s. Purity Guarantee #4: No toxins. Another advantage of Health Research Labs’s pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is that it is guaranteed free of dangerous heavy metals and toxins found in many lowgrade fish oils and store-bought fish. You’re able to flood your body with the Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutri-

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overall blood pressure health. Recently, garlic was also found to decrease two other markers of cardiovascular problems, homocysteine and C-reactive protein.

and other nutrients to restore proper cardiovascular health. Life-giving blood and oxygen, vital nutrients, and other substances once again can reach every cell in your body.

THE RESULT: For the first time

That’s why, once you try Omega-3 Cardio Plus™, you’ll probably find that you suddenly have more energy,

in months, perhaps years, your body is getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids

Ingredients for FECTIVNESS! ents that support cardiovascular health without worrying that you’re also getting toxic chemicals as well.

Purity Guarantee #5: Outstanding value. We work hard to purchase the freshest, purest ingredients at the lowest wholesale prices possible so you pay the lowest price. Plus, we go out of our way to offer outstanding discounts and bonuses.

Purity Guarantee #6: You’ll feel the difference or it’s FREE. If you don’t feel better after trying Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM, you may return the unused portion at any time up to 60 days after purchase for a FULL REFUND! Of course, any bonus special reports you receive will be yours to keep as our free gift.

SUPPORT YOUR HEART HEALTH NATURALLY! Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM gives you the Omega-3 fatty acids, Beta-Sitosterols and other heart nutrients your body needs to support optimal cardiovascular health. Its unique bio-absorbable formula ensures that the nutrients are able to penetrate arterial walls and get where they’re needed most! Try Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM RISK-FREE! Save up to $180 -- Plus, call toll-free 1-800596-4962 to find out how you can get up to 4 FREE Bonus Bottles and other gifts. See the inside back page of this special report!

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Enjoy Life to the Full When You Have a Strong Heart and a Healthy Cardiovascular System!

stamina and vitality... your memory and mental alertness will improve ... joint stiffness and inflammation vanish ... your brain feels rejuvenated... mental fog lifts ... memory is sharpened and your ability to learn returns ... and even your sexual pleasure and performance returns! Make no mistake: A strong heart and a healthy cardiovascular system make life a whole lot more fun as you get older. You owe it to yourself to do whatever you can to make cardiovascular health a priority. One of the best ways to start is by making sure you get enough Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet — and one of the easiestways to do that is to accept a risk-free trial of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM now! 20

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Just 2 Softgels a Day Can Do All This for You... 1. You’ll finally give your body the Omega-3 fatty acids it craves and that experts now say are essential for heart health. 2. You’ll be following the recommendations of leading doctors and heart experts. 3. You’ll be coating your arteries and veins with the precious oils that prevent and reduce arterial inflammation. 4. You’ll help dissolve the arterial plaque that clogs arteries and causes heart and brain disasters. 5. You’ll improve your circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. 6. You’ll feel a sudden surge of new energy and vitality. 7. You’ll likely notice an improvement in your mood, mental clarity and memory. 8. You could see an improvement in your sexual performance and libido. 9. No more mysterious chest pains or palpitations!

Don’t delay! Order now with zero risk.

Frequently Asked Questions About Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM Q: What is so great about Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM and why should I use it? Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is a unique doctor-formulated, doctorapproved, all-natural nutritional supplement to help men and women support cardiovascular health and feel better right now. It is one of the few products on the market today that contains pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3 fatty acids (recommended by the American Heart Association for heart health) as well as Beta-Sitoserol (a natural product used to reduce blood cholesterol). Q: What are the other ingredients in Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM? A: Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is a unique formula that contains five potent male-enhancement nutrients: (1) 50 mg of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA); (2) 1,698 mg of L-Arginine; (3) 120 mg of Pine Bark Extract; (4) 117 mg of Nettle Root Extract; and (5) 15 mg of Zinc Oxide. Q: Can I take Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM with other nutritional supplements? A: Yes. Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM can be taken safely with other nutritional supplements, although it is always advisable to check with your doctor first. Q: How will I know if Omega-3 Cardio Plus is working for me? A: Omega-3 Cardio Plus starts to work fast to help reduce arterial

inflammation and to keep your arteries soft and flexibile. While everyone is different, you should notice benefits within only a few weeks. Users often report increased energy almost immediately as well as noticeable effects on their mental clarity and memory. Q: Are there any side effects I should know about? A: No. Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is all-natural, safe and comes with few, if any, adverse side effects if used according to directions. What Omega-3 Cardio Plus does is to restore the natural levels of Omega-3 fatty acids your body craves but it does so without the pollutants and contaminants found in natural sources, such as wild fish or inexpensive (non-pharmaceuticalgrade) “fish oil” capsules. Q: What if I don’t notice any change in my health? A: Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM comes with a complete satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you may return Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM at any time, up to 60 days from purchase, for a complete 100% refund of your purchase price, no questions asked. It doesn’t get any more “risk-free” than that! Simply put: You must be delighted with the results... or it’s FREE.

Guaranteed to help you enjoy superior cardiovascular health — or it’s FREE! See page 31 for special savings, PLUS how to get up to 4 bonus bottles and other FREE gifts!

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his may be the best time ever to experience the miraculous benefits of consistent daily use of pharmaceutical grade Omega-3 fatty acids and the other circulation-boosting heart nutrients found in Omega-3 Cardio Plus.™ Here’s why...

Reason #1: During this Special Introductory Offer, you can save up to $180.00 on your order of Omega-3 Cardio Plus™. Not only

will you lock in our best prices, as low as just $19.75 a bottle, you’ll have enough Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ to keep your arteries clear and your heart pumping blood at its peak for a full year!

Reason #2: You get up to $147.70 worth of FREE gifts and bonuses! As a small gesture

of thanks for trying out our amazing Omega-3 Cardio Plus™, we’d like to send you some free gifts. If you order a 12 month supply of Omega-3 Cardio Plus™, we’ll send you two free bottles of Rejuven-8 (our fantastic multi-vitamin) AND two free bottles of our bestselling joint supplement, Vital Therapy. We’d also like to give you two free special reports published by Men’s Scientific, an essential guide to natural health in the 21st century. We’ll send you these free gifts for tring out a 12-, 6- or 4-month supply (see order form for specifics).

CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-596-4962


A Strong Heart and Good Circulation Means Better Sex!


ew research suggests that there may be a link between cardiovascular health and sexual performance. In other words, improving your circulation may boost your sex life as well. “From an erection standpoint, anything that’s good for your heart is good for your penis,” says Dr. John Mulhall, director of the Sexual Medicine Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Other experts suggest that increasing the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your blood stream could result in such benefits as a heightened sex drive and better performance in bed. “Omega-3 fatty acids help with sexual response, by helping to raise dopamine levels in the brain that trigger arousal,” says Yvonne Fulbright, PhD, a sexologist and author of Pleasuring: The Secrets of Sexual Satisfaction. While few experts are willing to say that Omega-3s are an actual aphrodesiac until extensive studies have been done, many believe that

anything that supports heart health also supports sexual health. “Sex is really about circuitry,” says Dr. Barbara Bartlik, assistant professor of psychiatry and sex therapist with the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Meaning, your blood needs to flow—and keep flowing properly—in order to really feel that sexual high. The right food to munch on? Those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like fish since Omega-3 makes your nervous system function better.” Don’t wait. Accept a risk-free trial of Omega3 Cardio PlusTM today and see what happens to your sex life as a result! Turn to the inside back cover of this report now!

And there’s more ... Reason #3: You can get FREE shipping! I don’t know about you, but I hate paying for shipping. It adds an unnecessary cost. Order a 12-, 6- or 4-month supply of Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ and you won’t pay a cent for shipping. Not a penny. 100% No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee: You Will FEEL and SEE the Difference Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ Makes — or it’s FREE! The truth is, when a product works as well as Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ … when so many doctors and health experts worldwide recommend boosting your Omega-3 levels to maintain and support cardiovascular health… ... we’re more than happy to offer the strongest guarantee possible. So, here’s our offer: Try out Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ for 60 days at absolutely no risk to you. You must feel significant, dramatic improvements in your cardiovascular health... in your energy levels, mental clarity, even sexual health... or you pay nothing! If you’re not simply amazed at the difference Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ makes, simply return the unused portion within 60 days and Health Research Labs will promptly refund 100% of what you paid, no questions asked.

Plus™ daily could do more for your health than all other vitamins, supplements and health foods — combined. And remember: You have absolutely nothing to lose ... and everything to gain! You’ll either feel instantly better ... dramatically, shockingly better ... or you can return the unused portion and get all your money back, less shipping and handling. Use the order form on the inside back cover of this report or call tollfree: 1-800-596-4962. You’ll be taking your first step towards better health. Best wishes,

Richard Cohen, MD Richard Cohen, M.D. Health Research Labs

P.S. Remember, you assume ZERO RISK when you try Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM... and you get... 1. Up to $180 off the cost of the product itself. 2. Up to 2 additional free bottles of Rejuven-8. 3. Up to 2 additional free bottles of Vital Therapy. 4. Up to 2 free special reports from Men’s Scientific. 5. FREE SHIPPING & HANDLING if you order 12, 6 or 4 months.

I can’t imagine a more risk-free and fair offer than that!

6. Total free gifts and savings of up to $337.65.

The simple fact is, daily use of Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ is one of the very best steps you can take for your overall health -- but particularly for your heart and cardiovascular system. That’s why Omega-3 Cardio Plus™ just may be the best bargain you’ll see in your lifetime.

7. An iron-clad money-back guarantee up to 60 days after purchase: If you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send back the unused portion of your order within 60 days and you will get every penny you paid back, no questions asked. DON’T WAIT: Call 1-800-596-4962 today and lock in your ZERO-RISK trial of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM.

I honestly believe that the recommended serving of Omega-3 Cardio

CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-596-4962


10 All-Natural Ways to

HEAL YOUR HEART!  #1. Pharmaceutical-Grade Omega-3 Fatty Acids (300 mg): Recommended by doctors to maintain cardiovascular health.

 #2. Beta-Sitosterols (75 mg): A proven, all-natural way to lower your blood cholesterol.

 #3. Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine (125 mg): Sup-

ports both heart muscle function and prevents some types of artery problems.

 #4. Policosanol (2.5 mg):

Used to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels as well as increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

 #5. Quercetin dehydrate (12.5 mg): Helps protect against

the damage caused by LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.

 #6. Garlic oil (50 mg): May help decrease both the “bad” LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein, or HDL).

 #7. Green Tea Extract (12.5

mg): Population-based clinical studies indicate that the antioxidant properties of green tea may help prevent clogged arteries.

 #8, 9 & 10: Vitamins K, E and C. Studies suggest these vi-

tamins may support overall cardiovascular health and have few if any negative effects.

TURN TO PAGE 31 to claim your FREE Gifts & Up to $337.65 in Savings & Free Gifts!



ou can try the NEW Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM formula today without risking a single penny. That’s because you’re protected by a zero-risk, money-back satisfaction guarantee that includes:

• GUARANTEE #1: Satisfaction guaranteed.

Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is guaranteed to support and promote greater cardiovascular health ten different ways at Richard Cohen, MD once... to support optimal cholesterol and blood pressure levels.. improve circulation... reduce terrifying chest pains and palpitations... boost your energy levels... improve your mental clarity

GUARANTEE #2: Purity guaranteed. Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM is guaranteed to use only top-quality, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients from leading raw material suppliers and formulated in our FDA-inspected, cGMP rated facility. This ensures you receive the highest-quality product... or your money back!

• GUARANTEE #3: Money back guaranteed. If you don’t

agree Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM helps you feel better than you have in years and significantly improves your cardiovascular health, simply return any unused portion within 60 days (even if the bottles are empty!) for a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.

BOTTOM LINE: You must be DELIGHTED by the results of trying Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM, or you get your money back. All of it. If you’re unhappy in any way, just return any or all of the bottles within 60 days, opened or not, for a full product refund. And of course, even if you return the product you can keep all of your free gifts as our “thank you” for trying Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM.

Richard Cohen, M.D.

CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-596-4962


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BONUS #2: Vital Therapy!

product – Vital Therapy capsules, provides stunning proof that there is a way to dramatically reduce the consequences of copper insufficiency in the body resulting in pain (systemically we also replace it through the use of Vital Therapy capsules).

Science has moved far beyond obsolete multivitamins. With Rejuven-8, you get a proprietary blend of bioavailable vitamins and minerals that support your body’s health in ways not thought possible even just a few years ago. Just three tablets a

Healers have used copper for the treatment of joint pain for centuries... but we’ve taken it a GIANT step further in our Vital Therapy capsules. There is a marked increase in pain levels as we age, along with a decrease of copper levels in the body. Our


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iscover the very latest in natural health with one of America’s foremost authorities, Men’s Scientific. Written by and with some of the country’s leading authorities on natural healing and health, Men’s Scientific keeps you up-to-date on the latest breakthroughs the big drug companies hope you never discover. Here’s a sample of the valable information you’ll find in your two free bonus issues of Men’s Scientific:

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the bedroom could matter a lot for cardiovascular health.

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Discover 5 natural ways to banish urinary track infections once and for all!


A delicious mushroom that keeps male body from producing too much of the female sex hormone estrogen.

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Dr. Cohen!

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Best Deal Package – Highly Recommended – I get a 12-month supply for only $236.95 that includes 12 bottles of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM AND 2 FREE bottles of Rejuven-8, 2 FREE bottles of Vital Therapy, 2 free reports and FREE SHIPPING. That works out to total savings and discounts of $238.90! 12 Months: Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM 12-Month Supply Great Deal Package – I get a 6-month supply for only $135.95 (just 74¢ per day) that includes 6 bottles of Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM AND 2 bottles of Rejuven-8, 1 free reports and FREE SHIPPING. That works out to total savings and discounts of $108.79! 6 Months: Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM 6-Month Supply

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ADDITIONAL 20% OFF WHEN YOU CALL! That’s right! When you call our 800 number within the next 10 days, you can get up to an additional 20% off your order! That can be HUGE savings just for calling on the phone today! Mail to: Health Research Labs, 165 Pleasant Ave., South Portland, ME 04106 For fastest delivery & up to 20% additional off, call 1-800-596-4962 FAX this page (for credit card orders only) to 1-207-321-3509

INSIDE New studies reveal a possible hidden cause of heart problems: An epidemic of Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency that experts now say is “the sixth highest killer of Americans and respnsible for a whopping 72,000 to 96,000 preventable deaths annually.�

Omega-3 Cardio PlusTM A Heart Supplement That: Dissolves decades of arterial plaque build-up before it triggers a sudden heart disaster Supports optimal blood pressure health Gets rid of scary heart palpitations and chest pains Improves circulation, mental clarity and aerobic fitness... plus better erectile function in men!

Call 1-800-596-4962



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