Frequently Asked Questions about Orthovisc Injections for Knee Pain

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Frequently Asked Questions about Orthovisc Injections for Knee Pain

The article discusses frequently asked questions about Orthovisc, a high molecular weight injectable hyaluronic acid viscosupplement for knee pain Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease and a leading source of chronic pain and disability. It occurs when the protective cartilage (at the ends of your bones) becomes rough and wears down completely. The condition can affect both men and women and can get worse if left untreated. With knee osteoarthritis, the natural production of synovial fluid in your knee joint is reduced, causing pain and discomfort. Leading pain management centers in Brooklyn, NYC offer a wide variety of treatments for musculoskeletal conditions. The Orthovisc joint injection available at these centers is an effective option to ease knee pain and joint stiffness caused by OA. Here are the frequently asked questions about this high molecular weight injectable hyaluronic acid viscosupplement:

What is Orthovisc (hyaluronan)? Orthovisc is a viscous (thick) sterile mixture made from highly purified hyaluronan, a natural chemical found in the body. High amounts of hyaluronan are found in the joint tissues and in the synovial fluid that fills the joints, which in turn acts like a lubricant and a shock absorber in the joint. The cartilage located between two bones (forming the joint) is lubricated by the viscous gel from the synovial fluid.

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The quality of hyaluronan in the joints may be poorer than normal for people who suffer from osteoarthritis.

What are the benefits of hyaluronan fluid injections for the knees? Orthovisc joint injections are mainly used to treat knee osteoarthritis which causes degeneration of the cartilage and tissue within the joint. The injections help to restore the hyaluronan that cushions and lubricates the knee joint. With better cushioning, the knees can move and function better. The Orthovisc joint injection comes with the following benefits Provides pain relief without the use of additional medications Restores the natural joint fluid Notable reduction in joint pain & improvement in functionality Natural, non-animal sourced HA Administered in the doctor’s office Long-lasting pain relief (up to 26 weeks) Does not interact with any other medications consumed Adds lubrication to the joint which restores movement and minimizes pain Slows the progression of the arthritis

Who is an ideal candidate for hyaluronic acid injections? Ideal candidates for this joint injection drug treatment are those without – Infections or skin diseases in the area of the injection site or joint Known hypersensitivity (allergy) to hyaluronate preparations Known allergies to avian or avian-derived products (including eggs, feathers, or poultry) Bleeding disorders

How is the Orthovisc joint injection administered? The area where in the needle is to be injected is cleaned with an antiseptic solution. In some cases, a local anesthetic injection is administered in to the skin area to lower pain associated with the joint injection process. Once an ideal point is located, the viscous compound is directly injected in to the knee joint capsule. In some cases, patients will be given more than one injection.

What is the dosage for Orthovisc injections? As per the recommendations, Orthovisc injections dosage is: 2 mL into the knee once in a week for 3 to 4 weeks. However, dosage would depend on the patient’s medical condition and response to the treatment. The medicine is expected to provide long-lasting pain relief for about 26 weeks. Depending

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on the patient condition, it is also used along with pain medications, cortisone or similar steroids, and anti-inflammatory medicines. However, if joint effusion is present, it should be removed before the injection is administered.

How long does the injection take? It takes about 15-30 minutes to administer this FDA-approved hyaluronic joint injection.

Do patients need to take rest after undergoing this procedure? As the procedure is performed in an outpatient setting, patients are discharged on the same day of the procedure. However, they need to take complete rest for at least 2 days after the completion of the procedure.

What precautions should patients take after undergoing Orthovisc injections? After receiving each injection, it is highly recommended that the knee joint is rested. For at least 48 hours after the injection, patients should not involve in any kind of strenuous or high-impact activities that put additional stress on the knees such as – jogging, long-distance walking, tennis, prolonged weight bearing, or even standing on the feet for more than an hour.

What are potential side effects of hyaluronic acid injections? The most common side effects include joint pain, stiffness/swelling, itching, numbness, or tingling; headache, back pain and mild discomfort/redness (in the area where the medicine was injected). These reactions are generally mild and do not last long. Orthovisc injections should not be given to patients with infections or skin disease in the area of the injection site. Emergency treatment would be necessary if the patient experiences symptoms like bleeding, breathing difficulty, increased knee pain, swelling, and signs of infection (warmth, swelling, redness) around the knee.

Will the Orthovisc joint injection affect any other medications that a patient may be taking? In some cases, other drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter medicines) may interact with hyaluronan. Hence, it is important for patients to discuss all the medications they are currently taking with their physician. This will allow the physician to take the best decision about their treatment plan.

How quickly can a patient expect pain relief and how long will it last? For most patients, just 3-4 weekly injections can provide long-lasting pain relief for about 26 weeks. However, the response to the treatment may vary among patients. Some people experience pain relief immediately after the first injection.

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