Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Management Physical therapy helps those who suffer injury, long-term health problems, or diseases affecting the muscles, bones, ligaments or tendons to restore function, improve mobility, and manage chronic pain Many people experience chronic and debilitating pain in their back, knees or joints due to several underlying causes. Incorrect posture, muscle strain, bones, nerves pathology, disease/injury to the muscles and heavy or strenuous work can cause acute pain and affect mobility and function. Untreated, acute pain can become chronic. Physical therapy is considered ideal for chronic pain management and helps restore function, mobility and quality of life. A physical therapist can provide solutions to manage chronic pain related to • Swelling of joints • Sports or work related injuries • Neck, back and knees • Muscle or joint disorders
• Deconditioning • Multiple sclerosis • Balance impairments • Posture deviations • Hip or shoulder pain • Frequent falls • Fractures • Arthritis Treatment Options Physical therapy treatment at a reliable, professional healthcare center with qualified and experienced physical therapists would ensure individualized treatment plans. As each patient may respond to the therapy differently, physicians diagnose the specific condition before deciding on the treatment. Based on the medical condition and the degree of pain, the therapist will recommend the appropriate treatment program. The major physical therapy treatment methodologies include •
Myofascial Release – This method is suitable for people with soft tissue problems and involves stretching of the fascia (a tissue that covers all muscles and fibers within a muscle).
Ultrasound – A kind of heat treatment that utilizes high frequency sound waves for healing and reduces inflammation and swelling. It helps in repairing soft tissues damage and for healing painful conditions as well.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Electrical signals to the injured muscle help stimulate reaction and development. The heat generated by this electrical current helps relieve acute and chronic pain.
Exercises – Exercises can help improve a patient’s strength, mobility and range of motion and enhance the patient’s functional and mobile independence. These include stretching, weight lifting, aerobic and isometric exercises.
Other treatment methods include manual therapy, chiropractic, cervical traction, and hot therapies and cold therapies. Regular therapeutic exercise will strengthen and improve flexibility of the muscles and joints. With treatment under the supervision of a trained physical therapist, patients can manage chronic pain, regain mobility of their joints, achieve flexibility and balance, and improve overall health and fitness.