Non-invasive Treatment Options for Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder impingement, an injury to the muscles between bones in the shoulder area, can be effectively treated with noninvasive modalities. Shoulder impingement syndrome, also called swimmer’s shoulder or thrower’s shoulder, is a painful condition where a tendon inside your shoulder rubs or catches on the tissue and bone in the area as you lift your arm. Commonly seen in active adults and athletes, the condition is closely related to rotator cuff tendinitis and shoulder bursitis and may occur alone or in combination with these conditions. Pain management centers in Brooklyn, NYC, offer effective noninvasive treatment modalities to help patients get relief from the shoulder pain caused by the condition, and regain mobility and strength.
Symptoms Shoulder impingement can start suddenly or occur gradually due to repetitive overhead activity of the shoulder such as in overhead sports and painting and lifting. The condition can also occur due to bone and joint abnormalities. Common symptoms include –
Widespread pain in the top and outer side of the shoulder (which worsens at night) Feeling of weakness in the arm Difficulty reaching up behind the back Pain when the arms are extended above the head Severe loss of motion If left untreated, impingement syndrome can lead to rotator cuff tendinitis and increase shoulder instability.
Diagnosis and Treatment A complete and thorough evaluation is necessary to diagnosing shoulder impingement and to indentify the causative factors. In a reliable pain management center, an expert team comprising orthopedic specialists, pain management doctors, and physical therapists will work as a team to diagnose the condition. After discussing the patient’s symptoms and previous medical history, a complete physical examination will be conducted to assess the range of motion of the shoulder and to check whether it is tender in any area or whether there is any deformity. The patient’s arm will be moved in several different directions to assess strength and function. Imaging tests such as x-ray, shoulder MRI scan and ultrasound may be performed to identify inflammation in the tissues and rotator cuff.
Effective non-operative treatment for impingement syndrome focuses on addressing the causative factor or factors. Though nonsurgical treatment may take several weeks to months, it can produce a gradual improvement and return to normal function. Physical therapy exercises improve shoulder posture and strengthen muscles in order to improve pain and range of movement. NSAID's (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like ibuprofen and naproxen reduce pain and swelling. Chiropractic treatment can reduce pain and inflammation, correct abnormal joint alignment and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint. Pain management injections injected in to the bursa can help relieve inflammation and swelling. Surgery will be recommended only as a last resort when such nonsurgical treatment methods fail to provide relief. Surgery involves widening the space around the rotator cuff tendon, so that it does not rub or catch on the nearby tissue or bone.
Tips to Prevent Shoulder Injury Here are a few tips for preventing this painful shoulder condition:
Take regular breaks from repetitive activities. If you strain your shoulder, don’t ignore the pain – see your doctor. Avoid activities that make the pain worse, such as holding your arm away from your body and above shoulder height.
Limit strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects, playing tennis, or swimming. Stay in shape, but use the right training techniques to avoid shoulder injury. Maintain good posture when you sit or stand. When lifting, keep your back straight and use your legs. Do not stop moving your arm completely. Try to carry on with your daily routine activities as much as possible so that your shoulder does not become weak or stiff.